Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.

Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc. Positive Pay - Sandler*Kahne Software, Inc.


• Setup Company Paying Accounts (DD.260.00). Be sure that you haveset up one Company Paying Account that has the same Accountand Subaccount as your A/P Setup (03.950.00) default checkingaccount. This record will be used when processing pre-note only batches.If this is not setup, you will receive an error during the Create and Send EFTprocess. If you will be paying against other checking accounts, they shouldbe setup in this screen as well.• Setup EFT Vendors (DD.250.00) - see Structuring Vendor BankingInformation below• Send a Test EFT file to your bank (DD.500.00). See Test EFT file below.• If required, Create and Send an EFT file for your Pre-Noted Vendors(DD.500.00). You will need to wait 6 banking days from when you transmitthese pre-notes until you can mark them Approved and send your first EFTchecks. The system automatically calculates the 6 banking days, and sets thepre-note status to Approved when the time has passed.Now you are ready for normal Accounts Payable-EFT ProcessingSteps for normalprocessing of AP EFTOverview of steps for normal EFT processing:• Pre-notification only processing (first time)1. Enter Vendors to be pre-noted (use AP EFT’s Vendor BankingInformation - DD.250.00)2. Send and “Keep” Pre-notes (use AP EFT’s Create and Send File -DD.500.00 (EFT tab), select pre-notes only)• EFT Voucher payment processing (and ongoing pre-notes) –Steps 1-7. (Italicized items are done from the AP EFT menu; all othersare from the standard AP menu.)1. Be sure all EFT vendors you want to pay have been pre-noted andapproved. (ignore this step if not using pre-notification)2. Select vouchers for payment (use AP’s Payment Selection –03.500.00).3. Filter your selection to only include Approved EFT vendors (use APEFT’s Payment Selection Filter – DD.520.00)4. Review payment selection – to apply discounts, etc. (use AP’sEdit/Select Documents for payment – 03.050.00)5. Print Check Preview report to review payments prior to checkprinting (use AP’s Check Preview Report - 03.610.00)6. Print and “Keep” AP Checks (EFT payments) to plain paper or file(use AP’s Checks – 03.620.00)7. Send and “Keep” EFT payments to bank (use AP EFT’s Create andSend File – DD.500.00 (EFT tab). Generally you will select the“Batches and pre-notes” Deposit Options)6 • User Guide – AP EFT A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ Positive Pay

• Details for some of the above steps (2-7).- Electronic Tax Payments (if applicable) - Enter your tax payments asregular vouchers (03.010.00) - using your financial agent as thevendor. When doing data entry, enter the vendor id first - you will geta message saying that the tax payment type should be entered in theinvoice number field. Once the vendor ID has been entered, theinvoice number field has a PV list of possible tax payment types - thetax payment short description must be entered in the invoice numberfield as allowed by the PV list. The invoice date is used to indicatethe tax period for this payment. Only the month and year areimportant - they are validated against the Tax Payment Code screen -tax periods. Only one tax payment type is allowed per voucher.- 2) Be sure all EFT vendor payments are in ONE AP Check Batch.Select vouchers for payment (03.500.00) as you normally would,using any of the payment selection options. It is important that eachEFT payment selection batch has ONLY those vendors who you haveset up for EFT and have an “Approved” pre-notification status (theopposite is true when you are printing checks - the payment selectionvouchers must only be from vendors who are not EFT vendors or whoare not yet fully “Approved”). This batch MUST ONLY containthose vouchers for Pre-note Approved EFT vendors. If non-Pre-Noteapproved vendors or non-EFT vendors are included, then the Createand Send process will be prevented from sending the batch to thebank. If not using Pre-notification, then ignore the above warnings.See Appendix A – Prenotification Explained.Illustrative Example:(total vouchers: 500, EFT vouchers: 200, computer checks: 300):• Before using AP EFT- Select 500 vouchers for Payment (03.500.00)- Check Preview- Print Computer Checks (eg. Batch 000100, 500 records)• Using AP EFT- Select 500 vouchers for Payment (03.500.00)- AP EFT Payment Selection Filter (200 EFT vouchers)- Check Preview- Print EFT “checks” to plain paper (eg. Batch 000100, 200records))- Send EFT batch to the bank (200 records)- Select remaining vouchers for Payment (03.500.00)- AP EFT Payment Selection Filter (300 computer checkvouchers)- Check Preview- Print Computer checks to check stock (eg. Batch 000101, 300records))- 3) To facilitate the above rule you should use the Payment SelectionFilter (DD.520.00) process to remove vouchers from your currentselection. This process allows you to process your payment selectionsto leave only EFT vendors or only check vendors in your selection.A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ Positive Pay User Guide – AP EFT • 7

• Setup Company <strong>Pay</strong>ing Accounts (DD.260.00). Be sure that you haveset up one Company <strong>Pay</strong>ing Account that has the same Accountand Subaccount as your A/P Setup (03.950.00) default checkingaccount. This record will be used when processing pre-note only batches.If this is not setup, you will receive an error during the Create and Send EFTprocess. If you will be paying against other checking accounts, they shouldbe setup in this screen as well.• Setup EFT Vendors (DD.250.00) - see Structuring Vendor BankingInformation below• Send a Test EFT file to your bank (DD.500.00). See Test EFT file below.• If required, Create and Send an EFT file for your Pre-Noted Vendors(DD.500.00). You will need to wait 6 banking days from when you transmitthese pre-notes until you can mark them Approved and send your first EFTchecks. The system automatically calculates the 6 banking days, and sets thepre-note status to Approved when the time has passed.Now you are ready for normal Accounts <strong>Pay</strong>able-EFT ProcessingSteps for normalprocessing of AP EFTOverview of steps for normal EFT processing:• Pre-notification only processing (first time)1. Enter Vendors to be pre-noted (use AP EFT’s Vendor BankingInformation - DD.250.00)2. Send and “Keep” Pre-notes (use AP EFT’s Create and Send File -DD.500.00 (EFT tab), select pre-notes only)• EFT Voucher payment processing (and ongoing pre-notes) –Steps 1-7. (Italicized items are done from the AP EFT menu; all othersare from the standard AP menu.)1. Be sure all EFT vendors you want to pay have been pre-noted andapproved. (ignore this step if not using pre-notification)2. Select vouchers for payment (use AP’s <strong>Pay</strong>ment Selection –03.500.00).3. Filter your selection to only include Approved EFT vendors (use APEFT’s <strong>Pay</strong>ment Selection Filter – DD.520.00)4. Review payment selection – to apply discounts, etc. (use AP’sEdit/Select Documents for payment – 03.050.00)5. Print Check Preview report to review payments prior to checkprinting (use AP’s Check Preview Report - 03.610.00)6. Print and “Keep” AP Checks (EFT payments) to plain paper or file(use AP’s Checks – 03.620.00)7. Send and “Keep” EFT payments to bank (use AP EFT’s Create andSend File – DD.500.00 (EFT tab). Generally you will select the“Batches and pre-notes” Deposit Options)6 • User Guide – AP EFT A/P Electronic Funds Transfer w/ <strong>Positive</strong> <strong>Pay</strong>

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