Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.

Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc. Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.


Batch TotalThis is the batch control total.Posted StatusThis is the GL batch status – either Unposted or Posted.EFT Process StatusThis is the status of the EFT Create and Send process. The possible values are:• Not Processed. This batch has not been processed and sent.Next Step: select the batch and click Begin Processing• File Created. The create and send process was started, but the file was nottransmitted to the bank. This can occur if the communications portion of theprocess fails.Next Step: re-select the batch and click Begin Processing• Transmitted. The EFT file was created and transmitted to the bank –however, the “Keep” process has not been completed.Next Step: Highlight the batch in the grid and then use the Keep/Deletebutton to open the “Keep” screen. Press “Keep” to finish the process andKeep this batch.• Kept – Email not sent the “Keep” process has run, but some email wasnot successfully sent. This status is only possible on a system set up foremail notification – and will only occur if there were some errors during anemail transmission.Next Step: Highlight the batch in the grid and then use the Keep/Deletebutton to open the “Keep” screen. Select the “Only send email” optionand press “Keep” to reattempt to send the email notifications for thisbatch.• Completed. This batch has been successfully created, transmitted and“Kept”NOTE: Any batch that has been previously processed MAY be sent again – inits entirety. Of course, this is not normal procedure, but there are timeswhen the file did not make it to the bank successfully and needs to beresent.AccountThe checking account that this batch was paid from.SubaccountThe checking subaccount that this batch was paid from.Select UndepositedClicking this button will set the Selected column to “Checked” for all batcheswhich are yet undeposited (the Date Deposited field is blank).Keep/Delete…Clicking this button displays the “Keep/Delete” options screen for a batch thathas the “Transmitted” or “Kept – Email not sent” EFT Process Status. See EFTProcess Status above for details. This button is only enabled when the currentlyhighlighted batch has the “Transmitted” or “Keep- Email not sent” status OR ifthe application is in Initialize mode (Options menu).42 • Reference – AP EFT A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ Positive Pay

Deposit OptionsFrameSelected batches & prenotesSelected batches onlyPre-notes onlyBy selecting one of these options, the user can control what types of transactionsare created in the EFT file. If youselected Require PreNotes, and no batches areselected, then the only option available to the user is Pre-notes only. If the useris currently processing a Test EFT file, then none of these options are available.All batches marked as selected and any pre-note accounts will be combined intoone EFT file. The selected batches are placed in one batch within the EFT file,and the pre-notes are placed in another. If you do not Require PreNotes, thenthis option is not available. EFT Vendors not marked as Active (DD.250.00)will be skipped over for prenoting.All batches marked as selected will be combined into one EFT file. If you doRequire PreNotes, then this is the only available option.All EFT vendors will be reviewed for any “New pre-note” statuses and will becombined into one EFT file. If you do not Require PreNotes, then this option isnot available. EFT Vendors not marked as Active (DD.250.00) will be skippedover.Effective DateEnter the effective date for the EFT file - the date on which bank accountsshould be posted.Show posted batchesThis checkbox will display Posted as well as Unposted batches. When thescreen first loads, only batches that have an unposted status are displayed (andless than two periods old). This option would normally be used only when anA/P check batch had been posted to the GL before it has been transmitted to thebank. Administrative procedures should be put into place so that this does notoccur.Create Unbalanced FileThis checkbox is not always visible. It will only be visible if the “AllowUnbalanced Override” option is selected in EFT Setup (DD.950.00 – CompanyPaying Defaults). This checkbox is used to override the Balanced File option(Include Company Debit), that was set in EFT Setup. It would be used ifnormal processing requires a balanced file, but certain, selected batches requirean unbalanced file – when checked, then the selected batch will create anunbalanced file (no Company debit).Total SelectedThis is a sum total amount of the selected batches. This should match with yourcheck preview report(s).Diskette OptionsFrameThis option group appears when you have selected Built-in - Write/Readdiskette Communications Type in screen DD.950.00, AP EFT Setup.Create EFT, WriteCreate the EFT file and write it to a diskette.Read, SendRead the EFT file from a diskette and transmit using the Built-inCommunications option.A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ Positive Pay Reference – AP EFT • 43

Batch TotalThis is the batch control total.Posted StatusThis is the GL batch status – either Unposted or Posted.EFT Process StatusThis is the status of the EFT Create and Send process. The possible values are:• Not Processed. This batch has not been processed and sent.Next Step: select the batch and click Begin Processing• File Created. The create and send process was started, but the file was nottransmitted to the bank. This can occur if the communications portion of theprocess fails.Next Step: re-select the batch and click Begin Processing• Transmitted. The EFT file was created and transmitted to the bank –however, the “Keep” process has not been completed.Next Step: Highlight the batch in the grid and then use the Keep/Deletebutton to open the “Keep” screen. Press “Keep” to finish the process andKeep this batch.• Kept – Email not sent the “Keep” process has run, but some email wasnot successfully sent. This status is only possible on a system set up foremail notification – and will only occur if there were some errors during anemail transmission.Next Step: Highlight the batch in the grid and then use the Keep/Deletebutton to open the “Keep” screen. Select the “Only send email” optionand press “Keep” to reattempt to send the email notifications for thisbatch.• Completed. This batch has been successfully created, transmitted and“Kept”NOTE: Any batch that has been previously processed MAY be sent again – inits entirety. Of course, this is not normal procedure, but there are timeswhen the file did not make it to the bank successfully and needs to beresent.AccountThe checking account that this batch was paid from.SubaccountThe checking subaccount that this batch was paid from.Select UndepositedClicking this button will set the Selected column to “Checked” for all batcheswhich are yet undeposited (the Date Deposited field is blank).Keep/Delete…Clicking this button displays the “Keep/Delete” options screen for a batch thathas the “Transmitted” or “Kept – Email not sent” EFT Process Status. See EFTProcess Status above for details. This button is only enabled when the currentlyhighlighted batch has the “Transmitted” or “Keep- Email not sent” status OR ifthe application is in Initialize mode (Options menu).42 • Reference – AP EFT A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong>

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