User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...

User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...

User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...


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279<strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> for <strong>Thresholds</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>sTermdataDT 50DefinitionIncludes values that are directly measured, calculated, or estimated for any ofthe measures given.See Hazardous Substances (Minimum Degrees of Hazard) Regulations 2001.The time required <strong>to</strong> reduce the concentration of the original substance in anenvironmental medium by 50% as a result of biotic or abiotic processes.The median effect concentration, being a statistically derived concentration of asubstance that can be expected <strong>to</strong> cause:EC 50a. an adverse reaction in 50% of organisms; orb. a 50% reduction in growth or in the growth rate of organisms.See Schedule 6 <strong>to</strong> the Hazardous Substances (Minimum Degrees of Hazard)Regulations 2001.eco<strong>to</strong>xicologically relevantmetabolitefive-day biochemical oxygendem<strong>and</strong>A metabolite that poses a higher or comparable risk <strong>to</strong> terrestrial or aquaticorganisms as the parent substance. Such a metabolite is relevant for the overalldecision on classification of the parent substance.See BOD 5.K OWLC 50LD 50The steady state ratio of the solubility of a substance in n-octanol <strong>to</strong> thesolubility of that substance in water.See Schedule 6 <strong>to</strong> the Hazardous Substances (Minimum Degrees of Hazard)Regulations 2001.The median lethal concentration, being a statistically derived concentration of asubstance that can be expected <strong>to</strong> cause death in 50% of organisms exposedfor a specified time.See Schedule 6 <strong>to</strong> the Hazardous Substances (Minimum Degrees of Hazard)Regulations 2001.A median lethal dose, being a statistically derived single dose of a substancethat can be expected <strong>to</strong> cause death in 50% of organisms.See Schedule 6 <strong>to</strong> the Hazardous Substances (Minimum Degrees of Hazard)Regulations 2001.Either LC 50 or EC 50 data.L(E)C 50LOEClowest observed effectconcentrationSee Schedule 6 <strong>to</strong> the Hazardous Substances (Minimum Degrees of Hazard)Regulations 2001. See also LC 50, EC 50.The lowest observed effect concentration, being the lowest concentration of asubstance that produces a significant eco<strong>to</strong>xic effect in an organism or organismpopulation.See Schedule 6 <strong>to</strong> the Hazardous Substances (Minimum Degrees of Hazard)Regulations 2001.See LOEC.January 2012 EPA0109

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