Stow Davis Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Stow Davis Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors

Stow Davis Specification Guide - OEC Business Interiors


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<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong><strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>What’s New?What’s New information is now availableon the in2.steelcase.com Web site. Go toWhat’s New, then Show News by Category,then Incentives, Pricing, Promotions.cSee the <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> Library:Reference <strong>Guide</strong> for information about whereto find products.AvailabilityElectronic price list updated withrelease 158.A (U.S.) and 135.A (Canada),dated January 12, 2004.Working With This <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>Ten Tips: How to Get the Most Out of This Book 2Additional Resources 4Product InformationAmerican Elect 7Temporal AE 59Landmark 91Tableau 143Translations 225Kent 333Essex 349Traditional Tables 365The Richard Meier Collection 371Power and Communications 397Resources 405Color Availability Matrices 406Factory-Installed Keying OptionsFor All Product Lines Except Landmark 413For Landmark 414Style Number Index 416cFor a list of all trademarks,refer to the lastpage of this specificationguide.For Canadian PricingCalculate in the followingorder to avoid roundingerrors:• Multiply the base priceand each option by 1.38.• Round each to thenearest dollar.• Add base and optionsfor total list price.

14 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong>Desks, Double Pedestal<strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 15Ten Tips:How to Get the MostOut of This Book.Tip 5Refer to the specifyingpages for all the informationneeded to order a product.Each product specifyingpage contains a variety ofelements to help you completea specification:• Product Drawing• Standard Includes• Required to Specify• Options• Related Products• <strong>Specification</strong> Information• Dimensions• Style Number• PriceProduct Drawingshows you what theproduct looks like.Standard includes(under the dark greyband) provides a listof what comes standardwith the product.Desks, Double PedestalcNeed help?Product details,page 8Options U.S. Canada Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Drawer PullsStandard Includes• Desk with “A” edge profile: wood• Full-height modesty panel• 19 1 ⁄16"W full-height pedestals•“A” drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Pedestal locks, keyed randomly between keynumbers 101–110: 9211 Nickel• Center drawer with pencil tray, removable partition,and lock: wood• Center drawer lock, keyed randomly between keynumbers 101–110: 9211 Nickel• One partition per box drawer: wood• One hanging file system per file drawer• 2"H box base simulated by reveal• Leveling glides: black only“A” drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Keying • Factory-installed keying options cPage 96• Field-installed keying options cPage 97Required to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for desk3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 37.Grommets • Worksurface grommets: No cost Left: Specify with AEGML and color9212 Silver or 0835 Black plastic number.Right: Specify with AEGMR and colornumber.Options(under the black band)lists all the options thatapply to the product,their price, and what isrequired to specify.Required to Specify(under the dark greyband) itemizes the informationthat you must provideto order the standardproduct and the preferredsequence for specification.• Left: two file drawers• Right: two box and onefile drawer• Left: two file drawers• Right: two box and onefile drawer<strong>Specification</strong> InformationU.S.CANADADDimensions DKnee- DStyle DBase DOption DBase DOptiondD W H dspace dNumber dPrice d(Add $ to dPrice d(Add $ tod dWidth d d dBase d dBased d d d dPrice) d dPrice)d d d d d d dd d d d dCustomiz d dCustomizd d d d dStain on d dStain ond d d d dwood d dwoodDouble Pedestal Desk38 17 ⁄32" 75" 29 27 ⁄32" 33 7 ⁄8" AEDD3672 $4900 +$735 $6370 +$1014With Bow Worksurface<strong>Specification</strong>Information(under the light greyband) provides productdimensions, style numbers,and prices for thestandard product andany options that areavailable.40 1 ⁄32"– 87" 29 27 ⁄32" 45 7 ⁄8" AEBD4284 $5627 +$844 $7315 +$116543 1 ⁄32"d d d d d d dRelated Productsprovide specification informationfor products that aredirectly related.American Elect.Tip 6Required to SpecifySpecify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference MSpecify with B edge profile.Specify with C edge profile.cPage 96cPage 97Italic typeface on specifyingpages usually identifieswording that you shoulduse in your order.Tip 7port a computer keyboardbeneath the level of theworksurface. It attachesunder a worksurface witha 18"D x 18 1 /4"W cleardimension.cPage 36Tip: Grommet is recommendedin the worksurfaceof bridge or return to allowcable from the keyboard tolink with the computer onWatch for tips throughoutthe text that give youexplanations and helpfulinstructions.Tip 8Edge of Ashbury return. worksurface is shaped toLearn what you cannotdo by looking for drawingscrossed out with an “X.”Tip 9.Use the surface materialssection at the end ofeach chapter to find surfacematerial color numbers..Tip 10StyleNumber981160981162981165981170981172981175981177.Page270272274270272253274Refer to the style numberindex when you knowa style number and youneed to find the page thathas more details about theproduct.cPage 416.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 3

Additional Resources.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> productsare supported with an arrayof informational materials,tools, and software to helpyou plan and installationefficiently.Product brochures andplanning tools can beordered through yourSteelcase area office, bycalling 1.800.784.0355,or through the SteelcaseMarketing CommunicationsWeb site atin2.steelcase.com.Product BrochuresDesign <strong>Guide</strong>s<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> PortfolioTableau Design <strong>Guide</strong>This publication includes aThis publication gives anvariety of color photographsoverview of all Tableau com-of <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> products inponents and offers illustra-use in workplace applicationsand explanations of alltions and offers a generalkey-design elements includ-overview of the <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong>ing: wrappers, technologyproducts, including Straformanagement features, andproducts.furniture construction. Typi-Form number S10526cal configurations and specificationsare also included.Steelcase Inc.Form number S10904Corporate CapabilitiesBrochureTranslations DesignThis publication offers a<strong>Guide</strong>concise overview ofThis publication gives anSteelcase including insightsoverview of Translationsinto the attitudes and com-and offers illustrations andmitments that make theexplanations of all keycorporation unique. In addi-design elements. A fulltion, the brochure providesstatement of line, typicalan illustrated listing of all theconfigurations with pricing,products and servicesand design details are alsooffered, and internationalincluded.activities are described.Form number S11008Form number S5203Updated 4/95The Richard MeierCollection Design <strong>Guide</strong>Tableau ProductThis publication gives anBrochureoverview of The RichardThis publication includes aMeier Collection and offersvariety of color photographsillustrations and explana-of Tableau in workplacetions of all key-design ele-applications and demonments.A full statement ofstrates its broad range ofline, typical configurations,design flexibility. Detailedand design details are alsophotographs of technologyincluded.management features andForm number S11009.a comprehensive surfacematerials overview are alsoincluded.Form number S10887Translations ProductBrochureThis publication includes avariety of color photographsof Translations in variousapplications. Detailed photographsof design elementsand technologymanagement features, aswell as a comprehensivesurface materials overview,are also included.Form number S11010...Surface MaterialsSurface MaterialsReference ManualThis publication provides:• An explanation of thesurface materials program•“Available on” matrices• Vertical surface fabricand seating upholsteryselection listing• Pricing for surfacematerials• Technical data for surfacematerials• Surface material care andcleaning instructionsAdditional surfacematerials applicationtools are available to assistyou in the specificationprocess—the SurfaceMaterials Binders and theSurface Materials Tool Box.Surface MaterialsFinishes Binderincludes:• Surface MaterialsReference Manual• A complete set of swatchcards for hard surfacesSurface MaterialsVertical Surface FabricBinder includes:• A complete set of swatchcards for vertical surfacefabricSurface MaterialsSeating UpholsteryBinder includes:• Designtex Graded-InCatalog• A complete set ofswatch cards forseating upholsterySurface Materials ToolBox provides 3" x 3" samplesof the following surfacematerials:• Vertical surface fabric• Seating upholstery• Wood veneer• Paint• LaminateForm number S8150.Customer’s OwnMaterial (COM) Website features fabric testresults for all COMfabrics which have beentested by Steelcase andalso allows you to calculateyardage requirements formost Steelcase seatinglines. The Web site willalways contain the mostcurrent information available,providing the sameinformation you wouldreceive if you called orfaxed a COM Consultant.To locate the COM Website:• Visit www.steelcase.com• Click on “Tools & Insights”• Select “Customer’s OwnMaterial”.4 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Additional Resources.Computer ToolsElectronic CatalogAccurate sales quotationsand purchase orders forSteelcase products arecreated with specificationsoftware that usesSteelcase ElectronicCatalog data. Use the datato specify and price stylenumbers and options forevery Steelcase product.The data is updated quarterlyby Steelcase andprovided to softwareprograms like Vspec, theHedberg <strong>Business</strong> System,and 20/20 CAP StudioWorksheet.Furniture SymbolGraphic DataSteelcase creates 2D and3D furniture symbols (withattributes) for planning andinitially specifying Steelcaseproducts. This data isincorporated into severaladd-on software packagesthat work in either aMicrostation or an AutoCADdrafting environment.For more information onthese and other softwaretools to help you plan effectivework environments,please contactSteelcase eTools at1.616.246.9542.ProductInfoProduct InfoElectronic versions of thisand many other specificationguides in Acrobat PDF(Portable DocumentFormat) allow you to scan,search, and print any pageon virtually any computer.You can access these filesat the Steelcase.com Website or My Sales Online atin2.Steelcase.com.SupportSteelcase CapabilitiesSteelcase products are distributed,installed, and servicedthrough a network ofmore than 600 dealersworldwide. Steelcase is alsorepresented with offices andcorporate showrooms in 26U.S. cities, 4 Canadian cities,and in France, Germany,Great Britain, and Japan.Every Steelcase productmeets our exceptionallyhigh standards of qualityand durability and comeswith the Steelcase assuranceof excellence inservice.For assistance, pleasecall your local dealer, theSteelcase SolutionsResource Team, or theSteelcase SolutionsFulfilled Team at1.888.STEELCASE(1.888.783.3522).Call the Steelcase SolutionsResource Team prior toplacing an order, whenworking on a bid, or whenyou need information aboutproduct applications andspecifications.Call the Steelcase SolutionsFulfilled Team if you havesubmitted an order toSteelcase and you need tospeak to your service representativeabout the order.Also call if you have anypost-shipment quality orwarranty concerns orservice parts questions.Outside the U.S.A.,Canada, Mexico, PuertoRico, and the U.S. VirginIslands, call 1.616.247.2500.For information aboutSteelcase, the name of yournearest Steelcase dealer,or for product literature, call1.800.333.9939, or visit ourWeb site: www.steelcase.com......<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 5

6 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

American ElectAmerican ElectStatement of Line 8Product Details 10Canopy Lights 14Shelf Lights 15<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTable Desk 18Desks, Double-Pedestal 20Desks, Single-Pedestal 22Run-Off Tables 24Returns, Desk-Height without Pedestals 25Returns, Desk-Height with One or Two Pedestals 26Bridge, Desk-Height 28Kneewell Credenzas 2979 1 ⁄4"W Credenzas 3098 5 ⁄16"W Credenzas 32117 3 ⁄8"W Credenzas 34Service Modules 36Vertical Cabinets 3876 1 ⁄4"W Workwalls 4095 5 ⁄16"W Workwalls 42114 3 ⁄8"W Workwalls 4419"W Pedestal Substitutions 4638"W Pedestal Substitutions 47Related ProductsAccessories 51Canopy Lights 53Standard Shelf Lights 54Surface Materials 56<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 7

American ElectStatement of Line29 27 /32"H29 27 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 10Specifyingc Page 18Understandingc Page 10Specifyingc Page 20Table Desk75"W38 17 ⁄32"D •Desks, Double Pedestal75"W 87"W38 17 ⁄32"D •40 1 ⁄32"D–43 1 ⁄32"D •29 27 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 10Specifyingc Page 2229 27 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 11Specifyingc Page 24Desks, Single Pedestal75"W 87"W38 17 ⁄32"D •40 1 ⁄32"D–43 1 ⁄32"D •Run-Off Tables60"W 83 13 ⁄16"W 84"W30 25 ⁄32"D •36 25 ⁄32"D •43 3 ⁄16"D •29 27 /32"H 29 27 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 11Specifyingc Pages 25–27Understandingc Page 10Specifyingc Page 28Returns58 11 ⁄16"W 77 3 ⁄4"W26 17 ⁄32"D • •Bridge45"W26 17 ⁄32"D •8 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

American ElectStatement of Line29 27 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 10Specifyingc Pages 29–35American ElectCredenzas79 1 ⁄4"W 98 5 ⁄16"W 117 3 ⁄8"W24 1 ⁄4"D • • •42 11 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 10Specifyingc Page 36Service Modules77 3 ⁄4"W 96 13 ⁄16"W 115 7 ⁄8"W16 3 ⁄4"D • • •42 11 /32"H72 3 /16"H72 3 /16"HUnderstandingc Page 12Specifyingc Page 38Understandingc Page 11Specifyingc Pages 40–45Vertical Cabinets20 9 ⁄16"W 39 5 ⁄8"W24 3 ⁄4"D • •Workwalls76 1 ⁄4"W 95 5 ⁄16"W 114 3 ⁄8"W16 3 ⁄4"D–25 5 ⁄16"D • • •<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 9

American Elect.Service modules andworkwalls provideadditional storage abovea credenza. They are availablewith project organizers.Credenzas are availablewith or without pedestals toaccommodate your storageand work needs. Credenzasare pre-machined to beused with service modulesand workwalls. Stand-aloneversion must be ordered asa special.Drawers are made of oak.Box- and file-size drawersare available.2"H box base is simulatedby a reveal.Leveling glidesadjust to install furniture onuneven floors, 1 ⁄8" minimumclearance.Actual DimensionscPage 13Tackboards, orderedseparately, provide a tackablesurface between theworksurface and overheadstorage on service modulesand workwalls.Back bottom edge ofdoor provides a convenientgrip, making door pullsunnecessary.Bridges attach to a deskand credenza to form aU-shape configuration.Desks are available insingle- and double-pedestalmodels. Table desk is alsoavailable. Single-pedestaldesks are available with apedestal located on the leftorright-hand side. Worksurfaceis available with arectilinear or bow shape.Worksurface has a woodcore with a wood veneersurface, solid wood nosings..10 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

American Elect.Product DetailsSolid wood worksurfacenosings are standardwith an “A”-edgeprofile. Two other profilesare available—“B” and “C.”Desk worksurface isavailable with a rectilinearor bow shape.6"RectilinearBow shape8"ABCOverhanging worksurfaceon desks provideskneespace for visitors andenables the desk to be usedfor conferencing..Desk-height returns areavailable with or withoutpedestals to meet yourstorage and work needs.Workwall, availablewith or without pedestals,attaches between two verticalcabinets. It providesoverhead storage and aworksurface. Storage componentsattach beneath theworksurface. Workwallsare available with projectorganizers.CrestSailRun-off tables attach tocredenzas and are availablein two shapes—crest andsail. Run-off tables areavailable in left- and righthandversions..Modesty panel of desks,run-off tables, returns,bridges, and credenzas isfull height. Desks, run-offtables, returns, and bridgeshave a finished back. Credenzasare standard withan unfinished back; however,a finished back isavailable.ABC“A”-style pulls are standardon drawers and doors.“B”- and “C”-style pulls arealso available.Exception: Service modulesand workwalls have integraldoor pulls.Pedestals are full height.Desks are available witheither two box and one filedrawer or two file drawers.Storage components forreturns, credenzas, andworkwalls are available inadditional configurations.Box drawers opentheir full depth. They areequipped with one movablepartition..File drawers open theirfull depth for total access tothe contents. They areequipped with a hanging filesystem that accommodatesletter- and legal-size filing.Lateral file drawersopen their full depth for totalaccess to the contents.They accommodate letterandlegal-size filing.Pedestal lock securesdrawers in a pedestal.Pedestal substitutionsare available, factoryinstalled, on returns, credenzas,and workwalls.Substitutions on returns,credenza assemblies andworkwalls must be madewith pedestals that are thesame width. Substitutionson credenza buildups canbe made with pedestals thatequal the same total width.Safety stop preventsaccidental removal of drawersfrom the pedestal..Center drawer isstandard on desks. It isequipped with a pencil trayand removable partition.Center drawer has a lock.Keyboard shelf canbe added in the field to supporta computer keyboardbeneath the level of theworksurface. It attachesunder any worksurface witha 18"D x 18 1 ⁄4"W clearspace.cPage 51Tip: Grommet is recommendedin the worksurfaceof bridge or return to allowcable from the keyboard tolink with the computer on theworksurface. Credenzashave a continuous wireaccess slot to accommodatewires so grommets are notneeded for keyboard shelf.Service modules arestandard with an unfinishedback to be used against awall. A finished back isavailable..American Elect<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cAmerican Elect, continued 11

American Elect, continued.Vertical cabinetsare available in two widths—20 9 ⁄16"W single-doorcabinets and 39 5 ⁄8"W double-doorcabinets. Configurationsinclude shelves,wardrobes, and lateral files.An unfinished back is standard;however, a finishedback is available.Top3 /4"Top overhangs bodyof cabinet 3 ⁄4"; therefore,two adjacent cabinets willremain separated by a1 1 ⁄2"-W space.Workwalls have an unfinishedback and must beused against a wall. A finishedback is not available.Two-shelfboxTopTask trayHorizontal1 1 /2"Project organizers areavailable in service modulesand workwalls to provideconvenient storage forpapers, files, and tools..ABCTop of service modules,vertical cabinets, and workwallsare standard with an“A”-edge profile. Two otherprofiles are available—“B”and “C.”Locks & KeyingFront-removable lock isavailable with random, consecutive,or specific keyingoptions. Master-keyed lockis available.cPage 413Desks have face-lockedpedestals. Lock secures alldrawers in the pedestal.The center drawer also hasa lock located in the centerof the drawer front.Desk-height returnshave face-locked pedestals.Lock secures all doors anddrawers in the pedestal.Credenzas have facelockedpedestals. Locksecures all doors and drawersin the pedestal.Vertical cabinets haveface-locked box and filedrawers. The cabinet doorsdo not lock.Service modules andworkwalls have face-lockeddoors..ConnectionsRun-off table must beconnected to a kneespacecredenza to provide stability.Connecting end isshaped to mate with credenzaor desk. The connectionforms a flush-height,L-shape configuration.Attachment brackets areincluded with the table.Desk-height returnattaches to a single-pedestaldesk or kneespace credenzato form a flush-height,L-shape configuration.Connecting end is shapedto mate with credenza ordesk. Attachment bracketsare included with the return.Bridge attaches to asingle-pedestal desk andkneespace credenza usingsupport plates that areincluded with the bridge.Connecting end is shapedto mate with credenza ordesk. Together they form aflush-height, U-shapeconfiguration..Service module attachesto the top of a credenzausing attachment hardwarethat is included with theservice module.Workwall must attachbetween two vertical cabinetsfor support.Clearance between worksurfaceand underside ofservice module or workwallcabinet is 20".Wiring & CablingContinuous wire accessslot is standard along theback edge of a credenza toroute cords behind the credenza.Grommets andcable ports are available toreplace the continuous wireaccess slot on credenzaswith a finished back only.Continuous wire managementbrush strip isstandard along the bottomedge of tackboards to allowwires and cables to passthrough to the credenza’swire access slot.Grommets are available,factory installed, to allowcords and cables to passthrough the worksurface.GrommetsBridges•Credenzas with finished• • •back.Left Center RightDesks • •Returns • • •.12 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

American ElectTackboardSurface MaterialsApplication Topics• Vertical surface fabricDesks, run-off tables,price groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,Access to wall orreturns, bridge, creden-and COMpanel base receptaclezas, pedestals, serviceis possible when credenzasmodules, vertical cabi-Keyboard shelfand workwalls with kneenets,and workwalls• Paintspace have their kneewall• Wood and wood veneerpanel removed. Returns• Customiz stain (option)have a fixed back panel thatis not removable.Drawer and door pulls• 9212 Silver (standard)• 0835 Black (option)Lock• 9201 Polished Chrome(standard)• 9250 Ember Chrome(option)Drawer interiors• Solid oakGrommets• 9212 Silver• 0835 BlackLeveling glides• Black only....Actual DimensionsDesk Run-Off Return Bridge CredenzaTableDepth 38 17 ⁄32", 30 25 ⁄32", 26 17 ⁄32" 26 17 ⁄32" 24 1 ⁄4" with40 1 ⁄32"–43 1 ⁄32" 36 25 ⁄32"–43 3 ⁄16" unfinished backWidth 75" or 87" 60", 83 13 ⁄16", or 84" 58 11 ⁄16" or 77 3 ⁄4" 45" 79 1 ⁄4", 98 5 ⁄16", or 117 3 ⁄8"Height 29 27 ⁄32" 29 27 ⁄32" 29 27 ⁄32" 29 27 ⁄32" 29 27 ⁄32"Kneespace width Double pedestal 47", 71", or 68" Varies with 44 1 ⁄2" 38 1 ⁄8" or 57 3 ⁄16"33 7 ⁄8" or 45 7 ⁄8" pedestal selectionSingle pedestal51 7 ⁄16" or 63 7 ⁄16"Worksurface thickness 1 15 ⁄32" 1 15 ⁄32" 1 15 ⁄32" 1 15 ⁄32" 1 15 ⁄32"Modesty panel height 28 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄8"Pedestal width 19 1 ⁄16" N.A. 19 1 ⁄16" or 38 1 ⁄8" N.A. 19 1 ⁄16" or 38 1 ⁄8"Leveling glide range 0"–1" 0"–1" 0"–1" 0"–1" 0"–1"Service Vertical WorkwallModulesCabinetDepth 16 3 ⁄4" with 24 3 ⁄4" 16 3 ⁄4" – 25 1 ⁄2"unfinished backWidth 77 3 ⁄4", 96 13 ⁄16", 20 9 ⁄16"or 76 1 ⁄4", 95 5 ⁄16",or 115 7 ⁄8" 39 5 ⁄8" or 114 3 ⁄8"Height 42 11 ⁄32" 72 3 ⁄16" 42 11 ⁄32" or 72 3 ⁄16" (72 3 ⁄16" overall)Top thickness 1 1 ⁄32" 1 1 ⁄32" 1 1 ⁄32"Pedestal width N.A. N.A. 19 1 ⁄16" or 38 1 ⁄8". Leveling glide range N.A. 0"–1" N.A..American Elect<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 13

Canopy Lightsfor Use with 3 ⁄4"- to 1 3 ⁄4"-Thick WorksurfacesCanopy lights are tasklights designed to complementa variety of Steelcasesystems furniture, includingTurnstone and Answer,Wood products, and manycompetitive furniture lines.Canopy lights provide broadcoverage and evenly balancedlight that significantlyminimizes glare.cSpecifying, page 53Actual DimensionsDepth 7 1 ⁄16"Width 24 1 ⁄4", 36 1 ⁄16", or 47 7 ⁄8"Height 18"Worksurface. thickness range 3⁄4" to 1 3 ⁄4"On-off switch is centeredon the bottom of the controlbox in the front.Housing is painted orclear anodized aluminum.Riser supports light aboveworksurface. Power cordsnaps into vertical wiremanager in back of riser.Clamp mechanismsecures riser to anyworksurface from 3 ⁄4"- to1 3 ⁄4"-thick.Cord exits from underneaththe center of the control box.9' cord with groundedplug is factory installed.Length is maximum allowedby U.S. National ElectricalCode. Cord with circuitbreaker is available to meetthe requirements of theChicago code.Plug is flat so it remainsclose to the receptacle..Product DetailsCanopy light includes thelamp, ballast, and either a9' cord with three-prongplug or Chicago plug.45°Plug configurationallows two canopy lights toengage adjacent outlets inone receptacle.Energy-saving T5lamps have triphosphorcoating for balanced colorand pleasing light.Optics include a crescentshapedlens with specularaluminum reflector that provideslow glare and broaddistribution of light.Connections1 /2" maximumEdge profile must not begreater than 1 ⁄2" thick toaccommodate clampmechanism.5 /16" minimumClearance betweenworksurface and panelmust be at least 5 ⁄16".Width Lamp Lamp Replacementwidth wattage lamps24 1 ⁄4" 21 3 ⁄5" 14 watts F14T5\83536 1 ⁄16" 33 2 ⁄5" 21 watts F21T5\83547 7 ⁄8" 45 1 ⁄5" 28 watts F28T5\835Surface MaterialsHousing• Paint• Clear anodized aluminum2 3 Clear/4"spaceReflector• Specular (reflective)aluminum2 3 /16"CordAt least 2 3 ⁄4"H and• Black vinyl only2 3 ⁄16"W of clear spaceunderneath the worksurfaceEnd caps, control box,is needed.and riser• Sterling plastic onlyWiring & CablingElectronic ballast ismore energy efficient thanT8 electronic ballasts.Electronic dimmingcontrol features slidingswitch, which allowscontinuous-range dimmingfrom 100% to 50% lightoutput.SlotSlot in back of riser securespower cord until it reachesthe access channel at theback of worksurface....14 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Shelf LightsStandardShelf LightscSpecifying, page 54Actual DimensionsDepth 9 1 ⁄4"Width 24 5 ⁄8", 36 5 ⁄8",or 48 5 ⁄8"Height 1 3 ⁄4".End cap cord managers,molded into thedurable plastic end caps,allow you to route andmanage excess cord.Housing is painted black.Optional paint colors areavailable.On-off switch is centeredon the front edge of theshelf light.Cord exits from the centerof the back of the light.Plug is flat so it remainsclose to the receptacle.9' cord with grounded plugis factory installed. Lengthis maximum allowed byU.S. National ElectricalCode. Cord with circuitbreaker is available to meetthe requirements of theChicago code.Daisy chain cords havemodular connectors to linkshelf lights together..Product DetailsShelf light includes thelamp, ballast, and either a9' cord with three-prongplug or daisy-chain cords.45°Plug configurationallows two shelf lights toengage adjacent outlets inone receptacle.Energy-saving T8lamps have triphosphorcoating for balanced colorand pleasing light.ConnectionsSteelcase standardshelf lights can beordered separately and arerecessed beneath the overheadstorage cabinets ofservice modules and workwalls.Universal bracket allowsshelf light to be installed withouttools and to be recessedunder most overhead storagebins and shelves. Thebracket snaps into the endcaps and then shelf lightsnaps into place.Width Lamp Lamp Replacementwidth wattage lamps24 5 ⁄8" 24" 17 watts F17T8-TL73536 5 ⁄8" 36" 25 watts F25T8-TL73548 5 ⁄8" 48" 32 watts F32T8-TL735Competitive mountingpackage provides attach-Wiring & Cablingment hardware to mountPower drawn is approxi-Steelcase shelf lights onmately 1 ⁄2 amp.all major competitive furniturelines. Package includesDaisy chaining permitsscrews and installationinterconnecting up to sixinstructions.shelf lights from a singlepower outlet.Flush mounting pack-cPage 16age provides snap-on,Starter cord powers firstpainted end cap coverslight in a daisy chain andfor use on shelf lights thatallows you to convert anyare screw-mounted underdaisy chain light for inde-wood workwalls and servicependent operation.modules using keyholeslots in the light fixture.Economizer electronicEnd cap covers are fieldballast cuts power useinstalled.by 25% and emits 50% ofthe light output of a regularelectronic ballast. It isavailable on Standard shelflights.Surface MaterialsHousing• Black paint (standard)• Paint colors (option)ReflectorKeyhole slots in housing• Whiteof fixture allow shelf light tobe mounted beneath woodCordworkwalls and service mod-• Black vinyl onlyules using screws provided.End cap cord manager• Black plastic onlyShelf light can be mountedanywhere from side to sidebeneath workwalls or servicemodule. The cord length isthe only limitation....American Elect<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 15

Daisy Chaining.Daisy chainingStandard shelf lightstogether extends powerfrom one shelf light toanother within workstationsto help keep receptaclesclear for other uses.Starter cord is requiredon shelf lights with daisychain cords to bring powerto the first shelf light in adaisy chain so there’s noneed to designate whereeach shelf light will be usedwithin the chain.Power will not be interruptedin a chain even ifone of the shelf lights isturned off or its lamp hasburned out. That’s becausethe path of power throughthe chain doesn’t passthrough the lamps orswitches.Additions to a chain arepossible at any time byadding a starter cord. Witha starter cord, any shelflight in the daisy chain canbe powered independentlyor can be the first shelf lightin a new daisy chain.StartercordDaisy chaincordsTip: Daisy chaining is notallowed in New York City orChicago. Local electricalcodes vary, so you shouldconsult a qualified electricalcontractor or engineer forproper installation of allelectrical equipment.Tip: Bins and shelves providea recessed area forshelf lights. They are notdesigned to conceal cordswhen daisy chaining..16 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Daisy ChainingAmerican Elect<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 17

Table DeskcNeed help?Product details,page 10Standard Includes• Desk with “A” edge profile: wood• "A" drawer pull: 9212 Silver• Center drawer with pencil tray, removable partition,two personal drawers, and lock: wood• Center drawer lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for desk3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Drawer Pulls“A” drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Grommets • Worksurface grommets: No cost Left: Specify with AEGML and color9212 Silver or 0835 Black metal number.Center: Specify with AEGMC andcolor number.Right: Specify with AEGMR and colornumber.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood38 17 ⁄32" 75" 29 27 ⁄32" AETD3672 $3629 +$84d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.18 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Table DeskAmerican ElectFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 19

Desks, Double-PedestalcNeed help?Product details,page 10Standard Includes• Desk with “A” edge profile: wood• Full-height modesty panel• 19 1 ⁄16"W full-height pedestals•“A” drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Pedestal lock face rings with plastic plugs toaccommodate lock cylinders: 9201 Polished Chrome• Center drawer with pencil tray, removable partition,and lock: wood• Center drawer lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One partition per box drawer: wood• One hanging file system per file drawer• 2"H box base simulated by reveal• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for desk3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Drawer Pulls“A” drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Grommets • Worksurface grommets: No cost Left: Specify with AEGML and color9212 Silver or 0835 Black metal number.Right: Specify with AEGMR and colornumber.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.20 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Desks, Double-Pedestal<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dspace dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dWidth d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStain ond d d d dWoodDouble-Pedestal Desk38 17 ⁄32" 75" 29 27 ⁄32" 33 7 ⁄8" AEDD3672 $5145 +$160American Elect• Left: two file drawers• Right: two box and onefile drawerWith Bow Worksurface40 1 ⁄32"– 87" 29 27 ⁄32" 45 7 ⁄8" AEBD4284 $5971 +$16043 1 ⁄32"d d d d d• Left: two file drawers• Right: two box and onefile drawerFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 21

Desks, Single-PedestalcNeed help?Product details,page 10Standard Includes• Desk with “A” edge profile: wood• Full-height modesty panel• 19 1 ⁄16"W full-height pedestal•“A” drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• Center drawer with pencil tray, removable partition,and lock: wood• Center drawer lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One partition per box drawer: wood• One hanging file system per file drawer• 2"H box base simulated by reveal• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for desk3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.and at rightcSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Drawer Pulls“A” drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Grommets • Worksurface grommets: No cost Left: Specify with AEGML and color9212 Silver or 0835 Black metal number.Right: Specify with AEGMR and colornumber.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dspace dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dWidth d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStain ond d d d dWoodLeft-Hand Single-Pedestal Desk38 17 ⁄32" 75" 29 27 ⁄32" 51 7 ⁄16" AEDD672L $4148 +$160d d d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued on next page• Left: two box and onefile drawer22 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Desks, Single-Pedestalc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dspace dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dWidth d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStain ond d d d dWoodWith Bow Worksurface40 1 ⁄32"– 87" 29 27 ⁄32" 63 7 ⁄16" AEBD284L $4970 +$16043 1 ⁄32"d d d d dAmerican Elect• Left: two box and onefile drawerRight-Hand Single-Pedestal Desk38 17 ⁄32" 75" 29 27 ⁄32" 51 7 ⁄16" AEDD672R $4148 +$160• Right: two box and onefile drawerWith Bow Worksurface40 1 ⁄32"– 87" 29 27 ⁄32" 63 7 ⁄16" AEBD284R $4970 +$16043 1 ⁄32"d d d d d• Right: two box and onefile drawer<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 23

Run-Off TablescNeed help?Product details,page 11Standard Includes• Table with “A” edge profile: wood• Full-height modesty panelRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for table3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWoodCrest-Shape Run-Off TablesLeft-Hand30 25 ⁄32" 60" 29 27 ⁄32" AECT060L $2022 +$13636 25 ⁄32" 84" 29 27 ⁄32" AECT684L $2768 +$136Right-Hand30 25 ⁄32" 60" 29 27 ⁄32" AECT060R $2022 +$13636 25 ⁄32" 84" 29 27 ⁄32" AECT684R $2768 +$136d d d dSail-Shape Run-Off TablesLeft-Hand30 29 ⁄32"– 83 13 ⁄16" 29 27 ⁄32" AESAT84L $2906 +$13643 3 ⁄16"Right-Hand30 29 ⁄32"– 83 13 ⁄16" 29 27 ⁄32" AESAT84R $2906 +$13643 3 ⁄16"d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.24 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Returns, Desk-Heightwithout PedestalsReturns, Desk-Heightwithout PedestalsTip: Specify a left-handreturn for use with a righthandsingle-pedestal desk.Specify a right-hand returnfor use with a left-handsingle-pedestal desk.cNeed help?Product details,page 11Standard Includes• Return with “A” edge profile and finished back: wood• 2"H box base simulated by reveal• Attachment hardware• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for return3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.American ElectGrommets • Worksurface grommets: No cost Left: Specify with AEGML and color9212 Silver or 0835 Black metal number.Center: Specify with AEGMC and colornumber.Right: Specify with AEGMR and colornumber.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dspace dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dWidth d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStain ond d d d dWoodReturns without PedestalsRight-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 58 11 ⁄16" 29 27 ⁄32" 55 3 ⁄4" AER2658R $2332 +$7426 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 74 13 ⁄16" AER2677R $2733 +$74Left-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 58 11 ⁄16" 29 27 ⁄32" 55 3 ⁄4" AER2658L $2332 +$7426 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 74 13 ⁄16" AER2677L $2733 +$74d d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 25

Returns, Desk-Heightwith One or Two PedestalsTip: Specify a left-handreturn for use with a righthandsingle-pedestal desk.Specify a right-hand returnfor use with a left-handsingle-pedestal desk.cNeed help?Product details,page 11Standard Includes• Return with “A” edge profile and finished back: wood• One or two full-height pedestal(s): wood•“A” drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Lock, keyed random between key numbers 101–110:9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• 2"H box base simulated by reveal• Attachment hardware• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for return3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.and at rightcSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Drawer Pulls“A” drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Grommets • Worksurface grommets: No cost Left: Specify with AEGML and color9212 Silver or 0835 Black metal number.Center: Specify with AEGMC and colornumber.Right: Specify with AEGMR and colornumber.Pedestal • 19"W pedestals cPage 46Substitutions • 38"W pedestals cPage 47<strong>Specification</strong> Information• Right: two file drawers• Left: two file drawersDDimensions DKnee- DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dspace dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dWidth d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomiz Staind d d d don WoodReturns with One 19"W PedestalRight-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 58 11 ⁄16" 29 27 ⁄32" 36 5 ⁄8" AER2658PR $4005 +$8826 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 55 11 ⁄16" AER2677PR $4106 +$88Left-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 58 11 ⁄16" 29 27 ⁄32" 36 5 ⁄8" AER2658PL $4005 +$8826 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 55 11 ⁄16" AER2677PL $4106 +$88d d d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued on next page26 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Returns, Desk-Heightwith One or Two Pedestalsc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dspace dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dWidth d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomiz Staind d d d don WoodReturns with One 38"W PedestalRight-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 58 11 ⁄16" 29 27 ⁄32" 17 9 ⁄16" AER2658LR $4122 +$8826 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 36 5 ⁄8" AER2677LR $4296 +$88American Elect• Right: two-drawer lateral fileLeft-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 58 11 ⁄16" 29 27 ⁄32" 17 9 ⁄16" AER2658LL $4122 +$8826 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 36 5 ⁄8" AER2677LL $4296 +$88d d d d d• Left: two-drawer lateral fileReturns with One 19"W Pedestal and One 38"W PedestalRight-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 58 11 ⁄16" 29 27 ⁄32" 0" AER2658LPR $5498 +$8826 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 17 9 ⁄16" AER2677LPR $6113 +$88• Right: two file drawersand two-drawer lateral fileLeft-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 58 11 ⁄16" 29 27 ⁄32" 0" AER2658LPL $5498 +$8826 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 17 9 ⁄16" AER2677LPL $6113 +$88d d d d d• Left: two-drawer lateralfile and two file drawersReturns with Two 38"W PedestalsRight-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 0" AER2677LLR $5789 +$88• Right: two, two-drawerlateral filesLeft-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 0" AER2677LLL $5789 +$88d d d d d• Left: two, two-drawerlateral files<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 27

Bridge, Desk-HeightcNeed help?Product details,page 10Standard Includes• Bridge with “A” edge profile: wood• Full-height modesty panel• Attachment bracketsRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for bridge3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Grommet • Worksurface grommets: No cost Center: Specify with AEGMC and color9212 Silver or 0835 Black metal number.Related • Keyboard shelf cPage 51Products<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood26 17 ⁄32" 45" 29 27 ⁄32" AEBD2445 $1565 +$64d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.28 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Kneewell Credenzasfor Use with Service ModulesKneewell CredenzascNeed help?Product details,page 10Standard Includes• Credenza with “A” edge profile and unfinishedback: wood• Continuous wire access slot along back edge for usewith service module only• 2"H box base simulated by revealRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.American ElectTip: All credenzas shipassembled, except the117 3 ⁄8"W credenza whichwill ship in two or moresections.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Finished Back• Finished back for credenza:wood—for 79 1 ⁄4"W +$ 989 Add suffix BP to style number.—for 98 5 ⁄16"W +$1200 Add suffix BP to style number.—for 117 3 ⁄8"W +$1403 Add suffix BP to style number.Tip: Grommet and cableport options are availableon credenzas with finishedback option to replace thecontinuous wire access slot.Grommets • Worksurface grommets on No cost Left: Specify with AEGML and colorcredenzas with finished backnumber.only: 9212 Silver or 0835Center: Specify with AEGMC and colorBlack metalnumber.Right: Specify with AEGMR and colornumber.Cable Ports • Cable ports on credenzas with No cost Left base corner: Specify with AECPL.finished back onlyRight base corner: Specify with AEPCR.Tip: Credenzas are designedfor use with service modules.Stand-alone version must beordered as a Special.Related • Keyboard shelf cPage 51Products • Service modules cPage 36<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood79 1 /4"W Kneewell Credenza24 1 ⁄4" 79 1 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" AEX2479 $2870 +$140d d d d98 5 /16"W Kneewell Credenza24 1 ⁄4" 98 5 ⁄16" 29 27 ⁄32" AEX2498 $3304 +$140d d d d117 3 /8"W Kneewell Credenza24 1 ⁄4" 117 3 ⁄8" 29 27 ⁄32" AEX24117 $3729 +$140d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 29

79 1 ⁄4"W Credenzasfor Use with Service ModulesStandard IncludesRequired to SpecifyTip: 79 1 ⁄4"W credenza shipsassembled.cNeed help?Product details,page 10• Credenza with “A” edge profile and unfinishedback: wood• Continuous wire access slot along back edge for usewith service module only• 2"H box base simulated by reveal• Two 38"W two-drawer lateral files: wood•“A” drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Lock, keyed random between key numbers 101–110:9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• Attachment hardware• Leveling glides: black only1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Drawer Pulls“A” drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Finished Back • Finished back for credenza: +$ 989 Add suffix BP to style number.woodLock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Tip: Grommet and cableport options are available oncredenzas with finishedback option to replace thecontinuous wire access slot.Grommets • Worksurface grommets on No cost Left: Specify with AEGML and colorcredenzas with finished backnumber.only: 9212 Silver or 0835Center: Specify with AEGMC and colorBlack metalnumber.Right: Specify with AEGMR and colornumber.Cable Ports • Cable ports on credenzas with No cost Left base corner: Specify with AECPL.finished back onlyRight base corner: Specify with AEPCR.PedestalFull storageConfigurations Å 38"/38" No cost Specify with PEDCONF1 (standard).ı 19"/38"/19" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF2.38"W kneewella 38" kneewell/38" –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL1.b 38"/38" kneewell –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL2.D 19"/38" kneewell/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL3.57"W kneewellå 57" kneewell/19" –$1610 Specify with 57KNWLL1.∫ 19"/57" kneewell –$1610 Specify with 57KNWLL2.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.cOptions continued on next page30 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

79 1 ⁄4"W CredenzasTip: Credenzas are designedfor use with service modules.Stand-alone version must beordered as a Special.cOptions continuedOptionsPedestal • 19"W pedestals cPage 46Substitutions • 38"W pedestals cPage 47Related • Keyboard shelf cPage 51Products • Service modules cPage 36<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood79 1 /4"W Credenza with Two 38"W Lateral Files24 1 ⁄4" 79 1 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" AE4N2479 $5719 +$140d d d dRequired to SpecifyAmerican ElectTip: Credenzas are premachinedto be used withservice modules and workwalls.Stand-alone versionmust be ordered as aspecial.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 31

98 5 ⁄16"W Credenzasfor Use with Service ModulesStandard IncludesRequired to SpecifyTip: 98 5 ⁄16"W credenza shipsassembled.cNeed help?Product details,page 10• Credenza with “A” edge profile and unfinishedback: wood• Continuous wire access slot along back edge for usewith service module only• 2"H box base simulated by reveal• One 19"W pedestal: wood• Two 38"W two-drawer lateral files: wood•“A” drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Lock, keyed random between key numbers 101–110:9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• Attachment hardware• Leveling glides: black only1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Drawer Pulls“A” drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Finished Back • Finished back for credenza: +$1200 Add suffix BP to style number.woodLock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Tip: Grommet and cableport options are available oncredenzas with finishedback option to replace thecontinuous wire access slot.Grommets • Worksurface grommets on No cost Left: Specify with AEGML and colorcredenzas with finished backnumber.only: 9212 Silver or 0835Center: Specify with AEGMC and colorBlack metalnumber.Right: Specify with AEGMR and colornumber.Cable Ports • Cable ports on credenzas with No cost Left base corner: Specify with AECPL.finished back onlyRight base corner: Specify with AEPCR.cOptions continued on next pageFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.32 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

98 5 ⁄16"W CredenzascOptions continuedOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifyPedestalFull storageConfigurations ⁄ 38"/19"/38" No cost Specify with PEDCONF1 (standard).Î 19"/38"/38" No cost Specify with PEDCONF2.Ç 38"/38"/19" No cost Specify with PEDCONF3.38"W kneewellc 38" kneewell/38"/19" –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL1.d 19"/38"/38" kneewell –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL2.E 19"/38" kneewell/38" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL3.F 38"/38" kneewell/19" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL4.e 38" kneewell/19"/38" –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL5.f 38"/19"/38" kneewell –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL6.American Elect57"W kneewellç 57" kneewell/38" –$3310 Specify with 57KNWLL1.∂ 38"/57" kneewell –$3310 Specify with 57KNWLL2.´ 19"/57" kneewell/19" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL3.Pedestal • 19"W pedestals cPage 46Substitutions • 38"W pedestals cPage 47Tip: Credenzas are designedfor use with service modules.Stand-alone version must beordered as a Special.Related • Keyboard shelf cPage 51Products • Service modules cPage 36<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood98 5 /16"W Credenza with One 19"W Pedestal and Two 38"W Lateral Files24 1 ⁄4" 98 5 ⁄16" 29 27 ⁄32" AE5N2498 $7950 +$140d d d d• Left: two-drawer lateral file• Center: two file drawers• Right: two-drawerlateral fileTip: Credenzas are premachinedto be used withservice modules and workwalls.Stand-alone versionmust be ordered as aspecial.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 33

117 3 ⁄8"W Credenzasfor Use with Service ModulesStandard IncludesRequired to SpecifyTip: 117 3 ⁄8"W credenzaships in two or moresections.cNeed help?Product details,page 10• Credenza with “A” edge profile and unfinishedback: wood• Continuous wire access slot along back edge for usewith service module only• 2"H box base simulated by reveal• Three 38"W two-drawer lateral files: wood•“A” drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Locks, keyed random between key numbers 101–110:9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• Attachment hardware• Leveling glides: black only1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Drawer Pulls“A” drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” drawer pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Finished Back • Finished back for credenza: +$1403 Add suffix BP to style number.woodLock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Tip: Grommet and cableport options are available oncredenzas with finishedback option to replace thecontinuous wire access slot.Grommets • Worksurface grommets on No cost Left: Specify with AEGML and colorcredenzas with finished backnumber.only: 9212 Silver or 0835Center: Specify with AEGMC and colorBlack metalnumber.Right: Specify with AEGMR and colornumber.Cable Ports • Cable ports on credenzas with No cost Left base corner: Specify with AECPL.finished back onlyRight base corner: Specify with AEPCR.cOptions, continued on next pageFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.34 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

117 3 ⁄8"W CredenzascOptions continuedOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifyPedestalFull storageConfigurations Ï 38"/38"/38" No cost Specify with PEDCONF1 (standard).‹ 19"/38"/38"/19" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF2.Ó 38"/19"/38"/19" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF3.¤ 19"/38"/19"/38" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF4.38"W kneewellg 38" kneewell/38"/38" –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL1.h 38"/38"/38" kneewell –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL2.i 38"/38" kneewell/38" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL3.n 19"/38" kneewell/38"/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL4.o 19"/38"/38" kneewell/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL5.j 38" kneewell/19"/38"/19" +$ 207 Specify with 38KNWLL6.k 19"/38"/19"/38" kneewell +$ 207 Specify with 38KNWLL7.m 38"/19"/38" kneewell/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL8.l 19"/38" kneewell/19"/38" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL9.American Elect57"W kneewell˙ 57" kneewell/38"/19" –$1610 Specify with 57KNWLL1.ˆ 19"/38"/57" kneewell –$1610 Specify with 57KNWLL2.ø 19"/57" kneewell/38" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL3.π 38"/57" kneewell/19" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL4.ƒ 57" kneewell/19"/38" –$1610 Specify with 57KNWLL5.© 38"/19"/57" kneewell –$1610 Specify with 57KNWLL6.Pedestal • 19"W pedestals cPage 46Substitutions • 38"W pedestals cPage 47Tip: Credenzas are designedfor use with service modules.Stand-alone version must beordered as a Special.Related • Keyboard shelf cPage 51Products • Service modules cPage 36<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood117 3 /8"W Credenza with Three 38"W Lateral Files24 1 ⁄4" 117 3 ⁄8" 29 27 ⁄32" AE6N24117 $8471 +$140d d d dTip: Credenzas are premachinedto be used withservice modules and workwalls.Stand-alone versionmust be ordered as aspecial.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 35

Service ModulescNeed help?Product details,page 10Standard Includes• Service module with unfinished back: wood• Top with “A” edge profile• Project organizer unit with open shelf and fourhorizontal compartments centered between doors,if selected: wood• Integral door pulls along the bottom edge• Face-locked doors, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for servicemodule3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Top Cap •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413FinishedBack• Finished back for servicemodule: wood–for 77 3 ⁄4"W +$1033 Add suffix F to the style number.–for 96 13 ⁄16"W +$1289 Add suffix F to the style number.–for 115 7 ⁄8"W +$1545 Add suffix F to the style number.Project • Two-shelf box cPage 51Organizer • Horizontal organizer box cPage 51Accessories • Task tray cPage 51Tip: Tackboard must bespecified separately for areaunder overhead cabinets.cPage 52Related • Tackboards cPage 52Products • Shelf lights cPage 54For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.36 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Service ModulesTip: Hinge locations areindicated by arrows on cabinetdoor illustrations.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWoodService ModulesWith Four Hinged Doors16 3 ⁄4" 77 3 ⁄4" 42 11 ⁄32" AESM1676 $3951 +$118American ElectWith Five Hinged Doors16 3 ⁄4" 96 13 ⁄16" 42 11 ⁄32" AESM1695 $4750 +$176With Six Hinged Doors16 3 ⁄4" 115 7 ⁄8" 42 11 ⁄32" AESM6114 $5214 +$176d d d dService Modules with Project OrganizerWith Double Project Organizer and Two Hinged Doors16 3 ⁄4" 77 3 ⁄4" 42 11 ⁄32" AESMP676 $4346 +$118With Triple Project Organizer and Two Hinged Doors16 3 ⁄4" 96 13 ⁄16" 42 11 ⁄32" AESMP695 $5015 +$176With Double Project Organizer and Four Hinged Doors16 3 ⁄4" 115 7 ⁄8" 42 11 ⁄32" AESMP114 $5736 +$176d d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 37

Vertical CabinetscNeed help?Product details,page 12Standard IncludesRequired to Specify• Vertical cabinet with unfinished back: wood1 Style number• Top with “A” edge profile2 Wood veneer color number for vertical•“A” pulls: 9212 Silvercabinet• One partition per box drawer, if selected: wood3 Options, if selected (see below)• Pencil tray with storage units per cabinet with a box cSee Surface Materials, page 56.drawer: wood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected• Box and file drawers with lock, keyed random between keynumbers 101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• 2"H box base simulated by reveal• Leveling glides: black onlyOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Top Cap •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Door and“A” pullsDrawer Pulls • Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Tip: Doors do not lock.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413FinishedBack• Finished back for verticalcabinet: wood–for single-door cabinet +$100 Add suffix F to the style number.–for double-door cabinet +$211 Add suffix F to the style number.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.38 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Vertical Cabinets<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DNumber DStyle DU.S. DOptionsdD W H dof dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dShelves d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStain ond d d d dWood20 9 ⁄16"W Single-Door Cabinet with Two Box and One File Drawer Below and Shelves AboveDoor Hinged on Left24 3 ⁄4" 20 9 ⁄16" 72 3 ⁄16" 2 adjustable AEVBFDL3 $3181 +$158American ElectDoor Hinged on Right24 3 ⁄4" 20 9 ⁄16" 72 3 ⁄16" 2 adjustable AEVBFDR3 $3181 +$158d d d d d20 9 ⁄16"W Single-Door Cabinet with Wardrobe Left and Shelves RightDoor Hinged on Left24 3 ⁄4" 20 9 ⁄16" 72 3 ⁄16" 1 fixed, AEVWSL3 $2640 +$1583 adjustableDoor Hinged on Right24 3 ⁄4" 20 9 ⁄16" 72 3 ⁄16" 1 fixed, AEVWSR3 $2640 +$1583 adjustabled d d d d39 5 /8"W Double-Door Cabinet with Two Lateral File Drawers Below andTwo Shelves Above24 3 ⁄4" 39 5 ⁄8" 72 3 ⁄16" 2 adjustable AEVLFD4 $4613 +$222d d d d d39 5 /8"W Double-Door Cabinet with Wardrobe Left and Shelves Right24 3 ⁄4" 39 5 ⁄8" 72 3 ⁄16" 1 fixed, AEVWS4 $4200 +$2223 adjustabled d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 39

76 1 ⁄4"W WorkwallscNeed help?Product details,page 11Standard Includes• Workwall with unfinished back: wood• Worksurface with “A” edge profile and continuouswire access slot along back edge: wood• Overhead storage with “A” edge profile on top: wood• Integral door pulls along the bottom edge ofoverhead storage• Project organizer unit in overhead storage with openshelf and four horizontal compartments centeredbetween doors, if selected: wood• Face-locked doors, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• Two 38"W two-drawer lateral files, if selected: wood•“A” drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for workwall3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Tip: Workwalls, includingthose with storage below,must be attached betweentwo vertical cabinets forsupport. They are not freestanding.Vertical cabinetsare ordered separately.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Top Cap •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Drawer Pulls“A” pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413PedestalFull storageConfigurations Å 38"/38" No cost Specify with PEDCONF1 (standard).ı 19"/38"/19" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF2.38"W kneewella 38" kneewell/38" –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL1.b 38"/38" kneewell –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL2.D 19"/38" kneewell/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL3.57"W kneewellå 57" kneewell/19" –$1610 Specify with 57KNWLL1.∫ 19"/57" kneewell –$1610 Specify with 57KNWLL2.Pedestal • 19"W pedestals cPage 46Substitutions • 38"W pedestals cPage 47Project • Two-shelf box cPage 51Organizer • Horizontal organizer box cPage 51Accessories • Task tray cPage 51Tip: Tackboard must bespecified separately for areaunder overhead cabinets.cPage 52Related • Tackboards cPage 52Products • Shelf lights cPage 5440 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

76 1 ⁄4"W WorkwallsTip: Hinge locations areindicated by arrows on cabinetdoor illustrations.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood76 1 ⁄4"W Workwall with Four Hinged DoorsKneewell Workwall (no pedestals)25 1 ⁄2" 76 1 ⁄4" 42 11 ⁄32" AEXWW2476 $5579 +$260American ElectWith Two 38"W Two-Drawer Lateral Files25 1 ⁄2" 76 1 ⁄4" 72 3 ⁄16" AE4WW2476 $8299 +$260d d d d76 1 ⁄4"W Workwall with Double Project Organizer and Two Hinged DoorsKneewell Workwall (no pedestals)25 1 ⁄2" 76 1 ⁄4" 42 11 ⁄32" AEXWP2476 $5931 +$260With Two 38"W Two-Drawer Lateral Files25 1 ⁄2" 76 1 ⁄4" 72 3 ⁄16" AE4WP2476 $8635 +$260d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 41

95 5 ⁄16"W WorkwallscNeed help?Product details,page 11Standard Includes• Workwall with unfinished back: wood• Worksurface with “A” edge profile and continuouswire access slot along back edge: wood• Overhead storage with “A” edge profile on top: wood• Integral door pulls along the bottom edge ofoverhead storage• Project organizer unit in overhead storage with openshelf and six horizontal compartments centeredbetween doors, if selected: wood• Face-locked doors, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• Two 38"W two-drawer lateral files and one 19"Wfile/file pedestal, if selected: wood•“A” drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for workwall3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Tip: Workwalls, includingthose with storage below,must be attached betweentwo vertical cabinets forsupport. They are not freestanding.Vertical cabinetsare ordered separately.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Top Cap •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Drawer Pulls“A” pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413PedestalFull storageConfigurations ⁄ 38"/19"/38" No cost Specify with PEDCONF1 (standard).Î 19"/38"/38" No cost Specify with PEDCONF2.Ç 38"/38"/19" No cost Specify with PEDCONF3.38"W kneewellc 38" kneewell/38"/19" –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL1.d 19"/38"/38" kneewell –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL2.E 19"/38" kneewell/38" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL3.F 38"/38" kneewell/19" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL4.e 38" kneewell/19"/38" –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL5.f 38"/19"/38" kneewell –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL6.57"W kneewellç 57" kneewell/38" –$3310 Specify with 57KNWLL1.∂ 38"/57" kneewell –$3310 Specify with 57KNWLL2.´ 19"/57" kneewell/19" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL3.Pedestal • 19"W pedestals cPage 46Substitutions • 38"W pedestals cPage 47For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.cOptions, continued on next page42 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

95 5 ⁄16"W WorkwallsTip: Tackboard must bespecified separately for areaunder overhead cabinets.cPage 52Tip: Hinge locations areindicated by arrows on cabinetdoor illustrations.cOptions continuedOptionsProject • Two-shelf box cPage 51Organizer • Horizontal organizer box cPage 51Accessories • Task tray cPage 51Related • Tackboards cPage 52Products • Shelf lights cPage 54<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood95 5 ⁄16"W Workwall with Five Hinged DoorsKneewell Workwall (no pedestals)25 1 ⁄2" 95 5 ⁄16" 42 11 ⁄32" AEXWW2495 $ 6374 +$316Required to SpecifyAmerican ElectWith Two 38"W Two-Drawer Lateral Files and One 19"W File/File Pedestal25 1 ⁄2" 95 5 ⁄16" 72 3 ⁄16" AE5WW2495 $10,873 +$316d d d d• Left: two-drawer lateral file• Center: two file drawers• Right: two-drawer lateral file95 5 ⁄16"W Workwall with Triple Project Organizer and Two Hinged DoorsKneewell Workwall (no pedestals)25 1 ⁄2" 95 5 ⁄16" 42 11 ⁄32" AEXWP2495 $ 6848 +$316With Two 38"W Two-Drawer Lateral Files and One 19"W File/File Pedestal25 1 ⁄2" 95 5 ⁄16" 72 3 ⁄16" AE5WP2495 $11,325 +$316d d d d• Left: two-drawer lateral file• Center: two file drawers• Right: two-drawer lateral file<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 43

114 3 ⁄8"W WorkwallscNeed help?Product details,page 11Standard Includes• Workwall with unfinished back: wood• Worksurface with “A” edge profile and continuouswire access slot along back edge: wood• Overhead storage with “A” edge profile on top: wood• Integral door pulls along the bottom edge ofoverhead storage• Project organizer unit in overhead storage with openshelf and four horizontal compartments centeredbetween doors, if selected: wood• Face-locked doors, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• Three 38"W two-drawer lateral files, if selected: wood•“A” drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for workwall3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Tip: Workwalls, includingthose with storage below,must be attached betweentwo vertical cabinets forsupport. They are not freestanding.Vertical cabinetsare ordered separately.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Top Cap •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Drawer Pulls“A” pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413PedestalFull storageConfigurations Ï 38"/38"/38" No cost Specify with PEDCONF1 (standard).‹ 19"/38"/38"/19" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF2.Ó 38"/19"/38"/19" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF3.¤ 19"/38"/19"/38" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF4.38"W kneewellg 38" kneewell/38"/38" –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL1.h 38"/38"/38" kneewell –$1493 Specify with 38KNWLL2.i 38"/38" kneewell/38" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL3.n 19"/38" kneewell/38"/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL4.o 19"/38"/38" kneewell/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL5.j 38" kneewell/19"/38"/19" +$ 207 Specify with 38KNWLL6.k 19"/38"/19"/38" kneewell +$ 207 Specify with 38KNWLL7.m 38"/19"/38" kneewell/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL8.l 19"/38" kneewell/19"/38" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL9.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.cOptions, continued on next page57"W kneewell˙ 57" kneewell/38"/19" –$1610 Specify with 57KNWLL1.ˆ 19"/38"/57" kneewell –$1610 Specify with 57KNWLL2.ø 19"/57" kneewell/38" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL3.π 38"/57" kneewell/19" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL4.ƒ 57" kneewell/19"/38" –$1610 Specify with 57KNWLL5.© 38"/19"/57" kneewell –$1610 Specify with 57KNWLL6.44 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

114 3 ⁄8"W WorkwallscOptions continuedOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifyPedestal • 19"W pedestals cPage 46Substitutions • 38"W pedestals cPage 47Project • Two-shelf box cPage 51Organizer • Horizontal organizer box cPage 51Accessories • Task tray cPage 51American ElectTip: Tackboard must bespecified separately for areaunder overhead cabinets.cPage 52Tip: Hinge locations areindicated by arrows on cabinetdoor illustrations.Related • Tackboards cPage 52Products • Shelf lights cPage 54<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood114 3 ⁄8"W Workwall with Six Hinged DoorsKneewell Workwall (no pedestals)25 1 ⁄2" 114 3 ⁄8" 42 11 ⁄32" AEXWW24114 $ 7462 +$316With Three 38"W Two-Drawer Lateral Files25 1 ⁄2" 114 3 ⁄8" 72 3 ⁄16" AE6WW24114 $12,027 +$316d d d d114 3 ⁄8"W Workwall with Double Project Organizer and Four Hinged DoorsKneewell Workwall (no pedestals)25 1 ⁄2" 114 3 ⁄8" 42 11 ⁄32" AEXWP24114 $ 8033 +$316With Three 38"W Two-Drawer Lateral Files25 1 ⁄2" 114 3 ⁄8" 72 3 ⁄16" AE6WP24114 $12,570 +$316d d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 45

19"W Pedestal Substitutionsfor Use with Returns, Credenzas, and WorkwallsTip: Use the specificationinformation below to substituteone 19"W pedestal foranother 19"W pedestal. Usethe specification informationfor 38"W pedestals to substitutetwo 19"W pedestalsfor one 38"W pedestal.cPage 47cNeed help?Product details,page 11Standard Includes• Full-height pedestal or cabinet: wood•“A” door and/or drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One partition per box drawer, if selected: wood• One pencil tray per pedestal with a boxdrawer, if selected: wood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selectedRequired to Specify1 Add the pedestal substitution style numbersto the return, credenza, or workwallspecifications and designate the positionfrom left to right.Example: AE5N2498 with AEJLDLD24 inpositions 1 and 2, AEJE24 in position 3,and AEJLRDRD24 in positions 4 and 5.2 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifyDoor and“A” pullsDrawer Pulls • Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDepth DStyle DU.S.d dNumber dAdd/Subtractd d d$ to Base Priced d dSingle-Door CabinetDoor Hinged Left24" AEJLD24 –$728Door Hinged Right24" AEJRD24 –$728d d dBox/Box/File Pedestal24" AEJE24 No costd d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.46 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

38"W Pedestal Substitutionsfor Use with Returns, Credenzas, and Workwalls38"W Pedestal SubstitutionscNeed help?Product details,page 11Standard Includes• Full-height pedestal, lateral file, or cabinet,if selected: wood•“A” door and/or drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Pedestal locks, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One partition per box drawer, if selected: wood• One pencil tray per pedestal with a boxdrawer, if selected: wood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selectedRequired to Specify1 Add the pedestal substitution style numbersto the return, credenza, or workwallspecifications and designate the positionfrom left to right.Example: AE5N2498 with AEJLDLD24 inpositions 1 and 2, AEJE24 in position 3,and AEJLRDRD24 in positions 4 and 5.2 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.American ElectOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifyDoor and“A” pullsDrawer Pulls • Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDepth DStyle DU.S.d dNumber dAdd/Subtractd d d$ to Base Priced d dTwo Single-Door CabinetsBoth Doors Hinged Left24" AEJLDLD24 +$244Both Doors Hinged Right24" AEJRDRD24 +$244Left-Hand Door Hinged Left and Right-Hand Door Hinged Right24" AEJLDRD24 +$244Left-Hand Door Hinged Right and Right-Hand Door Hinged Left24" AEJRDLD24 +$244d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued on next page<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> c38"W Pedestal Substitutions, continued 47

38"W Pedestal Substitutions, continuedcNeed help?Product details,page 11Standard Includes• Full-height pedestal, lateral file, or cabinet,if selected: wood•“A” door and/or drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Pedestal locks, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One partition per box drawer, if selected: wood• One pencil tray per pedestal with a boxdrawer, if selected: wood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selectedRequired to Specify1 Add the pedestal substitution style numbersto the return, credenza, or workwallspecifications and designate the positionfrom left to right.Example: AE5N2498 with AEJLDLD24 inpositions 1 and 2, AEJE24 in position 3,and AEJLRDRD24 in positions 4 and 5.2 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifyDoor and“A” pullsDrawer Pulls • Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDepth DStyle DU.S.d dNumber dAdd/Subtractd d d$ to Base Priced d dSingle-Door Cabinet, Left, and Box/Box/File Pedestal, RightDoor Hinged Left24" AEJLDE24 +$671Door Hinged Right24" AEJRDE24 +$671d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued on next pageFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.48 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

38"W Pedestal Substitutionsc<strong>Specification</strong> information continued<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDepth DStyle DU.S.d dNumber dAdd/Subtractd d d$ to Base Priced d dBox/Box/File Pedestal, Left, and Single-Door Cabinet, RightDoor Hinged Left24" AEJELD24 +$ 958American ElectDoor Hinged Right24" AEJERD24 +$ 958d d dSingle-Door Cabinet, Left, and File/File Pedestal, RightDoor Hinged Left24" AEJLDP24 +$ 671Door Hinged Right24" AEJRDP24 +$ 671d d dFile/File Pedestal, Left, and Single-Door Cabinet, RightDoor Hinged Left24" AEJPLD24 +$ 671Door Hinged Right24" AEJPRD24 +$ 671d d dTwo Box/Box/File Pedestals24" AEJEE24 +$1700d d dTwo File/File Pedestals24" AEJPP24 +$1700d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued on next pageFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> c38"W Pedestal Substitutions, continued 49

38"W Pedestal Substitutions, continuedcNeed help?Product details,page 11Standard Includes• Full-height pedestal, lateral file, or cabinet,if selected: wood•“A” door and/or drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Pedestal locks, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One partition per box drawer, if selected: wood• One pencil tray per pedestal with a boxdrawer, if selected: wood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selectedRequired to Specify1 Add the pedestal substitution style numbersto the return, credenza, or workwallspecifications and designate the positionfrom left to right.Example: AE5N2498 with AEJLDLD24 inpositions 1 and 2, AEJE24 in position 3,and AEJLRDRD24 in positions 4 and 5.2 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifyDoor and“A” pullsDrawer Pulls • Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDepth DStyle DU.S.d dNumber dAdd/Subtractd d d$ to Base Priced d dBox/Box/File Pedestal and File/File PedestalTwo Box Drawers and One File Drawer, Left, and Two File Drawers, Right24" AEJEP24 +$1700Two File Drawers, Left, and Two Box Drawers and One File Drawer, Right24" AEJPE24 +$1700d d dDouble-Door Cabinet with Adjustable Shelf24" AEJDD24 –$ 562d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.50 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

AccessoriesAccessoriesKeyboard ShelfcNeed help?Product details,page 11Standard Includes• Keyboard shelf: 0835 Black paintRequired to SpecifyStyle numberAmerican Elect<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTip: Keyboard shelf attachesto a bridge or credenza.DDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d d18" 18 1 ⁄4" 5" AKA1 $455d d dProject Organizer AccessoriescNeed help?Product details,page 12Standard Includes• Two-shelf organizer: wood• Horizontal organizer box: wood• Tray: woodRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for organizer3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurface • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.MaterialscSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWoodTwo Shelf Box10 17 ⁄32" 10 17 ⁄32" 19 7 ⁄8" AEPCS $593 +$26d d d dHorizontal Organizer10 17 ⁄32" 18 5 ⁄16" 19 7 ⁄8" AEPHS $886 +$26d d d dTask Tray10 1 ⁄32" 17 5 ⁄16" 2 23 ⁄64" AEPTR $313 +$12d d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cAccessories, continued 51

Accessories, continuedTackboardscNeed help?Product details,page 10Standard Includes• Tackboard: vertical surface fabric price group 1• Continuous wire management brush strip along thebottom edge of tackboard: black plastic bristles• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Fabric color number3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurface • Fabric price group 1 No cost Specify fabric color number.Materials • Fabric price group 2 +$ 12 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 3 +$ 46 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 4 +$ 62 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 5 +$100 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group COM +$ 15 Specify fabric color number.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dTackboards for Service ModulesFor Use with 77 3 ⁄4"W Service Module3 ⁄4" 73" 19 1 ⁄2" AET79 $250For Use with 96 13 ⁄16"W Service Module3 ⁄4" 92 1 ⁄16" 19 1 ⁄2" AET98 $330Tip: Two 55 1 ⁄8"W tackboardsare required to fill a115 3 ⁄8"W service module.For Use with 115 3 ⁄8"W Service Module3 ⁄4" 55 1 ⁄8" 19 1 ⁄2" AET113 $400d d dTackboards for WorkwallsFor Use with 76 1 ⁄4"W Workwall3 ⁄4" 76 1 ⁄8" 19 1 ⁄2" AET79W $250For Use with 95 5 ⁄16"W Workwall3 ⁄4" 95 3 ⁄16" 19 1 ⁄2" AET98W $330Tip: Two 56 11 ⁄16"W tackboardsare required to fill a114 3 ⁄8"W workwall.For Use with 114 3 ⁄8"W Workwall3⁄4" 56 11 ⁄16" 19 1 ⁄2" AET113W $400d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.52 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Canopy Lightsfor Use with 3 ⁄4"- to 1 3 ⁄4"-Thick WorksurfacesCanopy LightscNeed help?Product details,page 14Standard Includes• Light housing: all paint price groups or clearanodized aluminum• Light control box and end caps: Sterling plastic only• On-off switch centered in control box• 9' cord with three-prong plug at 45° angle:black vinyl only• Precision optics tube• Reflector: specular (reflective) aluminum• T5 3500K lamp• Electronic ballast• Dimmer switch, if selected: Sterling plastic only• Clamp mechanism• Pair of cord manager clips: black plastic onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Paint color number or 8043 ClearAnodized Aluminum for light housingcSee Surface Materials, page 56.American Elect<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DLamp DStyle DU.S.dD W H dWattage dNumber dPriced d d dElectronic Ballast with Dimmer Switch7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24KR $5647 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36KR $5967 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48KR $629With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24KRC $6117 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36KRC $6437 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48KRC $676d d d dElectronic Ballast7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24K $4897 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36K $5217 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48K $554With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24KC $5367 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36KC $5687 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48KC $601d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 53

Standard Shelf LightsTip: Daisy chaining is notallowed in New York City orChicago. Local electricalcodes vary, so you shouldconsult a qualified electricalcontractor or engineer forproper installation of allelectrical equipment.Tip: Because shelf lightsare usually recessed, blackis the standard paint color.Paint colors other than blackhave an upcharge.Tip: If an optional paint coloris selected for the housing,the electrical switchesand end caps will remainblack plastic.Tip: Shelf lights are includedhere to simplify your planning.Remember that theyhave different pricingterms than Steelcase Woodproducts.cNeed help?Product details,page 15Standard Includes• Light housing with centered on-off switch:black paint• End cap cord managers: black plastic only• Cords:—9' cord with three-prong plug at 45° angle:black vinyl only—One 30" and one 48" cord with modularconnectors for daisy chaining: black vinyl only• Contrast sleeve around lamp• Faceted reflector: white only• T8 3500K lamp• Ballast• Universal mounting hardware package• Attachment hardware• Daisy chain starter cord, if selected: black vinyl only(order separately)Required to Specify1 Style number2 Paint color number, if other than black(see options below)3 Options, if selected (see belowcSee Surface Materials, page 56.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurface • Painted light housing +$15 Specify paint color number for housing.Materials other than black cSee Surface Materials, page 56.Bracket • Competitive mounting No cost Specify with competitive mountingOptions package package.• Flush mounting package No cost Specify with flush mounting package andpaint color number for end cap covers.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DLamp DStyle DU.S.dD W H dWattage dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dElectronic Ballast9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24K $2969 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36K $3179 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48K $342With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KC $3449 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KC $3659 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KC $390With Daisy Chain Cords9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KD $3219 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KD $3429 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KD $367d d d dTip: Remember to order adaisy chain starter cord.cSee Related Products onnext page.c<strong>Specification</strong> information continued on next pageFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.54 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Standard Shelf LightsTip: Remember to order adaisy chain starter cord.cSee Related Productsbelow.cContinued from previous page<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DLamp DStyle DU.S.dD W H dWattage dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dEconomizer Electronic Ballast9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KF $3369 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KF $3579 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KF $382With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KFC $3849 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KFC $4059 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KFC $430With Daisy Chain Cords9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KFD $3619 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KFD $3829 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KFD $407d d d dRelated ProductsDQuantity DLength DStyle DU.S.din Package d dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dDaisy Chain Starter Cord1 78" LS1FSC $ 416 78" LS6FSC $246d d d dAmerican ElectFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 55

Surface Materials.This listing includes all ofthe surface material choicesthat are available forAmerican Elect..ResourcesFor more information aboutsurface materials, refer tothe following resources:Surface MaterialsReference ManualThis publication provides:• An explanation of thesurface materials program•“Available on” matrices• Vertical surface fabricand seating upholsteryselection listing• Pricing for surfacematerials• Technical data for surfacematerials• Surface material care andcleaning instructionsSurface MaterialsFinishes Binder includes:• Surface MaterialsReference Manual• A complete set of swatchcards for hard surfacesSurface MaterialsVertical Surface FabricBinder includes:• A complete set of swatchcards for vertical surfacefabricSurface MaterialsSeating UpholsteryBinder includes:• Designtex Graded-InCatalog• A complete set ofswatch cards forseating upholsterySurface MaterialsTool Box provides 3" x 3"samples of the following surfacematerials:• Vertical surface fabric• Seating upholstery• Wood veneer• Paint• LaminateForm number S8150.Wood<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> finish is adurable, medium-gloss finishthat enhances the naturalbeauty of the wood. Allworksurfaces are fully filledso they are smooth to thetouch.3414 Natural Cherry3424 Medium Cherry3534 Winter on Maple3544 Blonde on Maple3564 Linseed on Maple3574 Amber Maple3744 Autumn on Walnut3774 Medium Mahoganyon WalnutCustomiz StainCustomiz stain is a servicethat allows you to createyour own stain color onstandard veneers. Customizstain color is available onall product lines that offerwood veneer.A one-time formulation feeof $400 U.S. per color, percustomer processing feewill apply. The fee coversthe cost of formulating theCustomiz finish and appliesregardless of whether or notan order for product isplaced. Please refer to the“Customiz Stain” optionprice column in your specificationguide for the unitupcharge.Customiz stains take 10days to formulate. Consultthe Surface MaterialsReference Manual for moreinformation. Custom veneersare also available and mustbe quoted by specials engineering.Customiz stain oncustom veneers take two tofour weeks to formulate.Requirements and informationon ordering a Customizstain color are found in theSurface Materials ReferenceManual.PaintApplies to:• LightingPrice Group 1Textured Paint0835 Black7225 Sand (Vanadium)7236 Fog7237 Slate7238 Fieldstone7239 MidnightPrice Group 2Metallic Paint4750 Champagne4751 Bronze4752 Steel4788 Gold Dust4798 Sterling4799 PlatinumPrice Group 3Accent PaintPlease see the AccentPaint swatchard in theSurface Materials FinishesBinder for a complete listingof these colorful paints.PerfectMatch II PaintPerfectMatch II paint is aservice that allows you tocreate your own paint colorthrough the Customiz program.Refer to the SurfaceMaterials Reference Manualfor more information aboutthis program...MetalApplies to:• Pulls• Knobs• Grommets0835 Black9212 SilverLocks9201 Polished Chrome9250 Ember Chrome.56 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Surface MaterialsBoccieVertical Surface FabricP300 RiceApplies to:P301 Almond• TackboardsP302 NutmegP303 CamelClassics CollectionP304 OpalP305 MistSurface materials in theP306 PlumClassics Collection are time-P307 Lichenless. These materials shouldP308 Spearmintbe available for a minimumP309 Skyof 10 years from the date thematerial is introduced intoCornicethe Classics Collection. TheP131 SpireClassics Collection includesP132 Spandrelthe following fabrics in PriceP133 CrownGroups 1 through 3:P134 CoronaPrice Group 1P135 SconceP136 FinialAbacusP137 PedimentP122 EntasisP123 PorticoEmbrasureP124 OpusP140 ColonnadeP125 CuspP141 RotundaP126 ArtifactP142 OculusP127 ArcadeP143 BalusterP128 MatrixP144 TorusP129 AtlasP156 PilasterPrice Group 2AcadiaAmirantéG031 Tin5664 MinkG033 Iron5665 IvoryG034 Pewter5666 Silver FrostG039 Silica5677 MoongloG040 Malachite5679 WoodbineG041 Brimstone5686 SeaG042 Galena5687 ChamoisG043 Azurite5688 BalsaG044 Limonite5689 OpalG045 Tourmaline5690 Blue HorizonBariolageAshantiG220 Etude5610 French CreamG221 Andante5612 IvoryG226 Cantata5613 Silver FrostG227 Adagio5657 MoongloG233 Melody5659 WoodbineG234 Ballata5674 QuinceG235 SonataAshanti ReverseBelgrade5638 MinkB600 Strawberry5639 IvoryB603 Storm5640 Silver FrostB604 Seafoam5648 MoongloB606 Buff5650 WoodbineB607 Harbor5654 QuinceB608 LilyB609 MossBouquetP163 VivienBellaRoseP165 HostaB650 AvodireP166 DundeeB651 BirchP168 AsterB652 WillowP169 ArgentaB653 AlderP170 HoyaB654 LaurelP172 CactusB655 WengeP173 CamomileB656 EbonyP174 HoneysuckleP175 Jasper...CordialE400 WhiteLilyE401 SagebrushE402 ShamrockE404 SilverLeafE405 LavenderE414 Ocean ReefE415 SesameE416 MarinaE417 SpearmintFirenzeP001 TranquilleP002 StaghornP003 FigFirenze ReverseF001 TranquilleF002 StaghornF003 FigFrescoG001 SandriftG002 MistibluG003 FaonG004 SepiaG005 ArrowoodG006 ChamolineG007 GrapenutG013 PistachioG016 WinterskyG017 FlintMilanoN001 OysterN002 DelftN003 WoodlandN004 SunshadowN005 OlivineN007 RedgrapeN008 MolluskN009 FairwayN010 DahliaN012 TeakwoodRacquetsP330 LichenP331 LilyP332 AlmondP333 NutmegP334 PewterP335 SpearmintP336 SkyRegattaD004 RoseberryD006 BluesageD007 ColibriD011 LicoriceD012 ProvenceD020 Haze5335 Warm Brown V15336 Warm Brown V25338 Tan V15339 Tan V25344 Grey V15345 Grey V25369 Blue V1Wilshire5831 Blue Violet V35841 Warm Brown V35846 Grey V35864 Lark5865 Burgess5867 Castle5868 FieldstonePrice Group 3Martinique5574 May Apple5577 Woodsorrel5578 Baneberry5579 Waterlily5582 Morro5583 Diva.Options CollectionSurface materials in theOptions Collection are availableon select Steelcasebrand seating and systemsproducts. These materialsshould be available for aminimum of 3 years from thedate the material is introducedinto the OptionsCollection.Options Collection fabricsand upholsteries are noweven easier to order. Specifyindividual finish codes followingthe same process asClassics Collection fabricsand upholsteries.The Options Collectionincludes the followingfabrics in Price Groups 2and 3:Price Group 2SolitaireP343 SpearmintP344 RiceP345 TaupeP346 PewterP347 NutmegP348 ChamoisP349 CamelP350 MistP351 LichenP352 WillowP353 SilverP354 SkyP355 VioletPrice Group 3LottoP310 PewterP311 AlmondP312 NutmegP313 PlumP314 LichenP315 SkyP316 SpearmintPick-Up SticksP320 BoneP321 CloudP322 AlmondP323 PewterP324 NutmegP325 ChamoisP326 CamelP327 LichenP328 SpearmintP329 Sky..American Elect<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cSurface Materials, continued 57

Surface Materials, continuedDesigntex Graded-In ProgramAll Designtex Graded-In fabricsare now supported justlike standard fabrics whenordered on Steelcase furniture.TheDesigntex Graded-In program also includes theEnvironmental ImpactCollection, which offers sustainabletextiles in affordableprice groups. For additionalinformation and fabric samples,contact your localDesigntex Group sales representativeat1.800.221.1540.Designtex fabrics are gradedinto Steelcase Price Groups1 through 4:Price Group 1Moors (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Price Group 2AcresBracken (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)BrunswickCut to the ChaseGimletNicheSenecalStreams (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Price Group 3ApexDalmatianFoxtrotMeringueNo Deposit No ReturnRain (Environmental ImpactCollection)Sea Breeze (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Six PackThat Straw StuffPrice Group 4SumocSee the Surface MaterialsReference Manual for a listingof upholstery colors...Price Group COM(Customer’s Own Material)Fabric Approval andYardageTo confirm whether aparticular COM materialhas already been tested foruse on a specific Steelcaseproduct or to determineactual yardage requirements:• Visit www.steelcase.com• Click on “Tools & Insights”• Select “Customer’s OwnMaterial”You can find the sameinformation on the in2 site.Follow these steps:• Visit www.in2.steelcase.com• Click on “Sales/DesignTeam”• Select “Surface Materials”• Select “Customer’s OwnMaterial”For additionalinformation regardingCustomer’s OwnMaterial, call1.888.STEELCASE.....58 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Temporal AEStatement of Line 60Temporal AEProduct Details 62<strong>Specification</strong> Information117 7 ⁄8"W Hutch Credenzas 66136 7 ⁄16"W Hutch Credenzas 68155 1 ⁄2"W Hutch Credenzas 7019"W Pedestal Substitutions for Use with Hutch Credenzas 7238"W Pedestal Substitutions for Use with Hutch Credenzas 74Temporal Hutch 76Temporal Hutch Extension 78Temporal Tables 79Temporal Desks 80Mobile Pedestal 81Temporal Storage Returns 82Pedestal Substitutions for Use with Storage Returns 84Related ProductsAccessories 86Surface Materials 88<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 59

Temporal AEStatement of Line29 27 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 62Specifyingc Pages 66–71Hutch Credenzas117 7 ⁄8"W 136 7 ⁄16"W 155 1 ⁄2"W30 1 ⁄4"D • • •53 19 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 62Specifyingc Page 76Temporal Hutch115 7 ⁄8"W24 3 ⁄4"D •53 19 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 62Specifyingc Page 78Temporal Hutch Extension19 13 ⁄16"W19 13 ⁄16"D •60 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Temporal AEStatement of Line29 27 /32"H29 27 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 62Specifyingc Page 79Temporal Tables58"W 59 1 ⁄2"W 71 15 ⁄16"W41 1 ⁄8"D • • •Temporal AE29 27 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 62Specifyingc Page 8024"HUnderstandingc Page 62Specifyingc Page 81Temporal DesksMobile Pedestal51"W 60"W51"D •60"D •19 1 ⁄16"W19 1 ⁄16"D •29 27 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 62Specifyingc Page 82Temporal Storage Returns77 3 ⁄4"W26 17 ⁄32"D •<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 61

Temporal AE.Temporal AE can be usedto create a high-quality privateoffice that can be usedas a conference space orvisitor’s office when theprivate office’s owner istraveling.Hutch stacks on top of ahutch credenza to provideoverhead storage and awork area that can be closedand locked.Extension provides displaystorage. Glass insert ineach shelf allows halogendownlight to illuminate shelfcontents.Low-voltage halogentask lights are recessedinto space above work area.Hutch credenza supportsthe hutch and accommodatesyour storage andwork needs.Three project drawersand open shelf are locatedin shared tower above technologymodule.Technology module isaccessible to the office’sowner from inside the workarea or through pocket doorin front for visitors.Worksurface has a woodcore with a wood veneersurface, solid wood miterededge profiles.Temporal tables areavailable in several shapesto function as work, meeting,and conference areas.Actual DimensionscPage 64Slatwall panels in thework area support a widevariety of tools and storagecomponents. Fabric-coveredtackboard isalso availableas an option.Temporal desks arefreestanding and notconnected to the hutchcredenza.Leveling glides adjust toinstall furniture on unevenfloors.Open storageareas on both sidesof kneespace providespace for CPU andother items that areaccessed infrequently.Wardrobe in private toweraccommodates coat andother oversized storage.Storage return is availablewith or without storageto provide additional worksurface.Mobile pedestal providesconvenient storage that canbe moved out of the waywhen it is not needed.Drawers are made ofwood. Box- and file-sizedrawers are available..62 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Temporal AE.Product DetailsLockable fold-downsecurity door swingsdown from pocket to closework area. Hinged panelcovers pocket when open..ABCWorksurface edges arestandard with an “A”-edgeprofile. Two other profilesare available—“B” and “C.”Modesty panel ofTemporal desks and tables,returns, and credenzas isfull height.Back of hutch, hutch credenza,and extensions isunfinished to be positionedagainst wall. Finished backsare available as a option..ABC“A”-style pulls are standardon drawers and doors.“B”- and “C”-style pulls arealso available on mobilepedestals and other storagecomponents.Storage components incredenzas and storagereturns are available witheither two box and one filedrawer, two file drawers, ordoors and an adjustableshelf. Lateral file componentsare also available.Box drawers opentheir full depth. They areequipped with one movablepartition..File drawers open theirfull depth for total accessto the contents. They areequipped with a hanging filesystem that accommodatesletter- and legal-size filing.Lateral file drawersopen their full depth for totalaccess to the contents.They accommodate letterandlegal-size filing.Pedestal substitutionsare available, factoryinstalled, on returns andcredenzas. Substitutionson returns and credenzaassemblies must be madewith pedestals that are thesame width. Substitutionson credenza buildups canbe made with pedestalsthat equal the same totalwidth.Safety stop preventsaccidental removal of drawersfrom the pedestal.ABCTop of hutch and extensionis standard with an “A”-edge profile. Two other profilesare available—“B” and“C.”.Keyboard shelf canbe added in the field to supporta computer keyboardbeneath the level of theworksurface. It attachesunder any worksurface witha 18"D x 18 1 ⁄4"W clearspace.cPage 86Tip: Grommet is recommendedin the worksurfaceof return to allow cable fromthe keyboard to link withthe computer on the worksurface.Credenzas have acontinuous wire access slotto accommodate wires sogrommets are not neededfor keyboard shelf..Temporal AE<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cTemporal AE, continued 63

Temporal AE, continuedLocks & KeyingConnectionsWiring & CablingGrommets are availablein storage returns to provideFront-removable lock isContinuous wirecable routing. You canavailable with random, con-access slot is standardspecify any combinationsecutive, or specific keyingalong the back edge of aof left, right, and centeroptions. Master-keyed lockhutch credenza to routelocations.is available.cords behind the credenza.cPage 413Locks are standard onEnds of adjacent unitsdrawers and doors.are designed to mate withtop edge profiles of Temporalhutch and Temporalhutch credenza.Attachment hardwareto connect all componentsis provided.Clearance between hutchcredenza worksurface andContinuous wire man-the underside of hutch overagementbrush strip ishead storage componentsstandard along the bottomis 23 3 ⁄8".edge of tackboards to allowwires and cables to passthrough to the credenza’swire access slot....Actual DimensionsHutch Temporal Temporal Temporal TemporalCredenza Office Hutch Hutch Tables DeskExtensionDepth 30 1 ⁄4" 24 3 ⁄4" 19 13 ⁄16" 41 1 ⁄8" 51" or 60"Width 117 7 ⁄8", 136 7 ⁄16", 115 7 ⁄8" 19 13 ⁄16" 58", 59 1 ⁄2", 51" or 60"or 155 1 ⁄2" or 71 15 ⁄16"Height 29 27 ⁄32" 53 19 ⁄32" 53 19 ⁄32" 29 27 ⁄32" 29 27 ⁄32"Worksurface thickness 1 15 ⁄32" N.A. N.A. 1 15 ⁄32" 1 15 ⁄32"MobileTemporalPedestal StorageReturnDepth 19 1 ⁄16" 26 17 ⁄32"Width 19 1 ⁄16" 77 3 ⁄4"Height 24" 29 27 ⁄32". Worksurface thickness 1 5 ⁄32" 1 15 ⁄32".Surface MaterialsHutch, credenzas,tables, desks, extensions,and pedestals• Wood and Wood Veneer• Customiz Stain (Option)Drawer and door pulls• 9212 Silver (standard)• 0835 Black (option)Lock• 9201 Polished Chrome(standard)• 9250 Ember Chrome(option)Drawer interiors• WoodGrommets• 9212 Silver• 0835 BlackLeveling glides• Black onlySlatwall• 8042 Brushed Aluminum• 0835 BlackTackboard• Vertical surface fabricprice groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,and COMKeyboard shelf• Paint.64 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Temporal AETemporal AE<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 65

117 7 ⁄8"W Temporal Hutch CredenzasStandard IncludesRequired to SpecifyTip: All hutch credenzas shipin two sections.cNeed help?Product details,page 62• Credenza with “A” edge profile and unfinishedback: wood• Continuous wire access slot along back edge• Cable port in back right and left base corners of sides• 2"H box base simulated by reveal• Three 38"W two-drawer lateral files: wood•“A” drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Locks, keyed random between key numbers 101–110:9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• Attachment hardware• Leveling glides: black only1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 88.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Drawer Pulls“A” pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Tip: For installations where aTemporal table or Temporalstorage return will beattached to a hutch credenzawith kneespace, specify apedestal configuration thatincludes a 19"W pedestal onthe left or right as appropriate.Then, specify a left-endor right-end support pedestalsubstitution.cPage 72PedestalFull storageConfigurations ˛ 38"/38"/38" No cost Specify with PEDCONF1 (standard).G 19"/38"/38"/19" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF2.Ó 38"/19"/38"/19" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF3.H 19"/38"/19"/38" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF4.38"W kneewelli 38"/38" kneewell/38" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL1.n 19"/38" kneewell/38"/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL2.o 19"/38"/38" kneewell/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL3.m 38"/19"/38" kneewell/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL4.l 19"/38" kneewell/19"/38" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL5.57"W kneewellI 19"/57" kneewell/38" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL1.π 38"/57" kneewell/19" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL2.76"W kneewell· 19"/76" kneewell/19" –$1820 Specify with 76KNWLL1.Pedestal • 19"W pedestals cPage 72Substitutions • 38"W pedestals cPage 74Tip: Temporal hutch credenzasare designed for usewith Temporal hutches.Related • Temporal hutch cPage 76Products • Keyboard shelf cPage 8666 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

117 7 ⁄8"W Temporal Hutch Credenzas<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood117 7 /8"W Hutch Credenza30 1 ⁄4" 117 7 ⁄8" 29 27 ⁄32" TE6N30117 $8973 +$140d d d dTemporal AEFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 67

136 7 ⁄16"W Temporal Hutch CredenzasStandard IncludesRequired to SpecifyTip: All hutch credenzas shipin two sections.cNeed help?Product details,page 62• Credenza with “A” edge profile and unfinishedback: wood• Continuous wire access slot along back edge• Cable port in back right and left base cornersof sides• 2"H box base simulated by reveal• Three 38"W two-drawer lateral files and one 19"W file/filepedestal: wood•“A” drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Locks, keyed random between key numbers 101–110:9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• Attachment hardware• Leveling glides: black only1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number forcredenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 88.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials ReferenceManual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Drawer Pulls“A” pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Tip: For installations where aTemporal table or Temporalstorage return will beattached to a hutch credenzawith kneespace, specify apedestal configuration thatincludes a 19"W pedestal onthe left or right as appropriate.Then, specify a left-endor right-end support pedestalsubstitution.cPage 72PedestalFull storageConfigurations ˇ 38"/19"/38"/38" No cost Specify with PEDCONF1 (standard).Ò 38"/38"/19"/38" No cost Specify with PEDCONF2.Ô 19"/38"/38"/38" No cost Specify with PEDCONF3.apple 38"/38"/38"/19" No cost Specify with PEDCONF4.K 19"/38"/19"/38"/19" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF5.38"W kneewellL 38"/19"/38" kneewell/38" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL1.z 38"/38" kneewell/19"/38" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL2.v 19"/38" kneewell/38"/38" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL3.w 38"/38"/38" kneewell/19" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL4.M 38"/38" kneewell/38"/19" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL5.N 19"/38"/38" kneewell/38" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL6.x 19"/38" kneewell/19"/38"/19" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL7.y 19"/38"/19"/38" kneewell/19" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL8.57"W kneewell˜ 38"/57" kneewell/38" –$3577 Specify with 57KNWLL1.œ 19"/57" kneewell/38"/19" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL2.® 19"/38"/57" kneewell/19" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL3.ß 19"/57" kneewell/19"/38" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL4.† 38"/19"/57" kneewell/19" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL5.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.cOptions continued on next page68 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

136 7 ⁄16"W Temporal Hutch CredenzascOptions continuedOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifyPedestal76"W kneewellConfigurations, O 38"/76" kneewell/19" –$3520 Specify with 76KNWLL1.continued P 19"/76" kneewell/38" –$3520 Specify with 76KNWLL2.95"W kneewellQ 19"/95" kneewell/19" –$3637 Specify with 95KNWLL1.Tip: Temporal hutch credenzasare designed for usewith Temporal hutches.Pedestal • 19"W pedestals cPage 72Substitutions • 38"W pedestals cPage 74Related • Temporal hutch cPage 76Products • Keyboard shelf cPage 86<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood136 7 /16"W Hutch Credenza30 1 ⁄4" 136 7 ⁄16" 29 27 ⁄32" TE7N30136 $11,192 +$140d d d dTemporal AEFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 69

155 1 ⁄2"W Temporal Hutch CredenzasStandard IncludesRequired to SpecifyTip: All hutch credenzas shipin two sections.cNeed help?Product details,page 62• Credenza with “A” edge profile and unfinishedback: wood• Continuous wire access slot along back edge• Cable port in back right and left base corners of sides• 2"H box base simulated by reveal• Four 38"W two-drawer lateral files: wood•“A” drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Locks, keyed random between key numbers 101–110:9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• Attachment hardware• Leveling glides: black only1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number forcredenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 88.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials ReferenceManual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Drawer Pulls“A” pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Tip: For installations where aTemporal table or Temporalstorage return will beattached to a hutch credenzawith kneespace, specify apedestal configuration thatincludes a 19"W pedestal onthe left or right as appropriate.Then, specify a left-endor right-end support pedestalsubstitution.cPage 72PedestalFull storageConfigurations „ 38"/38"/38"/38" No cost Specify with PEDCONF1 (standard).R 19"/38"/38"/38"/19" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF2.S 38"/19"/38"/38"/19" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF3.T 38"/38"/19"/38"/19" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF4.U 19"/38"/19"/38"/38" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF5.V 19"/38"/38"/19"/38" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF6.W 38"/19"/38"/19"/38" +$1700 Specify with PEDCONF7.38"W kneewellX 19"/38"/38" kneewell/38"/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL1.Y 38"/38" kneewell/38"/38" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL2.Z 38"/38"/38" kneewell/38" –$1760 Specify with 38KNWLL3.0 19"/38"/38"/38" kneewell/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL4.1 19"/38" kneewell/19"/38"/38" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL5.2 38"/19"/38" kneewell/19"/38" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL6.3 38"/38"/19"/38" kneewell/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL7.4 19"/38" kneewell/38"/38"/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL8.5 19"/38" kneewell/38"/19"/38" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL9.6 38"/38" kneewell/19"/38"/19" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL10.7 19"/38"/38" kneewell/19"/38" –$ 60 Specify with 38KNWLL11.cOptions continued on next pageFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.70 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

155 1 ⁄2"W Temporal Hutch CredenzascOptions continuedOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifyPedestal57"W kneewellConfigurations, 8 38"/57" kneewell/19"/38" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL1.continued 9 19"/57" kneewell/38"/38" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL2.º 38"/19"/57" kneewell/38" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL3.¡ 38"/38"/57" kneewell/19" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL4. 19"/38"/57" kneewell/38" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL5.£ 38"/57" kneewell/38"/19" –$1877 Specify with 57KNWLL6.76"W kneewell¢ 38"/76" kneewell/38" –$3520 Specify with 76KNWLL1.∞ 19"/38"/76" kneewell/19" –$1820 Specify with 76KNWLL2.§ 19"/76" kneewell/38"/19" –$1820 Specify with 76KNWLL3. 38"/19"/76" kneewell/19" –$1820 Specify with 76KNWLL4.• 19"/76" kneewell/19"/38" –$1820 Specify with 76KNWLL5.95"W kneewellª 38"/95" kneewell/19" –$3637 Specify with 95KNWLL1.fl 19"/95" kneewell/38" –$3637 Specify with 95KNWLL2.Temporal AE114"W kneewell‡ 19"/114" kneewell/19" –$3754 Specify with 114KNWLL1.Pedestal • 19"W pedestals cPage 72Substitutions • 38"W pedestals cPage 74Tip: Temporal hutch credenzasare designed for usewith Temporal hutches.Related • Temporal hutch cPage 76Products • Keyboard shelf cPage 86<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood155 1 /2"W Hutch Credenza30 1 ⁄4" 155 1 ⁄2" 29 27 ⁄32" TE8N30155 $11,718 +$140d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 71

19"W Pedestal Substitutionsfor Use with Hutch CredenzasTip: Use the specificationinformation below to substituteone 19"W pedestal foranother 19"W pedestal. Usethe specification informationfor 38"W pedestals to substitutetwo 19"W pedestalsfor one 38"W pedestal.cPage 74cNeed help?Product details,page 63Drawer PullsStandard IncludesRequired to Specify• Full-height pedestal: wood1 Add the pedestal substitution style numbersto the credenza specifications and•“A” door pulls, if selected: 9212 Silver• Locks on box and file drawers, keyed random between key designate the position from left to right.numbers 101–110: 9201 Polished ChromeExample: TE6N30117 with PEDCONF3• One partition per box drawer, if selected: woodand TEJDD30 in positions 1 and 2,• One pencil tray per pedestal with a box drawer,TEJE30 in position 3, and TEJFL30 inif selected: woodpositions 4 and 5, and TEJP30 in• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected position 6.2 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 88.Options U.S. Price Required to Specify“A” pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.72 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

19"W Pedestal Substitutions<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTip: You must specify a leftendsupport pedestal substitutionwhere a Temporaltable or Temporal storagereturn will be attached to ahutch credenza on the left.DDepth DStyle DU.S.d dNumber dAdd/Subtractd d d$ to Base Priced d dLeft-End Support Pedestal with Shelf30" TEJSL30 –$728d d dTemporal AERight-End Support Pedestal with Shelf30" TEJSR30 –$728d d dTip: You must specify a rightendsupport pedestal substitutionwhere a Temporaltable or Temporal storagereturn will be attached to ahutch credenza on the right.Box/Box/File Pedestal30" TEJE30 –$250d d dFile/File Pedestal30" TEJP30 –$250d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 73

38"W Pedestal Substitutionsfor Use with Hutch CredenzascNeed help?Product details,page 63Standard IncludesRequired to Specify• Full-height pedestal, lateral file, or cabinet: wood 1 Add the pedestal substitution style numbersto the credenza specifications and•“A” door or drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Locks on box and file drawers, keyed random between key designate the position from left to right.numbers 101–110: 9201 Polished ChromeExample: TE6N30117 with PEDCONF3• One partition per box drawer, if selected: woodand TEJDD30 in positions 1 and 2,• One pencil tray per pedestal with a box drawer,TEJE30 in position 3, and TEJFL30 inif selected: woodpositions 4 and 5, and TEJP30 in• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected position 6.• Leveling glides: black only2 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 88.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifyDoor and“A” pullsDrawer Pulls • Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.74 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

38"W Pedestal Substitutions<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDepth DStyle DU.S.d dNumber dAdd/Subtractd d d$ to Base Priced d dTwo Box/Box/File Pedestals30" TEJEE30 +$1700d d dTwo File/File Pedestals30" TEJPP30 +$1700d d dTemporal AEBox/Box/File Pedestal and File/File PedestalTwo Box Drawers and One File Drawer, Left, and Two File Drawers, Right30" TEJEP30 +$1700Two File Drawers, Left, and Two Box Drawers and One File Drawer, Right30" TEJPE30 +$1700d d dDouble-Door Cabinet with Adjustable Shelf30" TEJDD30 –$ 352d d dTwo-Drawer Lateral File30" TEJLF30 No costd d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 75

Temporal HutchSharedTowerPrivateTowercNeed help?Product details,page 62Standard IncludesRequired to Specify• Temporal hutch with unfinished back: wood1 Style number• Top with “A” edge profile2 Wood veneer color number for temporal• Fold-down security door with lock, keyed random between office hutchkey numbers 101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome3 Options, if selected (see below)• Shared tower—cSee Surface Materials, page 88.Exterior: two open shelves, three project drawers, pocketdoor over technology garage housing EZ Access voice,data, power moduleInterior: technology garage housing EZ Access voice, data,power module open to temporal module• Private tower—Exterior: double doors: bin above, left; wardrobe, right.Touch-latch closures, face locked. Lock, keyed randombetween key numbers 101–110: 9201 Polished ChromeInterior: two compartments open into temporal module• Four overhead cabinets with doors, touch-latch closures.Face-locked• Integral door pulls• Low-voltage halogen task lights recessed beneathoverhead storage cabinets• Attachment hardwareOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Top Cap •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Door and“A” pullsDrawer Pulls • Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Tip: Tackboard or slatwallmust be specified separatelyfor area under overheadcabinets.cPages 86 and 87Related • Slatwall cPage 86Products • Tackboard cPage 87For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.76 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Temporal Hutch<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWoodLeft-Hand Temporal Hutch, Shared Tower Left, Private Tower Right24 3 ⁄4" 115 7 ⁄8" 53 19 ⁄32" TEHL114 $10,500 +$176d d d dTemporal AE76"PrivateTowerSharedTowerRight-Hand Temporal Hutch, Shared Tower Right, Private Tower Left24 3 ⁄4" 115 7 ⁄8" 53 19 ⁄32" TEHR114 $10,500 +$176d d d dSharedTower76"PrivateTowerFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 77

Temporal Hutch ExtensioncNeed help?Product details,page 62Standard Includes• Temporal hutch extension with unfinished back: wood• Top with “A” edge profile• Halogen downlight recessed below top• Three fixed shelves• Centered 6" diameter clear glass, inset flush in each shelfRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for temporalhutch extension3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 88.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Top Cap •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWoodLeft-Hand Temporal Hutch Extension19 13 ⁄16" 19 13 ⁄16" 53 19 ⁄32" TEHEL919 $1750 +$50d d d dRight-Hand Temporal Hutch Extension19 13 ⁄16" 19 13 ⁄16" 53 19 ⁄32" TEHER919 $1750 +$50d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.78 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Temporal TablesTemporal TablescNeed help?Product details,page 62Standard Includes• Table with “A” edge profile: wood• Full-height modesty panelRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for table3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 88.Tip: Temporal tables can beused with 30 1 ⁄4"D hutch credenzasonly. Supportpedestal must also bespecified.cPage 72Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTemporal AEDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWoodLeft-End Bullet-Shape Table with Modesty Panel41 1 ⁄8" 58" 29 27 ⁄32" TECB654L $2300 +$72d d d dRight-End Bullet-Shape Table with Modesty Panel41 1 ⁄8" 58" 29 27 ⁄32" TECB654R $2300 +$72d d d dLeft-End Conference Table with Modesty Panel41 1 ⁄8" 59 1 ⁄2" 29 27 ⁄32" TECT858L $2500 +$7241 1 ⁄8" 71 15 ⁄16" 29 27 ⁄32" TECT872L $2800 +$72d d d dRight-End Conference Table with Modesty Panel41 1 ⁄8" 59 1 ⁄2" 29 27 ⁄32" TECT858R $2500 +$7241 1 ⁄8" 71 15 ⁄16" 29 27 ⁄32" TECT872R $2800 +$72d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 79

Temporal DeskscNeed help?Product details,page 62Standard Includes• Desk with “A” edge profile: wood• Full-height modesty panelRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for desk3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 88.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWoodRound Conference Desk with Modesty Panel51" 51" 29 27 ⁄32" TERCD48 $2200 +$7260" 60" 29 27 ⁄32" TERCD60 $2900 +$72d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.80 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Mobile PedestalMobile PedestalcNeed help?Product details,page 62Standard Includes• Pedestal with one box drawer and one file drawer:wood•“A” drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• One box drawer partition: wood• Lock, keyed random between key numbers 101–110:9201 Polished Chrome• Pencil tray• One hanging file system• Four casters: black only• Anti-tip systemRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for pedestal3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 88.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Temporal AEDrawer Pulls“A” pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood19 1 ⁄16" 19 1 ⁄16" 24" TEMPBF19 $1800 +$30d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 81

Temporal Storage ReturnscNeed help?Product details,page 62Standard Includes• Return with “A” edge profile and finished back: wood• One or two full-height pedestal(s) with removablesecurity back panel, if selected: wood•“A” drawer pulls, if selected: 9212 Silver• Lock, if selected, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected• 2"H box base simulated by reveal• Attachment hardware• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for return3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 88.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.and at right cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Worksurface •“B” edge profile No cost Specify with B edge profile.Edge Profile •“C” edge profile No cost Specify with C edge profile.Drawer Pulls“A” pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Grommets • Worksurface grommets: No cost Left: Specify with AEGML and color number.9212 Silver or 0835 Black metal Center: Specify with AEGMC and colornumber.Right: Specify with AEGMR and color number.Pedestal • 19"W pedestals cPage 84Substitutions • 38"W pedestals cPage 84<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dspace dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dWidth d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomiz Staind d d d don WoodReturns without PedestalsRight-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 74 13 ⁄16" TER2677R $2733 +$74Left-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 74 13 ⁄16" TER2677L $2733 +$74d d d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued on next page82 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Temporal Storage Returnsc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dspace dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dWidth d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomiz Staind d d d don WoodReturns with One 19"W File/File PedestalRight-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 55 11 ⁄16" TER2677PR $4106 +$88Left-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 55 11 ⁄16" TER2677PL $4106 +$88d d d d dTemporal AEReturns with One 38"W Two-Drawer Lateral FileRight-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 36 5 ⁄8" TER2677LR $4296 +$88Left-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 36 5 ⁄8" TER2677LL $4296 +$88d d d d dReturns with One 19"W File/File Pedestal and One 38"W Two-Drawer Lateral FileRight-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 17 9 ⁄16" TER2677LPR $6113 +$88• Left: two file drawers• Right: two-drawer lateral fileLeft-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 17 9 ⁄16" TER2677LPL $6113 +$88d d d d d• Left: two-drawer lateral file• Right: two file drawersReturns with Two 38"W Two-Drawer Lateral FilesRight-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 0" TER2677LLR $5789 +$88Left-Hand26 17 ⁄32" 77 3 ⁄4" 29 27 ⁄32" 0" TER2677LLL $5789 +$88d d d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 83

Pedestal Substitutionsfor Use with Temporal Storage ReturnsTip: Based on the pedestalconfiguration you select forthe return, you may substituteone 19"W pedestal foranother 19"W pedestal orone 38"W pedestal for one38"W pedestal.cNeed help?Product details,page 63Standard Includes• Full-height pedestal, lateral file, or cabinet: wood•“A” door or drawer pulls: 9212 Silver• Locks on box and file drawers, if selected, keyed randombetween key numbers 101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One partition per box drawer, if selected: wood• Pencil tray per component with a box drawer, if selected:wood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Add the pedestal substitution style numbersto the return, credenza, or workwallspecifications and designate the positionfrom left to right.Example: TER2677LPR with TEJE24 inposition 1 and TEJDD24 in positions 2and 3.2 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 88.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifyDoor and“A” pullsDrawer Pulls • Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black A pulls.“B” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver B pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black B pulls.“C” pulls• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver C pulls.• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black C pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.84 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Pedestal Substitutions<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDepth DStyle DU.S.d dNumber dAdd/Subtractd d d$ to Base Priced d d19"W Pedestal SubstitutionBox/Box/File Pedestal24" TEJE24 No costd d d38"W Pedestal SubstitutionsTwo Box/Box/File Pedestals24" TEJEE24 +$1700Temporal AETwo File/File Pedestals24" TEJPP24 +$1700Box/Box/File Pedestal, Left and File/File Pedestal, Right24" TEJEP24 +$1700File/File Pedestal, Left, and Box/Box/File Pedestal, Right24" TEJPE24 +$1700Double-Door Cabinet with Adjustable Shelf24" TEJDD24 –$ 352d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 85

AccessoriesKeyboard ShelfcNeed help?Product details,page 63Standard Includes• Keyboard shelf: 0835 Black paintRequired to SpecifyStyle number<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTip: Keyboard shelf attachesto a bridge or credenza.DDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d d18" 18 1 ⁄4" 5" AKA1 $455d d dSlatwallcNeed help?Product details,page 62Standard Includes• Three 6"H slatwall segments:black or Brushed AluminumRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Color number for slatwall:0835 Black8042 Brushed Aluminum<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d d1 ⁄2" 60" 19" TES115 $400d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.86 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

AccessoriesTackboardscNeed help?Product details,page 62Standard Includes• Tackboard: vertical surface fabric price group 1• Continuous wire management brush strip along thebottom edge of tackboard: black plastic bristles• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Fabric color number3 Option, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 88.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurface • Fabric price group 1 No cost Specify fabric color number.Materials • Fabric price group 2 +$ 12 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 3 +$ 46 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 4 +$ 62 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 5 +$100 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group COM +$ 15 Specify fabric color number.Temporal AE<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d1 ⁄2" 60" 18" TET115 $400d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 87

Surface Materials.This listing includes all ofthe surface material choicesthat are available forTemporal AE..ResourcesFor more information aboutsurface materials, refer tothe following resources:Surface MaterialsReference ManualThis publication provides:• An explanation of thesurface materials program•“Available on” matrices• Vertical surface fabricand seating upholsteryselection listing• Pricing for surfacematerials• Technical data for surfacematerials• Surface material care andcleaning instructionsSurface MaterialsFinishes Binder includes:• Surface MaterialsReference Manual• A complete set of swatchcards for hard surfacesSurface MaterialsVertical Surface FabricBinder includes:• A complete set of swatchcards for vertical surfacefabricSurface MaterialsSeating UpholsteryBinder includes:• Designtex Graded-InCatalog• A complete set ofswatch cards forseating upholsterySurface MaterialsTool Box provides 3" x 3"samples of the following surfacematerials:• Vertical surface fabric• Seating upholstery• Wood veneer• Paint• LaminateForm number S8150.Wood<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> finish is adurable, medium-gloss finishthat enhances the naturalbeauty of the wood. Allworksurfaces are fully filledso they are smooth to thetouch.3414 Natural Cherry3424 Medium Cherry3534 Winter on Maple3544 Blonde on Maple3564 Linseed on Maple3574 Amber Maple3744 Autumn on Walnut3774 Medium Mahoganyon WalnutCustomiz StainCustomiz stain is a servicethat allows you to createyour own stain color onstandard veneers. Customizstain color is available onall product lines that offerwood veneer.A one-time formulation feeof $400 U.S. per color, percustomer processing feewill apply. The fee coversthe cost of formulating theCustomiz finish and appliesregardless of whether or notan order for product isplaced. Please refer to the“Customiz Stain” optionprice column in your specificationguide for the unitupcharge.Customiz stains take 10days to formulate. Consultthe Surface MaterialsReference Manual for moreinformation. Custom veneersare also available and mustbe quoted by specials engineering.Customiz stain oncustom veneers take two tofour weeks to formulate.Requirements and informationon ordering a Customizstain color are found in theSurface Materials ReferenceManual..MetalApplies to:• Pulls• Knobs• Grommets0835 Black9212 Silver.Locks9201 Polished Chrome9250 Ember ChromeSlatwall0835 Black8042 Brushed Aluminum.88 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Surface MaterialsBoccieVertical Surface FabricP300 RiceApplies to:P301 Almond• TackboardsP302 NutmegP303 CamelClassics CollectionP304 OpalP305 MistSurface materials in theP306 PlumClassics Collection are time-P307 Lichenless. These materials shouldP308 Spearmintbe available for a minimumP309 Skyof 10 years from the date thematerial is introduced intoCornicethe Classics Collection. TheP131 SpireClassics Collection includesP132 Spandrelthe following fabrics in PriceP133 CrownGroups 1 through 3:P134 CoronaPrice Group 1P135 SconceP136 FinialAbacusP137 PedimentP122 EntasisP123 PorticoEmbrasureP124 OpusP140 ColonnadeP125 CuspP141 RotundaP126 ArtifactP142 OculusP127 ArcadeP143 BalusterP128 MatrixP144 TorusP129 AtlasP156 PilasterPrice Group 2AcadiaAmirantéG031 Tin5664 MinkG033 Iron5665 IvoryG034 Pewter5666 Silver FrostG039 Silica5677 MoongloG040 Malachite5679 WoodbineG041 Brimstone5686 SeaG042 Galena5687 ChamoisG043 Azurite5688 BalsaG044 Limonite5689 OpalG045 Tourmaline5690 Blue HorizonBariolageAshantiG220 Etude5610 French CreamG221 Andante5612 IvoryG226 Cantata5613 Silver FrostG227 Adagio5657 MoongloG233 Melody5659 WoodbineG234 Ballata5674 QuinceG235 SonataAshanti ReverseBelgrade5638 MinkB600 Strawberry5639 IvoryB603 Storm5640 Silver FrostB604 Seafoam5648 MoongloB606 Buff5650 WoodbineB607 Harbor5654 QuinceB608 LilyB609 MossBouquetP163 VivienBellaRoseP165 HostaB650 AvodireP166 DundeeB651 BirchP168 AsterB652 WillowP169 ArgentaB653 AlderP170 HoyaB654 LaurelP172 CactusB655 WengeP173 CamomileB656 EbonyP174 HoneysuckleP175 Jasper...CordialE400 WhiteLilyE401 SagebrushE402 ShamrockE404 SilverLeafE405 LavenderE414 Ocean ReefE415 SesameE416 MarinaE417 SpearmintFirenzeP001 TranquilleP002 StaghornP003 FigFirenze ReverseF001 TranquilleF002 StaghornF003 FigFrescoG001 SandriftG002 MistibluG003 FaonG004 SepiaG005 ArrowoodG006 ChamolineG007 GrapenutG013 PistachioG016 WinterskyG017 FlintMilanoN001 OysterN002 DelftN003 WoodlandN004 SunshadowN005 OlivineN007 RedgrapeN008 MolluskN009 FairwayN010 DahliaN012 TeakwoodRacquetsP330 LichenP331 LilyP332 AlmondP333 NutmegP334 PewterP335 SpearmintP336 SkyRegattaD004 RoseberryD006 BluesageD007 ColibriD011 LicoriceD012 ProvenceD020 Haze5335 Warm Brown V15336 Warm Brown V25338 Tan V15339 Tan V25344 Grey V15345 Grey V25369 Blue V1Wilshire5831 Blue Violet V35841 Warm Brown V35846 Grey V35864 Lark5865 Burgess5867 Castle5868 FieldstonePrice Group 3Martinique5574 May Apple5577 Woodsorrel5578 Baneberry5579 Waterlily5582 Morro5583 Diva.Options CollectionSurface materials in theOptions Collection are availableon select Steelcasebrand seating and systemsproducts. These materialsshould be available for aminimum of 3 years from thedate the material is introducedinto the OptionsCollection.Options Collection fabricsand upholsteries are noweven easier to order. Specifyindividual finish codes followingthe same process asClassics Collection fabricsand upholsteries.The Options Collectionincludes the followingfabrics in Price Groups 2and 3:Price Group 2SolitaireP343 SpearmintP344 RiceP345 TaupeP346 PewterP347 NutmegP348 ChamoisP349 CamelP350 MistP351 LichenP352 WillowP353 SilverP354 SkyP355 VioletPrice Group 3LottoP310 PewterP311 AlmondP312 NutmegP313 PlumP314 LichenP315 SkyP316 SpearmintPick-Up SticksP320 BoneP321 CloudP322 AlmondP323 PewterP324 NutmegP325 ChamoisP326 CamelP327 LichenP328 SpearmintP329 Sky..Temporal AE<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cSurface Materials, continued 89

Surface Materials, continuedDesigntex Graded-In ProgramAll Designtex Graded-In fabricsare now supported justlike standard fabrics whenordered on Steelcase furniture.TheDesigntex Graded-In program also includes theEnvironmental ImpactCollection, which offers sustainabletextiles in affordableprice groups. For additionalinformation and fabric samples,contact your localDesigntex Group sales representativeat1.800.221.1540.Designtex fabrics are gradedinto Steelcase Price Groups1 through 4:Price Group 1Moors (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Price Group 2AcresBracken (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)BrunswickCut to the ChaseGimletNicheSenecalStreams (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Price Group 3ApexDalmatianFoxtrotMeringueNo Deposit No ReturnRain (Environmental ImpactCollection)Sea Breeze (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Six PackThat Straw StuffPrice Group 4SumocSee the Surface MaterialsReference Manual for a listingof upholstery colors...Price Group COM(Customer’s Own Material)Fabric Approval andYardageTo confirm whether aparticular COM materialhas already been tested foruse on a specific Steelcaseproduct or to determineactual yardage requirements:• Visit www.steelcase.com• Click on “Tools & Insights”• Select “Customer’s OwnMaterial”You can find the sameinformation on the in2 site.Follow these steps:• Visit www.in2.steelcase.com• Click on “Sales/DesignTeam”• Select “Surface Materials”• Select “Customer’s OwnMaterial”For additionalinformation regardingCustomer’s OwnMaterial, call1.888.STEELCASE.....90 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

LandmarkStatement of Line 92Product Details 96Shelf Lights 100<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDesks, Double-Pedestal 102Desks, Single-Pedestal 104Bullet-Shape Desks 105Bullet-Shape Run-Off Tables 106Credenza Worksurfaces 107Return Worksurfaces 110Bridges 112Pedestals for Use with Credenzas and Returns 114Freestanding Lateral Files 118Corner Units 119Support Panels 120Finished Back Panels 121Storage Towers 122Service Modules 126Wall-Mounted Cabinets 128Worksurface Bookcases 132Freestanding Bookcases 133LandmarkRelated ProductsAccessories 134Standard Shelf Lights 138Surface Materials 140<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 91

LandmarkStatement of Line28 1 /2"H28 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 97Specifyingc Page 102Understandingc Page 97Specifyingc Page 104Desks, Double-PedestalDesks, Single-Pedestal72"W 78"W36"D • •72"W 78"W36"D • •28 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 97Specifyingc Page 10528 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 97Specifyingc Page 106Bullet-Shape DesksBullet-Shape Run-Off Tables72"W 78"W 84"W36"D • • •48"W 54"W 60"W 66"W30"D • •36"D • •24x72Understandingc Page 97Specifyingc Pages 107–108Credenza Worksurfaces30"W 36"W 42"W 48"W 54"W 60"W 66"W 72"W 78"W 84"W 90"W 96"W 102"W 108"W 114"W 120"W21"D • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •24"D • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •92 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

LandmarkStatement of Line28 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 97Specifyingc Pages 110–111Understandingc Page 97Specifyingc Page 112Return Worksurfaces*42"W 48"W 54"W 60"W 66"W 72"W21"D • • • • • •24"D • • • • • •Bridges42"W 48"W 54"W21"D • • •24"D • • •*Drawing shows left-hand unit. Right-hand unit is also available.18"W27 1 /4"HLandmark30" or 36"W27 1 /4"H40"H53"HUnderstandingc Page 97Specifyingc Pages 114–117Understandingc Page 97Specifyingc Page 118Buildup PedestalsFreestanding Lateral Files18"W 30"W 36"W20"D • • •23"D • • •36"W21"D •24"D •28 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 99Specifyingc Page 11927 1 /4"HUnderstandingc Page 98Specifyingc Page 120Corner Units48"W21"D •24"D •End Panels and Kneespace Panel1 1 ⁄2"W 6"W16"D •20"D •23"D •<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cLandmark Statement of Line, continued 93

Landmark Statement of Line, continued26 3 /8"HFinished Back Panels for Use with Pedestals and CredenzasUnderstandingc Page 97Specifyingc Page 12118"W 30"W 36"W 42"W 48"W 54"W 60"W 66"W 72"W 78"W 84"W 90"W 96"W 102"W 108"W 114"W 120"W3 ⁄4"D • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •26 3 /8"HFinished Back Panels for Use with Returns and Bridges42 1 ⁄2"W 48 1 ⁄2"W 54 1 ⁄2"W 60 1 ⁄2"W 66 1 ⁄2"W 72 1 ⁄2"W3 ⁄4"D • • • • • •Understandingc Page 97Specifyingc Page 12172"Hor84"HUnderstandingc Page 98Specifyingc Pages 122–12543 1 /2"H55 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 98Specifyingc Pages 126–127Storage Towers18"W 30"W 36"W21"D • • •24"D • • •Service Modules30"W 36"W 42"W 54"W 72"W 90"W16"D • • • • • •94 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

LandmarkStatement of Line17 1 /2"H18"H17 1 /2"H29 1 /2"H30"H29 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 96Specifyingc Pages 128–131Wall-Mounted Cabinets15"W 18"W 21"W 30"W 36"W 42"W 60"W 72"W 84"W 90"W17"D • • • • • • • • • •Landmark15 1 /4"D15 1 /4"D16"DUnderstandingc Page 98Specifyingc Page 13216"DUnderstandingc Page 98Specifyingc Page 133Worksurface BookcasesFreestanding Bookcases36"W43 1 ⁄2"H •55 1 ⁄2"H •36"W28 1 ⁄2"H •45 1 ⁄4"H •57 1 ⁄4"H •27 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 96Specifyingc Page 136Tackboards28 1 ⁄4"W 34 1 ⁄4"W 40 1 ⁄4"W 52 1 ⁄2"W 70 1 ⁄4"W 88 1 ⁄4"W1"D • • • • • •<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 95

Landmark.Service modules andwall-mounted cabinetsprovide additional storageabove a credenza.Base is 7 ⁄8"H, recessedinward 1 ⁄2" on all sides.Base includes levelingglides.Drawers are constructedof baltic birch architecturalplywood with a five-sidedEnglish dovetail construction.Tackboards, orderedseparately, provide a tackablesurface between theworksurface and overheadstorage on service modulesand wall-mounted cabinets.Bookcases are thesame depth as overheadstorage and can be eitherworksurface-mounted orstand alone.Tip: Bottom shelf of bookcaseis fixed.Credenza worksurfacehas a wood core with awood veneer surface, solidwood nosings on the userside, and veneer edge bandon the remaining sides.Desk worksurface has awood core with a woodveneer surface, solid woodnosings on the user’s sideand visitor’s side, andveneer edge band on theremaining sides.Modesty panel ondouble-pedestal deskis available recessed, offset,or notched to achieve avariety of aesthetics..96 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

LandmarkProduct DetailsABCSolid wood worksurfacenosings are availablewith three edge profiles—A, B, or C. A variety ofother edge profiles areavailable as specials.Edge profile locationvaries by component.Visitor’s sideArcUser’s sideStraightDesk worksurfaceshave the specified edgeprofile on the user’s sideand visitor’s side, with asquare edge band on theremaining sides.IntegralUser’s sideCredenza worksurfaceshave specified edgeprofile on the user’s sideonly, with a square edgeband on the remainingsides...User’s sideReturn worksurfaceshave the specified edgeprofile on the user’s side, areverse edge profile on theattachment side, and asquare edge band on theremaining sides.User’s sideBridge worksurfaceshave the specified edgeprofile on the user’s side, areverse edge profile on thetwo attachment sides, and asquare edge band on theremaining side.Drawer and door pullsare available in threeshapes—arc, straight, andintegral. Arc and straightpulls use the same hole patternto allow a wide varietyof options as specials..8"7 1 /4"8"12 3 /4"Visitor’s SideVisitor’s SideVisitor’s SideRecessedOffsetNotched.Modesty panels ondouble-pedestal deskscan be specified in three differentversions—recessed,offset, and notched. Overhangon the visitor’s sideof the worksurface is 8" forrecessed modesty panel,7 1 ⁄4" for offset modestypanel, and 8" for notchedmodesty panel. Notchedmodesty panel is inset anadditional 4 3 ⁄4" for an overhangtotal of 12 3 ⁄4".Bullet-shape desks andrun-off tables provide aconferencing area. Bulletshapedesks are freestanding.Bullet-shape run-offtables must be attached toa credenza.Credenzas and returnsare specified as modularbuildups. Worksurfaces arespecified separately frommodular storage and endpanelcomponents. Piecescan be configured to thedesired functionality andaesthetic upon installationand can be reconfigured inthe future.Pedestals are availableas buildups for use with credenzasand returns and arealso available freestandingas lateral files.Finished back panelsare specified separately in arange of dimensions from18"W to 120"W. They canbe used to finish off an individualpedestal (when theback of that pedestal will bevisible) or to span severalpedestals, end panels, andkneespace within a credenza,bridge, or return.7 /8"Pedestal and towerbases are 7 ⁄8"H solid particleboard with veneer edgebanding. Bases have acutout in the center to allowwire routing.Pedestal backs areunfinished and are open toallow access to wall outlets.Finished back panels canbe specified and attachedin the field if back will bevisible.Tip: Freestanding lateralfiles have finished backs.21"24"3 /4" 2 3 /4"20" 20"20"D pedestals shouldbe used with 21"D credenzaand return worksurfaces.20"D pedestal should alsobe used with 24"D credenzaand return worksurfaceswhen more room is neededfor routing wires.3 /4"Without With FlushBack Panel Back Panel23"D pedestals shouldbe used with 24"D credenzaand return worksurfacesonly. When installed, theworksurface should overhangthe back of thepedestal by 3 ⁄4" when backis unfinished. When installedwith a finished back panel,the back edge of the worksurfaceshould be flush with. the finished back panel. .BackBackLandmark<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cLandmark, continued 97

Landmark, continued.Sequential veneermatching is the processof laying veneer leaves onpanels in the sequence thatthey are cut from the tree.This matching is standardon each product (style number).Sequential veneermatching across a configurationor an office suite isavailable as a special only.Modular end panels areT-shaped so they are nonhanded.They can be usedon either the left- or righthandside of a worksurface.Tip: Use a kneespace panelif kneespace is greater than54"W. Back panels are notneeded for additional stability.Storage towers areavailable in three widths—18"W, 30"W, and 36"W—and two heights—72"Hand 84"H. Configurationsinclude wardrobes,wardrobes and shelves, andshelves and lateral files.Tip: Doors open 95°.FService modules72"84"Wall-mounted cabinetsOverhead storage canbe mounted on a credenzaas a service module orit can be wall-mounted.Service modules are availablein two heights—43 1 ⁄2"Hto align with 72"H storagetowers and 55 1 ⁄2"H to alignwith 84"H storage towers.Wall-mounted storage isavailable with and withoutdoors.Tip: Doors open 95°.Service modules arestandard with an unfinishedback to be used against awall. A finished back isavailable as a special...Worksurface bookcasesare small cabinets,with or without doors, thatare mounted on worksurfacesand designed to lineup with adjacent towers,service modules, and wallmountedcabinets. They arethe same depth as servicemodules.Pedestal drawers are5 ⁄8"-thick architectural Balticbirch plywood with Englishdovetail construction.Box drawers open theirfull depth. They include onemovable partition.File drawers open theirfull depth to provide accessto the contents. They areequipped with a hanging filesystem that accommodatesletter-size filing front to backor side to side and A4- andlegal-size filing side to side..Lateral file drawersopen their full depth foraccess to the contents.They accommodate letter-,A4-, and legal-size filing.Safety stop preventsaccidental removal of drawersfrom the pedestals.Center drawer withpencil tray is field-installed,standard on desks. Centerdrawer, specified separately,can be field-installed onbridges and credenzas.Keyboard shelf canbe added in the field to supporta computer keyboardbeneath the level of theworksurface. It attachesunder any worksurface withan 18"D x 18 1 ⁄4"W clearspace.cPage 134Tip: Field-installed grommetis recommended in theworksurface to allow cablefrom the keyboard to linkwith the computer on theworksurface.cPage 135.Locks & KeyingFront-removable lock isavailable with random, consecutive,or specific keyingoptions. Master-keyed lockis available.Pedestals have a lock inthe face of the top drawerthat secures all the drawersin the pedestal.Storage towers withdrawers have a separatelock in the face of the lowerdrawer front that secures allthe lateral file drawers.Towers with doors have alock in the door thatsecures the door(s).Service modules, wallmountedcabinets, andbookcases include locksto secure all doors. Doorlocks are located at the bottomcorner, opposite thehinge..98 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Landmark.ConnectionsBullet-shape run-offtable must be attachedto a credenza with kneespaceto provide stability.Connection forms a flushheight,L- or T-shapeconfiguration. Attachmenthardware is included withthe table.Return with pedestal,ordered separately, attachesto a single-pedestal desk orkneespace credenza to forma flush-height, L-shape configuration.Attachment hardwareis included with thereturn.Bridge attaches to a singlepedestaldesk and kneespacecredenza to forma flush-height, U-shapeconfiguration. Attachmenthardware is included withthe bridge, as well as twokneespace panels for additionalsupport..Corner unit must attachto a credenza worksurfaceat one end for stability.Attachment hardware isincluded with the cornerunit.25 1 /2"HClearance between worksurfaceand the undersideof the service module is25 1 ⁄2" to provide space formost computer monitors..Surface MaterialsDesks, run-off tables,credenza worksurfaces,return worksurfaces,bridges, pedestals,corner units, supportpanels, end panels,storage towers, overheadstorage, andbookcases• Wood and wood veneerArc pull• 0835 Black• 9201 Polished Chrome• 9212 SilverStraight pull• 0835 Black• 9201 Polished Chrome• 9233 Satin BrassLock• 9201 Polished Chrome• 9233 Satin Brass• 9250 Ember ChromeTackboards• Vertical surface fabricprice groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,and COMCenter drawer• WoodKeyboard shelf• 0835 BlackGrommet• Paint• MetalLeveling glides• Black only...Landmark<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 99

Shelf LightsStandardcSpecifying, page 138Actual DimensionsDepth 9 1 ⁄4"Width 24 5 ⁄8", 36 5 ⁄8",or 48 5 ⁄8"Height 1 3 ⁄4".End cap cord managers,molded into thedurable plastic end caps,allow you to route andmanage excess cord.Housing is painted black.Optional paint colors areavailable.On-off switch is centeredon the front edge of theshelf light.Cord exits from the centerof the back of the light.Plug is flat so it remainsclose to the receptacle.9' cord with grounded plugis factory installed. Lengthis maximum allowed byU.S. National ElectricalCode. Cord with circuitbreaker is available to meetthe requirements of theChicago code.Daisy chain cords havemodular connectors to linkshelf lights together..Product DetailsShelf light includes thelamp, ballast, and either a9' cord with three-prongplug or daisy-chain cords.45°Plug configurationallows two shelf lights toengage adjacent outlets inone receptacle.Energy-saving T8lamps have triphosphorcoating for balanced colorand pleasing light.ConnectionsSteelcase standardshelf lights can beordered separately and arerecessed beneath the overheadstorage cabinets ofservice modules and workwalls.Universal bracket allowsshelf light to be installed withouttools and to be recessedunder most overhead storagebins and shelves. Thebracket snaps into the endcaps and then shelf lightsnaps into place.Width Lamp Lamp Replacementwidth wattage lamps24 5 ⁄8" 24" 17 watts F17T8-TL73536 5 ⁄8" 36" 25 watts F25T8-TL73548 5 ⁄8" 48" 32 watts F32T8-TL735Competitive mountingpackage provides attach-Wiring & Cablingment hardware to mountPower drawn is approxi-Steelcase shelf lights onmately 1 ⁄2 amp.all major competitive furniturelines. Package includesDaisy chaining permitsscrews and installationinterconnecting up to sixinstructions.shelf lights from a singlepower outlet.Flush mounting pack-cPage 139age provides snap-on,Starter cord powers firstpainted end cap coverslight in a daisy chain andfor use on shelf lights thatallows you to convert anyare screw-mounted underdaisy chain light for inde-wood workwalls and servicependent operation.modules using keyholeslots in the light fixture.Economizer electronicEnd cap covers are fieldballast cuts power useinstalled.by 25% and emits 50% ofthe light output of a regularelectronic ballast. It isavailable on Standard shelflights.Surface MaterialsHousing• Black paint (standard)• Paint colors (option)ReflectorKeyhole slots in housing• Whiteof fixture allow shelf light tobe mounted beneath woodCordworkwalls and service mod-• Black vinyl onlyules using screws provided.End cap cord manager• Black plastic onlyShelf light can be mountedanywhere from side to sidebeneath workwalls or servicemodule. The cord length isthe only limitation....100 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Shelf LightsLandmark<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 101

Desks, Double-PedestalcNeed help?Product details,page 97Standard Includes• Desk with edge profile on user’s side and visitor’s sideonly: wood• 18"W box, box, file and file, file pedestals• Pedestal locks, keyed randomly between key numbersTA101–TA110• Center drawer with pencil tray: wood• One hanging file system per file drawer• 7 ⁄8"H recessed base• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number with edge profile suffix(see Edge Profiles below)2 Wood veneer color number for desk3 Pulls (see below)4 Lock color (see below)5 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.PullsArc drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black arc pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome arcpulls.• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver arc pulls.Straight drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black straight pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chromestraight pulls.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass straightpulls.Integral drawer pullsNo costSpecify with integral pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome lock.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass lock.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 414Edge ProfilesFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.A B C102 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Desks, Double-PedestalTip: Your specification isnot complete until you adda suffix to define the worksurfaceedge profile andspecify a pull.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dspace dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dWidth d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStainWith Recessed Flush Modesty Panel36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" 36" LM2DR3672__ $4455 +$16036" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" 42" LM2DR3678__ $4625 +$160d d d d dWith Offset Modesty Panel36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" 36" LM2DF3672__ $4708 +$16036" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" 42" LM2DF3678__ $4868 +$160d d d d dLandmarkWith Notched Modesty Panel36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" 36" LM2DN3672__ $4575 +$16036" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" 42" LM2DN3678__ $4725 +$160d d d d dEdge ProfilesFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.A B C<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 103

Desks, Single-PedestalTip: Desk handedness isdetermined upon installationin the field.cNeed help?Product details,page 97Standard Includes• Desk with edge profile on user’s side and visitor’s sideonly: wood• Recessed flush modesty panel• 18"W box, box, file pedestals• Pedestal locks, keyed randomly between key numbersTA101–TA110• Center drawer with pencil tray: wood• One hanging file system per file drawer• 7 ⁄8"H recessed base• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number with edge profile suffix(see Edge Profiles below)2 Wood veneer color number for desk3 Pulls (see below)4 Lock color (see below)5 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.PullsArc drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black arc pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome arcpulls.• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver arc pulls.Straight drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black straight pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chromestraight pulls.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass straightpulls.Integral drawer pullsNo costSpecify with integral pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome lock.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass lock.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 414Tip: Your specification isnot complete until you adda suffix to define the worksurfaceedge profile andspecify a pull.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dspace dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dWidth d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStain36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" 52 1 ⁄2" LM1DN3672__ $3695 +$16036" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" 58 1 ⁄2" LM1DN3678__ $3865 +$160d d d d dEdge ProfilesFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.A B C104 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Bullet-Shape DesksBullet-Shape DeskscNeed help?Product details,page 97Standard Includes• Desk with edge profile on user’s side, visitor’s side,and radius edge only: wood• Non-handed end panel• Column support: blackRequired to Specify1 Style number with edge profile suffix(see Edge Profiles below)2 Wood veneer color number for desk3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Tip: Your specification isnot complete until you adda suffix to define the worksurfaceedge profile.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" LMBD3672__ $3558 +$7236" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" LMBD3678__ $3770 +$7236" 84" 28 1 ⁄2" LMBD3684__ $3982 +$72d d d dLandmarkEdge ProfilesFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.A B C<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 105

Bullet-Shape Run-Off TablescNeed help?Product details,page 97Standard Includes• Worksurface with edge profile on front, back, andradius edge only: wood• Coped edge at attachment side• Attachment hardware• Column support: blackRequired to Specify1 Style number with edge profile suffix(see Edge Profiles below)2 Wood veneer color number for table3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Tip: Bullet-shape run-offtable must be attached to acredenza for stability.Tip: Your specification isnot complete until you adda suffix to define the worksurfaceedge profile.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain30" 48" 28 1 ⁄2" LMBR3048__ $2326 +$4230" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" LMBR3054__ $2538 +$4236" 60" 28 1 ⁄2" LMBR3660__ $2850 +$4236" 66" 28 1 ⁄2" LMBR3666__ $3062 +$42d d d dEdge ProfilesFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.A B C106 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

21"D Credenza Worksurfaces21"D CredenzaWorksurfacesStandard IncludesRequired to Specify21x72cNeed help?Product details,page 97• Credenza worksurface with edge profile on user’s sideonly: wood1 Style number with edge profile suffix(see Edge Profiles below)2 Wood veneer color number forworksurface3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Related • Pedestals for use with credenzas cPages 114–117Productsand returns• Finished back panels cPage 121Tip: Your specification isnot complete until you adda suffix to define the worksurfaceedge profile.Tip: Credenzas with kneespacegreater than 54"Wrequire one kneespacepanel.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain21" 30" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2130__ $ 341 +$1221" 36" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2136__ $ 410 +$1221" 42" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2142__ $ 478 +$2021" 48" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2148__ $ 546 +$2021" 54" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2154__ $ 614 +$2021" 60" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2160__ $ 683 +$2021" 66" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2166__ $ 751 +$2021" 72" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2172__ $ 819 +$3021" 78" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2178__ $ 887 +$3021" 84" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2184__ $ 956 +$3021" 90" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2190__ $1024 +$3021" 96" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2196__ $1092 +$3021" 102" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC21102__ $1160 +$3021" 108" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC21108__ $1229 +$3021" 114" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC21114__ $1297 +$4221" 120" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC21120__ $1365 +$42d d d dLandmarkEdge ProfilesFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.A B C<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 107

24"D Credenza WorksurfacesStandard IncludesRequired to Specify24x72cNeed help?Product details,page 97• Credenza worksurface with edge profile on user’s sideonly: wood1 Style number with edge profile suffix(see Edge Profiles below)2 Wood veneer color number forworksurface3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Related • Pedestals for use with credenzas cPages 114–117Productsand returns• Finished back panels cPage 121Tip: Your specification isnot complete until you adda suffix to define the worksurfaceedge profile.Tip: Credenzas with kneespacegreater than 54"Wrequire one kneespacepanel.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain24" 30" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2430__ $ 390 +$1224" 36" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2436__ $ 468 +$1224" 42" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2442__ $ 546 +$2024" 48" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2448__ $ 624 +$2024" 54" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2454__ $ 702 +$2024" 60" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2460__ $ 780 +$2024" 66" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2466__ $ 858 +$2024" 72" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2472__ $ 936 +$3024" 78" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2478__ $1014 +$3024" 84" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2484__ $1092 +$3024" 90" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2490__ $1170 +$3024" 96" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC2496__ $1248 +$3024" 102" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC24102__ $1326 +$3024" 108" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC24108__ $1404 +$3024" 114" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC24114__ $1482 +$4224" 120" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWC24120__ $1560 +$42d d d dEdge ProfilesFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.A B C108 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

24"D CredenzaWorksurfacesLandmarkFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 109

21"D Return WorksurfacescNeed help?Product details,page 97Standard Includes• Return worksurface with edge profile on user’s sideonly: wood• Coped attachment edge• Kneespace panel• Attachment hardware• Back panel, if selected: wood• Attachment hardware for back panelRequired to Specify1 Style number with edge profile suffix(see Edge Profiles below)2 Wood veneer color number for return3 Wood veneer color number for backpanel, if selected4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Tip: Your specification isnot complete until you adda suffix to define the worksurfaceedge profile.Tip: Returns with kneespacegreater than 54"W requireone kneespace panel.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomiz StainLeft-Hand Worksurfaces21" 42" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2142L__ $ 660 +$3021" 48" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2148L__ $ 728 +$3021" 54" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2154L__ $ 796 +$3021" 60" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2160L__ $ 865 +$3021" 66" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2166L__ $ 933 +$3021" 72" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2172L__ $1001 +$30d d d dRight-Hand Worksurfaces21" 42" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2142R__ $ 660 +$3021" 48" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2148R__ $ 728 +$3021" 54" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2154R__ $ 796 +$3021" 60" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2160R__ $ 865 +$3021" 66" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2166R__ $ 933 +$3021" 72" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2172R__ $1001 +$30d d d dFinished Back Panels for Use with Returns and Bridges3 ⁄4" 42 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP43 $ 352 +$303 ⁄4" 48 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP49 $ 402 +$423 ⁄4" 54 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP55 $ 452 +$423 ⁄4" 60 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP61 $ 501 +$543 ⁄4" 66 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP67 $ 550 +$543 ⁄4" 72 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP73 $ 599 +$68d d d dEdge ProfilesFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.A B C110 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

24"D Return Worksurfaces24"D Return WorksurfacescNeed help?Product details,page 97Standard Includes• Return worksurface with edge profile on user’s sideonly: wood• Coped attachment edge• Kneespace panel• Attachment hardware• Back panel, if selected: wood• Attachment hardware for back panelRequired to Specify1 Style number with edge profile suffix(see Edge Profiles below)2 Wood veneer color number for return3 Wood veneer color number for backpanel, if selected4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Tip: Your specification isnot complete until you adda suffix to define the worksurfaceedge profile.Tip: Returns with kneespacegreater than 54"W requireone kneespace panel.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomiz StainLeft-Hand Worksurfaces24" 42" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2442L__ $ 728 +$3024" 48" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2448L__ $ 806 +$3024" 54" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2454L__ $ 884 +$3024" 60" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2460L__ $ 962 +$3024" 66" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2466L__ $1040 +$3024" 72" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2472L__ $1118 +$30d d d dRight-Hand Worksurfaces24" 42" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2442R__ $ 728 +$3024" 48" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2448R__ $ 806 +$3024" 54" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2454R__ $ 884 +$3024" 60" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2460R__ $ 962 +$3024" 66" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2466R__ $1040 +$3024" 72" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWR2472R__ $1118 +$30d d d dFinished Back Panels for Use with Returns and Bridges3 ⁄4" 42 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP43 $ 352 +$30Landmark3 ⁄4" 48 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP49 $ 402 +$423 ⁄4" 54 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP55 $ 452 +$423 ⁄4" 60 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP61 $ 501 +$543 ⁄4" 66 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP67 $ 550 +$543 ⁄4" 72 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP73 $ 599 +$68d d d dEdge ProfilesFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.A B C<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 111

BridgescNeed help?Product details,page 97Standard Includes• Bridge worksurface with edge profile on user’s sideonly: wood• Coped attachment edges• Two kneespace panels: wood• Attachment hardware• Back panel, if selected: wood• Attachment hardware for back panelRequired to Specify1 Style number with edge profile suffix(see Edge Profiles below)2 Wood veneer color number for bridge3 Wood veneer color number for backpanel, if selected4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Tip: Your specification isnot complete until you adda suffix to define the worksurfaceedge profile.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain21"D Bridges21" 42" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWB2142__ $ 842 +$4221" 48" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWB2148__ $ 910 +$4221" 54" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWB2154__ $ 978 +$42d d d d24"D Bridges24" 42" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWB2442__ $ 910 +$4224" 48" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWB2448__ $ 988 +$4224" 54" 1 1 ⁄4" LMWB2454__ $1066 +$42d d d dFinished Back Panels For Use With Returns and Bridges3 ⁄4" 42 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP43 $ 352 +$303 ⁄4" 48 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP49 $ 402 +$423 ⁄4" 54 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP55 $ 452 +$423 ⁄4" 60 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP61 $ 501 +$543 ⁄4" 66 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP67 $ 550 +$543 ⁄4" 72 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP73 $ 599 +$68d d d dEdge ProfilesFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.A B C112 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

BridgesLandmarkFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 113

18"W Pedestals for Use with Credenzas and ReturnsTip: Use 20"D pedestalswith 21"D worksurfaces orwith 23"D worksurfaceswhen more room is neededfor routing wires.Tip: Use 23"D pedestalswith 24"D worksurfaces.cNeed help?Product details,page 97Standard Includes• Pedestal with unfinished top and open back: wood• Pedestal drawers: architectural Birch plywood• Pedestal locks, keyed randomly between key numbersTA101–TA110• One hanging file system per file drawer• 7 ⁄8"H recessed base• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for pedestal3 Pulls (see below)4 Lock color (see below)5 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.PullsArc drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black arc pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome arcpulls.• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver arc pulls.Straight drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black straight pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chromestraight pulls.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass straightpulls.Integral drawer pullsNo costSpecify with integral pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome lock.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass lock.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 414For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.114 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

18"W Pedestals for Use withCredenzas and Returns<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStainBox/Box/File Pedestals20" 18" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPB2018 $1198 +$3023" 18" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPB2318 $1265 +$30d d d dFile/File Pedestals20" 18" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPA2018 $1198 +$3023" 18" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPA2318 $1265 +$30d d d dSingle-Door CabinetsDoor Hinged Right20" 18" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPF2018 $ 800 +$3023" 18" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPF2318 $ 867 +$30LandmarkDoor Hinged Left20" 18" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPE2018 $ 800 +$3023" 18" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPE2318 $ 867 +$30d d d dOpen Cabinets20" 18" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPD2018 $ 765 +$3023" 18" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPD2318 $ 832 +$30d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 115

30"W Pedestals for Use with Credenzas and ReturnsTip: Use 20"D pedestalswith 21"D worksurfaces orwith 23"D worksurfaceswhen more room is neededfor routing wires.Tip: Use 23"D pedestalswith 24"D worksurfaces.cNeed help?Product details,page 97Standard Includes• Pedestal with unfinished top and open back: wood• Pedestal drawers: architectural Birch plywood• Pedestal locks, keyed randomly between key numbersTA101–TA110• One hanging file system per file drawer• 7 ⁄8"H recessed base• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for pedestal3 Pulls (see below)4 Lock color (see below)5 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.PullsArc drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black arc pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome arcpulls.• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver arc pulls.Straight drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black straight pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chromestraight pulls.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass straightpulls.Integral drawer pullsNo costSpecify with integral pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome lock.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass lock.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 414<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStainTwo-Drawer Lateral Files20" 30" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPA2030 $1474 +$3823" 30" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPA2330 $1560 +$38d d d dDouble-Door Cabinets20" 30" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPE2030 $1059 +$3823" 30" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPE2330 $1145 +$38d d d dOpen Cabinets20" 30" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPD2030 $ 989 +$3823" 30" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPD2330 $1075 +$38d d d d116 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

36"W Pedestals for Use with Credenzas and Returns36"W Pedestals for Use withCredenzas and ReturnsTip: Use 20"D pedestalswith 21"D worksurfaces orwith 24"D worksurfaceswhen more room is neededfor routing wires.Tip: Use 23"D pedestalswith 24"D pedestals.cNeed help?Product details,page 97Standard Includes• Pedestal with unfinished top and open back: wood• Pedestal drawers: architectural Birch plywood• Pedestal locks, keyed randomly between key numbersTA101–TA110• One hanging file system per file drawer• 7 ⁄8"H recessed base• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for pedestal3 Pulls (see below)4 Lock color (see below)5 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.PullsArc drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black arc pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome arcpulls.• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver arc pulls.Straight drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black straight pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chromestraight pulls.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass straightpulls.LandmarkIntegral drawer pullsNo costSpecify with integral pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome lock.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass lock.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 414<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStainTwo-Drawer Lateral Files20" 36" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPA2036 $1560 +$3823" 36" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPA2336 $1646 +$38d d d dDouble-Door Cabinets20" 36" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPE2036 $1145 +$3823" 36" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPE2336 $1231 +$38d d d dOpen Cabinets20" 36" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPD2036 $1075 +$3823" 36" 27 1 ⁄4" LMPD2336 $1161 +$38d d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 117

Freestanding Lateral FilescNeed help?Product details,page 97Standard Includes• Lateral file with finished top and back: wood• Pedestal drawers: architectural Birch plywood• Pedestal locks, keyed randomly between key numbersTA101–TA110• One hanging file system per file drawer• 7 ⁄8"H recessed base• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for lateral file3 Pulls (see below)4 Lock color (see below)5 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.PullsArc drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black arc pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome arcpulls.• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver arc pulls.Straight drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black straight pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chromestraight pulls.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass straightpulls.Integral drawer pullsNo costSpecify with integral pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome lock.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass lock.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 414<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStainThree-High Freestanding Lateral Files21" 36" 40" LM3L2136 $3632 +$ 8824" 36" 40" LM3L2436 $3732 +$ 88d d d dFour-High Freestanding Lateral Files21" 36" 53" LM4L2136 $3875 +$10624" 36" 53" LM4L2436 $3975 +$106d d d d118 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Corner UnitsCorner UnitsTip: Corner units must beattached to a credenzaworksurface using attachmenthardware provided.Tip: Your specification isnot complete until you add asuffix to define the worksurfaceedge profile.ADWAcNeed help?Product details,page 99Standard IncludesOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.<strong>Specification</strong> Information• Corner unit with edge profile on user’s side only: wood• Square edge-banded attachment and back edges• Kneespace panels• Back panels• Attachment hardware for connection to credenzaworksurfacesDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondA D W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStainCorner Unit for Use with 21"D Credenzas21" 48" 48" 28 1 ⁄2" LMCU4821__ $2565 +$106d d d dCorner Unit for Use with 24"D Credenzas24" 48" 48" 28 1 ⁄2" LMCU4824__ $2565 +$106d d d dRequired to Specify1 Style number with edge profile suffix(see Edge Profiles below)2 Wood veneer color number forcorner unit3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.LandmarkEdge ProfilesFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.A B C<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 119

Support PanelsTip: You must use a kneespacepanel if kneespace isgreater than 54".cNeed help?Product details,page 98Standard Includes• Non-handed T-shape end panel, if selected: wood• Kneespace panel, if selected: wood• Leveling glides: black only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for panel3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStainEnd Panel20" 6" 27 1 ⁄4" LMEP2026 $438 +$2023" 6" 27 1 ⁄4" LMEP2326 $476 +$20d d d dKneespace Panel16" 1 1 ⁄2" 27 1 ⁄4" LMKP161 $234 +$12d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.120 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Finished Back PanelsFinished Back PanelscNeed help?Product details,page 97Standard Includes• Back panel: wood• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for backpanel3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStainFinished Back Panels for Use with Pedestals and Credenzas3 ⁄4" 18" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP18 $149 +$ 20Landmark3 ⁄4" 30" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP30 $249 +$ 303 ⁄4" 36" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP36 $297 +$ 303 ⁄4" 42" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP42 $348 +$ 303 ⁄4" 48" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP48 $397 +$ 423 ⁄4" 54" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP54 $447 +$ 423 ⁄4" 60" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP60 $497 +$ 543 ⁄4" 66" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP66 $547 +$ 543 ⁄4" 72" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP72 $597 +$ 683 ⁄4" 78" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP78 $647 +$ 683 ⁄4" 84" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP84 $696 +$ 683 ⁄4" 90" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP90 $746 +$ 683 ⁄4" 96" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP96 $796 +$ 883 ⁄4" 102" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP102 $846 +$ 883⁄4" 108" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP108 $895 +$ 883⁄4" 114" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP114 $944 +$1003⁄4" 120" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP120 $994 +$100d d d dFinished Back Panels for Use with Returns and Bridges3 ⁄4" 42 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP43 $352 +$ 303 ⁄4" 48 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP49 $402 +$ 423 ⁄4" 54 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP55 $452 +$ 423 ⁄4" 60 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP61 $501 +$ 543 ⁄4" 66 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP67 $550 +$ 54For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.3 ⁄4" 72 1 ⁄2" 26 3 ⁄8" LMBP73 $599 +$ 68d d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 121

72"H Storage TowerscNeed help?Product details,page 98Standard Includes• Storage tower with unfinished back: wood• Drawer and door locks, keyed randomly between keynumbers TA101–TA110• 7 ⁄8"H recessed base• Glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for storagetower3 Pulls (see below)4 Lock color (see below)5 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below and Specify with Customiz stain.at rightcSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.PullsArc drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black arc pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome arcpulls.• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver arc pulls.Straight drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black straight pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chromestraight pulls.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass straightpulls.Integral drawer pullsNo costSpecify with integral pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome lock.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass lock.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 414<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStainSingle-Door WardrobeDoor Hinged Right21" 18" 72" LMTG2118 $2115 +$15824" 18" 72" LMTG2418 $2364 +$158Door Hinged Left21" 18" 72" LMTF2118 $2115 +$15824" 18" 72" LMTF2418 $2364 +$158d d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued on next page122 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

72"H Storage TowersFc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued from previous page<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStainDouble-Door Storage Tower with Wardrobe Left and Shelves Right30"W21" 30" 72" LMTF2130 $3382 +$22224" 30" 72" LMTF2430 $3532 +$222FF36"W21" 36" 72" LMTF2136 $3752 +$22224" 36" 72" LMTF2436 $4122 +$222d d d dLandmarkFDouble-Door Storage Tower with Lateral File Drawers Below and Shelves Above30"W21" 30" 72" LMTA2130 $3767 +$22224" 30" 72" LMTA2430 $3917 +$222F36"W21" 36" 72" LMTA2136 $4137 +$22224" 36" 72" LMTA2436 $4507 +$222d d d dFFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.F cSee = Fixed page shelf 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 123

84"H Storage TowerscNeed help?Product details,page 98Standard Includes• Storage tower with unfinished back: wood• Drawer and door locks, keyed randomly between keynumbers TA101–TA110• 7 ⁄8"H recessed base• Glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for storagetower3 Pulls (see below)4 Lock color (see below)5 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below and Specify with Customiz stain.at rightcSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.PullsArc drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black arc pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome arcpulls.• Silver No cost Specify with 9212 Silver arc pulls.Straight drawer pulls• Black No cost Specify with 0835 Black straight pulls.• Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chromestraight pulls.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass straightpulls.Integral drawer pullsNo costSpecify with integral pulls.Lock andLockKeying • Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome lock.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass lock.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 414<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStainSingle-Door WardrobeDoor Hinged Right21" 18" 84" LM2TG2118 $2391 +$15824" 18" 84" LM2TG2418 $2671 +$158Door Hinged Left21" 18" 84" LM2TF2118 $2391 +$15824" 18" 84" LM2TF2418 $2671 +$158d d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued on next page124 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

84"H Storage TowersFc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued from previous page<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStainDouble-Door Storage Tower with Wardrobe Left and Shelves Right30"W21" 30" 84" LM2TF2130 $3822 +$22224" 30" 84" LM2TF2430 $3991 +$222FF36"W21" 36" 84" LM2TF2136 $4240 +$22224" 36" 84" LM2TF2436 $4658 +$222d d d dLandmarkFDouble-Door Storage Tower with Lateral File Drawers Below and Shelves Above30"W21" 30" 84" LM2TA2130 $4194 +$22224" 30" 84" LM2TA2430 $4363 +$222F36"W21" 36" 84" LM2TA2136 $4622 +$22224" 36" 84" LM2TA2436 $5030 +$222d d d dFFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee F = Fixed page shelf 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 125

43 1 ⁄2"H Service ModulescNeed help?Product details,page 98Standard Includes• Service module with unfinished back: wood• Locks to secure all doors, keyed randomly betweenkey numbers TA101–TA110• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for servicemodule3 Lock color (see below)4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Lock andLockKeying • Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome lock.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass lock.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 414Related • Tackboards cPage 136Products • Shelf lights cPage 138<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTip: Hinge locations areindicated by arrows on cabinetdoor illustrations.DDimensions DDoor DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dWidth dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStainService Module with Two Hinged Doors16" 30" 43 1 ⁄2" 15" LMH1630 $1695 +$ 8016" 36" 43 1 ⁄2" 18" LMH1636 $1795 +$ 8016" 42" 43 1 ⁄2" 21" LMH1642 $1895 +$ 80d d d d dService Module with Three Hinged Doors16" 54" 43 1 ⁄2" 18" LMH1654 $2022 +$118d d d d dService Module with Four Hinged Doors16" 72" 43 1 ⁄2" 18" LMH1672 $2359 +$118d d d d dService Module with Five Hinged Doors16" 90" 43 1 ⁄2" 18" LMH1690 $2976 +$176d d d d d126 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

55 1 ⁄2"H Service Modules55 1 ⁄2"H Service ModulescNeed help?Product details,page 98Standard Includes• Service module with unfinished back: wood• Locks to secure all doors, keyed randomly betweenkey numbers TA101–TA110• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for servicemodule3 Lock color (see below)3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Lock andLockKeying • Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome lock.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass lock.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 414Related • Tackboards cPage 136Products • Shelf lights cPage 138Landmark<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTip: Hinge locations areindicated by arrows on cabinetdoor illustrations.DDimensions DDoor DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dWidth dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStainService Module with Two Hinged Doors16" 30" 55 1 ⁄2" 15" LM2H1630 $2015 +$ 8016" 36" 55 1 ⁄2" 18" LM2H1636 $2415 +$ 8016" 42" 55 1 ⁄2" 21" LM2H1642 $2515 +$ 80d d d d dService Module with Three Hinged Doors16" 54" 55 1 ⁄2" 18" LM2H1654 $2715 +$118d d d d dService Module with Four Hinged Doors16" 72" 55 1 ⁄2" 18" LM2H1672 $2955 +$118d d d d dService Module with Five Hinged Doors16" 90" 55 1 ⁄2" 18" LM2H1690 $3675 +$176d d d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 127

18"H Wall-Mounted CabinetscNeed help?Product details,page 96Standard Includes• Wall-mounted cabinet with unfinished back: wood• Locks to secure all doors, keyed randomly betweenkey numbers TA101–TA110• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number forwall-mounted cabinet3 Lock color (see below)4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below and Specify with Customiz stain.at rightcSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Lock andLockKeying • Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome lock.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass lock.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 414<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTip: Hinge locations areindicated by arrows on cabinetdoor illustrations.DDimensions DDoor DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dWidth dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStainWall-Mounted Cabinets with One Hinged DoorDoor Hinged Right17" 15" 18" 15" LMHWR1715 $ 901 +$2617" 18" 18" 18" LMHWR1718 $ 935 +$2617" 21" 18" 21" LMHWR1721 $ 969 +$26Door Hinged Left17" 15" 18" 15" LMHWL1715 $ 901 +$2617" 18" 18" 18" LMHWL1718 $ 935 +$2617" 21" 18" 21" LMHWL1721 $ 969 +$26d d d d dWall-Mounted Cabinets with Two Hinged Doors17" 30" 18" 15" LMHWL1730 $1255 +$4217" 36" 18" 18" LMHWL1736 $1335 +$4217" 42" 18" 21" LMHWL1742 $1420 +$42d d d d dWall-Mounted Cabinets with Four Hinged Doors17" 60" 18" 15" LMHWL1760 $1826 +$4217" 72" 18" 18" LMHWL1772 $1996 +$5017" 84" 18" 21" LMHWL1784 $2166 +$50d d d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued on next pageFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.128 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

18"H Wall-MountedCabinetsTip: Hinge locations areindicated by arrows on cabinetdoor illustrations.c<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued from previous page<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DDoor DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dWidth dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStainWall-Mounted Cabinet with Five Hinged Doors17" 90" 18" 18" LMHWL1790 $2781 +$50d d d d dWall-Mounted Cabinets with No Doors17" 15" 17 1 ⁄2" N.A. LMHWP1715 $ 876 +$2617" 18" 17 1 ⁄2" N.A. LMHWP1718 $ 905 +$2617" 21" 17 1 ⁄2" N.A. LMHWP1721 $ 934 +$2617" 30" 17 1 ⁄2" N.A. LMHWP1730 $1205 +$4217" 36" 17 1 ⁄2" N.A. LMHWP1736 $1275 +$42With One Partition17" 42" 17 1 ⁄2" N.A. LMHWP1742 $1350 +$4217" 60" 17 1 ⁄2" N.A. LMHWP1760 $1526 +$4217" 72" 17 1 ⁄2" N.A. LMHWP1772 $1676 +$50With Two Partitions17" 84" 17 1 ⁄2" N.A. LMHWP1784 $1826 +$5017" 90" 17 1 ⁄2" N.A. LMHWP1790 $2231 +$50d d d d dLandmarkFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 129

30"H Wall-Mounted CabinetscNeed help?Product details,page 96Standard Includes• Wall-mounted cabinet with unfinished back: wood• Locks to secure all doors, keyed randomly betweenkey numbers TA101–TA110• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number forwall-mounted cabinet3 Lock color (see below)4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below and Specify with Customiz stain.at rightcSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Lock andLockKeying • Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome lock.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass lock.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 414<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTip: Hinge locations areindicated by arrows on cabinetdoor illustrations.DDimensions DDoor DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dWidth dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStainWall-Mounted Cabinets with One Hinged DoorDoor Hinged Right17" 15" 30" 15" LM2HWR1715 $1163 +$2617" 18" 30" 18" LM2HWR1718 $1246 +$2617" 21" 30" 21" LM2HWR1721 $1328 +$26Door Hinged Left17" 15" 30" 15" LM2HWL1715 $1163 +$2617" 18" 30" 18" LM2HWL1718 $1246 +$2617" 21" 30" 21" LM2HWL1721 $1328 +$26d d d d dWall-Mounted Cabinets with Two Hinged Doors17" 30" 30" 15" LM2HWL1730 $1720 +$4217" 36" 30" 18" LM2HWL1736 $1795 +$4217" 42" 30" 21" LM2HWL1742 $1894 +$42d d d d dWall-Mounted Cabinets with Four Hinged Doors17" 60" 30" 15" LM2HWL1760 $2365 +$4217" 72" 30" 18" LM2HWL1772 $2545 +$5017" 84" 30" 21" LM2HWL1784 $2703 +$50d d d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued on next pageFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.130 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

30"H Wall-MountedCabinetsTip: Hinge locations areindicated by arrows on cabinetdoor illustrations.c<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued from previous page<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DDoor DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dWidth dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStainWall-Mounted Cabinet with Five Hinged Doors17" 90" 30" 15" LM2HWL1790 $3320 +$50d d d d dWall-Mounted Cabinets with No Doors17" 15" 29 1 ⁄2" N.A. LM2HWP1715 $1126 +$2617" 18" 29 1 ⁄2" N.A. LM2HWP1718 $1201 +$2617" 21" 29 1 ⁄2" N.A. LM2HWP1721 $1276 +$2617" 30" 29 1 ⁄2" N.A. LM2HWP1730 $1645 +$4217" 36" 29 1 ⁄2" N.A. LM2HWP1736 $1705 +$42With One Partition17" 42" 29 1 ⁄2" N.A. LM2HWP1742 $1790 +$4217" 60" 29 1 ⁄2" N.A. LM2HWP1760 $2015 +$4217" 72" 29 1 ⁄2" N.A. LM2HWP1772 $2165 +$50LandmarkWith Two Partitions17" 84" 29 1 ⁄2" N.A. LM2HWP1784 $2295 +$5017" 90" 29 1 ⁄2" N.A. LM2HWP1790 $2695 +$50d d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 131

Worksurface BookcasescNeed help?Product details,page 98Standard Includes• Bookcase with two or three adjustable shelves: wood• Locks to secure all doors, keyed randomly betweenkey numbers TA101–TA110• Touch-latch on all doors• Mounting hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for bookcase3 Lock color (see below)4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.FTip: 43 1 ⁄2"H worksurfacebookcases align with 72"Htowers. 55 1 ⁄2"H worksurfacebookcases align with 84"Htowers.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Lock andLockKeying • Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome lock.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass lock.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 414<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStainOpen Bookcases15 1 ⁄4" 36" 43 1 ⁄2" LMWB1536 $1459 +$ 78F15 1 ⁄4" 36" 55 1 ⁄2" LM2WB1536 $1892 +$144d d d dFBookcases with Doors16" 36" 43 1 ⁄2" LMWBD1536 $1968 +$ 78F16" 36" 55 1 ⁄2" LM2WBD1536 $2542 +$144d d d dF FF = Fixed shelf132 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Freestanding BookcasesFreestanding BookcasesStandard IncludesRequired to SpecifyFcNeed help?Product details,page 98• Bookcase with two or three adjustable shelves: wood• Locks to secure all doors, keyed randomly betweenkey numbers TA101–TA110• Touch-latch on all doors• Mounting hardware1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for bookcase3 Lock color (see below)3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Lock andLockKeying • Polished Chrome No cost Specify with 9201 Polished Chrome lock.• Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass lock.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationKeying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 414DDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStainOpen Bookcases15 1 ⁄4" 36" 28 1 ⁄2" LM3BK1536 $1403 +$ 78LandmarkF15 1 ⁄4" 36" 45 1 ⁄4" LM4BK1536 $1711 +$ 78F15 1 ⁄4" 36" 57 1 ⁄4" LM5BK1536 $2143 +$144d d d dFBookcases with Doors16" 36" 28 1 ⁄2" LM3BKC1536 $1736 +$ 78F F16" 36" 45 1 ⁄4" LM4BKC1536 $2219 +$ 78F F16" 36" 57 1 ⁄4" LM5BKC1536 $2793 +$144d d d dF FF = Fixed shelf<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 133

AccessoriesField-Installed Center DrawercNeed help?Product details,page 98Standard Includes• Center drawer: wood• Mounting hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for drawercSee Surface Materials, page 140.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d d20 7 ⁄8" 29 9 ⁄16" 1 7 ⁄8" LMCD2130 $285d d dKeyboard ShelfcNeed help?Product details,page 98Standard Includes• Keyboard shelf: 0835 Black paintRequired to SpecifyStyle number<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTip: Keyboard shelf attachesto a bridge or credenza.DDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d d18" 18 1 ⁄4" 5" AKA1 $455d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.134 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

AccessoriesField-Installed Round GrommetStandard Includes• Grommet: paint or metal• Installation instructionsRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Paint or metal color numbercSee Surface Materials, page 140.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W dNumber dPriced d d2 1 ⁄2" 2 1 ⁄2" PTGRMT $50d d dLandmarkFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cAccessories, continued 135

Accessories, continuedTackboardscNeed help?Product details,page 96Standard Includes• Tackboard: vertical surface fabric price group 1• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Fabric color number3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurface • Fabric price group 1 No cost Specify fabric color number.Materials • Fabric price group 2 +$ 12 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 3 +$ 46 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 4 +$ 62 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 5 +$100 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group COM +$ 15 Specify fabric color number.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.136 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Accessories<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dTackboards for Service ModulesFor Use with 30"W Service Modules1" 28 1 ⁄4" 27" LMTP30 $222For Use with 36"W Service Modules1" 34 1 ⁄4" 27" LMTP36 $268For Use with 42"W Service Modules1" 40 1 ⁄4" 27" LMTP42 $316For Use with 54"W Service Modules1" 52 1 ⁄4" 27" LMTP54 $410For Use with 72"W Service Modules1" 70 1 ⁄4" 27" LMTP72 $551For Use with 90"W Service Modules1" 88 1 ⁄4" 27" LMTP90 $693d d dTackboards for Wall-Mounted CabinetsFor Use with 30"W Wall-Mounted Cabinets1" 28 1 ⁄4" 27" LMTPW30 $222For Use with 36"W Wall-Mounted Cabinets1" 34 1 ⁄4" 27" LMTPW36 $268For Use with 42"W Wall-Mounted Cabinets1" 40 1 ⁄4" 27" LMTPW42 $316For Use with 54"W Wall-Mounted Cabinets1" 52 1 ⁄4" 27" LMTPW54 $410For Use with 72"W Wall-Mounted Cabinets1" 70 1 ⁄4" 27" LMTPW72 $551For Use with 90"W Wall-Mounted Cabinets1" 88 1 ⁄4" 27" LMTPW90 $693d d dLandmarkFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 137

Standard Shelf LightsTip: Daisy chaining is notallowed in New York City orChicago. Local electricalcodes vary, so you shouldconsult a qualified electricalcontractor or engineer forproper installation of allelectrical equipment.Tip: Because shelf lights areusually recessed, black isthe standard paint color.Paint colors other than blackhave an upcharge.Tip: If an optional paint coloris selected for the housing,the electrical switches andend caps will remain blackplastic.Tip: Shelf lights are includedhere to simplify your planning.Remember that theyhave different pricing termsthan Steelcase Woodproducts.Tip: Remember to order adaisy chain starter cord.cSee Related Products onnext page.cNeed help?Product details,page 100Standard Includes• Light housing with centered on-off switch:black paint• End cap cord managers: black plastic only• Cords:—9' cord with three-prong plug at 45° angle:black vinyl only—One 30" and one 48" cord with modularconnectors for daisy chaining: black vinyl only• Contrast sleeve around lamp• Faceted reflector: white only• T8 3500K lamp• Ballast• Universal mounting hardware package• Attachment hardware• Daisy chain starter cord, if selected: black vinyl only(order separately)Required to Specify1 Style number2 Paint color number, if other than black(see options below)3 Options, if selected (see belowcSee Surface Materials, page 140.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurface • Painted light housing +$15 Specify paint color number for housing.Materials other than black cSee Surface Materials, page 414.Bracket • Competitive mounting No cost Specify with competitive mountingOptions package package.• Flush mounting package No cost Specify with flush mounting package andpaint color number for end cap covers.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DLamp DStyle DU.S.dD W H dWattage dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dElectronic Ballast9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24K $2969 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36K $3179 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48K $342With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KC $3449 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KC $3659 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KC $390With Daisy Chain Cords9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KD $3219 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KD $3429 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KD $367d d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued on next pageFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.138 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Standard Shelf LightsTip: Remember to order adaisy chain starter cord.cSee Related Productsbelow.c<strong>Specification</strong> Information continued from previous page<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DLamp DStyle DU.S.dD W H dWattage dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dEconomizer Electronic Ballast9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KF $3369 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KF $3579 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KF $382With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KFC $3849 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KFC $4059 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KFC $430With Daisy Chain Cords9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KFD $3619 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KFD $3829 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KFD $407d d d dRelated ProductsDQuantity DLength DStyle DU.S.din Package d dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dDaisy Chain Starter Cord1 78" LS1FSC $ 416 78" LS6FSC $246d d d dLandmarkFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 139

Surface Materials.This listing includes all ofthe surface material choicesthat are available forLandmark..ResourcesFor more information aboutsurface materials, refer tothe following resources:Surface MaterialsReference ManualThis publication provides:• An explanation of thesurface materials program•“Available on” matrices• Vertical surface fabricand seating upholsteryselection listing• Pricing for surfacematerials• Technical data for surfacematerials• Surface material care andcleaning instructionsSurface MaterialsFinishes Binder includes:• Surface MaterialsReference Manual• A complete set of swatchcards for hard surfacesSurface MaterialsVertical Surface FabricBinder includes:• A complete set of swatchcards for vertical surfacefabricSurface MaterialsSeating UpholsteryBinder includes:• Designtex Graded-InCatalog• A complete set ofswatch cards forseating upholsterySurface MaterialsTool Box provides 3" x 3"samples of the following surfacematerials:• Vertical surface fabric• Seating upholstery• Wood veneer• Paint• LaminateForm number S8150.Wood<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> finish is adurable, medium-gloss finishthat enhances the naturalbeauty of the wood. Allworksurfaces are fully filledso they are smooth to thetouch.3414 Natural Cherry3424 Medium Cherry3534 Winter on Maple3544 Blonde on Maple3564 Linseed on Maple3574 Amber Maple3744 Autumn on Walnut3774 Medium Mahoganyon WalnutCustomiz StainCustomiz stain is a servicethat allows you to createyour own stain color onstandard veneers. Customizstain color is available onall product lines that offerwood veneer.A one-time formulation feeof $400 U.S. per color, percustomer processing feewill apply. The fee coversthe cost of formulating theCustomiz finish and appliesregardless of whether or notan order for product isplaced. Please refer to the“Customiz Stain” optionprice column in your specificationguide for the unitupcharge.Customiz stains take 10days to formulate. Consultthe Surface MaterialsReference Manual for moreinformation. Custom veneersare also available and mustbe quoted by specials engineering.Customiz stain oncustom veneers take two tofour weeks to formulate.Requirements and informationon ordering a Customizstain color are found in theSurface Materials ReferenceManual..MetalArc pull0835 Black9201 Polished Chrome9212 SilverStraight pull0835 Black9201 Polished Chrome9233 Satin BrassGrommets0835 Black9201 Polished Chrome9211 Nickel9230 Antique Bronze.Locks9201 Polished Chrome9233 Satin Brass9250 Ember Chrome.140 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Surface Materials.BoccieVertical Surface FabricP300 RiceApplies to:P301 Almond• TackboardsP302 NutmegP303 CamelClassics CollectionP304 OpalP305 MistSurface materials in theP306 PlumClassics Collection are time-P307 Lichenless. These materials shouldP308 Spearmintbe available for a minimumP309 Skyof 10 years from the date thematerial is introduced intoCornicethe Classics Collection. TheP131 SpireClassics Collection includesP132 Spandrelthe following fabrics in PriceP133 CrownGroups 1 through 3:P134 CoronaPrice Group 1P135 SconceP136 FinialAbacusP137 PedimentP122 EntasisP123 PorticoEmbrasureP124 OpusP140 ColonnadeP125 CuspP141 RotundaP126 ArtifactP142 OculusP127 ArcadeP143 BalusterP128 MatrixP144 TorusP129 AtlasP156 PilasterPrice Group 2AcadiaAmirantéG031 Tin5664 MinkG033 Iron5665 IvoryG034 Pewter5666 Silver FrostG039 Silica5677 MoongloG040 Malachite5679 WoodbineG041 Brimstone5686 SeaG042 Galena5687 ChamoisG043 Azurite5688 BalsaG044 Limonite5689 OpalG045 Tourmaline5690 Blue HorizonBariolageAshantiG220 Etude5610 French CreamG221 Andante5612 IvoryG226 Cantata5613 Silver FrostG227 Adagio5657 MoongloG233 Melody5659 WoodbineG234 Ballata5674 QuinceG235 SonataAshanti ReverseBelgrade5638 MinkB600 Strawberry5639 IvoryB603 Storm5640 Silver FrostB604 Seafoam5648 MoongloB606 Buff5650 WoodbineB607 Harbor5654 QuinceB608 LilyB609 MossBouquetP163 VivienBellaRoseP165 HostaB650 AvodireP166 DundeeB651 BirchP168 AsterB652 WillowP169 ArgentaB653 AlderP170 HoyaB654 LaurelP172 CactusB655 WengeP173 CamomileB656 EbonyP174 HoneysuckleP175 Jasper..CordialE400 WhiteLilyE401 SagebrushE402 ShamrockE404 SilverLeafE405 LavenderE414 Ocean ReefE415 SesameE416 MarinaE417 SpearmintFirenzeP001 TranquilleP002 StaghornP003 FigFirenze ReverseF001 TranquilleF002 StaghornF003 FigFrescoG001 SandriftG002 MistibluG003 FaonG004 SepiaG005 ArrowoodG006 ChamolineG007 GrapenutG013 PistachioG016 WinterskyG017 FlintMilanoN001 OysterN002 DelftN003 WoodlandN004 SunshadowN005 OlivineN007 RedgrapeN008 MolluskN009 FairwayN010 DahliaN012 TeakwoodRacquetsP330 LichenP331 LilyP332 AlmondP333 NutmegP334 PewterP335 SpearmintP336 SkyRegattaD004 RoseberryD006 BluesageD007 ColibriD011 LicoriceD012 ProvenceD020 Haze5335 Warm Brown V15336 Warm Brown V25338 Tan V15339 Tan V25344 Grey V15345 Grey V25369 Blue V1Wilshire5831 Blue Violet V35841 Warm Brown V35846 Grey V35864 Lark5865 Burgess5867 Castle5868 FieldstonePrice Group 3Martinique5574 May Apple5577 Woodsorrel5578 Baneberry5579 Waterlily5582 Morro5583 Diva.Options CollectionSurface materials in theOptions Collection are availableon select Steelcasebrand seating and systemsproducts. These materialsshould be available for aminimum of 3 years from thedate the material is introducedinto the OptionsCollection.Options Collection fabricsand upholsteries are noweven easier to order. Specifyindividual finish codes followingthe same process asClassics Collection fabricsand upholsteries.The Options Collectionincludes the followingfabrics in Price Groups 2and 3:Price Group 2SolitaireP343 SpearmintP344 RiceP345 TaupeP346 PewterP347 NutmegP348 ChamoisP349 CamelP350 MistP351 LichenP352 WillowP353 SilverP354 SkyP355 VioletPrice Group 3LottoP310 PewterP311 AlmondP312 NutmegP313 PlumP314 LichenP315 SkyP316 SpearmintPick-Up SticksP320 BoneP321 CloudP322 AlmondP323 PewterP324 NutmegP325 ChamoisP326 CamelP327 LichenP328 SpearmintP329 Sky..Landmark<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cSurface Materials, continued 141

Surface Materials, continuedDesigntex Graded-In ProgramAll Designtex Graded-In fabricsare now supported justlike standard fabrics whenordered on Steelcase furniture.TheDesigntex Graded-In program also includes theEnvironmental ImpactCollection, which offers sustainabletextiles in affordableprice groups. For additionalinformation and fabric samples,contact your localDesigntex Group sales representativeat1.800.221.1540.Designtex fabrics are gradedinto Steelcase Price Groups1 through 4:Price Group 1Moors (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Price Group 2AcresBracken (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)BrunswickCut to the ChaseGimletNicheSenecalStreams (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Price Group 3ApexDalmatianFoxtrotMeringueNo Deposit No ReturnRain (Environmental ImpactCollection)Sea Breeze (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Six PackThat Straw StuffPrice Group 4SumocSee the Surface MaterialsReference Manual for a listingof upholstery colors...Price Group COM(Customer’s Own Material)Fabric Approval andYardageTo confirm whether aparticular COM materialhas already been tested foruse on a specific Steelcaseproduct or to determineactual yardage requirements:• Visit www.steelcase.com• Click on “Tools & Insights”• Select “Customer’s OwnMaterial”You can find the sameinformation on the in2 site.Follow these steps:• Visit www.in2.steelcase.com• Click on “Sales/DesignTeam”• Select “Surface Materials”• Select “Customer’s OwnMaterial”For additionalinformation regardingCustomer’s OwnMaterial, call1.888.STEELCASE.....142 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

TableauStatement of Line 144Product Details 148All About Wrappers 153Wrapper Choice Overview 1542 1 ⁄2"-Round Grommet Locations 155Access Door Locations 156Power and Communication Overview 157Internode Components 158Canopy Lights 161Shelf Lights 162Daisy Chaining 163<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTable Desk 165Desks, Double-Pedestal 166Desks, Single-Pedestal 168Run-Off Tables 170Run-Off Tables with Kneewell PowerPed 172P-Shape Run-Off Tables 174Returns 176Returns with Kneewell PowerPed 178Bridge 180Credenzas 182Service Modules 198Credenzas for Use with Service Modules orWall-Mounted/Spanning Cabinets 199Wall-Mounted/Spanning Cabinets 213Worksurface Bookcases 214Freestanding Bookcases 215Vertical Cabinets 216TableauRelated ProductsCanopy Lights 218Standard Shelf Lights 220Power and Communications 397Surface Materials 222<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 143

Scale 100TableauStatement of Line28 1 /2"HScale 3028 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 149Specifyingc Page 165Understandingc Page 148Specifyingc Page 166Table Desk72"W36"D •Desks, Double-Pedestal72"W36"D •28 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 148Specifyingc Page 168Desks, Single-Pedestal72"W36"D •28 1 /2"H28 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 149Specifyingc Pages 170–175Run-Off Tables60"W 72"W 84"W30"D •36"D • •144 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

TableauStatement of Line28 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 148Specifyingc Pages 176–17928 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 148Specifyingc Page 180Returns54"W24"D •Bridge45"W24"D •For use with Wall-Mounted/SpanningCabinets and Service Modules28 1 /2"HCredenzas36"W 72"W 90"W 108"W24"D • • P • P • PP = Credenza with PowerPed also availableUnderstandingc Page 148Specifyingc Pages 182–197,199–212Tableau17"16"Understandingc Page 148Specifyingc Page 198Service Modules36"W 72"W 90"W 108"W44 1 ⁄2"H • • • •<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cTableau Statement of Line, continued 145

Tableau Statement of Line, continued17"16"Understandingc Page 148Specifyingc Page 213Wall-Mounted/Spanning Cabinets36"W 72"W 90"W 108"W44 1 ⁄2"H • • • •16"16" 17"16" 17"Understandingc Page 150Specifyingc Page 214Understandingc Page 150Specifyingc Page 215Worksurface Bookcases18"W 36"W44 1 ⁄2"H • •Freestanding Bookcases72"W73"H •24"24"24"FFUnderstandingc Page 150Specifyingc Page 216Vertical Cabinets18"W 36"W73"H • •146 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

TableauStatement of LineTableau<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 147

Tableau.Tableau is an executivecasegoods line developedexclusively for <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong>by Lauren Rottet, RichardRiveire, and Kai Broms ofthe Rottet Group. Tableau isan invitation to create richlytextured environments bydrawing on an eclecticvocabulary of diverse materialsand applying themin combinations that arestrikingly contemporary ortimelessly traditional.Service modules andwall-mounted/spanningcabinets provide additionalstorage above acredenza.Credenzas are availablewith or without pedestals toaccommodate individualstorage and work needs.Pulls are offset to the outsideedge of drawer anddoor fronts.Base, 2"H, is wood.Optional brushed aluminumand brushed bronze metalbases are available.Drawers are made ofarchitectural birch plywood.Personal-, box-, and filesizedrawers are available.Leveling glides adjustto install furniture onuneven floors.Tackboards, provide atackable surface betweenthe worksurface and overheadstorage on servicemodules and wall-mounted/spanning cabinets. A 36"Wslatwall segment canreplace all or a portion ofthe tackboard to accommodatean array of work tools.Bridges and returnsattach to a desk and credenzato form a U-shapeconfiguration.Desks are available insingle- and double-pedestalmodels. Single-pedestaldesks are available withpedestal located on the leftorright-hand side.Worksurface has a woodcore with wood veneer surfaceand square veneeredge profile.Wrappers of contrastingmaterials are available tomake signature design statementson desks, run-offtables, credenzas, and pedestals.Wrapper is standardon freestanding bookcasesand desks.cSee All About Wrappers,page 153..148 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Tableau.Product DetailsEdge profile is a simple,square, contemporary detailsupported by a recessedsub top.Wrappers are availablein a variety of configurationsto apply contrasting materialsto the surfaces of desks,run-off tables, credenzas,and pedestal substitutions.cSee All About Wrappers,page 153.6"Overhanging worksurfaceon desks and run-offtables provides kneespacefor visitors and providesconferencing capabilities..Table desk includescenter drawer on the user’sside to allow it to functionas a desk.Scale 30Scale 30Desks are available insingle-pedestal and doublepedestalversions.Desk-height returns areavailable with pedestals orPowerPeds.Scale 100.Run-off tables attach tocredenzas to extend worksurfacearea. They areavailable in left- and righthandversions.cSee Connections,page 151.Credenzas are availablein four widths—36"W, 72"W,90"W, and 108"W. A widerange of pedestal and kneespacearrangements areavailable.Tip: 36"W credenza doesnot have a kneewell..Back panel of desks, runofftables, returns, bridges,and credenzas is full-height.Back panel is finished ondesks, run-off tables, returns,and bridges. Credenzas arestandard with an open back;however, a finished back isavailable.Pulls are available in twoshapes—octagonal andfour-square.Pedestals are full-heightand are available with personal,box, and file drawers.Box drawers open theirfull depth. They include onemovable partition..File drawers open theirfull depth to provide accessto the contents. They areequipped with a hanging filesystem that accommodatesletter-size filing front-tobackor side-to-side andA4- and legal-size filingside-to-side.Lateral file drawersopen their full depth foraccess to the contents.They accommodate letter-,A4-, and legal-size filing.Safety stop preventsaccidental removal of drawersfrom the pedestals.Center drawer with penciltray is standard on desksand table desk. Drawer isnon-locking..Tableau<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cTableau, continued 149

Tableau, continued.Keyboard shelf, availablefrom Details, can be added inthe field to support a computerkeyboard beneath thelevel of the worksurface. Itattaches under any worksurfacewith a 18"D x18 1 ⁄4"W clear space.Tip: Grommet is recommendedin the worksurfaceto allow cable from the keyboardto link with the computeron the worksurface.Service modules arestandard with an unfinishedback to be used against awall. A finished back is availablefor applications wherethe back of the servicemodule will be exposed.Tackboard is standard onservice modules and wallmounted/spanningcabinets.36"W slatwall segments canreplace all or a portion ofthe tackboard to accommodatean array of work tools.cSee Optional SlatwallPanels, page 152..Details accessoriesare available for use onslatwalls. For product information,contact:Details25 Ottawa Avenue SW4th Floor, Arena StationGrand Rapids, MI 49503Telephone 1.800.833.0411Wall-mounted/spanningcabinet attaches betweentwo vertical cabinets, powerwalls,or bookcases..Vertical cabinets areavailable in two widths—18"W and 36"W. 18"Wcabinets have a single-door.Interior space includesshelves or shelves and anarrow wardrobe on the left.36"W cabinets have doubledoorsor double-doors abovelateral file drawers. <strong>Interiors</strong>pace includes shelvesor shelves and a narrowwardrobe on the left. Verticalcabinets can be used tosupport wall-mounted/spanningcabinets installedabove a credenza. Back ofvertical cabinet is standardunfinished but a finishedback is available for applicationswhere the back ofthe cabinet is exposed.Worksurface bookcasesare available withand without doors. Adjustablewood shelves arestandard and glass shelvesare available as an option.Bookcases can be used tosupport wall-mounted/spanning cabinets installedabove a credenza. Back ofbookcase is unfinished..Freestanding bookcasehas a finished back and isstandard with a left- or righthandasymmetrical wrapper.Storage cubbie with coathook is included on wrappedend of unit. Recessed lightsare included in underside oftop of bookcase. Shelvesare glass and can beremoved.PowerPed can be usedbelow the worksurface toprovide convenient accessto power and communicationoutlets while concealingthem from view. Side dooropens to access Internodepower module and receptacles,ordered separately.Openings in bottom andsides allow wire and cablerouting. Front does notopen..Locks & KeyingFront-removable lock isavailable with random, consecutive,or specific keyingoptions. Master-keyed lockis available.cPage 413Pedestals have a lock inface of bottom drawer thatsecures all the drawers inthe pedestal.Vertical cabinets withdrawers have a separatelock in the face of the lowerdrawer front that secures allthe lateral file drawers.Vertical cabinet doors donot lock..150 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Tableau.ConnectionsRun-off table must beattached to a credenza withkneespace to provide stability.Connection forms aflush-height, L-shape, orT-shape configuration.Attachment brackets areincluded with the table.Desk-height returnattaches to a single-pedestaldesk or kneespace credenzato form a flush-height, L-shape configuration. Attachmentbrackets are includedwith the return.Bridge attaches to a singlepedestaldesk and kneespacecredenza to forma flush-height, U-shapeconfiguration. Attachmentbrackets are included withthe bridge.Service module attachesto the top of a credenza ofthe same width. Attachmenthardware is included withthe service module..Wall-mounted/spanningcabinet attaches to twovertical cabinets, bookcases,or powerwalls abovea credenza. Attachmenthardware is included withthe wall-mounted/spanningcabinet.Wall-mounted/spanningcabinet can also attach toa wall of the building abovea credenza. Mounting cleatis included with the cabinet.21 5 /8"Clearance between worksurfaceand the undersideof overhead storage cabinetsin a service module orwall-mounted/spanning cabinetis 21 5 ⁄8" to providespace for most computermonitors..Wiring & CablingAccess door in worksurfaceof desks, returns, runofftables, bridges, andcredenzas includes a conveniencetri-receptacle anda convenience communicationoutlet housing andallows cables to passthrough the worksurface.Worksurface grommetis available to add wireand cable routing capabilityto desks, run-off tables,returns, bridges, andcredenzas.Side-port grommet canbe specified to add wire andcable routing capability todesk, run-off tables, returns,and credenzas. These arenot available when wrappersare placed in the sideportgrommet area..Space in base of Power-Peds allows them to bepositioned over floor monumentsto allow power andcabling connections to thebuilding to be concealed.Recessed bases allowwires and cables to reachthe inside of PowerPed,pedestals, and Powerwall.Internode componentsare available to extendpower networks inside anindividual workspace.Internode powerblocksattach to mounting bracketinside Tableau PowerPedsand Powerwalls and accommodatereceptacles orderedseparately. A wide variety ofpower harnesses is availableto make connections.Components to form voiceand data networks are alsoavailable.cFor additional offerings,see Transitional PathwaysProducts <strong>Specification</strong><strong>Guide</strong>..Cable passage isdesigned in the back ofall pedestals allowing aflexible, integrated distributionzone for power andcommunications..Tableau<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cTableau, continued 151

Tableau, continued.Surface MaterialsTable desk, desks,run-off tables, returns,bridges, credenzas,pedestals, servicemodules, wall-mounted/spanning cabinet, verticalcabinets, bookcases,and Powerwalls• Wood and wood veneerWrappers• Wood veneercPage 153Octagonal drawer anddoor pulls• 8042 Brushed Aluminum• 9237 Brushed Bronze• 9240 GunmetalFour-Square drawerand door pulls• 6683 Quartz• 6684 GypsumAccess door• Solid wood door2 1 ⁄2"-round worksurfacegrommet• 0835 Black• 8042 Brushed Aluminum• 9237 Brushed BronzeLock• 9201 Polished Chrome• 9233 Satin Brass• 9250 Ember ChromeLeveling glides• Black onlyTackboards• Vertical surface fabricprice groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,and COMSlatwall• 8043 Clear AnodizedAluminum• 8044 Black AnodizedAluminumBase• 8042 Brushed Aluminum• 9237 Brushed Bronze.Application Topics36"18" 33 3 /4" 18"27" 33 3 /4"27"33 3 /4" 18" 33 3 /4" 18"Optional slatwall panelsare integrated with tackboardson service modulesand wall-mounted/spanningcabinets that are more than36"W. Drawing above showsslatwall positions.All About WrapperscPage 153Power andCommunicationOverviewcPage 157Internode ComponentscPage 158..152 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

All About WrappersAll About Wrappers.Wrappers are optional3 ⁄4"-thick wood veneerpanels that can be addedto portions of Tableaupedestals, desks, run-offtables, and credenzas tocreate signature designstatements.Surfaces of wrappersare wood veneered on bothsides. Premium architecturalveneers are availablein 10 finishes to complementor contrast with thebase unit.Accent strip is a woodveneer with a linear patternthat produces a subtle contrastalong the edge of topwrappers and front wrappers.Accent strip is 2 1 ⁄2"on top wrappers and 4" onfront wrappers..Six basic wrappertypes are available.Top wrappers cover aportion of the top of thedesk and “drape” down partof the back or sides. Topwrappers always include a2 1 ⁄2" accent strip.Side wrappers cover theside and portion of the frontand back on desk and runofftable.Front wrappers cover aportion of the front of pedestals.Wrappers on the frontof a pedestal always includea 4" accent strip. Frontwrappers are specified asproduct specials throughthe <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> Specialsdepartment.Scale 100.Side port grommet isnot available on the sameside as an asymmetricalwrapper. Use the oppositeside of the unit for a sideport grommet or use worksurfacegrommets. If specifyinga symmetrical wrapper,side port grommet optionis not available.Worksurface grommetsand worksurfaceaccess door optionscannot be specified if a topwrapper has been specified....Tableau<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 153

..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Wrapper Choice Overview154 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>Table DesksDouble-Pedestal DesksSingle-Pedestal DesksRun-Off TablesFreestanding BookcaseScale 100Scale 100Side overlay wrapperLeft asymmetrical wrapperRight asymmetrical wrapperLeft asymmetrical wrapper*Left asymmetrical wrapper*Left asymmetrical wrapper**Right-hand versions are also available.

2 1 ⁄2"-Round Grommet Locations2 1 /2"-RoundGrommet LocationsDesks9" 27" 27"9" 27" 27"9" 27" 27"9" 9" 9"36"DL C R 36"D L C R 36"D L C R72"W72"W72"WRun-Off Tables51"63" 51"3"9" 9"30"DE36"DEE60"W72"W 84"WReturns9" 18" 18"9" 18" 18"9" 18" 18"3" 3" 3"24"D L C R24"D L C R24"D L C R54"W54"W54"WBridge22 1 /2"3"24"D45"WCredenzas9" 18"9" 27" 27" 9" 36" 36" 9" 45" 45"3" 3" 3" 3"24"D L R 24"D L C R 24"D L C R 24"D L C R36"W 72"W 90"W 108"W..Tableau<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 155

Access Door LocationsDesks36"36"36"10 1 /2"10 1 /2"10 1 /2"36"D36"D36"DC C C72"W72"W72"WRun-Off Tables30"36" 30"4 1 /2"10 1 /2" 10 1 /2"30"D C36"DCC60"W72"W 84"WReturns27" 27" 27"4 1 /2" 4 1 /2" 4 1 /2"24"DC24"DC24"DC54"W 54"W 54"WBridge22 1 /2"4 1 /2"24"DC45"WCredenzas9" 18"27" 18" 27" 18" 18" 27" 18" 18" 18"4 1 /2"4 1 /2" 4 1 /2" 4 1 /2"24"D 24"D 24"D 24"DL R LC RC L C R L LC RC R36"W 72"W 90"W 108"WCredenzas for use with Wall-Mounted/Spanning Cabinets or Service Modules27" 18" 27" 18" 18" 27" 18" 18" 18"7 1 /2" 7 1 /2" 7 1 /2"24"D 24"D 24"DLC RC L C R L LC RC R72"W 90"W 108"WTip: Access door must belocated in kneespace only...156 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Power and Communication OverviewPower and CommunicationOverview.Wire brush strip alongbottom of tackboards providesadditional support forrouting power and communications.Cable passage isdesigned in the back ofall pedestals allowing aflexible, integrated distributionzone for power andcommunications.Desk-high power andcommunication areintegrated in Tableau’spull-up access door via theInternode convenience trireceptacle(with power cordand plug) and Internodeconvenience communicationoutlet housing.PowerPed houses thePathways Internode powermodule and receptacles,ordered separately.Openings in bottom andsides of the PowerPedallow wire and cable routingand access to buildinginfrastructure. The sidedoor opens to give useraccess to power andcommunications.Side port grommet canbe specified to add wire andcable routing capability todesk, run-off tables, returns,and credenzas. These arenot available when wrappersare placed in the sideport grommet area..Tableau<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 157

Internode ComponentsInternode componentsprovide external routingand access of power andcommunication to freestandingworksurfaces.Power module is acSpecifying, page 397power block inside a metalhousing. It accepts modularModular harnessesreceptacles.connect power modules.Mounting bracketattaches to bottom of aworksurface and accommodatespower or communicationmodules.Convenience tri-receptacleextends power abovethe worksurface using amodular connector or acord and plug.Receptacles are orderedseparately and installed onsite. They are coded to indicatewhich circuit and typeof ground they engage.Block-to-block connectoris used to connect adjacentpower modules.Cover closes the openingwhen receptacles are notused.Communication moduleaccommodates anyNEMA or modular furniturefaceplate.Actual DimensionsPower Communication Convenience Convenience Mounting Modularmodule module tri-receptacle communication Bracket Harnessesoutlet housingDepth 3" 3" 2 3 ⁄4" 2 3 ⁄4" 4" N.A.Width 10" 5" 5 1 ⁄4" 5 1 ⁄4" 10" N.A.Height 3 1 ⁄2" 4" 2 1 ⁄2" 2 1 ⁄2" 1 1 ⁄2" N.A.Harness length N.A. N.A. 72" N.A. N.A. 12" to 144". Power cord length N.A. N.A. 96" N.A. N.A. N.A..158 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Internode Components.Product DetailsPower module accommodatesup to four duplexreceptacles—two on eachside. Factory-installedmounting bracket is includedin each Tableau PowerPedand Powerwall.Covers are included foreach side to fill the openingswhen receptacles arenot used.Tip: Power module isattached to the mountingbracket or another powermodule.cPage 399Communication moduleis a metal housing thatsupports NEMA or modularfurniture faceplates. Faceplatesare located on oneside of the module. It canbe attached to a powermodule, to the mountingbracket, or directly ontounderside of worksurface.cPage 401Convenience tri-receptaclehouses three receptacles.It is designed to siton a worksurface or attachbeneath it with the belowworksurfacemountingbracket. Two versions of theconvenience tri-receptacleare available—with a modularconnector and with acord and plug..Convenience tri-receptaclewith modularharness draws power fromthe end of a power moduleor a power block in a 4"Pathways Technology Wallbeltway. Attachment clampsare included. Below-worksurfacemounting bracketcan be ordered separately.cPage 402HousingFaceplateConvenience communicationoutlet housingsupports customer-suppliedmodular furniture faceplates.It is designed to siton a worksurface using theabove-worksurface clampkit. Attach beneath theworksurface by using belowworksurfacemountingbracket. Order mountinghardware separately.cPage 402Receptacles snap intopower blocks. Tools are notrequired for installation..Convenience tri-receptaclewith cord andplug has an 8' cord todrawer power. It can beattached to a power moduleto the mounting bracket, ordirectly onto underside ofworksurface. Order mountinghardware separately.cPage 402Modular harnessmust be specified to routepower between two powermodules.cPage 400Harness-to-harnessconnector is available tojoin harnesses and extendthe length of a run.cPage 400.ConnectionsMounting bracketattaches power or communicationmodules. Factoryinstalledmounting bracketis included in each TableauPowerPed and Powerwall.Mounting bracket can beordered separately to allowyou to install power or communicationmodules whereverneeded beneath theworksurface.Tip: Communication modulecan also be installed directlyto the underside of a worksurfacewithout using amounting bracket.cPage 399Horizontally connectpower and communicationmodules to increase thenumber of receptacles andcommunication outletsbeneath a worksurface.Order a block-to-blockconnector to join adjacentmodules.cPage 158Internode cord andcable manager attachesto the underside of a worksurfaceor the mountingbracket to help organizeand store cords and cables.cPage 404.Internode harness clipattaches to the undersideof a worksurface to routeand manage modularharnesses.cPage 404Below-worksurfacemounting bracketmounts convenience trireceptacleor a conveniencecommunication outlethousing to the undersideof a worksurface.cPage 403.Tableau<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cInternode Components, continued 159

Internode Components, continued.Wiring & CablingScale 125Internode floor power infeed includesflexible liquid-tight harness that brings powerfrom the monument in the floor of the buildingto an Internode power module.cPage 398Tip: Floor power infeed cannot be used inNew York City. Use a multipurpose powerinfeed instead.Power can branch in upto three directions from apower module..Surface MaterialsPower block andhousing• 4793 Solar Black onlyPower module covers• 6653 Solar Black onlyCommunicationmodule• 4793 Solar Black onlyConveniencetri-receptacle• PlasticPower cord andplug on conveniencetri-receptacle• Black onlyConvenience communicationhousing• PlasticAbove-worksurfaceclamp kit• 6653 Solar Black onlyBelow-worksurfacemounting bracket• 4793 Solar Black only...160 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Canopy Lightsfor Use with 3 ⁄4"- to 1 3 ⁄4"-Thick WorksurfacesCanopy LightsCanopy lights are tasklights designed to complementa variety of Steelcasesystems furniture, includingTurnstone and Answer,Wood products, and manycompetitive furniture lines.Canopy lights provide broadcoverage and evenly balancedlight that significantlyminimizes glare.cSpecifying, page 218Actual DimensionsDepth 7 1 ⁄16"Width 24 1 ⁄4", 36 1 ⁄16", or 47 7 ⁄8"Height 18"Worksurface. thickness range 3 ⁄4" to 1 3 ⁄4"On-off switch is centeredon the bottom of the controlbox in the front.Housing is painted orclear anodized aluminum.Riser supports light aboveworksurface. Power cordsnaps into vertical wiremanager in back of riser.Clamp mechanismsecures riser to anyworksurface from 3 ⁄4"- to1 3 ⁄4"-thick.Cord exits from underneaththe center of the control box.9' cord with groundedplug is factory installed.Length is maximum allowedby U.S. National ElectricalCode. Cord with circuitbreaker is available to meetthe requirements of theChicago code.Plug is flat so it remainsclose to the receptacle..Product DetailsCanopy light includes thelamp, ballast, and either a9' cord with three-prongplug or Chicago plug.45°Plug configurationallows two canopy lights toengage adjacent outlets inone receptacle.Energy-saving T5lamps have triphosphorcoating for balanced colorand pleasing light.Optics include a crescentshapedlens with specularaluminum reflector that provideslow glare and broaddistribution of light.Connections1 /2" maximumEdge profile must not begreater than 1 ⁄2" thick toaccommodate clampmechanism.5 /16" minimumClearance betweenworksurface and panelmust be at least 5 ⁄16".Width Lamp Lamp Replacementwidth wattage lamps24 1 ⁄4" 21 3 ⁄5" 14 watts F14T5\83536 1 ⁄16" 33 2 ⁄5" 21 watts F21T5\83547 7 ⁄8" 45 1 ⁄5" 28 watts F28T5\835Surface MaterialsHousing• Paint• Clear anodized aluminum2 3 Clear/4"spaceReflector• Specular (reflective)aluminum2 3 /16"CordAt least 2 3 ⁄4"H and• Black vinyl only2 3 ⁄16"W of clear spaceunderneath the worksurfaceEnd caps, control box,is needed.and riser• Sterling plastic onlyWiring & CablingElectronic ballast ismore energy efficient thanT8 electronic ballasts.Electronic dimmingcontrol features slidingswitch, which allowscontinuous-range dimmingfrom 100% to 50% lightoutput.SlotSlot in back of riser securespower cord until it reachesthe access channel at theback of worksurface....Tableau<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 161

Shelf LightsStandardcSpecifying, page 220Actual DimensionsDepth 9 1 ⁄4"Width 24 5 ⁄8", 36 5 ⁄8",or 48 5 ⁄8"Height 1 3 ⁄4".End cap cord managers,molded into thedurable plastic end caps,allow you to route andmanage excess cord.Housing is painted black.Optional paint colors areavailable.On-off switch is centeredon the front edge of theshelf light.Cord exits from the centerof the back of the light.Plug is flat so it remainsclose to the receptacle.9' cord with grounded plugis factory installed. Lengthis maximum allowed byU.S. National ElectricalCode. Cord with circuitbreaker is available to meetthe requirements of theChicago code.Daisy chain cords havemodular connectors to linkshelf lights together..Product DetailsShelf light includes thelamp, ballast, and either a9' cord with three-prongplug or daisy-chain cords.45°Plug configurationallows two shelf lights toengage adjacent outlets inone receptacle.Energy-saving T8lamps have triphosphorcoating for balanced colorand pleasing light.ConnectionsSteelcase standardshelf lights can beordered separately and arerecessed beneath the overheadstorage cabinets ofservice modules and wallmounted/spanningcabinets.Universal bracket allowsshelf light to be installed withouttools and to be recessedunder most overheadstorage bins and shelves.The bracket snaps into theend caps and then shelflight snaps into place.Width Lamp Lamp Replacementwidth wattage lamps24 5 ⁄8" 24" 17 watts F17T8-TL73536 5 ⁄8" 36" 25 watts F25T8-TL73548 5 ⁄8" 48" 32 watts F32T8-TL735Competitive mountingpackage provides attach-Wiring & Cablingment hardware to mountPower drawn is approxi-Steelcase shelf lights onmately 1 ⁄2 amp.all major competitive furniturelines. Package includesDaisy chaining permitsscrews and installationinterconnecting up to sixinstructions.shelf lights from a singlepower outlet.Flush mounting pack-cPage 163age provides snap-on,Starter cord powers firstpainted end cap coverslight in a daisy chain andfor use on shelf lights thatallows you to convert anyare screw-mounted underdaisy chain light for inde-wood service modules andpendent operation.wall-mounted/spanning cabinetsusing keyhole slots inEconomizer electronicthe light fixture. End capballast cuts power usecovers are field installed.by 25% and emits 50% ofthe light output of a regularelectronic ballast. It isavailable on Standard shelflights.Surface MaterialsHousing• Black paint (standard)• Paint colors (option)ReflectorKeyhole slots in housing• Whiteof fixture allow shelf light tobe mounted beneath woodCordwall-mounted/spanning cabi-• Black vinyl onlynets and service modulesusing screws provided.End cap cord manager• Black plastic onlyShelf light can be mountedanywhere from side to sidebeneath wall-mounted/spanning cabinets or servicemodule. The cord length isthe only limitation....162 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Daisy ChainingDaisy Chaining.Daisy chainingStandard shelf lightstogether extends powerfrom one shelf light toanother within workstationsto help keep receptaclesclear for other uses.Starter cord is requiredon shelf lights with daisychain cords to bring powerto the first shelf light in adaisy chain so there’s noneed to designate whereeach shelf light will be usedwithin the chain.Power will not be interruptedin a chain even ifone of the shelf lights isturned off or its lamp hasburned out. That’s becausethe path of power throughthe chain doesn’t passthrough the lamps orswitches.Additions to a chain arepossible at any time byadding a starter cord. Witha starter cord, any shelflight in the daisy chain canbe powered independentlyor can be the first shelf lightin a new daisy chain.StartercordDaisy chaincordsTip: Daisy chaining is notallowed in New York City orChicago. Local electricalcodes vary, so you shouldconsult a qualified electricalcontractor or engineer forproper installation of allelectrical equipment.Tip: Bins and shelves providea recessed area forshelf lights. They are notdesigned to conceal cordswhen daisy chaining..Tableau<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 163

164 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Table DeskTable DeskcNeed help?Product details,page 149Standard Includes• Desk and legs: wood• Wrapper, if selected: wood veneer price group 2• Square edge profile• Center drawer with pencil tray: wood• 2"H base: wood• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for desk3 Wood color number for wrapper,if selected4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Wrapper• Veneer price group 4 +$948 Specify wood color number.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dTable Desk36" 72" 28 1 ⁄4" TBTD3672 $3148d d dTableauTable Desk with Wrapper36" 72" 29 1 ⁄2" TBTDW3672 $7495d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 165

Desks, Double-PedestalStandard IncludesRequired to SpecifyScale 30cNeed help?Product details,page 148• Desk: wood• Wrapper, if selected: wood veneer price group 2• Square edge profile• Full-height modesty panel• 18"W pedestals with cable passage• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywood• Octagonal drawer pulls: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal locks, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• Center drawer with pencil tray: wood• One partition per box drawer• One hanging file system per file drawer• Cable manager for kneewell: black plastic• 2"H base: wood• Leveling glides: black only1 Style number2 Wood color number for desk3 Wood color number for wrapper,if selected4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Wrappers• Left-hand wrapper: wood +$741 Specify wood color number.veneer price group 4• Right-hand wrapper: wood +$741 Specify wood color number.veneer price group 4Drawer PullsOctagonal pulls• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze pulls.Four-Square pulls• Quartz +$ 35 Specify with 6683 Quartz pulls.• Gypsum +$ 35 Specify with 6684 Gypsum pulls.per pullLock andLockKeying • Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass locks.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 4132 1 ⁄2"-Round LeftWorksurface • Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGML and designateGrommets • Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Right• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMR and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Center• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMC and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.Access Door • 10"W worksurface access +$195 Center: Specify with TBADC.with Power and door (with two InternodeCommunication mounting brackets, one conveniencetri-receptacle withpower cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurfacecOptions continued on next page166 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Desks, Double-PedestalTip: If you specify a deskwith wrapper, you cannotspecify a side-port grommeton the wrappedside(s).cOptions continuedOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifySide-Port • Left side-port grommet: No cost Specify with left side-port grommet.Grommets wood to match unit• Right side-port grommet: No cost Specify with right side-port grommet.wood to match unit<strong>Specification</strong> InformationScale 30DDimensions DKnee- DStyle DU.S.dD W H dspace dNumber dBased dWidth d dPriced d d dDouble-Pedestal Desk36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" 36" TB2D3672 $5397d d d d• Left: two file drawers• Right: personal, box,file drawersDouble-Pedestal Desk with Left-Hand Wrapper36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" 36" TB2DWL3672 $9253d d d dTableauDouble-Pedestal Desk with Right-Hand Wrapper36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" 36" TB2DWR3672 $9253d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 167

Desks, Single-PedestalStandard IncludesRequired to SpecifyTip: Single-pedestal deskswithout a PowerPed must beused to support a return orbridge.Scale 100cNeed help?Product details,page 148• Desk: wood• Wrapper, if selected: wood veneer price group 2• Square edge profile• Full-height modesty panel• 18"W pedestal with cable passage• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywood• Octagonal drawer pulls: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• Center drawer with pencil tray: wood• One partition per box drawer• One hanging file system per file drawer• Cable manager for kneewell: black plastic• 2"H base: wood• Leveling glides: black only1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for desk3 Wood color number for wrapper,if selected4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Wrappers• Left-hand wrapper on +$1305 Specify wood color number.left-hand single-pedestaldesk only: wood veneerprice group 4• Right-hand wrapper on +$1305 Specify wood color number.right-hand single-pedestaldesk only: wood veneerprice group 4Drawer PullsOctagonal pulls• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze pulls.Four-Square pulls• Quartz +$ 35 Specify with 6683 Quartz pulls.• Gypsum +$ 35 Specify with 6684 Gypsum pulls.per pullLock andLockKeying • Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass locks.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 4132 1 ⁄2"-Round LeftWorksurface • Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGML and designateGrommets • Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Right• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMR and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Center• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMC and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.Access Door • 10"W worksurface access +$ 195 Center: Specify with TBADC.with Power and door (with two InternodeCommunication mounting brackets, one conveniencetri-receptacle withpower cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurfacecOptions continued on next page168 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Desks, Single-PedestalTip: If you specify a deskwith wrapper, you cannotspecify a side-port grommeton the wrapped side.Tip: Side-port grommetsare available on pedestalside only (not in an endpanel).Scale 100cOptions continuedOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifySide-Port • Left side-port grommet: No cost Specify with left side-port grommet.Grommets wood to match unit• Right side-port grommet: No cost Specify with right side-port grommet.wood to match unit<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DStyle DU.S.dD W H dspace dNumber dBased dWidth d dPriced d d dLeft-Hand Single-Pedestal Desk36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" 52 1 ⁄2" TBD3672L $4436d d d d• Left: personal, box,file drawersLeft-Hand Single-Pedestal Desk with Left-Hand Wrapper36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" 52 1 ⁄2" TBDWL3672L $8292d d d dTableauRight-Hand Single-Pedestal Desk36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" 52 1 ⁄2" TBD3672R $4436d d d d• Right: personal, box,file drawersRight-Hand Single-Pedestal Desk with Right-Hand Wrapper36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" 52 1 ⁄2" TBDWR3672R $8292d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 169

Run-Off TablescNeed help?Product details,page 149Standard Includes• Run-off table: wood• Wrapper, if selected: wood veneer price group 2• Square edge profile• Full-height modesty panel• 18"W pedestal with cable passage• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywood• Octagonal drawer pulls: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• Center drawer with pencil tray: wood• One partition per box drawer• One hanging file system per file drawer• Cable manager for kneewell: black plastic• 2"H base: wood• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for run-off table3 Wood color number for wrapper,if selected4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Wrappers• Left-hand wrapper on +$1305 Specify wood color number.left-hand run-off table only:wood veneer price group 4• Right-hand wrapper on +$1305 Specify wood color number.right-hand run-off table only:wood veneer price group 4Drawer PullsOctagonal pulls• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze pulls.Four-Square pulls• Quartz +$ 35 Specify with 6683 Quartz pulls.• Gypsum +$ 35 Specify with 6684 Gypsum pulls.per pullLock andLockKeying • Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass locks.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 4132 1 ⁄2"-Round EndWorksurface • Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGME and designateGrommets • Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Tip: If you specify a run-offtable with wrapper, youcannot specify a side-portgrommet on the wrappedside.Access Door • 10"W worksurface access +$ 195 Center: Specify with TBADC.with Power and door (with two InternodeCommunication mounting brackets, one conveniencetri-receptacle withpower cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurfaceSide-Port • Side-port grommet: No cost Specify with side-port grommet.Grommetwood to match unitFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.170 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Run-Off Tables<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dLeft-Hand Run-Off TablesWith 18"W Pedestal36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBR3672L $4011• Left: personal, box,file drawersWith 18"W Pedestal and Left-Hand Wrapper36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBRWL3672L $7867d d dRight-Hand Run-Off TablesWith 18"W Pedestal36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBR3672R $4011Tableau• Right: personal, box,file drawersWith 18"W Pedestal and Right-Hand Wrapper36" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBRWR3672R $7867d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 171

Run-Off Tables with Kneewell PowerPedcNeed help?Product details,page 149Standard Includes• Run-off table: wood• Square edge profile• Full-height modesty panel• PowerPed with door inside kneewell• Center drawer with pencil tray: wood• Cable manager for kneewell: black plastic• Internode power module mounting bracket factoryinstalled inside PowerPed• 2"H base: wood• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for run-off table3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.2 1 ⁄2"-Round EndWorksurface • Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGME and designateGrommets • Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Access Door • 10"W worksurface access +$195 Center: Specify with TBADC.with Power and door (with two InternodeCommunication mounting brackets, one conveniencetri-receptacle withpower cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurfaceSide-Port • Side-port grommet: No cost Specify with side-port grommet.Grommetwood to match unitFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.172 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Run-Off Tableswith Kneewell PowerPed<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dLeft-Hand Run-Off Table30" 60" 28 1 ⁄2" TBR3060L $3203d d d• Left: PowerPedRight-Hand Run-Off Table30" 60" 28 1 ⁄2" TBR3060R $3203d d d• Right: PowerPedTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 173

P-Shape Run-Off TablescNeed help?Product details,page 149Standard Includes• Run-off table: wood• Square edge profile• Full-height modesty panel• 6"W filler panel: wood• 18"W pedestal with cable passage• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywood• Octagonal drawer pulls: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• Center drawer with pencil tray: wood• One partition per box drawer• Cable manager for kneewell: black plastic• One hanging file system per file drawer• Internode power module mounting bracket factoryinstalled inside PowerPed• 2"H base: wood• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for run-off table3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Drawer PullsOctagonal pulls• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze pulls.Four-Square pulls• Quartz +$ 35 Specify with 6683 Quartz pulls.• Gypsum +$ 35 Specify with 6684 Gypsum pulls.per pullLock andLockKeying • Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass locks.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 4132 1 ⁄2"-Round EndWorksurface • Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGME and designateGrommets • Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Access Door • 10"W worksurface access +$195 Center: Specify with TBADC.with Power and door (with two InternodeCommunication mounting brackets, one conveniencetri-receptacle withpower cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurfaceSide-Port • Side-port grommet: No cost Specify with side-port grommet.Grommetwood to match unitFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.174 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

P-Shape Run-Off Tables<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dP-Shape Left-Hand Run-Off Table36" 84" 28 1 ⁄2" TBP3684L $4877d d d• Left: personal, box,file drawersP-Shape Right-Hand Run-Off Table36" 84" 28 1 ⁄2" TBP3684R $4877d d d• Right: personal, box,file drawersTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 175

ReturnscNeed help?Product details,page 148Standard Includes• Return with finished back: wood• Square edge profile• Pedestal with cable passage: wood• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywood• Octagonal drawer pulls: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• Cable manager for kneewell: black plastic• 2"H base: wood• Leveling glides: black only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for return3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Drawer PullsOctagonal pulls• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze pulls.Four-Square pulls• Quartz +$ 35 Specify with 6683 Quartz pulls.• Gypsum +$ 35 Specify with 6684 Gypsum pulls.per pullLock andLockKeying • Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass locks.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 4132 1 ⁄2"-Round LeftWorksurface • Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGML and designateGrommets • Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Right• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMR and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Center• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMC and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Access Door • 10"W worksurface access +$195 Center: Specify with TBADC.with Power and door (with two InternodeCommunication mounting brackets, one conveniencetri-receptacle withpower cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurfaceSide-Port • Side-port grommet: No cost Specify with side-port grommet.Grommetwood to match unitRelated • Keyboard shelf cPage 150ProductsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.176 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Returns<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DStyle DU.S.dD W H dspace dNumber dBased dWidth d dPriced d d dLeft-Hand ReturnsWith 18"W Pedestal24" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" 36" TBLFF2454L $2809• Left: two file drawersWith 36"W Pedestal24" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" 18" TBLL2454L $3266d d d d• Left: two lateralfile drawersRight-Hand ReturnsWith 18"W Pedestal24" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" 36" TBLFF2454R $2809Tableau• Right: two file drawersWith 36"W Pedestal24" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" 18" TBLL2454R $3266d d d d• Right: two lateralfile drawersFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 177

Returns with Kneewell PowerPedcNeed help?Product details,page 148Standard Includes• Return with finished back: wood• Square edge profile• PowerPed with door inside kneewell• Cable manager for kneewell: black plastic• Internode power module mounting bracket factoryinstalled inside PowerPed• 2"H base: wood• Leveling glides: black only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for return3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.2 1 ⁄2"-Round LeftWorksurface • Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGML and designateGrommets • Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Right• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMR and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Center• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMC and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Access Door • 10"W worksurface access +$195 Center: Specify with TBADC.with Power and door (with two InternodeCommunication mounting brackets, one conveniencetri-receptacle withpower cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurfaceSide-Port • Side-port grommet: No cost Specify with side-port grommet.Grommetwood to match unitFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.178 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Returns withKneewell PowerPed<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DStyle DU.S.dD W H dspace dNumber dBased dWidth d dPriced d d dLeft-Hand Return24" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" 46 1 ⁄2" TBLP2454L $2174d d d d• Left: PowerPedRight-Hand Return24" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" 46 1 ⁄2" TBLP2454R $2174d d d d• Right: PowerPedTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 179

BridgecNeed help?Product details,page 148Standard Includes• Bridge with finished back panel: wood• Square edge profile• Cable manager for kneewell: black plastic• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for bridge3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to Specify2 1 ⁄2"-Round CenterWorksurface • Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMC and designateGrommets • Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Access Door • 10"W worksurface access +$195 Center: Specify with TBADC.with Power and door (with two InternodeCommunication mounting brackets, one conveniencetri-receptacle withpower cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurface<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d24" 45" 28 1 ⁄2" TBU2445 $1365d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.180 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

BridgeTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 181

36"W CredenzacNeed help?Product details,page 148Standard Includes• Credenza with open back: wood• Square edge profile• Pedestal with cable passage• One 36"W two-drawer lateral file: wood• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywood• Octagonal drawer pulls: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• 2"H base: wood• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Back Panel • Finished back panel to match +$1200 Specify with finished back panel.credenzaDrawer PullsOctagonal pulls• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze pulls.Four-Square pulls• Quartz +$ 35 Specify with 6683 Quartz pulls.• Gypsum +$ 35 Specify with 6684 Gypsum pulls.per pullLock andLockKeying • Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass locks.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 4132 1 ⁄2"-Round LeftWorksurface • Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGML and designateGrommets • Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Right• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMR and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Access Door • 10"W worksurface access +$ 195 Left: Specify with TBADL.with Power and door (with two Internode +$ 195 Right: Specify with TBADR.Communication mounting brackets, one conveniencetri-receptacle withpower cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurfaceSide-Port • Left side-port grommet: No cost Specify with left side-port grommet.Grommets wood to match unit• Right side-port grommet: No cost Specify with right side-port grommet.wood to match unitFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.182 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

36"W Credenza<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d36"W Credenza24" 36" 28 1 ⁄2" TBC2436 $2499d d dTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 183

72"W CredenzascNeed help?Product details,page 148Standard Includes• Credenza with open back: wood• Square edge profile• Pedestals with cable passage• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywoodException: PowerPeds have no drawers.• Octagonal drawer pulls: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• Cable manager for kneewell, if kneespace selected:black plastic• Internode power module mounting bracket factoryinstalled inside PowerPed• 2"H base: wood• Center support, if clear kneespace is greater than 54"W• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Back Panel • Finished back panel to match +$1300 Specify with finished back panel.credenzaDrawer PullsOctagonal pulls• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze pulls.Four-Square pulls• Quartz +$ 35 Specify with 6683 Quartz pulls.• Gypsum +$ 35 Specify with 6684 Gypsum pulls.per pullLock andLockKeying • Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass locks.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 4132 1 ⁄2"-Round LeftWorksurface • Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGML and designateGrommets • Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Right• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMR and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Center• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMC and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Access Door • 10"W worksurface access +$ 195 Left-center: Specify with TBADLC.with Power and door (with two Internode +$ 195 Right-center: Specify with TBADRC.Communication mounting brackets, one conveniencetri-receptacle withpower cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurfaceFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.cOptions continued on next page184 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

72"W CredenzasTip: Side-port grommetsare available on pedestalside only (not in an endpanel).cOptions continuedOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifySide-Port • Left side-port grommet: No cost Specify with left side-port grommet.Grommets wood to match unit• Right side-port grommet: No cost Specify with right side-port grommet.wood to match unitRelated • Keyboard shelf cPage 150Products<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d72"W Credenza with Two 36"W Lateral Files24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCL2472 $4410d d d72"W Credenza with Two 18"W File/File Pedestals and Center Kneespace24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCFKF2472 $3497d d dTableau72"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File Right and Kneespace Left24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKL2472 $3056d d d72"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File Left and Kneespace Right24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLK2472 $3056d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continuedFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> c72"W Credenzas, continued 185

72"W Credenzas, continuedc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continued<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d72"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal Right and Kneespace Left24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKF2472 $2599d d d72"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal Left and Kneespace Right24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCFK2472 $2599d d dCredenza with 7 1 ⁄2"W PowerPed Right and Kneespace Left24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKP2472 $2174d d d72"W Credenza with 7 1 ⁄2"W PowerPed Left and Kneespace Right24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCPK2472 $2174d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.186 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

72"W CredenzasTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 187

90"W CredenzascNeed help?Product details,page 148Standard Includes• Credenza with open back: wood• Square edge profile• Pedestals with cable passage• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywoodException: PowerPeds have no drawers.• Octagonal drawer pulls: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• Cable manager for kneewell, if kneespace selected:black plastic• Internode power module mounting bracket factoryinstalled inside PowerPed• 2"H base: wood• Center support, if clear kneespace is greater than 54"W• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Back Panel • Finished back panel to match +$1400 Specify with finished back panel.credenzaDrawer PullsOctagonal pulls• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze pulls.Four-Square pulls• Quartz +$ 35 Specify with 6683 Quartz pulls.• Gypsum +$ 35 Specify with 6684 Gypsum pulls.per pullLock andLockKeying • Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass locks.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 4132 1 ⁄2"-Round LeftWorksurface • Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGML and designateGrommets • Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Right• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMR and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Center• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMC and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Access Door • 10"W worksurface access door +$ 195 Left: Specify with TBADL.with Power and (with two Internode mounting +$ 195 Right: Specify with TBADR.Communication brackets, one convenience +$ 195 Center: Specify with TBADC.tri-receptacle with power cordand plug, and one conveniencecommunication outlet housing):wood to match worksurfaceFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.cOptions continued on next page188 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

90"W CredenzasTip: Side-port grommetsare available on pedestalside only (not in an endpanel).cOptions continuedOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifySide-Port • Left side-port grommet: No cost Specify with left side-port grommet.Grommets wood to match unit• Right side-port grommet: No cost Specify with right side-port grommet.wood to match unitRelated • Keyboard shelf cPage 150Products<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d90"W Credenza with Two 36"W Lateral Files and One 18"W Pedestal24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLFL2490 $6127d d d90"W Credenza with Two 18"W File/File Pedestals and Center Kneespace24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCFKF2490 $3896d d dTableau90"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal Right and Kneespace Left24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKF2490 $3208d d d90"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal Left and Kneespace Right24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCFK2490 $3208d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continuedFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> c90"W Credenzas, continued 189

90"W Credenzas, continuedc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continued<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d90"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File Right and Kneespace Left24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKL2490 $3455d d d90"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File Left and Kneespace Right24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLK2490 $3455d d d90"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal and 36"W Lateral File Rightand Kneespace Left24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKFL2490 $4772d d d90"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File and 18"W File/File Pedestal Leftand Kneespace Right24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLFK2490 $4772d d d90"W Credenza with 7 1 ⁄2"W PowerPed Right and Kneespace Left24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKP2490 $2751d d d90"W Credenza with 7 1 ⁄2"W PowerPed Left and Kneespace Right24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCPK2490 $2751d d d190 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

90"W CredenzasTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 191

108"W CredenzasStandard IncludesRequired to SpecifyTip: This unit is shipped inmultiple pieces and is to beassembled in the field.cNeed help?Product details,page 148• Credenza with open back: wood• Square edge profile• Pedestals with cable passage• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywoodException: PowerPeds have no drawers.• Octagonal drawer pulls: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• Cable manager for kneewell, if kneespace selected:black plastic• Internode power module mounting bracket factoryinstalled inside PowerPed• 2"H base: wood• Center support, if clear kneespace is greater than 54"W• Leveling glides: black only1 Style number2 Wood color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Back Panel • Finished back panel to match +$1500 Specify with finished back panel.credenzaDrawer PullsOctagonal pulls• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze pulls.Four-Square pulls• Quartz +$ 35 Specify with 6683 Quartz pulls.• Gypsum +$ 35 Specify with 6684 Gypsum pulls.per pullLock andLockKeying • Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass locks.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 4132 1 ⁄2"-Round LeftWorksurface • Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGML and designateGrommets • Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Right• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMR and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Center• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMC and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Access Door • 10"W worksurface access +$ 195 Left: Specify with TBADL.with Power and door (with two Internode +$ 195 Left-center: Specify with TBADLC.Communication mounting brackets, one con- +$ 195 Right: Specify with TBADR.venience tri-receptacle with +$ 195 Right-center: Specify with TBADRC.power cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurfaceFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.cOptions continued on next page192 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

108"W CredenzasTip: Side-port grommetsare available on pedestalside only (not in an endpanel).cOptions continuedOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifySide-Port • Left side-port grommet: No cost Specify with left side-port grommet.Grommets wood to match unit• Right side-port grommet: No cost Specify with right side-port grommet.wood to match unitRelated • Keyboard shelf cPage 150Products<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d108"W Credenza with Three 36"W Lateral Files24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCL24108 $6631d d d108"W Credenza with Two 36"W Lateral Files and Center Kneespace24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLKL2408 $4856d d dTableau108"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal Left, 36"W Lateral File Right,and Center Kneespace24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCFKL2408 $4400d d d108"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File Left, 18"W File/File Pedestal Right,and Center Kneespace24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLKF2408 $4400d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continuedFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> c108"W Credenzas, continued 193

108"W Credenzas, continuedc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continued<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d108"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File Right and Kneespace Left24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKL24108 $3502d d d108"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File Left and Kneespace Right24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLK24108 $3502d d d108"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal and 36"W Lateral File Rightand Kneespace Left24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKFL2408 $4820d d d108"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File and 18"W File/File Pedestal Leftand Kneespace Right24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLFK2408 $4820d d d108"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal Right and Kneespace Left24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCFK24108 $3255d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continuedFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.194 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

108"W Credenzasc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continued<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d108"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal Left and Kneespace Right24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKF24108 $3255d d d108"W Credenza with PowerPed Right and Kneespace Left24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKP24108 $2798d d d108"W Credenza with PowerPed Left and Kneespace Right24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCPK24108 $2798d d dTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 195

108"W Kneewell CredenzascNeed help?Product details,page 148Standard Includes• Credenza with open back: wood• Square edge profile• PowerPed with cable passage, if selected• Cable manager for kneewell, if kneespace selected:black plastic• 2"H base: wood• Center support, if clear kneespace is greater than 54"W• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Tip: This unit is shipped inmultiple pieces and is to beassembled in the field.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Back Panel • Finished back panel to match +$1500 Specify with finished back panel.credenza2 1 ⁄2"-Round LeftWorksurface • Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGML and designateGrommets • Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Right• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMR and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Center• Black +$ 30 Specify with TBGMC and designate• Brushed Aluminum +$ 30 color number 0835 Black, 8042 Brushed• Brushed Bronze +$ 30 Aluminum, or 9237 Brushed Bronze.Access Door • 10"W worksurface access +$ 195 Left: Specify with TBADL.with Power and door (with two Internode +$ 195 Left-center: Specify with TBADLC.Communication mounting brackets, one con- +$ 195 Right: Specify with TBADR.venience tri-receptacle with +$ 195 Right-center: Specify with TBADRC.power cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurfaceTip: Side-port grommetsare available on pedestalside only (not in an endpanel).Side-Port • Left side-port grommet: No cost Specify with left side-port grommet.Grommets wood to match unit• Right side-port grommet: No cost Specify with right side-port grommet.wood to match unitRelated • Keyboard shelf cPage 150Products • 108"W credenzas cPage 192For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.196 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

108"W Kneewell Credenzas<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d108"W CredenzaWith End Support Panels Left and Right and Center Support24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCK24108 $2567d d dWith PowerPeds Left and Right and Center Support24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCPKP2408 $3092d d dTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 197

Service ModulescNeed help?Product details,page 148Standard Includes• Service module with unfinished back: wood• Square edge profile• Tackboard: vertical surface fabric price group 1• Organizer cubbies: wood• Concealed wire management brush strip along bottomedge of tackboard: black plastic bristles• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for service module3 Fabric color number for tackboard4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurface • Fabric price group 1 No cost Specify fabric color number.Materials • Fabric price group 2 +$ 12 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 3 +$ 46 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 4 +$ 62 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 5 +$100 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group COM +$ 15 Specify fabric color number.Back Panel • Finished back panel to match +$900 Specify with finished back panel.service moduleSlatwall • 36"W slatwall segment in +$ 96 Specify with TBS36 and designatecPage 152 place of portion of tackboard: 8044 Black Anodized Aluminum orblack or clear anodized8043 Clear Anodized Aluminum.aluminumRelated • Shelf lights cPage 220Products<strong>Specification</strong> InformationFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.DDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dService Modules with Cubbies and Short Hinged DoorsWith Two Cubbies and Hinged Doors17" 36" 44 1 ⁄2" TBSD1736 $2798With Four Cubbies and Hinged Doors17" 72" 44 1 ⁄2" TBSD1772 $4352With Five Cubbies and Hinged Doors17" 90" 44 1 ⁄2" TBSD1790 $5660With Six Cubbies and Hinged Doors17" 108" 44 1 ⁄2" TBSD17108 $6841d d dService Modules with Cubbies and Open ShelvesWith Two Cubbies and Open Shelves16" 36" 44 1 ⁄2" TBSS1736 $2378With Four Cubbies and Open Shelves16" 72" 44 1 ⁄2" TBSS1772 $3512With Five Cubbies and Open Shelves16" 90" 44 1 ⁄2" TBSS1790 $4610With Six Cubbies and Open Shelves16" 108" 44 1 ⁄2" TBSS17108 $5581d d d198 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

36"W Credenzafor Use with 36"W Service Modules or Wall-Mounted/Spanning Cabinets36"W Credenza for Use with36"W Service Modules orWall-Mounted/SpanningCabinetscNeed help?Product details,page 148Standard Includes• Credenza with open back: wood• Square edge profile• Pedestal with cable passage• One 36"W two-drawer lateral file: wood• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywood• Octagonal drawer pulls: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• Concealed wire management slot• 2"H base: wood• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Back Panel • Finished back panel to match +$1200 Specify with finished back panel.credenzaDrawer PullsOctagonal pulls• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze pulls.Four-Square pulls• Quartz +$ 35 Specify with 6683 Quartz pulls.• Gypsum +$ 35 Specify with 6684 Gypsum pulls.per pullLock andLockKeying • Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass locks.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.TableauKeying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Side-Port • Left side-port grommet: No cost Specify with left side-port grommet.Grommets wood to match unit• Right side-port grommet: No cost Specify with right side-port grommet.wood to match unitRelated • Service modules cPage 198Products • Wall-mounted/spanning cabinets cPage 213<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d36"W Credenza24" 36" 28 1 ⁄2" TBC2436S $2578d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 199

72"W Credenzasfor Use with 72"W Service Modules or Wall-Mounted/Spanning CabinetscNeed help?Product details,page 148Standard Includes• Credenza with open back: wood• Square edge profile• Pedestal with cable passage• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywoodException: PowerPeds have no drawers.• Octagonal drawer pulls: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• Concealed wire management slot• Cable manager for kneewell, if kneewell selected:black plastic• Internode power module mounting bracket factoryinstalled inside PowerPed• 2"H base: wood• Center support, if clear kneespace is greater than 54"W• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Back Panel • Finished back panel to match +$1300 Specify with finished back panel.credenzaDrawer PullsOctagonal pulls• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze pulls.Four-Square pulls• Quartz +$ 35 Specify with 6683 Quartz pulls.• Gypsum +$ 35 Specify with 6684 Gypsum pulls.per pullLock andLockKeying • Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass locks.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Access Door • 10"W worksurface access +$ 195 Left-center: Specify with TBADLC.with Power and door (with two Internode +$ 195 Right-center: Specify with TBADRC.Communication mounting brackets, one conveniencetri-receptacle withpower cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurfaceTip: Side-port grommetsare available on pedestalside only (not in an endpanel).Side-Port • Left side-port grommet: No cost Specify with left side-port grommet.Grommets wood to match unit• Right side-port grommet: No cost Specify with right side-port grommet.wood to match unitRelated • Service modules cPage 198Products • Wall-mounted/spanning cPage 213cabinetsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.200 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

72"W Credenzas for Usewith 72"W Service Modulesor Wall-Mounted/SpanningCabinets<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d72"W Credenza with Two 36"W Lateral Files24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCL2472S $4515d d d72"W Credenza with Two 18"W File/File Pedestals and Center Kneespace24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCFKF2472S $3602d d d72"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File Right and Kneespace Left24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKL2472S $3161d d d72"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File Left and Kneespace Right24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLK2472S $3161d d dTableau72"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal Right and Kneespace Left24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKF2472S $2704d d d72"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal Left and Kneespace Right24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCFK2472S $2704d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continuedFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> c72"W Credenzas, continued 201

72"W Credenzas, continuedfor Use with 72"W Service Modules or Wall-Mounted/Spanning Cabinetsc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continued<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d72"W Credenza with 7 1 ⁄2"W PowerPed Right and Kneespace Left24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKP2472S $2279d d d72"W Credenza with 7 1 ⁄2"W PowerPed Left and Kneespace Right24" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCPK2472S $2279d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.202 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

72"W Credenzas for Usewith 72"W Service Modulesor Wall-Mounted/SpanningCabinetsTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 203

90"W Credenzasfor Use with 90"W Service Modules or Wall-Mounted/Spanning CabinetscNeed help?Product details,page 148Standard Includes• Credenza with open back: wood• Square edge profile• Pedestals with cable passage• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywoodException: PowerPeds have no drawers.• Octagonal drawer pulls: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• Concealed wire management slot• Cable manager for kneewell, if kneewell selected:black plastic• Internode power module mounting bracket factoryinstalled inside PowerPed• 2"H base: wood• Center support, if clear kneespace is greater than 54"W• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Back Panel • Finished back panel to match +$1400 Specify with finished back panel.credenzaDrawer PullsOctagonal pulls• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze pulls.Four-Square pulls• Quartz +$ 35 Specify with 6683 Quartz pulls.• Gypsum +$ 35 Specify with 6684 Gypsum pulls.per pullLock andLockKeying • Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass locks.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Access Door • 10"W worksurface access +$ 195 Left: Specify with TBADL.with Power and door (with two Internode +$ 195 Right: Specify with TBADR.Communication mounting brackets, one con- +$ 195 Center: Specify with TBADC.venience tri-receptacle withpower cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurfaceTip: Side-port grommetsare available on pedestalside only (not in an endpanel).Side-Port • Left side-port grommet: No cost Specify with left side-port grommet.Grommets wood to match unit• Right side-port grommet: No cost Specify with right side-port grommet.wood to match unitRelated • Service modules cPage 198Products • Wall-mounted/spanning cPage 213cabinetsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.204 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

90"W Credenzas for Usewith 90"W Service Modulesor Wall-Mounted/SpanningCabinets<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d90"W Credenza with Two 36"W Lateral Files and One 18"W Pedestal24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLFL2490S $6258d d d90"W Credenza with Two 18"W File/File Pedestals and Center Kneespace24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCFKF2490S $4027d d d90"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal Right and Kneespace Left24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKF2490S $3339d d dTableau90"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal Left and Kneespace Right24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCFK2490S $3339d d d90"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File Right and Kneespace Left24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKL2490S $3586d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continuedFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> c90"W Credenzas, continued 205

90"W Credenzas, continuedfor Use with 90"W Service Modules or Wall-Mounted/Spanning Cabinetsc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continued<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d90"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File Left and Kneespace Right24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLK2490S $3586d d d90"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal and 36"W Lateral File Rightand Kneespace Left24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKFL2490S $4904d d d90"W Credenza with 36"W File/File Pedestal and 36"W Lateral File Leftand Kneespace Right24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLFK2490S $4904d d d90"W Credenza with 7 1 ⁄2"W PowerPed Right and Kneespace Left24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKP2490S $2882d d d90"W Credenza with 7 1 ⁄2"W PowerPed Left and Kneespace Right24" 90" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCPK2490S $2882d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.206 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

90"W Credenzas for Usewith 90"W Service Modulesor Wall-Mounted/SpanningCabinetsTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 207

108"W Credenzasfor Use with 108"W Service Modules or Wall-Mounted/Spanning CabinetsStandard IncludesRequired to SpecifyTip: This unit is shipped inmultiple pieces and is to beassembled in the field.cNeed help?Product details,page 148• Credenza with open back: wood• Square edge profile• Pedestals with cable passage• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywoodException: PowerPeds have no drawers.• Octagonal drawer pulls: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• Concealed wire management slot• Cable manager for kneewell, if kneewell selected:black plastic• Internode power module mounting bracket factoryinstalled inside PowerPed• 2"H base: wood• Center support, if clear kneespace is greater than 54"W• Leveling glides: black only1 Style number2 Wood color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Back Panel • Finished back panel to match +$1500 Specify with finished back panel.credenzaDrawer PullsOctagonal pulls• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze pulls.Four-Square pulls• Quartz +$ 35 Specify with 6683 Quartz pulls.• Gypsum +$ 35 Specify with 6684 Gypsum pulls.per pullLock andLockKeying • Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass locks.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Access Door • 10"W worksurface access +$ 195 Left: Specify with TBADL.with Power and door (with two Internode +$ 195 Left-center: Specify with TBADLC.Communication mounting brackets, one con- +$ 195 Right: Specify with TBADR.venience tri-receptacle with +$ 195 Right-center: Specify with TBADRC.power cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurfaceTip: Side-port grommetsare available on pedestalside only (not in an endpanel).Side-Port • Left side-port grommet: No cost Specify with left side-port grommet.Grommets wood to match unit• Right side-port grommet: No cost Specify with right side-port grommet.wood to match unitRelated • Keyboard shelf cPage 150Products • Service modules cPage 198• Wall-mounted/spanning cPage 213cabinetsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.208 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

108"W Credenzas for Usewith 108"W Service Modulesor Wall-Mounted/SpanningCabinets<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d108"W Credenza with Three 36"W Lateral Files24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCL24108S $6788d d d108"W Credenza with Two 36"W Lateral Files and Center Kneespace24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLKL2408S $5014d d d108"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal Left, 36"W Lateral File Right,and Center Kneespace24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCFKL2408S $4557d d dTableau108"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File Left, 18"W File/File Pedestal Right,and Center Kneespace24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLKF2408S $4557d d d108"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File Right and Kneespace Left24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKL24108S $3659d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continuedFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> c108"W Credenzas, continued 209

108"W Credenzas, continuedfor Use with 108"W Service Modules or Wall-Mounted/Spanning Cabinetsc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continued<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d108"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File Left and Kneespace Right24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLK24108S $3659d d d108"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal and 36"W Lateral File Rightand Kneespace Left24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKFL2408S $4977d d d108"W Credenza with 36"W Lateral File and 18"W File/File Pedestal Leftand Kneespace Right24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCLFK2408S $4977d d d108"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal Right and Kneespace Left24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKF24108S $3413d d d108"W Credenza with 18"W File/File Pedestal Left and Kneespace Right24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCFK24108S $3413d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continuedFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.210 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

108"W Credenzas for Usewith 108"W Service Modulesor Wall-Mounted/SpanningCabinetsc<strong>Specification</strong> Information, continued<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d108"W Credenza with PowerPed Right and Kneespace Left24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCKP24108S $2956d d d108"W Credenza with PowerPed Left and Kneespace Right24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCPK24108S $2956d d dTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 211

108"W Kneewell Credenzasto Support 108"W Service ModulescNeed help?Product details,page 148Standard Includes• Credenza with open back: wood• Square edge profile• PowerPed with cable passage, if selected• Center support, if clear kneespace is greater than 54"W• Concealed wire management slot• Cable manager for kneewell, if kneespace selected:black plastic• 2"H base: wood• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Tip: This unit is shipped in multiplepieces and is to beassembled in the field.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.Back Panel • Finished back panel to match +$1500 Specify with finished back panel.credenzaAccess Door • 10"W worksurface access +$ 195 Left: Specify with TBADL.with Power and door (with two Internode +$ 195 Left-center: Specify with TBADLC.Communication mounting brackets, one con- +$ 195 Right: Specify with TBADR.venience tri-receptacle with +$ 195 Right-center: Specify with TBADRC.power cord and plug, and oneconvenience communicationoutlet housing): wood tomatch worksurfaceTip: Side-port grommetsare available on pedestalside only (not in an endpanel).Tip: Kneewells larger than54"W will include a centersupport leg.Side-Port • Left side-port grommet: No cost Specify with left side-port grommet.Grommets wood to match unit• Right side-port grommet: No cost Specify with right side-port grommet.wood to match unitRelated • Keyboard shelf cPage 150Products • Service modules cPage 198• Wall-mounted/spanning cPage 213cabinets<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d108"W CredenzaWith End Support Panels Left and Right and Center Support24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCK24108S $2725d d dWith PowerPeds Left and Right and Center Support24" 108" 28 1 ⁄2" TBCPKP2408S $3250d d d212 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Wall-Mounted/Spanning CabinetsWall-Mounted/SpanningCabinetscNeed help?Product details,page 148Standard Includes• Wall-mounted cabinet: wood• Square edge profile• Tackboard: vertical surface fabric price group 1• Organizer cubbies: wood• Concealed wire management brush strip along thebottom edge of tackboard: black plastic bristles• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for wall-mountedcabinet3 Fabric color number for tackboard4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurface • Fabric price group 1 No cost Specify fabric color number.Materials • Fabric price group 2 +$ 12 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 3 +$ 46 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 4 +$ 62 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 5 +$100 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group COM +$ 15 Specify fabric color number.Tip: For 36"W units, slatwallreplaces tackboard, ifselected. For larger units,slatwall replaces a portionof the tackboard.Slatwall • 36"W slatwall segment in +$ 96 Specify with TBS36 and designatecPage 152 place of portion of tackboard: 8044 Black Anodized Aluminum orblack or clear anodized8043 Clear Anodized Aluminum.aluminumRelated • Shelf lights cPage 220Products<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTip: Hinge locations areindicated by arrows on cabinetdoor illustrations.DDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dWall-Mounted/Spanning Cabinets with Cubbies and Short Hinged DoorsWith Two Cubbies and Hinged Doors17" 36" 44 1 ⁄2" TBWD1736 $2625With Four Cubbies and Hinged Doors17" 72" 44 1 ⁄2" TBWD1772 $3675With Five Cubbies and Hinged Doors17" 90" 44 1 ⁄2" TBWD1790 $4783With Six Cubbies and Hinged Doors17" 108" 44 1 ⁄2" TBWD17108 $5828d d dWall-Mounted/Spanning Cabinets with Cubbies and Open ShelvesWith Two Cubbies and Open Shelves16" 36" 44 1 ⁄2" TBWS1736 $2205With Four Cubbies and Open Shelves16" 72" 44 1 ⁄2" TBWS1772 $2835With Five Cubbies and Open Shelves16" 90" 44 1 ⁄2" TBWS1790 $3733With Six Cubbies and Open Shelves16" 108" 44 1 ⁄2" TBWS17108 $4568d d dTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 213

Worksurface Bookcasesfor Use with Wall-Mounted/Spanning CabinetscNeed help?Product details,page 150Standard Includes• Bookcase with unfinished back: wood• Square edge profile• Adjustable-height shelves: wood• Doors with touch latches, if selected: woodRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for bookcase3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.ShelvesOptions U.S. Price Required to Specify• Adjustable-heightglass shelves– Single wide +$1250 Specify with glass shelves.– Double wide +$2500 Specify with glass shelves.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d18"W BookcasesWithout Door16" 18" 44 1 ⁄2" TBBS1718 $1549With Door Hinged Left17" 18" 44 1 ⁄2" TBBDL1718 $1916With Door Hinged Right17" 18" 44 1 ⁄2" TBBDR1718 $1916d d d36"W BookcasesWithout Doors16" 36" 44 1 ⁄2" TBBS1736 $3098With Double-Doors17" 36" 44 1 ⁄2" TBBD1736 $3833d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.214 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Freestanding BookcasesFreestanding BookcasescNeed help?Product details,page 150Standard Includes• Bookcase with finished back: wood• Square edge profile• Wrapper: wood veneer price group 2• Shelves: glass• Three recessed lights• Storage cubby with coat hook• 2"H base: wood• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood color number for bookcase3 Wood color number for wrapper4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.WrappersFront and side wrappercPage 153 • Front and side wrapper: wood +$1196 Designate wood color number.veneer price group 4<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d72"W Freestanding BookcasesWith Left-Hand Asymmetrical Wrapper16" 72" 73" TBBL1672 $13,220With Right-Hand Asymmetrical Wrapper16" 72" 73" TBBR1672 $13,220d d dTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 215

Vertical CabinetsStandard IncludesRequired to SpecifyFFcNeed help?Product details,page 150• Vertical cabinet with unfinished back: wood• Square edge profile• Octagonal drawer pulls: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Doors with touch latches• Drawer lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• One hanging file system per file drawer• 2"H base: wood• Leveling glides: black only1 Style number2 Wood color number for vertical cabinet3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceBaseMaterials • Brushed Aluminum No cost Specify with 8042 Brushed Aluminumbase.• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze base.BackDrawer PullsFinished back• Single-door cabinet +$1200 Specify with finished back.• Double-door cabinet +$1500 Specify with finished back.Octagonal pulls• Brushed Bronze No cost Specify with 9237 Brushed Bronze pulls.• Gunmetal No cost Specify with 9240 Gunmetal pulls.Four-Square pulls• Quartz +$ 35 Specify with 6683 Quartz pulls.• Gypsum +$ 35 Specify with 6684 Gypsum pulls.per pullLock andLockKeying • Satin Brass No cost Specify with 9233 Satin Brass locks.• Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413<strong>Specification</strong> InformationFFDDimensions DNumber DStyle DU.S.dD W H dof dNumber dBased dShelves d dPriced d d d18"W Single-Door Vertical CabinetWith Door Hinged Left24" 18" 73" 2 fixed, TBTDL2418 $25523 adjustableWith Door Hinged Right24" 18" 73" 2 fixed, TBTDR2418 $25523 adjustabled d d dFc<strong>Specification</strong> information continued on next pageFF = Fixed shelfFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.216 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Vertical CabinetsFc<strong>Specification</strong> information continued<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DNumber DStyle DU.S.dD W H dof dNumber dBased dShelves d dPriced d d d36"W Double-Door Vertical Cabinet with Wardrobe Left and Shelves Right24" 36" 73" 2 fixed, TBTD2436 $40433 adjustabled d d dF36"W Double-Door Vertical Cabinet with Wardrobe Left, Shelves Right,and Lateral Files BelowF24" 36" 73" 1 fixed, TBTDL2436 $53342 adjustabled d d dTableauF = Fixed shelfFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 217

Canopy Lightsfor Use with 3 ⁄4"- to 1 3 ⁄4"-Thick WorksurfacescNeed help?Product details,page 161Standard Includes• Light housing: all paint price groups or clearanodized aluminum• Light control box and end caps: Sterling plastic only• On-off switch centered in control box• 9' cord with three-prong plug at 45° angle:black vinyl only• Precision optics tube• Reflector: specular (reflective) aluminum• T5 3500K lamp• Electronic ballast• Dimmer switch, if selected: Sterling plastic only• Clamp mechanism• Pair of cord manager clips: black plastic onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Paint color number or 8043 ClearAnodized Aluminum for light housingcSee Surface Materials, page 222.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DLamp DStyle DU.S.dD W H dWattage dNumber dPriced d d dElectronic Ballast with Dimmer Switch7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24KR $5647 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36KR $5967 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48KR $629With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24KRC $6117 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36KRC $6437 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48KRC $676d d d dElectronic Ballast7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24K $4897 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36K $5217 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48K $554With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24KC $5367 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36KC $5687 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48KC $601d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.218 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Canopy LightsTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 219

Standard Shelf LightsTip: Daisy chaining is notallowed in New York City orChicago. Local electricalcodes vary, so you shouldconsult a qualified electricalcontractor or engineer forproper installation of allelectrical equipment.Tip: Because shelf lightsare usually recessed, blackis the standard paint color.Paint colors other than blackhave an upcharge.Tip: If an optional paint coloris selected for the housing,the electrical switchesand end caps will remainblack plastic.Tip: Shelf lights are includedhere to simplify your planning.Remember that theyhave different pricing termsthan Steelcase Woodproducts.Tip: Remember to order adaisy chain starter cord.cSee Related Products onnext page.cNeed help?Product details,page 162Standard Includes• Light housing with centered on-off switch:black paint• End cap cord managers: black plastic only• Cords:—9' cord with three-prong plug at 45° angle:black vinyl only—One 30" and one 48" cord with modularconnectors for daisy chaining: black vinyl only• Contrast sleeve around lamp• Faceted reflector: white only• T8 3500K lamp• Ballast• Universal mounting hardware package• Attachment hardware• Daisy chain starter cord, if selected: black vinyl only(order separately)Required to Specify1 Style number2 Paint color number, if other than black(see options below)3 Options, if selected (see belowcSee Surface Materials, page 222.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurface • Painted light housing +$15 Specify paint color number for housing.Materials other than black cSee Surface Materials, page 222.Bracket • Competitive mounting No cost Specify with competitive mountingOptions package package.• Flush mounting package No cost Specify with flush mounting package andpaint color number for end cap covers.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DLamp DStyle DU.S.dD W H dWattage dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dElectronic Ballast9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24K $2969 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36K $3179 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48K $342With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KC $3449 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KC $3659 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KC $390With Daisy Chain Cords9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KD $3219 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KD $3429 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KD $367d d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> information continued on next pageFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.220 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Standard Shelf LightsTip: Remember to order adaisy chain starter cord.cSee Related Productsbelow.cContinued from previous page<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DLamp DStyle DU.S.dD W H dWattage dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dEconomizer Electronic Ballast9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KF $3369 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KF $3579 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KF $382With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KFC $3849 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KFC $4059 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KFC $430With Daisy Chain Cords9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KFD $3619 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KFD $3829 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KFD $407d d d dRelated ProductsDQuantity DLength DStyle DU.S.din Package d dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dDaisy Chain Starter Cord1 78" LS1FSC $ 416 78" LS6FSC $246d d d dTableauFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 221

Surface Materials.This listing includes all ofthe surface material choicesthat are available forTableau.ResourcesFor more information aboutsurface materials, refer tothe following resources:Surface MaterialsReference ManualThis publication provides:• An explanation of thesurface materials program•“Available on” matrices• Vertical surface fabricand seating upholsteryselection listing• Pricing for surfacematerials• Technical data for surfacematerials• Surface material care andcleaning instructionsSurface MaterialsFinishes Binder includes:• Surface MaterialsReference Manual• A complete set of swatchcards for hard surfacesSurface MaterialsVertical Surface FabricBinder includes:• A complete set of swatchcards for vertical surfacefabricSurface MaterialsSeating UpholsteryBinder includes:• Designtex Graded-InCatalog• A complete set ofswatch cards forseating upholsterySurface MaterialsTool Box provides 3" x 3"samples of the following surfacematerials:• Vertical surface fabric• Seating upholstery• Wood veneer• Paint• LaminateForm number S8150.Wood<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> finish is adurable, medium-gloss finishthat enhances the naturalbeauty of the wood. Allworksurfaces are fully filledso they are smooth to thetouch.3234 Dark Mahogany3244 Autumn onMahogany3414 Natural Cherry3424 Medium Cherry3434 Harvest on Cherry3544 Blonde on Maple3524 Clear on Maple3574 Amber Maple3714 Natural Walnut3784 Sable on Walnut.Veneer WrappersThese colors are availableon wrappers only.Veneer PriceGroup 23134 Harvest onFigured Anigre3154 Natural Cherry onFigured Anigre3174 Medium Cherry onFigured AnigreVeneer PriceGroup 33002 Blonde on QuarteredFigured Sycamore3003 Amber on QuarteredFigured Sycamore3012 Clear on QuarteredFigured SycamoreVeneer PriceGroup 43706 Natural Walnut onWalnut Burl3707 Autumn onWalnut Burl3708 Dark Mahogany onWalnut Burl3709 Sable on Walnut BurlPaintNot every paint color isavailable on every paintedcomponent.Applies to:• LightingPrice Group 1Textured Paint0835 Black7225 Sand (Vanadium)7236 Fog7237 Slate7238 Fieldstone7239 MidnightPrice Group 2Metallic Paint4750 Champagne4751 Bronze4752 Steel4788 Gold Dust4798 Sterling4799 PlatinumPrice Group 3PerfectMatch II PaintPerfectMatch II paint is aservice that allows you tocreate your own paint colorthrough the Customiz program.Refer to the SurfaceMaterials Reference Manualfor more information aboutthis program.Accent PaintPlease see the AccentPaint swatchcard in theSurface Materials FinishesBinder for a complete listingof these colorful paints...MetalBase8042 Brushed Aluminum9237 Brushed BronzePulls8042 Brushed Aluminum9237 Brushed Bronze9240 GunmetalGrommets0835 Black8042 Brushed Aluminum9237 Brushed BronzeSlatwalls8043 Clear AnodizedAluminum8044 Black AnodizedAluminumLocks9201 Polished Chrome9233 Satin Brass9250 Ember ChromePlasticPulls6683 Quartz6684 GypsumInternode6000 Black6625 Translucent6651 Tungsten6652 Titanium6653 Solar Black6654 Vanadium6656 Tantalum6681 GrottoTip: Plastic componentsmay not be available in allcolors above..222 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Surface Materials.BoccieVertical Surface FabricP300 RiceApplies to:P301 Almond• TackboardsP302 NutmegP303 CamelClassics CollectionP304 OpalP305 MistSurface materials in theP306 PlumClassics Collection are time-P307 Lichenless. These materials shouldP308 Spearmintbe available for a minimumP309 Skyof 10 years from the date thematerial is introduced intoCornicethe Classics Collection. TheP131 SpireClassics Collection includesP132 Spandrelthe following fabrics in PriceP133 CrownGroups 1 through 3:P134 CoronaPrice Group 1P135 SconceP136 FinialAbacusP137 PedimentP122 EntasisP123 PorticoEmbrasureP124 OpusP140 ColonnadeP125 CuspP141 RotundaP126 ArtifactP142 OculusP127 ArcadeP143 BalusterP128 MatrixP144 TorusP129 AtlasP156 PilasterPrice Group 2AcadiaAmirantéG031 Tin5664 MinkG033 Iron5665 IvoryG034 Pewter5666 Silver FrostG039 Silica5677 MoongloG040 Malachite5679 WoodbineG041 Brimstone5686 SeaG042 Galena5687 ChamoisG043 Azurite5688 BalsaG044 Limonite5689 OpalG045 Tourmaline5690 Blue HorizonBariolageAshantiG220 Etude5610 French CreamG221 Andante5612 IvoryG226 Cantata5613 Silver FrostG227 Adagio5657 MoongloG233 Melody5659 WoodbineG234 Ballata5674 QuinceG235 SonataAshanti ReverseBelgrade5638 MinkB600 Strawberry5639 IvoryB603 Storm5640 Silver FrostB604 Seafoam5648 MoongloB606 Buff5650 WoodbineB607 Harbor5654 QuinceB608 LilyB609 MossBouquetP163 VivienBellaRoseP165 HostaB650 AvodireP166 DundeeB651 BirchP168 AsterB652 WillowP169 ArgentaB653 AlderP170 HoyaB654 LaurelP172 CactusB655 WengeP173 CamomileB656 EbonyP174 HoneysuckleP175 Jasper..CordialE400 WhiteLilyE401 SagebrushE402 ShamrockE404 SilverLeafE405 LavenderE414 Ocean ReefE415 SesameE416 MarinaE417 SpearmintFirenzeP001 TranquilleP002 StaghornP003 FigFirenze ReverseF001 TranquilleF002 StaghornF003 FigFrescoG001 SandriftG002 MistibluG003 FaonG004 SepiaG005 ArrowoodG006 ChamolineG007 GrapenutG013 PistachioG016 WinterskyG017 FlintMilanoN001 OysterN002 DelftN003 WoodlandN004 SunshadowN005 OlivineN007 RedgrapeN008 MolluskN009 FairwayN010 DahliaN012 TeakwoodRacquetsP330 LichenP331 LilyP332 AlmondP333 NutmegP334 PewterP335 SpearmintP336 SkyRegattaD004 RoseberryD006 BluesageD007 ColibriD011 LicoriceD012 ProvenceD020 Haze5335 Warm Brown V15336 Warm Brown V25338 Tan V15339 Tan V25344 Grey V15345 Grey V25369 Blue V1Wilshire5831 Blue Violet V35841 Warm Brown V35846 Grey V35864 Lark5865 Burgess5867 Castle5868 FieldstonePrice Group 3Martinique5574 May Apple5577 Woodsorrel5578 Baneberry5579 Waterlily5582 Morro5583 Diva.Options CollectionSurface materials in theOptions Collection are availableon select Steelcasebrand seating and systemsproducts. These materialsshould be available for aminimum of 3 years from thedate the material is introducedinto the OptionsCollection.Options Collection fabricsand upholsteries are noweven easier to order. Specifyindividual finish codes followingthe same process asClassics Collection fabricsand upholsteries.The Options Collectionincludes the followingfabrics in Price Groups 2and 3:Price Group 2SolitaireP343 SpearmintP344 RiceP345 TaupeP346 PewterP347 NutmegP348 ChamoisP349 CamelP350 MistP351 LichenP352 WillowP353 SilverP354 SkyP355 VioletPrice Group 3LottoP310 PewterP311 AlmondP312 NutmegP313 PlumP314 LichenP315 SkyP316 SpearmintPick-Up SticksP320 BoneP321 CloudP322 AlmondP323 PewterP324 NutmegP325 ChamoisP326 CamelP327 LichenP328 SpearmintP329 Sky..Tableau<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cSurface Materials, continued 223

Surface Materials, continuedDesigntex Graded-In ProgramAll Designtex Graded-In fabricsare now supported justlike standard fabrics whenordered on Steelcase furniture.TheDesigntex Graded-In program also includes theEnvironmental ImpactCollection, which offers sustainabletextiles in affordableprice groups. For additionalinformation and fabric samples,contact your localDesigntex Group sales representativeat1.800.221.1540.Designtex fabrics are gradedinto Steelcase Price Groups1 through 4:Price Group 1Moors (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Price Group 2AcresBracken (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)BrunswickCut to the ChaseGimletNicheSenecalStreams (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Price Group 3ApexDalmatianFoxtrotMeringueNo Deposit No ReturnRain (Environmental ImpactCollection)Sea Breeze (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Six PackThat Straw StuffPrice Group 4SumocSee the Surface MaterialsReference Manual for a listingof upholstery colors...Price Group COM(Customer’s Own Material)Fabric Approval andYardageTo confirm whether aparticular COM materialhas already been tested foruse on a specific Steelcaseproduct or to determineactual yardage requirements:• Visit www.steelcase.com• Click on “Tools & Insights”• Select “Customer’s OwnMaterial”You can find the sameinformation on the in2 site.Follow these steps:• Visit www.in2.steelcase.com• Click on “Sales/DesignTeam”• Select “Surface Materials”• Select “Customer’s OwnMaterial”For additionalinformation regardingCustomer’s OwnMaterial, call1.888.STEELCASE.....224 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

TranslationsTranslations is a distinctive casegoodsline designed exclusively for <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong>by Debra Lehman-Smith and RonFiegenschuh of Lehman-Smith + McLeish.Translations offers rich exterior elementsin wood, metal, and stone with anunprecedented underlying practicality.Designers can combine a range of modularcomponents to create signature statementsranging from conservative toemphatic for executive spaces in privateofficeand open-office environments.Statement of Line 226Product DetailsPrivate-Office Components 232Open-Office Components 248<strong>Specification</strong> InformationPrivate-Office ComponentsDesk Shells 262Desk Shells with Lift-Up Conference Top 263Run-Off Desk Shells 264Run-Off Desk Shells with Lift-Up Conference Top 266Return Shells 268Bridges 270Bridge Shelves 271Lateral File Shells 272Credenza Shells 274Open-Office ComponentsOpen-Office End Units 278Open-Office End Unit Transaction Tops 282Open-Office End Unit Transaction Mounting Components 283Open-Office Intermediate Units 284Open-Office Corner Unit 287Open-Office Return Shells 288Open-Office Bridges 289Open-Office Back Units 290Open-Office Partition Walls 292Workwall ComponentsWorkcenter Units 294Wood Veneer Tackboard Replacements 298Towers 300Workwall End Panels 316Workwall End Shelf Units 317Pedestals18"W Pedestals 31830"W Pedestals 32236"W Pedestals 324TranslationsRelated ProductsCanopy Lights 326Standard Shelf Lights 328Power and Communications 397Surface Materials 330<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 225

TranslationsStatement of Line28 1 /2"H* *28 1 /2"H28 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 232Specifyingc Page 262Understandingc Page 233Specifyingc Page 263Desk Shells60"W 66"W 72"W 78"W30"D • • •36"D • • •*Drawing shows left-hand unit. Right-hand unit is also available.Desk Shells with Lift-Up Conference Top60"W 66"W 72"W 78"W30"D • • •36"D • • •*Drawing shows left-hand unit. Right-hand unit is also available.Run-Off Desk Shells*28 1 /2"H42"W 48"W 54"W 60"W 66"W 72"W 78"W30"D • • • • • •36"D • • •*Drawing shows left-hand unit. Right-hand unit is also available.Understandingc Page 233Specifyingc Page 26428 1 /2"HRun-Off Desk Shells with Lift-Up Conference Top*42"W 48"W 54"W 60"W 66"W 72"W 78"W30"D • • • • • •36"D • • •*Drawing shows left-hand unit. Right-hand unit is also available.Understandingc Page 233Specifyingc Page 26628 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 233Specifyingc Page 26828 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 234Specifyingc Page 270Return Shells*36"W 42"W 48"W 54"W 60"W 66"W 72"W 78"W27"D • • • • • • • •Bridges36"W 42"W 48"W 54"W27"D • • • •*Drawing shows left-hand unit. Right-hand unit is also available.226 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

TranslationsStatement of Line28 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 232Specifyingc Page 27128 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 233Specifyingc Page 272Bridge ShelvesLateral File Shells36"W 42"W 48"W 54"W12"D • • • •33 1 ⁄16"W 39 1 ⁄16"W27"D • •28 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 233Specifyingc Page 274Credenza Shells63 1 ⁄16"W 69 1 ⁄16"W 75 1 ⁄16"W 81 1 ⁄8"W 87 1 ⁄8"W 93 1 ⁄8"W 99 1 ⁄8"W 105 1 ⁄8"W 111 1 ⁄8"W27"D • • • • • • • • •Translations28 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 233Specifyingc Page 276Credenza Shells with Finished Back Panel63 1 ⁄16"W 69 1 ⁄16"W 75 1 ⁄16"W 81 1 ⁄8"W 87 1 ⁄8"W 93 1 ⁄8"W 99 1 ⁄8"W 105 1 ⁄8"W 111 1 ⁄8"W27"D • • • • • • • • •<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cTranslations Statement of Line, continued 227

Translations Statement of Line, continued49"HUnderstandingc Page 248Specifyingc Pages 278–2811 1 /4"HUnderstandingc Page 249Specifyingc Page 282Open-Office End Units*50 3 ⁄8"W 56 3 ⁄8"W 62 3 ⁄8"W42 1 ⁄2"D • • •Open-Office End Unit Transaction Tops50 3 ⁄8"W 56 3 ⁄8"W 62 3 ⁄8"W14"D • • •*Drawings show left-hand units. Right-hand units are also available.Open-Office Intermediate Units*24"W 30"W 36"W32 1 ⁄2"D • • •48"HUnderstandingc Page 249Specifyingc Pages 284–286*Drawings show left-hand units. Right-hand units are also available.Open-Office Corner Unit24"W32 1 ⁄2"D •48"HUnderstandingc Page 248Specifyingc Page 28728 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 252Specifyingc Page 28828 1 /2"HUnderstandingc Page 249Specifyingc Page 289Open-Office Return Shells*Open-Office Bridges36"W 42"W 48"W 54"W24"D • • • •48"W 54"W24"D • •*Drawing shows left-hand unit. Right-hand unit is also available.228 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

TranslationsStatement of Line28 1 /2"H49"H40 1 /2"H Understandingc Page 249Specifyingc Page 290Understandingc Page 249Specifyingc Page 292Open-Office Back Units73 3 ⁄8"W 79 3 ⁄8"W 85 3 ⁄8"W 97 3 ⁄8"W 109 3 ⁄8"W 121 3 ⁄8"W24"D • • • • • •Open-Office Partition Walls*43 13 ⁄16"W 69 13 ⁄16"W 75 13 ⁄16"W 81 13 ⁄16"W 87 13 ⁄16"W2 3 ⁄8"D • • • • •*Drawing shows left-hand unit. Right-hand unit is also available.88 5 /8"H 21 1 /2"HWorkcenter Units and Wood Veneer Tackboard Replacements32 3 ⁄16"W 38 3 ⁄16"W 62 3 ⁄16"W 74 3 ⁄16"W 92 1 ⁄4"W 98 1 ⁄4"W 104 1 ⁄4"W 110 1 ⁄4"W27"D • • • • • • • •Understandingc Page 232Specifyingc Pages 294–298Translations88 5 /8"HUnderstandingc Page 232Specifyingc Pages 300–30318"W Towers*18"W28"D •*Drawings show left-hand units. Right-hand units are also available.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cTranslations Statement of Line, continued 229

Translations Statement of Line, continued88 5 /8"HUnderstandingc Page 232Specifyingc Pages 304–31130"W and 36"W Towers30"W 36"W28"D • •88 5 /8"HUnderstandingc Page 232Specifyingc Pages 312–31542"W Towers42"W28"D •48 1 /8"H88 5 /8"H88 5 /8"HUnderstandingc Page 232Specifyingc Page 316Understandingc Page 232Specifyingc Page 317Workwall End Panels*1 1 ⁄8"W 1 1 ⁄2"W19"D • •*Drawings show left-hand units. Right-hand units are also available.Workwall End Shelf Units*12"W19"D •*Drawing shows left-hand unit. Right-hand unit is also available.230 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

TranslationsStatement of Line27 3 /8"HUnderstandingc Page 232Specifyingc Pages 318–32127 3 /8"HUnderstandingc Page 232Specifyingc Pages 322–32518"W Pedestals*18"W23 1 ⁄4"D •30"W and 36"W Pedestals30"W 36"W23 1 ⁄4"D • •*Drawings show left-hand units. Right-hand units are also available.Translations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 231

Translations Private-Office Components.Private office configurationsare ideal for creatingindividual workspaceswithin closed-wall environments.Chamfered edge onshelvesOrganizer cubbies areintegral to workcenter unitsand have metal accentdividers.Lower valance canconceal halogen light panelsor standard shelf lights,which are ordered separately.Workwall end panelsfinish off workcenter unitsand towers installed at theend of a workwall. Workwallend panel height aligns withthe height of the valance forvisual continuity.Bridge shelves, just12"D, function like conventionalbridges and providea highly useful areawithout increasing aworkspacefootprint.Desk shells can standalone or be used withbridges, bridge shelves, orreturns and be fitted with arange of 18"W pedestals inthe field.Modesty panel of deskshells and run-off deskshells is 3 ⁄4-height.Valance along workcenterunits, towers, and workwallend shelf units strengthensthe visual unity among workwallcomponents and resultsin a built-in look. Thevalance, 4 1 ⁄8"H, is included inthe overall height measurementof each component.75%Pedestals are field-installedand can be rearranged afterinitial installation.Pulls on pedestals arevertical, integral, andextend the full height ofthe pedestal.Workcenter units comein various widths and offeropen storage, closed storage,or a combination.Pedestals can be addedbelow the worksurface foradditional storage. Back isunfinished to positionagainst a wall.Tip: Workcenter units musthave a tower, a workwallend shelf unit, or a workwallend panel attached at eachend.Towers are available inseveral widths and havemultiple interior configurations.Back is unfinished toposition against a wall.Workwall end shelfunits may be used in placeof workwall end panels tofinish off workcenter unitsand towers installed at theend of a workwall. Theyfeature a single-doorcabinet below, threeshelves, and metal accentcorner post. Back is unfinishedto position against awall.Glass inserts in shelvesallow halogen downlight toilluminate shelf contentsbelow..232 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

TranslationsPrivate-Office Components.Product DetailsEdge profile is a chamfered,contemporary detailon the front edge of worksurfaces.Other edge profilesare square. Front edgeof shelves on inside of workcenterunits is chamfered.Lift-up conference topsare modesty panels thatswing up to become temporaryworksurfaces forconferencing. They aresupported by black metallegs that pull out frombeneath the worksurface.Lift-up conference tops areavailable on desk shellsand run-off desk shells.Bridge orReturn shellDesk shellWood grain direction ondesk shell worksurfaces ispositioned to align with thegrain direction of adjacentcomponents to create a unifiedlook..Run-off desk shellsattach to credenza shells orworkcenter units. They areavailable with and without alift-up conference top.Return shells attach todesk shells, credenzashells, or workcenter unitsand are available in a varietyof widths of left-handand right-hand versions forincreased flexibility in aworkspace footprint.Lateral file shells mustbe used when stand-alonepedestals are specified.Lateral file shells have afinished back and areavailable in 33"W and 39"Wto accommodate a range ofpedestals.Credenza shells areavailable in a range ofwidths which can remainopen or be fitted with a varietyof pedestals to partiallyor completely fill the kneespacewith storage..Center support panelmust be used with credenzaunits and workcenter unitsthat have more than 54" ofunsupported worksurface.Center support panel isordered separately andfield-installed.cPages 275, 277, 295, and29720%18"W towers have a singleright- or left-hand doorand multiple interior configurations.Back is unfinishedto position against a wall.20%30"W towers and 36"Wtowers have double doorsand multiple interior configurations.They are also availablewith lateral files below.Back is unfinished to positionagainst a wall..42"W towers havedouble doors and multipleinterior configurations. Backis unfinished to positionagainst a wall.Pulls on tower doors arevertical, integral and extendthe full height of the door.Pulls on tower files arepositioned on the drawerfaces to align with the pullson the doors above.Dry-erase markerboard is optional insidetower doors..Flush panel underneathoverhead cabinet on workcenterunit is standard toprovide a finished look tothe unit.Metal accents are acommon design elementused to strengthen thevisual unity among multiplecomponents. Metal accents,available in a variety offinishes, are located on thefronts of workcenter units,towers, workwall end shelfunits, and pedestals..Translations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cTranslations Private-Office Components, continued 233

Translations Private-Office Components, continued.Pedestals come in variouswidths with multiple doorand drawer configurations,and can be field-installedunder worksurfaces.Personal drawers opentheir full depth and canaccommodate small items.Box drawers open theirfull depth and contain onemoveable divider.File drawers open theirfull depth for maximum storageand access to the contents.They are equippedwith a hanging file systemthat accommodates lettersizefiling front-to-back aswell as A4-size and legalsizefiling side-to-side..Lateral file drawersopen their full depth for maximumstorage and access tothe contents. They areequipped with a hanging filesystem that accommodatesletter-, A4-, and legal-sizefiling.Tackboard is standardwith workcenter units.Optional 30"W or 36"W slatwallsegment can replace aportion of the tackboard andaccommodate an array ofDetails accessories.Details accessories areavailable for use on slatwalls.For product information,contact:Details25 Ottawa Avenue SW4th Floor, Arena StationGrand Rapids, MI 49503Telephone 1.800.833.0411.Wood veneer tackboardreplacement maybe specified for use withthe workcenter unit whena non-tackable surface isdesired. Wood veneer tackboardreplacement is thefull width of the workcenterunit and is field-installed.Locks & KeyingFront-removable lock isavailable with random, consecutive,or specific keyingoptions. Master-keyed lockis available.cPage 413Pedestals have anoptional lock in bottomdrawer face that secures alldrawers in the pedestal..18"W towers have anoptional lock in the bottomdrawer face that securesboth file drawers. Towerdoors do not lock.30"W towers and 36"Wtowers have an optionallock in the bottom right filedrawer face that securesboth drawers. Tower doorsdo not lock.ConnectionsAll connections betweenTranslations componentsare concealed. Furniture canbe disassembled, reconfigured,and reassembledwithout visible connectionpoints.20%Run-off desk shells connectat any position alongcredenza shell and workcenterunit worksurfaces toform L-shaped or T-shapedconfigurations. Run-off deskshells have a reversed-edgeprofile that attaches flush tothe adjacent worksurface.Attachment hardware isincluded with run-off deskshell..Return shells connect todesk shells, credenza shells,and workcenter units toform L-shaped worksurfaces.Return shells have areversed-edge profile thatattaches flush to the adjacentworksurface. Attachmenthardware is includedwith return shell.Bridges connect certaindesk shells with credenzasor workcenter units to formU-shaped configurations.Bridges have reversed-edgeprofiles that attach flush tothe adjacent worksurfaces.Attachment hardware isincluded with bridge.Bridge shelves connectcertain desk shells with credenzasor workcenter unitsto form U-shaped configurations.Bridge shelves havereversed-edge profiles thatattach flush to the adjacentworksurfaces. Attachmenthardware is included withbridge shelf..234 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

TranslationsPrivate-Office Components.20% 72"A bridge or bridge shelfcannot be attached to aworksurface that is adjacentto a tower.Pedestals connect to theunderside of worksurfaces.Pedestal width must be lessthan the width of the correspondingshell. To determinethe space available forpedestals, deduct 3" fromthe width of the worksurface.Wiring & CablingCable passage zoneCable passage zonein the back top edge ofpedestals and all centersupport panels aligns withthe openings in the sides ofworkcenter units, towers, andworkwall end shelf unitsto facilitate unobstructedcable routing through multiplecomponents..Cable manager can befield-installed beneath theworksurface of any unit toconceal wires and cables.Cable manager is includedwith desk shells, desk shellswith lift-up conference top,run-off desk shells, run-offdesk shells with lift-up conferencetop, return shells,bridges, bridge shelves,credenza shells, and workcenterunits.Internode componentsare available to extend powernetworks inside an individualworkspace. Internodepower modules attachbeneath worksurfaces viamounting brackets. A widevariety of power harnessesis available to make connections.Components toform voice and data networksare also available.Internode components areordered separately.cPage 2412 1 ⁄2"-round worksurfacegrommets allowcables to pass throughworksurfaces. Multiple locationoptions are available.cPage 236.Access doors withpower and communicationsare 10"W metaldoors that provide power,voice, and data outlets atworksurface level. Theyinclude an Internodeconvenience tri-receptaclewith power cord and plugand convenience communicationoutlet housing.Multiple location options areavailable.cPage 238Halogen light panelsare optional and can beordered separately and arerecessed beneath the overheadstorage cabinets ofworkcenter units.cPages 294 and 296Steelcase standardshelf lights can beordered separately and areattached beneath the overheadstorage cabinets ofworkcenter units.cPage 328Valance is required toconceal standard shelflight and must be orderedseparately.cPages 294 and 296.glassinserthalogenlightHalogen downlight isrecessed below the valanceof the workwall end shelfunit. Six-inch clear glassinserts in each shelf allowhalogen downlight to illuminateshelf contents below.Switch for halogen downlightis field-installed insidethe lower cabinet of theworkwall end shelf unit.Optional metal corner postoffers a touch-switch control.Cable passage zone islocated in cabinet belowshelves.Surface MaterialsDesk shells, deskshells with lift-up conferencetop, run-offdesk shells, run-offdesk shells with lift-upconference top, returnshells, bridges, bridgeshelves, lateral fileshells, credenza shells,workcenter units, towers,workwall end panels,workwall end shelfunits, pedestals• WoodTower doors anddrawer fronts, workcenterunit doors• WoodPedestal pulls, towerpulls, metal accents,cubbie dividers, 2 1 ⁄2"-round worksurfacegrommets, access doors• 8042 Brushed Aluminum• 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum (option)Locks• 9201 Polished Chrome• 9250 Ember Chrome.Drawer interiors• Architectural birchplywoodCable manager• Black plastic onlyLeveling glides• Black onlyTackboard• Vertical surface fabric,price groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,and COMSlatwall• 8043 Clear AnodizedAluminum• 8044 Black AnodizedAluminumApplication Topics2 1 ⁄2"-Round WorksurfaceGrommet LocationscPage 236Access Door LocationscPage 238Power andCommunicationOverviewcPage 240Internode ComponentscPage 241Shelf Lights and DaisyChainingcPages 245–246.Translations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 235

2 1 ⁄2"-Round Worksurface Grommet LocationsPrivate-Office Components.Desk Shells4"4"L C R L C R L C R L C R L C R L C R30" 30" 30" 36" 36" 36"60" 66"72"66"72"78"4"4"30"L C R L C R L C R L C R36" 36" 30"36"L C R36"LC R72"72" 78"72"72"78"* Center grommet not available with lift-up conference topRun-off Desk Shells4"4"30" E C 30" E C 30" E C 30" E C 30" E C 30" E C42"48"54"60"66"72"4"4"30" C E 30" C E 30" C E 30" C E 30" C E 30" C E42"48"54"60"66"72"4"4"36"E C36"E C36"E C36"C E36"C E36"C E66" 72" 78" 66" 72" 78"* Center grommet not available with lift-up conference topReturn Shells25"25" 25" 25" 25" 25"4"27" C 27" C 27" C 27" C 27" C 27" C36" 42"48"54"60"66"25" 25"4"27" C27" C72"78"25"25" 25" 25" 25" 25"4"27" C 27" C 27" C 27" C 27" C 27"C36" 42" 48"54"60"66"25" 25"4"27"C 27"C72" 78".236 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

2 1 ⁄2"-Round WorksurfaceGrommet Locations.Bridges4"27"36"Bridge Shelves4"12"4"27"36"Lateral File Shells33 1 /16" 39 1 /16"Credenza Shells4"27"4"4"27" LC 27" C 27" C 27" CC63 1 /16"32 3 /16"93 1 /8"12"4"27" C 27" LWorkcenter Units42"42"48"48"69 1 /16" 75 1 /16" 81 1 /8" 87 1 /8"99 1 /8" 105 1 /8" 111 1 /8"38 3 /16" 62 3 /16" 74 3 /16" 92 1 /4"98 1 /4" 104 1 /4" 110 1 /4"54"C C C12" 12"L C R 27" L C R 27" L C R 27" L C R 27" L4"4"4"27" LCCR27" LCR 27" LCR 27" L27" L R 27" L C R 27" L C R 27" LCRR54"27" LCR 27" LCCRRCCRR.Translations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 237

Access Door LocationsPrivate-Office ComponentsDesk Shells3 1 /4"3"30" L C R 30" L C R 30" L C R 36" L C R 36" L C R 36" L C R60"66"72"66"72"78"3 1 /4"3"30" L C R 36" L C R 36" L C R 30" L C R 36" L C R 36" LC R72"72"72" 78"72"78"* Center access door not available with lift-up conference topTip: Pedestals cannot be placed under an accessdoor with power and communications on 30"D units.Run-off Desk Shells3 1 /4"3"30"30" 30" 30" 30" 30"E CE CE CE CE CE C42"48"54"60"66"72"3 1 /4"3"30"30" 30" 30" 30" 30"C E C E C E C E C E C E42"48"54"60"66"72"3 1 /4"3"36" E C 36" E C 36" E C36" C E 36" C E 36"C E66" 72" 78" 66" 72" 78"* Center access door not available with lift-up conference topTip: Pedestals cannot be placed under an accessdoor with power and communications on 30"D units.Return Shells25"25" 25" 25" 25" 25"3"27" C 27" C 27" C 27" C 27" C 27" C36"42"48"54" 60"66"25"25"3"27" C27" C72" 78"25"25" 25"25" 25" 25"3"27" C 27" C 27" C 27" C 27" C 27"C36"42"48"54" 60"66"25" 25"3"27"C 27"C.72"78".238 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Access Door Locations.Lateral File Shells3"27"Credenza Shells3"27"3"27"Workcenter Units3"27"3"27"3 1 /4"L63 1 /16"3 1 /4"LC3 1 /4"LBridgesC33 1 /16"C32 3 /16"27"CR93 1 /8"LR27" L C R 27" L C R 27" L C R 27"R27" L C R 27" LCR 27"27" L R 27" L C R 27" L C R 27"C39 1 /16"R69 1 /16" 75 1 /16" 81 1 /8" 87 1 /8"38 3 /16" 62 3 /16" 74 3 /16" 92 1 /4"27" LCR 27"98 1 /4" 104 1 /4" 110 1 /4"3"27" C 27" C 27" C 27" C36" 42"48"99 1 /8" 105 1 /8" 111 1 /8"54"LLCCRLLRCCRR.Translations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 239

Power and Communication OverviewPrivate-Office Components.Halogen downlight isrecessed below the valanceof a workwall end shelf unit.Steelcase standardshelf lights or a halogenlight panel can berecessed beneath the overheadstorage cabinets ofworkcenter units. Thesemust be specified andordered separately fromthe workcenter unit.Internode componentsmay be specified to extendthe power network. A widevariety of power harnesses,mounting brackets, andcomponents to form voiceand data networks may beordered separately.Cable passage zonein the back top edge ofpedestals and all supportpanels aligns with the openingsin the sides of workcenterunits, towers, andworkwall end shelf units tofacilitate unobstructed cablerouting through multiplecomponents.2 1 ⁄2"-round worksurfacegrommets can bespecified in multiple locationsto add cable routingcapability to any worksurface.Access doors withpower and communicationsare 10"W metal doorsthat provide power, voice,and data outlets at a worksurfacelevel. They includean Internode conveniencetri-receptacle with powercord and plug and conveniencecommunicationoutlet. These can be specifiedin multiple locationsacross many worksurfaces..240 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Internode ComponentsInternode ComponentsInternode componentsprovide external routingand access of power andcommunication to freestandingworksurfaces.Power module is acSpecifying, page 397power block inside a metalhousing. It accepts modularModular harnessesreceptacles.connect power modules.Mounting bracketattaches to bottom of aworksurface and accommodatespower or communicationmodules.Convenience tri-receptacleextends power abovethe worksurface using amodular connector or acord and plug.Receptacles are orderedseparately and installed onsite. They are coded to indicatewhich circuit and typeof ground they engage.Block-to-block connectoris used to connect adjacentpower modules.Cover closes the openingwhen receptacles are notused.Communication moduleaccommodates anyNEMA or modular furniturefaceplate.Actual DimensionsPower Communication Convenience Convenience Mounting Modularmodule module tri-receptacle communication Bracket Harnessesoutlet housingDepth 3" 3" 2 3 ⁄4" 2 3 ⁄4" 4" N.A.Width 10" 5" 5 1 ⁄4" 5 1 ⁄4" 10" N.A.Height 3 1 ⁄2" 4" 2 1 ⁄2" 2 1 ⁄2" 1 1 ⁄2" N.A.Harness length N.A. N.A. 72" N.A. N.A. 12" to 144". Power cord length N.A. N.A. 96" N.A. N.A. N.A..Translations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cInternode Components, continued 241

Internode Components, continued.Product DetailsPower module accommodatesup to four duplexreceptacles—two on eachside.Covers are included foreach side to fill the openingswhen receptacles arenot used.Tip: Power module isattached to the mountingbracket or another powermodule.cPage 399Communication moduleis a metal housing thatsupports NEMA or modularfurniture faceplates. Faceplatesare located on oneside of the module. It canbe attached to a powermodule, to the mountingbracket, or directly ontounderside of worksurface.cPage 401Convenience tri-receptaclehouses three receptacles.It is designed to siton a worksurface or attachbeneath it with the belowworksurfacemountingbracket. Two versions of theconvenience tri-receptacleare available—with a modularconnector and with acord and plug..Convenience tri-receptaclewith modular harnessdraws power fromthe end of a power moduleor a power block in a 4"Pathways Technology Wallbeltway. Attachment clampsare included. Below-worksurfacemounting bracketcan be ordered separately.cPage 402HousingFaceplateConvenience communicationoutlet housingsupports customer-suppliedmodular furniture faceplates.It is designed to siton a worksurface using theabove-worksurface clampkit. Attach beneath theworksurface by using belowworksurfacemountingbracket. Order mountinghardware separately.cPage 402Receptacles snap intopower blocks. Tools are notrequired for installation..Convenience tri-receptaclewith cord andplug has an 8' cord todrawer power. It can beattached to a power moduleto the mounting bracket, ordirectly onto underside ofworksurface. Order mountinghardware separatelycPage 402Modular harnessmust be specified to routepower between two powermodules.cPage 400Harness-to-harnessconnector is available tojoin harnesses and extendthe length of a run.cPage 400.ConnectionsMounting bracketattaches power or communicationmodules. Mountingbracket can be ordered separatelyto allow installationof power or communicationmodules wherever neededbeneath the worksurface.Tip: Communication modulecan also be installed directlyto the underside of a worksurfacewithout using amounting bracket.cPage 399Horizontally connectpower and communicationmodules to increase thenumber of receptacles andcommunication outletsbeneath a worksurface.Order a block-to-blockconnector to join adjacentmodules.cPage 241Internode cord andcable manager attachesto the underside of a worksurfaceor the mountingbracket to help organizeand store cords and cables.cPage 404.Internode harness clipattaches to the undersideof a worksurface to routeand manage modularharnesses.cPage 404Below-worksurfacemounting bracketmounts convenience trireceptacleor a conveniencecommunication outlethousing to the undersideof a worksurface.cPage 403.242 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Internode Components.Wiring & CablingInternode floor power infeed includesflexible liquid-tight harness that brings powerfrom the monument in the floor of the buildingto an Internode power module.cPage 398Tip: Floor power infeed cannot be used inNew York City. Use a multipurpose powerinfeed instead.Power can branch in upto three directions from apower module..Surface MaterialsPower block andhousing• 4793 Solar Black onlyPower module covers• 6653 Solar Black onlyCommunicationmodule• 4793 Solar Black onlyConveniencetri-receptacle• PlasticPower cord andplug on conveniencetri-receptacle• Black onlyConvenience communicationhousing• PlasticAbove-worksurfaceclamp kit• 6653 Solar Black onlyBelow-worksurfacemounting bracket• 4793 Solar Black only...Translations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 243

Canopy Lightsfor Use with 3 ⁄4"- to 1 3 ⁄4"-Thick WorksurfacesCanopy lights are tasklights designed to complementa variety of Steelcasesystems furniture, includingTurnstone and Answer,Wood products, and manycompetitive furniture lines.Canopy lights provide broadcoverage and evenly balancedlight that significantlyminimizes glare.cSpecifying, page 326Actual DimensionsDepth 7 1 ⁄16"Width 24 1 ⁄4", 36 1 ⁄16", or 47 7 ⁄8"Height 18"Worksurface. thickness range 3⁄4" to 1 3 ⁄4"On-off switch is centeredon the bottom of the controlbox in the front.Housing is painted orclear anodized aluminum.Riser supports light aboveworksurface. Power cordsnaps into vertical wiremanager in back of riser.Clamp mechanismsecures riser to anyworksurface from 3 ⁄4"- to1 3 ⁄4"-thick.Cord exits from underneaththe center of the control box.9' cord with groundedplug is factory installed.Length is maximum allowedby U.S. National ElectricalCode. Cord with circuitbreaker is available to meetthe requirements of theChicago code.Plug is flat so it remainsclose to the receptacle..Product DetailsCanopy light includes thelamp, ballast, and either a9' cord with three-prongplug or Chicago plug.45°Plug configurationallows two canopy lights toengage adjacent outlets inone receptacle.Energy-saving T5lamps have triphosphorcoating for balanced colorand pleasing light.Optics include a crescentshapedlens with specularaluminum reflector that provideslow glare and broaddistribution of light.Connections1 /2" maximumEdge profile must not begreater than 1 ⁄2" thick toaccommodate clampmechanism.5 /16" minimumClearance betweenworksurface and panelmust be at least 5 ⁄16".Width Lamp Lamp Replacementwidth wattage lamps24 1 ⁄4" 21 3 ⁄5" 14 watts F14T5\83536 1 ⁄16" 33 2 ⁄5" 21 watts F21T5\83547 7 ⁄8" 45 1 ⁄5" 28 watts F28T5\835Surface MaterialsHousing• Paint• Clear anodized aluminum2 3 Clear/4"spaceReflector• Specular (reflective)aluminum2 3 /16"CordAt least 2 3 ⁄4"H and• Black vinyl only2 3 ⁄16"W of clear spaceunderneath the worksurfaceEnd caps, control box,is needed.and riser• Sterling plastic onlyWiring & CablingElectronic ballast ismore energy efficient thanT8 electronic ballasts.Electronic dimmingcontrol features slidingswitch, which allowscontinuous-range dimmingfrom 100% to 50% lightoutput.SlotSlot in back of riser securespower cord until it reachesthe access channel at theback of worksurface....244 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Shelf LightsStandardShelf Lights.cSpecifying, page 328Actual DimensionsDepth 9 1 ⁄4"Width 24 5 ⁄8", 36 5 ⁄8",or 48 5 ⁄8"Height 1 3 ⁄4"End cap cord managers,molded into thedurable plastic end caps,allow you to route andmanage excess cord.Housing is painted black.Optional paint colors areavailable.On-off switch is centeredon the front edge of theshelf light.Cord exits from the centerof the back of the light.Plug is flat so it remainsclose to the receptacle.9' cord with grounded plugis factory installed. Lengthis maximum allowed byU.S. National ElectricalCode. Cord with circuitbreaker is available to meetthe requirements of theChicago code.Daisy chain cords havemodular connectors to linkshelf lights together..Product DetailsShelf light includes thelamp, ballast, and either a9' cord with three-prongplug or daisy-chain cords.45°Plug configurationallows two shelf lights toengage adjacent outlets inone receptacle.Energy-saving T8lamps have triphosphorcoating for balanced colorand pleasing light.ConnectionsSteelcase standardshelf lights can beordered separately and arerecessed beneath the overheadstorage cabinets ofworkcenter units.cPage 328Universal bracket allowsshelf light to be installedwithout tools and to berecessed under mostoverhead storage binsand shelves. The bracketsnaps into the end capsand then shelf light snapsinto place.Width Lamp Lamp Replacementwidth wattage lamps24 5 ⁄8" 24" 17 watts F17T8-TL73536 5 ⁄8" 36" 25 watts F25T8-TL73548 5 ⁄8" 48" 32 watts F32T8-TL735Competitive mountingpackage provides attach-Wiring & Cablingment hardware to mountPower drawn is approxi-Steelcase shelf lights onmately 1 ⁄2 amp.all major competitive furniturelines. Package includesDaisy chaining permitsscrews and installationinterconnecting up to sixinstructions.shelf lights from a singlepower outlet.Flush mounting pack-cPage 246age provides snap-on,painted end cap coversStarter cord powers firstfor use on shelf lights thatlight in a daisy chain andare screw-mounted underallows you to convert anythe overhead storage cabi-daisy chain light for indenetsof workcenter unitspendent operation.using keyhole slots in thelight fixture. End cap coversEconomizer electronicare field installed.ballast cuts power useby 25% and emits 50% ofthe light output of a regularelectronic ballast. It isavailable on Advanced andStandard shelf lights.Surface MaterialsHousing• Black paint (standard)• Paint colors (option)Keyhole slots in housingReflectorof fixture allow shelf light to• Whitebe mounted beneath woodworkwalls using screwsCord• Black vinyl onlyprovided.End cap cord manager• Black plastic onlyShelf light can be mountedanywhere from side to sidebeneath workwalls. The cordlength is the only limitation....Translations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 245

Daisy Chaining.Daisy chainingStandard shelf lightstogether extends powerfrom one shelf light toanother within workstationsto help keep receptaclesclear for other uses.Starter cord is requiredon shelf lights with daisychain cords to bring powerto the first shelf light in adaisy chain so there’s noneed to designate whereeach shelf light will be usedwithin the chain.Power will not be interruptedin a chain even ifone of the shelf lights isturned off or its lamp hasburned out. That’s becausethe path of power throughthe chain doesn’t passthrough the lamps orswitches.Additions to a chain arepossible at any time byadding a starter cord. Witha starter cord, any shelflight in the daisy chain canbe powered independentlyor can be the first shelf lightin a new daisy chain.StartercordDaisy chaincordsTip: Daisy chaining is notallowed in New York City orChicago. Local electricalcodes vary, so you shouldconsult a qualified electricalcontractor or engineer forproper installation of allelectrical equipment.Tip: Bins and shelves providea recessed area forshelf lights. They are notdesigned to conceal cordswhen daisy chaining..246 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Daisy ChainingTranslations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 247

Translations Open-Office Components.Open-office componentsintegrate to achievegreat-looking workspaceswith built-in flexibility. Theyare exceptional for creatingknowledge workers’ environmentsand ideal forreception and administrativesupport applications.All open offices musthave three components—open-office end units, openofficecorner units, andopen-office partition walls.A range of additional componentsis available to meetincreased worksurface andstorage requirements.Open-office intermediateunits are available to extendthe frontal worksurface,while open-office bridgesand open-office return shellscan extend the side of theworksurface. Open-officeback units and workcenterunits provide additionalback worksurface, whileworkwall components andpedestals are available tomeet storage needs.Open-office endunits anchor all openofficeconfigurations.70%Open-office cornerunits are non-handed.Workwalls can be usedwith open-office configurationsas well as privateofficeconfigurations, tomeet high-density storageneeds of individuals orteams.70%Open-office partitionwalls physically divide anarea and promote privacy.Wood finishes are availableto complement or contrastwith the other woodelements..248 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Translations Open-OfficeComponents.Front of open-officeworkstation featuresapplied veneer panels withmetal accents.Privacy panels areremovable for adjusting privacyand interaction levels.Included with open-officeintermediate units andopen-office corner units.Transaction worksurfaceis approximately 13"from the primary worksurfacewhen privacy panel isremoved.Open-office end unitsfeature a slightly curvedworksurface to provide extradepth for accommodating acomputer.Open-office intermediateunits can be used toexpand an open-officeworkspace.70%Metal accents are acommon design elementused to strengthen thevisual unity among multiplecomponents. Metal accents,available in a variety offinishes, are located on thefronts of open-office components,workcenter units,towers, workwall end shelfunits, and pedestals.Open-office partitionwalls support one or twoworkspaces, physicallydivide an area, and promoteprivacy. Wood finishes areavailable to complement orcontrast with the other woodsurfaces.Open-office bridges attachopen-office corner units andopen-office back units to forma U-shaped worksurface.Accent wall, integral tothe open-office end unit, canhave a wood veneer surfaceto complement or contrastwith the other wood surfaces.Accent wall is 49"Hand provides increasedprivacy.Open-office back unitsfeature a 40 1 ⁄2"H surroundingwall to enclose theworkspace.Pedestals are fieldinstalledand can bere-arranged after initialinstallation.Open-office end unittransaction tops canbe added to the top of theaccent wall. Available inwood veneer and stone..Translations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cTranslations Open-Office Components, continued 249

Translations Open-Office Components, continued.Product DetailsEdge profile is a simple,square, contemporary detailon the front edge of worksurfacesand all edges of endunit transaction tops. Thevisitor side of open-officeend units, intermediate units,and corner units has achamfered edge profile.Tackboard with verticalsurface fabric is includedwith open-office end units.IntermediateUnitCorner UnitStorage shelf is integralto open-office corner unitsand open-office intermediateunits, is 10 1 ⁄4"D, and islocated 13" from the worksurface.Storage shelfserves as a transactionworksurface when the privacypanel is removed..TopValanceOpen-office end unittransaction top is availablein wood, lacquer, orstone. The valance shouldbe specified to matchaccent wall of open-officeend unit. Customer’s ownstone can be used byspecifying end unit transactionmounting components.Stone should be 1 1 ⁄4" thickand must conform to thesedimensions:Endunit Stone StoneW D W50 3 ⁄8" 14" 50 3 ⁄8"56 3 ⁄8" 14" 56 3 ⁄8"62 3 ⁄8" 14" 62 3 ⁄8"Open-office back unitswith more than 54" of unsupportedworksurface requirea center support panel,which is ordered separatelyand field-installed..Workcenter units comein various widths and offeropen storage, closed storage,or a combination. Pedestalscan be added belowthe worksurface for additionalstorage. Back is unfinishedto position against awall.Tip: Workcenter units musthave a tower, a workwallend shelf unit, or a workwallend panel attached at eachend.Flush panel underneathoverhead cabinet on workcenterunit is standard toprovide a finished look tothe unit..Organizer cubbies areintegral to workcenter unitsand have metal accentdividers.Tackboard is standardwith workcenter units.Optional 30"W or 36"Wslatwall segment canreplace a portion of thetackboard and accommodatean array of Detailsaccessories..Details accessories areavailable for use on slatwalls.For product information,contact:Details25 Ottawa Avenue SW4th Floor, Arena StationGrand Rapids, MI 49503Telephone 1.800.833.0411Wood veneer tackboardreplacement may bespecified for use with theworkcenter unit when a nontackablesurface is desired.Wood veneer tackboardreplacement is the full widthof the workcenter unit andis field-installed.20%18"W towers have a singleright- or left-hand doorand multiple interior configurations.Back is unfinishedto position against a wall..250 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Translations Open-OfficeComponents.20%30"W towers and 36"Wtowers have double doorsand multiple interior configurations.Back is unfinishedto position against a wall.42"W towers havedouble doors and multipleinterior configurations. Backis unfinished to positionagainst a wall.Pulls on tower doors arevertical, integral and extendthe full height of the door.Pulls on tower files arepositioned on the drawerfaces to align with the pullson the doors above..Dry-erase markerboard is optional insidetower doors.Workwall end panelsfinish off workcenter unitsand towers installed at theend of a workwall. Workwallend panel height aligns withthe height of the valance forvisual continuity.Workwall end shelfunits may be used in placeof a workwall end panel tofinish off workcenter unitsand towers installed at theend of a workwall. They featurea single-door cabinetbelow, three shelves, and awood or metal accent cornerpost. Back is unfinishedto position against a wall..Valance along workcenterunits, towers, and workwallend shelf units strengthensthe visual unity among workwallcomponents and resultsin a built-in look. Thevalance, 4 1 ⁄8"H is included inthe overall height measurementof each component.Pedestals come in variouswidths with multipledoor and drawer configurations,and can be placedunder worksurfaces to provideadditional storage.Any pedestal can be usedbeneath any open-officecomponent worksurface,space permitting.Personal drawers opentheir full depth and canaccommodate small items.Box drawers open theirfull depth and contain onemoveable divider.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cTranslations Open-Office Components, continued 251.File drawers open theirfull depth for maximum storageand access to the contents.They are equippedwith a hanging file systemthat accommodates lettersizefiling front-to-back aswell as A4-size and legalsizefiling side-to-side.Lateral file drawersopen their full depth formaximum storage andaccess to the contents.They are equipped with ahanging file system thataccommodates letter-, A4-,and legal-size filing.Pulls on pedestals are vertical,integral, and extend thefull height of the pedestal..Locks & KeyingFront-removable lock isavailable with random, consecutive,or specific keyingoptions. Master-keyed lockis available.cPages 413Pedestals have anoptional lock in bottomdrawer face that secures alldrawers in the pedestal.18"W towers have anoptional lock in the bottomdrawer face that securesboth file drawers. Towerdoors do not lock.30"W towers and 36"Wtowers have an optionallock in the bottom right filedrawer face that securesboth drawers. Tower doorsdo not lock..Translations

Translations Open-Office Components, continued.ConnectionsAll connections betweencomponents are concealed.Furniture can be disassembled,reconfigured, andreassembled without anyvisible connection points.Partition wallCorner unitEnd unitIntermediate unitOpen-office configurationsstart with an openofficeend unit. The openofficeend unit connects toeither an open-office intermediateunit when a largerwork area is desired, or anopen-office corner unitwhen a smaller work areais desired. The open-officecorner unit then connectsto an open-office partitionwall. These componentsform the front of an openofficeconfiguration.Wiring & CablingCable passage zoneVisual symmetry is createdand maintained acrossOpen-office bridgesthe front of the open-officeconnect along one sideconfiguration by combiningedge to open-office cornerthe appropriate sizes ofunits, along one side edgeCable passage zonecomponents. Vertical, metal to open-office back units,in the back top edge ofaccent bars between the and along the back edge topedestals and support pan-components reinforce the open-office partition walls.els facilitates unobstructedvisual rhythm.The corresponding partitioncable routing throughcPage 260wall width must be used:multiple components.Open-office Open-officebridge partitionCable manager can bewallfield-installed beneath the36"W 69 13 ⁄16"Wworksurface of any unit to42"W 75 13 ⁄16"Wconceal wires and cables.48"W 81 13 ⁄16"WCable manager is included54"W 87 13 ⁄16"Wwith open-office end units,open-office intermediateWorkcenter units cannotunits, open-office cornerphysically attach to open-units, open-office returnoffice return shells or open-shells, open-office bridges,office bridges.open-office back units, andworkcenter units.Privacy panels connectto and can be removed fromopen-office intermediateunits and open-office cornerunits. Tools are required.20%Pedestals connect to theunderside of worksurfaces.Internode componentsPedestal width must be lessare available to extend powerthan the width of the corre-networks inside an individ-Open-office returnsponding shell. To deterualworkspace. Internodeshells connect along themine the space availablepowerblocks attach beneathside edge to open-officefor pedestals, deduct 3"worksurfaces via mountingcorner units, and along thefrom the width of the work-brackets. A wide variety ofback edge to open-officesurface.power harnesses is avail-partition walls. The correableto make connections.sponding partition wall widthComponents to form voicemust be used:and data networks areOpen-office Open-officealso available. Internodereturn shell partitioncomponents are orderedwallseparately.cPage 25736"W 69 13 ⁄16"W42"W 75 13 ⁄16"W48"W 81 13 ⁄16"W54"W 87 13 ⁄16"WShortened workwallend panels should beused when a tower or workcenterunit is placed next to.. an open-office back unit. .A B B B A.2 1 ⁄2"-round worksurfacegrommets allowcables to pass throughworksurfaces. Multiple locationoptions are available.cPage 254Access doors withpower and communicationsare 10"W metaldoors that provide power,voice, and data outlets atworksurface level. Theyinclude an Internodeconvenience tri-receptaclewith power cord and plugand convenience communicationoutlet housing.Multiple location optionsare available.cPage 255.252 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Translations Open-OfficeComponents.Halogen light panelsare optional and can beordered separately and arerecessed beneath the overheadstorage cabinets ofworkcenter units.cPages 294 and 296Steelcase standardshelf lights can beordered separately and areattached beneath the overheadstorage cabinets ofworkcenter units.cPage 328Valance is required toconceal standard shelflight and must be orderedseparately.cPages 294 and 296glassinserthalogenlightHalogen downlight isrecessed below the valanceof the workwall end shelfunit. Six-inch clear glassinserts in each shelf allowhalogen downlight to illuminateshelf contents below..Surface MaterialsOpen-office end units,open-office end unittransaction tops, openofficeintermediateunits, open-office cornerunits, open-officereturn shells, openofficebridges, openofficeback units,workcenter units, tackboardreplacements,towers, workwall endpanels, workwall endshelf units, pedestals• WoodAccent walls on openofficeend units, openofficepartition walls,open-office partitionwalls with power andcommunication, towerdoors and drawerfaces, workcenter unitdoors• WoodOpen-office end unittransaction tops• Wood• Stone (option)Pedestal pulls, towerpulls, metal accents,cubbie dividers, cornerpost, power and communicationpoles, 2 1 ⁄2"round worksurfacegrommets, accessdoors• 8042 Brushed Aluminum• 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum (option)Locks• 9201 Polished Chrome• 9250 Ember ChromeDrawer interiors• Black melamine• Solid wood—black only(option)Cable manager• Black plastic onlyLeveling glides• Black only.Tackboard• Vertical surface fabric,price groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,and COMSlatwall• 8043 Clear AnodizedAluminum• 8044 Black AnodizedAluminum.Application Topics2 1 ⁄2"-Round WorksurfaceGrommet LocationscPage 254Access Door LocationscPage 255Power andCommunicationOverviewcPage 256Internode ComponentscPage 257Visual SymmetrycPage 260Shelf Lights and DaisyChainingcPages 245–246..Translations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 253

2 1 ⁄2"-Round Worksurface Grommet LocationsOpen-Office Components.Open-Office End Units5"3"42 1 /2"L R42 1 /2"L R42 1 /2"LRL R42 1 /2"L R42 1 /2"LR42 1 /2"50 3 /8" 56 3 /8" 62 3 /8" 50 3 /8" 56 3 /8" 62 3 /8"Open-Office Intermediate Units3"32 1 /2" 32 1 /2" C 32 1 /2" C 32 1 /2" C 32 1 /2" C 32 1 /2" CC24" 30" 36" 24" 30" 36"Open-Office Corner Unit3"32 1 /2" C24"Open-Office Return Shells3"24"Open-Office Bridges3"24"Open-Office Back Units3"24"5"C 24" C 24" C 24" C36" 42" 48" 54"C 24" C48"54"L C R3"24" LCR24" L C R 24" L C R 24" L C R 24" LCR73 3 /8" 79 3 /8"85 3 /8" 97 3 /8" 109 3 /8"5"121 3 /8".254 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Access Door LocationsOpen-Office ComponentsAccess Door Locations.Open-Office End Units5"3"L RL RLRL RL RLR42 1 /2" 42 1 /2" 42 1 /2" 42 1 /2" 42 1 /2" 42 1 /2"50 3 /8" 56 3 /8" 62 3 /8" 50 3 /8" 56 3 /8" 62 3 /8"Open-Office Intermediate Units3"32 1 /2"C32 1 /2" C 32 1 /2" C 32 1 /2" C 32 1 /2" C 32 1 /2" C24" 30" 36" 24" 30" 36"Open-Office Corner Unit3"32 1 /2" C24"Open-Office Bridges3"24" C 24" C48"54"Open-Office Back Units5"3"24" L C R 24" L C R 24" L C R 24" L C R 24" LCR73 3 /8" 79 3 /8"85 3 /8" 97 3 /8" 109 3 /8"5"3"24" LCR121 3 /8".Translations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 255

Power and Communication OverviewOpen-Office Components.Cable manager can befield-installed beneath theworksurface of any unit toconceal wires and cables.Cable manager is includedwith open-office end units,open-office intermediateunits, open-office cornerunits, open-office returnshells, open-office bridges,open-office back units, andworkcenter units.Cable passage zone inthe back top edge of pedestalsand all support panelsfacilitates unobstructedcable routing through multiplecomponents.Access doors withpower and communicationsare 10"W metal doorsthat provide power, voice,and data outlets at a worksurfacelevel. They includean Internode conveniencetri-receptacle with powercord and plug and conveniencecommunication outlet.These can be specifiedin multiple locations acrossmany worksurfaces.2 1 ⁄2"-round worksurfacegrommets can bespecified in multiple locationsto add cablerouting capability to allworksurfaces..256 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Internode ComponentsInternode ComponentsInternode componentsprovide external routingand access of power andcommunication to freestandingworksurfaces.Power module is acSpecifying, page 397power block inside a metalhousing. It accepts modularModular harnessesreceptacles.connect power modules.Mounting bracketattaches to bottom of aworksurface and accommodatespower or communicationmodules.Convenience tri-receptacleextends power abovethe worksurface using amodular connector or acord and plug.Receptacles are orderedseparately and installed onsite. They are coded to indicatewhich circuit and typeof ground they engage.Block-to-block connectoris used to connect adjacentpower modules.Cover closes the openingwhen receptacles are notused.Communication moduleaccommodates anyNEMA or modular furniturefaceplate.Actual DimensionsPower Communication Convenience Convenience Mounting Modularmodule module tri-receptacle communication Bracket Harnessesoutlet housingDepth 3" 3" 2 3 ⁄4" 2 3 ⁄4" 4" N.A.Width 10" 5" 5 1 ⁄4" 5 1 ⁄4" 10" N.A.Height 3 1 ⁄2" 4" 2 1 ⁄2" 2 1 ⁄2" 1 1 ⁄2" N.A.Harness length N.A. N.A. 72" N.A. N.A. 12" to 144". Power cord length N.A. N.A. 96" N.A. N.A. N.A..Translations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cInternode Components, continued 257

Internode Components, continued.Product DetailsPower module accommodatesup to four duplexreceptacles—two on eachside.Covers are included foreach side to fill the openingswhen receptacles arenot used.Tip: Power module isattached to the mountingbracket or another powermodule.cPage 399Communication moduleis a metal housing thatsupports NEMA or modularfurniture faceplates. Faceplatesare located on oneside of the module. It canbe attached to a powermodule, to the mountingbracket, or directly ontounderside of worksurface.cPage 401Convenience tri-receptaclehouses three receptacles.It is designed to siton a worksurface or attachbeneath it with the belowworksurfacemountingbracket. Two versions of theconvenience tri-receptacleare available—with a modularconnector and with acord and plug..Convenience tri-receptaclewith modular harnessdraws power fromthe end of a power moduleor a power block in a 4"Pathways Technology Wallbeltway. Attachment clampsare included. Below-worksurfacemounting bracketcan be ordered separately.cPage 402HousingFaceplateConvenience communicationoutlet housingsupports customer-suppliedmodular furniture faceplates.It is designed to siton a worksurface using theabove-worksurface clampkit. Attach beneath theworksurface by using belowworksurfacemountingbracket. Order mountinghardware separately.cPage 402Receptacles snap intopower blocks. Tools are notrequired for installation..Convenience tri-receptaclewith cord andplug has an 8' cord todrawer power. It can beattached to a power moduleto the mounting bracket, ordirectly onto underside ofworksurface. Order mountinghardware separately.cPage 402Modular harnessmust be specified to routepower between two powermodules.cPage 400Harness-to-harnessconnector is available tojoin harnesses and extendthe length of a run.cPage 400.ConnectionsMounting bracketattaches power or communicationmodules. Mountingbracket can be ordered separatelyto allow installationof power or communicationmodules wherever neededbeneath the worksurface.Tip: Communication modulecan also be installed directlyto the underside of a worksurfacewithout using amounting bracket.cPage 399Horizontally connectpower and communicationmodules to increase thenumber of receptacles andcommunication outletsbeneath a worksurface.Order a block-to-blockconnector to join adjacentmodules.cPage 257Internode cord andcable manager attachesto the underside of a worksurfaceor the mountingbracket to help organizeand store cords and cables.cPage 404.Internode harness clipattaches to the undersideof a worksurface to routeand manage modularharnesses.cPage 404Below-worksurfacemounting bracketmounts convenience trireceptacleor a conveniencecommunication outlethousing to the undersideof a worksurface.cPage 403.258 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Internode Components.Wiring & CablingInternode floor power infeed includesflexible liquid-tight harness that brings powerfrom the monument in the floor of the buildingto an Internode power module.cPage 398Tip: Floor power infeed cannot be used inNew York City. Use a multipurpose powerinfeed instead.Power can branch in upto three directions from apower module..Surface MaterialsPower block andhousing• 4793 Solar Black onlyPower module covers• 6653 Solar Black onlyCommunicationmodule• 4793 Solar Black onlyConveniencetri-receptacle• PlasticPower cord andplug on conveniencetri-receptacle• Black onlyConvenience communicationhousing• PlasticAbove-worksurfaceclamp kit• 6653 Solar Black onlyBelow-worksurfacemounting bracket• 4793 Solar Black only...Translations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 259

Visual SymmetryThe applied front panels of open-office end units, openofficeintermediate units, and open-office corner units aredimensioned to create visually symmetrical patterns whencombined properly.Open-office configurations must have an open-office endunit and an open-office corner unit. When additional frontalworksurface is desired, one or more open-office intermediateunits can be added. The width of the open-office endunit determines which width open-office intermediate unitshould be used. For example, the 50"W open-office endunit corresponds with the 24"W open-office intermediateunit. The open-office corner unit is always 24"W.Begin with 50"W Open-Office End UnitsEndCorner UnitEndUnitUnit50"W50"WBegin with 56"W Open-Office End UnitsEndCorner UnitEndUnitUnit56"W56"WBegin with 62"W Open-Office End UnitsCornerUnitEndEndUnitUnit.62"W62"W24"A A A24"A B A24"A C A24"A A A AA B B ACorner UnitIntermediateUnit30"24"Corner UnitIntermediateUnit36"24"24"A C C ACornerUnitIntermediateUnitA A A A AEndUnit50"WIntermediateUnitIntermediateUnitA B B B AEndUnit56"WIntermediateUnitCorner UnitCorner UnitIntermediateUnitA C C C AEndUnit62"W24"30"24"36"30"24"36"24"IntermediateUnit24"CornerUnitIntermediateUnit.260 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Visual SymmetryTranslations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 261

`Desk Shellsfor Single or Double Pedestal DeskscNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Desk shell: wood veneer price group A• Chamfered edge profile• Fixed modesty panel• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for desk shell3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$374 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$872 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Left +$ 30 Specify with TRGML and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.Grommets • Right +$ 30 Specify with TRGMR and designatemetal color number.• Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designatemetal color number.Tip: Pedestals cannot beplaced under an accessdoor with power and communicationson 30"D units.Access Door • Left +$250 Specify with TRADL and designatewith Power andmetal color number.Communications • Right +$250 Specify with TRADR and designatemetal color number.• Center +$250 Specify with TRADC and designatemetal color number.Related • 18"W pedestals with cPages 318–321Productsfinished back<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomiz Staind d d don WoodStand-Alone or for Use with Bridge Shelf30" 60" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDS3060 $2090 +$13630" 66" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDS3066 $2190 +$13630" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDS3072 $2290 +$13636" 66" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDS3666 $2390 +$13636" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDS3672 $2490 +$13636" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDS3678 $2774 +$136d d d dFor Use with Right-Hand Return or Bridge at Right30" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDL3072 $2290 +$13636" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDL3672 $2490 +$13636" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDL3678 $2774 +$136d d d dFor Use with Left-Hand Return or Bridge at Left30" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDR3072 $2290 +$13636" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDR3672 $2490 +$13636" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDR3678 $2774 +$136d d d d262 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Desk Shells with Lift-Up Conference Topfor Single or Double Pedestal DesksDesk Shells with Lift-UpConference TopcNeed help?Product details,page 233Standard Includes• Desk shell: wood veneer price group A• Chamfered edge profile• Lift-up conference top• Support legs for lift-up conference top: black metal only• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for desk shell3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$374 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$872 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Left +$ 30 Specify with TRGML and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.Grommets • Right +$ 30 Specify with TRGMR and designatemetal color number.Tip: Pedestals cannot beplaced under an accessdoor with power and communicationson 30"D units.Access Door • Left +$250 Specify with TRADL and designatewith Power andmetal color number.Communications • Right +$250 Specify with TRADR and designatemetal color number.Related • 18"W pedestals with cPages 318–321Productsfinished back<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomiz Staind d d don WoodStand-Alone or For Use with Bridge Shelf30" 60" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDS3060C $2540 +$13630" 66" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDS3066C $2640 +$13630" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDS3072C $2740 +$13636" 66" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDS3666C $2840 +$13636" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDS3672C $2940 +$13636" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDS3678C $3224 +$136d d d dFor Use with Right-Hand Return or Bridge at Right30" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDL3072C $2740 +$13636" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDL3672C $2940 +$13636" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDL3678C $3224 +$136d d d dTranslationsFor Use with Left-Hand Return or Bridge at Left30" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDR3072C $2740 +$13636" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDR3672C $2940 +$13636" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" TRDR3678C $3224 +$136d d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 263

Run-Off Desk Shellsfor Use with Credenzas and Workcenter UnitscNeed help?Product details,page 233Standard Includes• Run-off desk shell: wood veneer price group A• Chamfered edge profile• Fixed modesty panel• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Leveling glides: black only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for run-offdesk shell3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurface • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.Materials • Wood veneer price group 2 +$351 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$819 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.Grommets • End +$ 30 Specify with TRGME and designatemetal color number.Tip: Pedestals cannot beplaced under an accessdoor with power and communicationson 30"D units.Access Door • Center +$250 Specify with TRADC and designatewith Power andmetal color number.Communications • End +$250 Specify with TRADE and designatemetal color number.Related • 18"W pedestals with cPages 318–321Productsfinished backFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.264 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Run-Off Desk Shells<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWoodLeft-Hand30" 42" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3042L $1640 +$7430" 48" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3048L $1740 +$7430" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3054L $1840 +$7430" 60" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3060L $1940 +$7430" 66" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3066L $2040 +$7430" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3072L $2140 +$7436" 66" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3666L $2240 +$7436" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3672L $2340 +$7436" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3678L $2624 +$74d d d dRight-Hand30" 42" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3042R $1640 +$7430" 48" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3048R $1740 +$7430" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3054R $1840 +$7430" 60" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3060R $1940 +$7430" 66" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3066R $2040 +$7430" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3072R $2140 +$7436" 66" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3666R $2240 +$7436" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3672R $2340 +$7436" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3678R $2624 +$74d d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 265

Run-Off Desk Shells with Lift-Up Conference Topfor Use with Credenzas and Workcenter UnitscNeed help?Product details,page 233Standard Includes• Run-off desk shell: wood veneer price group A• Chamfered edge profile• Lift-up conference top• Support legs for lift-up conference top: black metal only• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Leveling glides: black only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for run-offdesk shell3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurface • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.Materials • Wood veneer price group 2 +$351 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$819 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • End +$ 30 Specify with TRGME and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.GrommetTip: Pedestals cannot beplaced under an accessdoor with power and communicationson 30"D units.Access Door • End +$250 Specify with TRADE and designatewith Power andmetal color number.CommunicationsRelated • 18"W pedestals with cPages 318–321Productsfinished backFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.266 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Run-Off Desk Shells withLift-Up Conference Top<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWoodLeft-Hand30" 42" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3042LC $2090 +$7430" 48" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3048LC $2190 +$7430" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3054LC $2290 +$7430" 60" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3060LC $2390 +$7430" 66" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3066LC $2490 +$7430" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3072LC $2590 +$7436" 66" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3666LC $2690 +$7436" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3672LC $2790 +$7436" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3678LC $3074 +$74d d d dRight-Hand30" 42" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3042RC $2090 +$7430" 48" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3048RC $2190 +$7430" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3054RC $2290 +$7430" 60" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3060RC $2390 +$7430" 66" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3066RC $2490 +$7430" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3072RC $2590 +$7436" 66" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3666RC $2690 +$7436" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3672RC $2790 +$7436" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" TRCT3678RC $3074 +$74d d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 267

Return ShellscNeed help?Product details,page 233Standard Includes• Return shell with finished back: wood veneerprice group A• Chamfered edge profile• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Leveling glides: black only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for returnshell3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Tip: Return cannot beattached to a worksurfaceadjacent to a tower.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWood veneerMaterials price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.Wood veneer price group 2• 36"W to 54"W +$235 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 60"W to 78"W +$299 Specify wood veneer finish number.Wood veneer price group 3• 36"W to 54"W +$547 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 60"W to 78"W +$697 Specify wood veneer finish number.Customiz stainon wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.. 2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.GrommetAccess Door • Center +$250 Specify with TRADC and designatewith Power andmetal color number.CommunicationsTip: Width of pedestalsmust be less than widthof return shell.Related • 18"W pedestals cPages 318–321Products • 30"W pedestals cPages 322–323• 36"W pedestals cPages 324–325For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.268 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Return Shells<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWoodLeft-Hand27" 36" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2736L $1351 +$7427" 42" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2742L $1418 +$7427" 48" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2748L $1489 +$7427" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2754L $1564 +$7427" 60" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2760L $1642 +$7427" 66" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2766L $1724 +$7427" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2772L $1810 +$7427" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2778L $1991 +$74d d d dRight-Hand27" 36" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2736R $1351 +$7427" 42" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2742R $1418 +$7427" 48" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2748R $1489 +$7427" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2754R $1564 +$7427" 60" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2760R $1642 +$7427" 66" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2766R $1724 +$7427" 72" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2772R $1810 +$7427" 78" 28 1 ⁄2" TRRS2778R $1991 +$74d d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 269

BridgescNeed help?Product details,page 234Standard Includes• Bridge with finished back: wood veneer price group A• Chamfered edge profile• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for bridge3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Tip: Bridge cannot beattached to a worksurfaceadjacent to a tower.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$218 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$508 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.GrommetAccess Door • Center +$250 Specify with TRADC and designatewith Power andmetal color number.Communications<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood27" 36" 28 1 ⁄2" TRBD2736 $1252 +$6427" 42" 28 1 ⁄2" TRBD2742 $1318 +$6427" 48" 28 1 ⁄2" TRBD2748 $1384 +$6427" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" TRBD2754 $1450 +$64d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.270 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Bridge ShelvesBridge ShelvescNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Bridge shelf with finished back: wood veneerprice group A• Chamfered edge profile• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for bridgeshelf3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Tip: Bridge shelf cannot beattached to a worksurfaceadjacent to a tower.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$174 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$406 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.Grommet<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood12" 36" 28 1 ⁄2" TRBS1236 $ 995 +$3012" 42" 28 1 ⁄2" TRBS1242 $1050 +$3012" 48" 28 1 ⁄2" TRBS1248 $1105 +$3012" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" TRBS1254 $1160 +$30d d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 271

Lateral File ShellscNeed help?Product details,page 233Standard Includes• Lateral file shell with finished back: wood veneer pricegroup A• Chamfered edge profile• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for lateralfile shell3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$223 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$520 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.2 1 ⁄2"-Round For 33"W shell onlyWorksurface • Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designateGrommetsmetal color number.For 39"W shell only• Left +$ 30 Specify with TRGML and designatemetal color number.• Right +$ 30 Specify with TRGMR and designatemetal color number.Access Door For 33"W shell onlywith Power and • Center +$250 Specify with TRADC and designateCommunicationsmetal color number.For 39"W shell only• Left +$250 Specify with TRADL and designatemetal color number.• Right +$250 Specify with TRADR and designatemetal color number.Related • 18"W pedestals cPages 318–321Products • 30"W pedestals cPages 322–323• 36"W pedestals cPages 324–325<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DAvailable DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dPedestal dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dSpace d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStain ond d d d dWood27" 33 1 ⁄16" 28 1 ⁄2" 30" TRC2733 $1394 +$6427" 39 1 ⁄16" 28 1 ⁄2" 36" TRC2739 $1487 +$64d d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.272 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Lateral File ShellsTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 273

Credenza ShellscNeed help?Product details,page 233Standard Includes• Credenza shell with open back: wood veneerprice group A• Chamfered edge profile• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for credenzashell3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Tip: Credenza shell withopen back must be usedagainst a wall.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWood veneerMaterials price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.Wood veneer price group 2• 63 1 ⁄16"W to 81 1 ⁄8"W +$317 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 87 1 ⁄8"W to 111 1 ⁄8"W +$361 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Center support panel +$ 55 Specify wood veneer finish number.Wood veneer price group 3• 63 1 ⁄16"W to 81 1 ⁄8"W +$739 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 87 1 ⁄8"W to 111 1 ⁄8"W +$841 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Center support panel +$128 Specify wood veneer finish number.Customiz stainon wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Left +$ 30 Specify with TRGML and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.Grommets • Right +$ 30 Specify with TRGMR and designatemetal color number.• Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designatemetal color number.Tip: Center access doorwith power and communicationsis available at akneespace only.Access Door • Left +$250 Specify with TRADL and designatewith Power andmetal color number.Communications • Right +$250 Specify with TRADR and designatemetal color number.• Center +$250 Specify with TRADC and designatemetal color number.Related • 18"W pedestals cPages 318–321Products • 30"W pedestals cPages 322–323• 36"W pedestals cPages 324–325For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.274 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Credenza Shells<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DAvailable DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dPedestal dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dSpace d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStain ond d d d dWood27" 63 1 ⁄16" 28 1 ⁄2" 60" TRC2763 $1982 +$11827" 69 1 ⁄16" 28 1 ⁄2" 66" TRC2769 $2017 +$11827" 75 1 ⁄16" 28 1 ⁄2" 72" TRC2775 $2050 +$11827" 81 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 78" TRC2781 $2111 +$11827" 87 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 84" TRC2787 $2169 +$11827" 93 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 90" TRC2793 $2227 +$11827" 99 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 96" TRC2799 $2285 +$11827" 105 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 102" TRC27105 $2343 +$118Tip: You must order acenter support panel ifkneespace in credenzawill exceed 54"W.27" 111 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 108" TRC27111 $2404 +$118d d d d dCenter Support Panel for Use with Credenza Shells (field installed)11 1 ⁄2" 1 1 ⁄2" 27" N.A. TRCCSP $ 365 +$ 12d d d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 275

Credenza Shells with Finished Back PanelcNeed help?Product details,page 233Standard Includes• Credenza shell with finished back panel: wood veneerprice group A• Chamfered edge profile• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for credenzashell3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWood veneerMaterials price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.Wood veneer price group 2• 63 1 ⁄16"W to 81 1 ⁄8"W +$ 369 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 87 1 ⁄8"W to 111 1 ⁄8"W +$ 451 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Center support panel +$ 55 Specify wood veneer finish number.Wood veneer price group 3• 63 1 ⁄16"W to 81 1 ⁄8"W +$ 861 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 87 1 ⁄8"W to 111 1 ⁄8"W +$1051 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Center support panel +$ 128 Specify wood veneer finish number.Customiz stainon wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Tip: Center access doorwith power and communicationsis available at akneespace only.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Left +$ 30 Specify with TRGML and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.Grommets • Right +$ 30 Specify with TRGMR and designatemetal color number.• Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designatemetal color number.Access Door • Left +$ 250 Specify with TRADL and designatewith Power andmetal color number.Communications • Right +$ 250 Specify with TRADR and designatemetal color number.• Center +$ 250 Specify with TRADC and designatemetal color number.Related • 18"W pedestals cPages 318–321Products • 30"W pedestals cPages 322–323• 36"W pedestals cPages 324–325For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.276 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Credenza Shells withFinished Back Panel<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DAvailable DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dPedestal dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dSpace d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStain ond d d d dWood27" 63 1 ⁄16" 28 1 ⁄2" 60" TRC2763B $2182 +$11827" 69 1 ⁄16" 28 1 ⁄2" 66" TRC2769B $2267 +$11827" 75 1 ⁄16" 28 1 ⁄2" 72" TRC2775B $2350 +$11827" 81 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 78" TRC2781B $2461 +$11827" 87 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 84" TRC2787B $2569 +$11827" 93 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 90" TRC2793B $2677 +$11827" 99 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 96" TRC2799B $2785 +$11827" 105 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 102" TRC27105B $2893 +$118Tip: You must order acenter support panel ifkneespace in credenzawill exceed 54"W.27" 111 1 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 108" TRC27111B $3004 +$118d d d d dCenter Support Panel for Use with Credenza Shells (field installed)11 1 ⁄2" 1 1 ⁄2" 27" N.A. TRCCSP $ 365 +$ 12d d d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 277

Open-Office End UnitsAll One Veneer FinishcNeed help?Product details,page 248Standard Includes• End unit with applied panels: wood veneer price group A• Worksurface with square edge profile: wood veneer• Accent wall: wood veneer• Transaction ledge with chamfered edge profile:wood veneer• Support panel with cable passage: wood veneer• Metal accent bars: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Tackboard: vertical surface fabric price group 1• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Leveling glides: black only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for openofficeend unit3 Fabric color number for tackboard4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWood veneer on 50"W unitMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 570 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$1330 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Wood veneer on 56"W unit• Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 596 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$1391 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Wood veneer on 62"W unit• Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 623 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$1453 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Customiz stain on wood Prices at right Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Metal accent bars• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.Tackboard• Fabric price group 1 No cost Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 2 +$ 12 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 3 +$ 46 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 4 +$ 62 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 5 +$ 100 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group COM +$ 15 cSee Surface Materials Reference Manualto specify.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Left +$ 30 Specify with TRGML and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.Grommets • Right +$ 30 Specify with TRGMR and designatemetal color number.Access Door • Left +$ 250 Specify with TRADL and designatewith Power andmetal color number.Communications • Right +$ 250 Specify with TRADR and designatemetal color number.Related • Open-office intermediate units cPages 284–286Products • Open-office corner units cPage 287For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.278 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Open-Office End Units<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomiz Staind d d don Wood50"W Open-Office End UnitsLeft-Hand42 1 ⁄2" 50 3 ⁄8" 49" TRUEL50 $3800 +$222Right-Hand42 1 ⁄2" 50 3 ⁄8" 49" TRUER50 $3800 +$222d d d d56"W Open-Office End UnitsLeft-Hand42 1 ⁄2" 56 3 ⁄8" 49" TRUEL56 $3975 +$222Right-Hand42 1 ⁄2" 56 3 ⁄8" 49" TRUER56 $3975 +$222d d d dTranslations62"W Open-Office End UnitsLeft-Hand42 1 ⁄2" 62 3 ⁄8" 49" TRUEL62 $4150 +$222Right-Hand42 1 ⁄2" 62 3 ⁄8" 49" TRUER62 $4150 +$222d d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 279

Open-Office End UnitsContrasting Veneer Finish on Accent WallcNeed help?Product details,page 248Standard Includes• End unit with applied panels: wood veneer price group A• Worksurface with square edge profile: wood veneer• Accent wall with contrasting veneer finish: wood veneerprice group A• Transaction ledge with chamfered edge profile:wood veneer• Support panel with cable passage: wood veneer• Metal accent bars: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Tackboard: vertical surface fabric price group 1• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Leveling glides: black only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for openofficeend unit3 Wood veneer finish number for accentwall4 Fabric color number for tackboard5 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurface50"W end unitMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$342 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$798 Specify wood veneer finish number.56"W end unit• Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$358 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$835 Specify wood veneer finish number.62"W end unit• Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$374 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$872 Specify wood veneer finish number.Accent wall on 50"W unit• Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$228 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$532 Specify wood veneer finish number.Accent wall on 56"W unit• Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$239 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$557 Specify wood veneer finish number.Accent wall on 62"W unit• Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$249 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$581 Specify wood veneer finish number.Metal accent bars• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.Tackboard• Fabric price group 1 No cost Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 2 +$ 12 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 3 +$ 46 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 4 +$ 62 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 5 +$100 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group COM +$ 15 cSee Surface Materials ReferenceManual to specify.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Left +$ 30 Specify with TRGML and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.Grommets • Right +$ 30 Specify with TRGMR and designatemetal color number.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.Access Door • Left +$250 Specify with TRADL and designatewith Power andmetal color number.Communications • Right +$250 Specify with TRADR and designatemetal color number.Related • Open-office intermediate units cPages 284–286Products • Open-office corner units cPage 287280 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Open-Office End Units<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d50"W Open-Office End UnitsLeft-Hand42 1 ⁄2" 50 3 ⁄8" 49" TRUEL50V $4000Right-Hand42 1 ⁄2" 50 3 ⁄8" 49" TRUER50V $4000d d d56"W Open-Office End UnitsLeft-Hand42 1 ⁄2" 56 3 ⁄8" 49" TRUEL56V $4175Right-Hand42 1 ⁄2" 56 3 ⁄8" 49" TRUER56V $4175d d dTranslations62"W Open-Office End UnitsLeft-Hand42 1 ⁄2" 62 3 ⁄8" 49" TRUEL62V $4350Right-Hand42 1 ⁄2" 62 3 ⁄8" 49" TRUER62V $4350d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 281

Open-Office End Unit Transaction TopsTip: Finish for transactionvalance should be specifiedto match accent wall ofopen-office end unit.cNeed help?Product details,page 249Standard Includes• Transaction top: wood veneer price group A• Attachment hardware• Valance: wood veneer price group A, 1, or 3Required to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for openofficeend unit transaction top3 Wood veneer finish number for valance.4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWood for transaction top surfaceMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 149 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$ 348 Specify wood veneer finish number.Stone for transaction top surface• Calacatta White Marble +$2444 Add suffix S to style number and select1145 Calacatta White Marble.• Blue Pearl Granite +$1400 Add suffix S to style number and select1147 Blue Pearl Granite.• Absolute Black Granite +$1355 Add suffix S to style number and select1148 Absolute Black Granite.Related • Open-office end units cPages 278–281Products<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W dNumber dBased d dPriced d dFor Use on 50"W Open-Office End Units14" 50 3 ⁄8" TRUT50 $945d d dFor Use on 56"W Open-Office End Units14" 56 3 ⁄8" TRUT56 $970d d dFor Use on 62"W Open-Office End Units14" 62 3 ⁄8" TRUT62 $995d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.282 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Open-Office End Unit Transaction Mounting ComponentsFor Use with Customer’s Own StoneOpen-Office End UnitTransaction MountingComponentscNeed help?Product details,page 250Standard Includes• Transaction subtop• Valance: wood veneer price group A, 1, or 3• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for valancecSee Surface Materials, page 330.Tip: Finish for transactionvalance should be specifiedto match accent wall ofopen-office end unit.Tip: See stone dimensiontable on page 250. Stonemust conform to thosemeasurements.Related Products<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W dNumber dPriced d dFor Use on 50"W Open-Office End Units11 5 ⁄8" 45 1 ⁄2" TRUTB50 $181d d dFor Use on 56"W Open-Office End Units11 5 ⁄8" 51 1 ⁄2" TRUTB56 $188d d dFor Use on 62"W Open-Office End Units11 5 ⁄8" 57 1 ⁄2" TRUTB62 $195d d d• Open-office end units cPages 278–281TranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 283

24"W Open-Office Intermediate Unitsfor Use with 50"W Open-Office End UnitsTip: To maintain overallvisual symmetry of theworkspace, a 24"W intermediateunit must be used witha 50"W end unit only.cPage 260Tip: 18"W pedestals are theonly size that will fit under24"W intermediate units.Tip: Use left-hand openofficeintermediate unit withleft-hand open-office endunit. Use right-handopen-office intermediateunit with right-hand openofficeend unit.Tip: When combining two ormore intermediate units witha total kneespace over54"W, you must specify apedestal to support theworksurface. Support panelcan be removed to accommodatepedestals.cNeed help?Product details,page 249Standard Includes• Intermediate unit with applied front panel: wood veneerprice group A• Worksurface with square edge profile: wood veneer• Vertical privacy panel: wood veneer• Transaction ledge with chamfered edge profile:wood veneer• Shelf with square edge profile: wood veneer• Support panel with cable passage: wood veneer• Metal accent bars: 8042 Brushed Aluminum metal• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Attachment hardwareRequired to SpecifyOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$341 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$796 Specify wood veneer finish number.Metal accent bars• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.GrommetAccess Door • Center +$250 Specify with TRADC and designatewith Power andmetal color number.CommunicationsRelated • 50"W open-office end units cPages 278–281Products1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for openofficeintermediate unit3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dLeft-Hand32 1 ⁄2" 24" 48" TRUNL24 $2275d d dRight-Hand32 1 ⁄2" 24" 48" TRUNR24 $2275d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.284 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

30"W Open-Office Intermediate Unitsfor Use with 56"W Open-Office End Units30"W Open-OfficeIntermediate UnitsTip: To maintain overallvisual symmetry of theworkspace, a 30"W intermediateunit must be used witha 56"W end unit only.cPage 260Tip: 18"W pedestals are theonly size that will fit under30"W intermediate units.Tip: Use left-hand openofficeintermediate unit withleft-hand open-office endunit. Use right-handopen-office intermediateunit with right-hand openofficeend unit.Tip: When combining two ormore intermediate units witha total kneespace over54"W, you must specify apedestal to support theworksurface. Support panelcan be removed to accommodatepedestals.cNeed help?Product details,page 249Standard Includes• Intermediate unit with applied front panel: wood veneerprice group A• Worksurface with square edge profile: wood veneer• Vertical privacy panel: wood veneer• Transaction ledge with chamfered edge profile:wood veneer• Shelf with square edge profile: wood veneer• Support panel with cable passage: wood veneer• Metal accent bars: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Attachment hardwareRequired to SpecifyOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$368 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$858 Specify wood veneer finish number.Metal accent bars• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.GrommetAccess Door • Center +$250 Specify with TRADC and designatewith Power andmetal color number.CommunicationsRelated • 56"W open-office end units cPages 278–281Products1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for openofficeintermediate unit3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dLeft-Hand32 1 ⁄2" 30" 48" TRUNL30 $2450d d dTranslationsRight-Hand32 1 ⁄2" 30" 48" TRUNR30 $2450d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 285

36"W Open-Office Intermediate Unitsfor Use with 62"W Open-Office End UnitsTip: To maintain overallvisual symmetry of theworkspace, a 36"W intermediateunit must be used witha 62"W end unit only.cPage 260Tip: 18"W and 30"Wpedestals are the only sizesthat will fit under 36"W intermediateunits.Tip: Use left-hand openofficeintermediate unit withleft-hand open-office endunit. Use right-hand openofficeintermediateunit with right-hand openofficeend unit.Tip: When combining two ormore intermediate units witha total kneespace over54"W, you must specify apedestal to support theworksurface. Support panelcan be removed to accommodatepedestals.cNeed help?Product details,page 249Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$394 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$919 Specify wood veneer finish number.Metal accent bars• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.GrommetAccess Door • Center +$250 Specify with TRADC and designatewith Power andmetal color number.CommunicationsRelated • 62"W open-office end units cPages 278–281Products<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dLeft-HandStandard Includes• Intermediate unit with applied front panel: wood veneerprice group A• Worksurface with square edge profile: wood veneer• Vertical privacy panel: wood veneer• Transaction ledge with chamfered edge profile:wood veneer• Shelf with square edge profile: wood veneer• Support panel with cable passage: wood veneer• Metal accent bars: 8042 Brushed Aluminum metal• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Attachment hardware32 1 ⁄2" 36" 48" TRUNL36 $2625d d dRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for openofficeintermediate unit3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Right-Hand32 1 ⁄2" 36" 48" TRUNR36 $2625d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.286 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Open-Office Corner UnitOpen-Office Corner UnitStandard IncludesRequired to SpecifyTip: Corner unit must beattached to a partition wall.cNeed help?Product details,page 248• Corner unit with applied front panel: wood veneerprice group A• Worksurface with square edge profile: wood veneer• Vertical privacy panel: wood veneer• Transaction ledge with chamfered edge profile:wood veneer• Shelf with square edge profile: wood veneer• Metal accent bars: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Attachment hardware1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for openofficecorner unit3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$318 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$742 Specify wood veneer finish numberMetal accent bars• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.GrommetAccess Door • Center +$250 Specify with TRADC and designatewith Power andmetal color number.CommunicationsRelated • Open-office end units cPages 278–281Products • Open-office intermediate units cPages 284–286• 18"W pedestals cPages 318–321<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d32 1 ⁄2" 24" 48" TRUC24 $2120d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 287

Open-Office Return ShellscNeed help?Product details,page 252Standard Includes• Return shell with open back: wood veneer price group A• Worksurface with square edge profile: wood veneer• Support panel with cable passage: wood veneer• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Leveling glides: black only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for openofficereturn shell3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Tip: Open-office returnshells must be attached to apartition wall of the correspondinglength.Tip: Pedestals can beplaced under return units,provided that the pedestalwidth is less than the widthof the return worksurface.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$211 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$493 Specify wood veneer finish number.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.GrommetRelated • Open-office partition walls cPage 292Products • 18"W pedestals cPages 318–321• 30"W pedestals cPages 322–323• 36"W pedestals cPages 324–325<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dLeft-Hand24" 36" 28 1 ⁄2" TRURL36 $121624" 42" 28 1 ⁄2" TRURL42 $127624" 48" 28 1 ⁄2" TRURL48 $134024" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" TRURL54 $1407d d dRight-Hand24" 36" 28 1 ⁄2" TRURR36 $121624" 42" 28 1 ⁄2" TRURR42 $127624" 48" 28 1 ⁄2" TRURR48 $134024" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" TRURR54 $1407d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.288 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Open-Office BridgesOpen-Office BridgescNeed help?Product details,page 249Standard Includes• Bridge unit with open back: wood veneer price group A• Worksurface with square edge profile: wood veneer• Support panels with cable passage: wood veneer• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for openofficebridge3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$197 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$459 Specify wood veneer finish number.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.GrommetAccess Door • Center +$250 Specify with TRADC and designatewith Power andmetal color number.CommunicationsRelated • Open-office partition walls cPage 292Products<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d d24" 48" 28 1 ⁄2" TRUB48 $124024" 54" 28 1 ⁄2" TRUB54 $1310d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 289

Open-Office Back UnitscNeed help?Product details,page 249Standard Includes• Back unit with surrounding wall: wood veneerprice group A• Worksurface with square edge profile: wood veneer• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Leveling glides: black only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for openofficeback unit3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Tip: Back units are notdesigned to accommodatefull storage.Tip: Back units are sized tocorrespond with variouswidth combinations of endunits, intermediate units,and corner units.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWood veneerMaterials price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.Wood veneer price group 2• 73 3 ⁄8"W to 85 3 ⁄8"W +$ 404 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 97 3 ⁄8"W to 121 3 ⁄8"W +$ 437 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Center support panel +$ 55 Specify wood veneer finish number.Wood veneer price group 3• 73 3 ⁄8"W to 85 3 ⁄8"W +$ 943 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 97 3 ⁄8"W to 121 3 ⁄8"W +$1019 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Center support panel +$ 128 Specify wood veneer finish number.2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Left +$ 30 Specify with TRGML and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.Grommet • Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designatemetal color number.• Right +$ 30 Specify with TRGMR and designatemetal color number.Tip: Center access doorwith power and communicationis available at akneewell only.Access Door • Left +$ 250 Specify with TRADL and designatewith Power andmetal color number.Communications • Center +$ 250 Specify with TRADC and designatemetal color number.• Right +$ 250 Specify with TRADR and designatemetal color number.Related • 18"W pedestal cPages 318–321Products • 30"W pedestal cPages 322–323• 36"W pedestal cPages 324–325<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W Worksurface Wall dNumber dBased H H d dPriced d d24" 73 3 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 40 1 ⁄2" TRUBK73 $255024" 79 3 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 40 1 ⁄2" TRUBK79 $262224" 85 3 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 40 1 ⁄2" TRUBK85 $269424" 97 3 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 40 1 ⁄2" TRUBK97 $276624" 109 3 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 40 1 ⁄2" TRUBK109 $2838scale 5024" 121 3 ⁄8" 28 1 ⁄2" 40 1 ⁄2" TRUBK121 $2910d d dCenter Support Panel for Use with Back Units14 1 ⁄2" 1 1 ⁄8" 27" TRUCSP $ 365d d dTip: You must order acenter support panel ifkneespace in back unitwill exceed 54"W.290 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Open-Office Back UnitsTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 291

Open-Office Partition WallscNeed help?Product details,page 249Standard Includes• Partition wall: wood veneer price group A• Square top profile: wood veneer• Leveling glides: black only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for openofficepartition wall3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurface • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.Materials • Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 431 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$1006 Specify wood veneer finish number.Related • Open-office corner units cPage 287Products • Open-office return shells cPage 288• Open-office bridges cPage 289For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.292 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Open-Office Partition WallsBrackets on one sideBrackets on one sideBrackets on both sides<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dLeft-HandFor Use without Open-Office Return Shell or Bridge2 3 ⁄8" 43 13 ⁄16" 49" TRPL44 $2009For Use with 36"W Open-Office Return Shell2 3 ⁄8" 69 13 ⁄16" 49" TRPL70 $2313For Use with 42"W Open-Office Return Shell2 3 ⁄8" 75 13 ⁄16" 49" TRPL76 $2617For Use with 48"W Open-Office Return Shell or Bridge2 3 ⁄8" 81 13 ⁄16" 49" TRPL82 $2718For Use with 54"W Open-Office Return Shell or Bridge2 3 ⁄8" 87 13 ⁄16" 49" TRPL88 $2828d d dRight-HandFor Use without Open-Office Return Shell or Bridge2 3 ⁄8" 43 13 ⁄16" 49" TRPR44 $2009For Use with 36"W Open-Office Return Shell2 3 ⁄8" 69 13 ⁄16" 49" TRPR70 $2313For Use with 42"W Open-Office Return Shell2 3 ⁄8" 75 13 ⁄16" 49" TRPR76 $2617For Use with 48"W Open-Office Return Shell or Bridge2 3 ⁄8" 81 13 ⁄16" 49" TRPR82 $2718For Use with 54"W Open-Office Return Shell or Bridge2 3 ⁄8" 87 13 ⁄16" 49" TRPR88 $2828d d dSharedFor Use without Open-Office Return Shells or Bridges2 3 ⁄8" 43 13 ⁄16" 49" TRPS44 $2044For Use with 36"W Open-Office Return Shells2 3 ⁄8" 69 13 ⁄16" 49" TRPS70 $2348For Use with 42"W Open-Office Return Shells2 3 ⁄8" 75 13 ⁄16" 49" TRPS76 $2652For Use with 48"W Open-Office Return Shells or Bridges2 3 ⁄8" 81 13 ⁄16" 49" TRPS82 $2763For Use with 54"W Open-Office Return Shells or Bridges2 3 ⁄8" 87 13 ⁄16" 49" TRPS88 $2873d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 293

Workcenter UnitsAll One Veneer FinishTip: Workcenter units musthave an end panel, tower orend shelf unit at each end.cNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Workcenter unit with unfinished back: wood veneerprice group A• Worksurface with chamfered edge profile: wood veneer• Overhead storage with top valance: wood veneer• Metal accent bars at edges of each overhead cabinetand cubbie dividers: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Storage cubbie below binder storage: wood veneer• Flush panel on underside of overhead cabinet:wood veneer• Tackboard: vertical surface fabric price group 1• Cable passage in end panels and center support panel• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number forworkcenter unit3 Fabric color number for tackboard4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWood veneerMaterials price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.Wood veneer price group 2• 32 3 ⁄16"W to 38 3 ⁄16"W +$ 623 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 62 3 ⁄16"W to 74 3 ⁄16"W +$1000 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 92 1 ⁄4"W to 110 1 ⁄4"W +$1499 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Center support panel +$ 55 Specify wood veneer finish number.Wood veneer price group 3• 32 3 ⁄16"W to 38 3 ⁄16"W +$1453 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 62 3 ⁄16"W to 74 3 ⁄16"W +$2334 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 92 1 ⁄4"W to 110 1 ⁄4"W +$3499 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Center support panel +$ 128 Specify wood veneer finish number.Metal accent bars and cubbie dividers• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.Tackboards• Fabric price group 1 No cost Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 2 +$ 12 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 3 +$ 46 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 4 +$ 62 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 5 +$ 100 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group COM +$ 15 cSee Surface Materials Reference Manualto specify.Tip: Standard shelf lightsfor underside of overheadstorage are orderedseparately.cPage 328Tip: 32"W workcenter unit isavailable with center worksurfacegrommet only. 38"Wworkcenter unit is availablewith left and right worksurfacegrommets only.Tip: Center access door withpower and communicationsis available at a kneespaceonly.Tip: 32"W workcenter unit isavailable with center accessdoor only. 38"W workcenterunit is available with left andright access doors only.Lighting for • Recessed halogen lights +$ 295 Specify with halogen lights.Underside of (includes lights and switch)Overhead • Valance to conceal standard +$ 175 Specify with shelf light valance.Cabinetsshelf lightSlatwall • 30"W or 36"W slatwall +$ 96 Specify with TRSW and designate 8044cPage 234 segment in place of portion Black Anodized Aluminum or 8043 Clearof tackboard: black or clearAnodized Aluminum.anodized aluminum2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Left +$ 30 Specify with TRGML and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.Grommets • Right +$ 30 Specify with TRGMR and designatemetal color number.• Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designatemetal color number.Access Door • Left +$ 250 Specify with TRADL and designatewith Power andmetal color number.Communications • Right +$ 250 Specify with TRADR and designatemetal color number.• Center +$ 250 Specify with TRADC and designatemetal color number.cOptions continued on next page294 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Workcenter UnitscOptions continuedOptionsRequired to SpecifyRelated • 18"W pedestals cPages 318–321Products • 30"W pedestals cPages 322–323• 36"W pedestals cPages 324–325• Shelf lights cPage 328<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTip: Hinge locations areindicated by arrows oncabinet door illustrations.DDimensions DAvailable DStyle DU.S.dD W H dPedestal dNumber dBased dSpace d dPriced d d dWith Open Storage27" 32 3 ⁄16" 88 5 ⁄8" 30" TRWCS2732 $ 380527" 38 3 ⁄16" 88 5 ⁄8" 36" TRWCS2738 $ 421027" 62 3 ⁄16" 88 5 ⁄8" 60" TRWCS2762 $ 568827" 74 3 ⁄16" 88 5 ⁄8" 72" TRWCS2774 $ 658027" 92 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 90" TRWCS2792 $ 782227" 98 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 96" TRWCS2798 $ 850827" 104 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 102" TRWCS27104 $ 923827" 110 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 108" TRWCS27110 $10,017d d d dWith Closed Storage27" 32 3 ⁄16" 88 5 ⁄8" 30" TRWCC2732 $ 420527" 38 3 ⁄16" 88 5 ⁄8" 36" TRWCC2738 $ 461027" 62 3 ⁄16" 88 5 ⁄8" 60" TRWCC2762 $ 648827" 74 3 ⁄16" 88 5 ⁄8" 72" TRWCC2774 $ 738027" 92 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 90" TRWCC2792 $ 902227" 98 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 96" TRWCC2798 $ 970827" 104 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 102" TRWCC27104 $10,43827" 110 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 108" TRWCC27110 $11,217d d d dWith Open Center Storage and Closed Side Storage27" 92 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 90" TRWCB2792 $ 862227" 98 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 96" TRWCB2798 $ 930827" 104 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 102" TRWCB27104 $10,03827" 110 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 108" TRWCB27110 $10,817d d d dTranslationsTip: You must order acenter support panel ifkneespace in workcenterunit will exceed 54"W.Center Support Panel for Use with Workcenter Units (field installed)11 1 ⁄2" 1 1 ⁄2" 27" TRCCSP $ 365d d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 295

Workcenter UnitsContrasting Veneer Finish on DoorsTip: Workcenter units musthave an end panel, tower orend shelf unit at each end.cNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Workcenter unit with unfinished back: wood veneerprice group A• Worksurface with chamfered edge profile: wood veneer• Overhead storage with contrasting veneer finish on doors:wood veneer price group A• Metal accent bars at edges of each overhead cabinetand cubbie dividers: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Storage cubbie below binder storage: wood veneer• Flush panel on underside of overhead cabinet:wood veneer• Tackboard: vertical surface fabric price group 1• Cable passage in end panels and center support panel• Cable manager for kneespace: black plastic only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number forworkcenter unit3 Wood veneer finish number foroverhead doors4 Fabric color number for tackboard5 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWorkcenter unitMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2–32 3 ⁄16"W to 38 3 ⁄16"W +$ 563 Specify wood veneer finish number.–62 3 ⁄16"W to 74 3 ⁄16"W +$ 880 Specify wood veneer finish number.–92 1 ⁄4"W to 110 1 ⁄4"W +$1319 Specify wood veneer finish number.–Center support panel +$ 55 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3–32 3 ⁄16"W to 38 3 ⁄16"W +$1313 Specify wood veneer finish number.–62 3 ⁄16"W to 74 3 ⁄16"W +$2054 Specify wood veneer finish number.–92 1 ⁄4"W to 110 1 ⁄4"W +$3079 Specify wood veneer finish number.–Center support panel +$ 128 Specify wood veneer finish number.Doors• Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2–32 3 ⁄16"W to 38 3 ⁄16"W +$ 60 Specify wood veneer finish number.–62 3 ⁄16"W to 74 3 ⁄16"W +$ 120 Specify wood veneer finish number.–92 1 ⁄4"W to 110 1 ⁄4"W +$ 180 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3–32 3 ⁄16"W to 38 3 ⁄16"W +$ 140 Specify wood veneer finish number.–62 3 ⁄16"W to 74 3 ⁄16"W +$ 280 Specify wood veneer finish number.–92 1 ⁄4"W to 110 1 ⁄4"W +$ 420 Specify wood veneer finish number.Metal accent bars and cubbie dividers• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.Tackboards• Fabric price group 1 No cost Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 2 +$ 12 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 3 +$ 46 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 4 +$ 62 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 5 +$ 100 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group COM +$ 15 cSee Surface Materials Reference Manualto specify.Tip: Standard shelf lightsfor underside of overheadstorage are orderedseparately.cPage 328Lighting for • Recessed halogen lights +$ 295 Specify with halogen lights.Underside of (includes lights and switch)Overhead • Valance to conceal standard +$ 175 Specify with shelf light valance.Cabinetsshelf lightSlatwall • 30"W or 36"W slatwall +$ 96 Specify with TRSW and designate 8044cPage 234 segment in place of portion Black Anodized Aluminum or 8043 Clearof tackboard: black or clearAnodized Aluminum.anodized aluminumcOptions continued on next pageFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.296 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Workcenter UnitsTip: 32"W workcenter unit isavailable with center worksurfacegrommet only. 38"Wworkcenter unit is availablewith left and right worksurfacegrommets only.Tip: Center access doorwith power and communicationsis available at akneespace only.Tip: 32"W workcenter unitis available with centeraccess door only. 38"Wworkcenter unit is availablewith left and rightaccess doors only.cOptions continuedOptions U.S. Price Required to Specify2 1 ⁄2"-Round • Left +$ 30 Specify with TRGML and designateWorksurfacemetal color number.Grommets • Right +$ 30 Specify with TRGMR and designatemetal color number.• Center +$ 30 Specify with TRGMC and designatemetal color number.Access Door • Left +$250 Specify with TRADL and designatewith Power andmetal color number.Communications • Right +$250 Specify with TRADR and designatemetal color number.• Center +$250 Specify with TRADC and designatemetal color number.Related • 18"W pedestals cPages 318–321Products • 30"W pedestals cPages 322–323• 36"W pedestals cPages 324–325• Shelf lights cPage 328<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTip: Hinge locations areindicated by arrows oncabinet door illustrations.DDimensions DAvailable DStyle DU.S.dD W H dPedestal dNumber dBased dSpace d dPriced d d dWith Closed Storage27" 32 3 ⁄16" 88 5 ⁄8" 30" TRWCC2732V $ 440527" 38 3 ⁄16" 88 5 ⁄8" 36" TRWCC2738V $ 481027" 62 3 ⁄16" 88 5 ⁄8" 60" TRWCC2762V $ 668827" 74 3 ⁄16" 88 5 ⁄8" 72" TRWCC2774V $ 758027" 92 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 90" TRWCC2792V $ 922227" 98 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 96" TRWCC2798V $ 990827" 104 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 102" TRWCC27104V $10,63827" 110 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 108" TRWCC27110V $11,417d d d dWith Open Center Storage and Closed Side Storage27" 92 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 90" TRWCB2792V $ 882227" 98 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 96" TRWCB2798V $ 950827" 104 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 102" TRWCB27104V $10,23827" 110 1 ⁄4" 88 5 ⁄8" 108" TRWCB27110V $11,017d d d dTranslationsTip: You must order acenter support panel ifkneespace in workcenterunit will exceed 54"W.Center Support Panels for Use with Workcenter Units (field installed)11 1 ⁄2" 1 1 ⁄2" 27" TRCCSP $ 365d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 297

Wood Veneer Tackboard Replacementsfor Use with Workcenter UnitscNeed help?Product details,page 234Standard Includes• Wood veneer tackboard replacements:wood veneer price group A• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for woodveneer panel3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWood veneerMaterials price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.Wood veneer price group 2• 32 3 ⁄16"W to 38 3 ⁄16"W +$ 53 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 62 3 ⁄16"W to 74 3 ⁄16"W +$107 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 92 1 ⁄4"W to 110 1 ⁄4"W +$161 Specify wood veneer finish number..Wood veneer price group 3• 32 3 ⁄16"W 38 3 ⁄16"W +$125 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 62 3 ⁄16"W to 74 3 ⁄16"W +$250 Specify wood veneer finish number.• 92 1 ⁄4"W to 110 1 ⁄4"W +$375 Specify wood veneer finish number.Related • Workcenter units cPages 294–297ProductsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.298 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Wood VeneerTackboard Replacements<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dFor Use with 32 3 ⁄16"W Workcenter Unit3 ⁄4" 30 1 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄2" TRWVP32 $ 321d d dFor Use with 38 3 ⁄16"W Workcenter Unit3 ⁄4" 36 1 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄2" TRWVP38 $ 356d d dFor Use with 62 3 ⁄16"W Workcenter Unit3 ⁄4" 60 1 ⁄4" 21 1 ⁄2" TRWVP62 $ 655d d dFor Use with 74 3 ⁄16"W Workcenter Unit3 ⁄4" 72 1 ⁄4" 21 1 ⁄2" TRWVP74 $ 713d d dFor Use with 92 1 ⁄4"W Workcenter Unit3 ⁄4" 90 5 ⁄16" 21 1 ⁄2" TRWVP92 $ 894d d dFor Use with 98 1 ⁄4"W Workcenter Unit3⁄4" 96 5 ⁄16" 21 1 ⁄2" TRWVP98 $ 953d d dFor Use with 104 1 ⁄4"W Workcenter Unit3 ⁄4" 102 5 ⁄16" 21 1 ⁄2" TRWVP104 $1011d d dFor Use with 110 1 ⁄4"W Workcenter Unit3 ⁄4" 108 5 ⁄16" 21 1 ⁄2" TRWVP110 $1070d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 299

18"W TowersAll One Veneer FinishcNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Tower with unfinished back: wood veneer price group A• Top valance: wood veneer• Tower door and drawer fronts: wood veneer• Integral pull on one side of door and drawer fronts:8042 Brushed Aluminum• File drawers, if selected: architectural birch plywood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected• Cable passage on each side of tower• Cable passage through tower shelves, base, and top• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for tower3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 482 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$1125 Specify wood veneer finish number.Pull accent metals• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.Marker board • Dry-erase marker board +$ 150 Specify with marker board.on inside of tower door: whiteTip: Lock and keying isavailable on towers withdrawers only. Lock andkeying is not available ondoors.Lock andLockKeying on • Polished Chrome +$ 75 Add suffix L to style number and selectDrawers9201 Polished Chrome.• Ember Chrome +$ 75 Add suffix L to style number and select9250 Ember Chrome.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Related • Workwall end panels cPage 316Products • Workwall end shelf units cPage 317For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.300 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

18"W Towers<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DNumber DStyle DU.S.dD W H dof Shelves dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dWith Wardrobe with Full Coat RodPull on Left and Door Hinged Right28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed TRTRDW $3052Pull on Right and Door Hinged Left28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed TRTLDW $3052d d d dWith Full ShelvesPull on Left and Door Hinged Right28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTRDS $3213Pull on Right and Door Hinged Left28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTLDS $3213d d d dWith Shelves Above and Two File Drawers BelowPull on Left and Door Hinged Right28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTRDW2F $3534Pull on Right and Door Hinged Left28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTLDW2F $3534d d d dWith Wardrobe Left, Shelves Right, and Two File Drawers BelowPull on Left and Door Hinged Right28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTRDWS2F $3711Pull on Right and Door Hinged Left28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTLDWS2F $3711d d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 301

18"W TowersContrasting Veneer Finish on Tower Door and Drawer FrontscNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Tower with unfinished back: wood veneer price group A• Top valance: wood veneer• Tower door and drawer fronts with contrasting veneerfinish: wood veneer price group A• Integral pull on one side of door and drawer fronts:8042 Brushed Aluminum• File drawers, if selected: architectural birch plywood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected• Cable passage on each side of tower• Cable passage through tower shelves, base, and top• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for tower3 Wood veneer finish number for towerdoor and drawer fronts4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceTowerMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$386 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$900 Specify wood veneer finish number.Door and drawer fronts• Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 96 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$225 Specify wood veneer finish number.Pull accent metals• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.Marker board • Dry-erase marker board on +$150 Specify with marker board.inside of tower door: whiteTip: Lock and keying isavailable on towers withdrawers only. Lock andkeying is not available ondoors.Lock andLockKeying on • Polished Chrome +$ 75 Add suffix L to style number and selectDrawers9201 Polished Chrome.• Ember Chrome +$ 75 Add suffix L to style number and select9250 Ember Chrome.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Related • Workwall end panels cPage 316Products • Workwall end shelf units cPage 317For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.302 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

18"W Towers<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DNumber DStyle DU.S.dD W H dof Shelves dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dWith Wardrobe with Full Coat RodPull on Left and Door Hinged Right28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed TRTRDWV $3252Pull on Right and Door Hinged Left28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed TRTLDWV $3252d d d dWith Full ShelvesPull on Left and Door Hinged Right28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTRDSV $3413Pull on Right and Door Hinged Left28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTLDSV $3413d d d dWith Shelves Above and Two File Drawers BelowPull on Left and Door Hinged Right28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTRDW2FV $3734Pull on Right and Door Hinged Left28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTLDW2FV $3734d d d dWith Wardrobe Left, Shelves Right, and Two File Drawers BelowPull on Left and Door Hinged Right28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTRDWS2FV $3911Pull on Right and Door Hinged Left28" 18" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTLDWS2FV $3911d d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 303

30"W TowersAll One Veneer FinishcNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Tower with unfinished back: wood veneer price group A• Top valance: wood veneer• Tower doors and drawer fronts: wood veneer• Integral pulls on doors and drawer fronts:8042 Brushed Aluminum• File drawers, if selected: architectural birch plywood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected• Cable passage on each side of tower• Cable passage through tower shelves, base, and top• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for tower3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 625 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$1458 Specify wood veneer finish number.Pull accent metals• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.Marker board • Dry-erase marker board on +$ 150 Specify with marker board.inside of tower door: whiteTip: Lock and keying isavailable on towers withdrawers only. Lock andkeying is not available ondoors.Lock andLockKeying on • Polished Chrome +$ 75 Add suffix L to style number and selectDrawers9201 Polished Chrome.• Ember Chrome +$ 75 Add suffix L to style number and select9250 Ember Chrome.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Related • Workwall end panels cPage 316Products • Workwall end shelf units cPage 317<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DNumber DStyle DU.S.dD W H dof Shelves dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dWith Wardrobe with Full Coat Rod28" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed TRTW30 $3958d d d dWith Full Shelves28" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTS30 $4166d d d d304 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

30"W Towers<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DNumber DStyle DU.S.dD W H dof Shelves dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dWith Shelves Right and Wardrobe Left28" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTSRW30 $4374d d d dWith Shelves Left and Wardrobe Right28" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTSLW30 $4374d d d dWith Wardrobe Left, Shelves Right, and Two Lateral Drawers Below28" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTSRWF30 $4812d d d dWith Wardrobe Right, Shelves Left, and Two Lateral Drawers Below28" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTSLWF30 $4812d d d dTranslationsWith Shelves Above and Two Lateral Drawers Below28" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTWF30 $4583d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 305

30"W TowersContrasting Veneer Finish on Tower Doors and Drawer FrontscNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Tower with unfinished back: wood veneer price group A• Top valance: wood veneer• Tower doors and drawer fronts with contrasting veneerfinish: wood veneer price group A• Integral pulls on doors and drawer fronts: 8042 BrushedAluminum• File drawers, if selected: architectural birch plywood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected• Cable passage on each side of tower• Cable passage through tower shelves, base, and top• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for tower3 Wood veneer finish number for towerdoors and drawer fronts4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceTowerMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 437 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$1021 Specify wood veneer finish number.Door and drawer fronts• Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 187 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$ 437 Specify wood veneer finish number.Pull accent metals• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.Marker board • Dry-erase marker board on +$ 150 Specify with marker board.inside of tower door: whiteTip: Lock and keying isavailable on towers withdrawers only. Lock andkeying is not available ondoors.Lock andLockKeying on • Polished Chrome +$ 75 Add suffix L to style number and selectDrawers9201 Polished Chrome.• Ember Chrome +$ 75 Add suffix L to style number and select9250 Ember Chrome.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Related • Workwall end panels cPage 316Products • Workwall end shelf units cPage 317<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DNumber DStyle DU.S.dD W H dof Shelves dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dWith Wardrobe with Full Coat Rod28" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed TRTW30V $4158d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.306 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

30"W Towers<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DNumber DStyle DU.S.dD W H dof Shelves dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dWith Full Shelves28" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTS30V $4366d d d dWith Shelves Right and Wardrobe Left28" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTSRW30V $4574d d d dWith Shelves Left and Wardrobe Right28" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTSLW30V $4574d d d dWith Wardrobe Left, Shelves Right, and Two Lateral Drawers Below28" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTSRWF30V $5012d d d dTranslationsWith Wardrobe Right, Shelves Left, and Two Lateral Drawers Below28" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTSLWF30V $5012d d d dWith Shelves Above and Two Lateral Drawers Below28" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTWF30V $4783d d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 307

36"W TowersAll One Veneer FinishcNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Tower with unfinished back: wood veneer price group A• Top valance: wood veneer• Tower doors and drawer fronts: wood veneer• Integral pulls on door and drawer fronts: 8042 BrushedAluminum• File drawers, if selected: architectural birch plywood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected• Cable passage on each side of tower• Cable passage through tower shelves, base, and top• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for tower3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 670 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$1563 Specify wood veneer finish number.Pull accent metals• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.Marker board • Dry-erase marker board on +$ 150 Specify with marker board.inside of tower door: whiteTip: Lock and keying isavailable on towers withdrawers only. Lock andkeying is not available ondoors.Lock andLockKeying on • Polished Chrome +$ 75 Add suffix L to style number and selectDrawers9201 Polished Chrome.• Ember Chrome +$ 75 Add suffix L to style number and select9250 Ember Chrome.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Related • Workwall end panels cPage 316Products • Workwall end shelf units cPage 317<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DNumber DStyle DU.S.dD W H dof Shelves dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dWith Wardrobe with Full Coat Rod28" 36" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed TRTW36 $4243d d d dWith Full Shelves28" 36" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTS36 $4466d d d d308 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

36"W Towers<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DNumber DStyle DU.S.dD W H dof Shelves dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dWith Shelves Right and Wardrobe Left28" 36" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTSRW36 $4689d d d dWith Shelves Left and Wardrobe Right28" 36" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTSLW36 $4689d d d dWith Wardrobe Left, Shelves Right, and Two Lateral Drawers Below28" 36" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTSRWF36 $5158d d d dWith Wardrobe Right, Shelves Left and Two Lateral Drawers Below28" 36" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTSLWF36 $5158d d d dTranslationsWith Shelves Above and Two Lateral Drawers Below28" 36" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTWF36 $4913d d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 309

36"W TowersContrasting Veneer Finish on Tower Doors and Drawer FrontscNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Tower with unfinished back: wood veneer price group A• Top valance: wood veneer• Tower doors and drawer fronts with contrasting veneerfinish: wood veneer price group A• Integral pulls on doors and drawer fronts: 8042 BrushedAluminum• File drawers, if selected: architectural birch plywood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected• Cable passage on each side of tower• Cable passage through tower shelves, base, and top• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for tower3 Wood veneer finish number for towerdoors and drawer fronts4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceTowerMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 469 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$1094 Specify wood veneer finish number.Door and drawer fronts• Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 201 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$ 469 Specify wood veneer finish number.Pull accent metals• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.Marker board • Dry-erase marker board on +$ 150 Specify with marker board.inside of tower door: whiteTip: Lock and keying isavailable on towers withdrawers only. Lock andkeying is not available ondoors.Lock andLockKeying on • Polished Chrome +$ 75 Add suffix L to style number and selectDrawers9201 Polished Chrome.• Ember Chrome +$ 75 Add suffix L to style number and select9250 Ember Chrome.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Related • Workwall end panels cPage 316Products • Workwall end shelf units cPage 317<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DNumber DStyle DU.S.dD W H dof Shelves dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dWith Wardrobe with Full Coat Rod28" 36" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed TRTW36V $4443d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.310 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

36"W Towers<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DNumber DStyle DU.S.dD W H dof Shelves dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dWith Full Shelves28" 36" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTS36V $4666d d d dWith Shelves Right and Wardrobe Left28" 36" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTSRW36V $4889d d d dWith Shelves Left and Wardrobe Right28" 36" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTSLW36V $4889d d d dWith Wardrobe Left, Shelves Right, and Two Lateral Drawers Below28" 36" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTSRWF36V $5358d d d dTranslationsWith Wardrobe Right, Shelves Left, and Two Lateral Drawers Below28" 36" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTSLWF36V $5358d d d dWith Shelves Above and Two Lateral Drawers Below28" 36" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 4 adjustable TRTWF36V $5113d d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 311

42"W TowersAll One Veneer FinishcNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Tower with unfinished back: wood veneer price group A• Top valance: wood veneer• Tower doors: wood veneer• Integral pulls on doors: 8042 BrushedAluminum• Cable passage on each side of tower• Cable passage through tower shelves, base, and top• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for tower3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 737 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$1720 Specify wood veneer finish number.Pull accent metals• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.Marker board • Dry-erase marker board on +$ 150 Specify with marker board.inside of tower door: whiteRelated • Workwall end panels cPage 316Products • Workwall end shelf units cPage 317For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.312 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

42"W Towers<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DNumber DStyle DU.S.dD W H dof Shelves dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dWith Wardrobe with Full Coat Rod28" 42" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed TRTW42 $4667d d d dWith Full Shelves28" 42" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTS42 $4913d d d dWith Shelves Right and Wardrobe Left28" 42" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTSRW42 $5159d d d dTranslationsWith Shelves Left and Wardrobe Right28" 42" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTSLW42 $5159d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 313

42"W TowersContrasting Veneer Color on Tower DoorscNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Tower with unfinished back: wood veneer price group A• Top valance: wood veneer• Tower doors with contrasting veneer finish:wood veneer price group A• Integral pulls on door: 8042 BrushedAluminum• Cable passage on each side of tower• Cable passage through tower shelves, base, and top• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for tower3 Wood veneer finish number for towerdoors4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceTowerMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 516 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$1204 Specify wood veneer finish number.Doors• Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$ 221 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$ 516 Specify wood veneer finish number.Pull accent metals• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.Marker board • Dry-erase marker board on +$ 150 Specify with marker board.inside of tower door: whiteRelated • Workwall end panels cPage 316Products • Workwall end shelf units cPage 317For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.314 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

42"W Towers<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DNumber DStyle DU.S.dD W H dof Shelves dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dWith Wardrobe with Full Coat Rod28" 42" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed TRTW42V $4867d d d dWith Full Shelves28" 42" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTS42V $5113d d d dWith Shelves Right and Wardrobe Left28" 42" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTSRW42V $5359d d d dTranslationsWith Shelves Left and Wardrobe Right28" 42" 88 5 ⁄8" 1 fixed, 6 adjustable TRTSLW42V $5359d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 315

Workwall End Panelsfor Use with Towers and Workcenter UnitscNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Workwall end panel: wood veneer price group A• Leveling glides: black only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number forworkwall end panel3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWood for full-height end panel (88 5 ⁄8"H)Materials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$134 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$313 Specify wood veneer finish number.Wood for partial-height end panel (48 1 ⁄8"H)• Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$101 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$235 Specify wood veneer finish number.Related • Workcenter units cPages 294–297Products • Towers cPages 300–315<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dFull-HeightLeft End Panel19" 1 1 ⁄2" 88 5 ⁄8" TREPL89 $895Right End Panel19" 1 1 ⁄2" 88 5 ⁄8" TREPR89 $895d d dPartial-Height for Use Next to Open-Office Back UnitsLeft End Panel19" 1 1 ⁄8" 48 1 ⁄8" TREPL48 $671Right End Panel19" 1 1 ⁄8" 48 1 ⁄8" TREPR48 $671d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.316 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Workwall End Shelf Unitsfor Use with Towers and Workcenter UnitsWorkwall End Shelf UnitscNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Workwall end shelf unit with unfinished back: wood veneerprice group A• Top valance: wood veneer• Corner post: metal• Recessed halogen light at top of unit with3-level touch switch• Shelves with glass inserts: wood veneer• Cabinet storage with side access door: wood veneer• Cable passage into cabinet• Leveling glides: black only• Attachment hardwareRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number forworkwall end shelf unit3 Metal color number for color post:8042 Brushed Aluminum8045 Brushed Black Aluminum8046 Polished Aluminum4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Related Products• Workcenter units cPages 294–297• Towers cPages 300–315<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dLeft-Hand19" 12" 88 5 ⁄8" TRESLM $3813d d dRight-Hand19" 12" 88 5 ⁄8" TRESRM $3813d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 317

18"W PedestalscNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Pedestal with open back: wood veneer price group A• Integral drawer pull on one side of drawer and doorfronts: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywood• One partition per box drawer• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for pedestal3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Tip: It is recommended thatpulls be specified on kneespaceside.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$213 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$497 Specify wood veneer finish number.Pull accent metals• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.318 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

18"W Pedestals<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTip: You must specify aback panel for each pedestalpositioned in a deskshell or run-off shell.DDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dHinged-Door with Adjustable ShelfPull on Left, Door Hinged Right23 1 ⁄4" 18" 27 3 ⁄8" TRPRD24L $1136Pull on Right, Door Hinged Left23 1 ⁄4" 18" 27 3 ⁄8" TRPLD24R $1136d d dOne Personal, One Box, and One File DrawerPulls on Left23 1 ⁄4" 18" 27 3 ⁄8" TRPBF24L $1420Pulls on Right23 1 ⁄4" 18" 27 3 ⁄8" TRPBF24R $1420d d dTwo File DrawersPulls on Left23 1 ⁄4" 18" 27 3 ⁄8" TRP2F24L $1420Pulls on Right23 1 ⁄4" 18" 27 3 ⁄8" TRP2F24R $1420d d dBack Panel For 18"W Pedestals3 ⁄4" 18" 22 1 ⁄2" TR18BP $ 190d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 319

18"W Locking PedestalsTip: It is recommended thatpulls be specified on kneespaceside.cNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Pedestal with open back: wood veneer price group A• Integral drawer pull on one side of drawer and doorfronts: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywood• One partition per box drawer• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for pedestal3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$213 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$497 Specify wood veneer finish number.Pull accent metals• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.320 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

18"W Locking Pedestals<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTip: You must specify aback panel for each pedestalpositioned in a deskshell or run-off shell.DDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dHinged-Door with Adjustable ShelfPull on Left, Door Hinged Right23 1 ⁄4" 18" 27 3 ⁄8" TRPRD24LL $1211Pull on Right, Door Hinged Left23 1 ⁄4" 18" 27 3 ⁄8" TRPLD24RL $1211d d dOne Personal, One Box, and One File DrawerPulls on Left23 1 ⁄4" 18" 27 3 ⁄8" TRPBF24LL $1495Pulls on Right23 1 ⁄4" 18" 27 3 ⁄8" TRPBF24RL $1495d d dTwo File DrawersPulls on Left23 1 ⁄4" 18" 27 3 ⁄8" TRP2F24LL $1495Pulls on Right23 1 ⁄4" 18" 27 3 ⁄8" TRP2F24RL $1495d d dBack Panel For 18"W Pedestals3 ⁄4" 18" 22 1 ⁄2" TR18BP $ 190d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 321

30"W PedestalscNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Pedestal with open back: wood veneer price group A• Integral drawer pulls on drawer and doorfronts: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for pedestal3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$262 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$611 Specify wood veneer finish number.Pull accent metals• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dDouble-Door Cabinet with Adjustable Shelf23 1 ⁄4" 30" 27 3 ⁄8" TRLD2430 $1396d d dTwo-Drawer Lateral File23 1 ⁄4" 30" 27 3 ⁄8" TRLF2430 $1745d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.322 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

30"W Locking Pedestals30"W Locking PedestalscNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Pedestal with open back: wood veneer price group A• Integral drawer pulls on drawer and doorfronts: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for pedestal3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$262 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$611 Specify wood veneer finish number.Pull accent metals• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.Lock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dDouble-Door Cabinet with Adjustable Shelf23 1 ⁄4" 30" 27 3 ⁄8" TRLD2430L $1471d d dTwo-Drawer Lateral File23 1 ⁄4" 30" 27 3 ⁄8" TRLF2430L $1820d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 323

36"W PedestalscNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Pedestal with open back: wood veneer price group A• Integral drawer pulls on drawer and doorfronts: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for pedestal3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$284 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$663 Specify wood veneer finish number.Pull accent metals• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dDouble-Door Cabinet with Adjustable Shelf23 1 ⁄4" 36" 27 3 ⁄8" TRLD2436 $1516d d dTwo-Drawer Lateral File23 1 ⁄4" 36" 27 3 ⁄8" TRLF2436 $1895d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.324 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

36"W Locking Pedestals36"W Locking PedestalscNeed help?Product details,page 232Standard Includes• Pedestal with open back: wood veneer price group A• Integral drawer pulls on drawer and doorfronts: 8042 Brushed Aluminum• Pedestal lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9201 Polished Chrome• Pedestal drawers: architectural birch plywood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selected• Leveling glides: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer finish number for pedestal3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Wood veneer price group A No cost Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 2 +$284 Specify wood veneer finish number.• Wood veneer price group 3 +$663 Specify wood veneer finish number.Pull accent metals• Brushed Black Aluminum No cost Specify with 8045 Brushed BlackAluminum.Drawer • Solid wood: black only +$ 75 Specify with solid wood drawers.<strong>Interiors</strong>per drawerLock andLockKeying • Ember Chrome No cost Specify with 9250 Ember Chrome lock.Keying• Factory-installed keying options cPage 413<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dDouble-Door Cabinet with Adjustable Shelf23 1 ⁄4" 36" 27 3 ⁄8" TRLD2436L $1591d d dTwo-Drawer Lateral File23 1 ⁄4" 36" 27 3 ⁄8" TRLF2436L $1970d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 325

Canopy Lightsfor Use with 3 ⁄4"- to 1 3 ⁄4"-Thick WorksurfacescNeed help?Product details,page 244Standard Includes• Light housing: all paint price groups or clearanodized aluminum• Light control box and end caps: Sterling plastic only• On-off switch centered in control box• 9' cord with three-prong plug at 45° angle:black vinyl only• Precision optics tube• Reflector: specular (reflective) aluminum• T5 3500K lamp• Electronic ballast• Dimmer switch, if selected: Sterling plastic only• Clamp mechanism• Pair of cord manager clips: black plastic onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Paint color number or 8043 ClearAnodized Aluminum for light housingcSee Surface Materials, page 330.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DLamp DStyle DU.S.dD W H dWattage dNumber dPriced d d dElectronic Ballast with Dimmer Switch7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24KR $5647 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36KR $5967 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48KR $629With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24KRC $6117 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36KRC $6437 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48KRC $676d d d dElectronic Ballast7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24K $4897 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36K $5217 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48K $554With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24KC $5367 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36KC $5687 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48KC $601d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.326 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Canopy LightsTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 327

Standard Shelf Lightsfor Use with Workcenter UnitsTip: Daisy chaining is notallowed in New York City orChicago. Local electricalcodes vary, so you shouldconsult a qualified electricalcontractor or engineer forproper installation of allelectrical equipment.Tip: Because shelf lightsare usually recessed, blackis the standard paint color.Paint colors other than blackhave an upcharge.Tip: If an optional paint coloris selected for the housing,the electrical switchesand end caps will remainblack plastic.Tip: Shelf lights are includedhere to simplify your planning.Remember that theyhave different pricingterms than Steelcase Woodproducts.Tip: Remember to order adaisy chain starter cord.cSee Related Products onnext page.cNeed help?Product details,page 245Standard Includes• Light housing with centered on-off switch:black paint• End cap cord managers: black plastic only• Cords:—9' cord with three-prong plug at 45° angle:black vinyl only—One 30" and one 48" cord with modularconnectors for daisy chaining: black vinyl only• Contrast sleeve around lamp• Faceted reflector: white only• T8 3500K lamp• Ballast• Universal mounting hardware package• Attachment hardware• Daisy chain starter cord, if selected: black vinyl only(order separately)Required to Specify1 Style number2 Paint color number, if other than black(see options below)3 Options, if selected (see belowcSee Surface Materials, page 330.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurface • Painted light housing +$15 Specify paint color number for housing.Materials other than black cSee Surface Materials, page 330.Bracket • Competitive mounting No cost Specify with competitive mountingOptions package package.• Flush mounting package No cost Specify with flush mounting package andpaint color number for end cap covers.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DLamp DStyle DU.S.dD W H dWattage dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dElectronic Ballast9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24K $2969 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36K $3179 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48K $342With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KC $3449 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KC $3659 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KC $390With Daisy Chain Cords9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KD $3219 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KD $3429 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KD $367d d d dc<strong>Specification</strong> information continued on next pageFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.328 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Standard Shelf LightsTip: Remember to order adaisy chain starter cord.cSee Related Productsbelow.cContinued from previous page<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DLamp DStyle DU.S.dD W H dWattage dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dEconomizer Electronic Ballast9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KF $3369 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KF $3579 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KF $382With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KFC $3849 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KFC $4059 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KFC $430With Daisy Chain Cords9 1 ⁄4" 25" 1 3 ⁄4" 17 watts LSM24KFD $3619 1 ⁄4" 37" 1 3 ⁄4" 25 watts LSM36KFD $3829 1 ⁄4" 49" 1 3 ⁄4" 32 watts LSM48KFD $407d d d dRelated ProductsDQuantity DLength DStyle DU.S.din Package d dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dDaisy Chain Starter Cord1 78" LS1FSC $ 416 78" LS6FSC $246d d d dTranslationsFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 329

Surface Materials.This listing includes all ofthe surface material choicesthat are available forTranslations..ResourcesFor more information aboutsurface materials, refer tothe following resources:Surface MaterialsReference ManualThis publication provides:• An explanation of thesurface materials program•“Available on” matrices• Vertical surface fabricand seating upholsteryselection listing• Pricing for surfacematerials• Technical data for surfacematerials• Surface material care andcleaning instructionsSurface MaterialsFinishes Binder includes:• Surface MaterialsReference Manual• A complete set of swatchcards for hard surfacesSurface MaterialsVertical Surface FabricBinder includes:• A complete set of swatchcards for vertical surfacefabricSurface MaterialsSeating UpholsteryBinder includes:• Designtex Graded-InCatalog• A complete set ofswatch cards forseating upholsterySurface MaterialsTool Box provides 3" x 3"samples of the following surfacematerials:• Vertical surface fabric• Seating upholstery• Wood veneer• Paint• LaminateForm number S8150.Wood<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> finish is adurable, medium-gloss finishthat enhances the naturalbeauty of the wood. Allworksurfaces are fully filledso they are smooth to thetouch.Wood Veneer PriceGroup A3234 Dark Mahogany3414 Natural Cherry3424 Medium Cherry3524 Clear Coat on Maple3544 Blonde on Maple3564 Linseed on Maple3574 Amber on Maple3714 Natural Walnut onWalnut3784 Sable on WalnutWood Veneer PriceGroup 23134 Harvest on FiguredAnigreWood Veneer PriceGroup 33002 Blonde on FiguredSycamore3003 Amber on FiguredSycamore3012 Clear Coat on FiguredSycamoreMetalPrice Group 32 1 Accent Paint/2"-round worksur-Please see the Accentface grommets, pullPaint swatchcard in theaccents, accent bar,Surface Materials Finishescubby dividers, powerBinder for a complete listingpoles, power and com-of these colorful paints.munications accessdoor, metal corner postPerfectMatch II Paint8042 Brushed AluminumPerfectMatch II paint is a8045 Brushed Blackservice that allows you toAluminumcreate your own paint colorthrough the Customiz pro-Slatwallgram. Refer to the Surface8043 Clear AnodizedMaterials Reference ManualAluminumfor more information about8044 Black Anodizedthis program.AluminumPlasticLocksInternode9201 Polished Chrome6000 Black9250 Ember Chrome6625 Translucent6651 Tungsten6652 TitaniumStone6653 Solar BlackOpen-office end unit6654 Vanadiumtransaction top only6656 Tantalum1145 Calacatta White6681 GrottoMarbleTip: Plastic components1147 Blue Pearl Granitemay not be available in all1148 Absolute Blackcolors above.GranitePaintNot every paint color isavailable on every paintedcomponent.Applies to:• LightingPrice Group 1Textured Paint0835 Black7225 Sand (Vanadium)7236 Fog7237 Slate7238 Fieldstone7239 MidnightPrice Group 2Metallic Paint4750 Champagne4751 Bronze4752 Steel4788 Gold Dust4798 Sterling4799 Platinum...330 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Surface Materials.BoccieVertical Surface FabricP300 RiceApplies to:P301 Almond• TackboardsP302 NutmegP303 CamelClassics CollectionP304 OpalP305 MistSurface materials in theP306 PlumClassics Collection are time-P307 Lichenless. These materials shouldP308 Spearmintbe available for a minimumP309 Skyof 10 years from the date thematerial is introduced intoCornicethe Classics Collection. TheP131 SpireClassics Collection includesP132 Spandrelthe following fabrics in PriceP133 CrownGroups 1 through 3:P134 CoronaPrice Group 1P135 SconceP136 FinialAbacusP137 PedimentP122 EntasisP123 PorticoEmbrasureP124 OpusP140 ColonnadeP125 CuspP141 RotundaP126 ArtifactP142 OculusP127 ArcadeP143 BalusterP128 MatrixP144 TorusP129 AtlasP156 PilasterPrice Group 2AcadiaAmirantéG031 Tin5664 MinkG033 Iron5665 IvoryG034 Pewter5666 Silver FrostG039 Silica5677 MoongloG040 Malachite5679 WoodbineG041 Brimstone5686 SeaG042 Galena5687 ChamoisG043 Azurite5688 BalsaG044 Limonite5689 OpalG045 Tourmaline5690 Blue HorizonBariolageAshantiG220 Etude5610 French CreamG221 Andante5612 IvoryG226 Cantata5613 Silver FrostG227 Adagio5657 MoongloG233 Melody5659 WoodbineG234 Ballata5674 QuinceG235 SonataAshanti ReverseBelgrade5638 MinkB600 Strawberry5639 IvoryB603 Storm5640 Silver FrostB604 Seafoam5648 MoongloB606 Buff5650 WoodbineB607 Harbor5654 QuinceB608 LilyB609 MossBouquetP163 VivienBellaRoseP165 HostaB650 AvodireP166 DundeeB651 BirchP168 AsterB652 WillowP169 ArgentaB653 AlderP170 HoyaB654 LaurelP172 CactusB655 WengeP173 CamomileB656 EbonyP174 HoneysuckleP175 Jasper..CordialE400 WhiteLilyE401 SagebrushE402 ShamrockE404 SilverLeafE405 LavenderE414 Ocean ReefE415 SesameE416 MarinaE417 SpearmintFirenzeP001 TranquilleP002 StaghornP003 FigFirenze ReverseF001 TranquilleF002 StaghornF003 FigFrescoG001 SandriftG002 MistibluG003 FaonG004 SepiaG005 ArrowoodG006 ChamolineG007 GrapenutG013 PistachioG016 WinterskyG017 FlintMilanoN001 OysterN002 DelftN003 WoodlandN004 SunshadowN005 OlivineN007 RedgrapeN008 MolluskN009 FairwayN010 DahliaN012 TeakwoodRacquetsP330 LichenP331 LilyP332 AlmondP333 NutmegP334 PewterP335 SpearmintP336 SkyRegattaD004 RoseberryD006 BluesageD007 ColibriD011 LicoriceD012 ProvenceD020 Haze5335 Warm Brown V15336 Warm Brown V25338 Tan V15339 Tan V25344 Grey V15345 Grey V25369 Blue V1Wilshire5831 Blue Violet V35841 Warm Brown V35846 Grey V35864 Lark5865 Burgess5867 Castle5868 FieldstonePrice Group 3Martinique5574 May Apple5577 Woodsorrel5578 Baneberry5579 Waterlily5582 Morro5583 Diva.Options CollectionSurface materials in theOptions Collection are availableon select Steelcasebrand seating and systemsproducts. These materialsshould be available for aminimum of 3 years from thedate the material is introducedinto the OptionsCollection.Options Collection fabricsand upholsteries are noweven easier to order. Specifyindividual finish codes followingthe same process asClassics Collection fabricsand upholsteries.The Options Collectionincludes the followingfabrics in Price Groups 2and 3:Price Group 2SolitaireP343 SpearmintP344 RiceP345 TaupeP346 PewterP347 NutmegP348 ChamoisP349 CamelP350 MistP351 LichenP352 WillowP353 SilverP354 SkyP355 VioletPrice Group 3LottoP310 PewterP311 AlmondP312 NutmegP313 PlumP314 LichenP315 SkyP316 SpearmintPick-Up SticksP320 BoneP321 CloudP322 AlmondP323 PewterP324 NutmegP325 ChamoisP326 CamelP327 LichenP328 SpearmintP329 Sky..Translations<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cSurface Materials, continued 331

Surface Materials, continuedDesigntex Graded-In ProgramAll Designtex Graded-In fabricsare now supported justlike standard fabrics whenordered on Steelcase furniture.TheDesigntex Graded-In program also includes theEnvironmental ImpactCollection, which offers sustainabletextiles in affordableprice groups. For additionalinformation and fabric samples,contact your localDesigntex Group sales representativeat1.800.221.1540.Designtex fabrics are gradedinto Steelcase Price Groups1 through 4:Price Group 1Moors (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Price Group 2AcresBracken (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)BrunswickCut to the ChaseGimletNicheSenecalStreams (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Price Group 3ApexDalmatianFoxtrotMeringueNo Deposit No ReturnRain (Environmental ImpactCollection)Sea Breeze (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Six PackThat Straw StuffPrice Group 4SumocSee the Surface MaterialsReference Manual for a listingof upholstery colors...Price Group COM(Customer’s Own Material)Fabric Approval andYardageTo confirm whether aparticular COM materialhas already been tested foruse on a specific Steelcaseproduct or to determineactual yardage requirements:• Visit www.steelcase.com• Click on “Tools & Insights”• Select “Customer’s OwnMaterial”You can find the sameinformation on the in2 site.Follow these steps:• Visit www.in2.steelcase.com• Click on “Sales/DesignTeam”• Select “Surface Materials”• Select “Customer’s OwnMaterial”For additionalinformation regardingCustomer’s OwnMaterial, call1.888.STEELCASE.....332 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

KentStatement of Line 334Product Details 336<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTable Desk 341Desks, Double-Pedestal 342Credenza Assemblies 343Component Substitutions 344High Credenzas 345Technical Support Components 346Canopy Lights 347Surface Materials 348Kent<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 333

KentStatement of Line30 19 /32"H30 19 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 337Specifyingc Page 341Understandingc Page 336Specifyingc Page 342Table Desk76"W38"D •Desks, Double Pedestal76"W 84"W42"D • •30 19 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 336Specifyingc Page 343Credenza Assemblies31 1 ⁄2"W 91 1 ⁄2"W24"D • •52 3 /8"HUnderstandingc Page 336Specifyingc Page 345High Credenzas29 3 ⁄4"W 89 1 ⁄4"W14 1 ⁄8"D • •334 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

KentStatement of LineKent<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 335

Kent.High credenzas provideadditional storage above acredenza.Pedestal lock securesall drawers in a pedestal.Credenza assembliesare available with or withouta kneespace. They areavailable with componentswith box drawers and filedrawer, box drawer anddouble-doors, lateral files,and double-door cabinets,which can be configured tomeet your specific needs.Drawer fronts are madeof crotch mahogany veneer.Leveling glides adjust toinstall furniture on unevenfloors.Actual DimensionscPage 338Center drawer is standardon desks. Centerdrawer is equipped with alock.Drawers are made of oak.Personal-, box-, and filesizedrawers are available.Desks are available in adouble-pedestal model. Atable desk is also available.Worksurface has a woodcore with a wood veneersurface. Edges are made ofsolid mahogany and cornersare mitered..336 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Kent.Product DetailsEdges have a traditionalprofile, featuring cove-overclassicnosing in solidmahogany, mitered corners.Table desks are availablewith a flat-cut mahoganytop or a three-piece leatherinset top with gold inlay..Double pedestal desksare available with a flat-cutmahogany top, butterflymatchedcrotch mahoganytop, or a three-piece leatherinset top with gold inlay.Butterfly-matchedcrotch mahogany topshave a quartered mahoganyborder separated by a 1 ⁄16"-thick ebonized pearwoodinlay.Three-piece leatherinset tops also have aquartered mahoganyborder.Full-height back panelis standard on desks and93 7 ⁄8"W credenzas. Drawerfronts are crotch mahoganyveneer..Door knobCenter drawer pullTable desk pullKnob pulls are standardon all drawers in the tabledesk as well as on high credenzadoors.Bail pullBail pulls are standard onall personal, box, and filedrawers.Pedestals are full height.Double pedestal desks arestandard with one personaldrawer, one box drawer,and one file drawer left andone personal drawer andthree box drawers right.Pull-out writing shelf islocated above personaldrawer in each deskpedestal. Storage componentsfor credenzas areavailable in additional configurations.Box drawers opentheir full depth. They areequipped with one movablepartition..File drawers on doublepedestal desks and credenzasopen their full depth fortotal access to the contents.They are equipped with ahanging file system thataccommodates letter- andlegal-size filing.Safety stop preventsaccidental removal of drawersfrom the pedestal.Center drawer is standardon desks. It is equippedwith a pencil tray andremovable partition. Centerdrawer has a lock.Pull-out writing shelf islocated above kneewell onvisitor’s side of desk..Keyboard shelf canbe added in the field tosupport a computer keyboardbeneath the level ofthe credenza worksurface.It attaches under a worksurfacewith a 18"D x 18 1 ⁄4"Wclear dimension.High credenzas provideadditional storage abovethe worksurface of a credenza.There is one fixedand two adjustable shelvesin each unit. Open diamondgrille doors with knob pullsare standard. High credenzashave a finished back..Kent<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cKent, continued 337

Kent, continuedLocks & KeyingWiring & CablingSurface MaterialsDesks, credenzas, storagecomponents, andhigh credenzas• Wood and wood veneer• Customiz stain (option)Desk worksurface• Flat-cut mahogany• Butterfly-matched crotchmahogany• LeatherFront-removable lock isGrommets are available,available with random, con-factory installed, to allowDesk trimsecutive, or specific keyingcords and cables to pass • Solid mahogany, half-options. Master-keyed lockthrough the worksurface. round belt moldingis available.Desks are available withcPage 413grommets in the left- or Drawer and door frontsright-hand side of the worksurface.Credenzas areface-locked pedestals andavailable with grommets on Drawer and door pullsa center drawer lock.the left-hand side, center, • 9230 Antique Bronze onlyand/or right-hand side ofCredenzas are standardworksurface.Lockwith a bottom drawer face• 9233 Satin Brasslock that secures alldrawers.Drawer interiors• OakLocks are not available onhigh credenzas.Grommets• 9230 Antique BronzeLeveling glides• BlackKeyboard shelf• Chalk• Meteorite..Actual DimensionsTable Desks Credenza HighDesks Assemblies CredenzaDepth 38" 42" 24" 14 1 ⁄8"Width 76" 76" or 84" 31 1 ⁄2" or 91 1 ⁄2" 29 3 ⁄4" or 89 1 ⁄4"Height 30 19 ⁄32" 30 19 ⁄32" 30 19 ⁄32" 52 5 ⁄16"Kneespace width 69 1 ⁄2" 33 5 ⁄16" 30" N.A.Worksurface thickness 1 5 ⁄32" 1 5 ⁄32" 1 5 ⁄32" N.A.Pedestal width N.A. 16 1 ⁄16" 30" N.A.. Leveling glide range 0"–1" 0"–1" 0"–1"• Crotch mahogany veneerDesks are equipped withN.A..Application TopicsAccess to wall receptacleis possible whenfurniture with a full-heightback panel is pulled awayfrom the wall or when credenzaswith removablekneewell panels have panelsremoved...338 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Canopy Lightsfor Use with 3 ⁄4"- to 1 3 ⁄4"-Thick WorksurfacesCanopy LightsCanopy lights are tasklights designed to complementa variety of Steelcasesystems furniture, includingTurnstone and Answer,Wood products, and manycompetitive furniture lines.Canopy lights provide broadcoverage and evenly balancedlight that significantlyminimizes glare.cSpecifying, page 347Actual DimensionsDepth 7 1 ⁄16"Width 24 1 ⁄4", 36 1 ⁄16", or 47 7 ⁄8"Height 18"Worksurface. thickness range 3⁄4" to 1 3 ⁄4"On-off switch is centeredon the bottom of the controlbox in the front.Housing is painted orclear anodized aluminum.Riser supports light aboveworksurface. Power cordsnaps into vertical wiremanager in back of riser.Clamp mechanismsecures riser to anyworksurface from 3 ⁄4"- to1 3 ⁄4"-thick.Cord exits from underneaththe center of the control box.9' cord with grounded plugis factory installed. Lengthis maximum allowed byU.S. National ElectricalCode. Cord with circuitbreaker is available to meetthe requirements of theChicago code.Plug is flat so it remainsclose to the receptacle..Product DetailsCanopy light includes thelamp, ballast, and either a9' cord with three-prongplug or Chicago plug.45°Plug configurationallows two canopy lights toengage adjacent outlets inone receptacle.Energy-saving T5lamps have triphosphorcoating for balanced colorand pleasing light.Optics include a crescentshapedlens with specularaluminum reflector that provideslow glare and broaddistribution of light.Connections1 /2" maximumEdge profile must not begreater than 1 ⁄2" thick toaccommodate clampmechanism.5 /16" minimumClearance betweenworksurface and panelmust be at least 5 ⁄16".Width Lamp Lamp Replacementwidth wattage lamps24 1 ⁄4" 21 3 ⁄5" 14 watts F14T5\83536 1 ⁄16" 33 2 ⁄5" 21 watts F21T5\83547 7 ⁄8" 45 1 ⁄5" 28 watts F28T5\835Surface MaterialsHousing• Paint• Clear anodized aluminum2 3 Clear/4"spaceReflector• Specular (reflective)aluminum2 3 /16"CordAt least 2 3 ⁄4"H and• Black vinyl only2 3 ⁄16"W of clear spaceunderneath the worksurfaceEnd caps, control box,is needed.and riser• Sterling plastic onlyWiring & CablingElectronic ballast ismore energy efficient thanT8 electronic ballasts.Electronic dimmingcontrol features slidingswitch, which allowscontinuous-range dimmingfrom 100% to 50% lightoutput.SlotSlot in back of riser securespower cord until it reachesthe access channel at theback of worksurface....Kent<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 339

340 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Table DeskTable DeskcNeed help?Product details,page 337Standard Includes• Desk with center drawer: wood• Left and right personal drawers• Drawer knobs: 9230 Antique Bronze• Center drawer lock, keyed random between keynumbers 101–110: 9233 Satin Brass• Pencil tray and movable partition in center drawer: wood• One movable partition per personal drawer: wood• Leveling glides: blackRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for pedestal3 Leather color when leather top isselected4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 348.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Keying • Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Grommets • Worksurface grommets: No cost Left: Specify with KEGML.9230 Antique Bronze Right: Specify with KEGMR.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dspace dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dWidth d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d dd d d d dCustomizd d d d dStain ond d d d dWoodWith Flat-Cut Mahogany Top38" 76" 30 19 ⁄32" 69 1 ⁄2" K1210763 $6790 +$84d d d d dWith Three-Piece Leather Inset Top with Gold Inlay38" 76" 30 19 ⁄32" 69 1 ⁄2" K1210766 $7530 +$84d d d d dKentFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 341

Desks, Double-PedestalcNeed help?Product details,page 336Standard Includes• Desk: wood• Full-height modesty panel• 16 1 ⁄16"W full-height pedestals with personal, box,and file drawer• Drawer bail pulls: 9230 Antique Bronze• Center drawer with pencil tray, removable partition, andlock: wood• Pedestals face-locked• Center drawer and pedestal lock, keyed random betweenkey numbers 101–110: 9233 Satin Brass• Pull-out writing shelf above personal drawer on eachdesk pedestal• Pull-out writing shelf above kneewell on visitor’s sideof desk• One partition per personal and box drawer: wood• One hanging file system per file drawer• Box base• Leveling glides: blackRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for desk3 Leather color when leather top isselected4 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 348.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Keying • Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Grommets • Worksurface grommets: No cost Left: Specify with KEGML.9230 Antique Bronze Right: Specify with KEGMR.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DKnee- DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dspace dspace dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dWidth dHeight d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d d dd d d d d dCustomizd d d d d dStain ond d d d d dWoodWith Flat-Cut Mahogany Top42" 76" 30 19 ⁄32" 33 5 ⁄16" 25 3 ⁄32" K1201403 $ 9075 +$16042" 84" 30 19 ⁄32" 33 5 ⁄16" 25 3 ⁄32" K1201353 $ 9560 +$160d d d d d dWith Butterfly-Matched Crotch Mahogany Top42" 76" 30 19 ⁄32" 33 5 ⁄16" 25 3 ⁄32" K1201404 $10,290 +$16042" 84" 30 19 ⁄32" 33 5 ⁄16" 25 3 ⁄32" K1201354 $10,811 +$160d d d d d dWith Three-Piece Leather Inset Top with Gold Inlay42" 76" 30 19 ⁄32" 33 5 ⁄16" 25 3 ⁄32" K1201406 $11,489 +$16042" 84" 30 19 ⁄32" 33 5 ⁄16" 25 3 ⁄32" K1201356 $12,092 +$160d d d d d d342 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Credenza AssembliesCredenza AssembliescNeed help?Product details,page 336Standard Includes• Credenza assembly with finished back: wood• For use with full-height components• Full-height lift-out kneewell modesty panel on 91 1 ⁄2"Wcredenza• Drawer bail pulls: 9230 Antique Bronze• Drawer lock, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9233 Satin Brass• Two file drawers per component• One hanging file system per file drawer• Box base• Leveling glides: blackRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 348.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Keying • Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Grommets • Worksurface grommet No cost Center: Specify with KEGMC.available on kneespacecredenza only:9230 Antique BronzeComponent • 30"W components cPage 344SubstitutionsRelated • Keyboard shelf cPage 346Products<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DPositions and DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dspace dPedestals dNumber dBase d(Add $d dWidth d(left to right) d dPrice dto Based d d d d dPrice)d d d d d dd d d d d dCustomizd d d d d dStain ond d d d d dWoodFull-Storage Credenza24" 31 1 ⁄2" 30 19 ⁄32" N.A. N.A. K12613 $2997 +$11224" 91 1 ⁄2" 30 19 ⁄32" N.A. 1: 30"W file, file K12633 $9689 +$232component2: 30"W file, filecomponent3: 30"W file, filecomponentd d d d d dKentKneespace Credenza24" 91 1 ⁄2" 30 19 ⁄32" 30" 1: 30"W file, file K12663 $6585 +$194component2: 30"W kneespace3: 30"W file, filecomponentd d d d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 343

Component Substitutionsfor Use with CredenzasTip: Components are for useunder a credenza only. Theyare not available as separateitems.cNeed help?Product details,page 337Standard Includes• Full-height component with finished back: wood• Door knobs: 9230 Antique Bronze• Drawer bail pulls: 9230 Antique Bronze• Component lock, keyed random between keynumbers 101–110: 9233 Satin Brass• One movable partition per box drawer, if selected: wood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selectedRequired to Specify1 Add the component and/or kneewellspace panel style numbers to the credenzaspecifications and designate theposition from left to right. The total widthof components and/or kneewell spacepanels must equal the width of thecredenza.Example: K12633 with K1233 inposition 2.2 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 348.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Keying • Factory-installed keying options cPage 413<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dPrice d(Add $ tod d d(Add/Subtract dBase Price)d d d$ to Credenza dd d dBase Price) dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood30"W Components22 1 ⁄2" 30" 25" K1231 –$4801• Double-door cabinet withadjustable shelf22 1 ⁄2" 30" 25" K1233 –$5006• Cabinet with one boxdrawer over double-doorsand adjustable shelf22 1 ⁄2" 30" 25" K1234 –$5475d d d d• Two box and one filedrawerFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.344 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

High Credenzasfor Use with CredenzasHigh CredenzascNeed help?Product details,page 336Standard Includes• High credenza assembly with finished back: wood• Door knobs: 9230 Antique Bronze• Open diamond grille work doors without locks• One fixed and two adjustable shelves• Double-unit high credenza with open center—Single-unit high credenza left and right—Center back panel: wood—Halogen light valence: wood—Common cornice top: woodRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 348.Tip: Components are for useon a credenza only.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWoodSingle-Unit High Credenza14 1 ⁄8" 29 3 ⁄4" 52 5 ⁄16" K12383 $ 4452 +$ 78d d d dDouble-Unit High Credenza with Open Center14 1 ⁄8" 89 1 ⁄4" 52 5 ⁄16" K12453 $11,764 +$234d d d dKentFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 345

Technical Support ComponentsKeyboard ShelfcNeed help?Product details,page 337Standard Includes• Keyboard shelf: 0835 Black paintRequired to SpecifyStyle number<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTip: Keyboard shelf attachesto a credenza.DDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d d18" 18 1 ⁄4" 5" AKA1 $455d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.346 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Canopy Lightsfor Use with 3 ⁄4"- to 1 3 ⁄4"-Thick WorksurfacesCanopy LightscNeed help?Product details,page 339Standard Includes• Light housing: all paint price groups or clearanodized aluminum• Light control box and end caps: Sterling plastic only• On-off switch centered in control box• 9' cord with three-prong plug at 45° angle:black vinyl only• Precision optics tube• Reflector: specular (reflective) aluminum• T5 3500K lamp• Electronic ballast• Dimmer switch, if selected: Sterling plastic only• Clamp mechanism• Pair of cord manager clips: black plastic onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Paint color number or 8043 ClearAnodized Aluminum for light housingcSee Surface Materials, page 348.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DLamp DStyle DU.S.dD W H dWattage dNumber dPriced d d dElectronic Ballast with Dimmer Switch7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24KR $5647 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36KR $5967 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48KR $629With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24KRC $6117 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36KRC $6437 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48KRC $676d d d dElectronic Ballast7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24K $4897 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36K $5217 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48K $554With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24KC $5367 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36KC $5687 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48KC $601d d d dKentFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 347

Surface Materials.This listing includes all ofthe surface material choicesthat are available for Kent..ResourcesFor more information aboutsurface materials, refer tothe following resources:Surface MaterialsReference ManualThis publication provides:• An explanation of thesurface materials program•“Available on” matrices• Vertical surface fabricand seating upholsteryselection listing• Pricing for surfacematerials• Technical data for surfacematerials• Surface material care andcleaning instructionsSurface MaterialsFinishes Binder includes:• Surface MaterialsReference Manual• A complete set of swatchcards for hard surfacesSurface MaterialsVertical Surface FabricBinder includes:• A complete set of swatchcards for vertical surfacefabricSurface MaterialsSeating UpholsteryBinder includes:• Designtex Graded-InCatalog• A complete set ofswatch cards forseating upholsterySurface MaterialsTool Box provides 3" x 3"samples of the following surfacematerials:• Vertical surface fabric• Seating upholstery• Wood veneer• Paint• LaminateForm number S8150.WoodMahoganyFinish levelHand-rubbed finish onworksurfaces only.Finishing process• Gun shaded• Antiqued3230 Dark Mahogany3260 Ipswich/GunShaded3270 Ipswich/AntiquedCustomiz StainCustomiz stain is a servicethat allows you to create yourown stain color on standardveneers. Customiz stain coloris available on all productlines that offer wood veneer.A one-time formulation feeof $400 U.S. per color, percustomer processing feewill apply. The fee coversthe cost of formulating theCustomiz finish and appliesregardless of whether or notan order for product isplaced. Please refer to the“Customiz Stain” optionprice column in your specificationguide for the unitupcharge.Customiz stains take 10days to formulate. Consultthe Surface MaterialsReference Manual for moreinformation. Custom veneersare also available and mustbe quoted by specials engineering.Customiz stain oncustom veneers take two tofour weeks to formulate.Requirements and informationon ordering a Customizstain color are found in theSurface Materials ReferenceManual.LeatherW800 Williamsburg BlueW801 Canterbury BrownW802 Aberdeen GreenW803 Monticello MaroonW804 Traditional BlackPaintNot every paint color isavailable on every paintedcomponent.Applies to:• LightingPrice Group 1Textured Paint0835 Black7225 Sand (Vanadium)7236 Fog7237 Slate7238 Fieldstone7239 MidnightPrice Group 2Metallic Paint4750 Champagne4751 Bronze4752 Steel4788 Gold Dust4798 Sterling4799 PlatinumPrice Group 3Accent PaintPlease see the AccentPaint swatchcard in theSurface Materials FinishesBinder for a complete listingof these colorful paints.PerfectMatch II PaintPerfectMatch II paint is aservice that allows you tocreate your own paint colorthrough the Customiz program.Refer to the SurfaceMaterials Reference Manualfor more information aboutthis program..MetalApplies to:• Pulls• Knobs• Grommets9230 Antique BronzeLocks9233 Satin Brass..348 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

EssexStatement of Line 350Product Details 352<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDesks, Double-Pedestal 358Credenza Assemblies 359Component Substitutions 360High Credenzas 361Technical Support Components 362Canopy Lights 363Surface Materials 364Essex<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 349

EssexStatement of Line30 19 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 352Specifyingc Page 358Desks, Double-Pedestal76"W 84"W42"D • •30 19 /32"HUnderstandingc Page 352Specifyingc Page 359Credenza Assemblies31 1 ⁄2"W 91 1 ⁄2"W24"D • •52 3 /8"HUnderstandingc Page 352Specifyingc Page 361High Credenzas29 3 ⁄4"W 89 1 ⁄4"W14 1 ⁄8"D • •350 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

EssexStatement of LineEssex<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 351

EssexRosettes and pictureframemolding distinguishEssex from othertraditional-style furnituredesigns.High credenzas provideadditional storage above acredenza.Pedestal lock securesall drawers in a pedestal.Leveling glides adjust toinstall furniture on unevenfloors.Actual DimensionsDesks Credenza High CredenzaAssemblies AssembliesDepth 42" 24" 14 1 ⁄8"Width 76" or 84" 31 1 ⁄2"or 91 1 ⁄2" 29 3 ⁄4" or 89 1 ⁄4"Height 30 19 ⁄32" 30 19 ⁄32" 52 5 ⁄16"Kneespace width 33 5 ⁄16" 30" N.A.Worksurface thickness 1 5 ⁄32" 1 5 ⁄32" N.A.Pedestal width 16 1 ⁄16" 30" N.A.. Leveling glide range 0"–1" 0"–1" N.A.Credenza assembliesare available with or withouta kneespace. They areavailable with componentswith box drawers and filedrawer, box drawer anddouble-doors, lateral files,and double-door cabinets,which can be configured tomeet your specific needs.Drawers are made of oak.Personal-, box-, and filesizedrawers are available.Worksurface has a woodcore with a wood veneersurface. Edges are madeof solid mahogany and cornersare mitered.Desks are available in adouble-pedestal model..352 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Essex.Product DetailsEdges have a traditionalprofile, featuring cove-overclassicnosing in solidmahogany, mitered corners.Rosettes andmahogany pictureframemolding, locatedon the end panel, pedestalbacks, and back panel ofdesks, is standard onEssex furniture.Double pedestal desksare available with a butterflymatchedcrotch mahoganytop or a three-piece leatherinset top with gold inlay.Butterfly-matchedcrotch mahogany topshave a quartered mahoganyborder separated by a1 ⁄16"-thick ebonizedpearwood inlay.Three-piece leatherinset tops also have aquartered mahoganyborder.Drawer knobBail pull.Full-height back panelis standard on desks and93 7 ⁄8"W credenzas. Drawerfronts are crotch mahoganyveneer.Knob pulls are standardon credenza doors.Bail pulls are standard onall personal, box, and filedrawers.Pedestals are full height.Double pedestal desks arestandard with one personaldrawer, one box drawer,and one file drawer leftand one personal drawerand three box drawersright. Pull-out writing shelfis located above personaldrawer in each deskpedestal. Storage componentsfor credenzas areavailable in additionalconfigurations.Box drawers opentheir full depth. They areequipped with one movablepartition..File drawers on doublepedestal desks and credenzasopen their full depth fortotal access to the contents.They are equipped with ahanging file system thataccommodates letter- andlegal-size filing.Safety stop preventsaccidental removal of drawersfrom the pedestal.Center drawer isstandard on desks. It isequipped with a pencil trayand removable partition.Center drawer has a lock.Pull-out writing shelf islocated above kneewellon visitor’s side of desk.Keyboard shelf canbe added in the field to supporta computer keyboardbeneath the level of thecredenza worksurface. Itattaches under a worksurfacewith a 18"D x 18 1 ⁄4"Wclear dimension.High credenzas provideadditional storage abovethe worksurface of a credenza.There is one fixedand two adjustable shelvesin each unit. Open diamondgrille doors with knob pullsare standard. High credenzashave a finished back..Box BaseBracket BaseBox base is standardon desks and credenzas.Bracket base is available..Locks & KeyingFront-removable lock isavailable with random, consecutive,or specific keyingoptions. Master-keyed lockis available.cPage 413Desks are equipped withface-locked pedestals and acenter drawer lock.Credenzas are standardwith a bottom drawer facelock that secures alldrawers.Locks are not available onhigh credenzas..Essex<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cEssex, continued 353

Essex, continued.Wiring & CablingGrommets are available,factory installed, to allowcords and cables to passthrough the worksurface.Desks are available withgrommets in the left- orright-hand side of the worksurface.Credenzas areavailable with grommets onthe left-hand side, center,and/or right-hand side ofworksurface..Surface MaterialsDesks, credenzas, storagecomponents, andhigh credenzas• Wood and wood veneer• Customiz stain (option)Desk worksurface• Butterfly-matched crotchmahogany• LeatherDesk trim• Solid mahogany half-roundbelt molding, straight andcurved half-round beadpicture-frame molding, andhand-carved rosettes.Drawer and door fronts• Crotch mahogany veneerDrawer and door pulls• 9230 Antique Bronze onlyLock• 9233 Satin BrassDrawer interiors• OakGrommets• 9230 Antique BronzeLeveling glides• BlackKeyboard shelf• Chalk• Meteorite.Application TopicsAccess to wall receptacleis possible whenfurniture with a full-heightback panel is pulled awayfrom the wall or when credenzaswith removablekneewell panels have panelsremoved....354 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

EssexEssex<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 355

Canopy Lightsfor Use with 3 ⁄4"- to 1 3 ⁄4"-Thick WorksurfacesCanopy lights are tasklights designed to complementa variety of Steelcasesystems furniture, includingTurnstone and Answer,Wood products, and manycompetitive furniture lines.Canopy lights provide broadcoverage and evenly balancedlight that significantlyminimizes glare.cSpecifying, page 363Actual DimensionsDepth 7 1 ⁄16"Width 24 1 ⁄4", 36 1 ⁄16", or 47 7 ⁄8"Height 18"Worksurface. thickness range 3 ⁄4" to 1 3 ⁄4"On-off switch is centeredon the bottom of the controlbox in the front.Housing is painted orclear anodized aluminum.Riser supports light aboveworksurface. Power cordsnaps into vertical wiremanager in back of riser.Clamp mechanismsecures riser to anyworksurface from 3 ⁄4"- to1 3 ⁄4"-thick.Cord exits from underneaththe center of the control box.9' cord with grounded plugis factory installed. Lengthis maximum allowed byU.S. National ElectricalCode. Cord with circuitbreaker is available to meetthe requirements of theChicago code.Plug is flat so it remainsclose to the receptacle..Product DetailsCanopy light includes thelamp, ballast, and either a9' cord with three-prongplug or Chicago plug.45°Plug configurationallows two canopy lights toengage adjacent outlets inone receptacle.Energy-saving T5lamps have triphosphorcoating for balanced colorand pleasing light.Optics include a crescentshapedlens with specularaluminum reflector that provideslow glare and broaddistribution of light.Connections1 /2" maximumEdge profile must not begreater than 1 ⁄2" thick toaccommodate clampmechanism.5 /16" minimumClearance betweenworksurface and panelmust be at least 5 ⁄16".Width Lamp Lamp Replacementwidth wattage lamps24 1 ⁄4" 21 3 ⁄5" 14 watts F14T5\83536 1 ⁄16" 33 2 ⁄5" 21 watts F21T5\83547 7 ⁄8" 45 1 ⁄5" 28 watts F28T5\835Surface MaterialsHousing• Paint• Clear anodized aluminum2 3 Clear/4"spaceReflector• Specular (reflective)aluminum2 3 /16"CordAt least 2 3 ⁄4"H and• Black vinyl only2 3 ⁄16"W of clear spaceunderneath the worksurfaceEnd caps, control box,is needed.and riser• Sterling plastic onlyWiring & CablingElectronic ballast ismore energy efficient thanT8 electronic ballasts.Electronic dimmingcontrol features slidingswitch, which allowscontinuous-range dimmingfrom 100% to 50% lightoutput.SlotSlot in back of riser securespower cord until it reachesthe access channel at theback of worksurface....356 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Canopy LightsEssex<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 357

Desks, Double-PedestalcNeed help?Product details,page 352Standard IncludesRequired to Specify• Desk: wood1 Style number• Full-height modesty panel2 Wood veneer color number for desk• 16 1 ⁄16"W full-height pedestals3 Leather color when leather top is• Drawer bail pulls: 9230 Antique Bronzeselected• Center drawer with pencil tray, removable partition, and 4 Options, if selected (see below)lock: woodcSee Surface Materials, page 364.• Pedestals face-locked• Center drawer and pedestal locks, keyed random betweenkey numbers 101–110: 9233 Satin Brass• Pull-out writing shelf above personal drawer on eachdesk pedestal• Pull-out writing shelf above kneewell on visitor’s sideof desk• One partition per personal and box drawer: wood• One hanging file system per file drawer• Box base• Leveling glides: blackOptions U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Keying • Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Grommets • Worksurface grommets: No cost Left: Specify with KEGML.9230 Antique Bronze Right: Specify with KEGMR.Bracket Base • In place of box base +$361 Add suffix BK to style number.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DKnee- DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dspace dspace dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod dWidth dHeight d dPrice dBase Price)d d d d d dd d d d d dCustomizd d d d d dStain ond d d d d dWoodWith Butterfly-Matched Crotch Mahogany Top42" 76" 30 19 ⁄32" 33 5 ⁄16" 25 3 ⁄32" E3701404 $12,301 +$16042" 84" 30 19 ⁄32" 33 5 ⁄16" 25 3 ⁄32" E3701354 $12,825 +$160d d d d d dWith Three-Piece Leather Inset Top with Gold Inlay42" 76" 30 19 ⁄32" 33 5 ⁄16" 25 3 ⁄32" E3701406 $13,544 +$16042" 84" 30 19 ⁄32" 33 5 ⁄16" 25 3 ⁄32" E3701356 $14,075 +$160d d d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.358 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Credenza AssembliesCredenza AssembliescNeed help?Product details,page 352Standard Includes• Credenza assembly with finished back: wood• For use with full-height components• Full-height lift-out kneewell modesty panel on91 1 ⁄2"W credenza• Drawer bail pulls: 9230 Antique Bronze• Drawer locks, keyed random between keynumbers 101–110: 9233 Satin Brass• Two file drawers per component• One hanging file system per file drawer• Box base• Leveling glides: blackRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 364.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Keying • Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Grommets • Worksurface grommet No cost Center: Specify with KEGMC.available on kneespacecredenza only9230 Antique BronzeBracket Base • In place of 31 1 ⁄2" box base +$181 Add suffix BK to style number.• In place of 91 1 ⁄2" box base +$399 Add suffix BK to style number.Component • 30"W components cPage 360SubstitutionsRelated • Keyboard shelf cPage 362Products<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DKnee- DPositions and DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dspace dPedestals dNumber dBase d(Add $d dWidth d(left to right) d dPrice dto Based d d d d dPrice)d d d d d dd d d d d dCustomizd d d d d dStain ond d d d d dWoodFull-Storage Credenza24" 31 1 ⁄2" 30 19 ⁄32" N.A. N.A. E37613 $ 3609 +$11224" 91 1 ⁄2" 30 19 ⁄32" N.A. 1: 30"W file, file E37633 $11,524 +$232component2: 30"W file, filecomponent3: 30"W file, filecomponentd d d d d dKneespace Credenza24" 91 1 ⁄2" 30 19 ⁄32" 30" 1: 30"W file, file E37663 $ 7808 +$194component2: 30"W kneespace3: 30"W file, filecomponentd d d d d dEssex<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 359

Component Substitutionsfor Use with CredenzasTip: Components are for useunder a credenza only. Theyare not available as separateitems.cNeed help?Product details,page 353Standard Includes• Full-height component with finished back: wood• Door knobs: 9230 Antique Bronze• Drawer bail pulls: 9230 Antique Bronze• Component face lock, keyed random between keynumbers 101–110: 9233 Satin Brass• One movable partition per box drawer, if selected: wood• One hanging file system per file drawer, if selectedRequired to Specify1 Add the component and/or kneewellspace panel style numbers to the credenzaspecifications and designate theposition from left to right. The total widthof components and/or kneewell spacepanels must equal the width of thecredenza.Example: E37633 with E3733 inposition 2.2 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 364.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Keying • Factory-installed keying options cPage 413<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dPrice d(Add $ tod d d(Add/Subtract dBase Price)d d d$ to Credenza dd d dBase Price) dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWood30"W Components22 1 ⁄2" 30" 25" E3731 –$6023• Double-door cabinet withadjustable shelf22 1 ⁄2" 30" 25" E3733 –$6228• Cabinet with one boxdrawer over double-doorsand adjustable shelf22 1 ⁄2" 30" 25" E3734 –$6699d d d d• Two box and one filedrawerFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.360 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

High Credenzasfor Use with CredenzasHigh CredenzascNeed help?Product details,page 352Standard Includes• High credenza assembly with finished back: wood• Door knobs: 9230 Antique Bronze• Open diamond grille work doors without locks• One fixed and two adjustable shelves• Double-unit high credenza with open center—Single-unit high credenza left and right—Center back panel: wood—Halogen light valence: wood—Common cornice top: woodRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for credenza3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 364.Tip: Components are for useon a credenza only.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWoodSingle-Unit High Credenza14 1 ⁄8" 29 3 ⁄4" 52 5 ⁄16" K12383 $ 4452 +$78d d d dDouble-Unit High Credenza with Open Center14 1 ⁄8" 89 1 ⁄4" 52 5 ⁄16" K12453 $11,764 +$234d d d dEssexFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 361

Technical Support ComponentsKeyboard ShelfcNeed help?Product details,page 353Standard Includes• Keyboard shelf: 0835 Black paintRequired to SpecifyStyle number<strong>Specification</strong> InformationTip: Keyboard shelf attachesto a credenza.DDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d dd d d18" 18 1 ⁄4" 5" AKA1 $455d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.362 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Canopy Lightsfor Use with 3 ⁄4"- to 1 3 ⁄4"-Thick WorksurfacesCanopy LightscNeed help?Product details,page 356Standard Includes• Light housing: all paint price groups or clearanodized aluminum• Light control box and end caps: Sterling plastic only• On-off switch centered in control box• 9' cord with three-prong plug at 45° angle:black vinyl only• Precision optics tube• Reflector: specular (reflective) aluminum• T5 3500K lamp• Electronic ballast• Dimmer switch, if selected: Sterling plastic only• Clamp mechanism• Pair of cord manager clips: black plastic onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Paint color number or 8043 ClearAnodized Aluminum for light housingcSee Surface Materials, page 364.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DLamp DStyle DU.S.dD W H dWattage dNumber dPriced d d dElectronic Ballast with Dimmer Switch7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24KR $5647 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36KR $5967 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48KR $629With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24KRC $6117 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36KRC $6437 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48KRC $676d d d dElectronic Ballast7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24K $4897 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36K $5217 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48K $554With Chicago Cord Including Circuit Breaker7 1 ⁄16" 24 1 ⁄4" 3 13 ⁄16" 14 watts LCS24KC $5367 1 ⁄16" 36 1 ⁄16" 3 13 ⁄16" 21 watts LCS36KC $5687 1 ⁄16" 47 7 ⁄8" 3 13 ⁄16" 28 watts LCS48KC $601d d d dEssexFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 363

Surface Materials.This listing includes all ofthe surface material choicesthat are available for Essex..ResourcesFor more information aboutsurface materials, refer tothe following resources:Surface MaterialsReference ManualThis publication provides:• An explanation of thesurface materials program•“Available on” matrices• Vertical surface fabricand seating upholsteryselection listing• Pricing for surfacematerials• Technical data for surfacematerials• Surface material care andcleaning instructionsSurface MaterialsFinishes Binder includes:• Surface MaterialsReference Manual• A complete set of swatchcards for hard surfacesSurface MaterialsVertical Surface FabricBinder includes:• A complete set of swatchcards for vertical surfacefabricSurface MaterialsSeating UpholsteryBinder includes:• Designtex Graded-InCatalog• A complete set ofswatch cards forseating upholsterySurface MaterialsTool Box provides 3" x 3"samples of the following surfacematerials:• Vertical surface fabric• Seating upholstery• Wood veneer• Paint• LaminateForm number S8150.WoodMahoganyFinish levelHand-rubbed finish onworksurfaces only.Finishing process• Gun shaded• Antiqued3230 Dark Mahogany3260 Ipswich/GunShaded3270 Ipswich/AntiquedCustomiz StainCustomiz stain is a servicethat allows you to createyour own stain color onstandard veneers. Customizstain color is available onall product lines that offerwood veneer.A one-time formulation feeof $400 U.S. per color, percustomer processing feewill apply. The fee coversthe cost of formulating theCustomiz finish and appliesregardless of whether or notan order for product isplaced. Please refer to the“Customiz Stain” optionprice column in your specificationguide for the unitupcharge.Customiz stains take 10days to formulate. Consultthe Surface MaterialsReference Manual for moreinformation. Custom veneersare also available and mustbe quoted by specials engineering.Customiz stain oncustom veneers take two tofour weeks to formulate.Requirements and informationon ordering a Customizstain color are found in theSurface Materials ReferenceManual.LeatherW800 Williamsburg BlueW801 Canterbury BrownW802 Aberdeen GreenW803 Monticello MaroonW804 Traditional BlackPaintNot every paint color isavailable on every paintedcomponent.Applies to:• LightingPrice Group 1Textured Paint0835 Black7225 Sand (Vanadium)7236 Fog7237 Slate7238 Fieldstone7239 MidnightPrice Group 2Metallic Paint4750 Champagne4751 Bronze4752 Steel4788 Gold Dust4798 Sterling4799 PlatinumPrice Group 3Accent PaintPlease see the AccentPaint swatchcard in theSurface Materials FinishesBinder for a complete listingof these colorful paints.PerfectMatch II PaintPerfectMatch II paint is aservice that allows you tocreate your own paint colorthrough the Customiz program.Refer to the SurfaceMaterials Reference Manualfor more information aboutthis program..MetalApplies to:• Pulls• Knobs• Grommets9230 Antique BronzeLocks9233 Satin Brass..364 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Traditional TablesTraditional TablesStatement of Line 366Product Details 367<strong>Specification</strong> InformationOccasional Tables 368Conference Tables 369Surface Materials 370<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 365

Traditional TablesStatement of Line23"HUnderstandingc Page 367Specifyingc Page 36823"HUnderstandingc Page 367Specifyingc Page 368Rectangular End TableSquare End Tables28"W18"D •22"W 30"W22"D •30"D •29"HCoffee Table44"W22"D •18"HUnderstandingc Page 367Specifyingc Page 368Understandingc Page 367Specifyingc Page 369Boat-Shaped Tables96"W 120"W 150"W56"D–48"D • • •Round Tables29"H48"W 60"W48"D •60"D •Understandingc Page 367Specifyingc Page 369366 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Traditional TablesTraditional TablesOccasional tables havesolid mahogany legs andtop frame, veneered topand shelves.Occasional tables havenon-leveling glides.Traditional conferencetablesTop—An inlay band of alternatingmaple-black veneermapleseparates themahogany face from thequartered cherry border.Solid mahogany threereedededge—Veneer is applied in asunburst pattern onround tables.—Flat-cut slip-matchedveneer is used on boatshapedtables, graindirection parallel to theshort dimensionCaps are antique bronze..Duncan Phyfe-stylebase of solid mahoganyhas turned column and traditionalcurved, taperedlegs.Leveling glides adjustto install tables on unevenfloors. They are standardon conference tables..Surface MaterialsTop• Solid mahogany andmahogany veneer• Customiz stain (option)Bases• Solid mahoganyConference tablebase caps• 9230 Antique BronzeLeveling glides• Black.Traditional Tables<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 367

Occasional Tablesc Need help?Product details,page 367Standard Includes• Table: wood• Non-leveling glides: blackRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for table3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 370.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWoodRectangular End Table18" 28" 23" K12513 $1594 +$26d d d dSquare End Tables22" 22" 23" K12523 $1535 +$2630" 30" 23" K12553 $1829 +$26d d d dCoffee Table22" 44" 18" K12583 $1666 +$26d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.368 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Conference TablesConference TablescNeed help?Product details,page 367Standard Includes• Table: wood• Leveling glidesRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Wood veneer color number for table3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 370.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceWoodMaterials • Customiz stain on wood Prices below Specify with Customiz stain.cSee Surface Materials Reference Manual.Traditional Tables<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S. DOptiondD W H dNumber dBase d(Add $ tod d dPrice dBase Price)d d d dd d d dCustomizd d d dStain ond d d dWoodBoat-Shaped Tables56"–48" 96" 29" K10232201 $ 8421 +$13056"–48" 120" 29" K10232202 $ 9924 +$14856"–48" 150" 29" K10232203 $13,993 +$160d d d dTip: 150"W conference tabletop ships in two pieces.Round Tables48" 48" 29" K10582201 $ 4435 +$ 6060" 60" 29" K10582203 $ 5559 +$ 72d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 369

Surface Materials.This listing includes all ofthe surface material choicesthat are available forTraditional Tables..ResourcesFor more information aboutsurface materials, refer tothe following resources:Surface MaterialsReference ManualThis publication provides:• An explanation of thesurface materials program•“Available on” matrices• Vertical surface fabricand seating upholsteryselection listing• Pricing for surfacematerials• Technical data for surfacematerials• Surface material care andcleaning instructionsSurface MaterialsFinishes Binder includes:• Surface MaterialsReference Manual• A complete set of swatchcards for hard surfacesSurface MaterialsVertical Surface FabricBinder includes:• A complete set of swatchcards for vertical surfacefabricSurface MaterialsSeating UpholsteryBinder includes:• Designtex Graded-InCatalog• A complete set ofswatch cards forseating upholsterySurface MaterialsTool Box provides 3" x 3"samples of the following surfacematerials:• Vertical surface fabric• Seating upholstery• Wood veneer• Paint• LaminateForm number S8150.WoodMahoganyFinish levelHand-rubbed finish onworksurfaces only.Finishing process• Gun shaded• Antiqued3230 Dark Mahogany3260 Ipswich/GunShaded3270 Ipswich/AntiquedCustomiz StainCustomiz stain is a servicethat allows you to createyour own stain color onstandard veneers. Customizstain color is available onall product lines that offerwood veneer.A one-time formulation feeof $400 U.S. per color, percustomer processing feewill apply. The fee coversthe cost of formulating theCustomiz finish and appliesregardless of whether or notan order for product isplaced. Please refer to the“Customiz Stain” optionprice column in your specificationguide for the unitupcharge.Customiz stains take 10days to formulate. Consultthe Surface MaterialsReference Manual for moreinformation. Custom veneersare also available and mustbe quoted by specials engineering.Customiz stain oncustom veneers take two tofour weeks to formulate.Requirements and informationon ordering a Customizstain color are found in theSurface Materials ReferenceManual.MetalApplies to:• Table base cap9230 Antique Bronze...370 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

The Richard MeierCollectionBecause of the formal proportions of thedesign, the Richard Meier Collection willbe available as standard product from theestablished Statement of Line only. Nospecials will be quoted, and componentswill be finished in natural maple withmatte black hardware only.Statement of Line 372Product Details 378The Richard MeierCollection<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDesks with Glass Top 381Desks 382Desks with Return 383Reception Desks 384Reception Desks with Return 385Credenzas 386A-Series Pedestals 387B-Series Pedestals 388C-Series Pedestals 389D-Series Pedestals 390E-Series Pedestals 391Workwalls 392Seating 394Surface Materials 395<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 371

The Richard Meier CollectionStatement of LineUnderstandingc Page 378Specifyingc Page 381Desks with Glass Top91 1 ⁄2"W36"D •without Pedestals with one Pedestal with two Pedestals85 1 /2"85 1 /2"85 1 /2"36" 36" 36"36" 36"36"91 1 /2"97 1 /2"97 1 /2"Understandingc Page 378Specifyingc Page 382Desks78"W 91 1 ⁄2"W36"D • •without Pedestals with one Pedestal with two Pedestals72"72"72"36"36"36"36"36"36"78"78"87"85 1 /2"85 1 /2" 85 1 /2"36"36"36"36"36"36"91 1 /2" 91 1 /2"100 1 /2"* Drawings and dimensionsshow left-hand units. Righthandunits are also available.372 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

The Richard Meier CollectionStatement of LineRMLL0202Left Hand Large DeskReturn on RightReturn forRMLL0202Understandingc Page 378Specifyingc Page 383Desks with Return88 5 ⁄8"W 102"W102"D • •without Pedestals with one Pedestal with two Pedestals88 5 /8"88 5 /8"88 5 /8"The Richard MeierCollection36"36"36"102"102"105"102"30"102"30"102"30"36"36"36"102"102"105"30"30"30"<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cThe Richard Meier Collection Statement of Line, continued 373

The Richard Meier Collection Statement of Line, continuedRMDL13900Left Hand Reception DeskUnderstandingc Page 379Specifyingc Page 384Reception Desks100 1 ⁄2"W39"D •without Pedestals with one Pedestal with two Pedestals100 1 /2"100 1 /2"100 1 /2"36"39"36"39"36"39"76 1 /2" 76 1 /2"76 1 /2"RMDL0802Left Hand Reception Deskwith Return RightReturn forRMDL0802Understandingc Page 379Specifyingc Page 385Reception Desks with Return102"W105"D •without Pedestals with one Pedestal with two Pedestals102"102"102"39"39"39"105"105"108"30"30"30"* Drawings and dimensionsshow left-hand units. Righthandunits are also available.374 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

A PedC PedC PedThe Richard Meier CollectionStatement of LineRMLL3091Left Hand Credenza30 1 /4"H 24 1 /4"HRMLL3091Left Hand CredenzaUnderstandingc Page 379Specifyingc Page 386Credenzas85 1 ⁄2"W30"D •without Pedestals85 1 /2"30" 30" 36"with Pedestals85 1 /2"30"The Richard MeierCollection91 1 /2"91 1 /2"27 1 /8"HUnderstandingc Page 378Specifyingc Page 38721 1 /8"HUnderstandingc Page 378Specifyingc Page 388A-Series Pedestals25 3 ⁄8"W25 1 ⁄2"D •B-Series Pedestals28 3 ⁄8"W19 1 ⁄2"D •27 1 /8"HUnderstandingc Page 378Specifyingc Page 38921 1 /8"HUnderstandingc Page 378Specifyingc Page 390C-Series Pedestals19 3 ⁄8"W 43 1 ⁄4"W19 1 ⁄2"D • •D-Series Pedestals25 3 ⁄8"W25 1 ⁄2"D •<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cThe Richard Meier Collection Statement of Line, continued 375

The Richard Meier Collection Statement of Line, continued81 1 /4"H66 1 /4"H21 1 /8"HUnderstandingc Page 378Specifyingc Page 391Understandingc Page 379Specifyingc Page 392E-Series Pedestals19 3 ⁄8"W 43 1 ⁄4"W19 1 ⁄2"D • •Workwalls with Secretary85 1 ⁄2"W19 1 ⁄2"D •85 1 /2"19 1 /2"81 1 /4"HRMWL0293Workwall with Run-Off on Leftwith Overhead Shelf81 1 /4"H66 1 /4"HUnderstandingc Page 379Specifyingc Page 39266 1 /4"HUnderstandingc Page 379Specifyingc Page 392Workwall with Kneespace91 1 ⁄2"W27"D •Workwalls with Run-Off Tables93"W102"D •91 1 /2"27" 24"without Pedestals27"93"with Pedestal27"93"102"111"* Drawings and dimensionsshow left-hand units. Righthandunits are also available.27"27"376 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

The Richard Meier CollectionStatement of LineUnderstandingc Page 380Specifyingc Page 394Understandingc Page 380Specifyingc Page 394Chairs60"W30 1 ⁄8"D •Sofas114"W30 1 ⁄8"D •The Richard MeierCollection16 3 /4"HUnderstandingc Page 380Specifyingc Page 394Benches84"W30"D •<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 377

The Richard Meier Collection.The Richard MeierCollection is an executivecasegoods line created byRichard Meier, one ofAmerica’s most acclaimedarchitects and designers inthe modernist tradition.These products combinefloating planes and carefullyproportioned solids toassemble desks, returns,workwalls, and seating thatare beautiful and functional.Glass top is available on91 1 ⁄2"W desks. Glass is3 ⁄4"-thick, clear temperedglass with polished edges.Back surface is etchedand sealed to prevent fingerprints.Exception:Glass is not etched abovethe legs but remains clearto express the position ofthese supports.Desks are available inglass-top and wood-topversions. Wood-top desksare also available withreturn. All desks are availablein left- and right-handversions. Worksurfaceshave a wood core andwood veneer surface withsquare edge profile.Legs are black woodveneer vertical planes thatcontrast with horizontalsurfaces.B3Pedestals, orderedseparately, are availablein a wide variety of sizesand drawer and doorconfigurations for usebeneath desks andreturns. Pedestals arefully finished on all sidesand can also be used bythemselves. All pedestalsare available in left- andright-hand versions.Pedestals are designedto extend beyond theworksurface in mostapplications.cPages 387–391Base is recessed 3" togive the pedestals a floatingappearance.Keel on desks with woodworksurface serves as aback panel and provides aconnection point for thelegs. Glass-top desks donot have a keel..378 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

The Richard MeierCollection.Product DetailsInlays are black aluminuminserts that are flush withthe worksurface and expressthe supporting legs below.Pedestals use three-waymitered construction so thesurfaces meet perfectlyalong the edges and at thecorners. All surfaces arefinished so pedestals canbe installed anywherespace permits.Pulls are black aluminumand mounted to the topedge of drawers and doors.Width of pulls varies tocreate alignments with adjacentelements. Pulls on boxdrawers are 3"W, and pullson file drawers are the fullwidth of the drawer frontminus 3". Pulls extend furnituredimensions by 3 /4".File drawers open theirfull depth for access to theinterior and are supported byheavy-duty, ball-bearing glidesuspensions. Adjustablehanging file system isincluded to allow side-to-sidefiling of letter-size, legal-size,or A4 international-sizehanging file folders.Box drawers open theirfull depth for access to theinterior and are supportedby heavy-duty, ball-bearingglide suspensions. A movablepartition is included ineach box drawer.Drawer heads arematched in the selectedveneer. Solid maple front,back, and sides; mapleveneer bottom. All pencildrawers and the personaldrawer on the desk areFrench dovetail construction.All other drawersare English dovetailconstruction.Doors on cabinet pedestalsopen 90°. Cabinet includesan adjustable-height shelf...Personal drawer,non-locking, providesconvenient storage beneaththe worksurface of desks.When a return is includedwith a desk, the personaldrawer moves to the returnto accommodate theconnection.Pencil drawers, nonlocking,with integral penciltrays are included beneaththe worksurface of wooddesks.Front-removable lock isavailable with random, consecutive,or specific keyingoptions. Master-keyed lockis available.cPage 413Locks secure the drawersin pedestals and are locatedon sides of pedestals in thekneespace (when properlyconfigured) or behind ahinged door in cabinets withdoors and drawers.PrimarytransactionworksurfaceSecondarytransaction worksurfaceReception desks includea primary transactionworksurface at 40 3 ⁄4"H withopen cubbies and papermanagement shelves and asecondary transactionworksurface at 33 1 ⁄8"H.Reception desks are alsoavailable with return.All reception desks areavailable in left- andright-hand versions.24 1 /4"Low Credenza30 1 /4"High CredenzaCredenzas are availablein two heights and can beused alone or withpedestals installed beneaththe worksurface..RMDR13900Right Hand Reception DeskWorkwall with SecretaryWorkwall with KneespaceWorkwall with Run-off TableWorkwalls provide storageand additional workspaceand, because they arefinished on all sides, canfunction as space dividers.Workwalls are available witha secretary with drop-downworksurface or with an openworksurface and kneespace.Kneespace versions of theworkwall are available witha run-off table. All workwallsare available in left- andright-hand versions, asdetermined by the position ofthe black vertical accent.Drop-down secretaryinterior is 17 3 ⁄4"D x28 5 ⁄16"W x 17 1 ⁄2"H.Tackboard in workwall isfabric covered. Fabric colornumber must be specified...The Richard MeierCollection<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cThe Richard Meier Collection, continued 379

The Richard Meier Collection, continued.Overhead shelf is availableon workwall to provideadditional open storage ordisplay area and extend theheight of the unit.Stationery boxes areincluded inside workwallswith secretary. Solid woodboxes are removable andfeature mitered constructionand a felt underside.Chairs, sofas, andbenches are available toextend the aesthetic of theCollection to seatingelements. Sofa and chaircombinations—side-by-side,back-to-back, and at rightangles—are possible for awide range of applications.All chairs and sofas are availablein left- and right-handversions as determined bythe position of the smallestsupport leg. Cushions arebutton-tufted leather withmatching bolsters. Seatheight is 16 3 ⁄4"H..Wiring and CablingGrommets are integratedinto the large inlays in thesurface of wood-top desks,runoffs, and credenzas.Desks with glass tops donot include grommets.Grommets in workwalls arelocated in inlaid plate atrear of worksurface.Grommets are 1 1 ⁄2"W x 5 ⁄8"D.CableTrayCableChannelCable routing is possiblein concealed verticalchannels in the legs ofdesks and returns beneathgrommets. Removablecover allows lay-in cablerouting in 5 ⁄8"D x 1 1 ⁄2"Wchannel.Horizontal cable managementtray is includedto route wires and cablesbetween the grommetsbeneath the worksurface ofa desk or credenza.Removable kneespacepanel in workwalls allowswire routing out to the floor.Kneespace and back panelare open to the floor..Workwalls include cablerouting space between thetackboard and the backpanel.Low-voltage halogentask lights with built-intransformers and 8' powercords illuminate workwallworksurfaces..Surface MaterialsVeneer selection andmatching bring beautyand consistency to everypiece you order. Veneersare quarter-cut and bookmatchedto achieve a uniform,straight-grainedappearance. Individualveneer leaves are trimmedto fit the width of each panelfor a balanced match.Veneer for the entire pieceis cut from the same flitch.Veneer is applied to bothsides to control warpage.Grain direction is parallelto the long dimension onhorizontal surfaces, andruns vertically on all verticalsurfaces.Top surfaces are 45-degree gloss matte. Whenrequired, grain is filled.Drawer heads arematched in the selectedveneer. Solid maple front,back, and sides; mapleveneer bottom.Casegoods• Quarter-cut maple veneerwith Amber Maple stainLegs and supports• Quarter-cut maple veneerwith black paintGlass top• 3 ⁄4"-thick, clear, temperedglass with polished edgesand etched and sealedundersideTackboards• Vertical surface fabricprice groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,and COMSeating upholstery• Black leather (RS4999Tulsa Black from Brayton)Lock• 9250 Ember ChromeApplication TopicsA-series and B-seriespedestals are intended tobe installed flush with thefront edge of the worksurface.Proper placementensures that the lock in thekneewell will not be blockedby legs. Pulls on pedestalwill extend 3 ⁄4" beyond theworksurface.LeftRightPosition of small legdetermines if the desk,return, credenza, or seatingis left- or right-handed.AccentLeftAccentRightPosition of black verticalaccent determinesif workwall is left- or righthanded...380 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Desks with Glass TopDesks with Glass TopStandard IncludesRequired to SpecifyAcNeed help?Product details,page 378• Glass top: 3 ⁄4" clear, tempered glass with polished edgesand etched and sealed undersideException: Glass is not etched above the legs but remainsclear to express the position of these supports.• Sub top and back panel: quarter-cut maple veneer withAmber Maple stain• Legs: quarter-cut maple veneer with 40 Black paint only• Adjustable leveling glidesStyle numberDRelated Products<strong>Specification</strong> Information• A-series pedestals cPage 387• D-series pedestals cPage 390DDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d dDesks with Glass TopLeft-Hand36" 91 1 ⁄2" 30 1 ⁄4" RMGL3691 $9415The Richard MeierCollectionADRight-Hand36" 91 1 ⁄2" 30 1 ⁄4" RMGR3691 $9415d d dA DADSymbols show positionspedestals can occupy andwhich type of pedestal to use.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 381

DeskscNeed help?Product details,page 378Standard Includes• Top and back panel: quarter-cut maple veneer withAmber Maple stain• Legs: quarter-cut maple veneer with 40 Blackpaint only• One non-locking personal drawer• Non-locking pencil drawers with integral pencil trays:–One pencil drawer on 78"W desk–Two pencil drawers on 91 1 ⁄2"W desk• Two grommets concealed in surface inlays:black aluminum• Concealed vertical cable routing channels in legsbeneath grommets• Concealed horizontal cable-management traybeneath worksurface• Adjustable leveling glidesRequired to SpecifyStyle numberRelated Products• A-series pedestals cPage 387• B-series pedestals cPage 388<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d dDesksLeft-Hand36" 78" 30 1 ⁄4" RMDL3678 $563836" 91 1 ⁄2" 30 1 ⁄4" RMDL3691 $5723BARight-Hand36" 78" 30 1 ⁄4" RMDR3678 $5638A36" 91 1 ⁄2" 30 1 ⁄4" RMDR3691 $5723d d dBABSymbols show positionspedestals can occupy andwhich type of pedestal to use.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.382 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Desks with ReturnDesks with ReturncNeed help?Product details,page 378Standard Includes• Tops and back panels: quarter-cut maple veneer withAmber Maple stain• Legs: quarter-cut maple veneer with 40 Blackpaint only• One non-locking personal drawer on return• Non-locking pencil drawers with integral pencil trays:–One pencil drawer on 78"W desk (88 5 ⁄8"W overall)–Two pencil drawers on 91 1 ⁄2"W desk (102"W overall)• Four grommets concealed in surface inlays:black aluminum• Concealed vertical cable routing channels in legsbeneath grommets• Concealed horizontal cable-management tray beneathworksurfaces• Adjustable leveling glidesRelated Products• A-series pedestals cPage 387• B-series pedestals cPage 388Required to SpecifyStyle numberThe Richard MeierCollection<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dA B C D Height dNumber dPriced d dDesksLeft-Hand36" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 102" 30 1 ⁄4" RMLL8802 $812336" 30" 102" 102" 30 1 ⁄4" RMLL0202 $8208CRMLL0202Left Hand Large DeskReturn on RightDReturn forRMLL0202AABBRight-Hand36" 30" 88 5 ⁄8" 102" 30 1 ⁄4" RMLR8802 $812336" 30" 102" 102" 30 1 ⁄4" RMLR0202 $8208d d dDCBBAAABSymbols show positionspedestals can occupy andwhich type of pedestal to use.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 383

Reception DesksRMDL13900Left Hand Reception DeskcNeed help?Product details,page 379Standard Includes• Worksurface, primary transaction top, secondarytransaction top, and back panel: quarter-cut maple veneerwith Amber Maple stain• Legs: quarter-cut maple veneer with 40 Black paint only• One non-locking personal drawer• Two non-locking pencil drawers with integral pencil trays• Paper management shelf and cubby• Two grommets concealed in surface inlays:black aluminum• Concealed vertical cable routing channels in legs beneathgrommets• Concealed horizontal cable-management tray beneathworksurface• Adjustable leveling glidesRequired to SpecifyStyle numberRelated Products• A-series pedestals cPage 387• B-series pedestals cPage 388<strong>Specification</strong> InformationRMDL13900Left Hand Reception DeskDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d dDesksLeft-Hand39" 100 1 ⁄2" 40 3 ⁄4" RMDL3900 $9263BARMDR13900Right Hand Reception DeskRight-Hand39" 100 1 ⁄2" 40 3 ⁄4" RMDR3900 $9263d d dB AABSymbols show positionspedestals can occupy andwhich type of pedestal to use.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.384 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Reception Desks with ReturnReception Desks with ReturncNeed help?Product details,page 379Standard Includes• Worksurfaces, primary transaction top, secondarytransaction top, and back panel: quarter-cut maple veneerwith Amber Maple stain• Legs: quarter-cut maple veneer with 40 Black paint only• One non-locking personal drawer on return• Two non-locking pencil drawers with integral pencil trays• Paper management shelf and cubby• Four grommets concealed in surface inlays:black aluminum• Concealed vertical cable routing channels in legsbeneath grommets• Concealed horizontal cable-management tray beneathworksurfaces• Adjustable leveling glidesRelated Products• A-series pedestals cPage 387• B-series pedestals cPage 388Required to SpecifyStyle numberThe Richard MeierCollection<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dA B C D Height dNumber dPriced d dDesksLeft-Hand39" 30" 102" 105" 40 3 ⁄4" RMDL0802 $11,748CRMDL0802Left Hand Reception Deskwith Return RightDReturn forRMDL0802ABABRight-Hand39" 30" 102" 105" 40 3 ⁄4" RMDR0802 $11,748d d dDCRight Hand Reception DeskReturn forRMDR0802RMDR0802with Return on LeftBBAAABSymbols show positionspedestals can occupy andwhich type of pedestal to use.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 385

CredenzasRMLL3091Left Hand CredenzacNeed help?Product details,page 379Standard Includes• Top and back panel: quarter-cut maple veneer withAmber Maple stain• Legs: quarter-cut maple veneer with 40 Blackpaint only• Two grommets concealed in surface inlays:black aluminum• Concealed vertical cable routing channels in legsbeneath grommets• Concealed horizontal cable-management traybeneath worksurface• Adjustable leveling glidesRequired to SpecifyStyle numberRelated Products• A-series pedestals cPage 387• C-series pedestals cPage 389• D-series pedestals cPage 390• E-series pedestals cPage 391<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d dFull-Height CredenzasRMLL3091Left Hand CredenzaC3 CLeft-Hand30" 91 1 ⁄2" 30 1 ⁄4" RMCL3091 $3791ARMLR3091Right Hand Low CredenzaC C6RMLL3091Left Hand CredenzaAD E3 ERMLR3091Right Hand Low CredenzaE E6DRight-Hand30" 91 1 ⁄2" 30 1 ⁄4" RMCR3091 $3791d d dLow-Height CredenzasLeft-Hand30" 91 1 ⁄2" 24 1 ⁄4" RMLL3091 $3632Right-Hand30" 91 1 ⁄2" 24 1 ⁄4" RMLR3091 $3632d d dABSymbols show positionspedestals can occupy andwhich type of pedestal to use.386 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

A-Series PedestalsA-Series PedestalsTip: See specification pagesof desks and credenzas forindications of the positionsA-Series pedestals canoccupy.cPages 381–386Tip: Pedestal doors do notlock.cNeed help?Product details,page 378Standard IncludesOptionsKeying • Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Required to Specify• Pedestal fully finished on all sides: quarter-cut maple 1 Style numberveneer with Amber Maple stain2 Options, if selected (see below)• Pulls: 0835 Black only• Lock for drawers in side of pedestal or inside hinged-doorspace, keyed random between key numbers 101–110:9250 Ember Chrome only• Full-extension, heavy-duty ball-bearing glide drawersuspensions• One partition per box drawer• One hanging file system per file drawer to accommodateside-to-side filing of letter-size, legal-size, orA4 international-size file folders• 1 1 ⁄2"H recessed base• Adjustable leveling glidesRequired to SpecifyThe Richard MeierCollectionRMPA1 RMPA2 RMPA3RMPA4 RMPA5 RMPA6RMPA7 RMPA8 RMPA9RMPA10 RMPA11 RMPA12<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDConfiguration DDimensions DStyle DU.S.d dD W H dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dA-Series PedestalsFor Use with Left-Hand Desks and Credenzas or Right-Hand Desks with Glass TopFour box drawers 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPA1 $5663Two box and one file drawer 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPA2 $5543Two file drawers 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPA3 $5020One door and two box and one file drawer 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPA4 $5955One door and two file drawers 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPA5 $5719Two doors 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPA6 $4537For Use with Right-Hand Desks and Credenzas or Left-Hand Desks with Glass TopFour box drawers 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPA7 $5663Two box and one file drawer 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPA8 $5543Two file drawers 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPA9 $5020One door and two box and one file drawer 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPA10 $5955One door and two file drawers 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPA11 $5719Two doors 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPA12 $4537d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 387

B-Series PedestalsTip: See specification pagesof desks and credenzas forindications of the positionsB-Series pedestals canoccupy.cPages 382–386cNeed help?Product details,page 378Standard IncludesRequired to Specify• Pedestal fully finished on all sides: quarter-cut maple 1 Style numberveneer with Amber Maple stain2 Options, if selected (see below)• Pulls: 0835 Black only• Lock for drawers in side of pedestal or inside hinged-doorspace, keyed random between key numbers 101–110:9250 Ember Chrome only• Full-extension, heavy-duty ball-bearing glide drawersuspensions• One partition per box drawer• One hanging file system per file drawer to accommodateside-to-side filing of letter-size, legal-size, orA4 international-size file folders• 1 1 ⁄2"H recessed base• Adjustable leveling glidesTip: Pedestal doors do notlock.OptionsKeying • Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Required to SpecifyRMPB1RMPB3RMPB5RMPB7RMPB2RMPB4RMPB6RMPB8<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDConfiguration DDimensions DStyle DU.S.d dD W H dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dB-Series PedestalsFor Use with Left-Hand Desks and Left-Hand Kneespace Workwalls with Run-Off TableThree box drawers 19 1 ⁄2" 28 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPB1 $5295One box and one file drawer 19 1 ⁄2" 28 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPB2 $4350One door and one box and one file drawer 19 1 ⁄2" 28 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPB3 $5313Two doors 19 1 ⁄2" 28 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPB4 $4242For Use with Right-Hand Desks and Right-Hand Kneespace Workwalls with Run-Off TableThree box drawers 19 1 ⁄2" 28 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPB5 $5295One box and one file drawer 19 1 ⁄2" 28 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPB6 $4350One door and one box and one file drawer 19 1 ⁄2" 28 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPB7 $5313Two doors 19 1 ⁄2" 28 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPB8 $4242d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.388 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

C-Series PedestalsC-Series PedestalsTip: See specification pageof credenzas for indicationsof the positions C-Seriespedestals can occupy.cPage 386Tip: Pedestal doors do notlock. Pedestals RMPC1 andRMPC4 do not lock.cNeed help?Product details,page 378Standard Includes• Pedestal fully finished on all sides: quarter-cut mapleveneer with Amber Maple stain• Pulls: 0835 Black only• Lock for drawers in side of pedestal (if pedestal hasmore than one drawer) or inside hinged-door space,keyed random between key numbers 101–110: 9250Ember Chrome only• Full-extension, heavy-duty ball-bearing glide drawersuspensions• One partition per box drawer• One hanging file system per file drawer to accommodateside-to-side filing of letter-size, legal-size, orA4 international-size file folders• 1 1 ⁄2"H recessed base• Adjustable leveling glidesOptionsKeying • Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Required to Specify1 Style number2 Options, if selected (see below)Required to SpecifyThe Richard MeierCollectionRMPC1 RMPC2<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDConfiguration DDimensions DStyle DU.S.d dD W H dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dC-Series PedestalsFor Use with Left-Hand CredenzaOne box drawer and one door 19 1 ⁄2" 19 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPC1 $4275Two file drawers 19 1 ⁄2" 19 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPC2 $4946For Use in Center of Left-Hand CredenzaTwo doors and two box and one file drawer 19 1 ⁄2" 43 1 ⁄4" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPC3 $6415RMPC3RMPC4 RMPC5For Use with Right-Hand CredenzaOne box drawer and one door 19 1 ⁄2" 19 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPC4 $4275Two file drawers 19 1 ⁄2" 19 3 ⁄8" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPC5 $4946RMPC6For Use in Center of Right-Hand CredenzaTwo doors and two box and one file drawer 19 1 ⁄2" 43 1 ⁄4" 27 1 ⁄8" RMPC6 $6415d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 389

D-Series PedestalsTip: See specification pagesof desk with glass top andlow-height credenzas forindications of the positionsD-Series pedestals canoccupy.cPages 381 and 386Tip: Pedestal doors do notlock.cNeed help?Product details,page 378Standard Includes• Pedestal fully finished on all sides: quarter-cut mapleveneer with Amber Maple stain• Pulls: 0835 Black only• Lock for drawers in side of pedestal or inside hingeddoorspace, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9250 Ember Chrome only• Full-extension, heavy-duty ball-bearing glide drawersuspensions• One partition per box drawer• One hanging file system per file drawer to accommodateside-to-side filing of letter-size, legal-size, orA4 international-size file folders• 1 1 ⁄2"H recessed base• Adjustable leveling glidesOptionsKeying • Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Required to Specify1 Style number2 Options, if selected (see below)Required to SpecifyRMPD1RMPD3RMPD2RMPD4<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDConfiguration DDimensions DStyle DU.S.d dD W H dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dD-Series PedestalsFor Use with Left-Hand Low-Height Credenza and Left-Hand Desk with Glass TopThree box drawers 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPD1 $5088One box and one file 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPD2 $4938One door and one box and one file drawer 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPD3 $5328Two doors 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPD4 $4373RMPD5RMPD7RMPD6RMPD8For Use with Right-Hand Low-Height Credenza and Right-Hand Desk with Glass TopThree box drawers 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPD5 $5088One box and one file 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPD6 $4938One door and one box and one file drawer 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPD7 $5328Two doors 25 1 ⁄2" 25 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPD8 $4373d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.390 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

E-Series PedestalsE-Series PedestalsTip: See specification pageof low-height credenzas forindications of the positionsE-Series pedestals canoccupy.cPage 386Tip: Pedestal doors do notlock.cNeed help?Product details,page 378Standard Includes• Pedestal fully finished on all sides: quarter-cut mapleveneer with Amber Maple stain• Pulls: 0835 Black only• Lock for drawers in side of pedestal or inside hingeddoorspace, keyed random between key numbers101–110: 9250 Ember Chrome only• Full-extension, heavy-duty ball-bearing glide drawersuspensions• One partition per box drawer• One hanging file system per file drawer to accommodateside-to-side filing of letter-size, legal-size, orA4 international-size file folders• 1 1 ⁄2"H recessed base• Adjustable leveling glidesOptionsKeying • Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Required to Specify1 Style number2 Options, if selected (see below)Required to SpecifyThe Richard MeierCollectionRMPE1 RMPE2<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDConfiguration DDimensions DStyle DU.S.d dD W H dNumber dBased d d dPriced d d dE-Series PedestalsFor Use with Left-Hand Low-Height CredenzaOne box and one file 19 1 ⁄2" 19 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPE1 $4418One door 19 1 ⁄2" 19 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPE2 $3803For Use in Center of Left-Hand Low-Height CredenzaTwo doors and one box and file drawer 19 1 ⁄2" 43 1 ⁄4" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPE3 $5861RMPE3RMPE4 RMPE5RMPE6For Use with Right-Hand Low-Height CredenzaOne box and one file 19 1 ⁄2" 19 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPE4 $4418One door 19 1 ⁄2" 19 3 ⁄8" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPE5 $3803For Use in Center of Right-Hand Low-Height CredenzaTwo doors and one box and file drawer 19 1 ⁄2" 43 1 ⁄4" 21 1 ⁄8" RMPE6 $5861d d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 391

WorkwallscNeed help?Product details,page 379Standard Includes• Workwall fully finished on all sides: quarter-cut mapleveneer with Amber Maple stain• Pulls: 0835 Black only• Lock, keyed random between key numbers 101–110:9250 Ember Chrome only• Full-extension, heavy-duty ball-bearing glidedrawer suspensions• One hanging file system per file drawer toaccommodate side-to-side filing of letter-size,legal-size, or A4 international-size file folders• Low-voltage halogen light with built-in transformerand 8-foot power cord• Tackboard: vertical surface fabric price group 1• Two grommets concealed in surface inlay:black aluminum• Two removable stationery boxes in workwall withsecretary: wood with felt underside• Concealed cable routing space behind back panel• 1 1 ⁄2"H recessed base• Adjustable leveling glidesRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Fabric color number for tackboard3 Options, if selected (see below)cSee Surface Materials, page 395.Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifySurfaceTackboardsMaterials • Fabric price group 1 No cost Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 2 +$ 12 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 3 +$ 46 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 4 +$ 62 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group 5 +$100 Specify fabric color number.• Fabric price group COM +$ 15 Specify fabric color number.Tip: When workwall withrun-off table is configuredwith a desk to form a U-shapearrangement, the personaldrawer on the desk will needto be removed in the field.Keying • Factory-installed keying options cPage 413Tip: The workwall withsecretary does not have atackboard surface.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.392 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Workwalls<strong>Specification</strong> InformationRMWL0293Workwall with Run-Off on Leftwith Overhead ShelfDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dBased d dPriced d dWorkwall with SecretaryLeft-Hand19 1 ⁄2" 85 1 ⁄2" 81 1 ⁄4" RMWL1985 $24,223Left-Hand without Overhead Shelf19 1 ⁄2" 85 1 ⁄2" 66 1 ⁄4" RMWL11985 $23,938Right-Hand19 1 ⁄2" 85 1 ⁄2" 81 1 ⁄4" RMWR1985 $24,223Right-Hand without Overhead Shelf19 1 ⁄2" 85 1 ⁄2" 66 1 ⁄4" RMWR11985 $23,938d d dWorkwall with KneespaceLeft-Hand27" 91 1 ⁄2" 81 1 ⁄4" RMWL2791 $26,035Left-Hand without Overhead Shelf27" 91 1 ⁄2" 66 1 ⁄4" RMWL12791 $25,750Right-Hand27" 91 1 ⁄2" 81 1 ⁄4" RMWR2791 $26,035Right-Hand without Overhead Shelf27" 91 1 ⁄2" 66 1 ⁄4" RMWR12791 $25,750d d dWorkwall with Kneespace and Run-Off TableLeft-Hand with Run-Off Table at Right102" 93" 81 1 ⁄4" RMWL0293 $27,115Left-Hand without Overhead Shelf with Run-Off Table at Right102" 93" 66 1 ⁄4" RMWL10293 $26,830Right-Hand with Run-off Table at Left102" 93" 81 1 ⁄4" RMWR0293 $27,115Right-Hand without Overhead Shelf with Run-Off Table at Left102" 93" 66 1 ⁄4" RMWR10293 $26,830ddThe Richard MeierCollection<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 393

SeatingcNeed help?Product details,page 380Standard Includes• Upholstery: Tulsa RS4999 Black leather only withleather-covered button tufting• Surfaces: quarter-cut maple veneer with Ambermaple stain• Legs: quarter-cut maple veneer with 40 Blackpaint only• Adjustable leveling glidesRequired to SpecifyStyle number<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d dChairsLeft-Hand30 1 ⁄8" 60" 24 1 ⁄4" RMHL3060 $6851Right-Hand30 1 ⁄8" 60" 24 1 ⁄4" RMHR3060 $6851d d dSofasLeft-Hand30 1 ⁄8" 114" 24 1 ⁄4" RMFL3014 $7745Right-HandRMFR3014Right Hand Sofa30 1 ⁄8" 114" 24 1 ⁄4" RMFR3014 $7745d d dBenchesLeft-Hand16 3 /4"H 30" 84" 16 3 ⁄4" RMNL3096 $3633Right-Hand30" 84" 16 3 ⁄4" RMNR3096 $3633d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.394 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Surface MaterialsSurface Materials.This listing includes all ofthe surface material choicesthat are available for TheRichard Meier Collection.ResourcesFor more information aboutsurface materials, refer tothe following resources:Surface MaterialsReference ManualThis publication provides:• An explanation of thesurface materials program•“Available on” matrices• Vertical surface fabricand seating upholsteryselection listing• Pricing for surfacematerials• Technical data for surfacematerials• Surface material care andcleaning instructionsSurface MaterialsFinishes Binderincludes:• Surface MaterialsReference Manual• A complete set of swatchcards for hard surfacesSurface MaterialsVertical Surface FabricBinder includes:• A complete set of swatchcards for vertical surfacefabricSurface MaterialsSeating UpholsteryBinder includes:• Designtex Graded-InCatalog• A complete set ofswatch cards forseating upholsterySurface MaterialsTool Box provides 3" x 3"samples of the followingsurface materials:• Vertical surface fabric• Seating upholstery• Wood veneer• Paint• LaminateForm number S8150Vertical Surface FabricApplies to:• TackboardsClassics CollectionSurface materials in theClassics Collection aretimeless. These materialsshould be available for aminimum of 10 years fromthe date the material isintroduced into the ClassicsCollection. The ClassicsCollection includes the followingfabrics in PriceGroups 1 through 3:Price Group 1AbacusP122 EntasisP123 PorticoP124 OpusP125 CuspP126 ArtifactP127 ArcadeP128 MatrixP129 AtlasP156 PilasterAcadiaG031 TinG033 IronG034 PewterG039 SilicaG040 MalachiteG041 BrimstoneG042 GalenaG043 AzuriteG044 LimoniteG045 TourmalineBariolageG220 EtudeG221 AndanteG226 CantataG227 AdagioG233 MelodyG234 BallataG235 SonataBelgradeB600 StrawberryB603 StormB604 SeafoamB606 BuffB607 HarborB608 LilyB609 MossBellaRoseB650 AvodireB651 BirchB652 WillowB653 AlderB654 LaurelB655 WengeB656 Ebony.BoccieP300 RiceP301 AlmondP302 NutmegP303 CamelP304 OpalP305 MistP306 PlumP307 LichenP308 SpearmintP309 SkyCorniceP131 SpireP132 SpandrelP133 CrownP134 CoronaP135 SconceP136 FinialP137 PedimentEmbrasureP140 ColonnadeP141 RotundaP142 OculusP143 BalusterP144 TorusPrice Group 2Amiranté5664 Mink5665 Ivory5666 Silver Frost5677 Moonglo5679 Woodbine5686 Sea5687 Chamois5688 Balsa5689 Opal5690 Blue HorizonAshanti5610 French Cream5612 Ivory5613 Silver Frost5657 Moonglo5659 Woodbine5674 QuinceAshanti Reverse5638 Mink5639 Ivory5640 Silver Frost5648 Moonglo5650 Woodbine5654 QuinceBouquetP163 VivienP165 HostaP166 DundeeP168 AsterP169 ArgentaP170 HoyaP172 CactusP173 CamomileP174 HoneysuckleP175 Jasper..CordialE400 WhiteLilyE401 SagebrushE402 ShamrockE404 SilverLeafE405 LavenderE414 Ocean ReefE415 SesameE416 MarinaE417 SpearmintFirenzeP001 TranquilleP002 StaghornP003 FigFirenze ReverseF001 TranquilleF002 StaghornF003 FigFrescoG001 SandriftG002 MistibluG003 FaonG004 SepiaG005 ArrowoodG006 ChamolineG007 GrapenutG013 PistachioG016 WinterskyG017 FlintMilanoN001 OysterN002 DelftN003 WoodlandN004 SunshadowN005 OlivineN007 RedgrapeN008 MolluskN009 FairwayN010 DahliaN012 TeakwoodRacquetsP330 LichenP331 LilyP332 AlmondP333 NutmegP334 PewterP335 SpearmintP336 SkyRegattaD004 RoseberryD006 BluesageD007 ColibriD011 LicoriceD012 ProvenceD020 Haze5335 Warm Brown V15336 Warm Brown V25338 Tan V15339 Tan V25344 Grey V15345 Grey V25369 Blue V1Wilshire5831 Blue Violet V35841 Warm Brown V35846 Grey V35864 Lark5865 Burgess5867 Castle5868 FieldstonePrice Group 3Martinique5574 May Apple5577 Woodsorrel5578 Baneberry5579 Waterlily5582 Morro5583 Diva..The Richard MeierCollection<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cSurface Materials, continued 395

Surface Materials, continuedOptions CollectionSurface materials in theOptions Collection areavailable on selectSteelcase brand seatingand systems products.These materials should beavailable for a minimum of3 years from the date thematerial is introduced intothe Options Collection.Options Collection fabricsand upholsteries are noweven easier to order.Specify individual finishcodes following the sameprocess as ClassicsCollection fabrics andupholsteries.The Options Collectionincludes the followingfabrics in Price Groups 2and 3:Price Group 2SolitaireP343 SpearmintP344 RiceP345 TaupeP346 PewterP347 NutmegP348 ChamoisP349 CamelP350 MistP351 LichenP352 WillowP353 SilverP354 SkyP355 VioletPrice Group 3LottoP310 PewterP311 AlmondP312 NutmegP313 PlumP314 LichenP315 SkyP316 SpearmintPick-Up SticksP320 BoneP321 CloudP322 AlmondP323 PewterP324 NutmegP325 ChamoisP326 CamelP327 LichenP328 SpearmintP329 Sky.Designtex Graded-In ProgramAll Designtex Graded-Infabrics are now supportedjust like standard fabricswhen ordered on Steelcasefurniture.The DesigntexGraded-In program alsoincludes the EnvironmentalImpact Collection, whichoffers sustainable textiles inaffordable price groups. Foradditional information andfabric samples, contact yourlocal Designtex Group salesrepresentative at1.800.221.1540.Designtex fabrics aregraded into Steelcase PriceGroups 1 through 4:Price Group 1Moors (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Price Group 2AcresBracken (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)BrunswickCut to the ChaseGimletNicheSenecalStreams (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Price Group 3ApexDalmatianFoxtrotMeringueNo Deposit No ReturnRain (Environmental ImpactCollection)Sea Breeze (EnvironmentalImpact Collection)Six PackThat Straw StuffPrice Group 4SumocSee the Surface MaterialsReference Manual for a listingof upholstery colors...Price Group COM(Customer’s Own Material)Fabric Approval andYardageTo confirm whether aparticular COM materialhas already been tested foruse on a specific Steelcaseproduct or to determineactual yardage requirements:• Visit www.steelcase.com• Click on “Tools & Insights”• Select “Customer’s OwnMaterial”You can find the sameinformation on the in2 site.Follow these steps:• Visit www.in2.steelcase.com• Click on “Sales/DesignTeam”• Select “Surface Materials”• Select “Customer’s OwnMaterial”For additionalinformation regardingCustomer’s OwnMaterial, call1.888.STEELCASE....396 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Power andCommunicationsInternode Power and Communication ComponentsInternode Floor Power Infeeds 398Internode Multipurpose Power Infeeds 398Internode Power Modules 399Internode Mounting Bracket 399Internode Modular Harnesses 400Internode Communication Module 401Internode Receptacles 401Internode Convenience Tri-Receptacles with Power Cord and Plug 402Internode Convenience Communication Outlet Housing 402Internode Above-Worksurface Clamp Kit 403Internode Below-Worksurface Mounting Bracket 403Internode Cord and Cable Manager 404Internode Harness Clips 404Power andCommunications<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 397

Internode Power and Communication ComponentsInternode Floor Power InfeedscNeed help?Product details,page 160Standard Includes• Junction box fittings for hardwired connection• Liquid-tight flexible conduit: black vinylRequired to SpecifyStyle numberTip: Floor power infeedcannot be used in New YorkCity. Use a multipurposepower infeed instead.Related Products• Power module cPage 399<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDLength DStyle DU.S.d dNumber dPriced d d4 Circuit, 3+16' GFUFFH6X $16212' GFUFFH12X $216d d dInternode Multipurpose Power InfeedsStandard IncludesRequired to SpecifyHardwirecNeed help?Product details,page 160• Junction box fittings for hardwired connection, if selected• Modular connector, if selected• Modular connector receptacle included withmodular option• Modular infeed cover, if selected: plastic• Conduit: metal1 Style number2 Plastic color number for modular infeedcover, if selectedcSee Surface Materials, page 222.ModularTip: Modular connectorreceptacle covers a standard4 9 ⁄16" square junctionbox.Tip: Use modular connectionwhen bringing powerfrom Pathways TechnologyWall.Related Products<strong>Specification</strong> Information• Power module cPage 399• Segment wallcSee Transitional Pathways Products<strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>.DLength and DStyle DU.S.dConnection dNumber dPriced d d4 Circuit, 3+112' Hardwire GSGUFMH12X $24312' Modular GSGUFMM12X $31124' Hardwire GSGUFMH24X $35224' Modular GSGUFMM24X $419d d dModular Infeed CoverN.A. GSGUFC $ 31d d d398 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Internode Powerand CommunicationComponentsInternode Power ModulescNeed help?Product details,page 158Standard Includes• Power block and enclosing housing: 4793 Solar Black only• Four modular receptacle attachment points• Mounting bracket, if selected: 6653 Solar Black only• Two covers: 6653 Solar Black onlyRequired to SpecifyStyle numberTip: Remember to specifyreceptacles separately.cPage 401Tip: Additional wiringschematics are available.cSee Transitional PathwaysProducts <strong>Specification</strong><strong>Guide</strong>.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationRelated Products• Internode mounting bracketcSee below• Harnesses cPage 400• Communication module cPage 401• Receptacles cPage 401• Cord and cable manager cPage 404DDimensions DIncludes DStyle DU.S.dD W H dMounting dNumber dPriced dBracket d d4 Circuit, 3+13" 10" 3 1 ⁄2" Yes GFUPMBX $2033" 10" 3 1 ⁄2" No GFUPMX $176For Use in New York City3" 10" 3 1 ⁄2" Yes GFUPMBXNYC $2033" 10" 3 1 ⁄2" No GFUPMXNYC $176d d d dPower andCommunicationsInternode Mounting BracketcNeed help?Product details,page 158Standard Includes• Mounting bracket: 4793 Solar Black onlyRequired to SpecifyStyle numberTip: Mounting bracket supportseither a communicationmodule or a powermodule.Tip: Factory-installedInternode mounting bracketis included in each TableauPowerPed and Powerwall.Additional mounting bracketscan be installed beneathworksurfaces to accommodatepower and communicationmodules where needed.Related Products<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDStyledNumberdDU.S.dPricedGFUMB $27dd• Power modulecSee above• Communication module cPage 401• Cord and cable manager cPage 404For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cInternode Power and Communication Components, continued 399

Internode Power and Communication Components, continuedInternode Modular HarnessescNeed help?Product details,page 158Standard Includes• HarnessRequired to SpecifyStyle numberTip: Harness can passthrough access slot inpower beam.Tip: Additional wiringschematics are available.cSee Transitional PathwaysProducts <strong>Specification</strong><strong>Guide</strong>.Related Products<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDLength DStyle DU.S.d dNumber dPriced d d4 Circuit, 3+112" GSGUH12X $ 9522" GSGUH22X $ 9528" GSGUH28X $ 9532" GSGUH32X $ 9538" GSGUH38X $ 9544" GSGUH44X $10850" GSGUH50X $10854" GSGUH54X $10864" GSGUH64X $12276" GSGUH76X $13588" GSGUH88X $149100" GSGUH100X $162120" GSGUH120X $189144" GSGUH144X $216Harness-to-Harness Connector• Power module cPage 399GSGUHCX $ 41Modular-to-Hardwire Harnesses72" GSGUHHX $122d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.400 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Internode Powerand CommunicationComponentsInternode Communication ModulecNeed help?Product details,page 158Standard Includes• Two-piece communication module: 4793 Solar Black only• One cover, used to adapt NEMA opening to modularfurniture faceplate openingRequired to SpecifyStyle numberTip: Communication modulescan be supported bymounting bracket, powermodule, or applied directlyto the underside of aworksurface.Internode Receptacles<strong>Specification</strong> InformationRelated Products• Power module cPage 399• Mounting bracket cPage 399DDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d d3" 5" 4" GFUSCM $41d d dPower andCommunicationscNeed help?Product details,page 158Standard Includes• Individual receptacles: plasticRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Plastic color number for receptaclecSee Surface Materials, page 222.Tip: Receptacles are specifiedindividually so you canorder exactly the quantityyou need.Tip: Additional wiringschematics are available.cSee Transitional PathwaysProducts <strong>Specification</strong><strong>Guide</strong>.Related Products• Power module cPage 399• Convenience tri-receptacle with plug cPage 402<strong>Specification</strong> InformationSystem GroundIsolated GroundDLine DStyle DU.S. DStyle DU.S.d dNumber dPrice dNumber dPriced d d d d4 Circuit, 3+115-amp ReceptaclesLine 1 GSGUR1SSX $32 GSGUR1SGX $41Line 2 GSGUR2SSX $32 GSGUR2SGX $41Line 3 GSGUR3SSX $32 GSGUR3SGX $41Line 4 GSGUR4SSX $32 GSGUR4SGX $4120-amp ReceptaclesLine 1 GSGUR1TSX $49 GSGUR1TGX $62Line 2 GSGUR2TSX $49 GSGUR2TGX $62Line 3 GSGUR3TSX $49 GSGUR3TGX $62For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.Line 4 GSGUR4TSX $49 GSGUR4TGX $62d d d d d<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cInternode Power and Communication Components, continued 401

Internode Power and Communication Components, continuedInternode Convenience Tri-Receptacles with Power Cord and PlugcNeed help?Product details,page 158Standard Includes• Convenience receptacle with three outlets: plastic• 96" power cord with grounded plug: black onlyRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Plastic color number for receptaclecSee Surface Materials, page 222.Tip: This unit does notinclude clamp kit.cPage 403Tip: Convenience tri-receptacleswith modular harnessesare also available.cSee Transitional PathwaysProducts <strong>Specification</strong><strong>Guide</strong>.Tip: One Internode conveniencetri-receptacle (andone Internode conveniencecommunication outlet housing)is included with eachworksurface access dooryou specify.Related Products<strong>Specification</strong> Information• Above-worksurface clamp kit cPage 403• Below-worksurface mounting bracket cPage 403DDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d d2 3 ⁄4" 5 1 ⁄4" 2 1 ⁄2" GFUTP96 $81d d dInternode Convenience Communication Outlet HousingTip: This unit does notinclude clamp kit.cPage 403Tip: One Internode conveniencecommunication outlethousing (and one Internodeconvenience tri-receptacle)is included with each worksurfaceaccess door youspecify.cNeed help?Product details,page 159Standard IncludesRelated Products<strong>Specification</strong> Information• Housing for customer-supplied modular communicationsfaceplate: plastic• Above-worksurface clamp kit cPage 403• Below-worksurface mounting bracket cPage 403DDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d d2 3 ⁄4" 5 1 ⁄4" 2 1 ⁄2" GFUCH $41d d dRequired to Specify1 Style number2 Plastic color number for housingcSee Surface Materials, page 222.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.402 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Internode Powerand CommunicationComponentsInternode Above-Worksurface Clamp KitcNeed help?Product details,page 159Standard Includes• Mounting clamp to secure convenience receptacle toworksurface: 6653 Solar Black plastic onlyRequired to SpecifyStyle numberRelated Products• Convenience tri-receptacle with power cord cPage 402• Convenience communication outlet housing cPage 402<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDStyledNumberdDU.S.dPricedGFUTMC $14ddInternode Below-Worksurface Mounting BracketPower andCommunicationsTip: Mounting bracket supportsconvenience receptaclesand communicationsoutlet housing below theworksurface.cNeed help?Product details,page 159Standard Includes• Mounting bracket: 4793 Solar Black onlyRelated Products• Convenience tri-receptacle with power cord cPage 402• Convenience communication outlet housing cPage 402Required to SpecifyStyle numberTip: Each tri-receptacle,whether power or communications,should have itsown mounting bracket forbelow-worksurface mountingapplications.Tip: Two factory-installedmounting brackets are includedwith each worksurfaceaccess door you specify.<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDStyledNumberdDU.S.dPricedGFUTMB $10ddFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cInternode Power and Communication Components, continued 403

Internode Power and Communication Components, continuedInternode Cord and Cable ManagercNeed help?Product details,page 159Standard Includes• Cord and cable manager: 6653 Solar Black only• Package of fourRequired to SpecifyStyle numberRelated Products• Power module cPage 399<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDimensions DStyle DU.S.dD W H dNumber dPriced d d3 1 ⁄2" 10" 1 3 ⁄4" GFUCCM $81d d dInternode Harness ClipscNeed help?Product details,page 159Standard Includes• Package of 25 harness clips with screws: black onlyRequired to SpecifyStyle number<strong>Specification</strong> InformationDDiameter DStyle DU.S.d dNumber dPriced d d1 1 ⁄4" GFUCMC $27d d dFor Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details.404 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

ResourcesColor Availability MatricesMetal and Plated Metal 406Vertical Surface Fabric 407Stone 410Wood 411Leather 412Factory-Installed Keying OptionsFor All Product Lines Except Landmark 413For Landmark 414Style Number Index 416Resources<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 405

Color Availability MatricesMetal and Plated MetalAmerican Elect Locks nnnnannnnanPulls, Knobs, Grommets nnnnnannnnaTemporal AE Locks nnnnannnnanPulls, Knobs, Grommets nnnnnannnnaSlatwallnnnnnnnnnnaLandmark Locks nnnnannananArc PullsnnnnaannnnaStraight PullsnnnnannannaTableau Base annnnnnnannGrommetsannnnnnnanaLocksnnnnannananPullsannnnnnnannSlatwallnaannnnnnnnTranslations Locks nnnnannnnanPull AccentannannnnnnnAccent BarsannannnnnnnCubby DividersannannnnnnnPower PolesannannnnnnnGrommetsannannnnnnnAccess DoorannannnnnnnSlatwallnaannnnnnnnKent Locks nnnnnnnannnPulls, Knobs, Grommets nnnnnnannnnEssex Locks nnnnnnnannnPulls, Knobs, Grommets nnnnnnannnnTraditional Tables Table Base Cap nnnnnnannnnThe Richard Locks nnnnnnnnnanMeier Collection Pulls nnnnnnnnnnaLegend˜ = Not availableÅ = Available˛ = Available with exceptionsc See specification pages. for details.8042 Brushed Aluminum8043 Clear Anodized Aluminum8044 Black Anodized Aluminum8045 Brushed Black Aluminum9201 Polished Chrome9212 Silver9230 Antique Bronze9233 Satin Brass9237 Brushed Bronze9250 Ember Chrome0835 Black.406 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Color Availability MatricesVertical Surface FabricAbacus Price Group 1P122 EntasisAAAAANNNAP123 PorticoAAAAANNNAP124 OpusAAAAANNNAP125 CuspAAAAANNNAP126 ArtifactAAAAANNNAP127 ArcadeAAAANNNAAP128 MatrixAAAAANNNAP129 AtlasAAAAANNNAP156 PilasterAAAAANNNAAcadia Price Group 1G031 TinAAAAANNNAG033 IronAAAAANNNAG034 PewterAAAAANNNAG039 SilicaAAAAANNNAG040 MalachiteAAAAANNNAG041 BrimstoneAAAAANNNAG042 GalenaAAAAANNNAG043 AzuriteAAAAANNNAG044 LimoniteAAAAANNNAG045 TourmalineAAAAANNNAAmiranté Price Group 25664 Mink AAAAANNNA5665 Ivory AAAAANNNA5666 Silver Frost AAAAANNNA5677 Moonglo AAAAANNNA5679 Woodbine AAAAANNNA5686 Sea AAAAANNNA5687 Chamois AAAAANNNA5688 Balsa AAAAANNNA5689 Opal AAAAANNNA5690 Blue Horizon AAAAANNNAcSee Surface Materials Reference Manual for Designtex Graded-InVertical Surface Matrix.Legend˜ = Not availableÅ = Available˛ = Available with exceptionsc See specification pages. for details.American ElectTemporal AELandmarkTableauTranslationsKentEssexTraditional TablesThe Richard Meier CollectionAmerican ElectTemporal AELandmarkTableauTranslationsKentEssexTraditional TablesThe Richard Meier CollectionAshanti Price Group 25610 French Cream AAAAANNNA5612 Ivory AAAAANNNA5613 Silver Frost AAAAANNNA5657 Moonglo AAAAANNNA5659 Woodbine AAAAANNNA5674 Quince AAAAANNNAAshanti Reverse Price Group 25638 Mink AAAAANNNA5639 Ivory AAAAANNNA5640 Silver Frost AAAAANNNA5648 Moonglo AAAAANNNA5650 Woodbine AAAAANNNA5654 Quince AAAAANNNABariolage Price Group 1G220 EtudeAAAAANNNAG221 AndanteAAAAANNNAG226 CantataAAAAANNNAG227 AdagioAAAAANNNAG233 MelodyAAAAANNNAG234 BallataAAAAANNNAG235 SonataAAAAANNNABelgrade Price Group 1B600 StrawberryAAAAANNNAB603 StormAAAAANNNAB604 SeafoamAAAAANNNAB606 BuffAAAAANNNAB607 HarborAAAAANNNAB608 LilyAAAAANNNAB609 MossAAAAANNNABellaRose Price Group 1B650 AvodireAAAAANNNAB651 BirchAAAAANNNAB652 WillowAAAAANNNAB653 AlderAAAAANNNAB654 LaurelAAAAANNNAB655 WengeAAAAANNNAB656 EbonyAAAAANNNAcVertical Surface Fabric, continued.Resources<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cColor Availability Matrices, continued 407

Color Availability Matrices, continuedVertical Surface Fabric, continuedBouquet Price Group 2P163 VivienAAAAANNNAP165 HostaAAAAANNNAP166 DundeeAAAAANNNAP168 AsterAAAAANNNAP169 ArgentaAAAAANNNAP170 HoyaAAAAANNNAP172 CactusAAAAANNNAP173 CamomileAAAAANNNAP174 HoneysuckleAAAAANNNAP175 JasperAAAAANNNABoccie Price Group 1P300 RiceAAAAANNNAP301 AlmondAAAAANNNAP302 NutmegAAAAANNNAP303 CamelAAAAANNNAP304 OpalAAAAANNNAP305 MistAAAAANNNAP306 PlumAAAAANNNAP307 LichenAAAAANNNAP308 SpearmintAAAAANNNAP309 SkyAAAAANNNABracken Price Group 2P356 SilverAAAAANNNAP357 AlmondAAAAANNNAP358 RiceAAAAANNNAP359 TaupeAAAAANNNAP360 NutmegAAAAANNNAP361 LupineAAAAANNNAP362 VioletAAAAANNNAP363 LichenAAAAANNNAP364 SpearmintAAAAANNNAP365 SkyAAAAANNNAcSee Surface Materials Reference Manual for Designtex Graded-InVertical Surface Matrix.Legend˜ = Not availableÅ = Available˛ = Available with exceptionsc See specification pages. for details.American ElectTemporal AELandmarkTableauTranslationsKentEssexTraditional TablesThe Richard Meier CollectionCordial Price Group 2E400 WhiteLilyE401 SagebrushE402 ShamrockE404 SilverLeafE405 LavenderE414 Ocean ReefE415 SesameE416 MarinaE417 SpearmintCornice Price Group 1P131 SpireP132 SpandrelP133 CrownP134 CoronaP135 SconceP136 FinialP137 PedimentEmbrasure Price Group 1P140 ColonnadeP141 RotundaP142 OculusP143 BalusterP144 TorusFirenze Price Group 2P001 TranquilleP002 StaghornP003 FigFirenze Reverse Price Group 2F001 TranquilleF002 StaghornF003 FigFresco Price Group 2G001 SandriftG002 MistibluG003 FaonG004 SepiaG005 ArrowoodG006 ChamolineG007 GrapenutG013 PistachioG016 WinterskyG017 FlintAmerican ElectTemporal AELandmarkTableauTranslationsKentEssexTraditional TablesThe Richard Meier CollectionAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNA.408 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Color Availability MatricesVertical Surface Fabric, continuedMartinique Price Group 35574 May Apple AAAAANNNA5577 Woodsorrel AAAAANNNA5578 Baneberry AAAAANNNA5579 Waterlily AAAAANNNA5582 Morro AAAAANNNA5583 Diva AAAAANNNAMilano Price Group 2N001 OysterAAAAANNNAN002 DelftAAAAANNNAN003 WoodlandAAAAANNNAN004 SunshadowAAAAANNNAN005 OlivineAAAAANNNAN007 RedgrapeAAAAANNNAN008 MolluskAAAAANNNAN009 FairwayAAAAANNNAN010 DahliaAAAAANNNAN012 TeakwoodAAAAANNNAMoors Price Group 1P366 SterlingAAAAANNNAP367 CementAAAAANNNAP368 RiceAAAAANNNAP369 SilverAAAAANNNAP370 CarmelAAAAANNNAP371 LupineAAAAANNNAP372 VioletAAAAANNNAP373 LagoonAAAAANNNAP374 SkyAAAAANNNAP375 MidnightAAAAANNNAP376 LichenAAAAANNNAP377 CeleryAAAAANNNAP378 Sea MistAAAAANNNARacquets Price Group 2P330 LichenAAAAANNNAP331 LilyAAAAANNNAP332 AlmondAAAAANNNAP333 NutmegAAAAANNNAP334 PewterAAAAANNNAP335 SpearmintAAAAANNNAP336 SkyAAAAANNNAcSee Surface Materials Reference Manual for Designtex Graded-InVertical Surface Matrix..American ElectTemporal AELandmarkTableauTranslationsKentEssexTraditional TablesThe Richard Meier CollectionRegatta Price Group 25335 Warm Brown V1 AAAAANNNA5336 Warm Brown V2 AAAAANNNA5338 Tan V1 AAAAANNNA5339 Tan V2 AAAAANNNA5344 Grey V1 AAAAANNNA5345 Grey V2 AAAAANNNA5369 Blue V1 AAAAANNNAD004 RoseberryD006 BluesageD007 ColibriD011 LicoriceD012 ProvenceD020 HazeWilshire Price Group 2American ElectTemporal AELandmarkTableauTranslationsKentEssexTraditional TablesThe Richard Meier CollectionAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNAAAAAANNNA5831 Blue Violet V3 AAAAANNNA5841 Warm Brown V3 AAAAANNNA5846 Grey V3 AAAAANNNA5864 Lark AAAAANNNA5865 Burgess AAAAANNNA5867 Castle AAAAANNNA5868 Fieldstone AAAAANNNALegend˜ = Not availableÅ = Available˛ = Available with exceptionsc See specification pagesfor details..Resources<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cColor Availability Matrices, continued 409

Color Availability Matrices, continuedStone1145 Calacatta White Marble NNNNXNNNN1147 Blue Pearl Granite NNNNXNNNN1148 Absolute Black Granite NNNNXNNNNcSee Surface Materials Reference Manual for Designtex Graded-InVertical Surface Matrix.Legend˜ = Not availableÅ = Available˛ = Available with exceptionsc See specification pages. for details.American ElectTemporal AELandmarkTableauTranslationsKentEssexTraditional TablesThe Richard Meier Collection.410 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Color Availability Matrices.WoodAnigreFill LevelVeneer Price GroupAmerican ElectTemporal AELandmarkTableauTranslationsKentEssexTraditional TablesThe Richard Meier Collection3134 Harvest on Figured Anigre FF 2 NNNXANNNN3154 Natural Cherry on Figured Anigre FF 2 NNNXNNNNN3174 Medium Cherry on Figured Anigre FF 2 NNNXNNNNNCherry3414 Natural Cherry FF A AAAAANNNN3424 Medium Cherry FF A AAAAANNNN3434 Harvest on Cherry FF A NNNANNNNNMahogany3206 Natural Walnut on Crotch Mahogany FF 4 NNNXNNNNN3230 Dark Mahogany HR A NNNNNAAAN3234 Dark Mahogany FF A NNNAANNNN3260 Ipswich Gunshaded HR A NNNNNAAAN3270 Ipswich Antiqued HR A NNNNNAAANMaple3524 Clear Coat on Maple FF A NNNAANNNN3534 Winter on Maple FF A AAANNNNNN3544 Blonde on Maple FF A AAAAANNNN3564 Linseed on Maple FF A NNANANNNN3574 Amber Maple FF A AAAAANNNASycamore3002 Blonde on Sycamore FF 3 NNNXANNNN3003 Amber on Quartered Figured Sycamore FF 3 NNNXANNNN3012 Clear on Quartered Figured Sycamore FF 3 NNNXANNNNWalnut3706 Natural Walnut on Walnut Burl FF 4 NNNXNNNNN3707 Autumn Walnut on Walnut Burl FF 4 NNNXNNNNN3708 Dark Mahogany on Walnut Burl FF 4 NNNXNNNNN3709 Sable on Walnut Burl FF 4 NNNXNNNNN3714 Natural Walnut FF A NNNAANNNN3744 Autumn Walnut FF A AAANNNNNN3774 Medium Mahogany on Walnut FF A AAANNNNNN3784 Sable on Walnut FF A NNNAANNNNLegend˜ = Not availableÅ = Available˛ = Available with exceptionsc See specification pagesfor details.FF = Full-Fill (worksurfaces only)HR= Hand rubbed (worksurfacesonly)OP= Open porec For a description of filllevels, See Surface MaterialsReference Manual..Resources<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cColor Availability Matrices, continued 411

Color Availability Matrices, continuedLeatherW800 Williamsburg Blue NNNNNAANNW801 Canterbury Brown NNNNNAANNW802 Aberdeen Green NNNNNAANNW803 Monticello Maroon NNNNNAANNW804 Traditional Black NNNNNAANNRS4999 Tulsa Black NNNNNNNNALegend˜ = Not availableÅ = Available˛ = Available with exceptionsc See specification pagesfor details..American ElectTemporal AELandmarkTableauTranslationsKentEssexTraditional TablesThe Richard Meier Collection.412 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Factory-Installed Keying OptionsFor All Product Lines Except LandmarkFactory-InstalledKeying Options.All locks are designatedwith key numbers. You canspecify a key number; however,if you don’t specify akey number, the locks inyour order will be keyedrandomly.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details..Standard KeyingKey random means thatthe locks will be assignedarbitrarily at the factory withkey numbers ranging fromFR101 through FR110.Unless you specify otherwise,the factory will assignkey numbers randomly.Tip: Random keying canmean that different furnitureunits will have the same keynumber. If you must have alllocks keyed differently, youshould specify key numbersfor all locks.FR102FR109FR105FR102FR108FR105FR105FR107Keying OptionsKey specific means thatMaster key randomMaster key specificyou can specify any keymeans that the locks willmeans that you can specifynumber from FR101 throughbe assigned arbitrarily atany key number fromFR110. This option can bethe factory with key num-FR1001 through FR1010.used to key all the furniturebers ranging from FR1001All the locks in the FR seriesunits in a workstation orthrough FR1010. All FRcan be opened with a mas-department the same.locks can be opened with ater key.Tip: Designate the quantitymaster key.Tip: Designate the quantityper key number in yourTip: Random keying canper key number in yourspecification when orderingmean that different furniturespecification when orderingmore than one product withunits will have the same keymore than one product withthe same style number.number. If you must have allthe same style number.locks keyed differently, youFR104 FR104 FR104should specify key numbersFR1008 FR1008 FR1008for all locks.FR1004FR1004FR1003 FR1004 FR1002FR1007 FR1006 FR1009FR Master KeyKey consecutive meansthat you can specify locknumbers in a consecutiveMaster key consecu-order to ensure that notive means that you cantwo locks have the samespecify lock numbers in akey number until the keyconsecutive order to ensuresequence repeats. Youthat no two locks have themust select a beginningsame key number until theFR Master Keykey number from FR101key sequence repeats.through FR110.You must select a beginningkey number from FR1001FR101 FR102 FR103through FR1010. All thelocks in the FR series canbe opened with a masterkey.FR1008 FR1009 FR1010FR Master Key..Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifyKey random No cost Specify key random.Key specific No cost Specify key specific and select key numberfrom FR101–FR110.Key No cost Specify key consecutive and selectconsecutivebeginning key number from FR101–FR110.Master key +$20 Specify master key random.randomeachMaster key +$20 Specify master key specific and select keyspecific each number from FR1001–FR1010.Master key +$20 Specify master key consecutive and select. consecutive each beginning key number from FR1001–FR1010..Resources<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 413

Factory-Installed Keying OptionsFor Landmark.All locks are designatedwith key numbers. You canspecify a key number; however,if you don’t specify akey number, the locks inyour order will be keyedrandomly.For Canadian PricingMultiply U.S. Price by 1.38.cSee page 1 for details..Standard KeyingKey random means thatthe locks will be assignedarbitrarily at the factory withkey numbers ranging fromTA101 through TA110.Unless you specify otherwise,the factory will assignkey numbers randomly.Tip: Random keying canmean that different furnitureunits will have the same keynumber. If you must have alllocks keyed differently, youshould specify key numbersfor all locks.TA102TA109TA105TA102TA108TA105TA105TA107Keying OptionsKey specific means thatMaster key randomMaster key specificyou can specify any keymeans that the locks willmeans that you can specifynumber from TA101 throughbe assigned arbitrarily atany key number fromTA110. This option can bethe factory with key num-TA1001 through TA1010.used to key all the furniturebers ranging from TA1001All the locks in the TA seriesunits in a workstation orthrough TA1010. All TAcan be opened with a mas-department the same.locks can be opened with ater key.Tip: Designate the quantitymaster key.Tip: Designate the quantityper key number in yourTip: Random keying canper key number in yourspecification when orderingmean that different furniturespecification when orderingmore than one product withunits will have the same keymore than one product withthe same style number.number. If you must have allthe same style number.locks keyed differently, youTA104 TA104 TA104should specify key numbersTA1008 TA1008 TA1008for all locks.TA1004TA1004TA1003 TA1004 TA1002TA1007 TA1006 TA1009TA Master KeyKey consecutive meansthat you can specify locknumbers in a consecutiveMaster key consecu-order to ensure that notive means that you cantwo locks have the samespecify lock numbers in akey number until the keyconsecutive order to ensuresequence repeats. Youthat no two locks have themust select a beginningsame key number until thekey number from TA101TA Master Keykey sequence repeats.through TA110.You must select a beginningkey number from TA1001TA101 TA102 TA103through TA1010. All thelocks in the TA series canbe opened with a masterkey.TA1008 TA1009 TA1010TA Master Key..Options U.S. Price Required to SpecifyKey random No cost Specify key random.Key specific No cost Specify key specific and select key numberfrom TA101–TA110.Key No cost Specify key consecutive and selectconsecutivebeginning key number from TA101–TA110.Master key +$20 Specify master key random.randomeachMaster key +$20 Specify master key specific and select keyspecific each number from TA1001–TA1010.Master key +$20 Specify master key consecutive and select. consecutive each beginning key number from TA1001–TA1010..414 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Factory-InstalledKeying OptionsResources<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 415

Style Number IndexStyleNumber Page DescriptionAE4N2479 31 Amer Elect; 79 1 ⁄4"W CredenzaAE4WP2476 41 Amer Elect; 76 1 ⁄4"W WorkwallAE4WW2476 41 Amer Elect; 76 1 ⁄4"W WorkwallAE5N2498 33 Amer Elect; 98 5 ⁄16"W CredenzaAE5WP2495 43 Amer Elect; 95 5 ⁄16"W WorkwallAE5WW2495 43 Amer Elect; 95 5 ⁄16"W WorkwallAE6N24117 35 Amer Elect; 117 3 ⁄8"W CredenzaAE6WP24114 45 Amer Elect; 114 3 ⁄8"W WorkwallAE6WW24114 45 Amer Elect; 114 3 ⁄8"W WorkwallAEBD2445 28 Amer Elect; Bridge, Desk-HeightAEBD284L 23 Amer Elect; Desk, Single PedestalAEBD284R 23 Amer Elect; Desk, Single PedestalAEBD4284 21 Amer Elect; Desk, Double PedestalAECT060L 24 Amer Elect; Run-Off TableAECT060R 24 Amer Elect; Run-Off TableAECT684L 24 Amer Elect; Run-Off TableAECT684R 24 Amer Elect; Run-Off TableAEDD3672 21 Amer Elect; Desk, Double PedestalAEDD672L 22 Amer Elect; Desk, Single PedestalAEDD672R 23 Amer Elect; Desk, Single PedestalAEJDD24 50 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJE24 46 Amer Elect; 19"W Pedestal SubstAEJEE24 49 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJELD24 49 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJEP24 50 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJERD24 49 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJLD24 46 Amer Elect; 19"W Pedestal SubstAEJLDE24 48 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJLDLD24 47 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJLDP24 49 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJLDRD24 47 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJPE24 50 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJPLD24 49 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJPP24 49 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJPRD24 49 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJRD24 46 Amer Elect; 19"W Pedestal SubstAEJRDE24 48 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJRDLD24 47 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJRDP24 49 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEJRDRD24 47 Amer Elect; 38"W Pedestal SubstAEPCS 51 Amer Elect; Two Shelf BoxAEPHS 51 Amer Elect; Horizontal OrganizerAEPTR 51 Amer Elect; Task TrayAER2658L 25 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2658LL 27 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2658LPL 27 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2658LPR 27 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2658LR 27 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2658PL 26 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2658PR 26 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2658R 25 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2677L 25 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2677LL 27 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2677LLL 27 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-Height.StyleNumber Page DescriptionAER2677LLR 27 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2677LPL 27 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2677LPR 27 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2677LR 27 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2677PL 26 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2677PR 26 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAER2677R 25 Amer Elect; Return, Desk-HeightAESAT84L 24 Amer Elect; Run-Off TableAESAT84R 24 Amer Elect; Run-Off TableAESM1676 37 Amer Elect; Service ModuleAESM1695 37 Amer Elect; Service ModuleAESM6114 37 Amer Elect; Service ModuleAESMP114 37 Amer Elect; Service ModuleAESMP676 37 Amer Elect; Service ModuleAESMP695 37 Amer Elect; Service ModuleAET113 52 Amer Elect; TackboardAET113W 52 Amer Elect; TackboardAET79 52 Amer Elect; TackboardAET79W 52 Amer Elect; TackboardAET98 52 Amer Elect; TackboardAET98W 52 Amer Elect; TackboardAETD3672 18 Amer Elect; Table DeskAEVBFDL3 39 Amer Elect; Vertical CabinetAEVBFDR3 39 Amer Elect; Vertical CabinetAEVLFD4 39 Amer Elect; Vertical CabinetAEVWS4 39 Amer Elect; Vertical CabinetAEVWSL3 39 Amer Elect; Vertical CabinetAEVWSR3 39 Amer Elect; Vertical CabinetAEX24117 29 Amer Elect; Kneewell CredenzaAEX2479 29 Amer Elect; Kneewell CredenzaAEX2498 29 Amer Elect; Kneewell CredenzaAEXWP24114 45 Amer Elect; 114 3 ⁄8"W WorkwallAEXWP2476 41 Amer Elect; 76 1 ⁄4"W WorkwallAEXWP2495 43 Amer Elect; 95 5 ⁄16"W WorkwallAEXWW24114 45 Amer Elect; 114 3 ⁄8"W WorkwallAEXWW2476 41 Amer Elect; 76 1 ⁄4"W WorkwallAEXWW2495 43 Amer Elect; 95 5 ⁄16"W WorkwallAKA1 134, 346, Keyboard Shelf362E3701354 358 Essex; Desk, Double PedestalE3701356 358 Essex; Desk, Double PedestalE3701404 358 Essex; Desk, Double PedestalE3701406 358 Essex; Desk, Double PedestalE3731 360 Essex; Component SubstitutionE3733 360 Essex; Component SubstitutionE3734 360 Essex; Component SubstitutionE37613 359 Essex; Credenza AssemblyE37633 359 Essex; Credenza AssemblyE37663 359 Essex; Credenza AssemblyGFUCCM 404 Cord and Cable ManagerGFUCH 402 Communication Outlet HousingGFUCMC 404 Harness ClipsGFUFFH12X 398 Internode InfeedGFUFFH6X 398 Internode Infeed. GFUMB 399 Mounting Bracket.416 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Style Number IndexStyleNumber Page DescriptionGFUPMBX 399 Power ModuleGFUPMBXNYC 399 Power ModuleGFUPMX 399 Power ModuleGFUPMXNYC 399 Power ModuleGFUSCM 401 Communication ModuleGFUTMB 403 Below-Worksurface Mounting BracketGFUTMC 403 Above-Worksurface Clamp KitGFUTP96 402 Convenience Tri-ReceptacleGSGUFC 398 Infeed CoverGSGUFMH12X 398 Internode InfeedGSGUFMH24X 398 Internode InfeedGSGUFMM12X 398 Internode InfeedGSGUFMM24X 398 Internode InfeedGSGUH100X 400 Internode HarnessGSGUH120X 400 Internode HarnessGSGUH12X 400 Internode HarnessGSGUH144X 400 Internode HarnessGSGUH22X 400 Internode HarnessGSGUH28X 400 Internode HarnessGSGUH32X 400 Internode HarnessGSGUH38X 400 Internode HarnessGSGUH44X 400 Internode HarnessGSGUH50X 400 Internode HarnessGSGUH54X 400 Internode HarnessGSGUH64X 400 Internode HarnessGSGUH76X 400 Internode HarnessGSGUH88X 400 Internode HarnessGSGUHCX 400 Harness ConnectorGSGUHHX 400 Internode HarnessGSGUR1SGX 401 Internode ReceptacleGSGUR1SSX 401 Internode ReceptacleGSGUR1TGX 401 Internode ReceptacleGSGUR1TSX 401 Internode ReceptacleGSGUR2SGX 401 Internode ReceptacleGSGUR2SSX 401 Internode ReceptacleGSGUR2TGX 401 Internode ReceptacleGSGUR2TSX 401 Internode ReceptacleGSGUR3SGX 401 Internode ReceptacleGSGUR3SSX 401 Internode ReceptacleGSGUR3TGX 401 Internode ReceptacleGSGUR3TSX 401 Internode ReceptacleGSGUR4SGX 401 Internode ReceptacleGSGUR4SSX 401 Internode ReceptacleGSGUR4TGX 401 Internode ReceptacleGSGUR4TSX 401 Internode ReceptacleK10232201 369 Traditional Tables; ConferenceK10232202 369 Traditional Tables; ConferenceK10232203 369 Traditional Tables; ConferenceK10582201 369 Traditional Tables; ConferenceK10582203 369 Traditional Tables; ConferenceK1201353 342 Kent; Desk, Double PedestalK1201354 342 Kent; Desk, Double PedestalK1201356 342 Kent; Desk, Double PedestalK1201403 342 Kent; Desk, Double Pedestal. K1201404 342 Kent; Desk, Double PedestalStyleNumber Page DescriptionK1201406 342 Kent; Desk, Double PedestalK1210763 341 Kent; Table DeskK1210766 341 Kent; Table DeskK1231 344 Kent; Component SubstitutionK1233 344 Kent; Component SubstitutionK1234 344 Kent; Component SubstitutionK12383 345, 361 High CredenzaK12453 345, 361 High CredenzaK12513 368 Traditional Tables; OccasionalK12523 368 Traditional Tables; OccasionalK12553 368 Traditional Tables; OccasionalK12583 368 Traditional Tables; OccasionalK12613 343 Kent; Credenza AssemblyK12633 343 Kent; Credenza AssemblyK12663 343 Kent; Credenza AssemblyLCS24K 53, 218, Canopy Light326, 347,363LCS24KC 53, 218, Canopy Light326, 347,363LCS24KR 53, 218, Canopy Light326, 347,363LCS24KRC 53, 218, Canopy Light326, 347,363LCS36K 53, 218, Canopy Light326, 347,363LCS36KC 53, 218, Canopy Light326, 347,363LCS36KR 53, 218, Canopy Light326, 347,363LCS36KRC 53, 218, Canopy Light326, 347,363LCS48K 53, 218, Canopy Light326, 347,363LCS48KC 53, 218, Canopy Light326, 347,363LCS48KR 53, 218, Canopy Light326, 347,363LCS48KRC 53, 218, Canopy Light326, 347,363LM1DN3678 104 Landmark; Sngl-Ped DeskLM2DF3672 103, 104 Landmark; Dbl-Ped DeskLM2DF3678 103 Landmark; Dbl-Ped DeskLM2DN3672 103 Landmark; Dbl-Ped DeskLM2DN3678 103 Landmark; Dbl-Ped DeskLM2DR3672 103 Landmark; Dbl-Ped DeskLM2DR3678 103 Landmark; Dbl-Ped DeskLM2H1630 127 Landmark; 55 1 ⁄2"H Service Module..Resources<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cStyle Number Index, continued 417

Style Number Index, continuedStyleNumber Page DescriptionLM2H1636 127 Landmark; 55 1 ⁄2"H Service ModuleLM2H1642 127 Landmark; 55 1 ⁄2"H Service ModuleLM2H1654 127 Landmark; 55 1 ⁄2"H Service ModuleLM2H1672 127 Landmark; 55 1 ⁄2"H Service ModuleLM2H1690 127 Landmark; 55 1 ⁄2"H Service ModuleLM2HWL1715 130 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWL1718 130 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWL1721 130 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWL1730 130 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWL1736 130 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWL1742 130 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWL1760 130 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWL1772 130 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWL1784 130 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWL1790 131 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWP1715 131 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWP1718 131 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWP1721 131 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWP1730 131 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWP1736 131 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWP1742 131 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWP1760 131 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWP1772 131 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWP1784 131 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWP1790 131 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWR1715 130 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWR1718 130 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2HWR1721 130 Landmark; 30"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLM2TA2130 125 Landmark; 84"H Storage TowerLM2TA2136 125 Landmark; 84"H Storage TowerLM2TA2430 125 Landmark; 84"H Storage TowerLM2TA2436 125 Landmark; 84"H Storage TowerLM2TF2118 124 Landmark; 84"H Storage TowerLM2TF2130 125 Landmark; 84"H Storage TowerLM2TF2136 125 Landmark; 84"H Storage TowerLM2TF2418 124 Landmark; 84"H Storage TowerLM2TF2430 125 Landmark; 84"H Storage TowerLM2TF2436 125 Landmark; 84"H Storage TowerLM2TG2118 124 Landmark; 84"H Storage TowerLM2TG2418 124 Landmark; 84"H Storage TowerLM2WB1536 132 Landmark; Wksf BookcaseLM2WBD1536 132 Landmark; Wksf BookcaseLM3BK1536 133 Landmark; Freestanding BkcaseLM3BKC1536 133 Landmark; Freestanding BkcaseLM3L2136 118 Landmark; Freestanding Lat FileLM3L2436 118 Landmark; Freestanding Lat FileLM4BK1536 133 Landmark; Freestanding BkcaseLM4BKC1536 133 Landmark; Freestanding BkcaseLM4L2136 118 Landmark; Freestanding Lat FileLM4L2436 118 Landmark; Freestanding Lat FileLM5BK1536 133 Landmark; Freestanding BkcaseLM5BKC1536 133 Landmark; Freestanding BkcaseLMBD3672 105 Landmark; Bul-Shape DeskLMBD3678 105 Landmark; Bul-Shape Desk.StyleNumber Page DescriptionLMBD3684 105 Landmark; Bul-Shape DeskLMBP102 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP108 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP114 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP120 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP18 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP2318 115 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMBP30 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP36 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP42 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP43 110, 111, Landmark; Finished Back Panel112, 121LMBP48 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP49 110, 111, Landmark; Finished Back Panel112, 121LMBP54 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP55 110, 111, Landmark; Finished Back Panel112, 121LMBP60 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP61 110, 111, Landmark; Finished Back Panel112, 121LMBP66 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP67 110, 111, Landmark; Finished Back Panel112, 121LMBP72 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP73 110, 111, Landmark; Finished Back Panel112, 121LMBP78 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP84 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP90 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBP96 121 Landmark; Finished Back PanelLMBR3048 106 Landmark; Bul-Shape Run-Off TblLMBR3054 106 Landmark; Bul-Shape Run-Off TblLMBR3660 106 Landmark; Bul-Shape Run-Off TblLMBR3666 106 Landmark; Bul-Shape Run-Off TblLMCD2130 134 Landmark; Field-Inst Center DwrLMCU4821 119 Landmark; Corner UnitLMCU4824 119 Landmark; Corner UnitLMEP2026 120 Landmark; Support PanelLMEP2326 120 Landmark; Support PanelLMH1630 126 Landmark; 43 1 ⁄2"H Service ModuleLMH1636 126 Landmark; 43 1 ⁄2"H Service ModuleLMH1642 126 Landmark; 43 1 ⁄2"H Service ModuleLMH1654 126 Landmark; 43 1 ⁄2"H Service ModuleLMH1672 126 Landmark; 43 1 ⁄2"H Service ModuleLMH1690 126 Landmark; 43 1 ⁄2"H Service ModuleLMHWL1715 128 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWL1718 128 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWL1721 128 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWL1730 128 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWL1736 128 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWL1742 128 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWL1760 128 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWL1772 128 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWL1784 128 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd Cabinet. LMHWL1790 129 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd Cabinet.418 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Style Number IndexStyleNumber Page DescriptionLMHWP1715 129 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWP1718 129 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWP1721 129 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWP1730 129 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWP1736 129 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWP1742 129 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWP1760 129 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWP1772 129 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWP1784 129 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWP1790 129 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWR1715 128 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWR1718 128 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMHWR1721 128 Landmark; 18"H Wall-Mtd CabinetLMKP161 120 Landmark; Support PanelLMPA2018 115 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPA2030 116 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPA2036 117 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPA2318 115 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPA2330 116 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPA2336 117 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPB2018 115 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPD2018 115 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPD2030 116 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPD2036 117 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPD2318 115 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPD2330 116 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPD2336 117 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPE2018 115 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPE2030 116 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPE2036 117 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPE2318 115 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPE2330 116 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPE2336 117 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPF2018 115 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMPF2318 115 Landmark; Ped for Use w/CredLMTA2130 123 Landmark; 72"H Storage TowerLMTA2136 123 Landmark; 72"H Storage TowerLMTA2430 123 Landmark; 72"H Storage TowerLMTA2436 123 Landmark; 72"H Storage TowerLMTF2118 122 Landmark; 72"H Storage TowerLMTF2130 123 Landmark; 72"H Storage TowerLMTF2136 123 Landmark; 72"H Storage TowerLMTF2418 122 Landmark; 72"H Storage TowerLMTF2430 123 Landmark; 72"H Storage TowerLMTF2436 123 Landmark; 72"H Storage TowerLMTG2118 122 Landmark; 72"H Storage TowerLMTG2418 122 Landmark; 72"H Storage TowerLMTP30 137 Landmark; TackboardLMTP36 137 Landmark; TackboardLMTP42 137 Landmark; TackboardLMTP54 137 Landmark; TackboardLMTP72 137 Landmark; TackboardLMTP90 137 Landmark; TackboardLMTPW30 137 Landmark; Tackboard. LMTPW36 137 Landmark; TackboardStyleNumber Page DescriptionLMTPW42 137 Landmark; TackboardLMTPW54 137 Landmark; TackboardLMTPW72 137 Landmark; TackboardLMTPW90 137 Landmark; TackboardLMWB1536 132 Landmark; Wksf BookcaseLMWB2142 112 Landmark; BridgeLMWB2148 112 Landmark; BridgeLMWB2154 112 Landmark; BridgeLMWB2442 112 Landmark; BridgeLMWB2448 112 Landmark; BridgeLMWB2454 112 Landmark; BridgeLMWBD1536 132 Landmark; Wksf BookcaseLMWC21102 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC21108 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC21114 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC21120 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC2130 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC2136 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC2142 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC2148 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC2154 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC2160 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC2166 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC2172 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC2178 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC2184 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC2190 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC2196 107 Landmark; 21"D Cred WksfLMWC24102 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWC24108 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWC24114 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWC24120 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWC2430 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWC2436 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWC2442 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWC2448 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWC2454 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWC2460 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWC2466 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWC2472 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWC2478 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWC2484 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWC2490 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWC2496 108 Landmark; 24"D Cred WksfLMWR2142L 110 Landmark; 21"D Rtn WksfLMWR2142R 110 Landmark; 21"D Rtn WksfLMWR2148L 110 Landmark; 21"D Rtn WksfLMWR2148R 110 Landmark; 21"D Rtn WksfLMWR2154L 110 Landmark; 21"D Rtn WksfLMWR2154R 110 Landmark; 21"D Rtn WksfLMWR2160L 110 Landmark; 21"D Rtn WksfLMWR2160R 110 Landmark; 21"D Rtn WksfLMWR2166L 110 Landmark; 21"D Rtn WksfLMWR2166R 110 Landmark; 21"D Rtn Wksf. LMWR2172L 110 Landmark; 21"D Rtn Wksf.Resources<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cStyle Number Index, continued 419

Style Number Index, continuedStyleNumber Page DescriptionLMWR2172R 110 Landmark; 21"D Rtn WksfLMWR2442L 111 Landmark; 24"D Rtn WksfLMWR2442R 111 Landmark; 24"D Rtn WksfLMWR2448L 111 Landmark; 24"D Rtn WksfLMWR2448R 111 Landmark; 24"D Rtn WksfLMWR2454L 111 Landmark; 24"D Rtn WksfLMWR2454R 111 Landmark; 24"D Rtn WksfLMWR2460L 111 Landmark; 24"D Rtn WksfLMWR2460R 111 Landmark; 24"D Rtn WksfLMWR2466L 111 Landmark; 24"D Rtn WksfLMWR2466R 111 Landmark; 24"D Rtn WksfLMWR2472L 111 Landmark; 24"D Rtn WksfLMWR2472R 111 Landmark; 24"D Rtn WksfLS1FSC 55, 139, Daisy Chain Cord169, 221,277, 329LS6FSC 55, 139, Daisy Chain Cord169, 221,277, 329LSM24K 54, 138, Standard Shelf Light168, 220,276, 328LSM24KC 54, 138, Standard Shelf Light168, 220,276, 328LSM24KD 54, 138, Standard Shelf Light168, 220,276, 328LSM24KF 55, 139, Standard Shelf Light169, 221,277, 329LSM24KFC 55, 139, Standard Shelf Light169, 221,277, 329LSM24KFD 55, 139, Standard Shelf Light169, 221,277, 329LSM36K 54, 138, Standard Shelf Light168, 220,276, 328LSM36KC 54, 138, Standard Shelf Light168, 220,276, 328LSM36KD 54, 138, Standard Shelf Light168, 220,276, 328LSM36KF 55, 139, Standard Shelf Light169, 221,277, 329LSM36KFC 55, 139, Standard Shelf Light169, 221,277, 329LSM36KFD 55, 139, Standard Shelf Light169, 221,277, 329LSM48K 54, 138, Standard Shelf Light168, 220,276, 328LSM48KC 54, 138, Standard Shelf Light168, 220,276, 328.StyleNumber Page DescriptionLSM48KD 54, 138, Standard Shelf Light168, 220,276, 328LSM48KF 55, 139, Standard Shelf Light169, 221,277, 329LSM48KFC 55, 139, Standard Shelf Light169, 221,277, 329LSM48KFD 55, 139, Standard Shelf Light169, 221,277, 329PTGRMT 135 Landmark; Field-Inst Rd GrommetRMCL3091 386 Richard Meier; CredenzaRMCR3091 386 Richard Meier; CredenzaRMDL0802 385 Richard Meier; Reception Desk w/RtnRMDL3678 382 Richard Meier; DeskRMDL3691 382 Richard Meier; DeskRMDL3900 384 Richard Meier; Reception DeskRMDR0802 385 Richard Meier; Reception Desk w/RtnRMDR3678 382 Richard Meier; DeskRMDR3691 382 Richard Meier; DeskRMDR3900 384 Richard Meier; Reception DeskRMFL3014 394 Richard Meier; SofasRMFR3014 394 Richard Meier; SofasRMGL3691 381 Richard Meier; Desk with Glass TopRMGR3691 381 Richard Meier; Desk with Glass TopRMHL3060 394 Richard Meier; ChairsRMHR3060 394 Richard Meier; ChairsRMLL0202 383 Richard Meier; Desk with ReturnRMLL3091 386 Richard Meier; CredenzaRMLL8802 383 Richard Meier; Desk with ReturnRMLR0202 383 Richard Meier; Desk with ReturnRMLR3091 386 Richard Meier; CredenzaRMLR8802 383 Richard Meier; Desk with ReturnRMNL3096 394 Richard Meier; BenchesRMNR3096 394 Richard Meier; BenchesRMPA1 387 Richard Meier; A-Series PedestalRMPA10 387 Richard Meier; A-Series PedestalRMPA11 387 Richard Meier; A-Series PedestalRMPA12 387 Richard Meier; A-Series PedestalRMPA2 387 Richard Meier; A-Series PedestalRMPA3 387 Richard Meier; A-Series PedestalRMPA4 387 Richard Meier; A-Series PedestalRMPA5 387 Richard Meier; A-Series PedestalRMPA6 387 Richard Meier; A-Series PedestalRMPA7 387 Richard Meier; A-Series PedestalRMPA8 387 Richard Meier; A-Series PedestalRMPA9 387 Richard Meier; A-Series PedestalRMPB1 388 Richard Meier; B-Series PedestalRMPB2 388 Richard Meier; B-Series PedestalRMPB3 388 Richard Meier; B-Series PedestalRMPB4 388 Richard Meier; B-Series PedestalRMPB5 388 Richard Meier; B-Series PedestalRMPB6 388 Richard Meier; B-Series PedestalRMPB7 388 Richard Meier; B-Series Pedestal..420 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Style Number IndexStyleNumber Page DescriptionRMPB8 388 Richard Meier; B-Series PedestalRMPC1 389 Richard Meier; C-Series PedestalRMPC2 389 Richard Meier; C-Series PedestalRMPC3 389 Richard Meier; C-Series PedestalRMPC4 389 Richard Meier; C-Series PedestalRMPC5 389 Richard Meier; C-Series PedestalRMPC6 389 Richard Meier; C-Series PedestalRMPD1 390 Richard Meier; D-Series PedestalRMPD2 390 Richard Meier; D-Series PedestalRMPD3 390 Richard Meier; D-Series PedestalRMPD4 390 Richard Meier; D-Series PedestalRMPD5 390 Richard Meier; D-Series PedestalRMPD6 390 Richard Meier; D-Series PedestalRMPD7 390 Richard Meier; D-Series PedestalRMPD8 390 Richard Meier; D-Series PedestalRMPE1 391 Richard Meier; E-Series PedestalRMPE2 391 Richard Meier; E-Series PedestalRMPE3 391 Richard Meier; E-Series PedestalRMPE4 391 Richard Meier; E-Series PedestalRMPE5 391 Richard Meier; E-Series PedestalRMPE6 391 Richard Meier; E-Series PedestalRMWL0293 393 Richard Meier; WorkwallRMWL10293 393 Richard Meier; WorkwallRMWL11985 393 Richard Meier; WorkwallRMWL12791 393 Richard Meier; WorkwallRMWL1985 393 Richard Meier; WorkwallRMWL2791 393 Richard Meier; WorkwallRMWR0293 393 Richard Meier; WorkwallRMWR10293 393 Richard Meier; WorkwallRMWR11985 393 Richard Meier; WorkwallRMWR12791 393 Richard Meier; WorkwallRMWR1985 393 Richard Meier; WorkwallRMWR2791 393 Richard Meier; WorkwallTB2D3672 167 Tableau; Desk, Double PedestalTB2DWL3672 167 Tableau; Desk, Double PedestalTB2DWR3672 167 Tableau; Desk, Double PedestalTBBD1736 214 Tableau; Worksurface BookcaseTBBDL1718 214 Tableau; Worksurface BookcaseTBBDR1718 214 Tableau; Worksurface BookcaseTBBL1672 215 Tableau; Freestanding BookcaseTBBR1672 215 Tableau; Freestanding BookcaseTBBS1718 214 Tableau; Worksurface BookcaseTBBS1736 214 Tableau; Worksurface BookcaseTBC2436 183 Tableau; 36"W CredenzaTBC2436S 199 Tableau; 36"W CredenzaTBCFKF2472 185 Tableau; 72"W CredenzaTBCFK24108 194 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCFK24108S 210 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCFK2472 186 Tableau; 72"W CredenzaTBCFK2472S 201 Tableau; 72"W CredenzaTBCFK2490 189 Tableau; 90"W CredenzaTBCFK2490S 205 Tableau; 90"W CredenzaTBCFKF2472S 201 Tableau; 72"W CredenzaTBCFKF2490 189 Tableau; 90"W Credenza. TBCFKF2490S 205 Tableau; 90"W CredenzaStyleNumber Page DescriptionTBCFKL2408 193 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCFKL2408S 209 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCK24108 197 Tableau; 108"W Kneewell CredenzaTBCK24108S 212 Tableau; 108"W Kneewell CredenzaTBCKF24108 195 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCKF24108S 210 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCKF2472 186 Tableau; 72"W CredenzaTBCKF2472S 201 Tableau; 72"W CredenzaTBCKF2490 189 Tableau; 90"W CredenzaTBCKF2490S 205 Tableau; 90"W CredenzaTBCKFL2408 194 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCKFL2408S 210 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCKFL2490 190 Tableau; 90"W CredenzaTBCKFL2490S 206 Tableau; 90"W CredenzaTBCKL24108 194 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCKL24108S 209 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCKL2472 185 Tableau; 72"W CredenzaTBCKL2472S 201 Tableau; 72"W CredenzaTBCKL2490 190 Tableau; 90"W CredenzaTBCKL2490S 205 Tableau; 90"W CredenzaTBCKP24108 195 Tableau; 108"W Cred with PowerPedTBCKP24108S 211 Tableau; 108"W Cred with PowerPedTBCKP2472 186 Tableau; 72"W Credenza with PowerPedTBCKP2472S 202 Tableau; 72"W Credenza with PowerPedTBCKP2490 190 Tableau; 90"W Credenza with PowerPedTBCKP2490S 206 Tableau; 90"W Credenza with PowerPedTBCL24108 193 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCL24198S 209 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCL2472 185 Tableau; 72"W CredenzaTBCL2472S 201 Tableau; 72"W CredenzaTBCLF2490S 205 Tableau; 90"W CredenzaTBCLFK2408 194 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCLFK2408S 210 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCLFK2490 190 Tableau; 90"W CrecenzaTBCLFK2490S 206 Tableau; 90"W CredenzaTBCLFL2490 189 Tableau; 90"W CredenzaTBCLK24108 194 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCLK24108S 210 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCLK2472 185 Tableau; 72"W CredenzaTBCLK2472S 201 Tableau; 72"W CredenzaTBCLK2490 190 Tableau; 90"W CredenzaTBCLK2490S 206 Tableau; 90"W CredenzaTBCLKF2408 193 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCLKF2408S 209 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCLKL2408 193 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCLKL2408S 209 Tableau; 108"W CredenzaTBCPK24108 195 Tableau; 108"W Cred with PowerPedTBCPK24108S 211 Tableau; 108"W Cred with PowerPedTBCPK2472 186 Tableau; 72"W Credenza with PowerPedTBCPK2472S 202 Tableau; 72"W Credenza with PowerPedTBCPK2490 190 Tableau; 90"W Credenza with PowerPedTBCPK2490S 206 Tableau; 90"W Credenza with PowerPedTBCPKP2408 197 Tableau; 108"W Kneewell CredenzaTBCPKP2408S 212 Tableau; 108"W Kneewell Credenza. TBD3672L 169 Tableau; Desk, Single Pedestal.Resources<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cStyle Number Index, continued 421

Style Number Index, continuedStyleNumber Page DescriptionTBD3672R 169 Tableau; Desk, Single PedestalTBDWL3672L 169 Tableau; Desk, Single PedestalTBDWR672R 169 Tableau; Desk, Single PedestalTBLFF2454L 177 Tableau; ReturnTBLFF2454R 177 Tableau; ReturnTBLL2454L 177 Tableau; ReturnTBLL2454R 177 Tableau; ReturnTBLP2454L 179 Tableau; Return with PowerPedTBLP2454R 179 Tableau; Return with PowerPedTBP3684L 175 Tableau; P-Shape Run-Off TableTBP3684R 175 Tableau; P-Shape Run-Off TableTBR3060L 173 Tableau; Run-Off TableTBR3060R 173 Tableau; Run-Off TableTBR3672L 171 Tableau; Run-Off TableTBR3672R 171 Tableau; Run-Off TableTBRWL3672L 171 Tableau; Run-Off TableTBRWR3672R 171 Tableau; Run-Off TableTBSD17108 198 Tableau; Service ModuleTBSD1736 198 Tableau; Service ModuleTBSD1772 198 Tableau; Service ModuleTBSD1790 198 Tableau; Service ModuleTBSS17108 198 Tableau; Service ModuleTBSS1736 198 Tableau; Service ModuleTBSS1772 198 Tableau; Service ModuleTBSS1790 198 Tableau; Service ModuleTBTD2436 217 Tableau; Vertical CabinetTBTD3672 165 Tableau; Table DeskTBTDL2418 216 Tableau; Vertical CabinetTBTDL2436 217 Tableau; Vertical CabinetTBTDR2418 216 Tableau; Vertical CabinetTBTDW3672 165 Tableau; Table Desk with WrapperTBU2445 180 Tableau; BridgeTBWD17108 213 Tableau; Wall-Mtd/Spanning CabinetTBWD1736 213 Tableau; Wall-Mtd/Spanning CabinetTBWD1772 213 Tableau; Wall-Mtd/Spanning CabinetTBWD1790 213 Tableau; Wall-Mtd/Spanning CabinetTBWS17108 213 Tableau; Wall-Mtd/Spanning CabinetTBWS1736 213 Tableau; Wall-Mtd/Spanning CabinetTBWS1772 213 Tableau; Wall-Mtd/Spanning CabinetTBWS1790 213 Tableau; Wall-Mtd/Spanning CabinetTE6N30117 67 Temp AE; 117 7 ⁄8"W Hutch CredenzaTE7N30136 69 Temp AE; 136 7 ⁄16"W Hutch CredenzaTE8N30155 71 Temp AE; 155 1 ⁄2"W Hutch CredenzaTECB654L 79 Temp AE; Temporal TableTECB654R 79 Temp AE; Temporal TableTECT858L 79 Temp AE; Temporal TableTECT858R 79 Temp AE; Temporal TableTECT872L 79 Temp AE; Temporal TableTECT872R 79 Temp AE; Temporal TableTEHEL919 78 Temp AE; Temporal Hutch ExtensionTEHER919 78 Temp AE; Temporal Hutch ExtensionTEHL114 77 Temp AE; Temporal HutchTEHR114 77 Temp AE; Temporal HutchTEJDD24 85 Temp AE; 38"W Pedestal Substitution. TEJDD30 75 Temp AE; 38"W Pedestal SubstitutionStyleNumber Page DescriptionTEJE24 85 Temp AE; 19"W Pedestal SubstitutionTEJE30 73 Temp AE; 19"W Pedestal SubstitutionTEJEE24 85 Temp AE; 38"W Pedestal SubstitutionTEJEE30 75 Temp AE; 38"W Pedestal SubstitutionTEJEP24 85 Temp AE; 38"W Pedestal SubstitutionTEJEP30 75 Temp AE; 38"W Pedestal SubstitutionTEJLF30 75 Temp AE; 38"W Pedestal SubstitutionTEJP30 73 Temp AE; 19"W Pedestal SubstitutionTEJPE24 85 Temp AE; 38"W Pedestal SubstitutionTEJPE30 75 Temp AE; 38"W Pedestal SubstitutionTEJPP24 85 Temp AE; 38"W Pedestal SubstitutionTEJPP30 75 Temp AE; 38"W Pedestal SubstitutionTEJSL30 73 Temp AE; 19"W Pedestal SubstitutionTEJSR30 73 Temp AE; 19"W Pedestal SubstitutionTEMPBF19 81 Temp AE; Mobile PedestalTER2677L 82 Temp AE; Temporal Storage ReturnTER2677LL 83 Temp AE; Temporal Storage ReturnTER2677LLL 83 Temp AE; Temporal Storage ReturnTER2677LLR 83 Temp AE; Temporal Storage ReturnTER2677LPL 83 Temp AE; Temporal Storage ReturnTER2677LPR 83 Temp AE; Temporal Storage ReturnTER2677LR 83 Temp AE; Temporal Storage ReturnTER2677PL 83 Temp AE; Temporal Storage ReturnTER2677PR 83 Temp AE; Temporal Storage ReturnTER2677R 82 Temp AE; Temporal Storage ReturnTERCD48 80 Temp AE; Temporal DeskTERCD60 80 Temp AE; Temporal DeskTES115 86 Temp AE; SlatwallTET115 87 Temp AE; TackboardTR18BP 319, 321 Translations; Back PanelTRBD2736 270 Translations; BridgeTRBD2742 270 Translations; BridgeTRBD2748 270 Translations; BridgeTRBD2754 270 Translations; BridgeTRBS1236 271 Translations; Bridge ShelfTRBS1242 271 Translations; Bridge ShelfTRBS1248 271 Translations; Bridge ShelfTRBS1254 271 Translations; Bridge ShelfTRC27105 275 Translations; Credenza ShellTRC27105B 277 Translations; Credenza ShellTRC27111 275 Translations; Credenza ShellTRC27111B 277 Translations; Credenza ShellTRC2733 272 Translations; Lateral File ShellTRC2739 272 Translations; Lateral File ShellTRC2763 275 Translations; Credenza ShellTRC2763B 277 Translations; Credenza ShellTRC2769 275 Translations; Credenza ShellTRC2769B 277 Translations; Credenza ShellTRC2775 275 Translations; Credenza ShellTRC2775B 277 Translations; Credenza ShellTRC2781 275 Translations; Credenza ShellTRC2781B 277 Translations; Credenza ShellTRC2787 275 Translations; Credenza ShellTRC2787B 277 Translations; Credenza Shell. TRC2793 275 Translations; Credenza Shell.422 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Style Number IndexStyleNumber Page DescriptionTRC2793B 277 Translations; Credenza ShellTRC2799 275 Translations; Credenza ShellTRC2799B 277 Translations; Credenza ShellTRCCSP 275, 277, Translations; Center Support Panel295, 297TRCD3060L 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCD3060R 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3042L 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3042LC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3042R 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3042RC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3048L 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3048LC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3048R 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3048RC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3054L 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3054LC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3054R 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3054RC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3060LC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3060RC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3066L 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3066LC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3066R 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3066RC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3072L 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3072LC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3072R 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3072RC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3666L 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3666LC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3666R 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3666RC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3672L 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3672LC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3672R 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3672RC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3678L 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3678LC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3678R 265 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRCT3678RC 266 Translations; Run-Off Desk ShellTRDL3072 262 Translations; Desk ShellTRDL3072C 263 Translations; Desk ShellTRDL3672 262 Translations; Desk ShellTRDL3672C 263 Translations; Desk ShellTRDL3678 262 Translations; Desk ShellTRDL3678C 263 Translations; Desk ShellTRDR3072 262 Translations; Desk ShellTRDR3072C 263 Translations; Desk ShellTRDR3672 262 Translations; Desk ShellTRDR3672C 263 Translations; Desk ShellTRDR3678 262 Translations; Desk ShellTRDR3678C 263 Translations; Desk ShellTRDS3060 262 Translations; Desk Shell. TRDS3060C 263 Translations; Desk ShellStyleNumber Page DescriptionTRDS3066 262 Translations; Desk ShellTRDS3066C 263 Translations; Desk ShellTRDS3072 262 Translations; Desk ShellTRDS3072C 263 Translations; Desk ShellTRDS3666 262 Translations; Desk ShellTRDS3666C 263 Translations; Desk ShellTRDS3672 262 Translations; Desk ShellTRDS3672C 263 Translations; Desk ShellTRDS3678 262 Translations; Desk ShellTRDS3678C 263 Translations; Desk ShellTREPL48 316 Translations; Workwall End PanelTREPL89 316 Translations; Workwall End PanelTREPR48 316 Translations; Workwall End PanelTREPR89 316 Translations; Workwall End PanelTRESLM 317 Translations; Workwall End Shlf UnitTRESRM 317 Translations; Workwall End Shlf UnitTRLD2430 322 Translations; 30"W PedestalTRLD2430L 323 Translations; 30"W Locking PedestalTRLD2436 324 Translations; 36"W PedestalTRLD2436L 325 Translations; 36"W Locking PedestalTRLF2430 322 Translations; 30"W PedestalTRLF2430L 323 Translations; 30"W Locking PedestalTRLF2436 324 Translations; 36"W PedestalTRLF2436L 325 Translations; 36"W Locking PedestalTRP2F24L 319 Translations; 18"W PedestalTRP2F24LL 321 Translations; 18"W Locking PedestalTRP2F24R 319 Translations; 18"W PedestalTRP2F24RL 321 Translations; 18"W Locking PedestalTRPBF24L 319 Translations; 18"W PedestalTRPBF24LL 321 Translations; 18"W Locking PedestalTRPBF24R 319 Translations; 18"W PedestalTRPBF24RL 321 Translations; 18"W Locking PedestalTRPL44 293 Translations; Open-Office Ptn WallTRPL70 293 Translations; Open-Office Ptn WallTRPL76 293 Translations; Open-Office Ptn WallTRPL82 293 Translations; Open-Office Ptn WallTRPL88 293 Translations; Open-Office Ptn WallTRPLD24R 319 Translations; 18"W PedestalTRPLD24RL 321 Translations; 18"W Locking PedestalTRPR44 293 Translations; Open-Office Ptn WallTRPR70 293 Translations; Open-Office Ptn WallTRPR76 293 Translations; Open-Office Ptn WallTRPR82 293 Translations; Open-Office Ptn WallTRPR88 293 Translations; Open-Office Ptn WallTRPRD24L 319 Translations; 18"W PedestalTRPRD24LL 321 Translations; 18"W Locking PedestalTRPS44 293 Translations; Open-Office Ptn WallTRPS70 293 Translations; Open-Office Ptn WallTRPS76 293 Translations; Open-Office Ptn WallTRPS82 293 Translations; Open-Office Ptn WallTRPS88 293 Translations; Open-Office Ptn WallTRRS2736L 269 Translations; Return ShellTRRS2736R 269 Translations; Return ShellTRRS2742L 269 Translations; Return Shell. TRRS2742R 269 Translations; Return Shell.Resources<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> cStyle Number Index, continued 423

Style Number Index, continuedStyleNumber Page DescriptionTRRS2748L 269 Translations; Return ShellTRRS2748R 269 Translations; Return ShellTRRS2754L 269 Translations; Return ShellTRRS2754R 269 Translations; Return ShellTRRS2760L 269 Translations; Return ShellTRRS2760R 269 Translations; Return ShellTRRS2766L 269 Translations; Return ShellTRRS2766R 269 Translations; Return ShellTRRS2772L 269 Translations; Return ShellTRRS2772R 269 Translations; Return ShellTRRS2778L 269 Translations; Return ShellTRRS2778R 269 Translations; Return ShellTRTLDS 301 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTLDSV 303 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTLDW 301 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTLDW2F 301 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTLDW2FV 303 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTLDWS2F 301 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTLDWS2FV 303 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTLDWV 303 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTRDS 301 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTRDSV 303 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTRDW 301 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTRDW2F 301 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTRDW2FV 303 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTRDWS2F 301 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTRDWS2FV 303 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTRDWV 303 Translations; 18"W TowerTRTS30 304 Translations; 30"W TowerTRTS30V 307 Translations; 30"W TowerTRTS36 308 Translations; 36"W TowerTRTS36V 311 Translations; 36"W TowerTRTS42 313 Translations; 42"W TowerTRTS42V 315 Translations; 42"W TowerTRTSLW30 305 Translations; 30"W TowerTRTSLW30V 307 Translations; 30"W TowerTRTSLW36 309 Translations; 36"W TowerTRTSLW36V 311 Translations; 36"W TowerTRTSLW42 313 Translations; 42"W TowerTRTSLW42V 315 Translations; 42"W TowerTRTSLWF30 305 Translations; 30"W TowerTRTSLWF30V 307 Translations; 30"W TowerTRTSLWF36 309 Translations; 36"W TowerTRTSLWF36V 311 Translations; 36"W TowerTRTSRW30 305 Translations; 30"W TowerTRTSRW30V 307 Translations; 30"W TowerTRTSRW36 309 Translations; 36"W TowerTRTSRW36V 311 Translations; 36"W TowerTRTSRW42 313 Translations; 42"W TowerTRTSRW42V 315 Translations; 42"W TowerTRTSRWF30 305 Translations; 30"W TowerTRTSRWF30V 307 Translations; 30"W TowerTRTSRWF36 309 Translations; 36"W TowerTRTSRWF36V 311 Translations; 36"W Tower. TRTW30 304 Translations; 30"W TowerStyleNumber Page DescriptionTRTW30V 306 Translations; 30"W TowerTRTW36 308 Translations; 36"W TowerTRTW36V 310 Translations; 36"W TowerTRTW42 313 Translations; 42"W TowerTRTW42V 315 Translations; 42"W TowerTRTWF30 305 Translations; 30"W TowerTRTWF30V 307 Translations; 30"W TowerTRTWF36 309 Translations; 36"W TowerTRTWF36V 311 Translations; 36"W TowerTRUB48 289 Translations; Open-Office BridgeTRUB54 289 Translations; Open-Office BridgeTRUBK109 290 Translations; Open-Office Back UnitTRUBK121 290 Translations; Open-Office Back UnitTRUBK73 290 Translations; Open-Office Back UnitTRUBK79 290 Translations; Open-Office Back UnitTRUBK85 290 Translations; Open-Office Back UnitTRUBK97 290 Translations; Open-Office Back UnitTRUC24 287 Translations; Open-Office Cor UnitTRUCSP 290 Translations; Center Support PanelTRUEL50 279 Translations; Open-Office End UnitTRUEL50V 281 Translations; Open-Office End UnitTRUEL56 279 Translations; Open-Office End UnitTRUEL56V 281 Translations; Open-Office End UnitTRUEL62 279 Translations; Open-Office End UnitTRUEL62V 281 Translations; Open-Office End UnitTRUER50 279 Translations; Open-Office End UnitTRUER50V 281 Translations; Open-Office End UnitTRUER56 279 Translations; Open-Office End UnitTRUER56V 281 Translations; Open-Office End UnitTRUER62 279 Translations; Open-Office End UnitTRUER62V 281 Translations; Open-Office End UnitTRUNL24 284 Translations; Open-Office Intmd UnitTRUNL30 285 Translations; Open-Office Intmd UnitTRUNL36 286 Translations; Open-Office Intmd UnitTRUNR24 284 Translations; Open-Office Intmd UnitTRUNR30 285 Translations; Open-Office Intmd UnitTRUNR36 286 Translations; Open-Office Intmd UnitTRURL36 288 Translations; Open-Office Rtn ShellTRURL42 288 Translations; Open-Office Rtn ShellTRURL48 288 Translations; Open-Office Rtn ShellTRURL54 288 Translations; Open-Office Rtn ShellTRURR36 288 Translations; Open-Office Rtn ShellTRURR42 288 Translations; Open-Office Rtn ShellTRURR48 288 Translations; Open-Office Rtn ShellTRURR54 288 Translations; Open-Office Rtn ShellTRUT50 282 Translations; Open-Office Trans TopTRUT56 282 Translations; Open-Office Trans TopTRUT62 282 Translations; Open-Office Trans TopTRUTB50 283 Translations; Open-Office Mtg CompTRUTB56 283 Translations; Open-Office Mtg CompTRUTB62 283 Translations; Open-Office Mtg CompTRWCB27104 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCB27104V 297 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCB27110 295 Translations; Workcenter Unit. TRWCB27110V 297 Translations; Workcenter Unit.424 <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

Style Number IndexStyleNumber Page DescriptionTRWCB2792 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCB2792V 297 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCB2798 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCB2798V 297 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC27104 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC27104V 297 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC27110 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC27110V 297 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC2732 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC2732V 297 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC2738 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC2738V 297 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC2762 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC2762V 297 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC2774 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC2774V 297 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC2792 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC2792V 297 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC2798 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCC2798V 297 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCS27104 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCS27110 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCS2732 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCS2738 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCS2762 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCS2774 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCS2792 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWCS2798 295 Translations; Workcenter UnitTRWVP104 299 Translations; Wd Vnr Tkbd ReplacemntTRWVP110 299 Translations; Wd Vnr Tkbd ReplacemntTRWVP32 299 Translations; Wd Vnr Tkbd ReplacemntTRWVP38 299 Translations; Wd Vnr Tkbd ReplacemntTRWVP62 299 Translations; Wd Vnr Tkbd ReplacemntTRWVP74 299 Translations; Wd Vnr Tkbd ReplacemntTRWVP92 299 Translations; Wd Vnr Tkbd ReplacemntTRWVP98 299 Translations; Wd Vnr Tkbd Replacemnt...Resources<strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> 425

Trademark List.® The following registered trademarks are usedunder license from Steelcase DevelopmentCorporation: Accelerate, Addition, Ally,Answer, Anthem, Arrondi, Avenir, Ballet,Brayton International, Brayton TextileCollection, Breton, Broadmoor, CaneCreek,Canto, Chancellor, Collegium, Company,Concentrx, Conjunction, Context, Criterion,Crushed Can, Decorum, Designtex, Details,Drive, Elective Elements, Ellipse, EmberChrome, Emerge, Etude, Exclamation Mark,Firstfile, Gentry, Ginkgo, Ginkgo Biloba,Hardwear, Ideo, Internode, Jersey, Kart, Kick,LaCosta, Latour, Leap, Let’s B, Lucy, Lyra,Lytyn, Manhattan Product Configuration,Maxstacker, Media Dock, Metro, Migrations,Miko, Montage, Novasuede, Oriana, Paladin,Paperflo, Parade, Paradigm, Pathways,Perfect Match, Player, Power Pincher,Protégé, Raf System, Rally, Rapport,Relevant, Reply, Revest, Secant, Segment,Sensor, Series 9000, Springboard, Steelcase,Steelcase Design Partnership, SteelcaseWorkplace Performance, <strong>Stow</strong> <strong>Davis</strong>,TeamWork, Technique, Treehouse, Trilogy,Turnstone, Underscore, Valencia, Vecta,Vectaflex, Werndl, Wizard, and Workflo.® The following is a registered trademark ofLeviton Manufacturing Company, Little Neck,NY: Decora.® The following is a registered trademark ofMicrosoft Corporation, Redmond, WA:Microsoft.® The following is a registered trademark ofPanduit Corporation, Lockport, IL: Panduit.® The following is a registered trademark ofTrav (Press), Cuneo, Italy: Assisa.® The following is a registered trademark ofVirtual Ink Corporation: mimioActive.® The following registered trademarks are underlicense from Wilkhahn Furniture Products:Avera, Confair, Senzo, Versal, and WilkhahnFS.. The following trademarks are used underlicense from Steelcase DevelopmentCorporation: 4 o’clock, à la carte,Active/Passive Shelf, Activity Products, Adia,Alcove, Alerion, Alexander Street Collection,Aliso, Allegro, Alongside, American Elect,American Tradition, Anson, Arbor,Archipelago, Archive Collection, Arriva, Ascot,Astor, Austin, Avalon, Barrymore, Berwick,Bira, Bix, Bonn, Boomerang, Booth, Bradbury,Breadbox, Brio, Buxton, Cachet, Callahan,Camber, Canopy, Cappucino, Catalina, CbP,Chester, Chorus, Chronos, Churchill, Ciao,Clarendon, Classic Rectangular, Clou,Collaboration, Collins, Cologne, Colorbox,Common (Shelf), Commons, Community,Community Base Planning, Convene, Convey,Cortex, Cosima, Croix, Cubby, Cubis,Cushion, Customiz, Dataduct, Datum, Debut,Deck, Dedoes, Detour, Detriana, DNA,Domain, Donovan, Dorchester, Downspout,Drop Top Hutch, Duospace, Eastlake,Eastridge, Eco, Ella, Elsa, Emmy, Encounter,Enea, EnSync, Ensemble, Entourage,Environmental Impact, Equinox, Escapade,Et Al, E-table, Everest, Exponents, Express12,Extreme Conditions, Fillmore, Flat Top, Fling,Flip Top, Footnote, Fortuna, Frontier, Futu,Fuji, Galilie, Galveston, Garland, Ginger,Glenwood, Go Wall, Greco, Greenbrier, Grip,Groove, Group Work, Hannah, Hatch,Hatchback, Hatteras, Health Design, Herren,Hitch, Huddleboard, Impact, Incognito, Indy,InfoWizard, InterAct, IOS, I-Solve, Jacket,Jenny, Jetty, Juice, Kelly, Kendo, Kiana,L’Attitude, Lazlo, Lean Too, Lemon, Lift-N-Slide, Lotus, Lyric, M/O, Malibu, Manhatten,Mansfield, Martini, Masque, Mingle, Monarch,Monteray, Montreal, MyWizard, Nadia, Nickel,Nine, Ontrak, Onyx, Outlook, Paloma,Parliament, Parts Advantage, Pasio,Passarelle, Patriarch, Patterson, Payback,Peek, Pendio, Personal Border, Pier Top,Pipe, Pisa, Playback, Portal, Progeny,Quotient, Radio, Rag Top, Rei, Request,Reunion, Rhine, Rialto, Ricetta, Riser, RizziArc, Rocco, RoomWizard, Rover, Runaround,Runner, Sage, Satellite, Scribe, Shadow,Shield, Shortbed, Skinny, Sidebar, Sidewalk,Sieste, Sine, Smoke, Snug, Softwork, Sonata,Spinz, Sportswear, St. Clair, Stafford,Stationkits, Stiletto, Stuttgart, Super Shelf,Surprise!, Swathmore, Switch, Tableau, Taco,Template, Terrazzo, Tessare, Theorem, Tonga,Topaz, Topo, Top Spin, Touchdown,Translations, Train, Trolly, T-Wall, Umbrella,Underline, Unison, Uno, Utility Bar, Venetia,Walden, Warehouse, Wellaver, Whittier,Windsor, and Wizard WebSigns. The following is a trademark of MicrosoftCorporation, Redmond, WA: Windows. The following is a trademark of Ultrafabrics,LLC, Elmsford, NY: Ultraleather. The following trademarks are used underlicense from Wilkhahn Furniture: Cana, Linus,Logon, Picto, Range, Stitz, Thema, Timetable,and Tubis...

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