Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.

Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.

Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.


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• User’s Communications. After the EFT file has been created, theprogram you have named in the communications set up area of DD.260.00,Company <strong>Pay</strong>ing Account will execute, and then return to this screen. SeeAppendix B - Choosing a Communications Option for more information onuser’s communications.IMPORTANT NOTE:When using “User Communications” it is VERY important that whenthe alternate means of transmitting the EFT file has completed, that it isEXITED, so that the AP EFT “Keep/Delete” option executes. Simplyby “tabbing” off the communications program will not allow the“Keep/Delete” option to execute. The “Keep/Delete” option isCRITICAL to the correct functioning of AP EFT.• Built-In - Write/Read Diskette. Using the Write option, the EFT filewill be created, and then write it to the diskette drive you specify, using theEFT File Name entered in the EFT Setup area of DD.260.00, Company<strong>Pay</strong>ing Account. Using the Read option, the EFT file will be read from thedrive you specify, and transmit it to your bank using Built-InCommunications.The following messages and prompts appear according to options selected inDD.260.00, Company <strong>Pay</strong>ing Account.EFT Batches Only grid This grid will display only A/P EFT Check batches that are unposted (status =“U”) in the current and previous A/P period. Posted batches may also bedisplayed if that checkbox is selected. A/P EFT Check batches are defined asthose A/P Check batches that contain at least one Approved EFT vendor.SelectedThis column allows the user to select A/P Check batches for processing. Theoptions are:• Checked. Select this batch for processing.• Unchecked. Do not select this batch for processing.Batch NumberThis is the batch number assigned to these A/P Checks when the checks wereprinted (03.620.00)CompanyThis is the company ID associated with the batch.Period (Post)This is the period assigned to this batch when the checks were printed(03.620.00)Date DepositedThis is the last date when this batch was sent via EFT (generally batches willonly be transmitted to your bank once – however the system does allow multipletransmissions of the same batch in case there was a transmission error). It isrecorded when an EFT batch is sent to the bank and is “Kept”. If this date isblank, then this batch has yet to be sent to the bank.A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> Reference – AP EFT • 41

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