Giardino Series Installation.pdf - Forno Bravo

Giardino Series Installation.pdf - Forno Bravo

Giardino Series Installation.pdf - Forno Bravo


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<strong>Giardino</strong> <strong>Installation</strong> and Operating Manual11. Walled EnclosuresOverviewThe Gabled House, or walled enclosure, is one of the mosttraditional ways to finish a brick oven. There are examplesof these ovens throughout the Italian countryside.The basic process for finishing your oven this way isstraightforward. Construct walls around your oven usingmetal studs to a height of at least 6" higher than the top ofyour insulated oven dome. Face the metal studs withconcrete board, and finish the exterior of the oven withstucco, brick, or stone. The roof design is up to the builder,and it can be finished with stone, clay tile or moderncomposite tile.the sides of the arch to provide support for the concreteboard.FinishAttach your concrete board using metal stud screws. Youcan finish your enclosure walls with stucco, brick, or stone.The roof design is up to the designer, and can be finishedwith stone, clay tile or composite tile. The gap between theoven and the enclosure walls is filled with FB Blanket.____________________________________________________DO NOT USE WOOD STUDS, DRYALL ORPLYWOOD TO FRAME THE OVEN ENCLOSURE.____________________________________________________InstructionsUsing traditional partition wall building techniques, build awall using a single metal stud lying flat as a bottom plate,and two metal studs lying flat as the top plates for eachwall. Attach the bottom plate to the concrete hearth slabusing concrete screws. Set metal studs every 16" in thebody of the wall to support the concrete board.Interlock the top two metal stud top plates at each cornerto give the structure more strength. Set two vertical studsat each corner for a larger face to attach the concreteboard, and to give the structure more strength.11.1. The basic walled enclosure.The Oven OpeningSet the location of the front wall of the oven enclosure sothat the brick arch at the oven opening projects forward bya couple of inches. Set one horizontal stud at the top of thearch, and set two additional studs at a 45-degree angle on© <strong>Forno</strong> <strong>Bravo</strong>, LLC 2010. All Rights Served. Ver. 1.3 39

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