Marine Systems - RGF Environmental

Marine Systems - RGF Environmental

Marine Systems - RGF Environmental


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92<strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Marine</strong> operators today find themselves in a “tide” of environmental laws and compliances being passed to ensure and protectthe very waters they depend on for their livelihood! The environmental issues facing marine operators worldwide canbe met in many different ways. Individualized management and pollution control are key factors in planning clean marinepractices that result in long lasting benefits. Many issues can be handled inexpensively and effectively while producing thewanted end result of a cleaner, safer environment for all to enjoy.Wash Water Recycling - can save a marina money in water usage and disposal, as well as permitting requirementsby local EPA and government agencies. The impact wash water has on the marine environment can be devastating! <strong>Marine</strong>fish and plant life can be threatened due to the oxygen demand required to combat the contaminants created by pressurewashing. With the installation of a wash pad equipped with a pit or trough, a marina operator can collect wash water andother substances such as bottom paint and barnacles, which otherwise would return to ground water or the waterway asneedlessly contaminated runoff. The water collected can be processed through the wash water recycling system for reuseresulting in zero discharge. These systems eliminate the need for runoff permits and reduce the possibility of a contaminatedrelease.Bilge Water - will produce a visible sheen on the water and is identified by the EPA as a reportable discharge. Cleanup costs can result, which are in addition to the fines! Offenders identified as chronic can face more serious consequencesin the form of civil and possible criminal actions brought by state or federal agencies. A portable oil/water separator canconvert contaminated bilge water into clean water before it is discharged overboard. Coalesced oils and hydrocarbonstrapped by a nonclogging filter cartridge rise and are discharged to a clear plastic collector. While refueling a boat, the marinacan offer to pump out the bilge for a fee. The marina will be encouraging the boater to practice good environmentalsense as well as increase profits for the marina. This service can also be offered to the boaters who store their boats withinthe marina as an added bonus for utilizing the facility. Discharge of bilge water must be below 15 ppm of fuel, oils, andgrease.Water Volume vs. 15 ppm of Oil ContaminationOIL1 Drop3/4 Pint4.5 QuartsinininWATER1 Gallon4,000 Gal. Tanker Truck50 gpm flow over 24 hrs.(72,000 Gals.)Spill Response - is required by the EPA with the ruling that the marina operator must have an emergency plan, aswell as the needed equipment, to respond to a spill, in place. “Kits” are available to marinas that can be mounted dock sidecontaining all equipment necessary to contain a spill in the marina effectively. Where several marinas are located in a reasonablyclose proximity, it may be possible to develop a joint plan and share the equipment to minimize the overall costand still have adequate hardware on hand. All employees should be trained to deploy the needed equipment to contain aspill until needed assistance can respond. This equipment and training can save a marina thousands of dollars in fines andclean up costs in the event of a spill.Refer to the following sections for additional products for marine applications:• Oil / Water Separators• Floc <strong>Systems</strong>• Recycle <strong>Systems</strong>• Ozone Air Treatment <strong>Systems</strong>• Ozone Water Treatment <strong>Systems</strong>3875 Fiscal Court, West Palm Beach, Florida 334041-800-842-7771, (561) 848-1826, Fax (561) 848-9454http://www.rgf.com

S.O.S. for S.Y.S. (Sick Yacht Syndrome)By Ronald G. Fink, President <strong>RGF</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> Group, Inc.Norwalk Virus, bilge odors, flesh eating bacteria, mold, yeast, holding tank odors, VOC's, stale air, diesel bacteria - all areindoor air problems on a yacht. The question is why are indoor air problems magnified on a yacht and how can we controlthem? Indoor air problems or sick building syndrome is a widely recognized, universal health problem. What is new andgaining attention is Sick Yacht Syndrome. The indoor air problems of a home or office building are miniscule compared tothe indoor air problems of a yacht. The problems with yachts or any vessel are numerous. By nature, just the fact that youhave a tightly sealed vessel in a dark, damp atmosphere with wide temperature differentials, and a wide array of mold, bacteria,odors and microbial food sources available leads to potential major indoor air health problems.Stale Air. Yachts are notorious for stale air. You notice it assoon as you step onboard. You have a trademark odor.Some try to mask odors with another odor. Companiesactually specialize in "scent engineering", tying certainscents with feelings or moods. The problem with this conceptof olfactory persuasion is we all process odors differently.Roses may smell good to you and make you smile,but may remind the next person of a funeral home! Thebest scent engineering is non-scent or the absence of allodors. Routinely, hotels have to change drapes and bedspreadsnot due to wear, but rather the absorption of odors.This problem is amplified on a yacht due to the wide varietyof odors.Yachts are built tight. Space and weight are designproblems.SYSSick Yacht SyndromeTypical petri dishair sampleHYSHealthy Yacht Syndrome

Therefore heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)equipment is kept to a minimum. Make-up air or fresh outsideair is limited or non-existent.Make-up air should represent 25% of a yacht's airflow.Designers prefer to recycle air as it is usually warmer or coolerthan outside air, so less energy is required to heat or coolthe air. The problem is the same air is constantly beingturned over. This is especially true in the lower staterooms.Assuming no one opens a port hole and each stateroom hasits own air handler (heating/cooling unit) and two people arein a stateroom with the door closed, there is no fresh air circulating,just recycled air. This is true for the entire lowerstateroom area. The only way to get fresh air down the stairwayvia Brownian motion or a very slow molecular air transfer.Trying to get fresh air down a stairway into closed stateroomsis like trying to blow air into a bottle. The old air has noplace to go so the area ends up with a static air situation.With all the airborne bacteria, molds, yeasts and VOC's, thisbuild up can cause very serious problems. Most bacteria areharmless, but when there is a build up of billions, it drasticallyincrease your chances of exposure to a bad one.Diesel Fuel. A yacht can carry anywhere from a few hundredto tens of thousands of gallons of diesel fuel. The fuel, ofcourse, is confined to the fuel tank. Most yachts have a dieselfuel odor. Some are subtle, some are stronger. Assumingthere are no leaks or spills, you will still get diesel odors fromthe fuel tank vents that relieve air pressure caused by fueldisplacement of air and temperature variations. Fuel ventsvent outside the boat. However, some diesel odors alwaysseem to find their way inside the yacht, plus the engine roomusually has many small leaks and venting. Why is this importantto the yacht owner's indoor air problems? Aside fromdiesel fuel odor being unpleasant, diesel fuel is a microbialbreeding ground and food source. Diesel fuel has the abilityto harbor and grow 30 types of bacteria, 12 yeasts and over80 fungi species. When fuel odors are present, these odorsactually represent minute aspirated fuel particles that caneasily be carrying some of the bacteria, yeast or fungi knownto grow in diesel fuel.Bilge odors. All yachts have bilges, and with them comeodors, oil, fresh water from air conditioner condensers, andsoapy wash water. All are excellent breeding grounds forbacteria. Oil, like diesel fuel, contains bacteria, yeast andfungi. Soap and detergents contain phosphates, which canfertilize our lawns and gardens but can also fertilize microbialgrowth. As with diesel odors, bilge odors aspirate minute particlesof bilge water loaded with microbesHolding tank odors. Yes, sewage stored in a yacht holdingtank can run from 50 gallons to over 5,000 gallons. Again,these tanks are vented outside of the hull, and are a hugesource of bacteria, viruses, methane, and hydrogen sulfidegases, and of course, odors. These sewage gases, bacteriaand odors always seem to find their way into the yacht, againproviding microbials as well as food sources for the microbialsthemselves.Wastewater Related Diseases and Viruses from Inhalation*• Tuberculosis• Histoplasmosis• Coxsackie A&B• Adenovirus*Water Pollution Control FederationMolds are gaining worldwide attention. Multimillion dollarhomes are being razed due to mold contamination.Insurance companies are excluding mold damage from theircoverage. Mold spores are everywhere. They simply needstill air, moisture and a food source. Yachts provide a perfectatmosphere for growing mold. Ideal food sources are leather,paper, fabric and wood. This combined with stagnate air anddampness produces a perfect mold farm.Healthy Yacht Air Sample• Bacteria Dysentery• Common Cold• Echovirus• RotavirusSick Yacht Air SampleVOC's or volatile organic compounds are a common indoorair problem as they are everywhere: cleaning compounds,plastics, furniture, etc. All are found on a yacht. However, ayacht will have much higher levels of VOC's then a home dueto all the glues, sealants, oils and fuel. A fiberglass vessel willcontinuously off gas VOC's.Lysteria Monocytogenes is a unique strain of bacteria thatcan live in a very cold atmosphere and is often found in sinkand shower drains and ice makers. When food poisoningbreaks out in a restaurant and nearly everyone gets sick, it isusually from the ice machines lysteria bacteria. Most patronsare served ice and water or ice in a drink. Lysteria lovesyachts - lots of ice machines, lots of drains and showersumps to grow in. Drains, shower sumps and heads also addto the yacht odor and overall bacteria problems.Norwalk Virus represents a very serious problem to thecruise and yacht industry. Thousands have been infectedand many cruises cut short. Why is Norwalk so prevalent ona ship? Norwalk is most likely transferred by surface to handcontact in a confined environment. It is very difficult to contain.Disinfect surfaces or wash your hands frequently.Staph Bacteria. There is a strain of staph that is frequentlyand accurately reported by the media as flesh-eating bacteria.The wounds are black, and it literally digs a hole into theflesh. The full name is streptococcal bacteria and it does eatflesh. There have been an unusual number of cases onyachts. Why yachts again? They are ideal breeding groundsfor microbials and the higher number that you are exposed tomeans the harder time your immune system has to fight themoff and the higher the odds are that you will be exposed to adangerous microbial.

All of the above lead to Sick Yacht Syndrome. All can becontrolled with the right program. Your yacht can be asfresh as the air at sea.Healthy Yacht Hints• Good housekeeping. Keep it clean and clutter-free to promoteair circulation.• A filtered advanced oxidation fresh air makeup system.This will help prevent stale air and remove particulate fromthe air.• A continuous duty advanced oxidation HVAC air purificationsystem. This will kill airborne and surface bacteria,viruses, mold, yeast and odors.•An advanced oxidation fuel filtration system. This will killmicrobials in diesel fuel without the use of chemicals.Engines will run cleaner and fuel microbials will be limited.Advanced Oxidation Fuel Filtration SystemHVAC Air Purification Unit• A positive ventilation, oxidation and circulation system.This will kill microbials as above, plus provide full vessel aircirculation to prevent stale air pockets.• An advanced oxidation holding tank ventilation system.Advanced oxidation gases are circulated through the holdingtank to oxidize sewer gases, viruses, bacteria andodors.• A continuous duty advanced oxidation ice machine anddrain and head system. This kills listeria bacteria.Advanced oxidation is a new technology that uses friendlyoxidizers to oxidize (kill) mold, viruses, bacteria, yeast,VOC's and smoke into harmless CO2 and water. By friendlyoxidizers, we mean oxidizers that revert to safe oxygen andhydrogen when the oxidation or kill occurs. Advanced oxidationor PHI cells create gases and ions such as hydro-peroxides,superoxide ions and ozonide ions. These aggressivegases are developed by targeting a high intensity UVlight on a precious metal target. Unlike ozone generators,advanced oxidation systems use redundant safe oxidizersand are widely used by major food processors, the military,major cruise ships, homeland security, hospitals, assistedliving facilities, hotel chains, etc.Holding Tank Ventilation System

Envision is owned by <strong>RGF</strong> and is the world's first envirofriendlymega yacht. Envision is equipped with over 50advanced oxidation PHI technologies and provides itsguests with a safe chemical and microbial-free atmosphere.Ronald G. Fink is President/CEO of the <strong>RGF</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong>Group, West Palm Beach, FL. He is a Mechanical Engineerand also has a U.S. Coast Guard captain's license. He haspublished over 50 technical papers and holds numerouspatents. Mr. Fink has a 40-year background in nuclear testing,nuclear power and advanced oxidation technology.<strong>RGF</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> Group is a technology company withover 500 environmental products. Visit www.rgf.com formore information.Envision, The World’s First <strong>Environmental</strong>ly Friendly Megayacht<strong>RGF</strong> <strong>Marine</strong> Envision Program<strong>Marine</strong> Envision Program will be indivually quoted by Authorized Factory Distributors

97Item #MAR-003MMAR-004MMAR-014MOP-003MItem #FL-063FL-062FL-037EL-036MEL-032MPU-002MDescriptionModel 4000-C/Air PumpsModel 4000-C/A.C. PumpsModel 4000-C/D.C. PumpsOil Collection Tanks for 4000-CBilge Filter Model 4000-CFully Automatic Bilge Mounted Oil / Water SeparatorI.M.O., Transport Canada & U.S. Coast Guard Approved!The Model 4000-C Bilge Mounted Oil / Water Separator is anadvanced, fully automatic bilge water filtration system designed forcommercial vessels. The system is designed to prevent oil / waterdischarge overboard by removing the oil from the bilge water down toless than 15 ppm free oils. An optional oil collection tank is availableif an onboard vessel oil storage tank (slop tank) is not available.• Approval #’s: U.S.C.G. # 162.050/1211/0I.M.O. Resolution MEPC.60(33)T.C. #15/0148• Filtration Capacity: < 15 p.p.m. free oils• Material:Polyethylene / PVC / 316 S.S.Daily Capacity1,100 gpd1,100 gpd1,100 gpd---Replacement PartsCoalescing Matrix CartridgeReplaceable Filter CartridgeLid O-Ring for Poly HousingOil Sensing ProbePump Logic Controller 110V/60Hz115 VAC Bilge Pump• Dimensions: 15"W x 48"L x 42"H• Filter Types:Suggested Vessel SizeWork Boats/FreightersTugs/Ferries/Fishing vesselsSmall Fleet Boats---<strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>Permanent Micro-Matrix Coalescor - (Item # FL-003M)Replaceable HCA-3 Absorber Filter - (Item # FL-002M)Power Requirements120 VAC / 1.0 A*120 VAC / 15 A12 VDC/ 10 A---Ship Weight218Lbs.218 Lbs.218 Lbs.25 Lbs.Bilge Filter Model 1500 & 4000In-line Bilge Mounted Oil / Water SeparatorsThe Model 1500 and Model 4000 Bilge Filters are bilgebulkhead-mountable and are plumbed in-line on the pressureside of the existing bilge pump. The systems aredesigned to remove normally accumulated free oils fromthe bilge during bilge dewatering cycles.• Dimensions: Model 1500: 13"W x 21"HModel 4000: 13"W x 42"H• Filtration Capacity: < 15 ppm free oils• Max. Pressure: 5 psi• Material:Polyethylene / PVC/ Stainless Steel• Filter Type:Replaceable HCA-3 Absorber FilterModel 1500: (Item # FL-001M)Model 4000: (Item # FL-004M)Item #DescriptionMax. Flow RateSuggested Vessel SizeShip WeightMAR-001MMAR-002MFL-061Model 1500 In-line Bilge FilterModel 4000 In-line Bilge FilterFilter Element6 gpm10 gpmSmall Pleasure CraftsMedium Pleasure Crafts24 Lbs.37 Lbs.6 Lbs.3875 Fiscal Court, West Palm Beach, Florida 334041-800-842-7771, (561) 848-1826, Fax (561) 848-9454http://www.rgf.com

98<strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> Model MRS-10<strong>Marine</strong> Wash Water Recycling SystemThe MRS 10 Wash Water Recycling System is designedfor light/medium duty pressure and steam cleaning users,processing up to 10 gpm. The MRS 10 collects contaminatedwater from the wash pad, processes it through theunit and returns the clean water to the pressure or steamcleaner for reuse. The standard model contains aTurboHydrozone ® for water purification, and the MRS-10CO 3 P contains <strong>RGF</strong>’s advanced CO 3 P Catalytic OxidationSystem.Applications3 - 4 hours per day closed-loop washing applications for small tomedium size vessels and marine equipment.Standard Features• High Efficiency CoalescingSeparator• Hydrocarbon Accumulator• Four Bag Pressurized Filter• Polishing Filtration System (2)• TurboHydrozone ® Ozone System(Item # MAR-011M Only)• Small-CO 3 P Catalytic Oxidation(Item # MAR-012M Only)• CFC System• Fresh Water Make-up• Manual Polish Filter Backflush• Built in Storage Tank• Overflow ProtectionUnit pictured is MRS10-CO3PSpecifications• Process Flow Rate• System Capacity• Dimensions• Electrical• Final Filtration Type• Oxidation System• Process / Supply Pump10 gpm250 gallons4’w x 4’l x 7’h115 VAC, 60 Hz, 10 APolishing Filter (2)TurboHydrozone ® (MAR-011M Only)CO 3 P Catalytic Oxidation (MAR-012M Only)1/2 hp centrifugalItem #Recycle SystemDeliveryFlow RateStorage CapacityFiltration CapacityShip WeightMAR-011MMAR-012MModel MRS-10 StandardModel MRS-10 CO 3 P10 gpm10 gpm50 gallons50 gallons25 Microns25 Microns417 Lbs.450 Lbs.Item #OP-077Suggested AccessoriesPoly In-Ground Interceptor w/ 1/3 hp Sump PumpItem #FL-086FL-010CE-029Required Filters25 Micron Polish Filter (2)100 Micron Bag Filter (4)Oxy-Pucks3875 Fiscal Court, West Palm Beach, Florida 334041-800-842-7771, (561) 848-1826, Fax (561) 848-9454http://www.rgf.com

99<strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>WashMaster UniversalMedium Duty General Purpose Industrial WashwaterRecycle SystemTheWashMaster Universal is a single skid mounted systemdesigned for complete “plug and go” applications.The WashMaster Universal also includes our oil waterseparation technology for all applications other than turfwhere hydrocarbon removal is required.Specifications•Flow Rate•System Capacity•Dimensions•Electrical•Processed Water Storage•Final Filtration•Filtered Water Delivery•Filter Backflush•CO 3 P Oxidation System:20 gpm800 gallons5' W X 10' L X 7' H220 V, 30 A550 Gallons1 Micron20 GPM @ 50 psiAutomatedSM UV/O 3 ChamberApplications• Military Bases• Waste Haulers• Truck & Tractor Repair Shops• Bus CompaniesStandard Features• Hydrocarbon Accumulator• Process Pump• Std. Multi-Media Filter• Polishing Filtration System• SM-CO 3 P Catalytic Oxidation• City / County Transportation• Equipment Rental Companies• Municipal and State Garages• Construction Companies• CFC System• Supply Pump• Auto Filter Backflush SystemItem #WMU-XDescriptionWashMaster UniversalShip Weight1,787 LbsItem # Required Filters Quantity Frequency *FL-086FL-078CE-029FP-051PU-064PU-130VA-056VA-100PU-020PU-025PU-023SA-005T-16PT-212PT-212-1Lid O-ring for Poly Pro Housing1 1/2 hp Process Pump1/2 hp Centrifugal Pump1 1/2” PVC Solenoid3/4” Brass Solenoid30’ Pump down Float Switch30’ Pump up Float SwitchReverse Action Press Switch6” Ozone/UV Assembly (WMU-X)3/4 hp Regenerative BlowerInlet Filter for BlowerPolish FilterFilter MediaOxy PuckItem # Replacement Parts Quantity21111111111211MonthlyAnnuallyMonthlyItem # Suggested Accessories ReasonCCC-400CCC-600OP-027OWSOP-077OP-044OP-070400 Gal Coalescing Centrifugal Separator600 Gal Coalescing Centrifugal Separator4 Bag Gravity Bag FilterOil Water Separator (See OWS sect. for Models)Poly In-Ground Separator1/3 hp Sump Package25 Ft Retractable Hose Reel AssemblyPrefiltrationPrefiltrationPrefiltrationExcess Oil RemovalPrefiltrationNo Pumps on SiteLonger Cleaning Range* Frequency may vary depending on your waste stream3875 Fiscal Court, West Palm Beach, Florida 334041-800-842-7771, (561) 848-1826, Fax (561) 848-9454http://www.rgf.com

100<strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> Delta <strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>Central Waste Treatment <strong>Systems</strong><strong>RGF</strong> Delta <strong>Marine</strong> Type I Central SystemVessels under 65’The <strong>RGF</strong> Delta <strong>Marine</strong> Central Waste Treatment System is abatch type flow-through waste treatment system. The systemworks in conjunction with the vessel's toilet waste holding tank.The system is completely automatic and will treat a maximumof 332 gallons of toilet waste per day. The system meets orexceeds all requirements set by the U.S.C.G. and the EPA forType I <strong>Marine</strong> Sanitation Devices for inspected or uninspectedvessels. The unit may be used in conjunction with any numberof marine heads and is highly recommended for use in vesselshaving three or more heads. Heads need not be the highly recommended<strong>RGF</strong> Delta <strong>Marine</strong> Head.Item #DescriptionVoltageCertification No.Ship WeightCTS-I-12CTS-I-24CTS-I-32CTS-I-AC-60<strong>RGF</strong> Delta <strong>Marine</strong> Type I Central System<strong>RGF</strong> Delta <strong>Marine</strong> Type I Central System<strong>RGF</strong> Delta <strong>Marine</strong> Type I Central System<strong>RGF</strong> Delta <strong>Marine</strong> Type I Central System12 VDC24 VDC32 VDC115 VAC 60 Hz159.015/4004/0159.015/4005/0159.015/4006/0159.015/4007/0240 Lbs.240 Lbs.240 Lbs.240 Lbs.240 Lbs.CTS-I-AC-50 <strong>RGF</strong> Delta <strong>Marine</strong> Type I Central System 230 VAC 50 HzAlso, for boats with use in no discharge areas. Since the Type I Central System works in conjunction with a holding tank, the boatmay operate in no discharge areas.Delta <strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>Central Waste Treatment <strong>Systems</strong><strong>RGF</strong> Delta Type II Central SystemVessels over 65’The <strong>RGF</strong> Delta <strong>Marine</strong> Central Waste Treatment System Type II is a batchtype flow-through waste treatment system. The system works in conjunctionwith the vessel's toilet waste holding tank. The system is completely automaticand will treat a maximum of 1,000 gallons per day. Due to the uniquedesign of the <strong>RGF</strong> <strong>Marine</strong> Central Waste Treatment System Type II, thecapacity of 1,000 gallons per day is both a maximum and average rating.The system meets or exceeds all requirements set by the U.S. Coast Guardand the EPA for Type II <strong>Marine</strong> Sanitation Devices. The system may be usedin conjunction with any number of type or marine heads; flushometers,pumps, household toilets, or Delta <strong>Marine</strong> Heads.Also, for boats with use in no discharge areas. Since the Type II CentralSystem works in conjunction with a holding tank, the boat may operate in nodischarge areas.The Type II Central System is certified for use on either inspected or uninspectedvessels.Item #DescriptionVoltageCertification No.Ship WeightCTS-II-AC-60CTS-II-AC-50<strong>RGF</strong> Delta Type II Central System<strong>RGF</strong> Delta Type II Central System115 VAC 60 Hz230 VAC 50 Hz159.015/4009/0159.015/4009/0487 Lbs.487 Lbs.3875 Fiscal Court, West Palm Beach, Florida 334041-800-842-7771, (561) 848-1826, Fax (561) 848-9454http://www.rgf.com

101<strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>Fuel Growth Elimination SystemA high intensity fuel filtration and algae/bacteriaelimination system does away with theneed for chemical fuel treatment.Item #SO-FSUVODescriptionFuel DisinfectorVotlage12 VDC100-240 V 50/60 HzSized per vesselIntake Strainer Growth Elimination SystemA high intensity UV system to eliminate growth in rawwater strainers.Custom made to fit your vessel’s strainer configuration.Call for quoteItem #SO-WSUVODescriptionRaw Water Strainer SterilizerVotlage12 VDC100-240 V 50/60 HzSized per vessel3875 Fiscal Court, West Palm Beach, Florida 334041-800-842-7771, (561) 848-1826, Fax (561) 848-9454http://www.rgf.com

102<strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> REME TM Exhaust Hygenization TM Smoke Reduction<strong>RGF</strong>’s High REME Smoke Reduction Systemreduces exhaust particles up to 40% and reducesharmful exhaust gases.Item # Description VoltageSized per vesselSO-SRUVO Smoke Reduction System 12 VDC 100-240 V 50/60 Hz Call for quotePositive Ventilation SystemA REME Cell plus filtration and a high efficiency superquiet fan to eliminate shipboard stale air problems.Sized per vesselItem # Description VoltageSO-AFUVO Air Circulation Unit 12 VDC 100-240 V 50/60 Hz Call for quote3875 Fiscal Court, West Palm Beach, Florida 334041-800-842-7771, (561) 848-1826, Fax (561) 848-9454http://www.rgf.com

103Bathroom Odor Eliminator<strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Systems</strong><strong>RGF</strong>’s Bathroom Odor Eliminator is designed to reduce odors and bacteriapresent in shipboard heads. The unit mounts under a cabinet or outof the way and pumps Advanced Oxidation gases to the head via polytubing.Item # Description VoltageSO-FBUVO-12 Head Fresh Unit 12 VDC 100-240 V 50/60 Hz Call for quoteSO-FBUVO-GA80-240 V 50/60 hzHVAC REME TM CellThe HVAC REME Cell is designed to eliminate healthrisks by reducing odors, air pollutants, VOCs (chemicalodors), smoke, mold bacteria and viruses*. The HVAC-REME Cells are easily mounted into air conditioning andheating systems air ducts where most problems start. Whenthe HVAC system is in operation the HVAC-REME Cell createsan Advanced Oxidation Process consisting of: Hydroperoxides,ozonide ions, super oxide ions and hydroxideions and a high energy hydro-ion generator. All are friendlyoxidizers. By friendly oxidizers we mean oxidizers thatrevert back to oxygen and hydrogen after the oxidation ofthe pollutant.Item # Description Voltage----------- HVAC REME 12 VDC 100-240 V 50/60 Hz Call for quote3875 Fiscal Court, West Palm Beach, Florida 334041-800-842-7771, (561) 848-1826, Fax (561) 848-9454http://www.rgf.com

104<strong>Marine</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> BOS IIIAdvanced <strong>Environmental</strong> Holding Tank / BilgeOdor Abatement SystemThe Advanced Oxidation gas created by the <strong>RGF</strong>Photohydroionization Cell are safe environmentally friendly oxidizersthat revert back to oxygen and hydrogen. The <strong>RGF</strong> -BOSIII utilizes ozone to create hydroperoxides, oxide ions andhydroxl radicals. The ozone; produced by a targeted high intensityUV light technology. This method is far safer than the traditionalozone generators. Targeted UV ozone generators do notproduce nitric oxide gas or nitric acid and they have a very highefficiency rating. The additional oxidizers (hydroperoxides,oxide ions and hydroxyl radicals) provides a broader range ofapplications and redundant oxidation gases.SpecificationsVoltageWeightMaterialDimensionsFinishControlsFan VolumeApprox UV Chamber LifeReaction SourceLight Source110 V 60 Hz10 Lbs.Aluminum18” l x 4” w x 4” hPolished AluminumIndicator Light45 cfm5,000 HoursPhotohydroionization185 NM. UltravioletApplicationsThe <strong>RGF</strong> Model BOS III will destroy, not just cover-up, thefollowing airborne substances:•Decomposing Organics•Smoke•Mold•Mildew•Bacteria•Algae•Urine / Feces•Chemical Fumes•Fungus•Viruses•Yeast•Pollen•Hydrocarbons•Ketones•Spores•VOC'sFeatures• Safety Service Cut Off Switch• Automatic Unattended Operation• No Costly Chemicals• Destroys Odors- Is Not a Cover Up• Reduces Fly Infestation• Economical to Use• Maintenance Free - Unlike corona discharge units thatrequire regular servicing to produce ozone.Item #BOS-III-16Item #PHIC-9HOADescription<strong>RGF</strong> BOS IIIReplacement PartsHigh Output Replacement PHI ElementShip Weight10 Lbs.3875 Fiscal Court, West Palm Beach, Florida 334041-800-842-7771, (561) 848-1826, Fax (561) 848-9454http://www.rgf.com

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