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Third-party instruments in tiamoIncluding third-party instruments in tiamotiamo – titration and more. The name says it all. tiamo controls not only individualtitrators and takes care of the data management. No, complete automated titrationsystems can also be controlled by tiamo. This leaves nothing to be wished for. Oris there something?Measurement of density, turbidity and refractive indexAutomated titration systems determine parameters such as alkalinity, total acidity,chloride content and pH value. However, in daily laboratory work additional sampleparameters such as density, turbidity or refractive index are often required. Suchmeasurements are usually carried out manually, using third-party instruments, andthe results obtained are stored in a separate database.Would it not be much more practical to determine these additional parameters in thesame automated titration system and manage all the analytical results in a commondatabase? In such cases tiamo provides an elegant solution!The DMA 4500 Density Meter from Anton Paar – justone example of a third-party instrument that has alreadybeen successfully included in tiamo.Serial communicationThe innovative tiamo software allows bidirectional communication with instrumentsthat are not included as standard.The new instrument is simply connected to the PC via the serial RS 232 interface.The tiamo method sequence now allows commands to be transmitted to the instrumentas well as data to be received from it: This means that the third-party instrumenthas become an integral part of the Metrohm titration system! The samples areprepared and then transferred to the third-party instrument using a pump or a dosingsystem. tiamo now starts the measurement. If special parameters are requiredfor this then tiamo can first transmit them to the third-party instrument. When themeasurement has been successfully concluded, tiamo calls up the measuring data Metrohm Information Issue 2/2005

Third-party instruments in tiamofrom the instrument. These results are then further processed or stored directly inthe tiamo database.tiamo saves time and moneyThanks to the integration of third-party instruments into an automated Metrohmtitration system, it is not only possible to determine additional analytical parameters,but you can also do without a separate sample changer and a separatecontrol and database software. The operation of the integrated third-party instrumentstakes place via a simple and intuitive software interface, which both reducesfamiliarization time and increases operational reliability.The following third-party instruments have already been successfully included intiamo; in view of the great demand this list will be continually extended:• Density meter from Anton Paar• Turbidity meter from Hach Company (see the customer application described inthe following article)• Refractometer from Reichert• Polytron homogenizer from Kinematica• Thermostattable water bathtiamo – titration and more. Analytical solutions from a single supplier. Automationcompetence with a worldwide reputation.Please find additional information on our innovative tiamo control and databasesoftware underwww.titration-and-more.comFaced with the choicebetween changing one’smind and proving thatthere is no need to do so,almost everyone getsbusy on the proof .John Kenneth GalbraithMetrohm Information Issue 2/2005 5

Third-party instruments in tiamofrom the instrument. These results are then further processed or stored directly inthe tiamo database.tiamo saves time and moneyThanks to the integration of third-party instruments into an automated <strong>Metrohm</strong>titration system, it is not only possible to determine additional analytical parameters,but you can also do without a separate sample changer and a separatecontrol and database software. The operation of the integrated third-party instrumentstakes place via a simple and intuitive software interface, which both reducesfamiliarization time and increases operational reliability.The following third-party instruments have already been successfully included intiamo; in view of the great demand this list will be continually extended:• Density meter from Anton Paar• Turbidity meter from Hach Company (see the customer application described inthe following article)• Refractometer from Reichert• Polytron homogenizer from Kinematica• Thermostattable water bathtiamo – titration and more. Analytical solutions from a single supplier. Automationcompetence with a worldwide reputation.Please find additional information on our innovative tiamo control and databasesoftware underwww.titration-and-more.comFaced with the choicebetween changing one’smind and proving thatthere is no need to do so,almost everyone getsbusy on the proof .John Kenneth Galbraith<strong>Metrohm</strong> Information Issue 2/2005 5

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