For visitors, a temporary drivers license is granted for a fee of EC fifty ...

For visitors, a temporary drivers license is granted for a fee of EC fifty ...

For visitors, a temporary drivers license is granted for a fee of EC fifty ...


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REQUIREMENTS FOR OBTAINING A LEARNERS’ PERMIT:One should be at least 16 years old and possess the following:1. A valid passport2. A passport size photo3. A full medical certificate from the Doctor4. A completed learners permit <strong>for</strong>m5. A <strong>fee</strong> must be paidREQUIREMENTS FOR WRITING THE THEORY TEST:1. Students must present a valid learners’ permit2. Must be in the exam room fifteen (15) mins be<strong>for</strong>e the start <strong>of</strong> the exam3. Must be in possession <strong>of</strong> a pen or pencil with which to write4. Must turn <strong>of</strong>f cellular phones or any other electronic devices while taking the test5. Must reschedule if inflicted with influenza, or any other illnesses that couldinterfere with per<strong>for</strong>mance on the test6. Must present permits when collecting the results <strong>for</strong> the written testREQQUIREMENTS FOR TAKING THE PRACTICAL EXAMS1. Students must have passed the theory exam2. Students must present receipt <strong>of</strong> payment in order to book a date3. Students must have had a minimum <strong>of</strong> 40hrs instructions from an approveddriving school4. Students must not wear slippers on test5. Must have a medical certificate adv<strong>is</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> suitability to take the test if v<strong>is</strong>iblypregnantAPPLICATION FOR PERSONS WITH FOREIGN DRIVERS LICENCESThe applicant must present the following:1. One passport size photo2. Valid passport3. Valid <strong>for</strong>eign <strong>license</strong>4. Valid immigration time stamp in passport (Temporary Residence, Work Permit)If the <strong>drivers</strong> <strong>license</strong> <strong>is</strong> approved, a processing <strong>fee</strong> and <strong>drivers</strong> <strong>license</strong> <strong>fee</strong> must be paid.<strong>For</strong> <strong>v<strong>is</strong>itors</strong>, a <strong>temporary</strong> <strong>drivers</strong> <strong>license</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>granted</strong> <strong>for</strong> a <strong>fee</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>EC</strong> <strong>fifty</strong>dollars ($50.00) or US Twenty Dollars ( US$20.00). The <strong>temporary</strong><strong>license</strong> <strong>is</strong> valid <strong>for</strong> three (3) months.

The applicant must present the following:1. Drivers <strong>license</strong> from country <strong>of</strong> origin2. Passport3. Valid immigration stamp in passportREQUIREMENTS FOR OBTAINING A PUBLIC SERVICE PERMITApplicant must be 21years or older, and would have taken and pass the prescribed exam.MUST PRESENT:1. Passport size photo2. Passport3. Certificate <strong>of</strong> character4. Medical certificate5. Valid Drivers License6. Certificate <strong>of</strong> training7. Letter stating area <strong>of</strong> operationHOW TO OBTAIN THE FOLOWING PLATES“A” Plates“A” plates are used <strong>for</strong> Cars, SUVs’, Jeeps and Motor Cycles.The following are required if an “A” number <strong>is</strong> needed:The reg<strong>is</strong>tration <strong>for</strong>m must be completed, Insurance, Customs’ warrant ( if it’s a newvehicle just shipped into the country), if not and the vehicle <strong>is</strong> being purchased inAntigua, a vehicle change <strong>of</strong> ownership <strong>for</strong>m must be presented and signed by seller andbuyer.“C” Plate“C” plates are used <strong>for</strong> Vans, Buses and Trucks:The following are required if a “C” number <strong>is</strong> needed:The reg<strong>is</strong>tration <strong>for</strong>m must be completed, Insurance, Customs’ warrant ( if it’s a newvehicle just shipped into the country), if not and the vehicle <strong>is</strong> being purchased inAntigua, a vehicle change <strong>of</strong> ownership <strong>for</strong>m must be presented:“R” Plate“R” plates are used <strong>for</strong> Cars, Buses, SUVs’, Jeeps and Motor Cycles <strong>for</strong> rental purposes

The following are required <strong>for</strong> getting a “R” plate:Customers must present their own business letter making application <strong>for</strong> a “R” plate,certification <strong>of</strong> business from the Inland Revenue, along with a Business letter fromIntellectual Commerce.“TX” Plate“TX” plates are used <strong>for</strong> Buses, Cars, Jeeps and SUVs’.A taxi permit must be first obtained which will allow you to operate a taxi. After the taxipermit <strong>is</strong> approved you can proceed to apply <strong>for</strong> a taxi plate.“BUS” PlateA bus permit must be first obtained which will allow you to operate a bus. After the buspermit <strong>is</strong> approved you can proceed to apply <strong>for</strong> a route <strong>of</strong> your choice.“G” or “GV” PlatesLetter making application <strong>for</strong> a “G” or “GV” plates must be written to the GeneralManager. The letter must include vehicle type, make, model and year. It must also statewhich department <strong>of</strong> government the plate <strong>is</strong> required <strong>for</strong>.“MP” PlateLetter making application <strong>for</strong> a “MP” plate must be written to the General Manager. Theletter must include, vehicle type, make, model and year. It must also state whichdepartment <strong>of</strong> government or parliamentarian the plate <strong>is</strong> required <strong>for</strong>.“SC” PlateLetter making application <strong>for</strong> a “SC” plate must be written to the General Manager. Theletter must include , vehicle type, make, model and year. It must also state whichstatutory corporation the plate <strong>is</strong> required <strong>for</strong>.“CD” PlateLetter making application <strong>for</strong> a “CD” plate must be written to the General Manager. Theletter must include vehicle type, make, model and year. It must also state which Embassyor Diplomat the plate <strong>is</strong> required <strong>for</strong>.“ABP” Plate

Letter making application <strong>for</strong> “ABP” plate must be written to the General Manager. Theletter must include vehicle type, make, model and year. It must also state whichdepartment <strong>of</strong> the Royal Police <strong>For</strong>ce the plate <strong>is</strong> required <strong>for</strong>.“AT ” PlateLetter must be addressed to the General Manager making application <strong>for</strong> an “AT” plate.Customer must have h<strong>is</strong> or her <strong>drivers</strong> <strong>license</strong> <strong>for</strong> over 4 years and their business must bereg<strong>is</strong>tered at the Inland Revenue Department. After application has been approved by theGeneral Manager, an “AT” number will be assigned to the customer. Customers mustpresent their insurance with documents and a liability <strong>of</strong> over one million dollars.“Dealers’ Plate”Th<strong>is</strong> plate <strong>is</strong> used by dealers to transport vehicles back and <strong>for</strong>t from their Company tothe Antigua Port Authority. It <strong>is</strong> only to be used as a <strong>temporary</strong> plate. The maximum <strong>is</strong>allowed <strong>is</strong> (3) three per company. The requirements are, letter <strong>of</strong> application which mustbe written to the General Manager requesting Dealers’ plate.“Personalized Plate”An application must be completed <strong>for</strong> a personalize plate.Requirements are: A police record along with the vehicle reg<strong>is</strong>tration certificate card. Aminimum <strong>of</strong> (2) two and a maximum <strong>of</strong> (6) six character may be used.PROCEDURES FOR RELEASE OF DETAINED “ PRIVATE –OWNED “ VEHICLES FROM THE MOTOR POOLStep 1: After confirmation that the vehicle has been impounded at the Central MotorPool, the Driver/Owner must first present a Valid Insurance Certificate to the clerk atthe Transport Board Inspection Center on Sir Sydney Walling Highway.Step 2. Upon payment <strong>of</strong> the $30.00 Inspection Fee, the clerk will <strong>is</strong>sue an Inspection<strong>For</strong>m, which <strong>is</strong> to be presented at the central Motor Pool.Step 3. The vehicle <strong>is</strong> then inspected <strong>for</strong> road worthiness by a Certified Vehicle Inspectorat the Central Motor Pool. (if the vehicle fails the inspection, the owner/driver will bepermitted to bring a mechanic to the facility to effect repairs).

Step 4. If the vehicle passes inspection, the personnel will then present the owner/driverwith the inspection <strong>for</strong>m along with a penalty <strong>for</strong>m outlining the amount charged <strong>for</strong> theimpound and wrecker <strong>fee</strong>s (whichever <strong>is</strong> applicable).Step 5. The owner/driver then returns to the Transport Board Headquarters and presentthe <strong>for</strong>ms to the cashier and make the requ<strong>is</strong>ite payments. The cashier will then <strong>is</strong>sue areceipt <strong>of</strong> payment. (Cheques are not accepted <strong>for</strong> payments <strong>of</strong> <strong>fee</strong>s <strong>for</strong> vehicle that aresubject to impound)Step 6. After payment to the cashier, the owner /driver proceeds to the inspection Centerto collect the License Sticker.Step 7. The owner/driver then returns to the Central Motor Pool and present the receipt,<strong>license</strong> sticker and a valid <strong>drivers</strong> <strong>license</strong> upon which, the vehicle <strong>is</strong> released by security.Note:The minimum impound <strong>fee</strong> <strong>is</strong> $50.00 <strong>for</strong> up to four (4) days, thereafter $10.00 per day <strong>is</strong>charged.If a vehicle fails an inspection and <strong>is</strong> in need <strong>of</strong> “ major repairs”, the owner/driver may bepermitted to surrender the reg<strong>is</strong>tration plates and tow the vehicle from the facility.However th<strong>is</strong> will only be permitted, after full payment <strong>of</strong> all <strong>fee</strong>s, to include the <strong>license</strong><strong>fee</strong> and impound <strong>fee</strong>.

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