Annual Report 2006/07 - ETH - North-South Centre North-South ...

Annual Report 2006/07 - ETH - North-South Centre North-South ...

Annual Report 2006/07 - ETH - North-South Centre North-South ...


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PublicationsBook chapters and monographsZIL funded projectsBartl, K., Gómez, C., Gamarra, J., Hess, H. D., 20<strong>07</strong>: Potencial deespecies forrajeras locales y mejoradas para la alimentación deganado. Institute of Animal Science, <strong>ETH</strong> Zurich, and Universidadla Molina, Lima, Peru, 50 pp.Hess, H. D., Tiemann, T. T., Noto, F., Carulla, J. C., Kreuzer, M., <strong>2006</strong>:Strategic use of tannins as a means to limit methane emissionsfrom ruminant livestock. In: Soliva, C. R., Takahashi, J., Kreuzer, M.,(eds.), Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture: An Update,Elsevier, The Netherlands: 164 – 167.Hess, H. D., Tiemann, T. T., Stürm, C. D., Carulla, J. E., Lascano, C. E.,Kreuzer, M., <strong>2006</strong>: Effects of tannins on ruminal degradation andexcretion pattern of N and implications for the potential N emissionfrom the manure. In: Soliva, C. R., Takahashi, J., Kreuzer, M.,(eds.), Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture: An Update,Elsevier, The Netherlands: 339 – 342.Hess, H. D., Gómez, J., Lascano, C. E. (eds.), <strong>2006</strong>: Segundo Taller.Taninos en la Nutrición de Rumiantes en Colombia. Vol. CIATPublicación No. 352, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical(CIAT), Cali, Colombia.Zeleke, A. B., Clément, C., Hess, H. D., Kreuzer, M., Soliva, C. R., <strong>2006</strong>:Effect of foliage from multi-purpose trees and a leguminous cropresidue on methanogenesis and ruminal N use. In: Soliva, C. R.,Takahashi, J., Kreuzer, M., (eds.), Greenhouse Gases and AnimalAgriculture: An Update, Elsevier, The Netherlands: 168 – 171.Zimmermann, M. B., <strong>2006</strong>: Iodine and the iodine deficiency disorders.In: Bowman, B. A., Russell, R. M., (eds.), Current Knowledge inNutrition, ILSI Press, Washington DC.RFPP projectsBernet, T., Thiele, G., Zschocke, T., (eds.), <strong>2006</strong>: Participatory MarketChain Approach (PMCA) – User Guide. Papa Andina Initiative,International Potato <strong>Centre</strong> (CIP), Lima, Peru.Eyhorn, F., 20<strong>07</strong>: Organic Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods inDeveloping Countries? The Case of Cotton in India. vdfHochschulverlag AG, Zurich, Switzerland, 220 pp.Muttenzer, F., <strong>2006</strong>: The folk conceptualization of property and forest-relatedgoing concerns in Madagascar. In: Benda-Beckmann, K.V., Benda-Beckmann, F., Wiber, M., (eds.), Changing Properties ofProperty, Berghahn Publishers, New York: 269 – 292.Muttenzer, F., <strong>2006</strong>: Fiscalité, corruption et culture de l’état forestierà Madagascar. In: Froger, G., (ed.), La mondialisation contre ledéveloppement durable? PIE Peter Lang, Coll, Bruxelles, New York,Oxford: 235 – 256.Muttenzer, F., <strong>2006</strong>: Le “droit en action” dans la politique malgacherelative aux paysages forestiers: une ineffectivité légitime de l’actionpublique? In: Le Roy, E., (ed.), Le droit en action, cahiers d’anthropologiedu droit <strong>2006</strong>, Paris, Karthala: 49 – 74.Muttenzer, F., <strong>2006</strong>: Normes, transactions et régimes dans la gestionenvironnementale: contribution à une méthodologie interdisciplinaireet réaliste. In: Charlier, J.-E., Moens, F., (eds.), Observer,décrire, interpréter: un état des méthodes en sciences sociales, Lyon,INRP: 35 – 48.Muttenzer F, <strong>2006</strong>: L’exception malgache: communautarisme politiqueet gouvernance en Afrique postcoloniale. In: Hufty, M., FreireDormeier, A., Plagnat, P., Neumann, V., (eds.), Jeux de gouvernance.Regards et réflexions sur un concept. Collection DéveloppementS,Karthala/IUED.Sorg, J.-P., <strong>2006</strong>: Orientations nouvelles de la recherche dans lazone des forêts denses sèches à Madagascar. In: Schwitzer, S. et al,(ed.), Proceedings of the German-Malagasy Research Cooperation inLife and Earth Sciences, Concept Verlag, Berlin 67 – 71.Other international projects (non ZIL funded)Bearth, T., Becker, B., Kappel, R., Krüger, G., Pfister, R. (eds.), 20<strong>07</strong>:Afrika im Wandel. vdf Hochschulverlag AG, Zurich, Switzerland, 296pp.Becker, B., 20<strong>07</strong>: Agrarwissenschaftliche Perspektiven zur Überwindungder Armut in Afrika. In: Bearth, T., Becker, B., Kappel, R.,Krüger, G., Pfister, R. (eds.), Afrika im Wandel, vdf HochschulverlagAG, Zurich: 111 – 122.Bulte, E., Engel, S., <strong>2006</strong>: Conservation of tropical forests: Addressingmarket failure. In: López, R., Stiglitz, J., Toman, M., (eds.),Sustainable Development: New Options and Policies. OxfordUniversity Press, New York.Engel, S., Palmer, C., 20<strong>07</strong>: The role of decentralisation in integratingcross-sectoral demands on forests. In: Dubé, Y. C., Schmithüsen,F., (eds.), Cross-sectoral Policy Development in Forestry. CABI/OxfordUniversity Press.Frossard, E., Bünemann, E. K., Carsky, R., Compaoré, E., Diby, L.,Kouamé, V., Oberson, A., Taonda, S., 20<strong>07</strong>: Integrated nutrient managementas a tool to combat soil degradation in sub-SaharanAfrica. In: Bearth, T., Becker, B., Kappel, R., Krüger, G., Pfister, R. (eds.),Afrika im Wandel, vdf Hochschulverlag AG, Zurich: 137 – 146.Heffernan, C., Goe, M. R., <strong>2006</strong>: The Impact of Disasters andEmergencies on Animal Genetic Resources. Background Study PaperNo. 32, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations(FAO), Rome, Italy, 49 pp.Kahmen, A., Buchmann, N., 20<strong>07</strong>: Addressing the functional valueof biodiversity for ecosystem functioning using stable isotopes. In:Dawson, T., Siegwolf, R. (eds.), Isotopes as Tracers of EcologicalChange. Elsevier, Chapter 12.Kappel, R., 20<strong>07</strong>: Ist Afrika zu arm, die Armut selbst zu überwinden?In: Bearth, T., Becker, B., Kappel, R., Krüger, G., Pfister, R.(eds.), Afrika im Wandel, vdf Hochschulverlag AG, Zurich: 95 – 109.Oberson, A., Bünemann, E. K., Friesen, D. K., Rao, I. M., Smithson, P.C., Turner, B. L., Frossard, E., <strong>2006</strong>: Improving phosphorus fertility intropical soils through biological interventions. In: Uphoff, N. et al,(eds.), Biological approaches to sustainable soil systems, CRC Press,Boca Raton, Florida, USA: 531 – 546.Schubert, R., Schellnhuber, H.-J., Buchmann, N., Epiney, A.,Grießhammer, R., Kulessa, M., Messner, D., Rahmstorf, S., Schmid, J.,<strong>2006</strong>: Die Zukunft der Meere – zu warm, zu hoch, zu sauer. GermanAdvisory Council on Global Change WBGU, Sondergutachten: 114 pp.Turner, B. L., Frossard, E., Oberson, A., <strong>2006</strong>: Enhancing phosphorusavailability in low-fertility soils. In: Uphoff, N. et al, (eds.), Biologicalapproaches to sustainable soil systems, CRC Press, Boca Raton,Florida, USA: 191 – 205.WBGU German Advisory Council on Global Change, 20<strong>07</strong>:Sicherheitsrisiko Klimawandel. Hauptgutachten. Springer-Verlag,250 pp.75

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