Information for International Exchange Students [pdf] 9213k

Information for International Exchange Students [pdf] 9213k

Information for International Exchange Students [pdf] 9213k


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2) Taught courses and examinationsMost of the exchange students comingto Aachen will participate in our regularcourse program, take exams, and receivecredit <strong>for</strong> the courses attended. Onlya few of our partner universities haveset up specific curricular or frameworkregulations prescribing a study planor study options <strong>for</strong> their exchangestudents at RWTH Aachen University.Usually, visiting students have to puttogether their curricula individually. TheGerman system of higher education ischaracterised by a high level of independenceon the part of the student.RWTH Aachen University is a fairly largeuniversity, and the amount of guidanceand supervision provided mightbe different from that of your homeuniversity.Especially the engineering curriculaof RWTH Aachen University offer somany different options that the individualstudent is hardly able to designhis or her study plan (curriculum) withoutcompetent advice. In particular,curricula of exchange students needcareful planning and usually have tobe created by taking into account boththe credit demand of your home universityand the course options offeredby RWTH Aachen University. Most ofthe RWTH departments publish studyguides (Studienführer) which describethe usual curriculum <strong>for</strong> RWTH degreestudents. RWTH’s course catalogue orthe “Campus” online system providea complete list of RWTH lecturers andcourses as well as course summaries.You can find Campus at www.campus.rwth-aachen.de.Student advisors (Studienberater) ineach faculty or exchange coordinatorsare helpful persons of contact <strong>for</strong>discussing your study plans, as theyprepare the decisions regarding the recognitionof previous studies, specificcurricula arrangements <strong>for</strong> internationalstudents and international credit transferprocesses. Thus they are the maincontact persons <strong>for</strong> international staffand students who are seeking advicein curricular and examination matters.We strongly advise you to get in touchwith the respective faculty in order toget full and competent advice and in<strong>for</strong>mation.For further in<strong>for</strong>mation about thecontact of the departmentalcoordinator please ask atinternational@rwth-aachen.de.8

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