User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...

User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...

User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...


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432<strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> for <strong>Thresholds</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>sAppendix 22A: Acceptable test methods for terrestrialinvertebrates22A.1 IntroductionMost of the guidelines mentioned in this appendix are found in compilations from the organisation issuingthem. The lists of guidelines provided below are not exclusive. If data have been generated using other validinternational guidelines, then the results from those tests may also be applicable. The main references <strong>to</strong>international guidelines referred <strong>to</strong> in the tables in this appendix are as follows.European Commission (EC) guidelines:European Commission 1997. <strong>Classification</strong>, Packaging <strong>and</strong> Labelling of Dangerous Substances in theEuropean Union. Part 2 – Testing Methods. http://ecb.jrc.it/testing-methods Retrieved 14 August 2007.International Organization for St<strong>and</strong>ardization (ISO) guidelines:<strong>Guide</strong>lines are available from the national st<strong>and</strong>ardisation organisations or the ISO website(http://www.iso.ch Retrieved 14 August 2007).Organisation for Economic Co-operation <strong>and</strong> Development (OECD) guidelines:OECD 1993. OECD <strong>Guide</strong>lines for the Testing of Chemicals. Organisation for Economic Co-operation<strong>and</strong> Development, Paris, with regular updates.http://www.oecd.org/document/40/0,3343,en_2649_34377_37051368_1_1_1_1,00.html Retrieved 14August 2007.United States <strong>Environmental</strong> Protection Agency (USEPA) Office of Prevention, Pesticides <strong>and</strong> ToxicSubstances (OPPTS) guidelines:USEPA 2007. Harmonized Test <strong>Guide</strong>lines. United States <strong>Environmental</strong> Protection Agency.http://www.epa.gov/opptsfrs/home/guidelin.htm Retrieved 14 August 2007.ASTM International (ASTM) guidelines are available from the ASTM homepage (http://www.astm.org,search on ‗st<strong>and</strong>ards‘).22A.2 Terrestrial invertebrate <strong>to</strong>xicity test guidelinesThe guidelines in Table 22A.1 are primarily relevant <strong>to</strong> substances that are, or solely contain, chemicalsubstances. However, the Hazardous Substances <strong>and</strong> New Organisms Act 1996 (HSNO Act) also coversbiopesticides, which include micro-organisms. More specialised test methods may be required <strong>to</strong> adequatelycharacterise the potential effects of biopesticides in the aquatic environment. For testing microbialbiopesticides, see the USEPA website for specific tests.USEPA 2007. OPPTS Harmonized Test <strong>Guide</strong>lines: Series 885 Microbial Pesticide Test <strong>Guide</strong>lines –Final <strong>Guide</strong>lines. Office of Prevention, Pesticides <strong>and</strong> Toxic Substances, United States <strong>Environmental</strong>Protection Agency. http://www.epa.gov/ocspp/pubs/frs/home/guidelin.htm Retrieved 3 November 2011..See also Table 22A.2.January 2012 EPA0109

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