User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...

User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...

User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...


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244<strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> for <strong>Thresholds</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>sensures the classification process uses the available data <strong>to</strong> the greatest extent possible in characterisingthe hazards of the mixture without needing additional testing in animals.a. DilutionIf a mixture is diluted with a diluent that is not expected <strong>to</strong> affect the reproductive or developmental<strong>to</strong>xicity of other ingredients, then the new mixture may be classified as equivalent <strong>to</strong> the original mixture.b. BatchingThe reproductive or developmental <strong>to</strong>xicity potential of one production batch of a complex mixture can beassumed <strong>to</strong> be substantially equivalent <strong>to</strong> that of another production batch of the same commercialproduct produced by <strong>and</strong> under the control of the same manufacturer, unless there is reason <strong>to</strong> believethere is significant variation in composition such that the reproductive or developmental <strong>to</strong>xicity potentialof the batch has changed. If the latter occurs, a new classification is necessary.c. Substantially similar mixturesGiven:i. two mixtures: (A + B) <strong>and</strong> (C + B);ii.iii.the concentration of ingredient B, <strong>to</strong>xic <strong>to</strong> reproduction, is the same in both mixtures;the concentration of ingredient A in mixture (A + B) equals that of ingredient C in mixture (C + B);<strong>and</strong>v. data on <strong>to</strong>xicity for ingredients A <strong>and</strong> C are available <strong>and</strong> substantially equivalent; that is, they are inthe same hazard category <strong>and</strong> are not expected <strong>to</strong> affect the reproductive or developmental <strong>to</strong>xicityof ingredient B; thenif mixture (A + B) has already been classified by testing, mixture (C + B) can be assigned the samecategory.d. AerosolsA hazard classification may be assigned for reproductive or developmental <strong>to</strong>xicity for aerosol products.The classification should also take in<strong>to</strong> account the propellant in the aerosol.16.3.3. <strong>Classification</strong> of mixtures when data are available for all or some ingredients of themixtureThe mixture will be classified as a reproductive or developmental <strong>to</strong>xicant when at least one ingredient hasbeen classified as a 6.8A or 6.8B reproductive or developmental <strong>to</strong>xicant <strong>and</strong> is present at or above theappropriate cut-off value or concentration limit as shown in Table 16.1 for 6.8A <strong>and</strong> 6.8B respectively.The mixture will be classified for effects on or via lactation when at least one ingredient has been classifiedfor effects on or via lactation <strong>and</strong> is present at or above the appropriate cut-off value or concentration limit asshown in Table 16.1 for the 6.8C classification for effects on or via lactation.Table 16.1: Cut-off values or concentration limits of ingredients of a mixture classified as a reproductive ordevelopmental <strong>to</strong>xicant or for reproductive or developmental effects on or via lactation that trigger classification ofthe mixturesJanuary 2012 EPA0109

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