Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.

Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc. Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.


Header/Trailer IDThis ID is used to identify this particular Header/Trailer record with one or moreCompany Paying Accounts. Generally the default of “A” will be adequate.Other Ids are used when different Company Paying Accounts use differentHeader/Trailer records – this ID is used to relate this Header/Trailer record tothose Company Paying Accounts. ID’s A-Z are available for use.Header/TrailerEnter the record type. The options are:• Header-1 - This designates this field value as part of the Header-1 record.• Header-2 - This designates this field value as part of the Header-2 record.• Header-3 - This designates this field value as part of the Header-3 record.• Header-4 - This designates this field value as part of the Header-4 record.• Trailer-1 This designates this field value as part of the Trailer-1 record.• Trailer-2 This designates this field value as part of the Trailer-2 record.• Trailer-3 This designates this field value as part of the Trailer-3 record.• Trailer-4 This designates this field value as part of the Trailer-4 record.Start PositionEnter the starting column position for this field in the record. Starting positionsless than 10 should be entered as 01-09 for correct ordering within the file.End PositionEnter the ending column position for this field in the record. Ending positionsless than 10 should be entered as 01-09 for correct ordering within the file. TheEnd position should be greater than or equal to the Start position.DescriptionEnter a description of this field value in the record.Data TypeEnter the type of data to go in this field position. The current options are:• User Entered - the user may enter any literal value - whatever is entered inthe Value field will go into the Header or Trailer record. The length of theValue will be truncated and/or padded with spaces as defined by the lengthspecified by the Start and End positions.• Business Date (yymmdd)- Solomon’s current business date will beentered in this field. eg. If the business date was 03/01/1996, then 960301would be entered into the record. The length of the data will be truncatedand/or padded with spaces as defined by the length specified by the Start andEnd positions.• Effective Date (yymmdd) - the user entered Effective Date (DD.500.00)will be entered in this field. eg. If the effective date was 03/01/1996, then960301 would be entered into the record. The length of the data will betruncated and/or padded with spaces as defined by the length specified bythe Start and End positions.• Effective Date (mmddyyyy)- the user entered Effective Date(DD.500.00) will be entered in this field. eg. If the effective date was03/01/1996, then 03011996 would be entered into the record. The length ofthe data will be truncated and/or padded with spaces as defined by the lengthspecified by the Start and End positions.82 • Reference – Positive Pay A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ Positive Pay

• Effective Date (yyyymmdd) - the user entered Effective Date(DD.500.00) will be entered in this field. eg. If the effective date were03/01/1996, then 19960301 would be entered into the record. The length ofthe data will be truncated and/or padded with spaces as defined by the lengthspecified by the Start and End positions.• Effective Date (Y of yyyY) - the user entered Effective Date (DD.500.00)will be entered in this field. eg. If the effective date was 03/01/1996, then 6would be entered into the record. The length of the data will be truncatedand/or padded with spaces as defined by the length specified by the Start andEnd positions.• Transmission Time (hhmm) -– used with Positive Pay – the time(military time) when the file is created.• File Sequence # - the file sequence - as a number will be entered in thisfield. The file sequence number - also referred to in the ACH documentationas the File ID Modifier, is a number indicating the sequential number of thisEFT file going to the bank on one date. eg. The first file to the bank on aday will be 1, the next, 2, etc. Format: width-as specified by Start & Endposition values, right justified, left padded with 0’s.• File Sequence Ltr - the file sequence - as a letter will be entered in thisfield. The file sequence number - also referred to in the ACH documentationas the File ID Modifier, is a letter indicating the sequential number of thisEFT file going to the bank on one date. eg. The first file to the bank on aday will be A, the next, B, etc. Format: width-as specified by Start & Endposition values, left justified, right padded with spaces.• Record Count w/o HT - total record count in the EFT/PP file without(w/o) including the Header/Trailer records. This count includes the“1”,”5”,”6”,”7”,”8”,”9” records as well as any blocking records. ForPositive Pay this includes all checks and voids. Format: width-as specifiedby Start & End position values, right justified, left padded with 0’s.• Record Count w/ HT - total record count in the EFT/PP file (w/) includingthe Header/Trailer records. This count includes the “1”,”5”,”6”,”7”,”8”,”9”,blocking records and the Header and/or Trailer record(s). Format: width-asspecified by Start & End position values, right justified, left padded with 0’s.• Record Count w/o H not incl this - total record count in the EFT/PP filewithout (w/o) including the Header, but does include the Trailer records upto this record. This count includes the “1”,”5”,”6”,”7”,”8”,”9” records aswell as any blocking records. For Positive Pay this includes all checks andvoids. Format: width-as specified by Start & End position values, rightjustified, left padded with 0’s.• Record Count – only Checks -– used with Positive Pay – the recordcount of checks only (not voids). Format: width-as specified by Start & Endposition values, right justified, left padded with 0’s.• Record Count – only Voids -– used with Positive Pay – the record countof void checks only (not checks). Format: width-as specified by Start & Endposition values, right justified, left padded with 0’s.• Check Number Hash total – used with Positive Pay – total (hash) ofcheck numbers in the file. Format: width-as specified by Start & Endposition values, right justified, left padded with 0’s.• Check Amt Summation – used with Positive Pay – total of checkamounts. This includes void checks as positive amounts. Format: width-asspecified by Start & End position values, right justified, left padded with 0’s.A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ Positive Pay Reference – Positive Pay • 83

• Effective Date (yyyymmdd) - the user entered Effective Date(DD.500.00) will be entered in this field. eg. If the effective date were03/01/1996, then 19960301 would be entered into the record. The length ofthe data will be truncated and/or padded with spaces as defined by the lengthspecified by the Start and End positions.• Effective Date (Y of yyyY) - the user entered Effective Date (DD.500.00)will be entered in this field. eg. If the effective date was 03/01/1996, then 6would be entered into the record. The length of the data will be truncatedand/or padded with spaces as defined by the length specified by the Start andEnd positions.• Transmission Time (hhmm) -– used with <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> – the time(military time) when the file is created.• File Sequence # - the file sequence - as a number will be entered in thisfield. The file sequence number - also referred to in the ACH documentationas the File ID Modifier, is a number indicating the sequential number of thisEFT file going to the bank on one date. eg. The first file to the bank on aday will be 1, the next, 2, etc. Format: width-as specified by Start & Endposition values, right justified, left padded with 0’s.• File Sequence Ltr - the file sequence - as a letter will be entered in thisfield. The file sequence number - also referred to in the ACH documentationas the File ID Modifier, is a letter indicating the sequential number of thisEFT file going to the bank on one date. eg. The first file to the bank on aday will be A, the next, B, etc. Format: width-as specified by Start & Endposition values, left justified, right padded with spaces.• Record Count w/o HT - total record count in the EFT/PP file without(w/o) including the Header/Trailer records. This count includes the“1”,”5”,”6”,”7”,”8”,”9” records as well as any blocking records. For<strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> this includes all checks and voids. Format: width-as specifiedby Start & End position values, right justified, left padded with 0’s.• Record Count w/ HT - total record count in the EFT/PP file (w/) includingthe Header/Trailer records. This count includes the “1”,”5”,”6”,”7”,”8”,”9”,blocking records and the Header and/or Trailer record(s). Format: width-asspecified by Start & End position values, right justified, left padded with 0’s.• Record Count w/o H not incl this - total record count in the EFT/PP filewithout (w/o) including the Header, but does include the Trailer records upto this record. This count includes the “1”,”5”,”6”,”7”,”8”,”9” records aswell as any blocking records. For <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> this includes all checks andvoids. Format: width-as specified by Start & End position values, rightjustified, left padded with 0’s.• Record Count – only Checks -– used with <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> – the recordcount of checks only (not voids). Format: width-as specified by Start & Endposition values, right justified, left padded with 0’s.• Record Count – only Voids -– used with <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> – the record countof void checks only (not checks). Format: width-as specified by Start & Endposition values, right justified, left padded with 0’s.• Check Number Hash total – used with <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> – total (hash) ofcheck numbers in the file. Format: width-as specified by Start & Endposition values, right justified, left padded with 0’s.• Check Amt Summation – used with <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> – total of checkamounts. This includes void checks as positive amounts. Format: width-asspecified by Start & End position values, right justified, left padded with 0’s.A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> Reference – <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> • 83

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