Stow Davis Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Stow Davis Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Stow Davis Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors


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Factory-Installed Keying OptionsFor Landmark.All locks are designatedwith key numbers. You canspecify a key number; however,if you don’t specify akey number, the locks inyour order will be keyedrandomly.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details..Standard KeyingKey random means thatthe locks will be assignedarbitrarily at the factory withkey numbers ranging fromTA101 through TA110.Unless you specify otherwise,the factory will assignkey numbers randomly.Tip: Random keying canmean that different furnitureunits will have the same keynumber. If you must have alllocks keyed differently, youshould specify key numbersfor all locks.TA102TA109TA105TA102TA108TA105TA105TA107Keying OptionsKey specific means thatMaster key randomMaster key specificyou can specify any keymeans that the locks willmeans that you can specifynumber from TA101 throughbe assigned arbitrarily atany key number fromTA110. This option can bethe factory with key num-TA1001 through TA1010.used to key all the furniturebers ranging from TA1001All the locks in the TA seriesunits in a workstation orthrough TA1010. All TAcan be opened with a mas-department the same.locks can be opened with ater key.Tip: Designate the quantitymaster key.Tip: Designate the quantityper key number in yourTip: Random keying canper key number in yourspecification when orderingmean that different furniturespecification when orderingmore than one product withunits will have the same keymore than one product withthe same style number.number. If you must have allthe same style number.locks keyed differently, youTA104 TA104 TA104should specify key numbersTA1008 TA1008 TA1008for all locks.TA1004TA1004TA1003 TA1004 TA1002TA1007 TA1006 TA1009TA Master KeyKey consecutive meansthat you can specify locknumbers in a consecutiveMaster key consecu-order to ensure that notive means that you cantwo locks have the samespecify lock numbers in akey number until the keyconsecutive order to ensuresequence repeats. Youthat no two locks have themust select a beginningsame key number until thekey number from TA101TA Master Keykey sequence repeats.through TA110.You must select a beginningkey number from TA1001TA101 TA102 TA103through TA1010. All thelocks in the TA series canbe opened with a masterkey.TA1008 TA1009 TA1010TA Master Key..Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifyKey random No cost Specify key random.Key specific No cost Specify key specific and select key numberfrom TA101–TA110.Key No cost Specify key consecutive and selectconsecutivebeginning key number from TA101–TA110.Master key +$20 Specify master key random.randomeachMaster key +$20 Specify master key specific and select keyspecific each number from TA1001–TA1010.Master key +$20 Specify master key consecutive and select. consecutive each beginning key number from TA1001–TA1010..414 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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