Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.

Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc. Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.


Creating the Positive PayfileThe Create and Send File (DD.500.00) (Positive Pay tab) screen displays CheckBatches which have not been posted to the General Ledger module (status isunposted “U”) and their period to post is the current period and one period prior.Depending on the setting in the Modules/Batches to include frame A/P and P/Rbatches will be displayed. Note that by checking the “Show Posted batches”option you may include posted batches as well. You may select one or multiplebatches to process at one time.A field for the effective date of the Positive Pay file must be filled in. This isthe date for the transmission and is used when “Keeping” the Positive Paytransmission.Sending the Positve PayfileThe method by which the Positive Pay file is transmitted to the bank isdetermined by the Communications Type entered in DD.260.00, CompanyPaying Accouts (for the respective Acct/Subaccount). The options are:• Built-In Communications. After the Positve Pay file has been created,the Bank Communications Screen (DD.510.00) will be displayed. Clickingthe “Dial the Bank” button will dial the bank (using the CommunicationsSetup information from DD.260.00, Company Paying Account). Aftermaking the initial connection most banks have a login procedure you mustfollow (see your bank to obtain ID's, passwords, etc., for their loginprocedures). As an alternative you may have created an automated script fileto dial the bank and log onto the bank’s system. To do this, click the “PlayScript” button (either after “Dial the Bank” if your script does not include adialing sequence, or instead of “Dial the Bank” if your script includes adialing sequence). Next select the script file to use (if you only have createdone script file in the script sub-directory - it must have a .SCR extension,then you will not be prompted with the script to select). Once you havelogged into your bank's system, you are ready to transmit the Positive Payfile. Begin the transmission by clicking the “Upload File” button.• User’s Communications. After the Positive Pay file has been created,the program you have named in the communications set up area ofDD.260.00, Company Paying Account will execute, and then return to thisscreen. See Appendix B - Choosing a Communications Option for moreinformation on user’s communications.IMPORTANT NOTE:When using “User Communications” it is VERY important that whenthe alternate means of transmitting the Positive Pay file has completed,that it is EXITED, so that the Positive Pay “Keep/Delete” optionexecutes. Simply by “tabbing” off the communications program willnot allow the “Keep/Delete” option to execute. The “Keep/Delete”option is CRITICAL to the correct functioning of Positive Pay.Computer CheckBatches gridThis grid will display only Check batches that are unposted (status = “U”) in thecurrent and previous period (AP and/or PR depending on your settings). Postedbatches may also be displayed if that checkbox is selected. If using EFT, thenEFT “AP” batches are NOT included. Computer as well as Manual checkbatches are included (for PR – Net Check batches will be included). Dependingon your setting void batches may also be included.86 • Reference – Positive Pay A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ Positive Pay

SelectedThis column allows the user to select Check batches for processing. Theoptions are:• Checked. Select this batch for processing.• Unchecked. Do not select this batch for processing.Batch NumberThis is the batch number assigned to these A/P Checks when the checks wereprinted (03.620.00). For P/R – Checks are kept in 02.630.00.ModuleThe module that produced this batch - either Accounts Payable or Payroll.ScreenThe “screen” that created this batch. The possible values are:• Accounts Payable- Check (03.620)- Manual Check (03.030.00)- Void Check (03.040.00)• Payroll- Check (02.630)- Manual Check (02.040.00)- Net Check (02.080.00)- Void Check (02.070.00)CompanyThis is the company ID associated with the batch.Period (Post)This is the period assigned to this batch when the checks were printedDate TransmittedThis is the last date when this batch was sent via Positive Pay (generally batcheswill only be transmitted to your bank once – however the system does allowmultiple transmissions of the same batch in case there was a transmission error).It is recorded when a Positive Pay batch is sent to the bank and is “Kept”. Ifthis date is blank, then this batch has yet to be sent to the bank.Batch TotalThis is the batch control total.Posted StatusThis is the GL batch status – either Unposted or Posted.PP Process StatusThis is the status of the Positive Pay Create and Send process. The possiblevalues are:• Not Processed. This batch has not been processed and sent.- Next Step: select the batch and click Begin ProcessingA/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ Positive Pay Reference – Positive Pay • 87

Creating the <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong>fileThe Create and Send File (DD.500.00) (<strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> tab) screen displays CheckBatches which have not been posted to the General Ledger module (status isunposted “U”) and their period to post is the current period and one period prior.Depending on the setting in the Modules/Batches to include frame A/P and P/Rbatches will be displayed. Note that by checking the “Show Posted batches”option you may include posted batches as well. You may select one or multiplebatches to process at one time.A field for the effective date of the <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> file must be filled in. This isthe date for the transmission and is used when “Keeping” the <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong>transmission.Sending the Positve <strong>Pay</strong>fileThe method by which the <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> file is transmitted to the bank isdetermined by the Communications Type entered in DD.260.00, Company<strong>Pay</strong>ing Accouts (for the respective Acct/Subaccount). The options are:• Built-In Communications. After the Positve <strong>Pay</strong> file has been created,the Bank Communications Screen (DD.510.00) will be displayed. Clickingthe “Dial the Bank” button will dial the bank (using the CommunicationsSetup information from DD.260.00, Company <strong>Pay</strong>ing Account). Aftermaking the initial connection most banks have a login procedure you mustfollow (see your bank to obtain ID's, passwords, etc., for their loginprocedures). As an alternative you may have created an automated script fileto dial the bank and log onto the bank’s system. To do this, click the “PlayScript” button (either after “Dial the Bank” if your script does not include adialing sequence, or instead of “Dial the Bank” if your script includes adialing sequence). Next select the script file to use (if you only have createdone script file in the script sub-directory - it must have a .SCR extension,then you will not be prompted with the script to select). Once you havelogged into your bank's system, you are ready to transmit the <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong>file. Begin the transmission by clicking the “Upload File” button.• User’s Communications. After the <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> file has been created,the program you have named in the communications set up area ofDD.260.00, Company <strong>Pay</strong>ing Account will execute, and then return to thisscreen. See Appendix B - Choosing a Communications Option for moreinformation on user’s communications.IMPORTANT NOTE:When using “User Communications” it is VERY important that whenthe alternate means of transmitting the <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> file has completed,that it is EXITED, so that the <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> “Keep/Delete” optionexecutes. Simply by “tabbing” off the communications program willnot allow the “Keep/Delete” option to execute. The “Keep/Delete”option is CRITICAL to the correct functioning of <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong>.Computer CheckBatches gridThis grid will display only Check batches that are unposted (status = “U”) in thecurrent and previous period (AP and/or PR depending on your settings). Postedbatches may also be displayed if that checkbox is selected. If using EFT, thenEFT “AP” batches are NOT included. Computer as well as Manual checkbatches are included (for PR – Net Check batches will be included). Dependingon your setting void batches may also be included.86 • Reference – <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong>

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