Annual Report 2006/07 - ETH - North-South Centre North-South ...

Annual Report 2006/07 - ETH - North-South Centre North-South ...

Annual Report 2006/07 - ETH - North-South Centre North-South ...


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PublicationsPublications72Refereed journal publicationsZIL funded projectsAfyuni, M., Rezaeinejad, Y., Schulin, R., <strong>2006</strong>: Extractability and plantuptake of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd from a sludge-amended haplargid incentral Iran. Arid Land Research and Management 20: 29 – 41.Akbergenov, R., Si-Ammour, A., Blevins, T., Amin, I., Kutter, C.,Vanderschuren, H., Zhang, P., Gruissem, W., Meins, F. Jr., Hohn, T.,Pooggin, M. M., <strong>2006</strong>: Molecular characterization of geminivirusderivedsmall RNAs in different plant species. Nucleic AcidsResearch, 34(2): 462 – 471.Balvanera, P., Pfisterer, A. B., Buchmann, N., He, J., Nakashizuka, T.,Raffaelli, D., Schmid, B., <strong>2006</strong>: Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning:A meta-analysis of experimental results. Ecology Letters, 9:1146 – 1156.Hess, H. D., Tiemann, T. T., Noto, F., Franzel, S., Lascano, C. E., Kreuzer,M., <strong>2006</strong>: The effects of cultivation site on forage quality of Calliandracalothyrsus var. Patulul. Agroforestry Systems, 68: 209 – 220.Schmale, I., Wäckers, F. L., Cardona, S., Dorn, S., <strong>2006</strong>: Biological controlof the bean weevil, Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) (Co.:Bruchidae), by the native parasitoid Dinarmus basalis (Rondani)(Hym.: Pteromalidae) on small-scale farms in Colombia. Journal ofStored Products Research, 42: 31 – 41.Stupak, M., Vanderschuren, H., Gruissem, W., Zhang, P., <strong>2006</strong>:Biotechnological approaches to cassava protein improvement.Trends in Food Science and Technology, 17: 634 – 641.Vanderschuren, H., Akbergenov, R., Pooggin, M., Hohn, T., Gruissem,W., Zhang, P., 20<strong>07</strong>: Transgenic cassava resistance to African cassavamosaic virus is enhanced by viral DNA-A bidirectional promoter-derivedsiRNAs. Plant Molecular Biology, 64: 549 – 557.Vanderschuren, H., Stupak, M., Fütterer, J., Gruissem, W., Zhang, P.,20<strong>07</strong>: Engineering resistance to geminiviruses – Review and perspectives.Plant Biotechnology Journal, 5: 2<strong>07</strong> – 220.Velten, G., Rott, A. S., Cardona, C. Dorn, S., 20<strong>07</strong>: The inhibitoryeffect of the natural seed storage protein arcelin on the developmentof Acanthoscelides obtectus. Journal of Stored ProductsResearch, 43: 550 – 557.RFPP projectsAbang, M., Baum, M., Ceccarelli, S., Grando, S., Linde, C., Yahyaoui,A., Zhan, J., McDonald, B., <strong>2006</strong>: Differential selection onRhynchosporium secalis during parasitic and saprophytic phases inthe barley scald disease cycle. Phytopathology, 96 (11): 1214 – 1222.Chacón, G., Adler, N. E., Jarrin, F., Flier, W. G., Gessler, C., Forbes, G. A.,<strong>2006</strong>: Genetic structure of the population of Phytophthora infestansattacking Solanum ochranthum in the highlands of Ecuador.European Journal of Plant Pathology, 115 (2): 235 – 245.Dirac, C., Andriambelo, L., Sorg, J.-P., <strong>2006</strong>: Scientific bases for a participatoryforest landscape management: A new research projectin Central Menabe. Madagascar Conservation and Development,(1): 51 – 53.Eyhorn, F., 20<strong>07</strong>: The viability of cotton-based organic farming systemsin India. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 5: 25 – 38.Hankoua, B. B., Taylor, N. J., Ng, S. Y. C., Fawole, I., Puonti-Kaerlas, J.,Padmanabhan, C., Yadav, J. S., Fauquet, C. M., Dixon, A. G. O.,Fondong V. N., <strong>2006</strong>: Production of the first transgenic cassava inAfrica via direct shoot organogenesis from friable embryogeniccalli and germination of maturing somatic embryos. AfricanJournal of Biotechnology, 5 (19): 1700 – 1712.Hansmann, R., Koellner, T., Scholz, R. W., <strong>2006</strong>: Influence of consumers’socio-ecological and economic orientations on preferencesfor wood products with sustainability labels. Forest Policyand Economics, 8: 239 – 250.Koellner, T., Schmitz, O., <strong>2006</strong>: Biodiversity, ecosystem function,and mitigation of investment risk. BioScience, 56: 977 – 985.Koellner, T., Scholz, R. W., 20<strong>07</strong>: Assessment of land use impacts onthe natural environment. Part 1: An analytical framework for pureland occupation and land use change. International Journal of LCA,12: 16 – 32.Koellner, T., Scholz, R.W., 20<strong>07</strong>: Assessment of land use impacts onthe natural environment. Part 2: Generic characterisation factorsfor local species diversity in Central Europe. International Journal ofLCA, http://www.scientificjournals.com/sj/lca/Abstract/ArtikelId/9165Koellner, T., Suh, S., Weber, O., Moser, C., Scholz, R. W., 20<strong>07</strong>: Do conventionaland sustainability funds differ in their environmentalimpact? – A comparison by means of Input-Output Life CycleAssessment. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 11: 41 – 60.Odongo, D., Kamau, L., Skilton, R., Mwaura, S., Nitsch, C., Musoke, A.,Taracha, E., Daubenberger, C., Bishop, R., 20<strong>07</strong>: Vaccination of cattlewith TickGARD induces cross-reactive antibodies binding toconserved linear peptides of Bm86 homologues in Boophilus decoloratus.Vaccine, 25: 1287 – 1296.Ogutu, W. O., Mauremootoo, J. R., <strong>2006</strong>: Prosopis in Kenya:Acquiring the knowledge for informed management. BiocontrolNews and Information, 27 (2): 35 – 37.Oliva, R. F., Chacón, M. G., Cooke, D. E. L., Lees, A. K., Forbes, G. A.,20<strong>07</strong>: Is Phytophthora infestans a good taxonomist? Host recognitionand co-evolution in the Phytophthora/Solanum interaction.Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), 745: 465 – 471.Sell, J., Koellner, T., Weber, O., Pedroni, L., Scholz, R. W., <strong>2006</strong>:Decision criteria of European and Latin American market actors fortropical forestry projects providing environmental services.Ecological Economics, 58: 17 – 36.Sell, J., Koellner, T., Weber, O., Pedroni, L., Proctor, W., Scholz, R. W. (20<strong>07</strong>).Ecosystem services from tropical forestry projects – The choice of internationalmarket actors. Forest Policy and Economics, 9: 496 – 515.Würtenberger, L., Koellner, T., Binder, C. R., <strong>2006</strong>: Virtual land useand agricultural trade: Estimating environmental and socio-economicimpacts. Ecological Economics, 57: 679 – 697.Zundel, C., Hanna, R., Scheidegger, U., Nagel, P., 20<strong>07</strong>: Living at thethreshold: Where does the neotropical phytoseiid mite Typhlodromalusaripo survive the dry season? Experimental and AppliedAcarology, 44: 11 – 26.

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