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EditorialMetrohm Ltd.CH-9101 HerisauSwitzerlandPhone +41 71 353 85 85Fax +41 71 353 89 01E-Mail info@metrohm.comInternet www.metrohm.comDear Customers,Metrohm Information provides me with an excellent opportunity of introducing myselfto you. Perhaps you are already aware that there has been a managementchange in the Metrohm Group. Since 1 January 2005 I have been responsible forthe management of our headquarters in Herisau. During 2006 Mr. Déteindre will introduceme to the international issues of the company in detail, so that from 1 January2007 I will take over the group management. It is intended that Mr. Déteindrewill take over a new function in the Metrohm Group. As you can see, at Metrohmit is not just instrument development that is subject to long-term and very carefulplanning, but also management duties and the personnel changes that this involves.We are convinced that such a procedure is in the best interests of our customersas well as our employees and all the other stakeholders. One of the central aimsof this transition consists in safeguarding the Metrohm philosophy or, to expressit differently, the corporate culture that has certainly been a decisive factor in oursuccess during the past 62 years. Far too many times a management change isunfortunately synonymous with a change in strategy. Let me say right away thatsuch a change is not under discussion at Metrohm. Of course, this does not meanthat everything will remain exactly the same as it is. Nothing is as certain as constantchange. In future your partner Metrohm will continue to do everything it canto realize your wishes and ideas. One of my major interests is not only maintainingcustomer satisfaction, but increasing it wherever possible. I would like to askfor your active cooperation in this matter. Help us to develop the optimal analyticalinstruments for you. We want to provide you with tools that enable you to gain anadvantage over your competitors, so that you in turn will also be successful. As aformer supplier to the pharmaceutical industry I am used to satisfying the highestdemands. With our experienced development team, efficiently manufactured Swissquality products, lean organizational structures and a worldwide well-trained andcustomer-oriented team providing advice and service, we are pleased to accept anychallenge. Not only the conviction that customer relations are also a major concernfor top management, but also the fact that I like to be in direct contact with our customersshould provide a good basis for a mutually successful future.Finally I would like to thank you for your previous good cooperation with Metrohm. Ilook forward to a trusting and professional business relationship in the future.Best regards,ImprintMetrohm Information is a customermagazine from Metrohm Ltd. and ispublished three times a year in Englishand German.Please contact us if you wish to receiveyour own copy regularly.Dr. Christoph FässlerCOO Metrohm HeadquartersPublished by: Metrohm Ltd.,CH-9101 Herisau,SwitzerlandEditor: Claudia Denglercd@metrohm.comPrinted by: Metrohm Ltd.Internet: www.metrohm.infoISSN 1424-0904 Metrohm Information Issue 2/2005

EditorialBrief portrait of Dr. Christoph Fässler1952 born in Switzerland, married for 25 years. 2 daughters (18 and 20 yearsold).1980 obtained doctorate as chemical engineer from ETH (Swiss Federal Institute ofTechnology) in Zurich.1980–1986 active in the USA, Egypt, Brazil and Mexico in the quality, productionand management sectors for Messrs. Holcim (formerly Holderbank).1986–1998 CEO of Messrs. forma vitrum ag, a Swiss company active worldwide,producing primary packaging material for the pharmaceutical industry.1998–2001 Sectional Manager Pharmaceutical Packaging (11 production companiesworldwide) for the German Schott Group.2001–2004 Divisional Manager Pharmaceutical Systems (21 production companiesworldwide) for the German Schott Group.Since 1994 member of the Supervisory Board of Metrohm Ltd.Knowledge of theworld is onlyto be acquired inthe world,and not in a closet.Lord ChesterfieldMetrohm Information Issue 2/2005 3

EditorialBrief portrait of Dr. Christoph Fässler1952 born in Switzerland, married for 25 years. 2 daughters (18 and 20 yearsold).1980 obtained doctorate as chemical engineer from ETH (Swiss Federal Institute ofTechnology) in Zurich.1980–1986 active in the USA, Egypt, Brazil and Mexico in the quality, productionand management sectors for Messrs. Holcim (formerly Holderbank).1986–1998 CEO of Messrs. forma vitrum ag, a Swiss company active worldwide,producing primary packaging material for the pharmaceutical industry.1998–2001 Sectional Manager Pharmaceutical Packaging (11 production companiesworldwide) for the German Schott Group.2001–2004 Divisional Manager Pharmaceutical Systems (21 production companiesworldwide) for the German Schott Group.Since 1994 member of the Supervisory Board of <strong>Metrohm</strong> Ltd.Knowledge of theworld is onlyto be acquired inthe world,and not in a closet.Lord Chesterfield<strong>Metrohm</strong> Information Issue 2/2005 3

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