Annual Report 2006/07 - ETH - North-South Centre North-South ...

Annual Report 2006/07 - ETH - North-South Centre North-South ...

Annual Report 2006/07 - ETH - North-South Centre North-South ...


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PublicationsMayer, A. C., Huovinen, C., Stöckli, V., Kreuzer, M., <strong>2006</strong>: Silvopastoralismcan enhance biodiversity in treeline ecosystems. In:Proceedings of the International Ecoagriculture Conference andPractitioners Fair, World Agroforestry <strong>Centre</strong> (ICRAF), Nairobi,Kenya.Soliva, C. R., Zeleke, A. B., Clément, C., Hess, H. D., Kreuzer, M., <strong>2006</strong>:Effects on in vitro ruminal nitrogen turnover and methanogenesisof foliage and crop residues supplemented to a tropical grass diet.Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 15: 152.Soliva, C. R., Zeleke, A. B., Clément, C., Hess, H. D., Kreuzer, M., <strong>2006</strong>:Zulage von Blättern und Ernterückständen tropischer Leguminosen-Futterbäume zu Futtergras und deren Auswirkungen auf dieFermentationsprozesse und die Methanogenese im Pansen. In:Kreuzer, M., Wenk, C., Zuberbühler, C., (eds.), Tierernährungsforschungzwischen wissenschaftlichem Anspruch und praktischer Relevanz,Schriftenreihe Institut für Nutztierwissenschaften, Ernährung-Produkte-Umwelt, <strong>ETH</strong> Zurich, Switzerland, Bd. 28: 116 – 117PostersZIL funded projectsAulinger-Leipner, I., Bandara, K. R. M. U., Bogahawatte, C.,Egodawatte, C., Eisenbeiss, H., Grün, A., Kandapola, S., Lehmann, B.,Liedgens, M., Neelawala, P., Samarakoon, L., Sangakkara, R.,Sonnevelt, M., Stamp, P., Tutkun-Tikir, A., 20<strong>07</strong>: Integrating agronomicand socioeconomic aspects of reversing soil degradation bytropical legume trees using GIS. Relevance and Impact of Researchfor Development, Inaugural Conference of the <strong>North</strong>-<strong>South</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>,<strong>ETH</strong> Zurich, Switzerland, June 29.Bartl, K., Aufdermauer, T., Gomez, C. A., Kreuzer, M., Hess, H. D.,Wettstein, H. R., 20<strong>07</strong>: Einfluss des Rationstyps auf Milchleistungund -zusammensetzung lokaler und importierter Rinderrassen inzwei Höhenlagen in Peru. 61. Tagung der Gesellschaft fürErnährungsphysiologie, Göttingen, Germany, March 6 – 8.Bartl, K., Gómez, C. A., Kreuzer, M., Hess, H. D. und Wettstein, H. R.,20<strong>07</strong>: Milchleistung und -zusammensetzung von lokalen undimportierten Rindertypen unter Einfluss verschiedener Futterqualitätenin zwei Höhenlagen in Peru. Futterbewertung imUmbruch? Conference at the <strong>ETH</strong> Zurich, Switzerland, May 9.Bartl, K., Gómez, C. A., Kreuzer, M., Mayer, A., Hess, H. D., 20<strong>07</strong>:Participatory development of improved dry season feeding systemsfor dairy cattle in the Peruvian Andes. Relevance and Impactof Research for Development, Inaugural Conference of the <strong>North</strong>-<strong>South</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, <strong>ETH</strong> Zurich, Switzerland, June 29.Bartl, K., Kreuzer, M., Hess, H. D., <strong>2006</strong>: Improved dry season feedingsystems for smallholder dairy cattle in Latin America. Trees forPoverty Alleviation, <strong>Annual</strong> Conference of the Swiss <strong>Centre</strong> forInternational Agriculture (ZIL), Zurich, Switzerland, June 9.Bernal, L. C., Tiemann, T. T., Lascano, C. E., Kreuzer, M., Hess, H. D.,20<strong>07</strong>: Einfluss tanninhaltiger Strauchleguminosen auf dieMilchleistung von Rindern in den Tropen. Futterbewertung imUmbruch? Conference at the <strong>ETH</strong> Zurich, Switzerland, May 9.Good, S., <strong>2006</strong>: Animal source foods and nutrition during early life.Prosperity and poverty in a globalised world. In: Asch, F., Becker, M.,(eds.), Proceedings of Deutscher Tropentag <strong>2006</strong>: Prosperity andPoverty in a Globalized World. Challenges for agricultural research,University of Bonn, Germany: 599.Good, S., Shiferaw, Y., Egli, I., Davidsson, L., Randolph, T. F., Hurrell, R.F., 20<strong>07</strong>: Animal source foods and nutrition during early life.Relevance and Impact of Research for Development, InauguralConference of the <strong>North</strong>-<strong>South</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, <strong>ETH</strong> Zurich, Switzerland,June 29.Hess, H. D., Cortés, J. Carulla, J. E., Pabón, M. L., Tiemann, T. T.,Lascano, C. E., Kreuzer, M., <strong>2006</strong>: In vitro-Schätzung derProteinverdaulichkeit von tanninhaltigen Raufutter im Pansen undim Abomasum. 60. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie,Göttingen, Germany, March 21 – 23.Hess, H. D., Cortés, J., Carulla, J. E., Pabón, M. L., Tiemann, T. T.,Lascano, C. E., Kreuzer, M., <strong>2006</strong>: Proteinverdaulichkeit von tanninhaltigentropischen Futtermitteln – bestimmt durch in vitro-Simulation von Pansen- und Labmagenverdauung. Tierernährungsforschungzwischen wissenschaftlichem Anspruchund praktischer Relevanz, Conference at the <strong>ETH</strong> Zurich,Switzerland, May 10.Hess, H. D., Tiemann, T. T., Lascano, C. E., Kreuzer, M., <strong>2006</strong>: Einflussunterschiedlicher gereinigter kondensierter Tannine auf diePansenfermentation in vitro. 60. Tagung der Gesellschaft fürErnährungsphysiologie, Göttingen, Germany, March 21 – 23.Louw-Gaume, A., <strong>2006</strong>: Phosphorus utilization in Brachiaria grassspecies with contrasting growth response to low-P supply. Gene-Plant-Crop Relations Workshop, Wageningen, The Netherlands,April 24.Louw-Gaume, A., <strong>2006</strong>: Improved selection criteria for assessmentof genotypic diversity and adaptation in tropical pasture grasses.Swiss Society of Agronomy (SSA) Meeting, Berne, Switzerland,March 24.Mayer, A. C., Kreuzer, M., 20<strong>07</strong>: Sustainable animal nutrition in thetropics and substropics. 8th Interagency Meeting of Pro-PoorLivestock and Animal Health Research Donors, Swiss College ofAgriculture, Zollikofen, Switzerland, June 7 – 8.Ouma, E., Abdulai, A., <strong>2006</strong>: Assessment of farmer preferences forcattle traits in cattle production systems of Eastern Africa in thecontext of trypanotolerance. Farmers Open Day, University of Kiel,Germany, February 3.Plath, M., Mody, K., Dorn, S., 20<strong>07</strong>: Increased health of locallyknowntimber trees species used in pasture-afforestation and silvopastoralsystems. Relevance and Impact of Research forDevelopment, Inaugural Conference of the <strong>North</strong>-<strong>South</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>,<strong>ETH</strong> Zurich, Switzerland, June 29.Rott, A. S., Zurbuchen, A., Velten, G., Cardona C., Dorn, S., <strong>2006</strong>: Howdo plant and host traits influence the reproductive success of abruchid parasitoid, Dinarmus basalis. Schweizerische Gesellschaftfür Phytomedizin, Herbsttagung, Switzerland, Payerne, October 5.Shiferaw, Y., Randolph, T. F., Peters, K. J., Good, S., Davidsson, L.,Hurrell, R. F., 20<strong>07</strong>: Household-level economic and nutritionalimportance of small animal production in rural and urban areas ofEthiopia: Case study in East Shewa Zone, Ada’a Liben Woreda.Relevance and Impact of Research for Development, InauguralConference of the <strong>North</strong>-<strong>South</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, <strong>ETH</strong> Zurich, Switzerland,June 29.Stamp, P., Eisenbeiss, H., Sonnevelt, M., Aulinger, I., Liedgens, M.,Grün, A., Lehmann, B., Sangakkara, R., Bogahawatte, C.,Samarakoon, L., <strong>2006</strong>: Integrating agronomic and socioeconomicaspects of reversing soil degradation by tropical legume trees byGIS analysis. Trees for Poverty Alleviation, <strong>Annual</strong> Conference ofthe Swiss <strong>Centre</strong> for International Agriculture (ZIL), Zurich,Switzerland, June 9.79

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