Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.

Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc. Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.


EFT Header/Trailer Maintenance(DD.270.00)Grid ViewForm ViewUse this screen to create custom EFT and/or Positive Pay Header/Trailerrecords. A Header record will be added at the beginning of the EFT and/orPositive Pay file – (for EFT, US - before the “1” record). A Trailer record willbe added at the end of the EFT and/or Positive Pay file – (for EFT, US - afterthe “9” record) and after any block fill records. These records are sometimesrequired by various banks to add additional information that is particular to thebank. This screen is used to maintain both the Header and Trailer records.There can be up to 4 Header records and up to 4 Trailer records per EFT file.You are allowed to have Header records with no Trailers and vice versa - if thatis what your bank requires. Header records are noted as Header-1, Header-2,etc. and likewise trailer records are Trailer-1, Trailer-2, etc.Normally the Header and Trailer records will be the length of the EFT filerecord length (US - 94 characters long). Likewise for Positive Pay. See thescreen’s status bar for the Format’s record length. We call each set of datawithin the record a “field”, and the location of the “field” a field position.Records in this screen are ordered by Start Position within the Header or Trailerrecord. This screen allows you to format the information that goes in both ofthese records.File TypeEnter the File Type – either EFT or Positive Pay, depending on which type offile this header/trailer will be used.Format IDEnter the EFT or Positive Pay File Format ID that will be using thisheader/trailer record.32 • Reference – AP EFT A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ Positive Pay

Header/Trailer IDThis ID is used to identify this particular Header/Trailer record with one or moreCompany Paying Accounts. Generally the default of “A” will be adequate.Other Ids are used when different Company Paying Accounts use differentHeader/Trailer records – this ID is used to relate this Header/Trailer record tothose Company Paying Accounts. ID’s A-Z are available for use.Header/TrailerEnter the record type. The options are:• Header-1 - This designates this field value as part of the Header-1 record.• Header-2 - This designates this field value as part of the Header-2 record.• Header-3 - This designates this field value as part of the Header-3 record.• Header-4 - This designates this field value as part of the Header-4 record.• Trailer-1 This designates this field value as part of the Trailer-1 record.• Trailer-2 This designates this field value as part of the Trailer-2 record.• Trailer-3 This designates this field value as part of the Trailer-3 record.• Trailer-4 This designates this field value as part of the Trailer-4 record.Start PositionEnter the starting column position for this field in the record. Starting positionsless than 10 should be entered as 01-09 for correct ordering within the file.End PositionEnter the ending column position for this field in the record. Ending positionsless than 10 should be entered as 01-09 for correct ordering within the file. TheEnd position should be greater than or equal to the Start position.DescriptionEnter a description of this field value in the record.Data TypeEnter the type of data to go in this field position. The current options are:• User Entered - the user may enter any literal value - whatever is entered inthe Value field will go into the Header or Trailer record. The length of theValue will be truncated and/or padded with spaces as defined by the lengthspecified by the Start and End positions.• Business Date (yymmdd)- Solomon’s current business date will beentered in this field. eg. If the business date was 03/01/1996, then 960301would be entered into the record. The length of the data will be truncatedand/or padded with spaces as defined by the length specified by the Start andEnd positions.• Effective Date (yymmdd) - the user entered Effective Date (DD.500.00)will be entered in this field. eg. If the effective date was 03/01/1996, then960301 would be entered into the record. The length of the data will betruncated and/or padded with spaces as defined by the length specified bythe Start and End positions.A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ Positive Pay Reference – AP EFT • 33

EFT Header/Trailer Maintenance(DD.270.00)Grid ViewForm ViewUse this screen to create custom EFT and/or <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> Header/Trailerrecords. A Header record will be added at the beginning of the EFT and/or<strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> file – (for EFT, US - before the “1” record). A Trailer record willbe added at the end of the EFT and/or <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> file – (for EFT, US - afterthe “9” record) and after any block fill records. These records are sometimesrequired by various banks to add additional information that is particular to thebank. This screen is used to maintain both the Header and Trailer records.There can be up to 4 Header records and up to 4 Trailer records per EFT file.You are allowed to have Header records with no Trailers and vice versa - if thatis what your bank requires. Header records are noted as Header-1, Header-2,etc. and likewise trailer records are Trailer-1, Trailer-2, etc.Normally the Header and Trailer records will be the length of the EFT filerecord length (US - 94 characters long). Likewise for <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong>. See thescreen’s status bar for the Format’s record length. We call each set of datawithin the record a “field”, and the location of the “field” a field position.Records in this screen are ordered by Start Position within the Header or Trailerrecord. This screen allows you to format the information that goes in both ofthese records.File TypeEnter the File Type – either EFT or <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong>, depending on which type offile this header/trailer will be used.Format IDEnter the EFT or <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong> File Format ID that will be using thisheader/trailer record.32 • Reference – AP EFT A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong>

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