Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.

Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc. Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.


Positive Pay SetupYou must setup important aspects of Positive Pay to insure proper file creationand communication with your bank. Most of the setup areas are included in APEFT Setup (DD.950.00) – Positive Pay Defaults tab. For more detailedexplanations, please see the Reference – Positive Pay sections that areappropriate.• Multi-Company – (Module tab) Multi-company is used if within oneSolomon database you will be paying against different checking accounts,and each (or at least one) of those accounts has different Positive Pay FileSetup information (see below). For instance – they each need a differentPositive Pay file format and/or communication option.• Positive Pay – (Module tab) If Positive Pay Only is licensed, then this isautomatically selected and disabled. The default Positive Pay file formatwill be used to define the outgoing file format.• Positive Pay Setup – (Positive Pay Defaults tab). Determine if you willbe including Accounts Payable and/or Payroll batches. Also, check if yourbank requires void batches as part of their positive pay validation. Othersetup options include the Positive Pay file name and location on your systemand the Communications Option to use when sending the file to your bank.Some banks require header and trailer records in addition to the checkinformation. Use Header/Trailer Maintenance (DD.270.00) to define thesecustom file header/trailer records• Communications Setup – Select either “Built-in” or the “User”communication option. If using a browser to uipload the EFT file via theInternet, use the “User” communications option and see Appendix B formore details.• Script Setup - Communication scripts allow you to “program” thecommunication session with your bank. You may enter a series ofcommands which will automate the process of dialing the bank, logging on,sending a password, accessing the correct function, transmitting the PositivePay file, and then logging off. If you intend to use this feature, it is best tomanually perform a Positive Pay file transmission while taking notes of theprompts from the bank and your keystroke entries. When you are done, thenyou can enter your script using NotePad or WordPad as an editor.• Positive Pay File Formats – Whether you will be using one or multiplefile formats, you should review the settings in File Formats (DD.300.00) (PPtab). See Reference – Positive Pay – File Formats section for more details.70 • User Guide – Positive Pay A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ Positive Pay

Positive Pay Test fileUnlike EFT, there is no “standard” test file protocol when setting up PositivePay with your bank. You should check with your bank and determine how theywant you to test the file format before running Positive Pay as a productionprocess.Sending a test Positive Pay file is simply selecting any check batch andchecking with your bank to see if it is in the correct format.If using Positive Pay with EFT, the “EFT Test File” option in Company PayingAccounts (DD.260.00) is NOT USED and does not apply to Positive Pay.Hint & Tips• Create and Send File (DD.500.00) If a batch does not appear in thegrid, it is possible that it has already been posted to your GL. OnlyUnposted A/P and/or Payroll Check batches will appear in the grid, andtherefore available to be sent to the bank. If this occurs, you can use theShow Posted Batches checkbox on the Create and Send File screen (PP tab,Modules/Batches to Include frame) to allow transmission of GL postedbatches. This should be the exception rather than the rule, andadministrative procedures should be put in place to avoid posting thesebatches prior to being transmitted.A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ Positive Pay User Guide – Positive Pay • 71

<strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> Test fileUnlike EFT, there is no “standard” test file protocol when setting up <strong>Positive</strong><strong>Pay</strong> with your bank. You should check with your bank and determine how theywant you to test the file format before running <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> as a productionprocess.Sending a test <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> file is simply selecting any check batch andchecking with your bank to see if it is in the correct format.If using <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> with EFT, the “EFT Test File” option in Company <strong>Pay</strong>ingAccounts (DD.260.00) is NOT USED and does not apply to <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong>.Hint & Tips• Create and Send File (DD.500.00) If a batch does not appear in thegrid, it is possible that it has already been posted to your GL. OnlyUnposted A/P and/or <strong>Pay</strong>roll Check batches will appear in the grid, andtherefore available to be sent to the bank. If this occurs, you can use theShow Posted Batches checkbox on the Create and Send File screen (PP tab,Modules/Batches to <strong>Inc</strong>lude frame) to allow transmission of GL postedbatches. This should be the exception rather than the rule, andadministrative procedures should be put in place to avoid posting thesebatches prior to being transmitted.A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> User Guide – <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> • 71

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