User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...

User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...

User Guide to Thresholds and Classification - Environmental ...


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154<strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> for <strong>Thresholds</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>sAppendix 10C: Globally Harmonized System of <strong>Classification</strong><strong>and</strong> Labelling of Chemicals acute <strong>to</strong>xicity hazard classificationThis appendix displays the <strong>to</strong>xicity categories from the Globally Harmonized System of <strong>Classification</strong> <strong>and</strong>Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) (United Nations, 2007) based on acute <strong>to</strong>xicity by the oral, dermal, <strong>and</strong>inhalation routes. (See Table 10C.1)The GHS acute <strong>to</strong>xicity categories are generally comparable with the acute <strong>to</strong>xicity categories in theHazardous Substances <strong>and</strong> New Organisms Act 1996 (HSNO Act) (see Table 10.1 <strong>and</strong> Table 10.2).However some of the key differences are as follows.The upper limit for gases under HSNO Act category 6.1D is 5,000 parts per million by volume (ppmV).Under the GHS, the upper limit for gases for category 4 (which is comparable <strong>to</strong> 6.1D) is 20,000 ppmV.The HSNO Act definition of dust <strong>and</strong> mist differs <strong>to</strong> that in the GHS.Table 10.1 has provided additional guidance as <strong>to</strong> when an acute inhalation <strong>to</strong>xicity classification should beassigned.Table 10C.1: Acute <strong>to</strong>xicity hazard categories <strong>and</strong> acute <strong>to</strong>xicity estimate values defining the respective categoriesExposure routeCategory 1HSNO Act6.1ACategory 2HSNO Act6.1BCategory 3HSNO Act6.1ECategory 4HSNO Act6.1DCategory 5HSNO Act6.1EOral (mg/kg bw) a 5 50 300 2,000Dermal LD 50 (mg/kg bw) a 50 200 1,000 2,000Gases (ppmV) a,b 100 500 2,500 20,000Vapours (mg/L) a,b,c,d 0.5 2.0 10 205000 fDusts <strong>and</strong> Mists(mg/L) a,b,e 0.05 0.5 1.0 5Notes: Gases concentration are expressed in ppm by volume (ppmV); LD 50 = median lethal dose; median lethalconcentration = LC 50; mg/kg bw = milligrams of the substance per kilogram of bodyweight; mg/L = milligrams of thesubstance per litreThe acute <strong>to</strong>xicity estimate (ATE) for the classification of a substance or ingredient in a mixture is derivedusing the:LD 50/LC 50 where available;appropriate conversion value from Table 10C.2 that relates <strong>to</strong> the results of a range test; orappropriate conversion value from Table 10C.2 that relates <strong>to</strong> a classification category;Inhalation cut-off values in the table are based on four-hour testing exposures. Conversion of existinginhalation <strong>to</strong>xicity data that has been generated according <strong>to</strong> one-hour exposures should be by dividing by afac<strong>to</strong>r of 2 for gases <strong>and</strong> vapours <strong>and</strong> 4 for dusts <strong>and</strong> mists.January 2012 EPA0109

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