Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.

Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc. Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.


NOTE: Depending on the default file format selected, the labels and visibilityof a number of fields on the Vendor and Company Paying default tabsmay be different than what is documented below. The documentationbelow conforms to the US-ACH format. See the File Formatapplication (DD.300.00) for the names and visibility of these differentsettings.E-Mail NotificationThis option is selected if you want to send your vendors email notification oftheir EFT payment. Even though this is a setup option, each vendor can beoptionally selected to receive email notification. This option is not available ifyou have licensed Positive Pay only.Positive PayThis option is selected if you want to use the Positive Pay feature of AP EFT. Ifyou have licensed Positive Pay Only, then this option is automatically selectedand disabled. When selected, you should then enter your Positive Pay defaultson that tab. See Reference – Positive Pay for detailed information.Default File FormatThis field needs to be entered if you have selected Positive Pay. It is the defaultPositive Pay format when adding a new Company Paying Accounts. A PV isavailable for all possible Positive Pay File Formats.One Company PayingAccount is set for an EFTtest fileThis field signals that one of the Company Paying Accounts has been set to sendan EFT test file. It is always disabled and is used for informational purposesonly. Unselected indicates that no Company Paying Accounts are currentlyselected for sending an EFT Test file.Edit Scripts…Click this button to create or edit script files for automated communications.When you click the Script button, the Windows Notepad applet is executed toallow you to create and/or edit your script files. You will be prompted to saveyour script files with the .SCR extension (AP EFT will not recognize any otherfile types when processing scripts), and to save them in the directory designatedon the AP EFT Setup (DD.950.00) screen. The correct file name extension anddirectory path information is VERY IMPORTANT to successful managementof script files. See Appendix F for more details on creating communicationsscript files.52 • Reference – AP EFT A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ Positive Pay

Vendor Defaults TabUse this tab to set defaults for Vendor Bank Entry.Documents/EFT RecordEnter the default option for summarizing records in the EFT file when addingnew EFT vendors. Each vendor may override this default. The options are:• One Record/All Batches - all checks for all selected batches will beaccumulated into one EFT record• One Record/Batch - checks will be accumulated by batch for this vendor,and there will be one record for each batch selected• One Record/Check - each check in each selected batch will result in oneEFT record• One Record/Voucher - each voucher in each selected batch will result inone EFT record. This last option is required for a CCD+ Entry Class entry.Entry ClassEnter the default entry class to be used when adding new EFT vendors. Eachvendor may override this default. The options are (US-ACH):• Prearranged Payment and Deposit (PPD) - used for employeeexpense reimbursement• Cash Concentration and Disbursement (CCD) - used for corporatepayments• Cash Concentration and Disbursement Plus (CCD+) same as CCDbut with additional EDI information.• Tax Payment (CCD+) CCD+ entry used for your tax payment financialagent.NOTE: If you have only the Tax Payment option, then this will be the onlyvalue allowed in this field.If using a file format other than US-ACH, these Transaction Types will bedifferent and as defined in Transaction types (DD.301.00).A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ Positive Pay Reference – AP EFT • 53

Vendor Defaults TabUse this tab to set defaults for Vendor Bank Entry.Documents/EFT RecordEnter the default option for summarizing records in the EFT file when addingnew EFT vendors. Each vendor may override this default. The options are:• One Record/All Batches - all checks for all selected batches will beaccumulated into one EFT record• One Record/Batch - checks will be accumulated by batch for this vendor,and there will be one record for each batch selected• One Record/Check - each check in each selected batch will result in oneEFT record• One Record/Voucher - each voucher in each selected batch will result inone EFT record. This last option is required for a CCD+ Entry Class entry.Entry ClassEnter the default entry class to be used when adding new EFT vendors. Eachvendor may override this default. The options are (US-ACH):• Prearranged <strong>Pay</strong>ment and Deposit (PPD) - used for employeeexpense reimbursement• Cash Concentration and Disbursement (CCD) - used for corporatepayments• Cash Concentration and Disbursement Plus (CCD+) same as CCDbut with additional EDI information.• Tax <strong>Pay</strong>ment (CCD+) CCD+ entry used for your tax payment financialagent.NOTE: If you have only the Tax <strong>Pay</strong>ment option, then this will be the onlyvalue allowed in this field.If using a file format other than US-ACH, these Transaction Types will bedifferent and as defined in Transaction types (DD.301.00).A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> Reference – AP EFT • 53

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