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DIN EN 14480Schematic diagram of the potentiometric two-phase titrationof an anionic surfactant (EP = equivalence point).aqu. aqu. aqu.before EP at EP after EPExample of a curve for the potentiometric two-phase titrationof an anionic surfactant. The equivalence point isdetermined by the titrator and is therefore considerablymore precise than the visual determination of the titrationendpoint.Sample: anionic wetting agentElectrode: Surfactrode RefillTitrant: c(Hyamine 1622) = 0.005 mol/LIt’s time to change over!With the potentiometric two-phase titration, DIN EN 14480 describes a simple, preciseand environmentally compatible method for determining anionic surfactants.A similar DIN/EN standard for the determination of cationic surfactants will appearshortly.Can it also be done without any solvents?Surfactants can often also be titrated in a purely aqueous medium. A quick testshows if this is possible: Dissolve some sample in pH = 3, pH = 7 and pH = 10buffers and add the titrant. If a precipitate forms in one of the buffers then the samplecan be titrated at this pH value.Metrohm is the market leader in the field of surfactant titration and is therefore yourcompetent partner. Not only do we offer you all the necessary instruments andaccessories, you can also profit from our wealth of experience in this sector. Our«Surf PAC», a comprehensive collection of application examples and methods forthe titration of anionic, cationic and non-ionic surfactants, makes getting involvedin surfactant analysis child’s play.24 Metrohm Information Issue 2/2005

New Metrohm publicationsNew Metrohm publicationsPeter BruttelConductometry – Conductivity MeasurementMetrohm Monograph No. 8.028.5003 (English) or 8.028.5001 (German)Metrohm Ltd., Herisau, 2004, 47 pagesThe measurement of the electrical (electrolytic) conductivity – conductometry – canlook back on a long tradition. Conductivity measurements were already being performedabout 125 years ago. For approximately 50 years Metrohm has providedcustomers with measuring instruments and accessories.Unfortunately, the relevant literature on the subject of conductometry is mostly outof print or must be searched for and compiled with great difficulty. The new MetrohmMonograph intends to fill this gap: This compact volume will help users to familiarizethemselves with conductivity measurement in a short time. In addition, it can alsobe used as a practical reference book.The monograph is arranged in three parts:Conductometry −Conductivity MeasurementPeter A. BruttelPart 1: Terms/DefinitionsThese are listed in alphabetical order from A to Z. Below please find just a few examplesof the numerous keywords:Activity coefficient, cell constant, dissociation, equivalent conductivity, ionicstrength, limiting conductivity, measuring frequency, polarization, specific resistance,transference number, validation, ...Part 2: Practical applicationsIn this part, among other things, examples are given of how to determine the cellconstant of the measuring cell or the temperature coefficient of the measuring solution,how to carry out conductometric titrations or how to perform conductivitymeasurements in demineralized water according to USP Regulations.Part 3: TablesHere you will find overviews of the electrical conductivity as a function of the electrolyteconcentration or the temperature for the most important ionic solutions (acids,bases, salt solutions).The monograph is intended for all those who carry out conductivity measurementsand/or would like to learn more about the theoretical background.The monograph presented above is available in English and German and can beobtained free of charge from your local Metrohm distributor.Common senseis not so common.Victor HugoMetrohm Information Issue 2/2005 25

New <strong>Metrohm</strong> publicationsNew <strong>Metrohm</strong> publicationsPeter BruttelConductometry – Conductivity Measurement<strong>Metrohm</strong> Monograph No. 8.028.5003 (English) or 8.028.5001 (German)<strong>Metrohm</strong> Ltd., Herisau, 2004, 47 pagesThe measurement of the electrical (electrolytic) conductivity – conductometry – canlook back on a long tradition. Conductivity measurements were already being performedabout 125 years ago. For approximately 50 years <strong>Metrohm</strong> has providedcustomers with measuring instruments and accessories.Unfortunately, the relevant literature on the subject of conductometry is mostly outof print or must be searched for and compiled with great difficulty. The new <strong>Metrohm</strong>Monograph intends to fill this gap: This compact volume will help users to familiarizethemselves with conductivity measurement in a short time. In addition, it can alsobe used as a practical reference book.The monograph is arranged in three parts:Conductometry −Conductivity MeasurementPeter A. BruttelPart 1: Terms/DefinitionsThese are listed in alphabetical order from A to Z. Below please find just a few examplesof the numerous keywords:Activity coefficient, cell constant, dissociation, equivalent conductivity, ionicstrength, limiting conductivity, measuring frequency, polarization, specific resistance,transference number, validation, ...Part 2: Practical applicationsIn this part, among other things, examples are given of how to determine the cellconstant of the measuring cell or the temperature coefficient of the measuring solution,how to carry out conductometric titrations or how to perform conductivitymeasurements in demineralized water according to USP Regulations.Part 3: TablesHere you will find overviews of the electrical conductivity as a function of the electrolyteconcentration or the temperature for the most important ionic solutions (acids,bases, salt solutions).The monograph is intended for all those who carry out conductivity measurementsand/or would like to learn more about the theoretical background.The monograph presented above is available in English and German and can beobtained free of charge from your local <strong>Metrohm</strong> distributor.Common senseis not so common.Victor Hugo<strong>Metrohm</strong> Information Issue 2/2005 25

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