User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...

User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...

User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...


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53<strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> for <strong>Thresholds</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>sThe Dangerous Goods Act 1974 groups class 4.1 flammable solids in<strong>to</strong> categories A, B, <strong>and</strong> C, <strong>and</strong> listsspecific substances. The entries in these categories in the Schedule <strong>to</strong> the Dangerous Goods Act do notreadily correlate with UN division 4.1(a) or the HSNO Act classification subclasses 4.1.1, 4.1.2, <strong>and</strong> 4.1.3.Example substancesThe HSNO Act category A (equivalent <strong>to</strong> UN PG II) includes:hafnium powder, wetted;titanium powder, wetted;zirconium powder, wetted;aluminium powder, coated; <strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> ‗solids that cause fire through friction‘, listed above.The HSNO Act category B (equivalent <strong>to</strong> UN PG III) includes:sulphur;silicon powder (amorphous); <strong>and</strong>‗solids that cause fire through friction‘, listed above.6.2. Self-reactive flammable solids – subclass Threshold criteria for self-reactive flammable solids subclass 4.1.2 (equivalent <strong>to</strong> UNdivision 4.1(b))A substance is considered a subclass 4.1.2 self-reactive flammable solid within the meaning of the HSNOAct when:a. in a quantity of 50 kg, it has a self-acceleration decomposition temperature (SADT) of less than or equal<strong>to</strong> 75ºC when tested in accordance with any of the test methods set out in Test Series H (section 28, pp279–300, UN Manual of Tests <strong>and</strong> Criteria), <strong>and</strong> it has a heat of decomposition greater than 300 J/g asrequired in para of the UN Model Regulations; orb. it is a substance listed in para of the UN Model Regulations as having a class <strong>and</strong> division of aself-reactive substance (UN division 4.1(b)).6.2.2. DiscussionNotes on thresholds for self-reactive flammable solidsThe HSNO Act threshold criteria for subclass 4.1.2 are equivalent <strong>to</strong> those for UN division 4.1(b) (includingType G) as set out in the UN Model Regulations (para methodsFor any substance subjected <strong>to</strong> the threshold test method in (a) above, the result must be determined using:a. the finest particle form in which that substance is reasonably capable of being used or rendered; orJanuary 2012 EPA0109

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