
ETA-09/0317 ETA-09/0317
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Centre Scientifique etTechnique du Bâtiment84 avenue Jean JaurèsCHAMPS-SUR-MARNEF-77447 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2Tél. : (33) 01 64 68 82 82Fax : (33) 01 60 05 70 37Autorisé etnotifié conformément àl’article 10 de la directive89/106/EEC du Conseil, du21 décembre 1988, relative aurapprochement des dispositionslégislatives, réglementaireset administratives des Etatsmembres concernantles produits deconstruction.MEMBRE DE L’EOTAEuropean Technical Approval(English language translation, the original version is in French language)ETA-09/0317Nom commercial :Trade name:Titulaire :Holder of approval:Type générique et utilisation prévue duproduit de construction :Generic type and use ofconstruction product:Validité du :au :Validity from / to:Usine de fabrication :Manufacturing plant:Le présent Agrément technique européencontient :This European Technical Approvalcontains:POWERS THROUGHBOLT PTB-ETA1-PROPowers Fasteners EuropeStanley Black&Decker Deutschland GmbHEuropean Anchor Development CenterBlack-&-Decker Str. 4065510 IdsteinGermanyCheville métallique à expansion par vissage à couple contrôlé,de fixation dans le béton fissuré et non fissurédiamètres M8, M10, M12, M16 et M20.Torque-controlled expansion anchor for use in cracked anduncracked concrete: sizes M8, M10, M12, M16, M20.07/05/201307/05/2018Plant 1 & 213 pages incluant 6 annexes faisant partie intégrante du document.13 pages including 6 annexes which form an integral part ofthe document.Technique Européen annule et remplace ETA-09/0317 valide du 18/05/2010 au 04/11/2014This European Technical Approval cancels and replaces ETA-09/0317 with validity from 18/05/2010 to 04/11/2014.Organisation pour l’Agrément Technique EuropéenEuropean Organisation for Technical Approvals

Centre Scientifique etTechnique du Bâtiment84 avenue Jean JaurèsCHAMPS-SUR-MARNEF-77447 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2Tél. : (33) 01 64 68 82 82Fax : (33) 01 60 05 70 37Autorisé etnotifié conformément àl’article 10 de la directive89/106/EEC du Conseil, du21 décembre 1988, relative aurapprochement des dispositionslégislatives, réglementaireset administratives des Etatsmembres concernantles produits deconstruction.MEMBRE DE L’EOTAEuropean Technical Approval(English language translation, the original version is in French language)<strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong>Nom commercial :Trade name:Titulaire :Holder of approval:Type générique et utilisation prévue duproduit de construction :Generic type and use ofconstruction product:Validité du :au :Validity from / to:Usine de fabrication :Manufacturing plant:Le présent Agrément technique européencontient :This European Technical Approvalcontains:POWERS THROUGHBOLT PTB-<strong>ETA</strong>1-PROPowers Fasteners EuropeStanley Black&Decker Deutschland GmbHEuropean Anchor Development CenterBlack-&-Decker Str. 4065510 IdsteinGermanyCheville métallique à expansion par vissage à couple contrôlé,de fixation dans le béton fissuré et non fissurédiamètres M8, M10, M12, M16 et M20.Torque-controlled expansion anchor for use in cracked anduncracked concrete: sizes M8, M10, M12, M16, M20.07/05/201307/05/2018Plant 1 & 213 pages incluant 6 annexes faisant partie intégrante du document.13 pages including 6 annexes which form an integral part ofthe document.Technique Européen annule et remplace <strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong> valide du 18/05/2010 au 04/11/2014This European Technical Approval cancels and replaces <strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong> with validity from 18/05/2010 to 04/11/2014.Organisation pour l’Agrément Technique EuropéenEuropean Organisation for Technical Approvals

Page 2 of European Technical Approval <strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong> issued on 07/05/2010English translation prepared by CSTBILEGAL BASES AND GENERAL CONDITIONS1. This European Technical Approval is issued by the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtimentin accordance with: Council Directive 89/106/EEC of 21 December 1988 on the approximation of laws, regulationsand administrative provisions of Member States relating to construction products 1 , modifiedby the Council Directive 93/68/EEC of 22 July 1993 2 and Regulation (EC) N° 1882/2003 ofthe European Parliament and of the Council 3 ; Décret n° 92-647 du 8 juillet 1992 4construction;concernant l’aptitude à l’usage des produits de Common Procedural Rules for Requesting, Preparing and the Granting of EuropeanTechnical Approvals set out in the Annex of Commission Decision 94/23/EC 5 ; Guideline for European Technical Approval of « Metal Anchors for use in Concrete »<strong>ETA</strong>G 001, edition 1997, Part 1 « Anchors in general » and Part 2 « Torque-controlledexpansion anchors ».2. The Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment is authorised to check whether the provisionsof this European Technical Approval are met. Checking may take place in the manufacturingplant (for example concerning the fulfilment of assumptions made in this European TechnicalApproval with regard to manufacturing). Nevertheless, the responsibility for the conformity of theproducts with the European Technical Approval and for their fitness for the intended use remainswith the holder of the European Technical Approval.3. This European Technical Approval is not to be transferred to manufacturers or agents ofmanufacturer other than those indicated on page 1; or manufacturing plants other than thoseindicated on page 1 of this European Technical Approval.4. This European Technical Approval may be withdrawn by the Centre Scientifique et Technique duBâtiment pursuant to Article 5 (1) of the Council Directive 89/106/EEC.5. Reproduction of this European Technical Approval including transmission by electronic meansshall be in full. However, partial reproduction can be made with the written consent of the CentreScientifique et Technique du Bâtiment. In this case partial reproduction has to be designated assuch. Texts and drawings of advertising brochures shall not contradict or misuse the EuropeanTechnical Approval.6. The European Technical Approval is issued by the approval body in its official language. Thisversion corresponds to the version circulated within EOTA. Translations into other languageshave to be designated as such.12Official Journal of the European Communities n° L 40, 11.2.1989, p. 12Official Journal of the European Communities n° L 220, 30.8.1993, p. 13Official Journal of the European Union n° L 284, 31.10.2003, p. 254Journal officiel de la République française du 14 juillet 19925Official Journal of the European Communities n° L 17, 20.1.1994, p. 34

Page 3 of European Technical Approval <strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong> issued on 07/05/2010English translation prepared by CSTBIISPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF THE EUROPEAN TECHNICAL APPROVAL1 Definition of product and intended use1.1 Definition of productThe POWERS THROUGHBOLT PTB-<strong>ETA</strong>1-PRO anchor is an anchor made of zincelectroplated steel which is placed into a drilled hole and anchored by torque-controlledexpansion.For the installed anchor see Figure given in Annex 1.1.2 Intended useThe anchor is intended to be used for anchorages for which requirements for mechanicalresistance and stability and safety in use in the sense of the Essential Requirements 1 and 4 ofCouncil Directive 89/106/EEC shall be fulfilled and failure of anchorages made with theseproducts would compromise the stability of the works, cause risk to human life and/or lead toconsiderable economic consequences.The anchor is to be used only for anchorages subject to static or quasi-static loading inreinforced or unreinforced normal weight concrete of strength classes C20/25 minimum toC50/60 maximum according to EN 206-1: 2000-12. It may be anchored in cracked or noncrackedconcrete.The anchor may be used for anchorages with requirements related to resistance to fire.The POWERS THROUGHBOLT PTB-<strong>ETA</strong>1-PRO anchors may only be used in concrete subjectto dry internal conditions.The provisions made in this European Technical Approval are based on an assumed intendedworking life of the anchor of 50 years. The indications given on the working life cannot beinterpreted as a guarantee given by the producer, but are to be regarded only as a means forchoosing the right products in relation to the expected economically reasonable working life ofthe works.2 Characteristics of product and methods of verification2.1 Characteristics of productThe POWERS THROUGHBOLT PTB-<strong>ETA</strong>1-PRO anchors correspond to the drawings andprovisions given in Annexes 1 to 2. The characteristic material values, dimensions andtolerances of the anchors not indicated in Annexes 1 and 2 shall correspond to the respectivevalues laid down in the technical documentation 6 of this European Technical Approval. Thecharacteristic anchor values for the design of anchorages are given in Annexes 3 to 4.The characteristic values for the design of anchorages regarding resistance to fire are given inAnnexes 5 and 6. They are valid for use in a system that is required to provide a specific fireresistance class.Regarding the requirement concerning safety in case of fire it is assumed that the anchor meetsthe requirements of class A1 in relation to reaction to fire in accordance with the stipulations ofthe commission decision 96/603/EC, amended by 2000/605/EC.6The technical documentation of this European Technical Approval is deposited at the Centre Scientifique etTechnique du Bâtiment and, as far as relevant for the tasks of the approved bodies involved in theattestation of conformity procedure, is handed over to the approved bodies.

Page 4 of European Technical Approval <strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong> issued on 07/05/2010English translation prepared by CSTBEach anchor is marked with the identifying mark of the producer according to Annex 1.The anchor shall only be packaged and supplied as a complete unit.2.2 Methods of verificationThe assessment of fitness of the anchor for the intended use in relation to the requirements formechanical resistance and stability and safety in use in the sense of the Essential Requirements1 and 4 has been made in accordance with the « Guideline for European Technical Approval ofMetal Anchors for use in Concrete », Part 1 « Anchors in general » and Part 2 « Torquecontrolledexpansion anchors », on the basis of Option 1.The assessment of the anchor for the intended use in relation to the requirements for resistanceto fire has been made in accordance with the Technical Report TR 020 ”Evaluation ofanchorages in concrete concerning resistance to fire”.In addition to the specific clauses relating to dangerous substances contained in this Europeantechnical approval, there may be other requirements applicable to the products falling within itsscope (e.g. transposed European legislation and national laws, regulations and administrativeprovisions). In order to meet the provisions of the Construction Products Directive, theserequirements need also to be complied with, when and where they apply.3 Evaluation of Conformity and CE marking3.1 Attestation of conformity systemThe system of attestation of conformity 2 (i) (referred to as system 1) according to CouncilDirective 89/106/EEC Annex III laid down by the European Commission provides:a) tasks for the manufacturer:1. factory production control,2. further testing of samples taken at the factory by the manufacturer in accordancewith a prescribed test plan.b) tasks for the approved body:3. initial type-testing of the product,4. initial inspection of factory and of factory production control,5. continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of factory production control.3.2 Responsibilities3.2.1 Tasks of the manufacturer3.2.1.1 Factory production controlThe manufacturer shall have a factory production control system in the plant and shall exercisepermanent internal control of production. All the elements, requirements and provisions adoptedby the manufacturer are documented in a systematic manner in the form of written policies andprocedures. This production control system ensures that the product is in conformity with theEuropean Technical Approval.The manufacturer shall only use raw materials supplied with the relevant inspection documentsas laid down in the prescribed test plan 7 . The incoming raw materials shall be subject to controls7The prescribed test plan has been deposited at the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment and ishanded over only to the approved bodies involved in the conformity attestation procedure.

Page 5 of European Technical Approval <strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong> issued on 07/05/2010English translation prepared by CSTBand tests by the manufacturer before acceptance. Check of incoming materials such as nuts,washers, wire for bolts and metal band for expansion sleeves shall include control of theinspection documents presented by suppliers (comparison with nominal values) by verifyingdimension and determining material properties.The frequency of controls and tests conducted during production and on the assembled anchoris laid down in the prescribed test plan taking account of the automated manufacturing processof the anchor.The results of factory production control are recorded and evaluated.The records shall be presented to the inspection body during the continuous surveillance. Onrequest, they shall be presented to the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment.Details of the extent, nature and frequency of testing and controls to be performed within thefactory production control shall correspond to the prescribed test plan which is part of thetechnical documentation of this European Technical Approval.3.2.1. 2 Other tasks of the manufacturerThe manufacturer shall, on the basis of a contract, involve a body which is approved for the tasksreferred to in section 3.1 in the field of in order to undertake the actions laid down in section3.2.2. For this purpose, the control plan referred to in sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 shall be handedover by the manufacturer to the approved body involved. The manufacturer shall make adeclaration of conformity, stating that the construction product is in conformity with the provisionsof this European technical approval.3.2.2 Tasks of approved bodies3.2.2.1 Initial type-testing of the productFor initial type-testing the results of the tests performed as part of the assessment for theEuropean Technical Approval shall be used unless there are changes in the production line orplant. In such cases the necessary initial type-testing has to be agreed between the CentreScientifique et Technique du Bâtiment and the approved bodies involved. Initial inspection of factory and of factory production controlThe approved body shall ascertain that, in accordance with the prescribed test plan, the factoryand the factory production control are suitable to ensure continuous and orderly manufacturing ofthe anchor according to the specifications mentioned in 2.1. as well as to the Annexes to theEuropean Technical Approval.The approved certification body involved by the manufacturer shall issue an EC certificate ofconformity of the product stating the conformity with the provisions of this European technicalapproval. Continuous surveillanceThe approved certification body involved by the manufacturer shall visit the factory at least oncea year for routine inspection. It has to be verified that the system of factory production controland the specified automated manufacturing process are maintained taking account of theprescribed test plan.Continuous surveillance and assessment of factory production control have to be performedaccording to the prescribed test plan.The results of product certification and continuous surveillance shall be made available ondemand by the certification body or inspection body, respectively, to the Centre Scientifique etTechnique du Bâtiment. In cases where the provisions of the European Technical Approval andthe prescribed test plan are no longer fulfilled the conformity certificate shall be withdrawn andCSTB informed without delay.

Page 6 of European Technical Approval <strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong> issued on 07/05/2010English translation prepared by CSTB3.3. CE-MarkingThe CE marking shall be affixed on each packaging of anchors. The symbol « CE » shall beaccompanied by the following information: Commercial name; Name or identifying mark of the producer and manufacturing plant; Name of approval body and <strong>ETA</strong> number; Identification number of the certification body; Number of the EC certificate of conformity; Use category (<strong>ETA</strong>G 001-2 Option 1); The last two digits of the year in which the CE-marking was affixed; Size.4 Assumptions under which the fitness of the product for the intended use wasfavourably assessed4.1 ManufacturingThe anchor is manufactured in accordance with the provisions of the European TechnicalApproval using the automated manufacturing process as identified during inspection of the plantby the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment and the approved body and laid down in thetechnical documentation. Changes to the product or production process, which could result inthis deposited data/information being incorrect, should be notified to the Centre Scientifique etTechnique du Bâtiment before the changes are introduced. The Centre Scientifique et Techniquedu Bâtiment will decide whether or not such changes affect the <strong>ETA</strong> and consequently thevalidity of the CE marking on the basis of the <strong>ETA</strong> and if so whether further assessment oralterations to the <strong>ETA</strong> shall be necessary.4.2 Installation4.2.1 Design of anchoragesThe fitness of the anchors for the intended use is given under the following conditions:The anchorages are designed in accordance with the « Guideline for European TechnicalApproval of Metal Anchors for Use in Concrete », Annex C, Method A, for torque-controlledexpansion anchors under the responsibility of an engineer experienced in anchorages andconcrete work.Verifiable calculation notes and drawings are prepared taking account of the loads to beanchored.The position of the anchor is indicated on the design drawings (e.g. position of the anchorrelative to reinforcement or to support, etc.).The design of anchorages under fire exposure has to consider the conditions given in theTechnical Report TR 020 “Evaluation of anchorages in concrete concerning resistance to fire”.The relevant characteristics values are given in Annex 4, Table 5. The design method coversanchors with fire attack from one side only. If the fire attack is from more than one side, thedesign method may be taken only if the edge distance of the anchor is c ≥ 300 mm.

Page 7 of European Technical Approval <strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong> issued on 07/05/2010English translation prepared by CSTB4.2.2 Installation of anchorsThe fitness for use of the anchor can only be assumed if the anchor is installed as follows: anchor installation carried out by appropriately qualified personnel and under the supervisionof the person responsible for technical matters on the site; use of the anchor only as supplied by the manufacturer without exchanging the components ofan anchor; anchor installation in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and drawingsprepared for that purpose and using the appropriate tools; checks before placing the anchor to ensure that the strength class of the concrete in which theanchor is to be placed is in the range given and is not lower than that of the concrete to whichthe characteristic loads apply; check of concrete being well compacted, e.g. without significant voids; clearing the hole of drilling dust; Anchor installation such that the effective anchorage depth is complied with. This complianceis ensured, when the fixture thickness is chosen that the effective embedment depth as shownin annex 2 is ensured. keeping of the edge distance and spacing to the specified values without minus tolerances; positioning of the drill holes without damaging the reinforcement; in case of aborted hole: new drilling at a minimum distance away of twice the depth of theaborted hole or smaller distance if the aborted drill hole is filled with high strength mortar andif under shear or oblique tension load it is not to the anchor in the direction of load application; application of the torque moment given in Annex 2 using a calibrated torque wrench.4.2.3. Responsibility of the manufacturerIt is the manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure that the information on the specific conditionsaccording to 1 and 2 including Annexes referred to as well as in sections in 4.2.1. and 4.2.2. isgiven to those who are concerned. This information may be made by reproduction of therespective parts of the European Technical Approval. In addition all installation data shall beshown clearly on the package and/or on an enclosed instruction sheet, preferably usingillustration(s).The minimum data required are: drill bit diameter, thread diameter, maximum thickness of the fixture, minimum embedment depth, minimum hole depth, required torque moment, information on the installation procedure, including cleaning of the hole, preferably by meansof an illustration, reference to any special installation equipment needed, identification of the manufacturing batch.All data shall be presented in a clear and explicit form.The original French version issigned byLe Directeur TechniqueC.BALOCHE

Page 8 of European Technical Approval <strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong> issued on 07/05/2010English translation prepared by CSTBAssembled anchor:Hexagonal nut Washer Bolt SleeveMarking: on the bolt: PTB1 (product name)followed by X / Y, whereX= nominal diameter,Y= total length of the anchorAnchor in use:Intended use:Use in cracked or non-cracked concrete in dry internal conditionsPOWERS THROUGHBOLT PTB-<strong>ETA</strong>1-PROtorque-controlled expansion anchor Annex 1Product and intended useof European TechnicalApproval<strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong>

Page 9 of European Technical Approval <strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong> issued on 07/05/2010English translation prepared by CSTBDifferent parts of the anchor:l clip32S w41d neckTable 1: MaterialsPart Designation Material Protection1 Bolt M8 to M20 Coldformed steel, grade C-1035 Zinc plated 5 m2 Expansion clipM8 SS430 -M10 to M20 Carbon steelZinc plated3 WasherDIN 125 or EN ISO 7089Zinc platedDIN 9021Zinc plated4 Hexagonal nutDIN 934 or DIN EN ISO 4032,Grade 8 acc. to DIN EN ISO 20898-2Zinc platedTable 2: Anchor dimensionsM8 M10 M12 M16 M20Length cone bolt Minimum L [mm] 60 80 85 115 155Maximum [mm] 240 220 220 220 220Fixture thickness Minimum t fix[mm] 1 1 1 1 1Maximum [mm] 185 140 125 110 65Diameter cone neck d neck[mm] 5.5 7,3 8,7 11,7 14.6Length expansion clip l clip[mm] 14 18 22 26 30Width torque wrench SW [mm] 13 17 19 24 30Table 3: Installation dataM8 M10 M12 M16 M20Drill hole diameter d cut[mm] ≤ 8.45 ≤ 10,45 ≤ 12,5 ≤ 16,5 ≤ 20Drill hole depth for h ef,min h 1,min[mm] 55 75 75 100 150Drill hole depth for h ef,max h 1,max[mm] - - 95 120 -Minimum embedment depth h ef,min[mm] 40 60 60 80 110Maximum embedment depth h ef,max[mm] - - 80 100 -Installation torque T inst[Nm] 25 45 70 120 200Diameter through hole fixture d f[mm] 9 12 14 16 22Min. member thickness h ef,min h min,1[mm] 100 120 120 160 250Min. member thickness h ef,max h min,2[mm] - - 160 200 -Minimum edge distance c min[mm] 55 60 65 85 95Corresponding spacing for s ≥ [mm] 120 150 190 160 240Minimum spacing s min[mm] 50 55 60 70 95Corresponding edge distance for c ≥ [mm] 90 90 100 130 240POWERS THROUGHBOLT PTB-<strong>ETA</strong>1-PROtorque-controlled expansion anchorMaterials, anchor dimensions, installation parametersLAnnex 2of European TechnicalApproval<strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong>

Page 10 of European Technical Approval <strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong> issued on 07/05/2010English translation prepared by CSTBTable 4: Design method A- characteristic values for tension loadingM8 M10 M12 M16 M20Steel failureChar. resistance N Rk,s [kN] 22 31 43 79 95Partial safety factor1) Ms [-] 1.5Pullout failureChar. resistance in cracked concrete C20/25Minimum embedment depth N Rk,p [kN] 4 9 12 25 20Maximum embedment depth N Rk,p [kN] - - 12 25 -Partial safety factor cracked concrete1) Mp [-] 1.8 2)Char. resistance in non-cracked concrete C20/25Minimum embedment depth N Rk,p [kN] 7.5 16 - 4) 30 50Maximum embedment depth N Rk,p [kN] - - 30 - 4) -Partial safety factor non-cracked concrete1) Mp [-] 1.5 3) 1.8 2)Increasing factor for N RK concrete C30/37 [-] 1.22Increasing factor for N RK concrete C40/50 c [-] 1.41Increasing factor for N RK concrete C50/60 [-] 1.55Concrete cone failure and splitting failureEffective embedment depth (Minimum) h ef,min [mm] 40 60 60 80 110Effective embedment depth (Maximum) h ef,max [mm] - - 80 100 -Partial safety factor cracked concrete1) Mc= Msp [-] 1.8 2)Partial safety factor non-cracked concrete 1.5 3) 1.8 2)Increasing factor for N RK concrete C30/37 [-] 1.22Increasing factor for N RK concrete C40/50 c [-] 1.41Increasing factor for N RK concrete C50/60 [-] 1.55Char. spacing concrete cone failure (h ef,min) s cr,N,min [mm] 120 180 180 240 330Char. spacing concrete cone failure (h ef,max) s cr,N,max [mm] - - 240 300 -Char. spacing splitting failure (h ef,min) s cr,sp,min [mm] 200 300 300 400 550Char. spacing splitting failure (h ef,max) s cr,sp,max [mm] - - 400 500 -Char. edge distance concrete cone failure (h ef,min) c cr,N,min [mm] 60 90 90 120 165Char. edge distance concrete cone failure (h ef,max) c cr,N,max [mm] - - 120 150 -Char. edge distance splitting failure (h ef,min) c cr,sp,min [mm] 100 150 150 200 275Char. edge distance splitting failure (h ef,max) c cr,sp,max [mm] - - 200 250 -Seismic design, anchor category C1Reduction factor seis,N [-] -1) In absence of other national regulations2) The value contains an installation safety factor 2= 1,23) The value contains an installation safety factor 2= 1,04) Pullout failure not decisive. Use Equation acc. to <strong>ETA</strong>G 001, Annex C, for concrete cone failure.Table 5: Displacements under tension loadsM8 M10 M12 M16 M20h ef h ef h ef,min h ef,max h ef,min h ef,max h efTension load in uncracked concrete6.6 11.8 17.3 22.2 22.2 36.9 30.7C20/25 to C50/60 [kN] N0 [mm] 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.4Displacement N ∞ [mm] 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.2Tension load in cracked concrete2.2 7.4 9.8 9.8 15.9 22.1 12.3C20/25 to C50/60 [kN] N0 [mm] 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.2 0.5Displacement N ∞ [mm] 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.3 1.2POWERS THROUGHBOLT PTB-<strong>ETA</strong>1-PROtorque-controlled expansion anchorDesign method A, characteristic values for tension loading,DisplacementsAnnex 3of European TechnicalApproval<strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong>

Page 11 of European Technical Approval <strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong> issued on 07/05/2010English translation prepared by CSTBTable 6: Design method A- characteristic values for shear loadingM8 M10 M12 M16 M20Steel failure without lever armChar. resistance V Rk,s [kN] 10 15.5 21 37 54Partial safety factor1) Ms [-] 1.25Steel failure with lever armChar. bending resistance M 0 Rk,s [Nm] 23 45 77 194 3801)Partial safety factor Ms [-] 1.25Concrete pry-out failureFactor in Eq. (5.6) of <strong>ETA</strong>G Annex C, § k [-] 1 2 2 2 2Partial safety factor1) Mc [-] 1.5Concrete edge failureEffective length under shear loading (h ef,min ) l f,min [mm] 40 60 60 80 110Effective length under shear loading (h ef,max ) l f,max [mm] - - 80 100 -Outside diameter of anchor d nom [mm] 8 10 12 16 20Partial safety factor1) Mc - 1.5Seismic design, anchor category C1Reduction factor seis,V [-]1) In absence of other national regulationsTable 7: Displacements under shear loadsM8 M10 M12 M16 M20Shear load in non-cracked concrete C20/25 [kN] 5.8 8.9 12.4 21.1 25.8 V0 [mm] 1.2 2.2 2.2 3.6 3.5Displacement V∞ [mm] 1.8 3.3 3.3 5.4 5.3Displacement under shear loading: additional displacements due to through hole in the fixture shall be consideredPOWERS THROUGHBOLT PTB-<strong>ETA</strong>1-PROtorque-controlled expansion anchorDesign method A, characteristic values for shear loadingDisplacementsAnnex 4of European TechnicalApproval<strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong>

Page 12 of European Technical Approval <strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong> issued on 07/05/2010English translation prepared by CSTBTable 8: Design method A- fire exposure 1) , characteristic values for tension loadingM8 M10 M12 M16 M20Steel failureR30 N Rk,s,fi [kN] 0.4 0.9 1.7 3.1 4.9R60 NCharacteristic resistanceRk,s,fi [kN] 0.3 0.8 1.3 2.4 3.7R90 N Rk,s,fi [kN] 0.3 0.6 1.1 2.0 3.2R120 N Rk,s,fi [kN] 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.6 2.5Pullout failure(cracked and non-cracked concrete)Char. resistance in concrete ≥ C20/25Minimum embedment depthMaximum embedment depthConcrete cone and splitting failure 2)(cracked and uncracked concrete)Char. resistance in concrete ≥ C20/25Minimum embedment depthMaximum embedment depthR30 N Rk,p,fi [kN] 1 2.3 3 6.3 5.0R60 N Rk,p,fi [kN] 1 2.3 3 6.3 5.0R90 N Rk,p,fi [kN] 1 2.3 3 6.3 5.0R120 N Rk,p,fi [kN] 0.8 1.8 2.4 5 4.0R30 N Rk,p,fi [kN] - - 3 6.3 -R60 N Rk,p,fi [kN] - - 3 6.3 -R90 N Rk,p,fi [kN] - - 3 6.3 -R120 N Rk,p,fi [kN] - - 2.4 5 -R30 N 0 Rk,c,fi [kN] 1.8 5 3 10.3 22.8R60 N 0 Rk,c,fi [kN] 1.8 5 3 10.3 22.8R90 N 0 Rk,c,fi [kN] 1.8 5 3 10.3 22.8R120 N 0 Rk,c,fi [kN] 1.5 4 2.4 8.2 18.3R30 N 0 Rk,c,fi [kN] - - 10.3 18 -R60 N 0 Rk,c,fi [kN] - - 10.3 18 -R90 N 0 Rk,c,fi [kN] - - 10.3 18 -R120 N 0 Rk,c,fi [kN] - - 8.2 14.4 -Char. spacing (h ef,min ) s cr,N,min,fi [mm] 160 240 240 320 440Char. spacing (h ef,max ) s cr,N,max,fi [mm] - - 320 400 -Char. edge distance (h ef,min ) c cr,N,min,fi [mm] 80 120 120 160 220Char. edge distance (h ef,max ) c cr,N,max,fi [mm] - - 160 200 -Seismic design, anchor category C1Reduction factor seis,N [-]1)Design under fire exposure is performed according to the design method given in TR 020. Under fireexposure usually cracked concrete is assumed. The design equations are given in TR 020,Section 2.2.1.TR 020 covers design for fire exposure from one side. For fire attack from more than one side theedge distance must be increased to c min ≥ 300 mm and ≥ 2 ∙ h ef .2)As a rule, splitting failure can be neglected when cracked concrete and reinforcement is assumed.POWERS THROUGHBOLT PTB-<strong>ETA</strong>1-PROtorque-controlled expansion anchor Annex 5Design method A, characteristic values for tensionloadingFire exposureof European TechnicalApproval<strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong>

Page 13 of European Technical Approval <strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong> issued on 07/05/2010English translation prepared by CSTBTable 9: Design method A- fire exposure 1) , characteristic values for shear loadingM8 M10 M12 M16 M20Steel failure without lever armCharacteristic resistanceR30 V Rk,s,fi [kN] 0.4 0.9 1.7 3.1 4.9R60 V Rk,s,fi [kN] 0.3 0.8 1.3 2.4 3.7R90 V Rk,s,fi [kN] 0.3 0.6 1.1 2.0 3.2R120 V Rk,s,fi [kN] 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.6 2.5Steel failure with lever armCharacteristic bending resistanceConcrete pry-out failureFactor in equation (5.6) of<strong>ETA</strong>G Annex C, § resistance (min. embedment, h ef,min)Char. resistance (max. embedment, h ef,max)R30 M 0 Rk,s,fi [Nm] 0.37 1.1 2.6 6.7 13.0R60 M 0 Rk,s,fi [Nm] 0.34 1.0 2.0 5.0 9.7R90 M 0 Rk,s,fi [Nm] 0.26 0.7 1.7 4.3 8.4R120 M 0 Rk,s,fi [Nm] 0.19 0.6 1.3 3.3 6.5k [-] 1 2 2 2 2R30 V Rk,cp,fi [kN] 1.8 10 10 20.6 45.6R60 V Rk,cp,fi [kN] 1.8 10 10 20.6 45.6R90 V Rk,cp,fi [kN] 1.8 10 10 20.6 45.6R120 V Rk,cp,fi [kN] 1.5 8 8 16.5 36.6R30 V Rk,cp,fi [kN] - - 20.6 36 -R60 V Rk,cp,fi [kN] - - 20.6 36 -R90 V Rk,cp,fi [kN] - - 20.6 36 -R120 V Rk,cp,fi [kN] - - 16.5 28.8 -Concrete edge failureEff. length of anchor under shear loading (h ef,min) l f,min [mm] 40 60 60 80 110Eff. length of anchor under shear loading (h ef,max) l f,max [mm] - - 80 100 -Outside diameter of anchor d nom [mm] 8 10 12 16 201)Design under fire exposure is performed according to the design method given in TR 020. Under fireexposure usually cracked concrete is assumed. The design equations are given in TR 020,Section 2.2.2.TR 020 covers design for fire exposure from one side. For fire attack from more than one side theedge distance must be increased to c min ≥ 300 mm and ≥ 2 ∙ h ef .POWERS THROUGHBOLT PTB-<strong>ETA</strong>1-PROtorque-controlled expansion anchor Annex 6Design method A, characteristic values for shearloadingFire exposureof European TechnicalApproval<strong>ETA</strong>-<strong>09</strong>/<strong>0317</strong>

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