Student Handbook - CTU Online

Student Handbook - CTU Online

Student Handbook - CTU Online


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WelcomeDear valued student,Welcome to Colorado Technical University (<strong>CTU</strong>)! I would like to speak on behalf of all the staffand faculty and state that we are pleased that you have chosen <strong>CTU</strong> to pursue your academicand career goals with our high quality institution. Whether you are a new or returning student,you will soon realize that <strong>CTU</strong> is a special place. We hope you take advantage of everyopportunity offered to expand your horizons.<strong>CTU</strong> is an institution of higher learning, whose mission is to provide career-oriented educationby teaching applied real-world, industry current programs in selected areas. Serving the needsof students for employment and career advancement and the needs of industry for highlyqualified professionals at the associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral level.At <strong>CTU</strong>, we believe that higher education must encompass a holistic approach to educationaldelivery that views the student as central to the learning process. Our goal is to assist studentsin supporting those intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors all while supporting the selfdisciplineand engagement required for each learner to achieve their highest intellectual,personal and professional development.We are providing this <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> to be used as another resource to provide guidanceand answers to your common questions, concerns, and inquiries. The purpose of this <strong>Student</strong><strong>Handbook</strong> is to inform you about services, policies, procedures, and opportunities offered at<strong>CTU</strong>. It is designed to help you make a smooth transition into your program at <strong>CTU</strong> and beavailable at any time during your educational adventure.Enjoy your time thriving within the <strong>CTU</strong> community. Everyone here at the <strong>CTU</strong> family wishes youa seamless transition and an exceptional learning experience.Best wishes,Dr. Christopher DavisVice ProvostRevised January, 2013 2

Why a <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong>?Why should I read the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong>?The purpose of the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> is to inform you about:1. Important information about <strong>CTU</strong>.2. What to expect as a <strong>CTU</strong> student.3. What the university expects of you.4. Common processes and procedures.5. How to access university services.What 10 things do I need to do to be successful at Colorado Technical University?1. Maintain a professional attitude.2. Engage in your studies.3. Participate in your learning.4. Give and receive respect. Treat faculty, staff, peers, and all others with the respectthat you would like to receive.5. Take initiative and responsibility.6. Be disciplined by being on time all the time. Classes and assignments are deadlinedriven and require promptness. Lateness has serious consequences.7. Be open to learn from constructive criticism. <strong>Student</strong>s receive a significant amountof feedback including constructive criticism. Receive the instruction in a mature,professional manner. Remember that it is designed to help you learn!8. Communicate. Know what to expect and what is expected of you. You areresponsible for the communications that you receive from the university (includingthe catalog and course syllabi). You are also responsible to communicate with theuniversity if there is something that you need or do not understand.9. Monitor your progress. Track your grades and ask for help any time you need it.10. Be proactive. Anticipate your needs. Ask for help early. Keep your faculty informedand your attendance and assignments current. Get to know your classmates.How is the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> different from the University Catalog?The University Catalog is divided into two parts: Policies and Degree Programs. Together theyoutline your program of study and the policies that govern how the University operates. The<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> provides guidance, advice, and direction. It is a companion to the UniversityCatalog, but does not replace it. Program-specific <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong>s may set higher standardsor contain more rigorous requirements than the University Catalog or this general <strong>Student</strong><strong>Handbook</strong>.Revised January, 2013 3

Important information about <strong>CTU</strong>What is the mission of Colorado Technical University?The mission of Colorado Technical University, an institution of higher learning, is to providecareer-oriented education by teaching applied, real-world, industry-current programs inselected areas, serving the needs of students for employment and career advancement and theneeds of industry for highly qualified professionals at the associate, bachelor's, master's anddoctorate levels. To read more about the goals surrounding the mission click here.What is <strong>CTU</strong>'s history?Colorado Technical University is a private, for-profit, regionally accredited institution of higherlearning. It confers diplomas, associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. Theuniversity was founded in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1965. Over the past 45+ years, theuniversity has evolved from a technical training school to a university with graduate-levelprograms. The introduction in 1995 of doctoral programs, the establishment of branchcampuses in Denver, Colorado; Pueblo, Colorado; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; North Kansas City,Missouri; and the introduction of the online platform have established Colorado TechnicalUniversity as a mature institution of higher learning.What accreditation does <strong>CTU</strong> have?Colorado Technical University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and a memberof the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500,Chicago, Illinois 60604-1411). This independent corporation was founded in 1895 and isrecognized by the United States Department of Education and the Council on Higher EducationAccreditation.For additional information, please visit the HLC website.What is programmatic accreditation?To learn more about accreditation for specific <strong>CTU</strong> programs click here.What are my rights as a student?Here are some of the items you have the right to ask for:Copies of documents on <strong>CTU</strong>’s accreditationInformation about <strong>CTU</strong>’s programs, faculty, laboratory, and other physicalfacilitiesSpecial accommodations <strong>CTU</strong> can provide to assist those with disabilitiesCost of attending and refund policyRevised January, 2013 4

Procedures and deadlines for submitting applications for financial aid programsInformation about how <strong>CTU</strong> selects aid recipientsExplanation on how <strong>CTU</strong> determines financial need and is metWhat types of financial assistance is availableHow and when financial aid is received by <strong>CTU</strong>The type and amount of assistance the student was financially packaged forHow <strong>CTU</strong> determines satisfactory academic progressLoan interest ratesLoan fees informationInformation on repayment, cancellation, deferment, forbearance,consolidation, refinance, and defaultWhat can I expect as a <strong>CTU</strong> student?When can I expect courses to be offered?Colorado Technical University offers courses throughout each calendar year. Each academiccalendar consists of 4 academic quarters.Quarter 1: January-MarchQuarter 2: April-JuneQuarter 3: July-SeptemberQuarter 4: October-DecemberTo review the <strong>CTU</strong> academic calendars click here.What are the different types of instruction offered at <strong>CTU</strong>?Colorado Technical University offers a variety of instructional modalities. These include:1. Fully Synchronous Delivery: this is what is often known as “traditional” or “classroom”instruction. The faculty and students are in the same place at the same time for thismodality.2. Blended/Hybrid Delivery: as the name implies, instruction is delivered bothsynchronously (face-to-face) and asynchronously (through one of the University’slearning management systems). Doctoral programs require students to attendsynchronous symposia in addition to interacting through Moodle.Revised January, 2013 5

3. <strong>Online</strong>/Virtual Delivery: students may take online courses through the Virtual Campus,MyCampus Portal, or Moodle. <strong>Online</strong> delivery may include synchronous learningexperiences, such as the Live Chat.When using the word “hybrid,” it is important to understand if it refers to a hybrid course,hybrid program, or both. A hybrid course combines traditional and online elements in the sameclass. Hybrid programs include a mixture of traditional, hybrid, and virtual courses.How does <strong>CTU</strong> define an effective learning environment?With a variety of modalities of instruction, <strong>CTU</strong> defines effective teaching and learningenvironments as those in which students achieve course and program outcomes. No matterhow the course is delivered, most students thrive in environments in which they activelyengage faculty and other students to solve problems, reach goals, and achieve outcomes.Effective learning environments also help students connect their learning experiences withprior knowledge.Faculty members maintain regular office hours and are available to students for individualassistance. It is suggested that scheduled appointments be made for student assistance. Thestudent must take responsibility in initiating the request for assistance, whether that is with anadvisor, the university or a faculty member.The expectations of academic performance are tied directly to the objectives of the programcurriculum. It is necessary for the student to reach these program objectives in order to meetthe academic requirements for graduation.If academic and/or personal problems jeopardize a student’s academic success, the studentshould seek assistance immediately. There are resources available to assist students with studyhabits, test-taking, mastery of skills, or personal concerns. It is important to seek assistanceearly and proactively when possible. Faculty may also make referrals to resources when theyidentify a student's need for assistance. It is, however, the student's responsibility to followthrough in seeking this assistance.Revised January, 2013 6

What is the role of a student advisor/academic advisor?Advising is available to assist you throughout your program of study. Advising services andoutreach may be provided to you by an assigned advisor, advising team, instructor, and/orprogram dean/director at a local campus. Questions or concerns that arise during your programcan be directed to an advisor who will assist you with obtaining appropriate resources andinformation.If you are enrolled in a program at your local campus your advisor may also register you for yourclasses each new term.What else do I need to know about advising?Advisors can provide answers to a student’s program-related questions or other universityquestions, address issues students may have, and verify that students are meeting programrequirements. When working with an advisor you can expect them to assist you in thefollowing ways:Serve as a source for general information, such as program requirements anduniversity policesHelping you work through problems that may become barriers to your successChallenging you to achieveContacting you via phone, e-mail, text message, or postal mail if you arestruggling in your courses or have missed a course for consecutive daysAssist you with time and stress managementWhile <strong>CTU</strong> takes a proactive stance in assisting students, your role as an advisee includes, but isnot limited to:Knowing how to contact an advisor and other university representativesReading and adhering to the student policies in the University Catalog and<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong>; to access the catalog, click here.Immediately alerting an advisor or university representative of any issues,concerns, or questionsWhat can I expect when I am engaged in synchronous learning experiences?Synchronous learning experiences are those in which the faculty members and students areengaged in the teaching and learning experience at the same time and the same place.Scheduled synchronous learning experiences include, but are not limited to, face-to-face classmeetings, labs, clinical experiences, conference calls, and live chats in the Virtual Campus.Revised January, 2013 7

<strong>Student</strong>s and faculty organize schedules around synchronous learning experiences. Theuniversity expects faculty to begin and end these valuable student-faculty contact times onschedule and fully use the time allotted.What is my responsibility as a student when I’m engaged in learning either in the VirtualCampus or at my local campus?Professionalism will be stressed throughout your academic degree program, so that you maybecome successful in your career choice. It is important to establish and maintain professionalrelationships with your peers, faculty and staff, and eventually your employer. Below are someuseful tips to help you reach your goals.1. Attitude is essential. Your attitude shows every day! Make sure you always conductyourself in a way that demonstrates your professionalism and concern for everyone.2. Participation and engagement is of utmost importance. It shows that you are adependable person that your instructor and peers can count on.3. Faculty, staff, peers, and all others you interact with as a <strong>CTU</strong> student, should be treatedwith respect at all times.4. Take initiative and be a motivated self-starter. This attribute will open many doors foryou in the future.5. Promptness is required for classes and assignments.6. Be mature and open to constructive criticism. You will receive a significant amount ofconstructive criticism and feedback. Be cooperative and mature. Receive the instructionin a professional manner and demonstrate learning from the feedback as you continueyour work in your courses and program.7. Communication is a key factor in success. Each student is responsible for seekingpertinent program information, notices of activities and events, and other informationrelated to their program.8. Monitor your progress by tracking your grades and asking for help any time you need it.Proactive behavior on your part can greatly increase your chance for success at <strong>CTU</strong>.How may scheduled synchronous learning experiences can be cancelled or rescheduled?Under extraordinary circumstances, the university may cancel or reschedule synchronouslearning experiences due to inclement weather, equipment outages, or other emergencies. If acampus cancels classes, make-up(s) will be convened in accordance with campus policy.Occasionally, faculty members may experience personal circumstances that do not allow themto lead face-to-face learning experiences. As soon as faculty members become aware ofirreconcilable schedule conflicts, they must make direct voice contact with their CampusRevised January, 2013 8

Program Chair, Lead Faculty or other appropriate personnel. No scheduled class session may becancelled or rescheduled at another time or location by an individual faculty member withoutprior approval.Live chats and doctoral teleconferences may be rescheduled by contacting students in advanceof the change and notifying appropriate academic personnel.What mobile tools are available to me?For students taking an online course, mobile applications are available for many Apple andAndroid products. Access your application store for your mobile device to determineaccessibility and availability.Does <strong>CTU</strong> have an honors program?The university provides all undergraduate students the opportunity to appear on thePresident’s/Dean’s list or the Chancellor’s list if you meet the academic requirements asoutlined in the Catalog – University Policies. To learn more click here.How do I see my name on an honors list?For students attending courses through the Virtual Campus, you will need to release your nameto be seen on lists. To update your privacy setting, log into the Virtual Campus and access theVirtual Commons, select “my profile”, and select “privacy settings”. Lastly, check the box thatstates “show name on lists.”For students attending courses at a local campus an honors list will be posted and displayed oncampus.What does the University expect of me?What are my responsibilities as a student?You have the responsibility to:Review all information about <strong>CTU</strong> before enrollmentBe knowledgeable of <strong>CTU</strong>’s accreditationMaintain satisfactory academic progress towards degree completionUnderstand <strong>CTU</strong>’s refund and withdrawal policyProvide timely submission of the Free Application for Federal <strong>Student</strong> Aid(FAFSA)Provide accurate information necessary to complete the financial aid processRevised January, 2013 9

Notify <strong>CTU</strong> and lender of any changes to student status, name, address, orsocial security numberMake on-time payments of all loansSubmit all deferment and forbearance requests in a timely mannerPay all tuition and feesUnderstand that all aid received is applied to tuition first, then fees, books,supplies, and studentAttend entrance and exit counselingWhat is <strong>CTU</strong>’s Honor Code?<strong>Student</strong>s at Colorado Technical University agree through this code not to “lie, cheat, steal, ortolerate those who do.” (USMA, 1998) This simple code is patterned after that at the UnitedStates Military Academy where it, and its support system, has successfully helped form theacademy into a leading provider of great American leaders since the academy’s establishmentin 1778. In positioning itself as an educational institution that may empower students totransform jobs to careers and careers to leadership, Colorado Technical University affirms itsrecognition of importance to this code as the core set of values required of its students in orderfor <strong>CTU</strong> to remain within the community of America’s respected and valued educationalinstitutions.<strong>CTU</strong> promotes a culture of academic integrity at all levels of the university system. <strong>CTU</strong> expectsstudents to abide by this code of honor and faculty to enforce it in all academic matters.<strong>CTU</strong> is a community committed to lifelong learning. <strong>CTU</strong> recognizes integrity as the foundationfor personal, academic, and professional success. Integrity includes respect, responsibility,trust, fairness, and honesty.Respect affirms the inherent dignity of the persons and ideas of all members ofthe <strong>CTU</strong> community.Responsibility takes ownership of our actions and their consequences.Trust expects us to do what we say we will do.Fairness ensures that similar situations yield similar results.Honesty requires truthful communications and actions. (Center for AcademicIntegrity, 1999)We are committed to challenging dishonesty in all of its forms and to uphold academic andprofessional standards.Revised January, 2013 10

<strong>CTU</strong> requires students to submit authentic, original work. All outside sources must be cited andreferenced following the format published in the 6th edition of the American PsychologicalAssociation (APA) publication manual.<strong>Student</strong>s affirm that the work they submit is their own and conforms to this honor code.<strong>Student</strong>s and faculty members shall embody professional ethics and integrity by following andenforcing the <strong>CTU</strong> Honor Code in all academic matters.For additional information, please review the links below that highlight the policies involved inthe Honor Code.To learn more, about the following topics click on each and locate each policy within theuniversity policies.Academic HonestyCheatingPlagiarismOriginality StatementThe reference, USMA, 1998, corresponds to the following note: United States Military Academy(USMA, 1998), Information Paper on “Honor” – A Bedrock of Military Leadership, retrievedMarch 3, 2011, from http://www.usma.edu/committees/honor/info/main.htmWhat is APA?APA stands for American Psychological Association. This is a style of writing that will help youprepare your assignments by citing your resources properly. <strong>CTU</strong> requires the use of APA 6 thedition. For more information about APA please feel free to visit www.apastyle.org.How can I get help with APA style?If you are enrolled in courses through the Virtual Campus you can receive additional assistancewith APA by visiting the Writing Support Center. <strong>CTU</strong> has created a guideline document toassist you with the use of APA style. You may access that document by accessing the lab fileswithin the Writing Support Center on the Virtual Campus.If you are taking courses at your local campus you may consult the <strong>Student</strong> Success Center,your academic advisor, or your instructor for additional help and resources for APA formatting.Revised January, 2013 11

What is Turnitin?Turnitin is a database of student papers, academic articles, and internet sources that are usedto produce a user-friendly similarity report. Turnitin, compares your submitted assignment tothe documents in its database. All assignments submitted through the Virtual Campusclassrooms are subject to be run through Turnitin.Turnitin provides the opportunity to verify that your work meets the APA requirements forparaphrasing, quoting, and in-text citations prior to submittal of the assignment for grading.Using the tool prior to submittal can help identify writing issues and allow you to correct thepaper to avoid plagiarism. In addition, Turnitin can help you improve your writing skills byidentifying problem areas within the content of your papers. Turnitin provides a valuableservice to university staff that allows us to better uphold the academic integrity of ourinstitution.What is an Originality Verification Score?After an assignment is run through Turnitin, an originality verification score is generated alongwith a detailed report so you can confirm that:Your paper meets the expectations for original content to be considered aquality academic essay.You have properly cited according to APA specifications.Below is information on the similarity score legend that is within the Originality Verification inthe Virtual Campus.What is <strong>CTU</strong>’s late assignment policy?If you are taking courses through the Virtual Campus within the 5.5 week sequence timing iscritical. Please refer to the policy, which can also be found in your course syllabus.In order to move quickly and successfully through <strong>CTU</strong> courses, specific deadlines for allassignments will be clearly stated in the course syllabus and through each of your instructors.Revised January, 2013 12

Because of the university's professional learning model (PLM) that revolves around skilldevelopment and concept formation through collaborative learning, students are expected tomeet due dates. Please note that each instructor may have a different late policy, it isimportant to understand your instructor’s expectations in each course.Should a student be unable to meet a deadline, it is expected the student will makearrangements in advance with the instructor to submit work late. A penalty for late work will beassigned at the discretion of the faculty member.What social and professional etiquette guidelines does <strong>CTU</strong> have?The five values of integrity include:1. Honesty2. Trust3. Fairness4. Respect5. ResponsibilityTo learn more about these values, click here.How many courses am I required to take?Each degree program has a predetermined number of courses (and credits) required forgraduation. You should consult the course catalog to find out the specifics on your degreeprogram. You are strongly encouraged to save a copy of the catalog to your computer as thecatalog does update (and therefore may change after you start your program). If you haveadditional questions, please contact the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Team by dialing (866)813- 1836, and selecting the option to discuss your class schedule, or e-mailPLAGeneralInquiries@ctuonline.edu if attending courses through the Virtual Campus. If you areattending a local campus, please reach out to your academic advisor.Are the live chats required?Live chats are not presently a requirement for students attending courses through the VirtualCampus. However, the live and archived chat sessions are instrumental in your success as theyprovide a focus on the content of your studies through a qualified instructor who is there tofacilitate your learning process. Attending the live or archived chat sessions will maximize yourlearning and help to keep you engaged and up to date on the important activities that willimpact your performance on your coursework and ultimately your learning.Revised January, 2013 13

Do I have specific responsibilities when it comes to using technology?It is in your best interest to use proper social and professional etiquette when using <strong>CTU</strong> e-mailsystem. Use of the network, including use of MyCampus, Moodle, or the Virtual Campus, butnot limited to discussion boards, drop box and chat, implies consent for monitoring of trafficthat is necessary for smooth administration of the resource. <strong>CTU</strong> does not condone the use ofinappropriate language when writing messages to instructors, staff or students.Any part of <strong>CTU</strong>’s technology resources must not be used to produce, view, store, replicate, ortransmit harassing, obscene, or offensive materials. This includes, but is not limited to, materialfrom the Internet, screen savers, etc. In addition, printed copies of such material, includingthose from magazines, are not permitted to be distributed. There is zero tolerance for anystudent, faculty or staff member who violates this policy and immediate expulsion or dismissalmay result.University e-mail services shall not be used for purposes that could reasonably be expected tocause, directly or indirectly, excessive strain on computing resources or unwarranted andunsolicited interference with use of e-mail or e-mail systems. Engaging in any use that wouldinterfere with another student’s and/or employee’s work or disruption of the intended use ofnetwork resources is prohibited. Penalties for misuse of e-mail, Internet or any part of <strong>CTU</strong> areto be determined by the instructor and/or the appropriate university official.Lastly, it is critical that you follow discretion and refrain from sharing your password and/or login information with anyone inside or outside of the <strong>CTU</strong> community. The access and rightsprovided to you within the Virtual Campus or MyCampus are solely for your use.What is <strong>CTU</strong>’s <strong>Student</strong> Conduct Policy?The foundations of <strong>CTU</strong>’s philosophy of student conduct are the concepts of professionalism,honesty, understanding, integrity, and academic achievement. The standards of conduct weredeveloped with these in mind. The standards of conduct establish guidelines to assist you inmaking correct decisions that do not impede other students’ rights, including the right to aneducation and efficiency of university operations. For additional information access the studentcode of conduct policy within the university policies by clicking here.What are the consequences of not following the <strong>Student</strong> Conduct Policy?Any student whose conduct is regarded as being in conflict with the best interests of theuniversity or in violation of its rules and regulations is subject to dismissal. Additionally, you areexpected to respect the rights of others and are held responsible for conforming to the laws ofRevised January, 2013 14

the national, state and local governments, and for conducting yourself in a manner consistentwith the best interests of the university and of the student body.What is Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)?All students must maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to remain enrolled at theuniversity and remain eligible to continue receiving federal financial assistance. To learn moreabout the specifics of satisfactory academic progress policy click here.How do I calculate my Grade Point Average (GPA)?GPA: Total Quality Points ÷ Total Earned CreditsTotal quality points are the points for which your grade is worth. For example, an ‘A’ is worth 4quality points; a ‘B’ is worth 3 and so on. Once you have determined the point value for yourgrade, multiply that by the number of credits a course is worth. To see the full list of qualitypoints in the university catalog, click here and review the grade scale chart.If you received an ‘A’ in a 2 credit class, and a ‘B’ in a 4 credit class you would have 20 totalquality points.Earned credits are any classes that you have taken & have received a final grade of A-F. If youfail a class, the ‘F’ grade will be factored negatively into your CGPA because you are earningthat ‘F’ grade. Since you are unable to graduate with an ‘F’ you must retake that course atwhich point, the ‘F’ will no longer negatively affect you.What is the FAFSA?The Free Application for Federal <strong>Student</strong> Aid (FAFSA) is an application that can be filled outannually to determine eligibility for federal student financial aid.Why do I have to fill out the FAFSA again?The FAFSA needs to be filled out when entering into a new FAFSA year. The FAFSA year runsfrom July 1 st – June 30 th . Upon entering a new academic year if overlapping with these dates,you may be requested to complete this application again.What should I do if I am going to miss an assignment deadline?As you move through your degree program it is understandable that you may hit roadblocksthat will impact your ability to meet deadlines. Time management and planning are two skillsthat successful students master at <strong>CTU</strong>. If you find yourself in a situation where you will beunable to meet a deadline it is important for you to communicate with your faculty member inadvance if it all possible. If you are unable to notify your instructor in advance be sure to makecontact as soon as possible to discuss how to proceed.Revised January, 2013 15

What kinds of things can I do to assure that I am doing all I can to be successful?One strategy is to think about the possible barriers to being able to complete your school work.This might include needing day care, having car trouble, experiencing technology issues and areunable to go online, not having a place in your home to do your school work, health issues,being on too many sports teams, etc. For each possible barrier think about a back-up plan andcreate a file of resources for your back up plans. What will you do if your car breaks down? Agood back up plan is to have a bus schedule handy. Build your support systems early in yourprogram.What is the <strong>Student</strong> Right-to-Know Act?Also known as the "<strong>Student</strong> Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act" (P.L. 101-542), which waspassed by Congress November 9, 1990. Title I, Section 103, requires institutions eligible for TitleIV funding to calculate completion or graduation rates of certificate- or degree-seeking, fulltimestudents entering that institution, and to disclose these rates to all students andprospective students. To read the disclosures that are under the <strong>Student</strong>s Right-to-Know actclick here.How do I access University services?What class materials am I responsible for?Local Campus material requirements:Each campus requires that you meet their standards for hardware and software requirements.If you are unsure what those requirements are, please visit your MyCampus or contact yourlocal campus directly.Virtual Campus material requirements:If you are taking courses through the Virtual Campus there are software and hardwarerequirements. These requirements ensure you will be able to access all aspects of the VirtualCampus and your student experience will be optimal. To review these requirements click here.How will I receive course materials?For students taking courses through the Virtual Campus, course materials may be shipped toyou or be available electronically. There will be instances where software upgrades maybecome available and these downloads may occur through an online process.Revised January, 2013 16

How do I download my Microsoft Office software?For students taking courses via the Virtual Campus, students will be utilizing a new softwaredownload tool to provide students with Microsoft Office 2010 for Windows and MicrosoftOffice 2011 for Mac. New students will receive an email at their student address whereinstructions for the download will be provided as well as a link to begin the download process.Before downloading Office Pro Plus 2010, the student’s computer must be prepared. Pleasecomplete the following steps in preparation of the download:Removing Old or Trial Versions32-Bit Versus 64-BitPersistent Downloading ProblemsBefore starting the download of Office Pro Plus 2010, any old or trial versions of MicrosoftOffice must be removed, and uninstalled from the computer. Be sure to remove the followingapplications:Old or trial versions of Office Pro Plus 2007/2010Compatibility Pack for Office 2007PowerPoint ViewerAny new versions that you have tried to download/install unsuccessfullyAlthough, both 32-bit and 64-bit options are available for installation, Technical Supportrecommended the install of the 32-bit version regardless of your operating system to reducecompatibility issues.If problems occur during the download, Technical Support suggests temporarily disabling anyanti-virus software and/or firewalls that may be running on your computer. Once the softwareis downloaded these programs ensure that any disabled anti-virus software and/or firewalls arere-enabled immediately.For additional troubleshooting and questions please view the FAQ or tutorial listed below:Click here for the Kivuto FAQ pageClick here for a step by step tutorial.If you have any difficulties with the download, please contact Technical Support at 866-813-1836.Revised January, 2013 17

What is the <strong>Student</strong> Software Agreement?<strong>Student</strong> Software AgreementThe student agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of all Software and End User LicenseAgreements that are in place or required for each piece of software issued and used for theirspecific degree program. This includes, but is not limited to, products provided by Adobe,Lectora, Microsoft and others not listed here that may have been or shall be provided at anyfuture period by CEC, its schools, subsidiaries or affiliates. Operating System and Applicationsoftware made available to online students is due in part to Colorado Technical University’sparent organization, Career Education Corporation, which has purchased the Microsoft CampusAgreement <strong>Student</strong> Option for all its affiliated schools. This contract is renewed annually atCareer Education Corporation’s discretion. Career Education Corporation is extending studentsthe “right to use” during the term of the agreement. <strong>Student</strong>s do not own the license or theCDs; rather they are leasing the license and CDs from Career Education Corporation for theterm of the agreement.The rights granted herein pertain only to those Microsoft software products provided byColorado Technical University or its authorized fulfillment provider and are subject to the termsand conditions of the Microsoft Campus Agreement <strong>Student</strong> Option.<strong>Student</strong>s will be required to remove the Software from their personal machines immediatelyupon the earlier of (a) any event, with the exception of graduation, which causes them to nolonger to be a student of Colorado Technical University or (b) expiration of the CampusSubscription Enrollment licensed period. If students graduate during the agreement period, theSoftware license will convert to a perpetual license (meaning the student will then own theSoftware) as verified in the <strong>Student</strong> License Confirmation. Under this Agreement, students will:• Abide by the license agreement associated with this Software;• Understand that no technical support is provided by Career EducationCorporation, its schools, subsidiaries or affiliates;• Understand the minimum specifications to run the Software as listed;• Understand that the student will be required to remove the software fromtheir personal Machine immediately upon the earlier of (a) any event, with theexception of graduation, which causes the student to no longer be a student ofthe institution or (b) expiration of the Campus Subscription Enrollmentlicensed period;• Understand that if Career Education Corporation does not renew the <strong>Student</strong>Option Agreement, then the student must delete or remove the SoftwareRevised January, 2013 18

licensed under this Agreement from their computer at the time the agreementexpires or is terminated;• Understand that if the student graduates from a Career Education Corporationaffiliated school during the agreement term, the Software license will convertto a perpetual license (meaning the student will have full ownership of thesoftware);• Understand that it is the student’s responsibility to contact the institution toobtain the <strong>Student</strong> License Confirmation, which is proof of Softwareownership, prior to graduation;• Understand that it is their responsibility to safeguard all student softwaremedia distributed to them by Career Education Corporation, its schools,subsidiaries or affiliates against loss, damage or any other event which mayrender the media unavailable or unusable.• Understand that media is only allowed to be distributed one time per theterms set forth in the Microsoft Campus Agreement. The method ofdistribution is dependent upon the software and could be physical media orelectronic download.What is Words of Wisdom (WOW) and why would I need to contact them?For students taking courses through the Virtual Campus, Words of Wisdom (WOW), LLCprovides a custom suite of course materials to students on behalf of <strong>CTU</strong>. If you have concernsregarding your course materials for your online course you will want to contact WOW.Contact information: 1-877-288-7650 or at ctuonlinebooks@wordsofwisdombooks.com<strong>Student</strong>s also understand and acknowledge the following regarding Career EducationCorporation (CEC) provided software:That it is their responsibility to safeguard all student software mediadistributed to them by CEC, its schools, subsidiaries or affiliates against loss,damage or any other event which may render the media unavailable orunusable.That media is only allowed to be distributed one time per the terms set forth inthe Microsoft Campus Agreement. The method of distribution is dependentupon the software product involved and could be offered either as physicalmedia or electronic download.That in those courses offered by Colorado Technical University which offer freesoftware download as part of their required course materials, they are entitledto either the free download of the software or they may purchase a single copyof the physical media if available, but not both.Revised January, 2013 19

That in those instances where the student chooses the physical media purchaseoption, purchasing physical media will be at the student’s expense and cannotbe permitted if the student has already chosen to download the free version ofthe product, or vice versa.The Words of Wisdom bookstore may be contacted at 1-877-288-7650 or via email atctuonlinebooks@wordsofwisdombooks.com, should you have any questions regarding theabove policies.Why does <strong>CTU</strong> have e-Books?<strong>CTU</strong> is dedicated to leveraging new technology to enhance its program delivery. Therefore, themajority of classes delivered through the Virtual Campus will use e-books.E-books are electronic versions of textbooks that provide students anytime, anywhere access tocourse materials on a variety of computers and devices, such as iPads and iPhones, Androidtablets and smartphones, and others.<strong>Student</strong>s can still bookmark a page, make notes in the “margins,” and highlight key passages.Better yet, students can word search an entire textbook without flipping back-and-forthbetween an appendix and the text, as well as search key words across all the e-books on theirbookshelf.Before accessing an e-book, students must first accept the e-book policy located on the VirtualCampus and agree to the terms of use. For more information on e-books, please visit the“CourseSmart Lab” on the VC’s Learning Center.Where do I purchase books at a local campus?If you are taking courses at a local campus, books can be purchased at your campus bookstore.What learning resources are provided at <strong>CTU</strong>?Local Campus:While you are taking courses at <strong>CTU</strong> you will use various required classroom resources andmaterials, including textbooks, software, and supplies. These materials are not provided for youand are not included in your tuition cost.Virtual Campus:While you are taking courses through the Virtual Campus at <strong>CTU</strong> you will use various requiredclassroom resources and materials, including text books, electronic books (e-Books), supplies,and software in online courses. Costs for these materials are not charged separately and areRevised January, 2013 20

considered part of the total program costs. <strong>Student</strong>s being charged the military tuition rate willhave the cost of their course materials waived.Every effort is made to ensure that physical materials are delivered on time using expresscourier delivery and tracking services. The shipping addresses to which students’ classroomphysical materials will be sent are verified by Words of Wisdom, LLC, shortly before eachsession, offering students the opportunity to verify and/or update their shipping addresses.When physical materials are sent, students will be notified via email of the shipment withtracking number, when applicable. Please note that incomplete, incorrect, and PO Boxaddresses could delay receipt of course materials. If classroom materials are not receivedwithin three business days before the session starts, the student should contact Words ofWisdom, LLC. <strong>Student</strong>s shall be responsible for following warning labels placed on software,and following all installation and use instructions provided by software manufacturers.When enrolled in courses requiring intangible materials such as e-Books or virtual labs,students will receive notification and/or account information via email.What other Learning Resources are available for me?Virtual Campus Resources:Learning LabsThe Learning Center offers resources to help students become more successful in theircourses. The Learning Labs are non-credit granting, self-directed, supplementarysupport in various areas. They are staffed with credentialed professionals ready toprovide assistance to students with varying educational needs through discussionboards and live chats.SmarthinkingSmarthinking is an online tutoring resource that provides additional learning support forstudents. Smarthinking operates a tutoring service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for arange of courses, including accounting, economics, statistics, and more. These servicesare available to any student taking online courses at <strong>CTU</strong>.The most recommended use of Smarthinking is the drop-in, on-demand tutoringthrough a desired subject area via the “Connect with an E-structor Now.” Typically, withon-demand tutoring, the wait doesn’t exceed more than 3 minutes. <strong>Student</strong>s also canschedule 30-minute appointments by going to “Schedule a Personal Session inSmarthinking.”Revised January, 2013 21

In addition to on-demand and scheduled tutoring, Smarthinking offers a great resourcewhere students submit work for writing feedback on papers 1-10 pages in length. Also,students can submit paragraphs for feedback on content and thesis statements. Allwriting submissions are returned within 24 hours to the student’s Smarthinking inbox.Lastly, students can submit questions. All questions submitted are returned within 24hours to the student’s Smarthinking inbox. To help the tutor better provide accurateand helpful information, it’s best to include as much detail and information in thequestion submission. Remember, question submissions should be about content andsubject areas. Avoid submitting specific assignment questions.Math tutoring is available 24 hours a day; however, tutoring in other subject areas isavailable at scheduled times so students need to check the posted schedules.Smarthinking tutoring is a resource that best supports students with questions aboutcourse concepts, such as the content and subject areas (e.g., math equations, commahelp, writing references).How do I access Smarthinking tutoring services?To access Smarthinking, students should log into the virtual campus, Smarthinking isavailable through the Learning Center tab, click here.Local Campus Resources:General Information<strong>CTU</strong> places special emphasis on hands-on training utilizing equipment and technology usedby today’s business and health care professionals. Each <strong>CTU</strong> campus houses a modern,spacious, resource center that supports the academic programs at its respective campus.Every <strong>CTU</strong> student attends an orientation which will provide a short overview of everythingtheir campus resource center has to offer.TutoringTutoring is available with all <strong>CTU</strong> faculty, by appointment. Peer tutoring is also available toall <strong>CTU</strong> students. Peer tutoring is provided at each campus. Peer tutors may be available inkey areas such as English, math, and computer programming. If you would like to learnmore about the tutoring opportunities at your local campus, please contact your academicadvisor.Revised January, 2013 22

How can I join a <strong>CTU</strong> student organization?All students at <strong>CTU</strong> are provided the opportunity to become a member of a studentorganization. <strong>Student</strong> organizations provide leadership opportunities. Many local campuseshave a <strong>Student</strong> Senate among other student ran organizations. <strong>Student</strong>s interested in theseservices at local campuses should contact their academic advisor.If you are taking courses through the Virtual Campus you can join student organizations withinthe Virtual Commons. The Virtual Commons was established to build a university communityby offering a forum in which <strong>CTU</strong> students can interact with one another. It offers a place to setup profiles and network with other students, faculty, and staff. In addition, organizations, clubsand communities are available for a culturally diverse student body with varying interestslooking for engaging topics of discussion via discussion boards and live events.What can I expect from the <strong>CTU</strong> Library & learning resources at the local campus?If you are taking courses at your local campus you will have access to the many supportresources at your campus.The <strong>CTU</strong> Library is accessible on the Virtual Campus if you are enrolled in courses that are beingdelivered online. For a full list of the available resources that are available at the local campus,please contact your academic advisor.The primary mission of the <strong>CTU</strong> Library is to support the learning and research outcomes of <strong>CTU</strong>students and faculty. Its purpose is to provide access to information, and instruction to <strong>CTU</strong>’sdiverse populations.To achieve its mission, the Library and Learning Center staff will:Create an environment conducive to inquiry and studyProvide students, faculty, and staff with a collection of materials andinformation needed for success in their academic careers and professionaldevelopmentAdvise the <strong>CTU</strong> community in the use of Library information sources throughclassroom presentations, publications and web-based materialsPromote Library materials and services available through physical or onlineLibrary resourcesProvide information and instruction to encourage the development ofinformation literacy skills and academic integrityRevised January, 2013 23

The <strong>CTU</strong> libraries are evolving by combining on-line access to remote information sources, inhouseCD-ROM references, and a collection of printed materials to support <strong>CTU</strong> curriculum andstudent/faculty research.<strong>Online</strong> information includes access to subscription Internet sources that allow students tosearch a wide variety of indexes and full text databases relevant to student reference andresearch activities. Access to the online Library is through the Library websites at:www.cecybrary.comwww.sdln.netwww.netlibrary.comCirculation Policies<strong>Student</strong>s, staff, and faculty wishing to check out material must have a current I.D. card.Books: Two week checkout (exceptions are the closed reserve, reference, andcareer development collection.Periodicals: One week checkout (current issues may be used in the libraryONLY).Videos/DVDs: Three day checkout (exceptions are the closed reserve items).Software: One day checkout.Reserve Books and other materials placed on reserve by professors: May beobtained at the circulation desk.Overdue Fees: Daily fines will not be incurred if the item is returned.Schedules and transcripts will be withheld until the materials are returned. Replacementcost will be assessed and charges to the patron if the material is not returned.Virtual Campus library:The online Library is a web-enabled information center enhancing the lifelong learning andachievement of the student and faculty community. It provides access to full-textdatabases, links to selected academic and professional web sites, research guides to assistin researching and writing papers, and more. <strong>CTU</strong>’s online Library staff are available to assistyou with your research needs.The Library provides students and faculty with a variety of support services, including:A professional librarian with experienced staff members trained in researchmethods and customer servicesBook and periodical collections supporting all levels of the curriculumA career center offering information for the student seeking employmentA CD-ROM library of reference, conference, bibliographic and full-text sourcesRevised January, 2013 24

A pleasant and comfortable study environmentA multimedia computer lab equipped to access the following online services:o <strong>CTU</strong> catalog accesso Internet connectionso ProQuest Direct, a bibliographic internet database including 1100 full-textdocuments in general academic and business areas. Additionally, ProQuestoffers a collection on Health and Psychology as well as information abouthospital administration.o Thompson Microdex Healthcare Series, a database in three segmentscontaining CareNotes System, Formulary Advisor and the PDR ElectronicLibrary.o SAGE, a collection of peer-reviewed full-text journals in academic areas. Thisdatabase contains a section on health sciences, Health Sciences: A SAGE Full-Text Collection. It includes the social studies of health, health services andadministration, and health education among other topics.o The Emerald database is a full-text online collection of scholarly articles inmanagement, human resources, project management and some technicalareaso Books 24X7 is a collection of 1600 full-text electronic books that include over1,000 titles related to nursing or the healthcare profession. All of these e-books are fully searchable.o NetLibrary is a collection of full-text titles online on a wide variety ofsubjects. The <strong>CTU</strong> collection of NetLibrary contains 10,573 titles.o FirstSearch, which provides Internet access to a wide variety of specializedindexes, including: Dissertation Abstracts, Psychology Abstracts, HumanitiesIndex and several full-text databases and reference sourceso <strong>Online</strong> local databases that provide entry into the Colorado Alliance ofResearch Libraries and the Pikes Peak Public Library Districto Colorado Library and Information Network. Each of these databasesrepresents the holdings of hundreds of libraries within Coloradoo Interlibrary loan connections to major libraries throughout the United Statesproviding full borrowing services for journals and bookso Access codes for all online databases are available at your <strong>CTU</strong> campuslibrary. The online library has journal articles containing information onHealth and Medicine. Access is available to health periodicals and full-textjournals. The online library also contains oxford reference online which hasaccess to Medline. Reference texts are available for topics such as medicalRevised January, 2013 25

dictionaries and a companion guide to medicine.What policies exist for the <strong>CTU</strong> library?The Library is based on the standards of excellence as described in theAmerican Library Association's, ACRL, Guidelines for Distance Learning LibraryServiceComponents of the Library are chosen based on the needs of the <strong>CTU</strong> learningcommunityPermission for site linkage is sought and a record of responses maintained in aneffort to assure compliance with copyrightUse logs are maintained and used as the basis for decisions on continuing orterminating linkage to sites and licensed database productsMechanisms for seeking feedback are built in. Change is the norm; and thechange must be made based on data and evaluationUser satisfaction is measured continuallyWhat is an interlibrary loan?Books and magazine articles may be obtained nation-wide through interlibrary loan. Todetermine the availability at your campus, please access the Library to complete the requestand get additional information from a librarian.What do I do if I want to use the interlibrary loan system?Books and magazine articles may be obtained nation-wide through interlibrary loan.Local Campus Access:Please see the resource center/Library staff for assistance in obtaining materials from otherlibraries using interlibrary loan.Virtual Campus Access:You can request material using the request form on the Virtual Campus or click here.What can I expect from Career Services?Career Services supports the mission of <strong>CTU</strong> by offering students and alumni resources andopportunities that enable them to successfully manage their careers. Through 1:1 careercoaching, the steps to success webinar series, resume and cover letter reviews, recorded mockinterviews, professional networking events, job postings and employer information sessions,student and alumni learn the essentials of executing a results-oriented job search. While <strong>CTU</strong>Revised January, 2013 26

makes no guarantee relative to securing employment or a specific salary range, the CareerServices department can provide tools and assistance relating to job acquisition and promotion.Career Services also oversees the virtual graduation ceremonies, graduation files, and on-linealumni services.When can I begin using the resources provided by Career Services?From day one, you are encouraged to connect with their Career Consultant to establish yourcareer goals and write a personalized career management plan.What is Optimal Resume?Optimal Resume is an award winning career management tool available free of charge to <strong>CTU</strong>students and alumni. Optimal Resume offers resources such as cover letter and resumesamples, a step by step resume builder, an interactive mock interview recorder, personalizedwebsite or video resume directions, and hundreds of job leads provided through SimplyHire.Option 1:Optimal Resume is an award-winning suite of career tools. You’ll be able to quickly andeasily build a professional resume, cover letter, portfolio, your own website, search for jobs,and much more. To learn more click here.Option 2:Optimal Resume will help you through each step of the career development process, beginningwith document and marketing creation (resume, letter, portfolio, video resume, creating yourown website) through interview preparation with interactive practice, and helping you apply forjobs as well. It’s a full suite of award-winning career tools, provided at no cost to you byColorado Technical University. To learn more click here.How do I reach Career Services?Local Campus:Connect with your local Career Services via the MyCampus student portal. If you are oncampus, you may also stop into their offices during their hours of operation.Virtual Campus:If you are taking courses through the Virtual Campus you can connect with Career Services inthe following ways:Revised January, 2013 27

1) Phone Queue: Consultants are available by phone to answer any impromptu questionsM-F, 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. CST at 1-866-813-18362) Live Chat: Consultants are available to answer any impromptu questions via chat M-F,9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. CST at https://campus.ctuonline.edu - click on “Career Services”and “chat”3) E-mail: <strong>Student</strong>s can submit general questions and concerns which are distributed tothe consultants and answered within 24 hours at careerservices@ctuonline.edu4) Career Services Events and Networking Club: <strong>Student</strong>s can find sample documents,event/webinar schedule, discussion board, and archives of all career-relatedpresentations at https://campus.ctuonline.edu - click on “virtual commons” and “clubs”How can I stay connected to <strong>CTU</strong> as an alumnus?We invite you to stay connected to <strong>CTU</strong> to take full advantage of the many benefits we provideto you and your fellow classmates and alumni, including:Networking Opportunities – including social media groupsAccess to Career Services<strong>CTU</strong> ApparelThe <strong>CTU</strong> Virtual Campus/Virtual CommonsAccess to the <strong>CTU</strong> online Library and Learning LabsAnd much moreBest of all, there are no membership dues or fees and you automatically become a memberupon graduation. You'll be able to take full advantage of everything our growing community hasto offer.Who can I contact if I have a question about my degree program?Virtual CampusThe Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Team can assist you with questions on your degree plan.They can be reached by dialing (866) 813- 1836, and select the option to discuss your programor e-mailing PLAGeneralInquiries@ctuonline.edu.Local CampusPlease contact your academic advisor at your local campus to discuss your degree plan and toaddress any questions or concerns you have about your academic program.Revised January, 2013 28

If I would like to change my schedule who should I contact?Virtual CampusThe Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Team can assist you with questions or changes to yourcourse schedule. They can be reached by dialing (866) 813- 1836, select the choice for changingyour schedule or e-mail PLAGeneralInquiries@ctuonline.edu. Please make your request as earlyas possible (in advance of the session you are requesting the adjustment) in order to avoidpotential long wait times. For changes needed in the upcoming session, your request shouldcome no later than one week prior to the last day of the session to ensure proper processingtime.**Please note changes made to your schedule may impact your financial aid agreement if thenumber of credits per session changes. You are strongly encouraged to speak to the FinancialAid department prior to making scheduling requests.** Please note that rate of progress and cumulative GPA can also be impacted when changingschedules. <strong>Student</strong>s are encouraged to contact their student advising team if you have anyquestions about how this impacts you.Local CampusPlease contact your academic advisor to discuss any changes to your schedule that are neededand to address any questions or concerns you have about your academic program.How long will it take to change my schedule once I make a request?Wait times for requested changes to your schedule may vary depending on time of session.Generally speaking, requests for the upcoming session should be made well in advance of thestart date to ensure you have the correct course materials. Requests can be immediate or maytake a number of weeks based on volume.What are the participation requirements for my courses?Active participation in all courses is a key to student success to further understand what isrequired of you please review the attendance policies by clicking here.How do I become a student mentor?If you are an experienced student attending classes through the Virtual Campus and areinterested in helping new students get acclimated with the university, please e-mail theLearning Center at learningcenter@ctuonline.edu to request a student mentorapplication. <strong>Student</strong> mentors must have maintained enrollment at the university for at leastsix consecutive sessions, carry a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, and have no occurrences ofplagiarism or violations of the <strong>Student</strong> Code of Conduct to be eligible.Revised January, 2013 29

Where do I sign up to receive a mentor?<strong>Student</strong>s taking courses through the Virtual Campus within their first quarter (i.e. first twosessions) at the university may request to work with a <strong>Student</strong> Mentor. A <strong>Student</strong> Mentor willhelp direct you to various resources at the university and give you advice as you begin yourprogram. To receive a mentor, please send an e-mail to the Learning Center atlearningcenter@ctuonline.edu with your name, student identification number, and request fora mentor.For students enrolled at the Sioux Falls location, a mentor can be requested through yourAcademic Advisor.How do I come back to the university after I have withdrawn?A student who has been withdrawn from <strong>CTU</strong> for less than 364 days simply indicates their wishto return through e-mail, or in person to the university and then are contacted for additionalsteps that need to be taken to prepare for their return to the school. If you have been out of<strong>CTU</strong> for over 364 days, please contact the Admissions Department at your campus to begin there-enrollment process.For students re-entering their program through a ground campus location, all requests must bedirected to an admissions advisor.Before returning, some students may have academic holds and the university will address thoseat the time of your request to re-enter.How can I change my instructor or course section?Virtual CampusThe opportunity to change your instructor or your course section can only be made duringadd/drop week. To make the desired change, you must contact your student advising team. Achange of section can only be made if there are seats available in another section.Any assignments submitted prior to a section change must be resubmitted and you shouldreach out to the new instructor to ensure that they are graded.Local CampusPlease contact your academic advisor to discuss any changes to your schedule that are neededand to address any questions or concerns you have about your academic program. Typically,changes to your schedule must be made prior to the beginning of the term.Revised January, 2013 30

Who do I contact for technical assistance for MyCampus or the Virtual Campus?Local campus:Each campus has a technical support/help desk team to assist with technical issues that mayarise while utilizing MyCampus or Moodle. Please contact your local campus’s technicalsupport/helpdesk team.Virtual Campus:Technical Support is available by phone, e-mail, online ticket, live online chat, or through the“support” link at the top of the Virtual Campus. Technical Support is available 24 hours a day/7days a week/ 365 days a year.Technical Support Contact Information:Phone: 1-866-813-1836, select the option for technical supportE-mail: support@ctuonline.eduLive Chat: Click on the “live chat” link on the “support” page. Use the onlinechat features and receive answers to questions in real time.<strong>Online</strong> Ticket: Click on the “create ticket” link on the “support” page. Requesthelp online by filling out a short form and submitting it to a Technical Support;a representative will respond to the problem or request by updating the ticketand by phone or e-mail.What is needed when contacting Technical Support?When contacting Technical Support, there are a few things to have ready that will helptroubleshoot a problem:1. Notes pertaining to what was being done or attempted when the error occurred;2. Information regarding the error message that was received;3. The student login account information (when contacting by phone);4. A valid phone number and e-mail address where you may be contacted if connectionis lost or there is a need to follow up with the problem.What are reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities? Colorado TechnicalUniversity does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of physical or mental disability.The university is fully committed to providing reasonable accommodations, includingappropriate auxiliary aids and services, to qualified individuals with a disability, unless providingsuch accommodations would result in undue burden or fundamentally alter the nature of therelevant program, a benefit or service provided by Colorado Technical University.Revised January, 2013 31

Who can request ADA accommodations?Any qualified individual with a physical or mental disability who also has a school status oforiginal enrollment, re-entry, or active.How do I initiate a request for an ADA accommodation?If you are taking courses at your local campus, please contact your academic or admissionadvisor who can connect you with the ADA/504 Coordinator at your campus who can assist youwith your request and review available accommodations.If you are an online student taking courses through the Virtual Campus, you can make a requestby submitting an inquiry and or documentation in one of the following ways:E-mail: ctu_special_needs_accommodation@ctuonline.eduFax: 1-866-296-6548Mail to Attn: Academics/Learning Support Serviceso Colorado Technical University, 4435 North Chestnut Street, Suite E; Colorado,Springs, CO 80907For questions, please contact Lakeisha Marvel, Disability Services Administrator, at 1-866-813-1836, ext. 35847For other general information, please contact the office of <strong>Student</strong> Advising ato 866-813-1836, select option 2, option 3What information do I need to provide to request an ADA accommodation?To obtain an accommodation for a disability, you must present a current medical certificationstating the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation you are requesting. Thecertification must be completed by a qualified diagnostic professional.How will future instructors know that I have Special Needs accommodations?Local CampusPlease contact the ADA/504 Coordinator at your campus to discuss the communication process.Virtual CampusInstructors are able to see the accommodation(s) granted to you once you are approvedthrough the Virtual Campus. <strong>CTU</strong> will also notify your professors via e-mail each term.Revised January, 2013 32

Can I request temporary accommodations?If the disability or medical condition is temporary in nature and is expected to improve, theADA/504 Coordinator can work with you and your qualified diagnostic professional to arrange atemporary accommodation.How long will it take to process my request for an ADA accommodation?To enable Colorado Technical University to provide an accommodation for a disability in atimely manner, you should submit the request six weeks before the first day of classes, or assoon as possible.What types of accommodations can I request?The university will work with each student individually and address their needs on a case-bycasebasis. You are encouraged to work with your campus ADA/504 Coordinator and yourhealth care professional to confer on reasonable and appropriate accommodations.I feel confident with my skills in English or math, but I don’t have transfer credit is there a testI can take?If you are taking courses through the Virtual Campus you have the option to take a challengeexam. Challenge exams are proficiency exams offered in the subjects of English and Math. Theyare offered to undergraduate students who have not yet satisfied the lower-level degreerequirements for ENGL125 and MATH105 and are scheduled by a student’s Prior LearningAssessment Advisor.If you are taking courses delivered at a local campus, please contact your admissions advisor oracademic advisor directly to discuss opportunities to gain credit through other avenues outsideof transfer credit.What are common university processes?What is the <strong>CTU</strong> grading scale?<strong>CTU</strong> utilizes a 4.0 grading scale. To review the grading system in depth, please click here to viewin the university policies.What do I do if I have a complaint?From time to time throughout your program you may be faced with situations that lead todisagreements or frustration. This could happen with your colleagues, faculty, or even withother university representatives. <strong>CTU</strong> suggests that you maintain professionalism and attemptRevised January, 2013 33

to resolve the issue with the source prior to taking further action. It is also suggested that youfollow up directly with the university representative or an advisor to obtain assistance. If youare unable to resolve an issue using the channels provided you may file a grievance.If you’re experiencing a problem or concern please follow the resolution guidelines located inthe grievance policy in the university catalog. The student grievance procedure is designed sothat a student’s grievance can be investigated and addressed promptly and without unduedelay. In order to achieve that, it is strongly recommended that the student begin these stepsat the first indication of a problem or concern. For a full explanation of the steps a studentshould take to handle a complaint, please review the student grievance procedure within theuniversity policies by clicking here.What does <strong>CTU</strong> do with the feedback I provide when I fill out the end of course survey?Each end of course survey is utilized to gather information about various aspects of the courseand classroom. The curriculum team reviews your answers related to curriculum concerns andthe faculty team reviews your answers related to faculty concerns. Your feedback is greatlyappreciated and has a direct impact on determining the performance of faculty memberswithin the classroom and any future changes to the course and curriculum.What happens if I disagree with a grade in a class or on an assignment?If you are dissatisfied with a grade on an assignment please start by reading the feedback yourinstructor has given you. This can be found in the classroom within the grade book. Each gradeis assigned in the classroom with feedback to ensure that learning and improvement can beachieved. If after this review you have additional questions, please contact your instructoroverseeing the course directly to resolve your concerns. If the student is unable to resolve theirconcerns through the instructor, the grade appeal policy is located within the Catalog –University Policies.I am repeating a course, or have work from a class that I’ve taken and I would like to submit itagain, can I use it?<strong>CTU</strong> maintains a high expectation for original work and the full disclosure of those expectationscan be found here within the university policies under our Originality Policy. Providing originalwork is critical to the learning process and assists you in the development and demonstration ofcritical thinking skills.What exactly is Financial Aid?Financial aid funds are made available for purposes directly related to obtaining an education at<strong>CTU</strong>. There are several types of financial aid with different re-payment requirements.Revised January, 2013 34

<strong>Student</strong>s are responsible for all charges as published in the tuition and fees schedule. To viewthe tuition and fee schedule, click here. Arrangements for payment of all charges must bemade prior to the first day of each session. <strong>CTU</strong> reserves the right to remove a student fromclass or administratively withdraw a student from <strong>CTU</strong> at any point in time for not fulfilling theirfinancial obligations to <strong>CTU</strong> defined as follows but not limited to:<strong>Student</strong> has not made satisfactory payments on any outstanding payment plansor balance.<strong>Student</strong> has not satisfactorily completed or provided all required universitydocuments.<strong>CTU</strong> is staffed with very knowledgeable financial aid officers ready to guide and assist studentsthrough the financial aid process.How do I find out more about Financial Aid?Financial Aid information can be viewed directly online through the Virtual Campus orMyCampus. If you have questions about the information available online or have questionsthat cannot be answered through the online format please contact the Financial Aiddepartment at your campus.Our goal is to provide students all the assistance they need. Financial Aid officers are availableto support students throughout their program.What is the difference in the Financial Aid Office & the <strong>Student</strong> Accounts Office?The Financial Aid and <strong>Student</strong> Accounts offices work together however they are separateentities. Financial Aid is responsible for setting up your award based off of eligibility determinedby the United States Department of Education or to ensure your tuition is covered. The <strong>Student</strong>Accounts department is there for assistance on making payments, explaining specific chargesagainst your student statement, and assists with the processing of funds.How do I pay my tuition bill?<strong>Student</strong>s may have all tuition covered by grants and loans. This will be dependent on theeligibility after completion of the FAFSA application. All eligibility for the federal grants andloans will be determined by the United States Department of Education and are need based. Ifyou are not eligible for Title IV aid through the Department of Education, you may choose topay your tuition using an out of pocket payment plan which is an interest free payment paiddirectly to the school on a month to month basis. Some students may also be eligible for tuitionreimbursement through their employers or may have Military Education Benefits as assistanceas well.Revised January, 2013 35

If a student chooses to set up a payment plan while actively enrolled, a student can make theirpayments in the following manner:On the Virtual Campus/MyCampus under the accounts tab, with a bankdebit/credit card; a major credit card, or with bank account number<strong>Student</strong> can call <strong>Student</strong> Accounts and make a payment over the phone with acustomer service advisor<strong>Student</strong>s can have funds automatically drafted from their credit card or bankaccount, by setting up auto pay on the Virtual Campus under the accounts tabor they can speak with a <strong>Student</strong> Accounts Customer Service Advisor over thephone to set up auto pay<strong>Student</strong> can set up auto pay by going through their bank and have paymentselectronically sent to the university<strong>Student</strong> can mail a check to our university lockbox address: Colorado TechnicalUniversity; 13459 Collections Center Drive; Chicago, IL 60693<strong>Student</strong> can have funds wire transferred to the university from their bankHow do I know how much I am paying for tuition?Upon enrolling, you will receive information regarding the cost per credit hour for your tuitionwithin your enrollment packet. This is also posted on the Virtual Campus for your reference.The amount that you will be paying will change depending on the number of credits needed tocomplete your program. You may also visit your financial aid award letter as well as your‘student statement’ under the ‘student accounts’ tab on the Virtual Campus to determine whatis being charged quarterly to your account.Who do I contact if I have questions about my tuition or my bill?You may contact either the Financial Aid department or the <strong>Student</strong> Accounts department withany question regarding your tuition or bill. Financial Aid and <strong>Student</strong> Accounts will worktogether to assist in making sure your questions are answered.What happens to my financial aid if I withdraw?The date of your withdrawal will determine your eligibility for your financial aid.If I need to take a break from school what are my options?Virtual Campus<strong>Student</strong>s taking courses through the Virtual Campus are encouraged to review all informationwithin the Catalog – University Polices to be informed about policies to assist students withunique circumstances that may prevent them from pursuing their course(s) or program.Revised January, 2013 36

Depending on your circumstances, if you had to take a break from the university, in which youtook no classes, it would ultimately result in withdrawing from the school and would no longerbe considered an active student. There are a number of other alternative options towithdrawing from the university which our <strong>Student</strong> Advising department can review withyou. If you should find yourself in such a situation please contact <strong>Student</strong> Advising immediatelyso that options can be discussed. For the extenuating emergency circumstances of a medicalemergency, military duty, jury duty, care of a family member, or a death in the family, pleaserefer to our Leave of Absence Policy in the Catalog – University Policies by clicking here.Local CampusIf you are taking courses at a local campus, please contact your academic advisor to discussavailable options to you. There are a number of other alternative options to withdrawing fromthe university which an academic advisor can go review with you. If you should find yourself insuch a situation please contact your academic advisor immediately so that options can bediscussed. For the extenuating emergency circumstances of a medical emergency, military duty,jury duty, care of a family member, or a death in the family, please refer to our Leave ofAbsence Policy in the Catalog – University Policies by clicking here.How can I access my graduation file?Visit the Career Services office at your local campus for this information. If you are takingcourses through the Virtual Campus you can access your graduation file and other resources atwww.coloradotech.edu/ctu-online/ - click on the Career Services tab.Where can I get information about the commencement ceremony?Local CampusContact your local Career Services department through MyCampus or feel free to stop by theiroffice during their hours of operation to discuss the graduation options and get detailedinformation about your local ceremony.Virtual CampusTo find out more about a ground commencement ceremony, visit the Virtual Campus>>>CareerServices Tab>>>Ground Ceremony. Click on the individual campus location you desire toexplore the ceremony dates. The commencement applications are listed under each campus aswell as important details about each specific ceremony.All online students are invited to participate in a virtual graduation ceremony as well. One weekbefore classes end, students receive an invitation via e-mail with login instructions. Registrationis not necessary and family and friends can be invited to view the ceremony. There is a live chatRevised January, 2013 37

eception from 11am to 12pm CST on the day of the ceremony and the archived presentation isviewable for one year.Does <strong>CTU</strong> have a policy regarding criminal background checks?<strong>CTU</strong> maintains a Criminal Conviction Policy. In an effort to maintain a safe educational andworking environment for students and staff, Colorado Technical University does not acceptapplicants who are known to have certain types of criminal convictions. Admitted students whoare discovered to have misrepresented their criminal conviction history to Colorado TechnicalUniversity are subject to immediate dismissal. Similarly, students who commit certain types ofcrimes while enrolled are subject to immediate dismissal. As such, students convicted of anycriminal offense while enrolled must report that conviction to the school within ten (10) days ofreceiving the conviction. <strong>Student</strong>s who fail to report a criminal conviction while enrolled aresubject to immediate dismissal. Colorado Technical University reserves the right to conductcriminal background checks on applicants and students in circumstances deemed appropriateby Colorado Technical University.Where do I go to request a transcript?A student may request an official transcript from the university by contacting the campusdirectly or electronically. To request an official transcript electronically an electronic transcriptexchange service is provided to all students, the service is called Docufide. To access Docufide,enter the Virtual Campus or My Campus portal and click on the “request your official transcript”link. Use the “other” button to specify recipients of your transcript for both admission andemployment purposes. As part of a one-time account setup, you will be asked to provide thelast 4 digits of your social security number for identity verification. A transcript fee is assessedregardless of transcript hold status. If you have an outstanding balance preventing release ofyour transcript, the university will not be able to issue your official transcript. Please contact<strong>Student</strong> Accounts for assistance to resolve your account. Withdrawn students may access theDocufide site through www.coloradotech.edu, click on campus locations, choose –your campus,and then choose transcript request. <strong>Student</strong>s attending through the virtual campus have theability to request a transcript by fax by completing an official transcript request form and creditcard authorization form; completed forms can be faxed to Attention: Transcript Request at 866-371-8821. <strong>Student</strong>s have the ability to request a transcript by mail by completing an officialtranscript request form, submitting the correct check or money order amount made out toColorado Technical University, and mailing it to:Colorado Technical University4435 N Chestnut Street, Suite EColorado Springs, CO 80907Attention: Registrar’s Office/Transcript RequestRevised January, 2013 38

What can interfere with my ability to obtain an official transcript?Requests for transcripts will not be honored if any outstanding charges are not paid on youraccount.Where do I go to get enrollment verification from <strong>CTU</strong>?Local Campus:To request an enrollment verification, contact the Registrar‘s Office on your campus.Virtual CampusEnrollment verification can be found by following the academics tab on the Virtual Campus.There is a link on the left hand side that is labeled enrollment verification. Before printing theenrollment verification, you will be given the option to choose the enrollment in which you areyou looking for verification, and whether or not you would like your GPA included. TheRegistrar’s Office can assist you with questions in regards to enrollment verification. They canbe reached by dialing (866) 813- 1836, select enrollment verification as your option whenprompted or by e-mail ctuonlineenrollmentverifications@ctuonline.edu.What should I do if I want to change my program?Local CampusTo explore the option of changing your degree program, or request a change to your degreeprogram, please contact your academic or admission advisor on campus.Virtual CampusIf you have already started classes and would like to change to a different program, pleasecontact The Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Team. You can call (866) 813- 1836, whenprompted select schedule changes or program changes as your option or e-mailPLAGeneralInquiries@ctuonline.edu. You will want to begin by researching what programs areavailable in the degree programs catalog. Be sure to get your request in early. Processing aprogram change takes a number of weeks.**Please note students on probation status may not change their program. For questions onyour academic status, please contact your student advising team.**Please note new students should continue to work with their Admission Advisor to adjust anupcoming program.Revised January, 2013 39

My instructor is not replying to my e-mails, who do I contact for help?If an instructor is unresponsive to your communications after 48 hours, you will want to contactyour student advising team or your academic advisor. To ensure a quick turnaround time,please include your full name, student identification number as well as a copy of your e-mail orproof of communication, the instructor’s name and the course title or conditions at hand. Theuniversity will initiate the steps for an investigation into your concerns. Investigations can takeup to 72 hours, so in the meantime it is recommended that you continually attempt all avenuesof communication, while also continuing to work on all assignments to prevent falling behind inthe course.How do I avoid common mistakes?Budget the necessary time to complete your assignments without rushing to meet the deadlineView every chat session (live or archived) to ensure you meet the instructor’sexpectations for each assignmentCheck the Originality Verification score prior to submitting an assignment forcreditCommunicate your questions and concerns with your instructors and <strong>CTU</strong> staffmembersBe diligent and disciplined with your course work and your participation in yourcourses, only you can stand in the way of your successDo not assume that school is easy, especially if taking courses delivered in anaccelerated format. Accelerated is the same amount of work in less timeCommunicating with your instructors may feel intimidating at first, but avoidingcontact with them will be a big mistake when you need them in the futureStart early on your group projects and communicate regularly with your groupHow can I save time and money by doing things right the first time?Retaking a class will have the most significant impact on the time and money required tocomplete your degree. Retaking a class may be required if a student withdraws or does notmeet the academic requirements to earn credit for the course. Tips to avoid retaking a class:Anticipate potential obstacles and plan ahead to avoid or overcome them whilecontinuing with your programCommunicate with <strong>Student</strong> Advising for academic assistance when neededAttend every chat session to maximize your understanding of the coursecontent and assignmentsComplete every assignment to the best of your abilityRevised January, 2013 40

Submit every assignment on timeRealistically evaluate your schedule and make necessary adjustments prior tothe end of add/drop weekWhat policies does <strong>CTU</strong> have regarding safety and security at local campuses?The safety and security of employees, students and guests of <strong>CTU</strong> are of primary importance.Complacency is the worst enemy of the safe work place; therefore, everyone must activelythink about safety in all areas of work. If anyone has knowledge of a situation that would havean impact/effect on the safety or well-being of another student, faculty or staff member, itmust be reported to Facilities personnel immediately. Any and all injuries that occur on the <strong>CTU</strong>campus or within the laboratory clinical setting for medical students need to be reported to therespective program chair or dean at once. Additionally, security guards are located on all <strong>CTU</strong>campuses and will escort you to your vehicle, if so desired. Please contact your local campus forthe available hours for a security escort.Safety glasses must be worn at all times in medical laboratory and clinicalsettings.Any student found to not be following proper safety techniques, to include notusing proper personal protective equipment, may be removed from theirrespective program.In all medical courses and those courses occurring in a laboratory, proper“sharps” safety must be followed at all times.All medical students will double-glove during clinical rotations.Lapses of student judgment deemed detrimental to others are grounds forcounseling and possible dismissal from <strong>CTU</strong>Horseplay or other inappropriate and/or dangerous behavior is not permittedin any classroom, lab, or clinical areas.Unsafe and/or unprofessional behaviors include actions that threaten or violatethe physical, biological or emotional safety of other students The following areexamples of unsafe practices:• Physical SafetyInappropriate use of side rails, wheelchairs, positioning devices, orany device that protects students from the risk of falls,lacerations, burns, etc.• Biological SafetyFailing to follow prescribed procedures when in either a medicalor Criminal Justice Forensics laboratory session; recognize errorsRevised January, 2013 41

in aseptic technique, attending medical course clinicals while ill,performing technical actions without appropriate supervision, andfailing to seek help when needed.• Emotional SafetyThreatening other students, staff or faculty, making others feelfearful, providing inappropriate or incorrect information, failing toseek help when needed, or demonstrating unstable emotionalbehavior.o Unprofessional BehaviorVerbal or non-verbal language, actions, or voice inflection which compromises rapport withother students, faculty or staff. Violation of these standards has serious repercussions. Anystudent violating these standards will be immediately removed from the classroom, lab orclinical areas. At the discretion of <strong>CTU</strong>, such violations may also result in dismissal from theprogram and/or <strong>CTU</strong>.Notice to Illinois ResidentsSexual Harassment in Higher Education is illegal under the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS5/1-101 et seq.The Illinois Human Rights Act (“Act”) prohibits unwelcome advances or conduct of a sexualnature, and requests for sexual favors of students by an executive, faculty member,administrative staff member, or teaching assistant in an institution of higher education whensuch behavior interferes with the student’s performance or creates an intimidating, hostile oroffensive environment. Institutions of higher education include public or private universities,colleges, community colleges, junior colleges, business schools, and vocational schools. The Actprohibits retaliation against a student for opposing sexual harassment in higher education orfor participating in an investigation (internal or external) of sexual harassment in highereducation or for filing a charge. “Sexual harassment in higher education” is defined in Section5A-101(E) of the Act.Following are examples of sexual harassment in higher education: 1) a professor whocontinually makes jokes of a sexual nature in the classroom; 2) a registration advisor who tells astudent the student might be able to get into a class if the student dates the advisor; 3) anadmissions advisor who tells a prospective student that the advisor will put in a “good word”for the prospective student if the student dates the advisor; and 4) a financial assistance advisorwho tells a student that “if you have sex with me, I can look out for scholarships for you”.Any student who believes he or she is being subjected to sexual harassment, including sexualRevised January, 2013 42

advances, should contact the Office of Ombuds at ombuds@ctuonline.edu.The student may also contact the Illinois Department of Human Rights for further informationor to file a charge. Charges must be filed within 180 days of alleged sexual harassment. Thecharge and complaint process is described in more detail at http://www.state.il.us/dhr/Forms/CIS-SXH.htm and http://www.state.il.us/dhr/charges/charge_1.htmThe Department may be reached at:CHICAGO OFFICE SPRINGFIELD OFFICE MARION OFFICE100 W. Randolph Street10 th FloorIntake UnitChicago, IL 60601(312) 814-6200(217) 785-5125 (TTY)222 South CollegeRoom 101-AIntake UnitSpringfield, IL 62704(217) 785-5100(217) 785-5125 (TTY)2309 West Main StreetSuite 112Intake UnitMarion, IL 62959(618) 993-7463(217) 785-5125 (TTY)The charge process may be initiated by completing the form at:http://www.state.il.us/dhr/Forms/CIS_SXH.pdf.Alcohol/Drug Awareness Programs OverviewDrug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention InformationInformation about drug and alcohol abuse prevention is made available to students and employees inthe Consumer Information & Campus Security Report booklet. The booklet is available online on thestudent portal.In accordance with the requirements of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 (Public Law101-226), and the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Public Law 101-690), our school provides allstudents and employees with the following information concerning school policies and theconsequences of the manufacture, distribution, possession, or use of illicit drugs or alcohol.<strong>Student</strong>s and employees are prohibited from the unlawfully manufacturing, distributing, possessing, orusing illicit drugs or alcohol while on school property or participating in any school activity. Violation ofthis policy will subject students or employees to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion ortermination from employment. In addition, violation may result in local, state, and/or federal criminalcharges.Legal sanctions under local, state, and federal laws may include:suspension, revocation, or denial of a driver's licenseRevised January, 2013 43

loss of eligibility for federal financial aid or other federal benefitsproperty seizuremandated community servicefelony conviction that may result in 20-50 years imprisonment at hard labor without benefit ofparolemonetary finesIn addition to local and state authorities, the federal government has four agencies (the DrugEnforcement Agency, U.S. Customs Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the U.S. Coast Guard)engaged in combating illicit drugs. One should be aware that:it is a crime to hold someone else's illicit drugsit is a crime to sell fake "dope"it is a crime for being in a house where people are using illicit drugs, even if you are not using themit is a crime if drugs are in your locker, car, purse, or house which is considered "constructivepossession"Drug abuse, which can affect ones physical and emotional health and social life, is the utilization ofnatural and/or synthetic chemical substances for non-medical reasons to affect the body and itsprocesses, the mind and nervous system and behavior. Drugs can be highly addictive and injurious tothe body. Among the manifestations may be loss of sense of responsibility and coordination,restlessness, irritability, anxiety, paranoia, depression, acting slow-moving, inattentiveness, loss ofappetite, sexual indifference, coma, convulsions, and death.There are classic danger signals that could be indicative of drug use. These danger signals include:abrupt changes in mood or attitudecontinuing slump at work or schoolcontinuing resistance to discipline at work or schoolcannot get along with family or friendsunusual temper flare-upsincreased borrowing of moneyheightened secrecya complete new set of friendsInformation regarding the effects of commonly abused drugs may be found on the internet atwww.nida.nih.gov/DrugsofAbuse.html.Drug and alcohol abuse education programs are offered by local community agencies. The school willpost information about such education programs at the Office of <strong>Student</strong> Services.While care must be taken to ensure that a person is not wrongly accused of drug use, it is recommendedthat anyone who notes danger signals in either a student or employee contact the school President’sOffice. If it is determined by the school President that a student or employee is in need of assistance toovercome a drug problem, he/she may be counseled on the need to seek assistance. The cost of suchassistance or treatment will be the responsibility of the student or employee. Records of suchcounseling will remain confidential.Revised January, 2013 44

In certain instances, students and employees may be referred to counseling and/or a substance abusehelp center. If such a referral is made, continued enrollment or employment is contingent uponattendance and successful completion of any prescribed counseling or treatment. <strong>Student</strong>s oremployees who are seeking treatment for a substance abuse problem may contact the President’sOffice. Confidentiality will be maintained. In addition, students or employees who believe they have asubstance abuse problem may find sources of treatment or advice by referring to the section of the localtelephone book headed "Drug Abuse & Addiction Information and Treatment."There are also national organizations that may be contacted for help, such as:The Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Hotline 1-800-ALCOHOL (1-800-252-6465)National Drug Abuse Helpline 1-866-874-4553The National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment Referral Hotline 1-800-662-HELP (4357) orhttp://findtreatment.samhsa.gov/Al-Anon for Families of Alcoholics 1-800-344-2666<strong>Student</strong> and employees must notify the school President, in writing, within five days of being convictedof a criminal drug statute at the school. Disciplinary action will occur within 30 days of receipt of thewritten notification and may range from a letter of admonishment to termination from enrollment oremployment at the school.<strong>Student</strong> ServicesSUPPORT SERVICES REFERRALS: HOTLINES/SELF-HELP SUPPORT GROUPSNOTE: Because leadership changes often in self-help groups, the listed telephone numbers may change.Hotline information/referral numbers are for reaching those that can provide crisis counseling, refercallers to local agencies, and provide information and/or printed materials.Al-Anon for Families of Alcoholics (888)-425-2666Alcohol & Drug Abuse Hotline (800) 729-6686Alcohol Abuse Aaron Addiction Helpline & Treatment (800) 992-4414Be Sober Hotline (800) 237-6237Depression/Alcohol and Drug Addiction Trauma Hotline (800) 544-1177Alcohol & Drug Abuse Hotline (800)-729-6686Narcotics Anonymous Referral Service And Treatment Program (800) 711-6375National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Hope Line (800) 622-2255Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (800) 662-HELP (4357)National Help Line for Substance Abuse (800) 262-2463Revised January, 2013 45

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