Nursery Trail Leaflet - Knoll Gardens

Nursery Trail Leaflet - Knoll Gardens

Nursery Trail Leaflet - Knoll Gardens


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Welcome to ourspecialist nurseriesPassionate plantsmen and horticultural pioneersEast Dorset has a proud horticulturalheritage. Passionate plantspeople andhorticultural pioneers have lived andworked in the area since the mid 1800sand that tradition continues to thepresent day.Within just a few miles you’ll find the UK’s first-evergarden centre, first commercial blueberry plantation,historic plantings, hidden gardens and specialistnurseries of international acclaim.Many familiar garden plants were first grown hereand some are even named after the area. Thevigorous evergreen Berberis x lologensis ‘Stapehill’,and aromatic blue-flowering Caryopteris xclandonensis ‘Ferndown’ both originated ineast Dorset.Whilst other local plants, like Cupressocyparisleylandii ‘Stapehill’ and ‘Ferndown’ may have lostfavour in our gardens, our specialist nurseriescontinue to develop new plants, trialling andintroducing new varieties to suit today’s growingconditions. Serious gardeners will appreciatethe work of these award-winning nurseries, butyou don’t have to understand the way eachplant has been bred to enjoy the beauty it canbring to your garden.Originally cleared for agriculture in the middleages and developed in more modern times asBournemouth’s market garden, flowers, fruit andvegetables all thrive on the River Stour’s alluvial plain.As the plants have flourished this rich environmenthas also supported complementary industries andcraftspeople. Once home to more than 30 potterykilns the rich terracotta tradition continues today inthe production of frost free garden pots. Local forgeswork closely with garden designers, no fewer than18 gardens open as part of the NGS scheme, and ofcourse Wimborne Minster has recently been namedas ‘Best Small Town in Britain in Bloom’.Wonderful display, one of theWimborne in Bloom winnersEmperor dragonfly,Moors Valley Country ParkWildlife also flourishes in this cared for environment.All six species of British reptile are found heretogether with 27 species of dragonfly and damselfly:sites of special scientific interest abound.There’s a lot to see in East Dorset and we thinkyou’ll enjoy your visit. Our gardens have been wellmaintainedand remain in good hands. Visit ourspecialist growers to discover rare and unusualplants and take advantage of years of accumulatedexpertise. Then stock your garden, secure in theknowledge that whether you order a single plant orfill your borders with blooms you’ll be buying into along and very special horticultural tradition.Colourful gardenwear atHare Lane PotteryPlease see overleaf for detailsof our specialist nurseriesand hidden gardens

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