development of a manually operated disc-type corn seeder

development of a manually operated disc-type corn seeder development of a manually operated disc-type corn seeder
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Figure 1. The <strong>disc</strong>-<strong>type</strong> <strong>corn</strong> <strong>seeder</strong>4.3. Principle <strong>of</strong> OperationThe principle <strong>of</strong> operation <strong>of</strong> the machine is very simple and requires only one man tooperate. Seeding is accomplished by just pulling or pushing the device in a pre-establishedfurrow. Since the seed hopper is directly attached to the wheel shaft, it will rotate once thewheel rotates. As the seed hopper rotates, seeds will automatically drop into the soil thru theseed outlet by means <strong>of</strong> gravity. After seeding, the furrow will be covered with soil using aspike-toothed harrow.4.4. Testing and EvaluationLaboratory testing was undertaken to determine and check any malfunctioning parts anddefects in the design. As suggested by Christianson and Rohrbach (1986), <strong>disc</strong>overing anydefect will lead to changes and improvement in the design. During the test, the number <strong>of</strong>seed <strong>disc</strong>harged per outlet, missing hills and the number <strong>of</strong> damaged seeds were noted andrecorded. Aside from <strong>corn</strong>, the other kinds <strong>of</strong> seeds tested were: mungbean, soybeans,peanut and palay.Actual field evaluation was carried out in three soil <strong>type</strong>s (clay, silt and sandy) using white<strong>corn</strong> seeds (native variety) as sample. Before planting, the field was prepared properly byrotavating twice and then followed by furrow establishment.4.5. Acceptability <strong>of</strong> the DeviceAfter the actual field testing, the acceptability <strong>of</strong> the <strong>corn</strong> <strong>seeder</strong> was determined. Thefarmers who <strong>operated</strong> the <strong>corn</strong> <strong>seeder</strong> were interviewed and requested to comment on theuse <strong>of</strong> the <strong>seeder</strong>.5. Results and Discussion5.1. Laboratory TestingThe summary data on the average number <strong>of</strong> seeds dropped per hill, seed damaged,missing hill, seeding efficiency and projected plant population per hectare is presented inTables 1 and 2. The average number <strong>of</strong> seeds sown for white and hybrid <strong>corn</strong> were 1.5 and1.9 per hill, respectively. In terms <strong>of</strong> missing hills, the native variety recorded 2% while hybrid<strong>corn</strong> had none. The observed variations in the number <strong>of</strong> seeds dropped per hill and missinghill could be attributed to the differences in the size and configuration <strong>of</strong> the seeds. Hybrid<strong>corn</strong> has a rounded shape and smaller in size hence, easier to flow. As to seeding efficiency,the machine registered 100% efficiency using hybrid <strong>corn</strong> and only 98% under white <strong>corn</strong>.On the other hand, no seed damage was observed on both varieties.Based on the number <strong>of</strong> seeds dropped per hill, the projected plant population for native andhybrid <strong>corn</strong> varieties were 89,640 and 113,544/ha, respectively.

Table 1. Summary data on the average number <strong>of</strong> seeds dropped per hill, seed damaged,missing hill, seeding efficiency and projected plant population per hectare underlaboratory condition.CORNSEEDSAverageNumber<strong>of</strong> SeedsDropped perHillSeedDamaged%P A R T I C U L A R SMissingHill%SeedingEfficiency%ProjectedPlantPopulationper Hectare*White <strong>corn</strong>1.5 0 2.0 98 89,640(Native variety)Hybrid <strong>corn</strong> 1.9 0 0 100 113,544* - computed based on 75x20 cm planting distanceTable 2 shows the performance <strong>of</strong> the <strong>corn</strong> <strong>seeder</strong> using other seed as planting materials. Itwas noted that the device had a 100% seeding efficiency using mungbean, soybeans andungerminated palay seeds, while pre-germinated palay had 98% and only 96% for peanut.On the other hand, ungerminated palay had the highest number <strong>of</strong> seeds sown per hill at12.0 followed by mungbean, pre-germinated palay, soy beans and peanut with 8.3, 5.1, 2.9,and 1.9 respectively. In terms <strong>of</strong> missing hills, pre-germinated palay seeds registered anaverage <strong>of</strong> 2.0% while peanut had 4.0%. The observed variations in the number <strong>of</strong> seedsdropped per hill and missing hills were likewise attributed to the differences in sizes andconfigurations <strong>of</strong> the different seeds used. No seed damage was observed to all the seedsamples tested.Table 2. Summary data on the average number <strong>of</strong> seeds dropped per hill, seed damaged,missing hill and seeding efficiency using other kinds <strong>of</strong> seeds.P A R T I C U L A R SKINDSOFSEEDSAverageNumber <strong>of</strong>SeedSeedDamaged%MissingHill%SeedingEfficiency%Dropped perHillMungbean 8.3 0 0 100Soy beans 2.9 0 0 100Peanut 1.9 0 4.0 96.0Palay (ungerminated) 12.0 0 0 100Palay (pregerminated) 5.1 0 2.0 98.05.2. Field TestingTable 3 shows the summary data on the results <strong>of</strong> field testing using white <strong>corn</strong> (nativevariety) seeds as sample. It can be noted that seedling emergence was numerically higherunder medium soil with 11.6 per linear meter while heavy and light soils had 11.2 and 10.0seedling emergence per linear meter, respectively. Based on the average seedlingemergence per linear meter <strong>of</strong> 10.9, the projected plant population was 130,675/ha. Ascompared to the laboratory test, the higher plant population observed in the actual fieldevaluation was attributed to the <strong>disc</strong>repancies in the traveling speed during the plantingoperation. Such that, as the traveling speed is slower, there is a tendency that higheramount <strong>of</strong> seeds will be dropped at a given distance. In terms <strong>of</strong> plant height, light soil hadthe tallest at 30 cm followed by heavy soil (27.0 cm) and medium soil (25.4 cm). Thedisparity in the height could be due to the <strong>type</strong> <strong>of</strong> soil.

Table 3. Summary data on the average number <strong>of</strong> seeds germinated per linear meter,projected plant population and plant height at 15 DAP.P A R T I C U L A R STYPE OFSOILAverage Number<strong>of</strong> Germinated SeedsProjectedPopulation,PlantHeightcmper Linear MeterPlant/haHeavy soil (Clay) 11.2a 133,862 27.0Medium soil (Silt) 11.6a 138,643 25.4Light soil (Sandy) 10.0a 119,520 30.0Average 10.9 130,675 27.5Significance ns - -* - computed based on 75 cm row distanceStatistical analysis, however, revealed insignificant differences on the number <strong>of</strong> seedsdropped or seedling emergence per linear meter. This implied that the <strong>corn</strong> <strong>seeder</strong> can beused in any <strong>type</strong> <strong>of</strong> soil without affecting its seeding performance.5.3. Field Capacity, Labor Requirement and Labor SavedBased on the field test undertaken in three different soil <strong>type</strong>s, the <strong>corn</strong> <strong>seeder</strong> had anaverage field capacity and labor requirement <strong>of</strong> 0.76 ha/day and 1.4 MD/ha, respectively.This labor in planting is 6.6 - 8.6 MD/ha lower than the traditional practice which requires 8-10 MD/ha. Thus, a savings on labor <strong>of</strong> 82 – 86% can be realized by using the <strong>seeder</strong>.5.4. Acceptability <strong>of</strong> the DeviceAll <strong>of</strong> the farmers interviewed and requested to comment regarding the use <strong>of</strong> the <strong>corn</strong><strong>seeder</strong> said that the machine is acceptable because <strong>of</strong> its versatility - easy to operate,simple in design/mechanism, light in weight, can also be used to plant other seeds likemongo, soybeans peanut and palay and can reduce labor and cost <strong>of</strong> planting. However, itwas recommended that the seed hopper should be replaceable or the size <strong>of</strong> opening andspacing <strong>of</strong> the seed outlet should be adjustable to suit specific <strong>type</strong> <strong>of</strong> seed to be used.Furthermore, the actual field testing should be undertaken alongside and compared with thetraditional or farmer’s practice.6. Summary, Conclusion and RecommendationsA 2-row <strong>corn</strong> <strong>disc</strong> <strong>seeder</strong> was designed, developed and evaluated as to seeding efficiency,capacity and number <strong>of</strong> seeds sown or emerged per linear meter. Likewise, the machinewhich was primarily designed for planting <strong>corn</strong> was also tested using other seeds like:mungbean, soybeans, peanut and palay. Actual field testing using white <strong>corn</strong> seeds (nativevariety) as sample was carried out in three different soil <strong>type</strong>s (clay, silt and sandy). Theacceptability <strong>of</strong> the <strong>corn</strong> <strong>seeder</strong> was likewise determined by interviewing the farmers whoactually used the machine.Results revealed that the <strong>corn</strong> <strong>seeder</strong> had a seeding efficiency <strong>of</strong> 96 -100% and a missinghill ranged from 0 – 4 %. Further, it was observed that soil <strong>type</strong>s had no significant effect onthe average number <strong>of</strong> seeds sown or germinated per linear meter. This means that theseeding performance <strong>of</strong> the device is not adversely affected by the different <strong>type</strong>s <strong>of</strong> soil. Onthe other hand, the average field capacity and labor requirement were noted to be 0.76ha/day and 1.40 MD/ha, respectively. As compared to the traditional practice, a savings onlabor <strong>of</strong> 82 – 86% can be realized by using the <strong>seeder</strong>.In terms <strong>of</strong> acceptability, all the farmers interviewed said that the machine is acceptablebecause <strong>of</strong> its versatility - easy to operate, simple in design/mechanism, light in weight, canalso be used to plant other seeds and can reduce labor and cost <strong>of</strong> planting.

Based on the results, it was recommended that the seed hopper should be replaceable orthe size <strong>of</strong> opening and spacing <strong>of</strong> the seed outlet should be adjustable to suit specific <strong>type</strong><strong>of</strong> seed to be used. Furthermore, the actual field testing should be undertaken alongside andcompared with the traditional or farmer’s practice.7. AcknowledgementIn behalf <strong>of</strong> the implementing institution, Northwestern University and Mariano Marcos StateUniversity, the authors would like to acknowledge the Commission on Higher Education-Grant in Aid (CHED-GIA) Program thru the CHED Zonal Research Center-ProgramCluster Implementer (ZRC-PCI), Saint Louis University, Baguio City for the much neededfunding support. Deep appreciation is also extended to Dr. Gaston P. Kibiten, ZRC-PCIDirector for the valuable suggestions during the conceptualization and refinement <strong>of</strong> theresearch proposal and Mr. Carl Johnson Anacin, ZRC-PCI staff, for his valuable guidanceduring the conduct till the completion <strong>of</strong> the project.8. Reference ListChristianson, L. L. & Rohrbach, R. P. (1986). Design in Agricultural Engineering. AmericanSociety <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Engineers, Michigan, USA.Cruz, R. Dela T. (2007). Every good standing starts with a good <strong>corn</strong> planter. TechnologyBrochure, Vol. 9, No. 2. Council for Agriculture Resources Research and Development Book Series,(2009). Agricultural mechanization in the Philippines. Philippine Council forAgriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development.Roth, G., Antle, M. & Harcom, S. (2002). Comparison <strong>of</strong> an Air Seeder and Corn Planter forPlanting Corn for Silage. Dep’t. <strong>of</strong> Agronomy. Penn State University, UniversityPark, PA.Roth, G., Harkcom, S., Heinbaugh, S. & Antle, M. (2001). Comparison <strong>of</strong> Twin Row andSingle Row No-Till Corn Planted for Grain. Dep’t. <strong>of</strong> Crops and Soils Science. PennState University, University Park, PA.Sanchez, G. C. & Gatan, M. G. (2007). How to Grow Corn. Pinoy Farmers’ Internet. OpenAcademy for Philippine AgricultureSarmiento, R.O. (1997). Versatile low-cost planter with fertilizer applicator and <strong>manually</strong><strong>operated</strong><strong>corn</strong> Jabber planter for zero tillage. Paper presented during a conferenceon Agricultural Resources Management Forum Series, Los Banos, Laguna(Philippines), Dec 1997

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