User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...

User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...

User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...


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413<strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> for <strong>Thresholds</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>sNote: LC 50 = median lethal concentration; LD 50 = median lethal dose; ppm = parts per million.Mixtures with highly eco<strong>to</strong>xic components (multiplication fac<strong>to</strong>rs)The steps <strong>to</strong> follow in applying the summation approach <strong>to</strong> terrestrial hazard classification for mixtures withhighly eco<strong>to</strong>xic components are set out below Table 21.5.Table 21.5: Example of the summation approach for a mixture containing highly <strong>to</strong>xic componentsComponentLD 50(mg/kg bw)Individualsubstance(100%)classificationConcentration in mixture(%)Multiplyingfac<strong>to</strong>rB 55 9.3B 5 - 5P 0.2 9.3A 0.05 100 5Q 9 9.3A 1 - 1T 1,000 9.3C 40 - 40U Not classified Not classified 53.95 - 53.95Weightedconcentrationof individualsubstance inmixture (%)Note: bw = bodyweight; LD 50 = median lethal dose.Step 1Component P is highly eco<strong>to</strong>xic <strong>and</strong> attracts a multiplier of 100, resulting in a weighted concentration ofthat component of 5%.Component Q, although classified as 9.3A is not given addition weighting, that is:(100 x P) + Q(100 x 0.05%) + 1% = 6% , which is < 25%so the mixture Z is not classified as 9.3A.Step 2: Consider components classified as 9.3A <strong>and</strong> 9.3B.10((100 x P) + Q) +B10((100 x 0.05%) +1%) + 5% = 60% + 5% = 65%, which is ≥ 25%so the mixture is classified as 9.3BJanuary 2012 EPA0109

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