Stow Davis Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Stow Davis Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Stow Davis Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors


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Translations Private-Office Components, continued.Pedestals come in variouswidths with multiple doorand drawer configurations,and can be field-installedunder worksurfaces.Personal drawers opentheir full depth and canaccommodate small items.Box drawers open theirfull depth and contain onemoveable divider.File drawers open theirfull depth for maximum storageand access to the contents.They are equippedwith a hanging file systemthat accommodates lettersizefiling front-to-back aswell as A4-size and legalsizefiling side-to-side..Lateral file drawersopen their full depth for maximumstorage and access tothe contents. They areequipped with a hanging filesystem that accommodatesletter-, A4-, and legal-sizefiling.Tackboard is standardwith workcenter units.Optional 30"W or 36"W slatwallsegment can replace aportion of the tackboard andaccommodate an array ofDetails accessories.Details accessories areavailable for use on slatwalls.For product information,contact:Details25 Ottawa Avenue SW4th Floor, Arena StationGrand Rapids, MI 49503Telephone 1.800.833.0411.Wood veneer tackboardreplacement maybe specified for use withthe workcenter unit whena non-tackable surface isdesired. Wood veneer tackboardreplacement is thefull width of the workcenterunit and is field-installed.Locks & KeyingFront-removable lock isavailable with random, consecutive,or specific keyingoptions. Master-keyed lockis available.cPage 413Pedestals have anoptional lock in bottomdrawer face that secures alldrawers in the pedestal..18"W towers have anoptional lock in the bottomdrawer face that securesboth file drawers. Towerdoors do not lock.30"W towers and 36"Wtowers have an optionallock in the bottom right filedrawer face that securesboth drawers. Tower doorsdo not lock.ConnectionsAll connections betweenTranslations componentsare concealed. Furniture canbe disassembled, reconfigured,and reassembledwithout visible connectionpoints.20%Run-off desk shells connectat any position alongcredenza shell and workcenterunit worksurfaces toform L-shaped or T-shapedconfigurations. Run-off deskshells have a reversed-edgeprofile that attaches flush tothe adjacent worksurface.Attachment hardware isincluded with run-off deskshell..Return shells connect todesk shells, credenza shells,and workcenter units toform L-shaped worksurfaces.Return shells have areversed-edge profile thatattaches flush to the adjacentworksurface. Attachmenthardware is includedwith return shell.Bridges connect certaindesk shells with credenzasor workcenter units to formU-shaped configurations.Bridges have reversed-edgeprofiles that attach flush tothe adjacent worksurfaces.Attachment hardware isincluded with bridge.Bridge shelves connectcertain desk shells with credenzasor workcenter unitsto form U-shaped configurations.Bridge shelves havereversed-edge profiles thatattach flush to the adjacentworksurfaces. Attachmenthardware is included withbridge shelf..234 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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