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The CIA 2005 in retrospectThe 3 rd Conference on Ion Analysis in retrospectFrom 6 to 8 April 2005 the 3 rd Conference on Ion Analysis, CIA 2005, was held inthe Architecture Building of the Technical University Berlin. The conference wasjointly organized by Prof. Dr. Andreas Seubert (Phillips University Marburg; Chairmanof this year’s conference), Priv.-Doz. Dr. Wolfgang Frenzel (Technical UniversityBerlin) and Prof. Dr. Andreas Zemann (Papierfabrik Wattens, Austria). As was thecase two years ago, all the conference events – that is talks, poster presentations,instrument exhibition and company workshops – took place under one roof, whichallowed intensive contacts and exchange of information between the participants.The approximately 190 participants in CIA 2005 (new record!) presented 31 papersand 44 posters covering a wide range of ion analysis methods. The spectrum rangedfrom ion chromatography to capillary electrophoresis, flow injection analysis andmass spectrometry up to voltammetry and titration. Apart from scientists, users andinstrument manufacturers were also represented, so that all facets of ion analysiswere covered. Dr. Kai Henning Viehweger, IC Marketing Manager at Metrohm Ltd.,gave a paper on «Sequential suppression in anion chromatography».The poster and instrument exhibition took place directly adjacent to the lecture halland was therefore well visited. During the poster session and in the pauses betweenThe three organizers of the CIA: from left to right Prof.Dr. Andreas Zemann, Prof. Dr. Andreas Seubert (Chairman)and Priv.-Doz. Dr. Wolfgang Frenzel.View of the poster and instrument exhibition in the foyerof the Architecture Building of the Technical UniversityBerlin. The booth of Deutsche Metrohm can be seen atthe rear right.32 Metrohm Information Issue 2/2005

The CIA 2005 in retrospectpapers the authors were available to discuss their work. Employees from MetrohmLtd. and Deutsche Metrohm participated with eight posters. Their titles were (titlesof posters presented in German are given here in English):• Voltammetric Speciation of Fe(II) and Fe(III)• On the Automation of Photometric Determination Methods Observing StandardOperating Procedures• Determination of Transition Metals by Means of Ion Chromatography and UV/VISDetection• Analysis of Synthetic Chelating Agents in Surface and Waste Water by Ion Chromatography-MassSpectrometry (IC-MS)• Selectivity Studies on a New Anion Separation Column for IC• Ion Chromatography – an Important Method for the Analysis of Ionic Liquids• The Determination of Biogenic Amines in Foodstuffs by Means of Cation Chromatography• Bromate Determination in Water Samples – Comparison of IC and IC-MSMethodsA total of nine well-known instrument manufacturers had booths on which theypresented their products, meeting with great interest. Deutsche Metrohm showed acomprehensive cross-section of our products for ion analysis, among them suchbrand-new instruments as the 844 UV/VIS Compact IC. The workshops, whichwere included in the program for the first time, were also very popular. During thesepractice-oriented events the exhibiting companies presented their analytical instrumentsand techniques in great detail. Deutsche Metrohm organized two well-visitedworkshops on the subjects «Electrodes in titration and potentiometry» and «Ionchromatography and inline sample preparation with IC Net and IC Cap».During the two-and-a-half days of the conference the social side was not neglectedeither. On the first evening the participants were invited to a «Berlin Buffet» in thecanteen of the TU Berlin, on the second evening a visit was made to the GermanMuseum of Technology in Berlin. This latter event was sponsored by Metrohm.The next Conference on Ion Analysis will be held from 26 to 28 February 2007 inBerlin. Further information is available underwww.cia-conference.comPoster prize winners of CIA20051 st prize:Claudia Schreiner,Department of Solid-State Chemistry andAnalysis, Swiss Federal Laboratories forMaterials Testing and Research (EMPA),Dübendorf, Switzerland,«Systematic Investigations into Loweringthe Detection Limit in the Ultratrace AnionAnalysis of Aqueous SEMI Eluates»2 nd prize:Tobias Revermann,Department of Chemical Analysis andMESA + Institute for Nanotechnology,University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands,«An Ionic Reagent for the Microchip Electrophoreticand Capillary ElectrophoreticDetermination of Thiols»3 rd prize:Oliver Happel,Working Group Prof. Seubert, Faculty ofChemistry, Philipps University Marburg,«Anionic Aluminum-Citrate Complexes asReference Materials for Species Analysisof Aluminum Using Ion Chromatography»Presentation of the 1 st poster prize to Ms. Claudia Schreinerby Prof. Dr. Andreas Seubert.Metrohm Information Issue 2/2005 33

The CIA 2005 in retrospectpapers the authors were available to discuss their work. Employees from <strong>Metrohm</strong>Ltd. and Deutsche <strong>Metrohm</strong> participated with eight posters. Their titles were (titlesof posters presented in German are given here in English):• Voltammetric Speciation of Fe(II) and Fe(III)• On the Automation of Photometric Determination Methods Observing StandardOperating Procedures• Determination of Transition Metals by Means of Ion Chromatography and UV/VISDetection• Analysis of Synthetic Chelating Agents in Surface and Waste Water by Ion Chromatography-MassSpectrometry (IC-MS)• Selectivity Studies on a New Anion Separation Column for IC• Ion Chromatography – an Important Method for the Analysis of Ionic Liquids• The Determination of Biogenic Amines in Foodstuffs by Means of Cation Chromatography• Bromate Determination in Water Samples – Comparison of IC and IC-MSMethodsA total of nine well-known instrument manufacturers had booths on which theypresented their products, meeting with great interest. Deutsche <strong>Metrohm</strong> showed acomprehensive cross-section of our products for ion analysis, among them suchbrand-new instruments as the 844 UV/VIS Compact IC. The workshops, whichwere included in the program for the first time, were also very popular. During thesepractice-oriented events the exhibiting companies presented their analytical instrumentsand techniques in great detail. Deutsche <strong>Metrohm</strong> organized two well-visitedworkshops on the subjects «Electrodes in titration and potentiometry» and «Ionchromatography and inline sample preparation with IC Net and IC Cap».During the two-and-a-half days of the conference the social side was not neglectedeither. On the first evening the participants were invited to a «Berlin Buffet» in thecanteen of the TU Berlin, on the second evening a visit was made to the GermanMuseum of Technology in Berlin. This latter event was sponsored by <strong>Metrohm</strong>.The next Conference on Ion Analysis will be held from 26 to 28 February 2007 inBerlin. Further information is available underwww.cia-conference.comPoster prize winners of CIA20051 st prize:Claudia Schreiner,Department of Solid-State Chemistry andAnalysis, Swiss Federal Laboratories forMaterials Testing and Research (EMPA),Dübendorf, Switzerland,«Systematic Investigations into Loweringthe Detection Limit in the Ultratrace AnionAnalysis of Aqueous SEMI Eluates»2 nd prize:Tobias Revermann,Department of Chemical Analysis andMESA + Institute for Nanotechnology,University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands,«An Ionic Reagent for the Microchip Electrophoreticand Capillary ElectrophoreticDetermination of Thiols»3 rd prize:Oliver Happel,Working Group Prof. Seubert, Faculty ofChemistry, Philipps University Marburg,«Anionic Aluminum-Citrate Complexes asReference Materials for Species Analysisof Aluminum Using Ion Chromatography»Presentation of the 1 st poster prize to Ms. Claudia Schreinerby Prof. Dr. Andreas Seubert.<strong>Metrohm</strong> Information Issue 2/2005 33

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