Microbiological Standards - Cromlab

Microbiological Standards - Cromlab

Microbiological Standards - Cromlab

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Quick ReferenceProficiency TestingDMRQA 31.............................................. 21Solid Waste (RCRA)................................. 36Under Ground Storage Tank (UST)........... 36Water Pollution (WP)................................. 8Water Supply (WS).................................. 26<strong>Microbiological</strong> Testing<strong>Microbiological</strong> <strong>Standards</strong> (RCRA/UST).......41<strong>Microbiological</strong> <strong>Standards</strong> (WP)..................17<strong>Microbiological</strong> <strong>Standards</strong> (WS)................. 33Rapid Check (RQC).................................. 50Natural-Matrix CRMsAqua Regia Metals................................... 69BNAs - Soil.............................................. 82BTEX - Soil............................................. 87California WET........................................ 77Chlordane/Toxaphene.............................. 95Clean Soils.............................................101Constant Value - Water............................ 99Diesel - Soil............................................. 88Explosives - Soil...................................... 96Herbicides - Soil...................................... 94Inorganic Properties- Soil......................... 78OP Pesticides - Soil.................................. 92PAHs - Soil.............................................. 86PCB Congeners - Soil............................... 98PCBs...................................................... 97Pesticides/PCBs....................................... 93Pesticides - Soil....................................... 90TCLP Metals - Soil.................................... 74TCLP Organics - Soil................................ 76TPH - Soil............................................... 88Trace Metals - Lead................................. 68Trace Metals - Soil................................... 59VOCs - Soil (High Level)........................... 81VOCs - Soil (Low Level)............................ 80XRF <strong>Standards</strong>Custom Action Level <strong>Standards</strong>................. 71Lower Detection Limit............................... 71Matrix Blanks........................................... 72Matrix XRF <strong>Standards</strong>............................... 73Real World CRMs...................................... 72Calibration <strong>Standards</strong>Color.......................................................105Conductivity.............................................103Diesel Range Organics..............................123Gasoline Range Organics...........................122Hydrocarbon Mixes...................................125Inorganic.................................................105Ion Chromatography.................................107Multi Element ICP.....................................120Petroleum................................................126pH..........................................................103TPH.........................................................125Turbidity..................................................104ONLINE: RT-Corp.com PHONE: 800.576.5690 Fax: 307.745.7936

What makes RTC different?2x the amount for PTsRTC provides most ampuled water PTs in duplicate. This allows you to run multiple methods or have more analysts performthe PT. It also covers your laboratory in case of the accidental mishap. If you do not use the second vial, it becomes a QCsample once the study is closed.Easily Accessed Documentation OnlineCertificates of Analysis, MSDS, and Proficiency Testing reporting documents can easily be viewed anddownloaded through our website.RTCQuick-Turn StudiesRTC does not charge extra for our Quick-Turn PT studies.Our Quick-Turn studies are always the same price as ourscheduled PTs.The World StandardStandardized QC PricingRTC has a straightforward and logical pricing scheme forits QC products. Our QCs are always 30% less than ourPT products.Certificates of ExcellenceLaboratories that demonstrate excellence throughout the year in proficiency testing are issued acertificate suitable for display and presentation to your customers.Analyst Certificates of ProficiencyLaboratories that enter data online are able to generate and print a certificate of proficiency for each PT the analyst hassuccessfully performed. These certificates represent valuable records of training and performance for laboratory audits.2 First Choice for Quality

ISO Guide 34:2009ISO Guide 34:2009 (General Requirements for the Competenceof Reference Material Producers) is a Quality Guidance Standardwith specific requirements for the production of Certified ReferenceMaterials (CRMs). RT Corp’s accreditation by ACLASS (CertificateAR-1470) certifies that we meet every requirement regarding theproduction of our CRMs.ISO/IEC 17025:2005ISO/IEC 17025 (General Requirements for the Competence of Testingand Calibration Laboratories) specifies the general requirements forthe competence to carry out tests and/or calibrations by a laboratory.RT Corp’s accreditation by ACLASS (Certificate AT-1467) certifies thatour laboratory operates according to ISO/IEC 17025.ISO/IEC 17043:2010ISO/IEC 17043 (Requirements for the Competence of Providers ofProficiency Testing) specifies the general requirements for thecompetence to carry out proficiency testing programs. RT Corp’saccreditation by ACLASS (Certificate AP-1469) certifies that ourproficiency testing programs operate according to ISO/IEC 17043.ISO 9001:2008ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management Systems) specifies thegeneral requirements for a quality management system. RT Corpis registered to ISO 9001:2008 through Platinum Registration(Certificate Number: 14127911).For complete details refer to our scope at RT-Corp.comFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com 3

Permission-based access for multiple users within your organization:Set up each analyst or work group with data entry permission and they can enter their datadirectly. The Quality Manager or administrator has a visual interface to monitor data entryand deadlines.Easy access to results and reports:View your study evaluation in PDF, spreadsheet or HTML format.Configure reporting for your laboratory:Add the methods used by your laboratory the first time, and all future studies will default tothese methods. Easily add new methods in the future, if required.Enhanced data reporting:Need to report one analyte to one accreditor and another analyte to a different accreditor?Easily report all of your study to one or multiple accreditors, or pick and choose which resultsshould be reported.Enhanced usability and online support:With our interface and enhanced navigation, you can find information and enter data faster.If you have a question, simply click the help button found on each page to find the answersto common questions.Keep your data secure:With our SSL security, password encryption and individualized permission-based access, youcan rest easy knowing that your data is safe.Advanced product searching:Find the right product quickly and easily with our online product comparisons. Simply enterthe analytes you require, and our system will find the products that best meet your needs.4 First Choice for Quality

Example of Kits:Product Listing GuideNELAC WP Inorganic/Organic KitPE-WPKSemiannuallyQuarterlyQCWPKIncludes:NELAC WP Organic Kit (PEO-062K) - See List BelowNELAC WP Inorganic Kit (PEI-035K) - See List BelowName of kitSamples included in kit:• See List Below - Samples that are included arelisted in each kit.Proficiency Test and Quality Controlcatalog numberNELAC WP Inorganic KitPE1181-1KTSemiannuallyQuarterlyQC1181-1KTIncludes:AnionsDemandMineralsTotal Nutrients KitOil & GreasepHResidueCyanide, TotalPhenolics, TotalTotal Residual Chlorine (TRC)Trace Metals KitPEI-051PEI-026PEI-027-12PEI-028KPEI-029PEI-027-3PEI-079PEI-031PEI-032PEI-033PEI-034K(Page 9)(Page 10)(Page 9)(Page 9)(Page 10)(Page 10)(Page 10)(Page 10)(Page 10)(Page 11)(Page 11)Samples in kit:• Name of individual samples included in kitPage number samples can be found onProficiency Test catalog number foreach sampleExample of Individual Samples:Anions(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1060-20MLQC1060-20MLConcentration Analyte Range: 0.250 to 275 mg/LBromideNitrite as NChlorideOrthophosphate as PFluorideSulfateNitrate as NNitrate & Nitrite as NName of sampleDilution size of concentrates2x will be displayed if sample is suppliedin duplicate for quarterly studiesProficiency Test and Quality Control costProficiency Test and Quality Controlcatalog numbers:• Proficiency Test (PT) - Red• Quality Control (QC) - GreenAnalytes included in sampleAnalyte concentration rangeFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com 5

2011 Study ScheduleWater Pollution (WP)Study Number Begins ClosesWP11-1 1/19/2011 3/4/2011WP11-2 3/30/2011 5/13/2011WP11-3A 5/18/2011 7/1/2011WP11-3B 7/6/2011 8/19/2011WP11-4 9/28/2011 11/11/2011WP11-5 11/23/2011 1/6/2012Water Supply (WS)Study Number Begins ClosesWS11-1 2/2/2011 3/18/2011WS11-2 4/13/2011 5/27/2011WS11-3 7/13/2011 8/26/2011WS11-4 10/5/2011 11/18/2011Solid Waste &Underground Storage Tank (UST)Study Number Begins ClosesLPTP11-S1/UST11-1 2/9/2011 3/25/2011LPTP11-S2/UST11-2 4/20/2011 6/3/2011LPTP11-S3/UST11-3 7/27/2011 9/9/2011LPTP11-S4/UST11-4 10/19/2011 12/2/20116 First Choice for Quality

Laboratory ProficiencyTesting ProgramsRTC has been producing environmental Laboratory Proficiency Testing Programs for more than20 years. Regular shipments of more than 20,000 PT standards a year are sent to over 2,500participants world wide.Features that make RTC unique and give you the RTC Advantage include the following:• Most water Proficiency Test Samples are supplied in duplicate. The duplicate can be used toreport additional methods or retained as a QC standard, using the study data values.• Advanced Tracking – Methods, Analysts, Accreditation, and Equipment can be reported forthe same analyte at no extra charge.• Evaluation reports can be sent to your Accreditation Authority (AA) for no additional charge.PT Table of ContentsWater Pollution (WP).................................. 8<strong>Microbiological</strong> <strong>Standards</strong> - WP................ 17DMRQA31.................................................. 21Water Supply (WS).................................... 26<strong>Microbiological</strong> <strong>Standards</strong> - WS................ 33Solid Waste (RCRA/UST)........................... 36<strong>Microbiological</strong> <strong>Standards</strong> - RCRA............. 41Rapid Check (RQC).................................... 50For complete details refer toour scope of accreditation atwww.RT-Corp.comFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com 7

Water Pollution (WP)Study Number Study Begins Study ClosesWP11-1 1/19/2011 3/4/2011WP11-2 3/30/2011 5/13/2011WP11-3A 5/18/2011 7/1/2011WP11-3B 7/6/2011 8/19/2011WP11-4 9/28/2011 11/11/2011WP11-5 11/23/2011 1/6/2012Did you know?PT samples with thissymbol next to the partnumber are supplied induplicate at no extra cost.For complete detailsrefer to our scopeof accreditation atwww.RT-Corp.comWater Pollution KitsComplete Base Neutrals Kit.................................... 16Complete Volatiles Kit............................................. 15NELAC WP Inorganic Kit............................................ 9NELAC WP Inorganic/Organic Kit.............................. 9NELAC WP Organic Kit............................................... 9Pesticides Kit........................................................... 13Total Nutrients Kit...................................................... 9Trace Metals Kit....................................................... 11Volatile Compound 1 & 2........................................ 15Inorganic SamplesAcidity....................................................................... 11Anionic Surfactant (MBAS)...................................... 11Anions......................................................................... 9Chromium VI............................................................. 11Color......................................................................... 11Complex Nutrients..................................................... 9Cyanide, Total........................................................... 10Demand.................................................................... 10Minerals..................................................................... 9Nitrite.......................................................................... 9Oil & Grease............................................................. 10pH............................................................................. 10Phenolics, Total........................................................ 10Residue.................................................................... 10Settleable Solids...................................................... 10Silica......................................................................... 11Simple Nutrients........................................................ 9Sulfide (Total & Soluble).......................................... 11Titanium & Tin.......................................................... 11Total Organic Halides (TOX)..................................... 12Total Residual Chlorine............................................ 11Total Residual Chlorine (Low Level)........................ 11Trace Metals 2......................................................... 11Trace Metals 1......................................................... 11Turbidity.................................................................... 10Volatile Residue....................................................... 10Organic SamplesAcid Compounds...................................................... 13Base/Neutrals Compounds.................................... 16Chlordane (Total)...................................................... 12Diesel in Water......................................................... 12Gasoline in Water.................................................... 12Herbicides................................................................ 12Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons..........12Nitrosamines/Nitroaromatics................................. 14Organophosphorus Pesticides................................ 13PAHs......................................................................... 16PAHs (Low Level)...................................................... 14PCBs in Transformer Oil........................................... 14PCBs in Water.......................................................... 14Pesticides 1.............................................................. 13Pesticides 2.............................................................. 13Toxaphene................................................................ 12Volatile Organic Compounds 1............................... 15Volatile Organic Compounds 2............................... 15Volatile Organic Compounds 3............................... 15<strong>Microbiological</strong> SamplesE. coli in Water - Quantitative ......................... 17Total & Fecal Streptococcus/Enterococcus ....... 17Additional SamplesInorganic <strong>Standards</strong>................................................ 18<strong>Microbiological</strong> <strong>Standards</strong>...................................... 20Organic <strong>Standards</strong>................................................... 19Sea Water <strong>Standards</strong>...............................................178 First Choice for Quality

NELAC WP Inorganic/Organic KitAnions(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE-WPKSemiannuallyQuarterlyQC-WPKIncludes:NELAC WP Organic Kit (PE1182-1KT) - See List BelowNELAC WP Inorganic Kit (PE1181-1KT) - See List BelowPE1060-20MLQC1060-20MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.250 to 275 mg/LBromideNitrite as NChlorideOrthophosphate as PFluorideSulfateNitrate as NNitrate & Nitrite as NWPNELAC WP Inorganic KitMinerals(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1181-1KTSemiannuallyQuarterlyQC1181-1KTIncludes:AnionsDemandMineralsTotal Nutrients KitOil & GreasepHResidueCyanide, TotalPhenolics, TotalTotal Residual Chlorine (TRC)Trace Metals KitPE1060-20ML (Page 9)PE1130-20ML (Page 10)PE1041-1KT (Page 9)PE1003-1KT (Page 9)PE1083-2ML (Page 10)PE1029 -20ML (Page 10)PE3050-500ML (Page 10)PE1054-2ML (Page 10)PE1134-2ML (Page 10)PE1065-2ML (Page 11)PE1004-1KT (Page 11)PE1041-1KTQC1041-1KTAnalyte Concentration Range: 2 to 675 mg/L(Conductivity 200-930 μmhos/cm)Alkalinity as CaCO 3Magnesium, MgCalcium, CaPotassium, KCalcium Hardness as CaCO 3Residue, Total (TS)ConductivityResidue-Filterable (TDS)Hardness (Total as CaCO 3)Sodium, NaPE1003-1KTQC1003-1KTTotal Nutrients KitIncludes: Simple Nutrients, Complex Nutrients, & NitriteNELAC WP Organic KitPE1182-1KTSemiannuallyQuarterlyQC1182-1KTIncludes:Acid CompoundsComplete Base/Neutrals KitChlordane, TotalHerbicidesPCBs in OilPCBs in WaterPesticides KitToxapheneComplete Volatiles KitPE1274-2MLPE1107-1KTPE1092-2MLPE1124-2MLPE1275-2MLPE1033-2MLPE1002-1KTPE1094-2MLPE1086-1KT(Page 13)(Page 16)(Page 12)(Page 12)(Page 14)(Page.14)(Page 13)(Page 12)(Page 15)Simple NutrientsPE1195-20MLQC1195-20MLComplex NutrientsPE1051-2MLQC1051-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.5 to 35 mg/LKjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)Nitrogen, TotalPhosphorus, Total(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)Analyte Concentration Range: 0.25 to 40 mg/LAmmonia as NNitrate+Nitrite as NNitrate as NOrthophosphate as P(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)RTC Kits help yousimplify your order andsave moneyNitritePE1153-2MLQC1153-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.4 to 4 mg/LNitrite as N(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com9

WPDemand(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1130-20MLQC1130-20MLResidue(500mL ready to use standard)PE3050-500MLQC3050-500MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 6 - 250 mg/LBiochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)Carbonaceous BOD (CBOD)Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)Total Organic Carbon (TOC)Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)Analyte Concentration Range: 23 to 675 mg/LResidue, Total (TS)Residue-Filterable (TDS)Residue-Nonfilterable (TSS)pH(Ready to use standard)Cyanide, Total(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1210-20MLQC1210-20MLPE1210-100MLQC1210-100MLPE1210-250MLQC1210-250MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 5 to 10 UnitsQCSave 30%All Quality Control <strong>Standards</strong> are pricedat 30% less than the correspondingPT price, regardless of whether youpurchase the PT.PE1054-2MLQC1054-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.1 to 1 mg/LPhenolics, Total(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1134-2MLQC1134-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.06 to 5 mg/LPhenolics, Total (4AAP Method)Not suitable for GC methods, see page 13 for suitable GC products.Oil & GreaseSettleable Solids(Concentrate for dilution to 1L) (Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1083-2MLQC1083-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 10 to 100 mg/LPE1194-1EAQC1194-1EAAnalyte Concentration Range: 5 to 100 mL/LTurbidity(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1081-20MLQC1081-20MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 1 to 20 NTUVolatile Residue(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1091-1.2GQC1091-1.2GAnalyte Concentration Range: 100 to 500 mg/L10 First Choice for Quality

Acidity(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1269-20MLQC1269-20MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 650 to 1800 mg/LAnionic Surfactant (MBAS)(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1144-20MLQC1144-20MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.1 to 25 mg/LSurfactants - MBASChromium VI(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1088-20MLQC1088-20MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 45 to 880 µg/LHexavalent Chromium, Cr(VI)PE1004-1KTQC1004-1KTPE1132-20MLQC1132-20MLPE1052-20MLQC1052-20MLTrace Metals KitIncludes: Trace Metals 1, Trace Metals 2, & Titanium and TinTrace Metals 1Trace Metals 2(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)Analyte Concentration Range: 2 to 4000 µg/LAluminum, AlLead, PbArsenic, AsLithium, LiBeryllium, BeManganese, MnCadmium, CdMercury, HgChromium, Cr (Total)Nickel, NiCobalt, CoSelenium, SeCopper, CuVanadium, VIron, FeZinc, Zn(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)Analyte Concentration Range: 26 to 2500 µg/LAntimony, SbSilver, AgBarium, BaStrontium, SrBoron, BThallium, TlMolybdenum, MoWPColor(Concentrate for dilution to 100mL)PE1126-20MLQC1126-20MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 10 to 75 UNITSTitanium & TinPE1154-20MLQC1154-20ML(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)Analyte Concentration Range: 80 to 5000 µg/LTitanium, TiTin, SnSilica(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1078-20MLQC1078-20MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 50 to 250 mg/LSilica as SiO 2Total Residual Chlorine(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1065-2MLQC1065-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.05 to 3 mg/LSulfide (Total & Soluble)(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)Total Residual Chlorine (Low Level)(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1034-20MLQC1034-20MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 1 to 10 mg/LPE1152-2MLQC1152-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 75 to 250 µg/LFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com11

WPNeed a ProficiencyTest Now?RTC offersQuick-Turn studies atno extra cost!See page 25 for additional informationHerbicides(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1124-2MLQC1124-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 2 to 15 µg/LAcifluorfenDichloropropBentazonDinoseb2,4-DPentachlorophenol2,4-DBPicloramDicambaSilvex (2,4,5-TP)3,5-Dichlorobenzoic Acid 2,4,5-TTotal Organic Halides (TOX)(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1070-2MLQC1070-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 300 to 1500 µg/LTotal Organic Halides (TOX)Adsorbable Organic Halogens (AOX)Chlordane (Total)(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)Total Recoverable PetroleumHydrocarbons (TRPH)(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1092-2MLQC1092-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 3 to 25 µg/LPE1272-2MLQC1272-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 20 to 170 mg/LDiesel in Water(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)Toxaphene(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1708-2MLQC1708-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 500 to 4000 µg/LDiesel Range Organics (DRO)PE1094-2MLQC1094-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 20 to 100 µg/LToxaphene (Chlorinated Camphene)Gasoline in Water(Concentrate for dilution to 100mL)PE1798-2MLQC1798-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0 to 4000 µg/LBenzenem+p-XyleneEthylbenzeneo-XyleneMethyl tert-butyl ether Xylene, TotalNaphthaleneGasoline Range Organics (GRO)Toluene12 First Choice for Quality

Acid CompoundsOrganophosphorus Pesticides(Concentrate for dilution to 1L) (Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1274-2MLQC1274-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0 to 400 µg/LBenzoic Acid2-Methylphenol (o-Cresol)4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 3-Methylphenol (m-Cresol)2-Chlorophenol4-Methylphenol2,4-Dichlorophenol 3+4-Methylphenol2,6-Dichlorophenol 2-Nitrophenol2,3-Dimethylphenol 3-Nitrophenol2,4-Dimethylphenol 4-Nitrophenol2,5-Dimethylphenol Pentachlorophenol2,6-Dimethylphenol Phenol3,4-Dimethylphenol 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol3,5-Dimethylphenol 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol2,4-Dinitrophenol2,4,6-Trichlorophenol2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenolPE1161-2MLQC1161-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0 to 100 µg/LAzinphos-methylFonophosCarbophenothionMalathionChlorpyrifosMethamidophosDiazinonMonocrotophosDichlorovosParathion, ethylDisulfotonParathion, methylEthionPhorateEthopropPhosmet (Imidan)EPNTerbufosFamphurRandomly contains 80% of the NELAC analytes requiredWPRandomly contains 80% of the NELAC analytes requiredDid you know?PT samples with thissymbol next to the partnumber are supplied induplicate at no extra cost.RTCThe World StandardPE1002-1KTQC1002-1KTPesticides 1PE1280-2MLQC1280-2MLPesticides 2PE1201-2MLQC1201-2MLPesticides KitIncludes: Pesticides 1 & Pesticides 2(1mL for dilution up to 1L)Analyte Concentration Range: 0.5 to 15 µg/LAldrinDieldrin4,4’-DDDHeptachlor4,4’-DDEHeptachlor Epoxide4,4’-DDT(1mL for diluton to 1L)Analyte Concentration Range: 1 to 20 µg/Ldelta-BHCEndosulfan IIalpha-BHCEndosulfan Sulfatebeta-BHCEndrin Aldehydegamma-BHC (Lindane) Endrin Ketonealpha-ChlordaneEndringamma-ChlordaneMethoxychlorEndosulfan IRandomly contains 80% of the NELAC analytes requiredFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com13

WPPCBs in Transformer Oil(1g Sample)PE1275-2MLQC1275-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 10 to 50 mg/KgAroclor-1016Aroclor-1248Aroclor-1221Aroclor-1254Aroclor-1232Aroclor-1260Aroclor-1242PCBs in Water(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1033-2MLQC1033-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 1 to 15 µg/LAroclor-1016Aroclor-1248Aroclor-1221Aroclor-1254Aroclor-1232Aroclor-1260Aroclor-1242Each Standard contains one unspecified AroclorEach Standard contains one unspecified AroclorNitrosamines/Nitroaromatics(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1040-2MLQC1040-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 1 to 20 µg/L4-Amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene2-Amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene1,3-Dinitrobenzene2,4-Dinitrotoluene2,6-DinitrotolueneHMX (Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine)IsophoroneNitrobenzeneNitroglycerinn-Nitrosodi-n-propylaminen-Nitrosodiethylaminen-Nitrosodimethylaminen-Nitrosodiphenylamine2-Nitrotoluene3-Nitrotoluene4-NitrotolueneRDX (hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine)Tetryl (Methyl-2,4,6-trinitrophenylnitramine)1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene2,4,6-TrinitrotoluenePETNRandomly contains 80% of the NELAC analytes requiredPAHs (Low Level)(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1223-2MLQC1223-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.3 to 10 µg/LAcenaphtheneAcenaphthyleneAnthraceneBenzo(a)anthraceneBenzo(a)pyreneBenzo(b)fluorantheneBenzo(g,h,i)peryleneBenzo(k)fluorantheneChryseneDibenz(a,h) anthraceneFluorantheneFluoreneIndeno(1,2,3-cd) pyreneNaphthalenePhenanthrenePyreneContains all analytes listedSave 30%QCAll Quality Control <strong>Standards</strong> are pricedat 30% less than the correspondingPT price, regardless of whether youpurchase the PT.14 First Choice for Quality

Complete Volatiles KitVolatile Compound 1 & 2PE1086-1KTQC1086-1KTIncludes: Volatile Organic Compounds 1, 2, & 3PE1106-1KTQC1106-1KTIncludes: Volatile Organic Compounds 1 & 2WPThe PEO-120K set is divided into a multiple amupule set:#1: 602 Purgeable Aromatics & Gasoline ID Compounds#2: 601 Purgeable Halocarbons#3: 8240/8260 GC/MS for remaining compoundsVolatile Organic Compounds 1(Concentrate for dilution to 100 mL)Volatile Organic Compounds 3(Concentrate for dilution to 100 mL)PE1250-2MLQC1250-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 7 to 300 µg/LBenzene1,2-Dichlorobenzene1,3-Dichlorobenzene1,4-DichlorobenzeneEthylbenzeneMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)NaphthaleneToluene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzenem+p-Xyleneo-XyleneXylene, TotalContains all analytes listedVolatile Organic Compounds 2(Concentrate for dilution to 100 mL)PE1251-2MLQC1251-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 8 to 150 µg/LBromodichloromethaneBromoformCarbon TetrachlorideChlorobenzeneChloroformDibromochloromethane1,2-DichloroethaneMethylene Chloride (Dichloromethane)Tetrachloroethylene1,1,1-TrichloroethaneTrichloroethenePE1087-1KTQC1087-1KTAnalyte Concentration Range: 25 to 200 µg/LAcetoneAcetonitrileAcrolein (Propenal)Acrylonitrile2-Butanone (Methyl ethyl ketone, MEK)Carbon DisulfideChloroethane2-Chloroethyl vinyl etherCyclohexane1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB, Ethylene dibromide)DibromomethaneDichlorodifluoromethanecis-1,2-Dichloroethenetrans-1,2-Dichloroethenecis-1,3-Dichloropropenetrans-1,3-Dichloropropylene1,1-Dichloroethane1,1-DichloroetheneDichlorofluoromethane1,2-Dichloropropane2-HexanoneMethyl AcetateMethyl bromide (Bromomethane)Methyl chloride (Chloromethane)Metthyl Cyclohexane4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)Styrene1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane1,1,2-TrichloroethaneTrichlorofluoromethane1,2,3-TrichloropropaneVinyl AcetateVinyl ChlorideTwo sample set; Randomly contains 60% of the NELAC analytes requiredContains all analytes listedFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com15

WPPE1107-1KTQC1107-1KTComplete Base Neutrals KitIncludes: PAHs & Base/NeutralsPAHs(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1173-2MLQC1173-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 10 to 325 µg/LAcenaphthene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene FluoreneAcenaphthylene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Indeno(1,2,3-cd) pyreneAnthracene Benzo(b+k)fluoranthene NaphthaleneBenzo(a)anthracene Chrysene PhenanthreneBenzo(a)pyrene Dibenzo(a,h) anthracene PyreneBenzo(b)fluorantheneFluorantheneContains all analytes listedBase/Neutrals Compounds(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1108-1KTQC1108-1KTAnalyte Concentration Range: 10 to 225 µg/LAniline Di-n-butyl phthalate HexachloroethaneBenzidine Di-n-octyl phthalate IsophoroneBenzyl alcohol Dibenzofuran 1-MethylnaphthaleneBiphenyl 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2-Methylnaphthalene4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2-NitroanilineButyl benzyl phthalate 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 3-NitroanilineCaprolactam 3,3’-Dichlorobenzidine 4-NitroanilineCarbazole Diethyl phthalate n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine4-Chloroaniline Dimethyl phthalate n-Nitrosodiethylaminebis(2-Chloroethoxy) methane 2,4-Dinitrotoluene n-Nitrosodimethylaminebis(2-Chloroethyl) ether 2,6-Dinitrotoluene n-Nitrosodiphenylaminebis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate Nitrobenzene1-Chloronaphthalene Hexachlorobenzene Pyridine2-Chloronaphthalene Hexachlorobutadiene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene4-Chlorophenyl phenyletherHexachlorocyclopentadieneTwo sample set; Randomly contains 60% of the NELAC analytes required16 First Choice for Quality

<strong>Microbiological</strong> <strong>Standards</strong> - WPE. coli in Water - QuantitativeTotal & Fecal Streptococcus/EnterococcusWPMIC003-2EA (1 Level)QCMIC003-2EAMIC103-6EA (3 Levels)QCMIC103-6EA (3 Levels)MIC203-8EA (4 Levels)QCMIC203-8EA (4 Levels)Designed for use with quantitative methods for fecal and totalcoliforms and E. coli. Suitable for MPN and MF methods. Shippedwith instructions and sterile diluent.MIC005-2EA (1 Level)QCMIC005-2EAMIC105-6EA (3 Levels)QCMIC105-6EA (3 Levels)MIC205-8EA (4 Levels)QCMIC205-8EA (4 Levels)Designed for use with quantitative methods for total and fecalstreptococcus/enterococcus. Suitable for MPN and MF methods.Shipped with instructions and sterile diluent.What are “3 Level” Micros?Three independent standards of three differentconcentrations to meet specific staterequirements.What are “4 Level” Micros?The 4 Level sets are designed to meet the<strong>Standards</strong> Council of Canada ( SCC ) proficiencytesting requirements of testing 4 levels twiceper year.Sea Water (WP) <strong>Standards</strong>Chromium VI in Sea Water (Conc. 45 to 880µg/L : 500mL)Simple Nutrients in Sea Water (Conc. 0.25 to 40mg/L : 500mL)Ammonia as N Nitrate as N Nitrite as N Orthophosphate as PComplex Nutrients in Sea Water (Conc. 0.5 to 30mg/L : 500mL)Kjeldahl Nitrogen Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, TotalOil and Grease in Sea Water (Conc. 20 to 100mg/L : 250mL)Residue in Sea Water (Conc. 23 to 100mg/L : 500mL)Residue-nonfilterable (TSS)Total Organic Halides in Sea Water (Conc. 300 to 1500µg/L : 500mL)TOX AOX EOXTrace Metals in Seawater Bottle 1 (Conc. 0 to 10000µg/L : 500mL)Aluminum, AlArsenic, AsBeryllium, BeCadmium, CdChromium, Cr (total)Cobalt, CoCopper, CuIron, FeLead, PbManganese, MnMercury, HgNickel, NiSelenium, SeTrace Metals in Seawater Bottle 2 (Conc. 0 to 10000µg/L : 500mL)Antimony, SbBarium, BaBoron, BMolybdenum, MoSilver, AgTin, SnStrontium, SrVanadium, VZinc, ZnTitanium, TiThallium, TlPE3015-500MLPE3179-500MLPE3145-500MLPE3131-250MLPE1208-500MLPE3137-500MLPE3163-500MLPE3189-500MLQuality Control samples are available for each correspondingProficiency Test sample that is listed.For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com17

Additional Inorganic Water Pollution <strong>Standards</strong>WPAlkalinity (Conc. 10 to 200 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Asbestos (Conc. 1.5 to 50.0 MF/L : dilute to 500mL)Boron (Conc. 800 to 2000 µg/L : dilute to 1L)Bromide (Conc. 1 to 10 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Cationic Surfactants (Conc. 0.05 to 5 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Chloride by ISE (Conc. 35 to 275 mg/L : dilute to 1L)PE1076-20MLPE1046-2MLPE1066-20MLPE1188-20MLPE1097-20MLPE1084-2MLCyanide Amenable to Chlorination (Conc. 0.05 to 1.00 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Amenable cyanide Cyanide, WAD Free cyanide Total cyanideDissolved Metals in Water - Ampule 1 (Conc. 0 to 6000 µg/L : dilute to 1L)Aluminum, AlArsenic, AsBeryllium, BeCadmium, CdChromium, Cr (total)Cobalt, CoCopper, CuIron, FeLead, PbLithium, LiManganese, MnMercury, HgNickel, NiSelenium, SeVanadium, VZinc, ZnDissolved Metals in Water - Ampule 2 (Conc. 0 to 500 0µg/L : dilute to 1L)Antimony, SbMolybdenum, Mo Strontium, Sr Titanium, TiBoron, BSilver, AgThallium, TlDissolved Oxygen (Conc. 1 to 100 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Oxygen, dissolved Oxygen, dissolved (Winkler)Ferrous Iron in Water (Conc. 0.2 to 4 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Fluoride in Water (Conc. 0.3 to 4 mg/L : 500mL)Hardness (Conc. 2 to 440 mg/L : 500mL)Calcium, CaMagnesium, MgIodide (Conc. 2 to 50 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Mercury (Conc. 2 to 30 µg/L : dilute to 1L)Calcium hardness Hardness, total Residue-nonfilterable (TSS)Metals in Water - Additionals (Conc. 200 to 800 µg/L : dilute to 1L)Tungsten, WLithium, LiNonionic Surfactants (Conc. 0.2 to 1 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Oxidation - Reduction (Conc. -1000 to 1000 mV : 30mL)PotentialPerchlorate (Conc. 1 to 50 µg/L : dilute to 1L)Salinity (2 to 30 WT%: 500 mL sample)Sulfur (Conc. 1 to 100 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Tannin and Lignin (Conc. 0.1 to 20 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Thiocyanate in Water (Conc. 1 to 10 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Uranium - WP (Conc. 100 to 200 µg/L : dilute to 1L)PE1147-2MLPE1038-20MLPE1005-20MLPE1077-1KTPE1104-20MLPE3162-500MLPE3074-500MLPE1047-20MLPE1129-20MLPE1267-20MLPE1197-20MLPE1263-30MLPE1178-2MLPE1090-500MLPE1285-20MLPE1073-20MLPE1149-2MLPE1209-20MLQuality Control samples are available for each correspondingProficiency Test sample that is listed.18 First Choice for Quality

Additional Organic Water Pollution <strong>Standards</strong>Additional VOCs 4 (Conc. 10.0 to 100 µg/L : dilute to 100mL)tert-Butyl alcoholn-Butyl alcoholCarbon disulfidecis-1,4-Dichloro-2-buteneHexachloroethaneMethyl iodideIsobutyl alcoholNitrobenzenePentchoroethane1-Propanoltrans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butenen-Nitroso-di-n-butylamineDibromochloromethanePE1105-2MLWPAdditional VOCs 5 (Conc. 10.0 to 100 µg/L : dilute to 100mL)BromobenzeneBromochloromethanen-Butylbenzenesec-Butylbenzenetert-Butylbenzene2-Chlorotoluene4-Chlorotoluene1,3-Dichloropropane2,2-Dichloropropane1,1-DichloropropeneHexachlorbutadieneIsopropylbenzene4-Isopropyltoluenen-Propylbenzene1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene1,2,4-TrichlorobenzenPE1284-2MLCarbamates (Conc. 10 to 150 µg/L : dilute to 1L)Aldicarb (Temik)Aldicarb sulfoneAldicarb sulfoxideCarbaryl (Sevin)Carbofuran (Furaden)Diuron3-HydroxycarbofuranMethiocarb (Mesurol)Methomyl (Lannate)OxamylProphamPropoxur (Baygon)BaycarbIsoprocarbPE1006-2MLDioxin and Furans in Water (Conc. 50 to 4000 pg/L : dilute to 1L)1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Hpcdf1,2,3,4,7,8,9-Hpcdf1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Hpcdd1,2,3,4,7,8-Hxcdd1,2,3,6,7,8-Hxcdd1,2,3,7,8,9-Hxcdd1,2,3,4,7,8-Hxcdf1,2,3,6,7,8-Hxcdf1,2,3,7,8,9-Hxcdf2,3,4,6,7,8-Hxcdf1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-OCDF1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-OCDD1,2,3,7,8-PecddFormaldehyde in Water (Conc. 5 to 500 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Herbicides - WP - Sample 2A (Conc. 30 to 150 ng/L : dilute to 1L)AsulamCarbendazimHerbicides - WP - Sample 2B (Conc. 30 to 150 ng/L : dilute to 1L)Chlormequat1,2,3,7,8-Pecdf2,3,4,7,8-Pecdf2,3,7,8-TCDF2,3,7,8-TCDDTriclopyr, Dichlorobenil, Prometon - Ampule 2 (Conc. 0 to 10.0 µg/L : dilute to 1L)Dichlorbenil (Casoron) Garlon (Triclopyr) MCPP PrometonMethanol in Water (Conc. 0.5 to 20 mg/L : dilute to 100mL)Oil by FTIR (Conc. 0.5 to 35.0 mg/L : dilute to 1L)PE1295-2MLPE1380-20MLPE1151-2MLPE1139-2MLPE1271-2MLPE1543-2MLPE1262-2MLOP Pesticides Additionals (Conc. 3 to 20 µg/L : dilute to 1L)Demeton-sDemeton-oDimethoateDioxathionRonnelStirophosPE1118-2MLOP Pesticides in Water (Low Level) (Conc. 0 to 200 ng/L : dilute to 1L)AtrazineAzinphos-ethylAzinphos-methylCarbophenothionChlorfenvinphosChlorothalonilChlorpyrifosDiazinonDichlorovosDimethoateFenitrothionFenthionMalathionMethyl parathionParathion, ethylPendimethalinePhoratePirimiphos-methylPrometrynPrimicarbPropetamphosSimazineTerbutrynTrietazineOrganotin in Water (Conc. 0 to 500 ng/L : dilute to 1L)Tributyltin (TBT)Tributylethyl tin Triphenylethyl tin Triphenyltin (TPhT)Tin, total organicOxygenates in Water (Conc. 15 to 100 µg/L : dilute to 100mL)TAMEETBE MTBE DIPEtert-Butyl alcoholPE1377-2MLPE1566-2MLPE1265-2MLQuality Control samples are available for each correspondingProficiency Test sample that is listed.For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com19

Water Supply (WS)Study Number Study Begins Study ClosesWS11-1 2/2/2011 3/18/2011WS11-2 4/13/2011 5/27/2011WS11-3 7/13/2011 8/26/2011WS11-4 10/5/2011 11/18/2011Did you know?PT samples with thissymbol next to the partnumber are supplied induplicate at no extra cost.For complete detailsrefer to our scopeof accreditation atwww.RT-Corp.comWater Supply KitsInorganic Disinfection By-Products Kit..........27NELAC WS Inorganic Kit.............................27NELAC WS Organic Kit................................27Regulated SOCs Kit....................................31Trace Metals Kit..........................................29Volatile Kit.................................................30Inorganic SamplesAnionic Surfactant (MBAS)................................. 29Anions.................................................................. 27Asbestos.............................................................. 28Bromate & Bromide............................................ 27Chlorate & Chlorite............................................. 27Chromium VI........................................................ 29Corrosivity/Sodium............................................. 27Cyanide, Total...................................................... 28Perchlorate.......................................................... 29pH........................................................................ 28Residual Free Chlorine (RFC)............................. 28Silica.................................................................... 29Total Organic Carbon (TOC)................................ 28Trace Metals 1.................................................... 29Trace Metals 2.................................................... 29Turbidity............................................................... 28UV 254................................................................ 29Organic SamplesAdipate/Phthalate..............................................31Carbamate Pesticides........................................32Chloral Hydrate...................................................32Chlordane (Total).................................................31Dioxin in Water....................................................32Diquat/Endothall/Glyphosate/Paraquat..........32EDB/DBCP...........................................................32Gasoline Additives..............................................32Herbicides...........................................................31Organic Disinfection By-Products......................32Organochlorine Pesticides.................................31Organophosphorus Pesticides...........................31PCBs....................................................................33PNAs....................................................................31Regulated VOCs..................................................30Toxaphene (Total)................................................32Trihalomethanes.................................................33Unregulated VOCs...............................................30<strong>Microbiological</strong> SamplesE. coli in Drinking & Surface Water ............. 33<strong>Microbiological</strong> PT...................................... 33Standard Plate Count.................................. 33Additional Samples<strong>Microbiological</strong> <strong>Standards</strong>........................... 33Inorganic <strong>Standards</strong>...................................34Organic <strong>Standards</strong>......................................3422 First Choice for Quality

If you can’t find the standardyou need, we make customstandards to satisfy mostrequirements. We canprovide custom PT and QCstandards in a variety ofmatrices, not just soil andwaters.Let us know the matrix,analytes, concentrationsand quantities you need.We will provide you withan estimate of the cost andavailability.NELAC WS Inorganic KitPE1302-1KTSemiannuallyQuarterlyQC1302-1KTCustom<strong>Standards</strong>RTC’s Custom <strong>Standards</strong>Natural Matrix..are available as Individual Fortified Synthetic Matrix..<strong>Standards</strong> or CompleteSpiked Real-World..Custom PT Programs. Call usfor pricing information.Anions(Concentrate for dilution to 500mL)PE1364-20MLQC1364-20MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.4 to 500 mg/LChlorideNitrite as NFluorideOrthophosphate as PNitrate as NSulfateNitrate-Nitrite as NCorrosivity/Sodium(Two ampules of concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1304-1KTQC1304-1KTAnalyte Concentration Range: 2 to 450 mg/L(Conductivity: 250 to 2500 μmhos/cm; Corrosivity: -4 to 4 SI units )Alkalinity as CaCO 3Hardness (Total as CaCO 3)Calcium, CaMagnesium, MgCalcium Hardness as CaCO 3Potassium, KConductivityResidue-Filterable (TDS)CorrosivitySodium, NaWSIncludes:AnionsCorrosivity/SodiumInorganic Disinfection By Products KitpHResidual Free ChorineTotal Organic CarbonCyanide, TotalTrace Metals KitTurbidityNELAC WS Organic KitPE1303-1KTSemiannuallyQuarterlyQC1303-1KTPE1364-20MLPE1304-1KTPE1306-1KTPE1368-20MLPE1450-2MLPE1308-20MLPE1573-2MLPE1305-1KTPE1342-2MLIncludes:Carbamate PesticidesPE1507-2MLDiquat/Endothall/Glyphosate/Paraquat PE1357-1KTEDB/DBCPPE1484-2MLHerbicidesPE1352-1KTOrganochlorine PesticidesPE1353-1KTOrganonitrogen PesticidesPE1400-2MLOrganic Disinfection By-Products PE1425-2MLPCBsPE1579-2MLRegulated SOCs KitPE1354-1KTRegulated VOCsPE1355-1KTChlordane, TotalPE1326-2MLToxaphene, TotalPE1544-2MLTrihalomethanesPE1456-2MLUnregulated VOCsPE1356-1KT(Page 27)(Page 27)(Page 27)(Page 28)(Page 28)(Page 28)(Page 28)(Page 29)(Page 28)(Page 32)(Page 32)(Page 32)(Page 31)(Page 31)(Page 31)(Page 32)(Page 33)(Page 31)(Page 30)(Page 31)(Page 32)(Page 33)(Page 30)PE1306-1KTQC1306-1KT(Concentrate for dilution up to 1L)PE1361-2MLQC1361-2ML(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1372-2MLQC1372-2MLInorganic DisinfectionBy-Products KitIncludes: Bromate & Bromide and Chlorate & ChloriteBromate & BromideAnalyte Concentration Range: 7 to 500 µg/LChlorate & ChloriteAnalyte Concentration Range: 60 to 1000 µg/LRTC Kits help yousimplify your order andsave moneyFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com23

WSAsbestos(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1399-2MLQC1399-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 1.5 to 20 MF/LNeed a ProficiencyTest Now?Total Organic Carbon (TOC)(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1308-20MLQC1308-20MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 1.2 to 500 mg/LTotal Organic Carbon (TOC)Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)RTC offersQuick-Turn studies atno extra cost!See page 25 for additional informationTurbidity(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1342-2MLQC1342-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.5 to 8 NTUCyanide, Total(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1573-2MLQC1573-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.1 to 0.5 mg/LSave 30%QCAll Quality Control <strong>Standards</strong> are pricedat 30% less than the correspondingPT price, regardless of whether youpurchase the PT.Residual Free Chlorine (RFC)(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1450-2MLQC1450-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.5 to 3 mg/LResidual Free ChlorineTotal Residual Chlorine (TRC)pH(Ready to use standard)PE1368-20MLQC1368-20MLPE1368-100MLQC1368-100MLPE1368-250MLQC1368-250MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 5 to 10 Units24 First Choice for Quality

Anionic Surfactant (MBAS)(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1337-20MLQC1337-20MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.05 to 1 mg/LWSChromium VI(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1453-20MLQC1453-20MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 5 to 50 µg/LHexavalent Chromium, Cr(VI)UV 254(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1506-20MLQC1506-20MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.02 to 0.7 cm-1UV 254Perchlorate(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1305-1KTQC1305-1KTTrace Metals 1PE1488-20MLQC1488-20MLTrace Metals KitIncludes: Trace Metals 1 & Trace Metals 2Analyte Concentration Range: 0.5 to 5000 µg/LAluminum, AlLead, PbArsenic, AsLithium, LiBeryllium, BeManganese, MnCadmium, CdMercury, HgChromium, Cr (Total) Nickel, NiCopper, CuSelenium, SeIron, FeZinc, Zn(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1351-2MLQC1351-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 4 to 20 µg/LSilica(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1350-20MLQC1350-20MLTrace Metals 2PE1458-20MLQC1458-20MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 2 to 3000 µg/LAntimony, SbSilver, AgBarium, BaThallium, TiBoron, BVanadium, VMolybdenum, Mo(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)Analyte Concentration Range: 50 to 250 mg/LSilica as SiO 2For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com25

WSPE1358-1KTQC1358-1KTVolatile KitIncludes: Unregulated VOCs and Regulated VOCsUnregulated VOCs(Concentrate for dilution to 100mL)Regulated VOCs(Concentrate for dilution to 100mL)PE1356-1KTQC1356-1KTA two standard set:PE1355-1KTQC1355-1KTA two standard set:Standard 1 ( PE1586-2ML) / ( QC1586-2ML . )Standard 1 ( PE1469-2ML) / ( QC1469-2ML)Analyte Concentration Range: 5 to 50 µg/L1,3-DichlorobenzeneDichlorodiflouromethane1,1-Dichloroethanecis-1,3-Dichloropropenetrans-1,3-DichloropropeneChloroethaneMethyl bromide (Bromomethane)Methyl chloride (Chloromethane)Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)Naphthalene1,1,2,2-TetrachloroethaneTrichlorofluoromethaneStandard 2( PE1318-2ML) / ( QC1318-2ML)Analyte Concentration Range: 5 to 50 µg/LBromobenzeneBromochloromethanen-Butylbenzenesec-Butylbenzenetert-Butylbenzene2-Chlorotoluene4-ChlorotolueneDibromomethane1,3-Dichloropropane2,2-Dichloropropane1,1-DichloropropeneHexachlorobutadieneIsopropylbenzene4-Isopropyltoluenen-Propylbenzene1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene1,2,3-Trichloropropane1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-TrimethylbenzeneAnalyte Concentration Range: 1 to 50 µg/LCarbon TetrachlorideChlorobenzene1,2-Dichloroethane1,1-Dichloroethylenecis-1,2-Dichloroethylene1,2-Dichloropropanetrans-1,2-DichloroethyleneMethylene Chloride (Dichloromethane)StyreneTetrachloroethylene1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene1,1,1-Trichloroethane1,1,2-TrichloroethaneTrichloroetheneVinyl ChlorideStandard 2( PE1546-2ML . ) / ( QC1546-2ML)Analyte Concentration Range: 2 to 50 µg/LBenzene1,2-Dichlorobenzene1,4-DichlorobenzeneEthylbenzeneToluenem+p-Xyleneo-XyleneXylene, TotalContains all of the analytes listedRandomly contains a minimum 60% of the analytes listed26 First Choice for Quality

Herbicides(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1352-1KTQC1352-1KTAnalyte Concentration Range: 2 to 10 µg/LAcifluorfen3,5-Dichlorobenzoic AcidBentazonDichloropropChlorambenDinoseb2,4-D4-Nitrophenl2,4-DBPentachlorophenolDacthal (DCPA)PicloramDalaponSilvex (2,4,5-TP)Dicamba2,4,5-TTwo sample set; Randomly contains 80% of the analytes listedChlordane (Total)(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1326-2MLQC1326-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 2 to 20 µg/LDid you know?PT samples with thissymbol next to the partnumber are supplied induplicate at no extra cost.WSOrganochlorine Pesticides(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1353-1KTQC1353-1KTConcentration Analyte Range: 15 to 100 µg/LStandard 1( PE1595-2ML) / ( QC1595-2ML)Analyte Concentration Range: 0.1 to 5 µg/LAldrinEndringamma-BHC (Lindane)HeptachlorDieldrinStandard 2( PE1550-2ML . ) / ( QC1550-2ML)Analyte Concentration Range: 0.2 to 100 µg/LHexachlorobenzeneMethoxychlorHexachlorocyclopentadiene PropachlorHeptachlor EpoxideTrifluralinPE1354-1KTQC1354-1KTAdipate/Phthalate(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1596-2MLQC1596-2MLRegulated SOCs KitIncludes: Adipate/Phthalate & PNAsAnalyte Concentration Range: 8 to 50 µg/Lbis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate Diethyl phthalatebis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Dimethyl phthalateButyl benzyl phthalate Di-n-octyl phthalateDi-n-butyl phthalateOrganophosphorus Pesticides(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1400-2MLQC1400-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 2 to 80 µg/LAcetochlorMetolachlorAlachlorMetribuzinAtrazineMolinateBromacilSimazineButachlorPNAs(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1301-2MLQC1301-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 1 to 50 µg/LAcenaphtheneDibenz(a,h) anthraceneAcenaphthyleneFluorantheneAnthraceneFluoreneBenzo(a)anthracene Indeno(1,2,3-cd) pyreneBenzo(a)pyrene1-MethylnaphthaleneBenzo(b)fluoranthene 2-MethylnaphthaleneBenzo(g,h,i)perylene NaphthaleneBenzo(k)fluoranthene PhenanthreneChrysenePyreneContains all of the analytes listedFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com27

WSCarbamate Pesticides(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1507-2MLQC1570-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 15 to 150 µg/LAldicarb3-HydroxycarbofuranAldicarb SulfoneMethiocarbAldicarb Sulfoxide MethomylCarbarylOxamylCarbofuranProphamDiuronPropoxurEDB/DBCP(Concentrate for dilution to 100mL)PE1484-2MLQC1484-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.1 to 2 µg/L1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)1,2,3-TrichloropropaneRandomly contains a minimum 80% of analytes listedDioxin in Water(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)Toxaphene (Total)(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1373-2MLQC1373-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 25 to 80 pg/L2,3,7,8-TCDDPE1544-2MLQC1544-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 3 to 20 µg/LGasoline Additives(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1466-2MLQC1466-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.2 to 50 µg/Ltert-amylmethylether (TAME)tert-Butyl alcoholCarbon DisulfideDi-isopropylether (DIPE)Ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE)Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1-PhenylpropaneTrichlorofluoromethane1,2,3-TrichloropropaneTrichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon 113)Save 30%QCAll Quality Control <strong>Standards</strong> are pricedat 30% less than the correspondingPT price, regardless of whether youpurchase the PT.Diquat/Endothall/Glyphosate/Paraquat(Concentration for dilution to 1L)PE1357-1KTQC1357-1KTAnalyte Concentration Range: 8 to 800 µg/LTwo sample set.Organic Disinfection By-Products(Concentrate for dilution to 100mL)PE1425-2MLQC1425-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 10 to 50 µg/LBromoacetic AcidDibromoacetic AcidBromochloroacetic Acid Dichloroacetic AcidChloroacetic AcidTrichloroacetic AcidTotal Haloacetic Acid28 First Choice for Quality

TrihalomethanesPCBs(Concentrate for dilution to 100mL) (Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1456-2MLQC1456-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 10 to 200 µg/LBromodichloromethaneBromoformChloroformDibromochloromethaneTotal TrihalomethanesPE1579-2MLQC1579-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 500 to 4000 µg/LAroclor-1016Aroclor-1248Aroclor-1221Aroclor-1254Aroclor-1232Aroclor-1260Aroclor-1242DecachlorobiphenylContains one unspecified Aroclor.WS<strong>Microbiological</strong> PT<strong>Microbiological</strong> <strong>Standards</strong> - WSE. coli in Drinking & Surface WaterMIC001-10EAQCMIC001-10EAThe standards are suitable for all SDWA promulgatedmethods MF, MPN, presence/absence and ONPG-MUG.Each PT set has 10 standards including:Total and fecal positive, E. coliTotal positive and fecal negativeTotal and fecal negative and blanksThe PT set is shipped with instructions and sterile diluents.MIC007-2EA (1 Levels)QCMIC007-2EAMIC107-6EA (3 Levels)QCMIC107-6EA (3 Levels)MIC207-8EA (4 Levels)QCMIC207-8EA (4 Levels)Designed for use with quantitative methods for fecal and total coliforms andE. coli suitable for MPN and MF methods. Each PT contains one quantitativestandard. The PT is shipped with instructions and sterile diluent.This PT may also be quantified, for E.coli, total coliforms, and fecal coliforms.What are “3 Level” Micros?Three independent standards of threedifferent concentrations to meetspecific state requirements.What are “4 Level” Micros?The 4 Level sets are designed to meetthe <strong>Standards</strong> Council of Canada ( SCC )proficiency testing requirements of testing4 levels twice per year.Standard Plate CountMIC002-2EAQCMIC002-2EAMIC102-6EA (3 Levels)QCMIC102-6EA (3 Levels)MIC202-8EA (4 Levels)QCMIC202-8EA(4 Levels)One standard containing a heterotrophic bacteria. Use withthe Standard Methods 9215B - Pour Plate Method. The PT isshipped with instructions, sterile diluent, and simplate.Additional <strong>Microbiological</strong> Water Supply <strong>Standards</strong>Enterococci 10 sample PT (Conc. 0 to 500 CFU/100mL : 10 by 100mL)Fungi and Yeast (Conc. 5 to 2000 CFU/100mL : dilute to 100mL)Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Conc. 10 to 2000 CFU/100mL : dilute to 100mL)Salmonella (Conc. 5 to 1000 CFU/100mL : dilute to 100mL)Staphylococcus aureus (Conc. 5 to 10000 CFU/100mL : dilute to 100mL)Streptococcus/Enterococcus (Conc. 10 to 500 CFU/100mL : dilute to 100mL)MIC016-10EAMIC015-2EAMIC008-2EAMIC006-2EAMIC018-2EAMIC011-2EAQuality Control samples are available for each correspondingProficiency Test sample that is listed.For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com29

Additional Inorganic Water Supply <strong>Standards</strong>WSAcidity (Conc. 650 to 1800 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Ammonia (Conc. 0.650 to 19 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Color (Conc. 5 to 300 Units : dilute to 100mL)Cyanide, Total (Conc. 0.1 to 1 mg/L : dilute to 1L)PE1319-20MLPE1593-2MLPE140120MLPE1496-2MLDemand (Conc. 1 to 50 mg/L : dilute to 1L)BOD CBOD CODDissolved Oxygen (Conc. 1 to 100 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Fluoride in Water (Conc. 0.3 to 4 mg/L : 500mL sample)Iodate (Conc. 35 to 275 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (TKN) (Conc. 1.5 to 35 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Mercury - Low Level (Conc. 20 to 100 ng/L : dilute to 1L)Methyl Mercury in Water (Conc. 0.01 to 2.50µg/L : dilute to 1L)Nonionic Surfactants (Conc. 0.2 to 1mg/L : dilute to 1L)Oil and Grease (Conc. 10 to 100mg/L : dilute to 1L)Odor (Conc. 0 to 200 TON : 500mL sample)Phenolics, Total (Conc. 0.06 to 5 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Residue (Whole-Volume) (Conc. 10 to 500mg/L : 500mL sample)Residue, total (TS) Residue-filterable (TDS) Residue-nonfilterable (TSS)Sulfide - Low Level (Conc. 0.1 to 5 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Sulfite in Water (Conc. 10 to 500 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Taste (Conc. 0 to 10 FTN : 500mL sample)Thiocyanate in water (Conc. 1 to 10 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) (Conc. 20 to 170 mg/L : dilute to 1L)Trace Metals 3 (Conc.10 to 200 µg/L : dilute to 1L)Cobalt, Co Strontium, Sr Tin, Sn Titanium, TiUranium (Conc.0.5 to 30 µg/L : dilute to 1L)PE1388-20MLPE1549-2MLPE3162-500MLPE1243-20MLPE1575-2MLPE1432-20MLPE-1100PE1197-20MLPE1404-2MLPE1133-500MLPE1329-2MLPE1490-500MLPE2034-20MLPE1541-20MLPE1135-500MLPE1392-2MLPE1452-2MLPE1448-20MLPE1548-20MLAdditional Organic Water Supply <strong>Standards</strong>1,4-Dioxane in Water (Conc. 1 to 20 µg/L : dilute to 100mL)Alcohols in Water (Conc. 5 to 50 mg/L : dilute to 100mL)Acetonetert-Butyl alcoholn-Butyl alcoholEthanolIsopropyl alcoholMethanol4-Methyl-2-pentanoneChlorinated Pesticides - Additional Single Mix (Conc. 1 to 10 µg/L : dilute to 1L)2,4’-DDD2,4’-DDE2,4’-DDTIsodrinPyrethroids in Ground Water (Conc. 0.5 to 120 ng/L : dilute to 100mL)Pentachlorophenol trans Permethrin Deltamethrincis-PermethrinCypermethrinPE1519-2MLPE1312-2MLPE1481-2MLPE1317-2MLQuality Control samples are available for each correspondingProficiency Test sample that is listed.30 First Choice for Quality

Matrix Modifier MaterialsAll of RTC’s water standards produced are classified as very soft water in respect to the waterhardness scale. As ISO 17025 accreditation has spread throughout the world, the demand for amatrix matched standard with local water characteristics has also risen. RTC has stepped up to thechallenge and introduced specific water matrix modifiers to use in conjunction with its samples toassist labs in simulating the most realistic water sample they deal with every day.Units used to measure water hardness:Hardness CaCO3 mg/l CaCO3 mg/l Degrees Clarke Degrees French Degrees GermanSoft 16.8RTC has developed a range of matrix modifiers thatallow most existing RTC PT and QC standards to beprepared so that the matrix can be set any of thefollowing levels:• 100 mg/L CaCO 3• 200 mg/L CaCO 3• 400 mg/L CaCO 3Moderately Hard WaterMML001-20MLA single concentrate for dilution to 2LMML001-5x20ML5 Concentrates for dilution to 10LHard WaterMMM001-20MLA single concentrate for dilution to 2LMMM001-5x20ML5 Concentrates for dilution to 10LVery Hard WaterMMH001-20MLA single concentrate for dilution to 2LMMH001-5x20ML5 Concentrates for dilution to 10LModerately Hard WaterHard WaterVery Hard WaterTwo further Matrix Modifiers are available: “WasteWater” to produce typical discharge water that istinted and contains particulates and “Salt Water”to replicate sea or estuarine waters. Waste Watercan be used together with any of the Hard Watermodifiers and Waste and Salt Waters may becombined.Each modifier is supplied as a concentrate that willprepare 2L of matrix water that is used to make upthe chosen RTC PT or QC standard. <strong>Standards</strong> aresupplied with a data sheet indicating analytes thatare incompatible with the matrix.Waste Water - SimulatedMMW001-20MLA single concentrate for dilution to 2LMMW001-5X20ML5 Concentrates for dilution to 10LMMW001-250MLA 250mL sampleSalt WaterMMS001-20MLA single concentrate for dilution to 2LMMS001-5X20ML5 Concentrates for dilution to 10LFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com31

Solid Waste (RCRA)/Under Ground Storage Tank (UST)Study Number Study Begins Study ClosesLPTP11-S1 2/9/2011 3/25/2011LPTP11-S2 4/20/2011 6/3/2011LPTP11-S3 7/27/2011 9/9/2011LPTP11-S4 10/19/2011 12/2/2011Did you know?PT samples with thissymbol next to the partnumber are supplied induplicate at no extra cost.Solid Waste/UST KitsBNA/Pesticides Kit.....................................39Complete UST Kit......................................45NELAC Additional Kit..................................37NELAC Soils Kit.........................................37UST Soil Kit...............................................45UST Water Kit...........................................45Testing Samples<strong>Microbiological</strong> SamplesE. coli Quantitative - Soil........................... 41E. coli - Sludge.......................................... 41Salmonella - Sludge................................... 41Additional SamplesSolid Waste <strong>Standards</strong>............................... 41For complete detailsrefer to our scopeof accreditation atwww.RT-Corp.comAnions in Soil............................................37BNAs in Soil..............................................39BTEX/MTBE in Soil.....................................45BTEX/MTBE in Water.................................45Chlordane in Soil.......................................37Chlorinated Pesticides in Soil......................39Chromium VI in Soil...................................37Corrosivity/pH in Soil.................................37Cyanide in Soil..........................................37Diesel in Soil....................................... 40, 45Diesel in Water..........................................45Flash Point................................................37Gasoline in Soil................................... 40, 45Gasoline in Water......................................45Herbicides in Soil.......................................38Nitrosamines/Nitroaromatics......................38Nutrients in Soil........................................38Organophosphorus Pesticides.....................40PAHs by HPLC (Low Level).........................40PCBs in Soil..............................................38PCBs in Transformer Oil.............................38Total Metals in Soil....................................38Toxaphene in Soil......................................38TPH in Soil................................................45TPH in Water............................................45VOAs in Soil..............................................40State Specific SamplesAlaska......................................................46Maine, Massachusetts & North Carolina...... 47New Jersey............................................... 47Texas....................................................... 47Washington..............................................48Wisconsin.................................................4832 First Choice for Quality

NELAC Soils KitChlordane in Soil(50g)SPE-020KSemiannuallyQuarterlySQC-020KIncludes:BNAsChlorinated PesticidesChlordaneChromium VICorrosivity/pHCyanideFlash PointHerbicidesPCBsTotal MetalsToxapheneMedium Level VOAsLow Level VOAsSPE003-40GSPE009-50GSPE027-50GSPE012-30GSPE023-100GSPE011-2MLSPE029-4x25MLSPE004-50GSPE010-50GSPE001-50GSPE028-50GSPE002H-25GSPE002L-30G(Page 39)(Page 39)(Page 37)(Page 37)(Page 37)(Page 37)(Page 37)(Page 38)(Page 38)(Page 38)(Page 38)(Page 40)(Page 40)SPE027-50GSQC027-50GAnalyte Concentration Range: 200 to 1000 µg/KgChlordane (Total)Chromium VI in Soil(30g)SPE012-30GSQC012-30GAnalyte Concentration Range: 40 to 300 mg/LLPTPNELAC Additional KitCorrosivity/pH in Soil(100g)SPE-040KSemiannuallyQuarterlySQC-040KIncludes:AnionsNutrientsOPP PesticidesLow Level PAHsNitrosamines/NitroaromaticsSPE013-30GSPE014-100GSPE021-50GSPE017-40GSPE022-30G(Page 37)(Page 38)(Page 40)(Page 40)(Page 38)SPE023-100GSQC023-100GAnalyte Concentration Range: 2 to 12 pH Units(Conductivity: 100 to 10000 µmhos/cm)pHConductivityCyanide in Soil(25g)RTC Kits help yousimplify your order andsave moneySPE011-2MLSQC011-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0.0 to 100 mg/KgAmenable Cyanide /CyanideAnions in Soil(30g)SPE013-30GSQC013-30GAnalyte Concentration Range: NELAC Specified RangeBromideNitrite as NChlorideNitrate & Nitrite as NFluorideOrthophosphate as PNitrate as NSulfateFlash Point(100mL)SPE029-4X25MLSQC029-4X25MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 100 to 200°FIgnitabilityFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com33

LPTPHerbicides in Soil(50g)SPE004-50GSQC004-50GAnalyte Concentration Range: 100 to 1000 µg/KgAcifluorfenDinosebBentazonDisulfotonChlorambenMCPA2,4-DMCPPDacthal (DCPA)4-NitrophenolDalaponPentachlorophenol2,4-DBPicloramDicambaSilvex (2,4,5-TP)3,5-Dichlorobenzoic Acid2,4,5-TDichloropropPCBs in Transformer Oil(1g)PE1275-2MLQC1275-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 10 to 50 mg/KgAroclor-1016Aroclor-1248Aroclor-1221Aroclor-1254Aroclor-1232Aroclor-1260Aroclor-1242Contains one unspecified AroclorIncludes all NELAC analytes plus a percentage of thestate specific analytes.Nitrosamines/Nitroaromatics(30g)PCBs in Soil(50g)SPE022-30GSQC022-30GAnalyte Concentration Range: 1500 to 15000 µg/kg4-Amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene2-Nitrotoluene2-Amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene3-Nitrotoluene1,3-Dinitrobenzene4-Nitrotoluene2,4-DinitrotoluenePentaerythritoltetranitrate2,6-DinitrotolueneRDXHMXTetrylNitrobenzene1,3,5-TrinitrobenzeneNitroglycerin2,4,6-TrinitrotolueneIncludes a minimum of 80% of the NELAC analytesSPE010-50GSQC010-50GAnalyte Concentration Range: 1 to 50 µg/KgAroclor-1016Aroclor-1254Aroclor-1221Aroclor-1260Aroclor-1232Aroclor-1262Aroclor-1242Aroclor-1268Aroclor-1248Contains one unspecified AroclorNutrients in Soil(100g)Total Metals in Soil(50g)SPE014-100GSQC014-100GAnalyte Concentration Range: NELAC Specified RangeAmmonia as NLoss on IgnitionChemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Total PhosphorusKjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)Total Organic CarbonToxaphene in Soil(50g)SPE028-50GSQC028-50GAnalyte Concentration Range: 200 to 2000 µg/KgToxaphene (Chlorinated Camphene)SPE001-50GSQC001-50GAnalyte Concentration Range: NELAC Specified RangeAluminum, AlMercury, HgAntimony, SbMolybdenum, MoArsenic, AsNickel, NiBarium, BapHBeryllium, BePhosphorus, PBismuthPotassium, KBoron, BSelenium, SeCadmium, Cd Silica as SiO 2Calcium, CaSilicon, SiCarbonSilver, AgChromium, Cr (Total) Sodium, NaCobalt, CoStrontium, SrCopper, CuSulfurIron, FeThallium, TlLead, PbTin, SnLithium, LiTitanium, TiMaganeseVanadium, VMagnesium, MgZinc, Zn34 First Choice for Quality

BNA/Pesticides KitSPE-035KSQC-035KIncludes: Chlorinated Pesticides & BNAs in SoilLPTPChlorinated Pesticides in Soil(50g)SPE009-50GSQC009-50GAnalyte Concentration Range: 50 to 500 µg/LAldrin 4,4’-DDT Heptachlor Epoxidedelta-BHC Dieldrin Hexachlorobenzenealpha-BHC Endosulfan I Hexachlorocyclopentadienebeta-BHC Endosulfan II Isodringamma-BHC (Lindane) Endosulfan Sulfate Methoxychloralpha-Chlordane Endrin Aldehyde Propachlor (Ramrod)gamma-Chlordane Endrin Ketone Trifluralin (Treflan)4,4’-DDDEndrin4,4’-DDEHeptachlorIncludes a minimum of 60% of the NELAC analytesBNAs in Soil(4 X 10g Units)SPE003-40GSQC003-40GAnalyte Concentration Range: 500 to 20000 µg/L2-Amino-1-methylbenzene Dibenz(a,h) anthracene 2-Methylphenol (o-Cresol)Acenaphthene Dibenzofuran 3-Methylphenol (m-Cresol)Acenaphthylene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 4-Methylphenol (p-Cresol)Acetophenone 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 3+4-Methylphenol (m+p-Cresol)Aniline 1,4-Dichlorobenzene NaphthaleneAnthracene 3,3’-Dichlorobenzidine 2-NitroanilineAtrazine 2,4-Dichlorophenol 3-NitroanilineBenzaldehyde 2,6-Dichlorophenol 4-NitroanilineBenzo(a)anthracene Diethyl phthalate NitrobenzeneBenzo(a)pyrene 2,3-Dimethylphenol 2-NitrophenolBenzo(b)fluoranthene 2,4 Dimethylphenol 3-NitrophenolBenzo(g,h,i)perylene 2,5 Dimethylphenol 4-NitrophenolBenzidine 2,6 Dimethylphenol N-NitrosodiethylamineBenzo(k)fluoranthene 3,4 Dimethylphenol N-NitrosodimethylamineBenzoic Acid 3,5 Dimethylphenol N-NitrosodiphenylamineBenzyl alcohol Dimethyl phthalate N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamineBiphenyl 2,4-Dinitrophenol Pentachlorobenzenebis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Pentachlorophenolbis(2-Chloroethyl) ether 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Phenanthrenebis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether Di-n-butyl phthalate Phenolbis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) Di-n-octyl phthalate Pyrene4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether Fluoranthene PyridineButyl benzyl phthalate Fluorene 1,2,3,4 TetrachlorobenzeneCarbazole Hexachlorobenzene 1,2,3,5 TetrachlorobenzeneCaprolactam Hexachlorobutadiene 1,2,4,5 Tetrachlorobenzene4-Chloro-3-methylphenol Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1,3,5 Trichlorobenzene4-Chloroaniline Hexachloroethane 1,2,3, Trichlorobenzene1-Chloronaphthalene Indeno(1,2,3-cd) pyrene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene2-Chloronaphthalene Isophorone 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol2-Chlorophenol Maleic anhydride 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol4-Chlorophenyl phenylether 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol 2,3,4,6-TrichlorophenolChrysene2-MethylnaphthaleneIncludes a minimum of 60% of the NELAC analytes and a percentage of the state specific analytesFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com35

LPTPGasoline in Soil(30g)SPE008-30GSQC008-30GAnalyte Concentration Range: 0 to 2000 mg/KgGasoline Range Organics (GRO)Diesel in Soil(100g)SPE007-100GSQC007-100GAnalyte Concentration Range: 0 to 4000 mg/kgDiesel Range Organics (DRO)Organophosphorus Pesticides(50g)Additional analytes are reportable. Visit www.RT-Corp.com for a full list.PAHs by HPLC (Low Level)(4 x 10g Units)SPE021-50GSQC021-50GAnalyte Concentration Range: 100 to 1000 µg/LAzinphos-methyl (Guthion)MalathionCarbophenothionMevinphosChlorfenvinphosNaledChlorpyrifosParathion, EthylDemetonParathion, MethylDemeton-sPhorateDemeton-oPirimiphos-methylDiazinonRonnelDichlorovosSulfoteppDisulfotonTetrachlorvinphosEPNTetraethyl pyrophosphateEthorpropTrichlorfonFenthionTrifluralin (Treflan)Includes a minimum of 80% of the NELAC analytesVOAs in SoilSPE017-40GSQC017-40GAnalyte Concentration Range: 50 to 1000 µg/KgAcenaphtheneDibenz(a,h) anthraceneAcenaphthyleneFluorantheneAnthraceneFluoreneBenzo(a)anthraceneIndeno(1,2,3-cd) pyreneBenzo(a)pyrene2-MethylnaphthaleneBenzo(b)fluorantheneNaphthaleneBenzo(g,h,i)perylenePhenanthreneBenzo(k)fluoranthenePyreneChryseneIncludes a minimum of 80% of the NELAC analytesSPE002H-25GSQC002H-25GMedium Analyte Concentration Range: 1000 to 20000 µg/KgSPE002L-30GSQC002L-30GLow Analyte Concentration Range: 20 to 400 µg/KgAcetone 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)Acetonitrile Dibromomethane Methyl AcetateAcrolein (Propenal) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Methylcyclohexanetert-amylmethylether (TAME) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)Benzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene NaphthaleneBromobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane StyreneBromochloromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane n-PropylbenzeneBromodichloromethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1,1,2-TetrachloroethaneBromoform 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,1,2,2-TetrachloroethaneMethyl bromide (Bromomethane) cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Tetrachloroethene2-Butanone (MEK) Methylene Chloride (Dichloromethane) Toluenen-Butylbenzene 1,1-Dichloropropane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzenesec-Butylbenzene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,1,1-Trichloroethanetert-Butylbenzene 1,3-Dichloropropane 1,1,2-TrichloroethaneCarbon Disulfide 2,2-Dichloropropane TrichloroetheneCarbon Tetrachloride cis-1,3-Dichloropropene TrichlorofluoromethaneChlorobenzene trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene 1,2,3 TrichlorohenzeneChloroethane trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 1,2,3-Trichloropropane2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether Di-isopropylether (DIPE) 1,2,4-TrimethylbenzeneChloroform 1,4 Dioxane 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene2-Chlorotoluene Ethylbenzene Vinyl Acetate4-Chlorotoluene Hexachlorobutadiene Vinyl ChlorideMethyl chloride (Chloromethane) Hexachloroethane m+p-XyleneCyclohexane 2-Hexanone o-Xylene1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Isopropylbenzene Xylene, TotalDibromochloromethaneIncludes a minimum of 60% of the NELAC analytes and a percentage of the state specific analytes36 First Choice for Quality

<strong>Microbiological</strong> <strong>Standards</strong> - LPTPLPTPE. coli Quantitative - Soil (Conc. 5 to 5000 CFU/g : 25g) MIC009-2EAE. coli - Sludge (Conc. 50 to 5000 CFU/g : 25g) MIC014-2EASalmonella - Sludge (Conc. 1 to 1000 MPN/g : 25g)MIC013-2EAAdditional Solid Waste <strong>Standards</strong>Carbamates in Soil (Conc. 5 to 500 µg/Kg : 50g)Aldicarb (Temik)Aldicarb sulfoneCarbaryl (Sevin)Dioxacarb3-HydroxycarbofuranMethiocarb (Mesurol)Dioxins and Furans in Soil (Conc. 5 to 5000 pg/g : 10g)1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Hpcdd1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Hpcdf1,2,3,4,7,8,9-Hpcdf1,2,3,4,7,8-Hxcdd1,2,3,6,7,8-Hxcdd1,2,3,7,8,9-Hxcdd1,2,3,4,7,8-Hxcdf1,2,3,6,7,8-Hxcdf2,3,4,6,7,8-Hxcdf1,2,3,7,8,9-Hxcdf1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-OCDD1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-OCDFMethomyl (Lannate)PromecarbPropoxur (Baygon)1,2,3,7,8-Pecdd1,2,3,7,8-Pecdf2,3,4,7,8-Pecdf2,3,7,8-TCDD2,3,7,8-TCDFSPE030-50GSPE016-10GDioxins and Furans in Fish Tissue (Conc. 5 to 1000 pg/g : 10g)1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Hpcdd1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Hpcdf1,2,3,4,7,8,9-Hpcdf1,2,3,6,7,8-Hxcdd1,2,3,7,8,9-Hxcdd1,2,3,4,7,8-Hxcdf1,2,3,6,7,8-Hxcdf1,2,3,7,8,9-Hxcdf2,3,4,6,7,8-Hxcdf1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-OCDD1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-OCDF1,2,3,7,8-PecddDioxins/Furans in Sea Water Mussel (Conc. 5 to 1000 pg/g : 10g)1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Hpcdd1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Hpcdf1,2,3,4,7,8,9-Hpcdf1,2,3,4,7,8-Hxcdd1,2,3,6,7,8-Hxcdd1,2,3,7,8,9-Hxcdd1,2,3,4,7,8-Hxcdf1,2,3,6,7,8-Hxcdf1,2,3,7,8,9-Hxcdf2,3,4,6,7,8-Hxcdf1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-OCDD1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-OCDF1,2,3,7,8-Pecdf2,3,4,7,8-Pecdf2,3,7,8-TCDD2,3,7,8-TCDF1,2,3,7,8-Pecdd1,2,3,7,8-Pecdf2,3,4,7,8-Pecdf2,3,7,8-TCDD2,3,7,8-TCDFSPE016TIS-10GSPE016MUS-10GDioxins/Furans in Shrimp (Conc. 5 to 1000 pg/g : 10g)1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Hpcdd1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Hpcdf1,2,3,4,7,8,9-Hpcdf1,2,3,4,7,8-Hxcdd1,2,3,6,7,8-Hxcdd1,2,3,7,8,9-HxcddEthanol (Concentration ranges vary : 1L)DensityIgnitability (Flashpoint)1,2,3,4,7,8-Hxcdf1,2,3,6,7,8-Hxcdf1,2,3,7,8,9-Hxcdf2,3,4,6,7,8-Hxcdf1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-OCDD1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-OCDFpHPurity1,2,3,7,8-Pecdd1,2,3,7,8-Pecdf2,3,4,7,8-Pecdf2,3,7,8-TCDD2,3,7,8-TCDF% WaterSPE083-10GSPE078-1LFluoride/Chloride in Oil (Conc. 0.1 to 10 Wt% : 100g)Chloride Fluoride Halogens, totalFree Liquids in Paint (Screen : 100mL)SPE061-100GSPE075-100MLGasoline Additives - Soil (Conc. 20 to 1000 µg/Kg : 1g)T-amylmethylether (TAME)Carbon disulfideDi-isopropylether (DIPE)Ethyl-t-butylether (ETBE)Freon 113Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)1-Phenylpropanetert-Butyl alcoholTrichlorofluoromethaneSPE080-30GQuality Control samples are available for each correspondingProficiency Test sample that is listed.For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com37

LPTPHeat of Combustion (Conc. 1000 to 25000 BTU/lb : 100g)Lead in Paint (Conc. 10 to 10000 mg/Kg : 50g)Lead in Plastic (Conc. 100 to 1000 mg/Kg : 1g)SPE062-4X25MLSPE074-50GSPE1093-10GOrganic Lead in Soil (Conc. 1 to 100 mg/Kg : 25g)SPE001PB-1KTMetals in Sewage Sludge (Conc. Various : 50g)Aluminum, AlAmmonia as NAntimony, SbArsenic, AsBarium, BaBeryllium, BeBoron, BCadmium, CdCalcium, CaChromium, Cr (total)Cobalt, CoCODCopper, CuIron, FeMetals in Oil (Conc. Various : 20g)Antimony, SbArsenic, AsBarium, BaBeryllium, BeCadmium, CdCalcium, CaChromium, Cr (total)Cobalt, CoKjeldahl nitrogen (TKN)Lead, PbLithium, LiMagnesium, MgManganese, MMercury, HgMolybdenum, MoNickel, NiNitrate as NNitrate as NO3Nitrogen, totalpHPhosphorus, totalPotassium, KCopper, CuIron, FeLead, PbManganese, MnMagnesium, MgMercury, HgMolybdenum, MoNickel, NiMethyl Mercury in Sediment (0 to 10 µg/Kg: 50g)Oxidizer Screen (Screen(+/-) : 30mL)Organotins in Soil (Conc. 0 to 10 µg/Kg : 25g)Tributyltin (TBT)Triphenyltin (TPhT)Oil and Grease in Soil (Conc. 300 to 3000 mg/Kg : 100g)Phenolics in Soil (Conc. 0.5 to 100 mg/Kg : 100g)Residue, total (TS)Residue-volatileSelenium, SeSilicon, SiSilver, AgSodium, NaStrontium, SrSulfur, SThallium, TlTin, SnTitanium, TiTotal Organic Carbon (TOC)Vanadium, VZinc, ZnSelenium, SeSilver, AgThallium, TlTin, SnVanadium, VZinc, ZnSPE001S-50GSPE060-25GSPE1664-50GSPE067-100GSPE073-30GSPE037-100GSPE038-100GPCBs in Fish Tissue (Conc. 1 to 50 mg/Kg : 10g)Aroclor 1242 Aroclor 1254 Aroclor1260SPE-010TISPCB Congeners in Soil (Conc. 5 to 500 µg/Kg : 30g)PCB 28PCB 52PCB 77PCB 81PCB 101PCB 105PCB 114PCB 118PCB 123PCB 126PCB 138PCB 153PCB 156PCB 157PCB 167PCB 169PCB 180PCB 189SPE068-50GQuality Control samples are available for each correspondingProficiency Test sample that is listed.38 First Choice for Quality

PCB Congeners in Sea Water Mussel (Conc. 5 to 500 µg/Kg : 30g)PCB 28PCB 52PCB 77PCB 81PCB 101PCB 105PCB 114PCB 118PCB 123PCB 126PCB 138PCB 153PCB 156PCB 157PCB 167PCB 169PCB 180PCB 189SPE068MUS-30GLPTPPCB Congeners in Fish Tissue (Conc. 5 to 500 µg/Kg : 30g)PCB 28PCB 52PCB 77PCB 81PCB 101PCB 105PCB 114PCB 118PCB 123PCB 126PCB 138PCB 153PCB Congeners in Shrimp (Conc. 5 to 500 µg/Kg : 30g)PCB 28PCB 52PCB 77PCB 81PCB 101PCB 105PCB 114PCB 118PCB 123PCB 126PCB 138PCB 153PBDE/PCBs in Soil (Conc. 5 to 500 µg/Kg : 30g)BDE 47BDE 99BDE 100BDE 153BDE 154BDE 183BDE 205BDE 209PCB 28PCB 52PCB 101PCB 118Specific Gravity (Conc. 0.5 to 2.0 g/mL : 100mL)Solvent Analysis (Conc. Various : 20g)Acetone2-Butanonetert-Butyl alcoholn-Butyl alcoholChloroformDichloromethaneSolids in Soil (Conc. Various : 100g)Percent Dry WeightPercent MoistureEthanolIsopropyl alcoholMethanol4-Methyl-2-pentanoneTetrahydrofuranSolids, FixedSolids, TotalSulfide in Soil (Conc. 5 to 500 mg/Kg: 100 g)TCLP Metals in Soil (Conc. Various : 225g)Antimony, SbArsenic, AsBarium, BaBeryllium, BeCadmium, CdChromium, Cr (total)Cobalt, CoCopper, CuLead, PbMercury, HgMolybdenum, MoNickel, NiPercent SolidsSelenium, SeTCLP Metals in Soil - CA WET (Conc. Various : 225g)Antimony, SbArsenic, AsBarium, BaBeryllium, BeCadmium, CdChromium, Cr (total)Cobalt, CoCopper, CuLead, PbMercury, HgMolybdenum, MoNickel, NiPCB 156PCB 157PCB 167PCB 169PCB 180PCB 189PCB 156PCB 157PCB 167PCB 169PCB 180PCB 189PCB 138PCB 153PCB 180PCB 189Toluenem+p-Xylenem-Xyleneo-Xylenep-XyleneSolids, VolatileSilver, AgThallium, TlVanadium, VZinc, ZnSelenium, SeSilver, AgThallium, TlVanadium, VZinc, ZnSPE068TIS-30GSPE087-30GSPE072-50GSPE066-100MLSPE070-20MLSPE082-100GSPE102-30GSPE005-225GSPE006-225GQuality Control samples are available for each correspondingProficiency Test sample that is listed.For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com39

LPTPTCLP Semi-VOAs in Soil (Conc. Various : 225g)gamma-BHCChlordane (total)Total Cresol2,4-D Total1,4-Dichlorobenzene2,4-DinitrotolueneEndrinHeptachlorHeptachlor EpoxideHexachlorobenzeneHexachlorobutadieneHexachloroethane2-Methylphenol3+4-Methylphenol4-MethylphenolMethoxychlorNitrobenzenePentachlorophenolPyridineSilvex (2,4,5-TP)2,4,5-Trichlorophenol2,4,6-TrichlorophenolToxaphene (ChlorinatedCamphene)SPE015-225GTCLP - Volatiles (Conc. Various : 30g)AcetoneBenzene2-Butanonen-Butyl alcoholCarbon disulfideCarbon tetrachlorideChlorobenzeneChloroform1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,2-Dichloroethane1,1-DichloroethyleneEthyl acetateEthylbenzeneEthyl etherIsobutyl alcoholMethylene chloride (Dichloromethane)Methyl isobutyl ketone (Hexone)Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene)Toluene1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane1,1,1-TrichloroethaneTrichloroethene (Trichloroethylene)TrichlorofluoromethaneVinyl chlorideXylene, totalSPE076-2MLTRPH in Soil (Conc. 300 to 3000 mg/Kg : 100g)SPE019-100GUranium in Soil (Conc. 50 to 300 mg/Kg : 50g)SPE071-30GQuality Control samples are availablefor each corresponding Proficiency Testsample that is listed.Save 30%QCAll Quality Control <strong>Standards</strong> are pricedat 30% less than the correspondingPT price, regardless of whether youpurchase the PT.Need a ProficiencyTest Now?RTC offersQuick-Turn studies atno extra cost!40 First Choice for Quality

Complete UST KitSPE-031KSemiannuallyQuarterlySQC-031KIncludes all soil and water UST <strong>Standards</strong>USTSPE-032KSemiannuallyQuarterlySQC-032KUST Soil KitIncludes all 4 UST Soil <strong>Standards</strong>SPE-033KSemiannuallyQuarterlySQC-033KUST Water KitIncludes all 4 UST Water <strong>Standards</strong>BTEX/MTBE in Soil(30g)BTEX/MTBE in Water(Concentrate for dilution to 100mL)SPE025-30GSQC025-30GAnalyte Concentration Range: 1000 to 90000 mg/KgBenzeneToluene1,2 Dichlorobenzene TPH1,3 Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,4 Dichlorobenzene 1,3,5-TrimethylbenzeneEthylbenzenem+p-XyleneMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) o-XyleneNaphthaleneXylene, TotalPE1642-2MLQC1642-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 7 to 1500 mg/KgBenzeneToluene1,2 Dichlorobenzene TPH1,3 Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,4 Dichlorobenzene 1,3,5-TrimethylbenzeneEthylbenzenem+p-XyleneMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) o-XyleneNaphthaleneXylene, TotalTPH in Soil(100g)TPH in Water(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)SPE026-100GSQC026-100GAnalyte Concentration Range: 0 to 10000 mg/KgSee website for a complete list of analytesPE1800-2MLQC1800-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 20 to 170 mg/LTPH C 6-C 35C 10-C 32HydrocarbonsGasoline in Soil(30g)Gasoline in Water(Concentrate for dilution to 100mL)SPE008-30GSQC008-30GAnalyte Concentration Range: 15 to 1000 mg/KgGasoline Range Organics (GRO)See website for a complete list of analytesPE1798-2MLQC1798-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 1 to 4000 µg/LGasoline Range Organics (GRO)See website for a complete list of analytesDiesel in Soil(100g)Diesel in Water(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)SPE007-100GSQC007-100GAnalyte Concentration Range: 0 to 4000 mg/KgC 9-C 18Alphatics Diesel Range Organics (DRO) (C 10-C 28)C 19-C 36AlphaticsTotal EPHC 11- C 22AromaticsPE1708-2MLQC1708-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 0 to 4000 µg/KgDiesel Range Organics (DRO)See website for a complete list of analytesFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com41

USTState Specific UST <strong>Standards</strong>AlaskaAlaska UST KitSPE-034AKSQC-034AKThis kit includes products that are required for UST testingby the state of Alaska. Includes all listed Alaska specificstandards.RRO in Soil(100g)SPE026AK-100GSQC026AK-100GAnalyte Concentration Range: 150 to 2000 mg/KgResidual Range Organics (RRO) C 25-C 36BTEX/MTBE in Soil(25g)SPE025AK-25GSQC025AK-25GAnalyte Concentration Range: 5 to 100 mg/KgBenzenem+p-XyleneEthylbenzeneo-XyleneMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)Xylene, TotalTolueneBTEX/MTBE in Water(Concentrate for dilution to 100mL)PE1608-2MLQC1608-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 1 to 50 Mg/KgBenzenem+p-XyleneEthylbenzeneo-XyleneMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)Xylene, TotalTolueneGasoline in Soil(25g)SPE008AK-25GSQC008AK-25GAnalyte Concentration Range: 30 to 1500 mg/KgGasoline Range Organics (GRO) C 6-C 10Gasoline in Water(Concentrate for dilution to 100mL)PE1817-2MLQC1817-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 100 to 2000 µg/LGasoline Range Organics (GRO) C 6-C 10Diesel in Soil(100g)SPE007AK-100GSQC007AK-100GAnalyte Concentration Range: 30 to 1500 mg/KgDiesel Range Organics (DRO), C 10-C 25Diesel in Water(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1779-2MLQC1779-2MLAnalyte Concentration Range: 800 to 2800 Mg/KgDiesel Range Organics (DRO), C 10-C 2542 First Choice for Quality

Maine, Massachusetts & North CarolinaGasoline in Soil - VPH(30g)Gasoline in Water - VPH(Concentrate for dilution to 100mL)USTSPE008MA-30GSQC008MA-30GFor analysis of various VPH ranges and other gasolinecomponents.See website for a complete list of analytesPE1679-2MLQC1679-2MLFor analysis of various VPH ranges and other gasolinecomponents.See website for a complete list of analytesDiesel in Soil - EPH(100g)SPE007MA-40GSQC007MA-40GFor analysis of various EPH ranges and other dieselcomponents.See website for a complete list of analytesDiesel in Water - EPH(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1849-2MLQC1849-2MLFor analysis of various EPH ranges and other dieselcomponents.See website for a complete list of analytesNJDEP EPH in Soil(100g)SPE026NJ-100GSQC026NJ-100GFor analysis of EPH in New JerseySee website for a complete list of analytesNew JerseyNJDEP EPH in Water(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1658-2MLQC1658-2MLFor analysis of EPH in New JerseySee website for a complete list of analytesTPH in Soil (High & Low Set)(100g)SPE026TX-1KTSQC026TX-1KTTexasTPH in Water (High & Low Set)(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1604-1KTQC1604-1KTA two sample set for Texas TPH Methods 1005 & 1006.See website for a complete list of analytesA two sample set for Texas TPH Methods 1005 & 1006.See website for a complete list of analytesFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com43

USTGasoline in Soil - VPH(30g)WashingtonGasoline in Water - VPH(Concentrate for dilution to 100mL)SPE008WA-30GSQC008WA-30GPE1798-2MLQC1798-2MLFor analysis of various VPH ranges and other gasolinecomponents.See website for a complete list of analytesFor analysis of various VPH ranges and other gasolinecomponents.See website for a complete list of analytesDiesel in Soil - EPH(30g)SPE007WA-100GSQC007WA-100GFor analysis of various EPH ranges and other dieselcomponents.See website for a complete list of analytesDiesel in Water - EPH(Concentrate for dilution to 1L)PE1756-2MLQC1756-2MLFor analysis of various EPH ranges and other dieselcomponents.See website for a complete list of analytesWisconsin (For MN Certification)BTEX/MTBE in Soil(25g)SPE025WI-25GSQC025WI-25GAnalyte Concentration Range: 5 to 300 mg/KgBenzene1,3,5-TrimethylbenzeneEthylbenzenem+p-XyleneMethyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)o-XyleneTolueneXylene, Total1,2,4-TrimethylbenzeneDiesel in Soil(100g)SPE007WI-100GSQC007WI-100GAnalyte Concentration Range: 5 to 300 mg/KgDiesel Range Orgainc (DRO)Save 30%QCAll Quality Control <strong>Standards</strong> are pricedat 30% less than the correspondingPT price, regardless of whether youpurchase the PT.Gasoline in Soil - VPH(25g)SPE008WI-25GSQC008WI-25GFor analysis by methods 8015M and WI GRO44 First Choice for Quality

?RTCDouble-Blind Proficiency Testing Samplesare your solution.These natural matrix Proficiency Testingsamples are produced using similar matricesto the field samples that an in-house lab orcontract lab handles for testing. Using thesample containers used every day by the lab,the double-blind is designed to be ready tobe slipped unnoticed into the testing streamfor analysis.The Double-Blind Proficiency Testsample program is used to perform aninternal audit of an in-house laboratoryor to evaluate a contract laboratory’sperformance. The testing coordinatorwill help design a testing scheme tomatch the exact requirementsspecified for testing using the matricesand analytes needed to check alaboratory’s work.Would you like a way toevaluate your laboratory?123The Double-Blind PT Sampleprogram is designed to beflexible. Contact RTC tocreate a custom sample thatis designed for your needs.How do they work?RTC provides what looks like a lab’s normalfield sample that can be seamlessly includedinto the sample stream for testing.Results are received and can be compared tothe actual answer RTC provides.RTC handles the entire process from sendingthe sample(s) to the laboratory in questionfrom a third party source, to evaluating thelaboratory’s performance from sample receiptto data reporting. A complete performancereport, including invoicing, customer service,and shipping observations will be included.The Double-Blind PT sample program hasmany variations and is designed to be flexibleto meet any requirement.For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com45

Rapid Check (RQC)Daily Use Bacterial QCsRapidCheck microbiological standards are designed with the microbiology laboratory in mind by enhancing qualityand reducing costs. RTC’s RapidCheck microbiological standards utilize Vitroid technology, ensuring that ourstandards deliver a quantified dose of organisms sourced from internationally recognized repositories.Each Vitroid is a Certified Reference Material (CRM) that readily fits into most organization’s procedures withoutmodification. Dosages are designed to deliver convenient bacterial quantities without additional dilutions.RapidCheck products are certified for use in both Quantitative and Qualitative methods.RapidCheck’s single use format reduces contamination risks within the laboratory. Analysts no longer need tomaintain stock cultures or purchase costly standards.Vitroid TechnologyThis technology for stabilizing micro organisms minimizes the stress during the storing process. This technology offerssignificant advantages over other stabilization technologies. Unlike other microbiological standards, RTC’s Vitroidbased products offer: 1) Enhanced long term stability; 2) High organism viability; and 3) No Recovery orPre-incubation time. This means RTC’s products are easier and faster to use, saving the busy laboratory analyststime.Vitroids are small highly soluble tablets that can easily be implimented into the laboratories procedures with littleor no modification. Each Vitroid can be solubilized in as little as 100 µl of any aqueous solution or even solubilizeddirectly on the surface of a media plate. Upon the solubilization of the Vitroid the standard is ready to be used, norecovery or pre-incubation is required prior to use.Each Vitroid delivers a quantified dose of organismsbacked by ISO Guide 34:2009 accreditation in conjunctionwith ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation.Many of RTC’s RapidCheck microbiological standards are offered as Quality Control microbiology products under theAmerican Type Culture Collection (ATCC ® ) Licensed-Derivative® program. Look for the ATCC Licensed-Derivative ®Emblem for products derived from ATCC ® cultures. The ATCC Licensed Derivative emblem signifies ATCC-derivedproducts are endorsed by ATCC. Products displaying the emblem are the only ones for which the quality of the ATCCingredient can be properly assured. ATCC does not endorse products including ATCC ingredients from companies thatare not members of the LDP program.46 First Choice for Quality

Easy To UseLevels OfferedRapidCheck products are easy and convenient touse. The RapidCheck Vitroid is readily solubilizedin any aqueous buffer, in as little as 100 μl of buffer. AVitroid can even be spread directly on a culture plate!Typically, a Vitroid will absorb enough moisture in 15minutes from a bacterial culture plate that an analystcan simply streak the microbiological standard using aninnoculation loop and still achieve quantitative results.No other commercial microbiological standardoffers so much diversity in use while maintainingits quantitative value.50 cfu - Each Vitroid contains a single dose of50 cfu * of the specified organism. The product isspecifically designed so that no dilutions are requiredprior to use. Labeled as RapidCheck TM 50.200 cfu - Each Vitroid contains a single dose of200 cfu * of the specified organism. The product isspecifically designed so that no dilutions are requiredprior to use. Labeled as RapidCheck TM 200.1000 cfu - Each Vitroid contains a single dose of1000 cfu * of the specified organism. This product isideal for performing serial dilutions of 10, 1, and 0.1mLs or as high dosage negative controls. Labeled asRapidCheck TM 1000.RQCSimplified Ordering:To help our customers identify the products they need,RTC provides a convenient technology based organismlist which states the most commonly used organismsused for that technology.Technologies -Membrane Filtration (MF)Multiple Tube Fermentation (MPN)/Quanti-Tray ®*Presence-Absence (P/A)Comprehensive Organism Selection:Organisms identified in USEPA Methods or AOACStandard Methods are offered under the AmericanType Culture Collection (ATCC®) Licensed-Derivative®program. Look for the ATCC Licensed-Derivative ®Emblem for products derived from ATCC ® cultures.Rapid Check SamplesMembrane Filtration .............................................................. 52Multiple Tube Fermentation/Quanti-Tray® (MPN) ............... 53Multiple Tube Fermentation/Quanti-Tray® (MPN) ................ 54Presence-Absence (P/A) ........................................................ 55Complete Environmental Organism List................................ 56For complete details refer toour scope of accreditation.* Actual certified values are provided in theaccompanying Certificate of AnalysisFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com47

RQCMembrane FiltrationFor E.coli, Fecal Coliforms, Total Coliforms, Fecal Streptococcus and Enterococcus<strong>Microbiological</strong> standards ideally suited for membrane filtration (MF)procedures similar to the EPA’s 1603 Method, Standard Methods9222, Standard Methods 9230C, or methods derived from thesemethods.Ideal for any of the following uses:1. Method Suitability Testing2. Growth Promotion/Inhibition Testing3. Media/Reagent Qualification Testing4. Initial Precision and Recovery Testing (IPR)5. Ongoing Precision and Recovery Testing (OPR)6. Matrix Spike Controls7. Positive/Negative Controls8. P/A Test ControlsRTC’s RapidCheck microbiological standards are Certified ReferenceMaterials (CRMs) manufactured under ISO Guide 34 accreditation inconjunction with ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.Ready to Use Kits -RapidCheck TM 1603 KitA preassembled kit for the microbiology laboratory that iscompliant with EPA Method 1603. The kit contains 5 individuallypackaged RapidCheck50 for the positive and negative controlorganisms indentified in the actual EPA method. Each Vitroid delivers50 CFU * of the specified organism.Kit includes:Escherichia coli ATCC ® 11775 TM (5 Units)Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC ® 13048 TM (5 Units)RQC9250-1KT $80.00RapidCheck TM SM9222 KitA preassembled kit for the microbiology laboratory that is compliant withStandard Methods. The kit contains 5 individually packagedRapidCheck50 Vitroids for the positive and negative control organismscommonly used by laboratories following SM 9222. Each Vitroid delivers50 CFU * of the specified organism.Kit includes:Escherichia coli ATCC ® 11775 TM (5 Units)Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC ® 13048 TM (5 Units)Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC ® 9027 TM (5 Units)RQC9300-1KT $120.00RapidCheck TM SM9230C KitA preassembled kit for the microbiology laboratory that is compliant withStandard Methods. The kit contains 5 individually packagedRapidCheck50 Vitroids for the positive and negative control organismscommonly used by laboratories following SM 9230C. Each Vitroiddelivers 50 CFU * of the specified organism.Kit includes:Enterococcus faecalis ATCC ® 19433 TM (5 Units)Escherichia coli ATCC ® 11775 TM (5 Units)RQC9350-1KT $80.00Levels Offered:50 cfu - Each Vitroid contains a single dose of 50 cfu * of the specifiedorganism. The product is specifically designed so that no dilutionsare required prior to use. Ideal counts for 47mm filters. Labeled asRapidCheck TM 50.1000 cfu - Each Vitroid contains a single dose of 1000 cfu * of thespecified organism. This product is ideal for performing serial dilutions of10, 1, and 0.1 mLs. Labeled as RapidCheck TM 1000.Escherichia coli ATCC ® 11775 TMRapidCheck TM 50RapidCheck TM 1000Enterococcus faecalis ATCC ® 19433 TMRapidCheck TM 50RapidCheck TM 1000Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC ® 13048 TMRapidCheck TM 50Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC ® 9027 TMRapidCheck TM 50Salmonella goldcoast NCTC 13175RapidCheck TM 50RapidCheck TM 1000Staphylococcus aureus susp. aureusATCC ® 6538 TMRapidCheck TM 50RQC01702-10EARQC01707-10EARQC-01772-10EARQC01777-10EARQC01652-10EARQC12002-10EARQC-0230-50RQC-0230-1000RQC13002-10EAThese products are designed for single use. Upon solubilization of theVitroid the sample should be used immediately.* Actual values are provided in the Certificate of Analysis shippedwith the product.The ATCC Licensed Derivative ® Emblem, the ATCCLicensed Derivative word mark, and the ATCC catalog marksare trademarks of ATCC. RTC is licensed to use thesetrademarks and to sell products derived from ATCC ® cultures.48 First Choice for Quality

Multiple Tube Fermentation/Quanti-Tray® (MPN)For E.coli, Fecal Coliforms, and Total ColiformsRQC<strong>Microbiological</strong> standards ideally suited for MPN procedures similar to theStandard Methods 9221, Standard Methods 9223, or technologies basedon MPN, such as products from IDEXX ® including Quanti-Tray ® , Colilert ® ,and Colilert-18 ® .Ideal for any of the following uses:1. Method Suitability Testing2. Growth Promotion/Inhibition Testing3. Media/Reagent Qualification Testing4. Positive/Negative Controls5. P/A Test ControlsRTC’s RapidCheck microbiological standards are Certified ReferenceMaterials (CRMs) manufactured under ISO Guide 34 accreditation inconjunction with ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.Levels Offered:50 cfu - Each Vitroid contains a single dose of 50 cfu * of the specifiedorganism. The product is specifically designed so that no dilutions arerequired prior to use. Ideal for use with Quanti-Tray ® or P/A tests.Labeled as RapidCheck TM 50.200 cfu - Each Vitroid contains a single dose of 200 cfu * of thespecified organism. This product is ideal for 15 tube MPN methods.Labeled as RapidCheck TM 200.Ready to Use Kits -RapidCheck TM SM9221 KitA preassembled kit for the microbiology laboratory that iscompliant with Standard Methods. The kit contains 5individually packaged RapidCheck200 Vitroids for thepositive and negative control organisms commonly used bylaboratories following SM 9221. Each Vitroid delivers 200CFU * of the specified organism.Kit includes:Escherichia coli ATCC ® 11775 TMEnterobacter aerogenes ATCC ® 13048 TMPseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC ® 9027 TMRQC9050-1KT $120.00RapidCheck TM SM9223 KitA preassembled kit for the microbiology laboratory that iscompliant with Standard Methods. The kit contains 5individually packaged RapidCheck50 Vitroids for thepositive and negative control organisms commonly used bylaboratories following SM 9223. Each Vitroid delivers 50CFU * of the specified organism.Kit includes:Escherichia coli ATCC ® 11775 TMEnterobacter aerogenes ATCC ® 13048 TMEscherichia coli ATCC ® 11775 TMRapidCheck TM 50RapidCheck TM 200Enterococcus cloacae ATCC ® 35030 TMRapidCheck TM 50Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC ® 13048 TMRapidCheck TM 50RapidCheck TM 200Enterococcus faecalis ATCC ® 19433 TMRapidCheck TM 50RapidCheck TM 200Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC ® 9027 TMRapidCheck TM 50RapidCheck TM 200RQC01702-10EARQC01705-10EARQC21102-10EARQC01652-10EARQC01655-10EARQC01772-10EARQC01775-1EARQC12002-10EARQC12005-10EAPseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC ® 9027 TMEnterococcus cloacae ATCC ® 35030 TMRQC9100-1KT $160.00* Actual values are provided in the Certificate of Analysis shippedwith the product.The ATCC Licensed Derivative ® Emblem, theATCC Licensed Derivative word mark, and the ATCCcatalog marks are trademarks of ATCC. RTC is licensedto use these trademarks and to sell products derivedfrom ATCC ® cultures.The IDEXX®, Quanti-Tray®, Colilert®, Colilert-18®, and Enterolert®catalog marks are trademarks of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. The use ofthese marks by RTC is not meant to construe approval or endorsementby IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com49

RQCMultiple Tube Fermentation/Quanti-Tray® (MPN)Fecal Streptococcus and Enterococcus<strong>Microbiological</strong> standards ideally suited for MPNprocedures similar to the Standard Methods 9230B ortechnologies based on MPN, such as products fromIDEXX ® including Quanti-Tray ® , Enterolert ® , Enterolert ® -DW, or Enterolert ® -EIdeal for any of the following uses:1. Method Suitability Testing2. Growth Promotion/Inhibition Testing3. Media/Reagent Qualification Testing4. Positive/Negative Controls5. P/A Test ControlsRTC’s RapidCheck microbiological standards are CertifiedReference Materials (CRMs) manufactured under ISOGuide 34 accreditation in conjunction with ISO/IEC 17025accreditation.Ready to Use Kits -RapidCheck TM SM9230B KitA preassembled kit for the microbiology laboratory that iscompliant with Standard Methods. The kit contains 5 individuallypackaged RapidCheck200 Vitroids for the positive and negativecontrol organisms commonly used by laboratories following SM 9230B.Each Vitroid delivers 200 CFU * of the specified organism.Kit includes:Enterococcus faecalis ATCC ® 19433 TMLevels Offered:200 cfu - Each Vitroid contains a single dose of 200 cfu *of the specified organism. This product is ideal for 15tube MPN methods. Labeled as RapidCheck TM 200.Enterococcus faecalis ATCC ® 19433 TMRapidCheck TM 200Escherichia coli ATCC ® 11775 TMRapidCheck TM 200RQC01775-1EARQC01705-10EAEscherichia coli ATCC ® 11775 TMRQC9150-1KT $80.00The IDEXX®, Quanti-Tray®, Colilert®, Colilert-18®, and Enterolert® catalogmarks are trademarks of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. The use of these marks by RTCis not meant to construe approval or endorsement by IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.The ATCC Licensed Derivative ® Emblem, the ATCC LicensedDerivative word mark, and the ATCC catalog marks are trademarks ofATCC. RTC is licensed to use these trademarks and to sell productsderived from ATCC ® cultures.* Actual values are provided in the Certificate of Analysis shipped withthe product.50 First Choice for Quality

Presence-Absence (P/A)for ColiformRQC<strong>Microbiological</strong> standards ideally suited for P/A proceduressimilar to the Standard Methods 9221D or similartechnologies.Ideal for any of the following uses:1. Method Suitability Testing2. Growth Promotion/Inhibition Testing3. Media/Reagent Qualification Testing4. Positive/Negative Controls5. P/A Test ControlsRTC’s RapidCheck microbiological standards are CertifiedReference Materials (CRMs) manufactured under ISOGuide 34 accreditation in conjunction with ISO/IEC 17025accreditation.Levels Offered:50 cfu - Each Vitroid contains a single dose of 50 cfu *of the specified organism. The product is specificallydesigned so that no dilutions are required prior touse. Ideal for use as the positive control in P/A testing.Labeled as RapidCheck TM 50.1000 cfu - Each Vitroid contains a single dose of 1000cfu * of the specified organism. This product is idealfor use as negative controls in P/A testing. Labeled asRapidCheck TM 1000.Ready to Use Kits -RapidCheck TM 9221PA KitA preassembled kit for the microbiology laboratory thatis compliant with Standard Methods. The kit contains 5individually packaged RapidCheck Vitroids for the positiveand negative control organisms commonly used bylaboratories following SM 9221D. Each Vitroid delivers anappropriate dose of the specified organism for P/A testing.Kit includes:Escherichia coli ATCC ® 11775 TMEnterobacter aerogenes ATCC ® 13048 TMPseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC ® 9027 TMRQC9000-1KT $120.00Escherichia coli ATCC® 11775 TMRapidCheck TM 50Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC® 13048 TMRapidCheck TM 50RapidCheck TM 1000Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC® 9027 TMRapidCheck TM 50RapidCheck TM 1000RQC01702-10EARQC01652-10EARQC01657-10EARQC12002-10EARQC12007-10EAThe ATCC Licensed Derivative ® Emblem, theATCC Licensed Derivative word mark, and the ATCCcatalog marks are trademarks of ATCC. RTC is licensedto use these trademarks and to sell products derivedfrom ATCC ® cultures.* Actual values are provided in the Certificate of Analysis shippedwith the product.For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com51

RQCComplete Environmental Organism ListRTC offers a wide selection of bacterial organisms that are commonlyused in microbiological laboratories. Organisms are offered inconvenient dosages for easy use.Ideal for any of the following uses:1. Method Suitability Testing2. Growth Promotion/Inhibition Testing3. Media/Reagent Qualification Testing4. Initial Precision and Recovery Testing (IPR)5. Ongoing Precision and Recovery Testing (OPR)6. Matrix Spike Controls7. Positive/Negative Controls8. P/A Test ControlsRTC’s RapidCheck microbiological standards are Certified ReferenceMaterials (CRMs) manufactured under ISO Guide 34 accreditation inconjunction with ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.Enterobacter aerogenes ATCC ® 13048 TMRapidCheck TM 50RapidCheck TM 200RQC01652-10EARQC01655-10EALevels Offered50 cfu - Each Vitroid contains a single dose of 50 cfu * of the specifiedorganism. The product is specifically designed so that no dilutions arerequired prior to use. Labeled as RapidCheck TM 50.200 cfu - Each Vitroid contains a single dose of 200 cfu * of thespecified organism. The product is specifically designed so that nodilutions are required prior to use. Labeled as RapidCheck TM 200.1000 cfu - Each Vitroid contains a single dose of 1000 cfu * ofthe specified organism. This product is ideal for performing serialdilutions of 10, 1, and 0.1 mLs or as negative controls. Labeled asRapidCheck TM 1000.Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC ® 9027 TMRapidCheck TM 50RapidCheck TM 200RapidCheck TM 1000RQC12002-10EARQC12005-10EARQC12007-10EARapidCheck TM 1000RQC01657-10EASalmonella goldcoast NCTC 13175Enterococcus cloacae ATCC ® 35030 TMRapidCheck TM 50RQC21102-10EARapidCheck TM 50RapidCheck TM 1000RQC-0230-50RQC-0230-1000Enterococcus faecalis ATCC ® 19433 TMRapidCheck TM 50RapidCheck TM 200RapidCheck TM 1000Escherichia coli ATCC ® 11775 TMRapidCheck TM 50RapidCheck TM 200RapidCheck TM 1000RQC01772-10EARQC01775-1EARQC01777-10EARQC01702-10EARQC01705-10EARQC01707-10EASalmonella subsp. E. serovar TyphimuriumATCC ® 14028RapidCheck TM 50RQC17002-10EAStaphylococcus aureus susp. aureusATCC ® 6538 TMRapidCheck TM 50RQC13002-10EAEscherichia coli O157:H7 ATCC ® 43895 TMRapidCheck TM 50RQC01752-10EALegionella pheumophila (NCTC 12821)RapidCheck TM 50000 RQC-0200-5x10 4The ATCC Licensed Derivative ® Emblem, the ATCC LicensedDerivative word mark, and the ATCC catalog marks are trademarks ofATCC. RTC is licensed to use these trademarks and to sell products derivedfrom ATCC ® cultures. Look for the ATCC Licensed-Derivative ® Emblemfor products derived from ATCC ® cultures.* Actual values are provided in the Certificate of Analysis shippedwith the product.52First Choice for Quality

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Natural-Matrix CRMsRTC is the world leader in manufacturing of real-world soil and sediment Certified ReferenceMaterials (CRM). CRMs are produced and certified in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 in conjuctionwith ISO Guide 34. Our CRMs are either “Real World” natural matrix or natural matrices in whichselected analytes have been fortified to give analytical profiles that meet the needs of the market.A robust statistical program is used in determining the certified values of RTC CRMs, utilizingdata developed from multi-laboratory analysis supported by in-house data. Most CRMs are methodspecific, and are supplied with certificates that show an uncertainty, expanded uncertainty,confidence interval, and a prediction value, in addition to the mean value and standard deviationfrom the mean.Certified Reference Material development started at RTC more than 23 years ago. Soils and solidwastes were collected from contaminated sites around the United States to produce real-worldCRMs for the USEPA. Since then the product range has grown and now includes a wide range ofnatural-matrix CRMs.In close cooperation with regulatory agencies through out the Americas, Asia and Europe, RTCcontinues to develop new standards for proficiency testing schemes and CRMs to meet the needsof analytical laboratories around the world.Key factors when choosing and using aCRM:▪ A CRM should have a representative selectionof target analytes with certified values that fallinto the normal range of the method.▪ The matrix description should be similar to thatof the test standards.▪ The preparation method used for the standardshould be similar to that for the CRM.Aqua Regia Metals .............................. 69BNAs - Soil............................................ 82BTEX - Soil............................................ 87California WET..................................... 77Chlordane/Toxaphene ........................ 95Clean Soils.......................................... 101Constant Value - Water ....................... 99Diesel - Soil.......................................... 88Explosives - Soil................................... 96Herbicides - Soil................................... 94Inorganic Properties- Soil ...................78OP Pesticides - Soil ............................. 92PAHs - Soil............................................ 86PCB Congeners - Soil .......................... 98PCBs..................................................... 97Pesticides/PCBs................................... 93Pesticides - Soil.................................... 90TCLP Metals - Soil.................................74TCLP Organics - Soil ............................ 76TPH - Soil.............................................. 88Lead...................................................... 68Trace Metals - Soil................................ 59VOCs - Soil (High Level) ...................... 81VOCs - Soil (Low Level) ....................... 80XRF....................................................... 7154 First Choice for Quality

Trace Metals - SoilCRM005-50GCRM020-50GCRM021-100GCRM022-20GCRM023-50GAluminum, Al 15300 1760 2730 10100 8470Sewage Amended SoilCRM005-50GFrom a sewage sludge agricultural land farming applicationlocated in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 7.59Antimony, Sb 8.38 4950 (

These CRMs were produced and certified from naturally contaminated matrices. Analytical data for Certification was obtained usingUSEPA SW846, 3rd edition methods 3050 (hot block) and 3051 (microwave) using nitric acid extraction. Analysis was carried outaccording to USEPA methods 6010 (ICP-EOS), 6020 (ICP-MS) and 7000 (AES).The standards are intended for use in analytical systems using these or similar methods. Note that nitric acid extraction is not asrigorous as aqua regia (see page 20), and these standards may not be suitable for method validation where an aqua regia extractionis used.All certified values are directly traceable to NISTCRMTrace Metals - Loamy Sand 1CRM024-50GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 7.39Trace Metals - Sandy Loam 8CRM025-50GFrom a moderately contaminated site located in theWestern United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 7.21CRM024-50GCRM025-50GCRM026-50GCRM027-50GCRM028-50GAluminum, Al 8680 7640 17700 8540 7560Antimony, Sb (1.17) (

CRM030-50GCRM033-50GCRM034-50GCRM036-50GCRM043-50GAluminum, Al 4810 11900 13500 6770 19100Antimony, Sb (2.32) 60.6 (3.53) 53.0 40.6Arsenic, As 13.1 132 148 114 190Barium, Ba 56.1 487 227 307 690Beryllium, Be 5.97 218 101 108 122Boron, B (5.29) 139 136 85.1 128Cadmium, Cd 58.4 56.6 31.3 225 223Calcium, Ca 14200 7830 11300 3360 16600Chromium, Cr (total) 43.8 302 207 77.2 301Cobalt, Co 108 49.7 166 146Copper, Cu 5.68 61.1 76.1 271 131Iron, Fe 8320 11100 11900 8420 22500Lead, Pb 7.13 315 60.6 114 143Lithium, Li 128 124Magnesium, Mg 2470 9990 4190 8570 6640Manganese, Mn 127 680 559 965 789Mercury, Hg 6.55 25.4 13.0 1.29 27.2Molybdenum, Mo 8.78 67.7 76.4 235 110Nickel, Ni 6.63 201 192 221 176Phosphorus, total 162 523Potassium, K 1480 18900 3420 14400 5040Selenium, Se 18.5 304 68.0 187 144Silica as SiO2 (1380)Silicon, Si (169) 858 807Silver, Ag (0.04) 82.1 27.0 83.5 87.7Sodium, Na 997 1540 463 9730 402Strontium, Sr (54.4) 125 175 357Thallium, Tl 72.7 97.6 86.8 140Tin, Sn 107 101 196Titanium, Ti 287 97.3 514Vanadium, V 29.0 314 47.1 98.7 127Zinc, Zn 74.8 251 324 199 424pH (6.54) 7.76 (5.14) 7.41 5.67Cyanide, Cn (10.4)Trace Metals - Loamy Sand 2CRM030-50GFrom a moderately contaminated site located in the WesternUnited States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 6.54Trace Metals - Loamy Sand 10CRM033-50GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 7.07Trace Metals - Loamy Sand 3CRM034-50GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 4.97Trace Metals - Loamy Sand 4CRM036-50GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 4.34Trace Metals - Loamy Sand 6CRM043-50GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 3.16CRMAll values are given in mg/Kg. Values in parenthesesare not certified and are given for information only.For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com57

CRMTrace Metals - Silty Loam 1CRM044-50GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 8.27Trace Metals - Silty Clay 1CRM045-50GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 6.15Trace Metals - Clay 1CRM046-50GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH5.39Trace Metals - Sand 1CRM048-50GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH5.57Trace Metals - Sandy Clay 1CRM049-50GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 2.23CRM044-50GCRM045-50GCRM046-50GCRM048-50GCRM049-50GAluminum, Al 3540 12900 560Antimony, Sb 106 139 123Arsenic, As 52.3 18.4 7.47 123 65.3Barium, Ba 145 235 12.7Beryllium, Be 37.3 76.8 60.5Boron, B 113 135 59.0Cadmium, Cd 71.6 1.61 7.01 140 80.0Calcium, Ca 206000 6430 4790Chromium, Cr (total) 88.5 85.3 45.7 239 355Cobalt, Co 50.6 13.5 8.22 177 84.0Copper, Cu 64.0 122 62.2 277 88.5Iron, Fe 3180 12300 9170Lead, Pb 77.8 42.8 45.3 86.9 111Lithium, Li 92.1Magnesium, Mg 8920 7050 899Manganese, Mn 204 292 118 1160 636Mercury, Hg 9.70 0.795 0.153 28.0 13.5Molybdenum, Mo 14.5 138 98.6Nickel, Ni 87.1 199 37.5 100 344Phosphorus, total 298Potassium, K 1480 11300 3020Selenium, Se 81.1 177 72.1Silicon, Si 991 (168)Silver, Ag 114 75.5 125Sodium, Na 651 8270 665Strontium, Sr 4520 213 8.62Thallium, Tl 65.3 60.5 125Tin, Sn 94.8 93.5 236Titanium, Ti 138 178 47.1Vanadium, V 82.1 101 57.8Zinc, Zn 136 330 114 724 542pH 8.27 6.82 2.23All values are given in mg/Kg. Values in parenthesesare not certified and are given for information only.58 First Choice for Quality

CRM051-50GCRM052-50GCRM059-50GCRM2003-50GCRM2004-50GAluminum, Al 12600 9660 8180Antimony, Sb 105 37.9 88.5Arsenic, As 79.4 33.4 149 20.7 7.84Barium, Ba 391 239 145Beryllium, Be 304 46.0 30.8Boron, B 157 90.5 143Cadmium, Cd 48.3 43.0 62.6 1.66 7.89Calcium, Ca 8320 2860Chromium, Cr (total) 171 57.8 128 86.8 47.1Cobalt, Co 59.2 44.1 42.0 13.5 8.22Copper, Cu 327 56.5 94.3 126 65.1Iron, Fe 6490 14700 19400Lead, Pb 181 82.9 109 44.1 44.9Lithium, Li 172 101Magnesium, Mg 1440 1690 1490Manganese, Mn 408 217 222 292 118Mercury, Hg 4.08 2.40 10.7 0.865 0.194Molybdenum, Mo 156 34.3 9.08Nickel, Ni 76.0 50.8 75.7 206 38.5Phosphorus, total 414Potassium, K 7790 2390 3690Selenium, Se 76.9 25.3 107Silicon, Si 453 667Silver, Ag 29.1 23.0 78.9Sodium, Na 857 319 5480Strontium, Sr 283 148 51.7Sulfur 471Thallium, Tl 192 113 80.1Tin, Sn 218 77.5 83.6Titanium, Ti 177 43.2 105Vanadium, V 213 107 95.3Zinc, Zn 256 94.3 403 342 118pH 4.34 7.02Trace Metals - Clay 2CRM051-50GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 8.31Trace Metals - Loamy Clay 1CRM052-50GFrom a moderately contaminated site located in theWestern United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 6.95▪ Particle Size Distribution: 200 micron to 1 mmTrace Metals - Loamy Clay 2CRM059-50GFrom a moderately contaminated site located in theWestern United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 6.83Trace Metals - Taiwan Clay 1CRM2003-50GFrom a site located in Taiwan.▪ 50 gramsTrace Metals - Taiwan Clay 2CRM2004-50GFrom a site located in Taiwan.▪ 50 gramsCRMAll values are given in mg/Kg. Values in parenthesesare not certified and are given for information only.For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com59

These CRMs were produced and certified from naturally contaminated sediments.Certification was carried out using analytical data obtained after using USEPA SW846, 3rd edition methods 3050 (hot block) and 3051(microwave) using nitric acid extraction. Analysis was carried out according to USEPA methods 6010 (ICP-EOS), 6020 (ICP-MS) and 7000(AES).Note that nitric acid extraction is not as rigorous as aqua regia, and these standards may not be suitable for method validation where anaqua regia extraction is used.The standards are intended for use in analytical systems using these and related methods.All certified values are directly traceable to NISTCRMTrace Metals - Sediment 1CRM008-50GThis sediment/soil is from a river bank and bottom near theChesapeake Bay and is not “spiked or fortified” in any manner.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 5.19Trace Metals - Fresh Water Sediment 2CRM015-50GFrom a stream located in the Western United States.▪ Certified for 27 analytes plus Cyanide▪ 50 grams▪ pH 7.53Trace Metals - Fresh Water Sediment 3CRM016-50GFrom a stream located in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 7.85CRM008-50GCRM015-50GCRM016-50GAluminum, Al 23900 9200 8920Antimony, Sb (2.55) (

The following products include sludges that are naturally contaminated matrices that have not been fortified or modified in anyway and matrices that have been fortified to achieve analyte profiles that meet the requirements of laboratories subject to USNELAC and other similar requirements.Certification was carried out using analytical data obtained using both USEPA SW846, 3rd edition methods 3050 (hot block) and3051 (microwave) using nitric acid extraction and aqua regia digestion according to European and other standards, including ISO11466 and similar procedure including USEPA 3052.Analysis was carried out according to USEPA methods 6010 (ICP-EOS), 6020 (ICP-MS) and 7000 (AES) and European CENmethods for atomic absorption spectrometry (FLAAS, HGAAS, CVAAS, GFAAS), inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry(ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).All certified values are directly traceable to NISTCRM009-100GCRM010-100GCRM011-100GCRMAluminum, Al (894) 693 (18)Antimony, Sb (9) (13)Arsenic, As (23) (23)Barium, Ba (48) 173 (5)Boron, B (150) (17600)Cadmium, Cd (1) (4)Calcium, Ca (1140) 563 (179)Chromium, Cr (total) 50.3 79.5 59200Cobalt, Co (7) (9)Copper, Cu 121000 63200 108Iron, Fe (3820) 2700 (4670)Lead, Pb 14200 119000 269Magnesium, Mg (155) (80) (46)Manganese, Mn (37) 17.5 (34)Mercury, Hg (1) (1.4) (9)Molybdenum, Mo (22)Nickel, Ni 343 194 42000Potassium, K (638) (49000)Selenium, Se (4)Silver, Ag 8.90 56.4 (1)Sodium, Na (18400) (1580) (23100)Strontium, Sr (26) (1)Thallium, Tl (26) (20)Tin, Sn (38500) (119)Vanadium, V (1) (23)Zinc, Zn (43) 183 (20)Trace Metals - Electroplating Sludge 1CRM009-100GFrom the copper electroplating process of a circuit-board manufacturer inthe Midwestern United States.▪ 100 grams (wet)▪ pH 7.99Trace Metals - Electroplating Sludge 2CRM010-100GFrom an electroplating facility in the Western United States.▪ 100 grams (wet)▪ pH 3.86Trace Metals - Electroplating Sludge 2CRM011-100GFrom an electroplating facility in the Western United States.▪ 100 grams (wet)▪ pH 3.46All values are given in mg/Kg, unless otherwise stated. Values inparentheses are not certified and are given for information only.For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com61

CRM018-50GCRM029-50GCRM031-40GCRM055-50GCRMTrace Metals - Wet Sewage SludgeCRM018-50GRepresentative of a residential area with industrial influencelocated in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams (wet)▪ pH 8.07Trace Metals - Sewage Sludge 2CRM029-50GRepresentative of a residential area with industrial influencelocated in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams (dry)▪ pH 7.20Trace Metals - Sewage Sludge 3CRM031-40GRepresentative of a residential area with industrial influencelocated in the Western United States.▪ 40 grams (dry)▪ pH 6.53Trace Metals - Sewage Sludge 4CRM055-50GFrom a sewage works serving a residential area with lightindustrial influence and is located in the Western United States.▪ Particle Size Distribution: 200 micron to 1 mm▪ 50 grams (dry)Aluminum, Al 22400 12400 13100 14800Antimony, Sb (

The following products were certified using methods USEPA SW846,3rd edition, 3050 (hot block), 3051 (microwave), 6010 (ICP-EOS) and7000 (AES) series. These standards are natural-matrix and have notbeen spiked or fortified in any manner.Trace Metals - Fly Ash 1CRM001-100GFrom a power plant in the Western United States.▪ 100 grams▪ pH 10.98Trace Metals - Activated CharcoalCRM002-100GFrom a power plant in the Western United States.▪ 100 gramsCRMTrace Metals - Diatomaceous EarthCRM004-100GFrom a commercial water treatment system in the EasternUnited States.▪ 100 grams▪ pH 9.35CRM001-100GCRM002-100GCRM004-100GCRM012-100GCRM013-50GCRM014-50GCRM019-50GAluminum, Al (28900) 2160 (1205) (6090) (32800)Arsenic, As (1) (2) 77.2Barium, Ba 428 1590 18.7 (1160) (1930) 352Cadmium, Cd 2.40 362 37.8 510 432Calcium, Ca (28100) 2110 (1460) (3880) (51900)Chromium, Cr 29.1 36300 21.4 162000 618 2230 55.2Cobalt, Co (138) (22.4) (6) (9) (26)Copper, Cu 40.7 96900 (19) 3020 (32) (109) 279Trace Metals - Fly Ash 2CRM012-100GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 100 grams▪ pH 2.23Trace Metals -Paint ChipsCRM013-50GFrom an industrial blasting process in the Western United States,using plastic beads to remove paint.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 6.35Iron, Fe (16300) (

LeadThe following products were certified using methods USEPA SW846, 3rd edition, 3050 (hot block),3051 (microwave), 6010 (ICP-EOS), 6020 (ICP-MS) and 7000 (AES) series. These standards have notbeen spiked or fortified in any way. Samples were tested, and found suitable, for the lead-abatementprograms.CRMThese standards have been analyzed, and the certified values have been verified at the smaller sub-samplesizes that are required by methods used under the lead-abatement program. Detailed Certificates of Analysisare available at RT-Corp.com.Trace Metals -Paint Sludge 1CRM006-50GFrom an industrial painting facility in the Eastern United States.▪ Certified Lead Value - 753 mg/Kg▪ NIST Traceable▪ 50 grams (dry)▪ pH 10.84Trace Metals -Powdered Paint 1CRM017-20GFrom a variety of painted surfaces, with an attempt to be asrepresentative as possible of all the standards received forroutine analysis by a laboratory.▪ Certified Lead Value - 6870 mg/Kg▪ NIST Traceable▪ 20 grams▪ pH 7.48Trace Metals -Paint ChipsCRM013-50GFrom an industrial blasting process in the Western UnitedStates, using plastic beads to remove paint.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 6.35Lead Free Paint - PowderedCRM050-20G▪ Certified Lead Value -

Aqua Regia MetalsCRM015-50GCRM016-50GCNS301-50GCRM026-50GCNS392-50GCertification was carried out using analytical data obtainedafter aqua regia digestion according to European and otherstandards, including ISO 11466 and similar procedureincluding USEPA 3052.Aluminum Al 9200 8920 10900 (17700) (14100)Antimony, Sb (0.360) (

CRM044-50GCRM045-50GCRM046-50GCRM055-50GAluminum Al 14800Antimony, Sb 75.3Arsenic, As 52.3 18.4** 7.47** 229CRMBarium, Ba 765Beryllium, Be 167Boron, B 110Cadmium, Cd 71.6 1.61 7.01 60.6Calcium, Ca 47200Trace Metals - Silt Loam 1CRM044-50GFrom a stream located in the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 8.09Chromium, Cr 88.5 85.3 45.7 289Cobalt, Co 50.6 13.5 8.22 97.0Copper, Cu 64.0 122 62.2 482Iron, Fe 20100Lead, Pb 77.8 42.8 45.3 154Magnesium, Mg 204 9210Manganese, Mn 292 118 693Trace Metals - Silt Clay 1CRM045-50GFrom a site located in Central Taiwan▪ 50 grams▪ pH 6.15Trace Metals -Clay 1CRM046-50GFrom a site located in Southern Taiwan▪ 50 grams▪ pH 5.39Mercury, Hg 9.70 0.785 0.153** 12.5Molybdenum, Mo 133Nickel, Ni 87.1 199 37.5 163Potassium, K 2420Selenium, Se 162Silver, Ag 64.7Sodium, Na 758Strontium, Sr 445Sulfur, S 11500Thallium, Tl 82.0Vanadium, V 245Zinc, Zn 136 330 114 1240Trace Metals -Sewage Sludge 4CRM055-50GFrom a sewage works serving a residential area with lightindustrial influence and is located in the Western United States.▪ Particle Size Distribution: 200 micron to 1 mm▪ 50 gramspHPhosphorus, TotalResidue, Total (TS)Residue-volatile7.16 Units2.14 wt%86.4 wt%56.2 wt%All values are given in mg/Kg, except TKN and Phosphorus.Values in parentheses are not certified and are given for information only.** These values have been certified by USEPA methods.66 First Choice for Quality

XRF <strong>Standards</strong>Custom Action Level <strong>Standards</strong>Every remediation project has a unique contaminateaction level specified by the governing agency.Custom Action Level <strong>Standards</strong> provide rapidaccuracy and performance in field XRF equipmentuse.RTC will work with you to develop matrix specificaction level certified reference materials for your XRFproject. You select a soil matrix from one of RTC’scertified clean bases and specify the analyte levels.RTC will prepare a 50 gram homogenous sample oruse a site specific soil matrix to develop your CustomAction Level Standard.Custom <strong>Standards</strong> using RTC’s matrices* are$120.00** for the first analyte and $10.00** foreach additional analyte. Custom <strong>Standards</strong> using sitespecific matrices are specially quoted. Contact RTCTechnical Staff at 1-800-576-5690 for pricing andquestions.* RTC Matrix Options: Clay, Loam, Loamy Clay, Sand,Sandy Loam, SiO 2** Excludes precious or rare earth metals. Call forpricing regarding these metals.Lower Detection LimitMethod 6200 provides suggested lower detection limits for hand held XRF instruments in aninterference free media. These standards are prepared as spiked samples into clean quartzsand for long count times (100-600 seconds) in an environment that is free of interelementspectral interference.Part# Analyte PPM Matrix Weight (g)LDL010-50G Arsenic (As) 40 Quartz Sand 50LDL020-50G Cadmium (Cd) 100 Quartz Sand 50LDL030-50G Chromium (Cr) 150 Quartz Sand 50LDL040-50G Cobalt (Co) 60 Quartz Sand 50LDL050-50G Lead (Pb) 20 Quartz Sand 50LDL060-50G Mercury (Hg) 30 Quartz Sand 50LDL070-50G Nickel (Ni) 50 Quartz Sand 50LDL080-50G Zinc (Zn) 50 Quartz Sand 50For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com67

Matrix BlanksXRFMethod 6200 describes two types ofblanks that should be used in hand heldXRF analysis. RTC offers matrix blanksthat can be used as either instrumentblanks or method blanks. An instrumentblank should be analyzed at least dailyor when ever contamination of theinstrument is suspected. Method blanksare used to monitor for laboratory-inducedcontaminants. RTC’s matrix blanks allowfor insertion of a similar matrix based blankinto the normal sample stream for testing.Part# Matrix Weight (g)MB010-50G Loam 50MB020-50G Clay 50MB030-50G Sand 50MB040-50G Sandy Loam 50MB050-50G Loamy Clay 50MB060-50G SiO2 50Real World CRMsEPA Method 6200 specifies that StandardReference Materials (SRMs) should beused to determine the accuracy andperformance of XRF units. When SRMs arenot available the use of Certified ReferenceMaterials (CRMs) may be used. However,these CRMs must be characterized usingEPA Method 3052, a method that leads tocomplete digestion and extraction of themetals.RTC’s Real World CRMs include bothnaturally contaminated soils that have notbeen modified or fortified and soils thathave been fortified to achieve analyteprofiles. RTC’s Real World, Natural MatrixCRMs allow hand held XRF users to monitorinstrument accuracy and performance incomplex soil matrices in the field.Part# Matrix Weight (g)CRM015-50G Sediment 50CRM016-50G Sediment 50CRM026-50G Sandy Loam 50CRM044-50G Silt Loam 50CRM045-50G Silty Clay 50CRM046-50G Clay 50CRM055-50G Sludge 5068 First Choice for Quality

Matrix XRF <strong>Standards</strong>Both the chemical and physical properties of soil matrices impact hand held XRF analysis. RTC’s certifiedreference materials offer hand held XRF users the ability to demonstrate and monitor instrument performance inresponse to selected soil matrices. Analytes are offered at three levels in each of six different matrices.Part# Matrix Weight (g) As Cd Cr Co Pb Hg Ni ZnMSL100-50G Loam 50 - 150 200 - 70 - 100 -MSM100-50G Loam 50 - 650 700 - 570 - 600 -MSH100-50G Loam 50 - 1050 1200 - 1070 - 1100 -MSL101-50G Loam 50 90 - - 110 - 80 - 100MSM101-50G Loam 50 590 - - 610 - 580 - 600MSH101-50G Loam 50 1090 - - 1110 - 1080 - 1100MSL200-50G Clay 50 - 150 200 - 70 - 100 -MSM200-50G Clay 50 - 650 700 - 570 - 600 -MSH200-50G Clay 50 - 1050 1200 - 1070 - 1100 -MSL201-50G Clay 50 90 - - 110 - 80 - 100MSM201-50G Clay 50 590 - - 610 - 580 - 600MSH201-50G Clay 50 1090 - - 1110 - 1080 - 1100MSL300-50G Sand 50 - 150 200 - 70 - 100 -MSM300-50G Sand 50 - 650 700 - 570 - 600 -MSH300-50G Sand 50 - 1050 1200 - 1070 - 1100 -MSL301-50G Sand 50 90 - - 110 - 80 - 100MSM301-50G Sand 50 590 - - 610 - 580 - 600MSH301-50G Sand 50 1090 - - 1110 - 1080 - 1100MSL400-50G Sandy Loam 50 - 150 200 - 70 - 100 -MSM400-50G Sandy Loam 50 - 650 700 - 570 - 600 -MSH400-50G Sandy Loam 50 - 1050 1200 - 1070 - 1100 -MSL401-50G Sandy Loam 50 90 - - 110 - 80 - 100MSM401-50G Sandy Loam 50 590 - - 610 - 580 - 600MSH401-50G Sandy Loam 50 1090 - - 1110 - 1080 - 1100MSL500-50G Loamy Clay 50 - 150 200 - 70 - 100 -MSM500-50G Loamy Clay 50 - 650 700 - 570 - 600 -MSH500-50G Loamy Clay 50 - 1050 1200 - 1070 - 1100 -MSL501-50G Loamy Clay 50 90 - - 110 - 80 - 100MSM501-50G Loamy Clay 50 590 - - 610 - 580 - 600MSH501-50G Loamy Clay 50 1090 - - 1110 - 1080 - 1100MSL600-50G SiO2 50 - 150 200 - 70 - 100 -MSM600-50G SiO2 50 - 650 700 - 570 - 600 -MSH600-50G SiO2 50 - 1050 1200 - 1070 - 1100 -MSL601-50G SiO2 50 90 - - 110 - 80 - 100MSM601-50G SiO2 50 590 - - 610 - 580 - 600MSH601-50G SiO2 50 1090 - - 1110 - 1080 - 1100XRFFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com69

TCLP Metals - SoilThe Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) US EPA Method 1311, is intended to replicate the leaching ofselected metals and organic compounds from materials placed into municipal landfills. If the extracted sample does notfail any of the analytes listed in the TCLP test, the material may be placed into a municipal landfill for disposal.For the determination of metals and semi-volatile organics, the procedure uses an extraction fluid (either #1 or #2) thatis selected based on the initial pH of the sample. These extraction fluids are purposely designed to mimic the liquidsthat are produced in a municipal landfill from the infiltration of surface water.CRMIt is imperative that the correct extraction fluid, based on the initial pH of the sample, be used. The use of the incorrectextraction fluid will give erroneous results.TCLP Metals - Sandy Loam 1CRM202-225G• 225 grams• pH 6.22• Extraction Fluid 1TCLP Metals - Loamy Sand 3CRM206-225G• 225 grams• pH 6.72• Extraction Fluid 1TCLP Metals - Sandy LoamCRM204-225G• 225 grams• pH 2.60• Extraction Fluid 1TCLP Metals - Sandy Loam 3CRM207-225G• 225 grams• pH 6.45• Extraction Fluid 1TCLP Metals - Ash 1CRM205-225G▪ 225 grams▪ pH 5.97TCLP Metals - Sandy Loam 4CRM208-225G• 225 grams• pH 5.76• Extraction Fluid 1CRM202-225GCRM204-225GCRM205-225GCRM206-225G *CRM207-225G *CRM208-225GArsenic, As 1.70 1.09 35.2 11.7 8.61 5.16Barium, Ba 4.51 0.0600 0.247 0.426 34.6Cadmium, Cd 21.4 14.7 115 8.20 7.30 46.0Chromium, Cr 3.64 3.05 1.17 0.0747 0.762 0.727Copper, Cu 6.88Lead, Pb 38.2 4.67 155 1.78 2.54 1.76All values are givenin mg/L. Values inparentheses are notcertified and are givenfor information only.Mercury, Hg 2.13 1.17 0.0304 1.33Nickel, Ni 0.371Selenium, Se 1.96 0.0359 20.3 21.1Silver, Ag 4.33 0.605 0.965Zinc, Zn 0.449 12270 First Choice for Quality

TCLP Metals - Sandy Loam 11CRM209-225G• 225 grams• pH 6.36• Extraction Fluid 1TCLP Metals - Loamy Sand 2CRM213-225G• 225 grams• pH 6.34• Extraction Fluid 1TCLP Metals - Sandy Loam 12CRM210-225G• 225 grams• pH 4.93• Extraction Fluid 1TCLP Metals - Sandy Loam 6CRM215-225G• 225 grams• pH 6.58• Certified for both Extraction Fluids 1 & 2TCLP Metals - Sandy Loam 13TCLP Metals - Sandy Loam 8CRMCRM211-225G• 225 grams• pH 6.78• Extraction Fluid 1CRM217-225G• 225 grams• pH 6.26• Extraction Fluid 1TCLP Metals - Loamy Sand 1CRM212-225G• 225 grams• pH 6.75• Extraction Fluid 1TCLP Metals - Loam 1CRM218-225G• 225 grams• pH 3.17• Extraction Fluid 2CRM209-225GCRM210-225GCRM211-225GCRM212-225GCRM213-225GCRM215-225G *CRM217-225GCRM218-225GAntimony, Sb 0.0154Arsenic, As 12.3 4.34 4.49 0.295 3.12 3.30 1.84 5.04Barium, Ba 0.265 0.536 0.320 0.716 2.12 16.5 3.43 49.4Cadmium, Cd 4.75 6.60 3.18 0.377 13.1 31.4 8.85 48.6Chromium, Cr 0.243 0.202 0.533 0.0187 0.280 0.912 0.467 0.243Copper, Cu 0.0572Lead, Pb 31.3 115 0.867 4.83 0.565 1.75 6.73Mercury, Hg 0.0662 1.36 1.48 0.198 1.03Molybdenum, Mo 0.641Nickel, Ni 0.0213Selenium, Se 1.68 0.310 7.56 1.31 8.63 40.6Silver, Ag 0.0888 0.0335

TCLP Organics - SoilThe Semi-VOAs/Pesticides in Soil, Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) Certified ReferenceMaterial (CRM) consists of a single glass sample jar containing approximately 225 grams of organiccontaminated soil from a Superfund site in the Western United States. Being a real-world waste samplethe analyst is challenged by the same preparation problems, analytical interferences, etc. as is typical forsimilar matrices received by the laboratory for analysis.CRMRigorous analyses identified, quantified, and certified several compounds which are listed onthe enclosed Certificate of Analysis. The sample has been analyzed in a round-robin to meet therequirements specified by the USEPA and AALA Specification for Production of Natural Matrix ReferenceMaterials RM-03, ISO 34 and 35. The sample is certified for 10 extractable organic analytes using EPAmethods 8081, 8150, and 8270.TCLP Semi-Volatiles - Sludge 1CRM401-225G▪ 225 grams▪ pH 7.03CRM401-225Go-Cresol 888.3CRM402-225GTCLP Semi-Volatiles - Sandy Loam 1CRM402-225G▪ 225 grams▪ pH 6.06m+p Cresol (2123)Total Cresol 2657.82,4-D (164) 67.12,4-Dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT)0.62Lindane 1.05 1.28Hexachloroethane (2.87)Pentachlorophenol 117.12,4,6-Trichlorophenol 58.7Nitrobenzene 12.2All values are given in mg/L. Values in parenthesesare not certified and are given for information only.72 First Choice for Quality

California WETThe following products were collected from Superfund (contaminated) sites in the Western United States andcertified using USEPA SW846 3rd Edition method 1311 Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) andthe California Waste Extraction Method (WET). These methods are designed to replicate natural leaching from acontaminated site.Analysis of eight metals specified by the TCLP was carried out according to USEPA methods 6010 (ICP-EOS),6020 (ICP-MS) and 7000 (AES).WET is an acronym for Waste Extraction Test and is used in the classification of metals as hazardous waste. WET isoften used interchangeably with “STLC” or “soluble” when referring to the amount of a metal that is leachable, i.e.“WET lead.” The correct scientific nomenclature is CAL-WET or California Waste Extraction Test as defined in CCRTitle 22.CRMResults of the WET are compared to the Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC). The WET determines theamount of a specific constituent that can be leached from the soil using a solution designed to simulate landfillleaching.The TCLP is a leaching procedure that uses a slightly less aggressive leaching agent than is used by the WET.CRM206-225GCRM207-225GCRM215-225GCRM218-225GTCLP Metals - Sandy Loam 3CRM206-225G▪ 225 grams▪ pH 6.27Arsenic, As 13.99 9.51 3.30 5.04Barium, Ba 0.38 0.40 16.50 49.4Cadmium, Cd 8.34 7.45 31.40 48.6Chromium, Cr 0.13 1.36 0.91 0.243Lead, Pb 2.16 2.76 0.57 6.73TCLP Metals - Sandy Loam 6CRM215-225G▪ 225 grams▪ pH 6.58Mercury, Hg 0.65 0.02 1.48 1.03Selenium, Se 20.55 20.80 1.31 40.6Silver, Ag 1.04 0.99

Inorganic Properties- SoilChromium (VI) - SoilpH - Sandy ClayCRMCRM041-30GFrom a site located in the Western United States. This CRM meetsthe requirements of NELAC PT Field of Testing, RCRA-Solid Feb-02for Metals. Rigorous analyses identified, quantified, and certifiedChromium VI which is listed on the enclosed Certificate of Analysis.This product was designed, produced, and verified for accuracyand stability as a reference material in accordance with ISO Guides34 and 35. The sample was certified by USEPA SW846, 3rd editionMethod 7196. The sample is suitable for use by this and other similarmethods.▪ Approximately 30 grams▪ Contains 91.4 ppm of Chromium VICRM497-100G▪ pH 5.8pH - Sandy ClayCRM498-100G▪ pH 9.2Nutrients - Clay SoilCRM090-100G▪ 100 gramspH - Loamy SandCRM499-100G▪ pH 9.18Nutrients - Sandy LoamCRM091-100G▪ 100 gramsCyanide - SedimentCRM750-30G▪ 30 grams▪ Cyanide Concentration: 70.2 mg/kgNutrients - SandCRM092-100G▪ 100 gramsCyanide - ClayCRM751-30G▪ 30 grams▪ Cyanide Concentration: 61.4 mg/kgCRM090-100GCRM091-100GCRM092-100GAmmonia as n 743 250 1840Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 14800 9610 12600Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total (TKN) 2530 1540 3610Phosphorus, Total 809 356 447Total Organic Carobn (TOC) 5280 4130 5020Cyanide - Sandy LoamCRM752-30G▪ 30 grams▪ Cyanide Concentration: 83.7 mg/kgAll values are given in mg/kg.74 First Choice for Quality

Anions - Sandy LoamCRM700-50GCRM701-50GCRM702-50GCRM700-50G▪ 50 gramsBromide 152 137 154Chloride 141 348 85.1Fluoride 119 245 51.7Nitrate as N 132 51.8 198Nitrate+Nitrite as N 130 51.0 196Anions - Clay 1CRM701-50G▪ 50 gramsCRMOrthophosphate as P 38.9 73.5 46.5All values are given in mg/kg.Anions - Loamy Sand 1CRM702-50G▪ 50 gramsSulfide - SedimentCRM775-30G▪ 30 grams▪ Sulfide Concentration: 77.5 mg/kgRTCSulfide - ClayCRM776-30G▪ 30 grams▪ Sulfide Concentration: 68.6 mg/kgThe World StandardSulfide - Sandy LoamCRM777-30G▪ 30 grams▪ Sulfide Concentration: 167 mg/kgFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com75

VOCs - Soil (Low Level)CRMCRM627-30GCRM633-30GCRM637-30GCRM639-30GVOCs are a group of more than 40organic compounds, from Acetone toXylene and include some chlorinatedspecies that are to be analyzed by EPAMethod 8260. These natural matrixsoils are composites; they containmost of the VOAs at low levels. Theyare ready for methanol extraction “asis.” These CRMs are shipped with acold pack to ensure maximum stabilityand have a shelf life of 12 monthsfrom receipt by the customer.Analytical data for certification wasobtained using USEPA SW846, 3rdedition method 8260 (VOCs by GC/MS). The standards are intended foruse in analytical systems using theseand related methods.VOCs - Clay Loam 3▪ 30 gramsVOCs - Sandy Loam 3▪ 30 gramsVOCs - Sandy Loam 5▪ 30 gramsVOCs - Silty Clay 2▪ 30 gramsAll values are given in µg/Kg.Values in parentheses arenot certified and are given forinformation only.Acetone 275 411 313 474T-amylmethylethr (TAME) 74.0Benzene 83.5 52.2 71.9 136Bromobenzene 69.4 153 79.8 60.3Bromodichloromethane 37.8 65.1 136 57.4Bromoform 94.7 68.42-Butanone (Methyl ethyl ketone, MEK) 219 330 405 414Carbon tetrachloride 33.6 145 123 170Chlorobenzene 112 158 141 168Chloroethane 92.2 144 1412-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether 18.9Chloroform 98.1 120 159Dibromochloromethane 183 104Dibromomethane 154 27 123 47.81,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 78.5 98.4 1161,2-Dibromoethane (EDB,Ethylene dibromide) 178 158 106 1841,2-Dichlorobenzene 63.5 49.9 40.9 1301,3-Dichlorobenzene 165 68.3 176 65.71,4-Dichlorobenzene 108 40 52.8 76.71,1-Dichloroethane 113 35.8 80.41,2-Dichloroethane 157 31.6 49.4 48.81,1-Dichloroethylene 148 132 89.5 47.2cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 169 81.3 168 1721,2-Dichloropropane 177 37.2 116 76.4cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 103 183 190trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 117 141 96.1trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 60.3 49.6 93.3 92.8Ethylbenzene 45.3 56.6 176 135Hexachloroethane 75.12-Hexanone 336 433 405 371Isopropylbenzene 77.3 106 182 126Methyl Bromide 112 79.3 74.7 120Methyl Chloride 99.5 92.4Methylene Chloride 108 60.2 1594-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 346 373 259 263Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 93.4 82.3 75.6 132Napththalene 179 94.8 136 149Styrene 110 91.9 100 1161,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 120 156 35.51,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 46.2 107Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) 35.6 131 132 84.1Toluene 132 86.2 144 1141,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 66.7 83.8 1461,1,1-Trichloroethane 153 38.8 1821,1,2-Trichloroethane 35.3 127 188 136Trichloroethene (Trichloroethylene) 188 173 64.8Trichlorofluoromethane 90.1 102 138 1581,2,3-Trichloropropane 96.8 134 80.5 1401,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 140 132 185 50.71,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 144 190 43.8 155Vinylchloride 45.8 63.2 152 109m+p-Xylene 158 110 152 175o-Xylene 94.3 47.7 112 125Xylene, total 245 158 248 289CRM627-30GCRM633-30GCRM637-30GCRM639-30G76 First Choice for Quality

VOCs - Soil (High Level)Acetone 8620 27900 20200Acrolein (Propenal) 1080Benzene 7750 5110 5390 4610Bromobenzene 7660 3810 3660 3650Bromodichloromethane 2490 3500 3870 7950Bromoform 8840 71002-Butanone 20900 15800 11100 18400Carbon Tetrachloride 3050 3110 6910Chlorobenzene 5730 4740 9080 3420Chloroethane 4010 4060 29602-Chloroethyl vinyl ether 923Chloroform 5790 8260 58001,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5200 5280 5730 7730Dibromochloromethane 8680 3320 25801,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 7190 6300Dibromomethane 8620 7950 6240 70101,2-Dichlorobenzene 2460 5330 9130 74401,3-Dichlorobenzene 7150 6440 3600 40201,4-Dichlorobenzene 5850 5680 3320 23701,1-Dichloroethane 2270 5770 63901,2-Dichloroethane 8210 8540 7970 85001,1-Dichloroethylene 9860 5310 5780 7200cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 7810 9050 5050 54601,2-Dichloropropane 8690 7800 6900cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 7960 6640trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 4300 6690trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 9050 6720 9380 6360Ethylbenzene 7770 6150 6480 5490Hexachloroethane 20302-Hexanone 16800 11700 15800 15800Isopropylbenzene 5800 5440 8520 4430Methyl Bromide 5010 1980 5020 1410Methyl Chloride 2480 3620 4400Methylene Chloride 6220 1970 91304-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 5690 10700 10600 13900Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 3340 6600 3060 5450Naphthalene 4830 6780 6250 6090Styrene 4780 7070 5650 63701,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 5580 5280 32201,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 4060 7070 4110Tetrachloroethylene 4460 8430 7200Toluene 8180 4840 8060 27001,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 6160 8400 2960 33401,1,1-Trichloroethane 5830 9380 76501,1,2-Trichloroethane 2050 2260 2940Trichloroethene 7470 7620Trichlorofluoromethane 5140 8280 8400 53401,2,3-Trichloropropane 2820 8850 3490 73301,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 4670 7650 11400 137001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 6140 12000 18800 16300Vinyl chloride 1560 5360 8370 5320m+p-Xylene 9940 8920 11500 9960o-Xylene 8350 2680 2790 3630Xylene, total 18200 11300 14500 13800CRM608-25GCRM636-25GCRM638-25GCRM640-25GVOCs - Sandy Loam 1CRM608-25G▪ 25 gramsVOCs - Sandy Loam 2CRM636-25G▪ 25 gramsVOCs - Sandy Loam 4CRM638-25G▪ 25 gramsVOCs - Silty Clay 1CRM640-25G▪ 25 gramsAll values are given in µg/Kg.Values in parentheses are notcertified and are given forinformation only.Did You KnowAs an ISO/IEC 17025accredited laboratory, youshould use calibrationsstandards that have beencertified by “a ReferenceMaterial Producer accredited toISO Guide 34 in combinationwith ISO/IEC 17025”.CRMFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com77

BNAs - SoilCRM101-100GCRM104-50GCRM106-100GCRM107-100GCRM109-100GCRMBNAs - API Separator Sludge 1CRM101-100GOily sludge from refinery located in theWestern United States.▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.69PAH - Sediment 1CRM104-50GFrom the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River(Chesapeake Bay Area).▪ 50 grams▪ pH 7.19BNAs - Sandy Loam 8CRM106-100GFrom a site in the Western United States.▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.72BNAs/Pesticides - SandyCRM107-100GFrom Superfund site in the Western United States.▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.83BNAs - Sandy Loam 1CRM109-100GFrom a site in the Western United States.▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.70Acenaphthene 8.580 61.9 4.31Acenaphthylene 5.20Anthracene 5.950Benzo(a)anthracene 1.690Benzo(b)fluoranthene 4.740Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.050Benzo(a)pyrene 3.020bis(2-Chloroethoxy) Methane 7.090bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether 6.960bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 10.70 24.1 38.5 8.994-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1.860Butyl benzyl phthalate 1.5504-Chloro-3-methylphenol 2.062-Chloronaphthalene 4.4502-Chlorophenol 8.50 17.8 37.54-Chlorophenyl phenylether 10.70Chrysene 10.6Dibenzofuran 7.240 40.1 2.271,2-Dichlorobenzene 7.2101,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.4702,6-Dichlorophenol 4.060Di-n-butyl phthalate 11.702,4-Dichlorophenol 0.23Diethyl phthalate 2.240Di-n-octyl phthalate 12.602,4-Dinitrophenol 3.05 3.90 9.032,4-Dinitrotoluene 5.060 29.3 43.1 5.242,6-Dinitrotoluene 5.730 16.6Fluoranthene 0.453 19.2 (0.16)Fluorene 68.4 8.660 30.8 3.10Hexachlorobenzene 5.480 42.9 4.15Hexachlorobutadiene 5.430Hexachlorocycleopentadience 6.550Hexachloroethane 4.510 2.31Isophorone 9.0602-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol 7.9202-Methylnaphthalene 250 3.402-Methylphenol 8.1904-Methylphenol 7.810 1.713+4-Methylphenol 9.270Naphthalene 89.5 2.790 36.8 1.002-Nitroaniline 15.1 6.783-Nitroaniline 11.6 4.27 (0.7)Nitrobenzene 2.470 35.02-Nitrophenol 6.590 15.14-Nitrophenol 6.810 15.2 70.8 1.67n-Nitrosodimethylamine 1.720n-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 6.510Pentachlorophenol 29.9 25.0 7.18Phenanthrene 169 5.570 0.630Phenol (30.9) 7.930 19.5Pyrene 17.4 3.0401,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 9.4302,4,5-Trichlorophenol 10.10All values are given in mg/Kg. Values in parentheses are not certified and are given forinformation only.78 First Choice for Quality

BNAs are a group of more than 60 organic compounds, including PAHs and related structures. The group is also commonly referred toas SVOCs. The analysis of BNAs is described in EPA Method 8270.RTC offers an extensive range of CRMs for BNA analysis, including sludges, sediments and all major soil types. These natural matrixCRMs were collected from various sites across the western United States.Analytical data for certification was obtained using USEPA SW846, 3rd edition extraction methods3540B/3541 (soxhlet) and 3550A (sonication). Analysis was carried out according to USEPA method 8270 (Semi-volatile organics byGC/MS). The standards are intended for use in analytical systems using these and related methods.CRM110-100GAcenaphthene 55.6 21.3AnthraceneBenzo(a)anthracene 11.5Benzo(b)fluoranthene 3.53Benzo(k)fluorantheneBenzo(g,h,i)perylene 6.68Benzo(a)pyrene 3.17 33.8bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 13.1 36.0 0.9674-Bromophenyl phenyl etherButyl benzyl phthalate4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4.942-Chlorophenol 21.4 2.38 30.74-Chlorophenyl phenyletherChrysene 7.21Dibenz(a,h) anthraceneDibenzofuran 47.8 6.911,2-DichlorobenzeneDi-n-butyl phthalate2,4-Dichlorophenol 2.53 24.6Diethyl phthalateDi-n-octyl phthalate2,4-Dinitrophenol 9.98 (0.65) 1.642,4-Dinitrotoluene 44.6 33.7 16.0 30.22,6-Dinitrotoluene 19.4 15.4Fluoranthene 11.8 56.1 6.51 54.4Fluorene 14.2 21.4 8.41 25.4Hexachlorobenzene 71.3 23.1 14.3 77.1Hexachloroethane 8.79 7.51 1.65 11.02-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol 4.751- and 2-Methylnapthalene 61.32-Methylnaphthalene4-Methylphenol 7.553+4-Methylphenol 4.00Naphthalene 30.3 10.82-Nitroaniline 46.3 30.0 14.53-Nitroaniline (3.53) 5.85 0.975 29.24-Nitroaniline 26.2Nitrobenzene 15.1 30.7 5.88 29.92-Nitrophenol 4.334-Nitrophenol 8.70 5.66 4.56 45.4Pentachlorophenol 27.1 22.0 5.05 30.9PhenanthrenePhenol 13.9 2.45Pyrene 37.0 9.20CRM111-100GCRM112-100GCRM113-100GCRM114-100GBNAs - Sandy Loam 2CRM110-100GFrom a site in the Western United States.▪ 100 grams▪ pH 5.58BNAs - Sandy Loam 3CRM111-100GFrom a site in the Rocky Mountain Region of the United States.▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.36BNAs - Sandy Loam 10CRM112-100GFrom a wood-treating site in the Western United States.▪ 100 grams▪ pH 6.96BNAs - Loamy Sand 1CRM113-100GFrom a site in the Western United States.▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.95BNAs - Loam 1CRM114-100GFrom a site in the Western United States.▪ 100 grams▪ pH 8.47CRMAll values are given in mg/Kg. Values in parentheses are not certified and are given forinformation only.For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com79

BNAs - Loam 2CRM116-100G▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.44BNAs - Loam 3CRM125-100G▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.04BNAs - Sandy Loam 5BNAs - Clay Loam 1CRMCRM118-100G▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.44BNAs- Sandy Loam 6CRM126-100G▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.04BNAs - Clay Loam 2CRM119-100G▪ 100 grams▪ pH 5.29CRM131-100G▪ 100 grams▪ Certified bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane concentration0.878 mg/Kg▪ Certified bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether concentration1.23 mg/KgBNAs - Sandy Loam 7CRM121-100G▪ 100 grams▪ pH 6.82BNAs - Silty Clay 1CRM135-100G▪ Particle Size

CRM116-100GCRM118-100GCRM119-100GCRM121-100GCRM122-100GAcenaphthene 6.15 7.92 4.77 4.31 3.63 7.52 2.12 4.25 0.26 1.39 0.17 4.25 2.74Acenaphthylene 7.8 7.91 4.52 1.01 7.24 1.21 6.95Aniline 2.31Anthracene 6.15 8.35 3.9 1.23 6.94 1.19 0.28 0.389 0.85 0.43 1.79 7.16Benzo(a)anthracene 5.25 4.52 8.38 0.63 4.06 3.52 0.84 0.63 3.05Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.57 3.93 0.62 1.56 0.44 0.62 5.37Benzo(b+k)fluoranthene 1.29 1.10Benzo(k)fluoranthene 6.05 8.99 1.09 1.78 0.72 3.82 0.66 0.72 3.69Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 5.82 2.83 0.57 4.72 0.57 2.25Benzo(a)pyrene 7.83 6.43 1.18 7.77 1.56 0.406 0.35 0.28 5.65Benzoic acid 1.9Benzyl alcohol 3.33 7.1 1.56 7.1bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) 9.51 8.8 5.6 8.9 3.09 4.88 0.89 4.88 2.074-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 9.92 11.8 10.3 13 8.04 10.6 1.42 5.26 6.46 10.6Butyl benzyl phthalate 14.2 2.27 5.13 7.29 2.78 3.13 7.47 6.31Carbazole 0.15 (

PAHs - SoilPAHs (Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons) are a group of related structures. The analysis of PAHs is described in EPA Method8310 & 8270.RTC offers an extensive range of CRMs for PAH analysis, including sludges, sediments and all major soil types. These naturalmatrix CRMs were collected from various sites across the western United States.CRMAnalytical data for certification was obtained using USEPA SW846, 3rd edition extraction methods 3540B/3541 (soxhlet) and3550A (sonication). Analysis was carried out according to USEPA method 8310 & 8270. The standards are intended for use inanalytical systems using these and related methods.PAHs - Loamy Sand 1CRM115-100G▪ 100 grams▪ pH 6.80PAHs - Loamy Sand 2CRM171-100G▪ 100 gramsPAH - Loamy Clay 1CRM141-50G▪ 50 gramsPAHs - Sandy Loam SoilCRM172-100G▪ 100 gramsPAHs - Silty Loam SoilCRM142-100G▪ 100 gramsPAHs - Clay SoilCRM170-100G▪ 100 gramsAll values are given in mg/Kg. Valuesin parentheses are not certified andare given for information only.CRM115-100GCRM141-50GCRM142-100GCRM170-100GCRM171-100GCRM172-100GAcenaphthene 4.60 0.693 0.118 0.271 0.133 0.095Acenaphthylene 0.176 0.0534 0.0816 0.112 0.056Anthracene (0.04) 0.393 0.109 0.219 0.029 0.02Benzo(a)anthracene 12.1 0.409 0.356 0.0602 0.086 0.303Benzo(a)pyrene 0.198 0.120 0.207 0.012 0.034Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.93 0.364 0.257 0.196 0.138 0.177Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.618 0.569 0.335 0.347 0.452Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.253 0.327 0.213 0.214 0.063Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (0.30)Chrysene 16.8 0.316 0.295 0.129 0.181 0.154Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 0.451 0.320 0.389 0.045 0.289Dibenzofuran 10.6Fluoranthene 22.1 0.176 0.507 0.148 0.213 0.634Fluorene 13.0 0.338 0.126 0.347 0.131 0.066Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.394 0.316 0.159 0.228 0.179Naphthalene 1.34 0.188 0.378 0.223 0.140Phenanthrene 0.08 0.719 0.532 0.716 0.387 0.168Pyrene 7.66 0.331 0.272 0.165 0.177 86.582 First Choice for Quality

BTEX - SoilCRM304-30GCRM305-30GCRM306-30GCRM307-30GCRM308-30GCRM309-30GCRM500-30GCRM501-30GCRM502-30GCRM504-30GCRM513-30GBenzene 3.57 57.5 20.2 4.24 4.15 2.30 9.03 10.5 8.79 22.5 5.111,2-Dichlorobenzene 6.401,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.501,4-Dichlorobenzene 5.67Ethylbenzene 8.73 3.49 40.1 6.54 1.55 6.13 6.16 9.63 5.77 16.5 3.86Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 31.6 9.45 5.43 4.72 5.07Naphthalene 3.56 3.20 1.51 3.94Toluene 3.84 15.5 51.4 2.79 4.94 5.19 30.1 42.6 27.4 76.9 18.61,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 2.19 5.101,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.75 2.69m+p Xylene 2.43 42.7 30.4 6.30 5.17 7.24 25.3 34.2 70.7 14.5o-Xylene 2.40 23.2 33.6 3.19 2.32 6.44 9.23 12.6 8.66 26.1 5.70Xylene, total 7.02 66.7 65.6 9.82 7.39 12.1 34.5 46.3 33.0 92.9 18.7Gasoline range organics (GRO) 65.5 235 334 480 357 886 242Total Purgeable Hydrocarbons 62.5 67.3All values are given in mg/Kg. Values in parentheses are not certified and are given for information only.BTEX is an acronymfor benzene, toluene,ethylbenzene and xylene.This group of volatileorganic compounds (VOCs)are found in petroleumhydrocarbons, suchas gasoline, and othercommon environmentalcontaminants. Gasolinerange organics are definedas having a hydrocarbonrange from C 6to C 12and aboiling range from60°C to 220°C.The following CRMs werecertified using EPA SW8463rd Edition Methods8020 (GC-PID), 8021(halogenated volatilesby GC) and 8260 (VOCsby GC-MS). Shippedovernight oncold packs.CRMBTEX - Clay 1CRM304-30G▪ 30 gramsBTEX - Clay 2CRM309-30G▪ 30 gramsBTEX - Silt Loam 1CRM305-30G▪ 30 gramsBTEX/GRO - Sandy Loam 1CRM500-30G▪ 30 gramsBTEX - Soil 3CRM306-30G▪ 30 gramsBTEX/GRO - Loamy Clay 2CRM501-30G▪ 30 gramsBTEX/GRO - Loamy Clay 1CRM307-30G▪ 30 gramsBTEX/GRO - Clay 1CRM502-30G▪ 30 gramsBTEX - Loamy Sand 1CRM308-30G▪ 30 gramsBTEX/GRO - Sandy Loam 2CRM513-30G▪ 30 gramsFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com83

Diesel - SoilThese CRMs have been analyzed using EPA Method 8015M (Diesel range TPH Screening),a GC-FID procedure that allows the reporting of a specific carbon range.Diesel - Sandy Loam 4Diesel - Clay Loam 1CRMCRM354-100G▪ Certified DRO Concentration (C 10- C 20) - 728 mg/Kg▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.65CRM558-100G▪ Certified TPH (C 6- C 35) - 591 mg/Kg▪ Certified DRO Concentration (C 10- C 28) - 544 mg/Kg▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.81Diesel - Soil 1CRM550-100G▪ Certified DRO Concentration (C 12- C 28) - 963 mg/Kg▪ 100 gramsDiesel - Soil 4CRM560-100G▪ Certified DRO Concentration - 485 mg/Kg▪ 100 gramsDRO - Soil 3CRM555-100G▪ Certified TPH (C 6- C 35) - 244 mg/Kg▪ Certified DRO Concentration (C 12- C 28) - 144 mg/Kg▪ 100 gramsTPH - SoilTPH - Sandy Clay Loam 1CRM350-100G▪ Certified TPH Concentration - 8300 mg/Kg▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.50▪ TPH Source: Diesel 2TPH - Sandy Loam 3CRM353-100G▪ Certified TPH Concentration - 2200 mg/Kg▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.46▪ TPH Source: Diesel 2TPH - Loamy Sand 1CRM352-100G▪ Certified TPH Concentration - 1940 mg/Kg▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.50▪ TPH Source: Light Refinery OilTPH - Sandy Loam 1CRM355-100G▪ Certified TPH Concentration - 7040 mg/Kg▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.51▪ TPH Source: Gasoline/Diesel84 First Choice for Quality

The control of pollution caused by leaking underground fuel storage tanks is an increasingly important aspect of environmentalanalysis. For this reason, a comprehensive range of CRMs intended for method validation, method development or matrix recoveryapplications are available. This range of matrix CRMs was designed to include most common soil types and analytes found in fuels.They are supported by a comprehensive range of calibration standards, proficiency testing standards and Quality Control <strong>Standards</strong>.TPH is an acronym for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons. It is a measure of the total amount of fuel present in the standard, i.e., TPHgasolineor TPH-diesel. TPH results can be quantified or calculated as either as specific fuels types, i.e. TPH as diesel, crude or gasoline,or as specific carbon ranges, i.e. C 10-C 25.The following products are CRMs certified using data obtained by analysis using EPA Method 418.1, (TPH by Infrared) and are typicalof contamination that is found in backfill soil surrounding a leaking underground storage tank.TPH - Loamy Sand 2TPH - Loamy Sand 1CRM356-100G▪ Certified TPH - 3810 mg/Kg▪ Certified DRO Concentration (C 10- C 28) - 611 mg/Kg▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.65▪ TPH Source: Diesel 3TPH - Sandy Loam 2CRM357-100G▪ Certified TPH - 3220 mg/Kg▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.67▪ TPH Source: Gasoline/DieselCRM371-100G▪ ▪ Certified TPH Concentration - 1300 mg/Kg▪ SpeciationC9 to C12 Aliphatics 105 mg/KgC12 to C16 Aliphatics 369 mg/KgC16 to C21 Aliphatics 317 mg/KgC21 to C40 Aliphatics 44.7 mg/KgC12 to C16 Aromatics 152 mg/KgC16 to C21 Aromatics 205 mg/KgC21 to C35 Aromatics 318 mg/Kg▪ Certified by FC-FID/MS▪ 100 gramsCRMTPH - Sandy Loam 3CRM358-100G▪ Certified TPH Concentration - 3650 mg/Kg▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.67TPH - Clay Loam 1CRM359-100G▪ Certified TPH Concentration - 1110 mg/Kg▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.31▪ TPH Source: Diesel 2TPH - Sand 1CRM372-100G▪ ▪ Certified TPH Concentration - 2020 mg/Kg▪ SpeciationC10 to C12 Aliphatics 70.9 mg/KgC12 to C16 Aliphatics 314 mg/KgC16 to C21 Aliphatics 209 mg/KgC21 to C35 Aliphatics 460 mg/KgC10 to C12 Aromatics 17.1 mg/KgC12 to C16 Aromatics 112 mg/KgC16 to C21 Aromatics 96.2 mg/KgC21 to C35 Aromatics 39.4 mg/Kg▪ Certified by FC-FID/MS▪ 100 gramsTPH - Sandy Loam 4CRM360-100G▪ Certified RRO Concentration (C 25- C 36) - 414 mg/Kg▪ 100 grams▪ TPH Source: 30WT Motor OilTPH - Sea Sediment 1CRM361-100G▪ Certified TPH Concentration - 695 mg/Kg▪ 100 gramsTPH - Clay Soil (TPH Banded)CRM373-100G▪ ▪ Certified TPH Concentration - 1050 mg/Kg▪ SpeciationC10 to C12 Aliphatics 93.6 mg/KgC12 to C16 Aliphatics 302 mg/KgC16 to C21 Aliphatics 205 mg/KgC21 to C35 Aliphatics 539 mg/KgC10 to C12 Aromatics 36.8 mg/KgC12 to C16 Aromatics 151 mg/KgC16 to C21 Aromatics 86.8 mg/KgC21 to C35 Aromatics 26.7 mg/Kg▪ Certified by FC-FID/MS▪ 100 gramsFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com85

Pesticides - SoilFor many years, the analysis of soil for pesticide residues has been an important part of the workload of environmental laboratories.As a result, RTC has developed a comprehensive program of CRMs.These CRMs are natural matrix, real-world and are not fortified in any way. Analytical data for certification was obtained using USEPASW846, 3rd edition extraction methods 3540B/3541 (soxhlet) and 3550A (sonication). Analysis was carried out according to USEPAmethod 8081 (Pesticides by GC). The standards are intended for use in analytical systems using these and related methods.CRMBNAs/Pesticides/Expl -Sandy Loam 9CRM107-100GFrom a Superfund site in the Western United States.▪ Also certifed for BNAs.▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.83See Page 80 for BNA values.Pesticides - Sandy Loam 1CRM804-50GFrom an agricultural region of the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 7.61Pesticides - Sandy Loam 2CRM805-50GFrom an agricultural region of the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 7.78Pesticides - Loam 1CRM818-50GFortified to meet the requirements of NELAC Fields of Testing,RCRA Solid.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 6.65CRM107-100GCRM804-50GCRM805-50GCRM818-50GAldrin 18 204alpha-BHC 370beta-BHC 235delta-BHC 339gamma-BHC (Lindane) 34300 491 10600 374alpha-Chlordane 316gamma-Chlordane 1732,4-D 229004,4’-DDD 11100 1530 19500 2924,4’-DDE 1520 18600 94.24,4’-DDT 38500 1060 786 334Dalapon 8090Dicamba 28400Dieldrin 10800 1860 104Endosulfan I 1460 6900 308Endosulfan II 1130 5940 133Endosulfan sulfate 384Endrin 62.2 13000 373Endrin aldehyde 95.5 210Endrin ketone 170Heptachlor 111Heptachlor epoxide 327Methoxychlor 15800 3182,4,5-T 15000Aroclor-1248 (1570)All values are given in µg/Kg. Values in parenthesesare not certified and are given for information only.86 First Choice for Quality

Pesticides - Loamy Sand 1CRM846-50GFortified to meet the requirements of NELAC Fields of Testing,RCRA Solid.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 7.12Pesticides - Clay Loam 1CRM847-50GFortified to meet the requirements of NELAC Fields of Testing,RCRA Solid.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 7.38CRMCRM824-50GCRM828-50GCRM846-50GCRM847-50GCRM860-50GAldrin 126 63.8 115alpha-BHC 361 338 256 225 115beta-BHC 382 272 327 92.4 109delta-BHC 100 67.6 65.7gamma-BHC (Lindane) 371 384 147 340alpha-Chlordane 98.3 74.0gamma-Chlordane 376 1014,4’-DDD 367 397 259 228 1164,4’-DDE 396 293 243 218 70.84,4’-DDT 363 302 190 172 49.4Dieldrin 225 290 125 79.7Endosulfan I 361 170 187 160 91.5Endosulfan II 340 223 119 233 111Endosulfan sulfate 327 319 160 270 58.6Endrin 358 336 222 377 75.3Endrin aldehyde 398 (

OP Pesticides - SoilAnalytical data for certification was obtained using USEPA SW846, 3rd edition extraction methods 3540B/3541 (soxhlet) and 3550A(sonication). Analysis was carried out according to USEPA method 8141A (Organophosphorus pesticides by capillary column GC). Thestandards are intended for use in analytical systems using these and related methods.Traceability established through an unbroken chain of commparisons.CRMOP Pesticide - Sandy Loam 1CRM821-50G▪ 50 grams▪ pH 8.17OP Pesticides - Silt Loam 1CRM837-50G▪ 50 grams▪ pH 7.83OP Pesticides - Sandy Loam 2CRM827-50G▪ 50 grams▪ pH 6.63OP Pesticides - Sediment 1CRM851-50G▪ 50 grams▪ pH 6.79CRM821-50GCRM827-50GCRM837-50GCRM851-50GAzinphos-methyl (Guthion) 792 1520 299 1760Chlorfenvinphos 186 1760Chlorpyrifos 150 292Demeton-o 710Demeton-s 525Diazinon 509 3760 624 217Dichlorovos (DDVP, Dichlorvos) 887Disulfoton 117 5180EPN 508 553Ethoprop 328 300Fenthion 311Malathion 277 8020 706 4140Parathion, methyl 629 (

Pesticides/PCBsCNS312-050CNS329-50GCNS391-50GPAHs (µg/Kg)Acenaphthene 2990 29.9Acenaphthylene 2420 53.4Anthracene 1670 15.0Benzo(a)anthracene 1450 338Benzo(a)pyrene 872 65.3Benzo(b)fluoranthene 241 210Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 835 139Benzo(k)fluoranthene 678 300Chrysene 1120 376Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 407 294Fluoranthene 4190 557Fluorene 2010 408Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 540 235Naphthalene 2580 464Phenanthrene 462 660Pyrene 4170 331PAH10 (VROM 10) 13800 3190PAH16 (EPA 16) 25100 4440PCBs (µg/Kg)PCB 28 205 54.1 44.9PCB 52 263 230 64.6PCB 101 257 390 45.7PCB 118 73.6 175 24.0PCB 138 136 226 63.0PCB 153 214 133 41.3PCB 180 232 104 54.7Total PCB 1350 1330 334Pesticides (µg/Kg)2,4-DDD 625 15.52,4-DDE 258 39.52,4-DDT 223 43.04,4'-DDD 809 13.94,4'-DDE 229 18.84,4-DDT 23.5 10.2Aldrin 221 16.2alpha-BHC 137 37.1beta-BHC 111 21.1gamma-BHC (Lindane) 578 9.50Dieldrin 569 25.7Endosulfan I 296 14.2Endrin 336 10.4Hexachlorobenzene 689 36.5Heptachlor 197 6.54Heptachlor epoxide (beta) 104 33.1Flame Retardants (µg/Kg)PBDE 47 149PBDE 99 192PBDE 100 108PBDE 153 160PBDE 154 108PBDE 183 52.6PBDE 209 (81.7)Values in parentheses are not certifiedand are given for information only.The following products were designed, produced andverified for accuracy and stability under a CooperativeResearch and Development Agreement (CRADA) betweenRTC (USA & UK), Waterdienst, (the Dutch Centre forWater Management and formerly known as RIZA) andC.N. Schmidt B.V., Netherlands, a member of the Brenntaggroup of companies. Waterdienst is accredited to ISO17025 and ILAC G13 2007: all of their participatinglaboratories are either accredited to ISO 17025 or workingtowards accreditation to that standard.In Europe, PCB analysis is aimed at 7 “marker” congeners:PCB 28, PCB 52, PCB 101, PCB 118, PCB 138, PCB 153and PCB 180. To meet market needs, RTC has introducedthree Congener PCB CRMs.PAHs, PCBs & Pesticides onSewage SludgeCNS312-050The Reference Values were determined by GC-MS, ECD (USEPA 8270and Dutch standard methods NEN 5771, 5718 and 5719).▪ Particle Size Distribution: 200 micron to 1 mm▪ 50 grams▪ pH 6.54PCBs & PBDEs on Fresh WaterSandy Loam SedimentCNS329-50GThe Reference Values were determined by GC-MS, ECD (USEPA 1614and ISO 22032).▪ Particle Size Distribution: 200 micron to 1 mm▪ 50 grams▪ pH 6.6PAHs, PCBs & Pesticides onFresh Water SedimentCNS391-50GThe Reference Values were determined by GC-MS, ECD (USEPA 8270and Dutch standard methods NEN 5771, 5718 and 5719).▪ Particle Size Distribution: 200 micron to 1 mm▪ 50 grams▪ pH 6.54▪ Sandy Loam SedimentCRMFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com89

Herbicides - SoilAnalytical data for Certification wasobtained using USEPA SW846, 3rd editionextraction methods 3540B/3541 (soxhlet)and 3550A (sonication).CRMAnalysis was carried out according toUSEPA method 8270 (Semi-volatileOrganics by GC/MS). The standards areintended for use in analytical systemsusing these and related methods.Herbicides - Soil 2CRM823-50GFortified to meet the requirements of NELAC Fieldsof Testing RCRA Solid▪ 50 gramsHerbicides - Sandy Loam 1CRM803-50GContaminated with herbicides from an agriculturalregion of the Western United States.▪ 50 grams▪ pH 7.38Herbicides - Silty Loam 1CRM831-50GFortified to meet the requirements of NELAC Fieldsof Testing RCRA Solid▪ 50 grams▪ pH 8.17Herbicides - Loam 1CRM808-50GFortified to meet the requirements of NELAC Fieldsof Testing RCRA Solid▪ 50 grams▪ pH 6.59Herbicides - Loamy Sand 1CRM810-50GFortified to meet the requirements of NELAC Fieldsof Testing RCRA Solid▪ 50 grams▪ pH 6.59Herbicides - Loam 2CRM817-50GFortified to meet the requirements of NELAC Fieldsof Testing RCRA Solid▪ 50 grams▪ pH 5.27CRM803-50GAcifluorfen (15100)Bentazon (

Chlordane/ToxapheneBoth toxaphene and chlordane are known to be bioaccumulative. Testing of soil for both pesticides ismandatory in many parts of the world.These CRMs are natural matrix, real-world and are not fortified in any way. Analytical data forcertification was obtained using USEPA SW846, 3rd edition extraction methods 3540B/3541 (soxhlet) and3550A (sonication). Analysis was carried out according to USEPA method 8081 (Pesticides by GC). Thestandards are intended for use in analytical systems using these and related methods.ChlordaneCRMCharacteristic Concentration pH Catalog # QuantityChlordane - Loamy Sand 1 7190 µg/Kg 7.92 CRM806-100G 100 gChlordane - Sandy Loam 1 205 µg/Kg 7.35 CRM812-50G 50 gChlordane - Sandy Loam 2 392 µg/Kg 6.73 CRM825-50G 50 gChlordane - Sediment 1 235 µg/Kg 6.57 CRM852-50G 50 gChlordane is an insecticide used in fire antcontrol, on lawns and on a variety of crops. Theterm chlordane refers to a complex mixture ofchlordane isomers,other chlorinatedhydrocarbons andby-products. In mosttemperate climates,only the two chlordaneisomers, alpha andgamma chlordane, generally exist in theenvironment. The half-life of chlordane ismore than 20 years.Toxaphene is a persistent organic insecticideand acaricide that is most often used in cottoncultivation. Toxaphene is not a single compoundbut a mixture of over 177 congeners, some ofwhich are reportedto change over time,depending on storageand ground conditions.The production oftoxaphene was haltedmore than 20 years ago;however half-life of toxaphene in soil isbelieved to exceed 12 years.ToxapheneCharacteristic Concentration pH Catalog # QuantityToxaphene - Sandy Loam 1 254 µg/Kg 6.98 CRM813-50G 50 gToxaphene - Soil 2 257 µg/Kg CRM826-50G 50 gToxaphene - Silt Loam 1 221 µg/Kg 8.43 CRM829-50G 50 gToxaphene - Sediment 1 198 µg/Kg 7.34 CRM850-50G 50 gToxaphene - Clay 1 306 µg/Kg 7.10 CRM853-50G 50 gFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com91

Explosives - SoilThe demand for CRMs containing explosive and other nitro residues in soil has grown rapidly over the last 5 years, driven byboth concerns over terrorist activity and an increasing worldwide concern about soil pollution found in former military bases andmunitions factories. This range of natural matrix CRMs is unique. It covers the three main soil types: loam, sand and clay and thekey markers of pollution by explosives.Analytical data for certification was obtained using USEPA SW846, 3rd edition extraction methods 3540B/3541 (soxhlet) and 3550A(sonication). Analysis was carried out according to USEPA method 8330 (Nitroaromatics & Nitroamines by HPLC). The standards areintended for use in analytical systems using these and related methods.CRMBNAs/Pesticides/Nit/Nit -Sandy Loam 9Nitroaromatics/Nitrosamine -Loamy Sand 1CRM107-100GFrom a Superfund site in the Western United States.▪ 100 grams▪ pH 7.83Nitroaromatics/Nitrosamine -Sandy Loam 1CRM128-10GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 10 grams▪ pH 7.25Nitroaromatics/Nitrosamine -Clay Loam 1CRM130-10GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 10 grams▪ pH 7.31Nitroaromatics/Nitrosamine -Sediment 1CRM132-10GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 10 grams▪ pH 7.50Nitroaromatics/Nitrosamine -Clay Loam 2CRM133-10GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 10 grams▪ pH 7.49CRM137-10GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 10 grams▪ pH 7.00Nitroaromatics/Nitrosamine -Silty Loam 1CRM138-10GFrom a site located in the Western United States.▪ 10 grams▪ pH 7.67CRM107-100GCRM128-10G1,3-DNB 12.4 2.83 12.3 1.722,4-DNT 43.1 33.9 9.42 16.0 4.62 5.222,6-DNT 8.82 8.10 4.86 20.2 1.57 6.782,4,6-TNT 13.8 5.02Nitroglycerin 7.202-Amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene 2.96 6.864-Amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene 1.02 1.83 3.102-NT 16.1 82.9 5.41 19.7 3.65 6.853-NT 18.4 39.3 8.77 6.47 3.13 6.094-NT 32.1 3.68 10.7 7.89NB 35.0 10.4 36.1 3.61 7.46 4.88 7.06HMX 1.58 2.00 1.96Tetryl 1.96RDX 2.27 1.16All values are given in mg/Kg.CRM130-10GCRM132-10GCRM133-10GCRM137-10GCRM138-10G92 First Choice for Quality

PCBsPCBs, also referred to by the trade names Aroclor, Phenoclor and Kanechlor, are a family of chlorinated compounds that comprise209 congeners, with different physical and chemical characteristics. Most PCB mixtures are oily liquids whose color darkens andviscosity increases with rising chlorine content. PCBs with fewer chlorine atoms are more soluble, more amenable to chemical andbiological degradation, and less persistent in the environment than those PCBs with more chlorine atoms. PCBs are thermally stableand excellent electrical insulators.Chronic exposure of animals to PCBs can lead to disrupted hormone balances, reproductive failures, teratomas and/or carcinomas.A more significant health impact of PCBs may be caused by their incomplete combustion during thermal treatment processes.Incomplete oxidation of PCBs may form polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF) “dioxin” emissions. These are of concern because oftheir toxicological and environmental properties.For the following CRMs analytical data for certification was obtained using USEPA SW846, 3rd edition extraction methods3540B/3541 (soxhlet) and 3550A (sonication). Analysis was carried out according to USEPA method 8081 (Pesticides by GC). Thestandards are intended for use in analytical systems using these and related methods.CRMAroclor Value pH Matrix Catalog # Quantity1016 8.30 mg/Kg 4.9 Loam 3 CRM922-50G 50 g1221 22.0 mg/Kg 7.19 Sandy Loam CRM919-50G 50 g1242 39.4 mg/Kg 4.37 Loam CRM910-50G 50 g1242 5.05 mg/Kg 7.81 Loamy Sand CRM917-50G 50 g1242 29.8 mg/Kg 7.26 Sandy Loam CRM921-50G 50 g1242 8.27 mg/Kg 8.47 Silt Loam CRM924-50G 50 g1242 7.06 mg/Kg 7.35 Clay Loam CRM927-50G 50 g1248 10.7 mg/Kg 7.66 Loamy Sand CRM916-50G 50 g1254 1.28 mg/Kg 8.03 Loam CRM911-50G 50 g1254 5.93 mg/Kg 6.9 Sandy Loam CRM913-50G 50 g1254 0.274 mg/Kg 7.59 Sandy Loam 3 CRM918-50G 50 g1254 5.47 mg/Kg 8.47 Silt Loam CRM923-50G 50 g1260 1.50 mg/Kg 7.52 Sandy Loam CRM915-50G 50 gAroclor Value pH Matrix Catalog # Quantity1242 25.3 mg/Kg Transformer Oil CRM926-10G 10 g1254 24.5 mg/Kg Transformer Oil CRM925-10G 10 g1260 35.2 mg/Kg Transformer Oil CRM920-10G 10 gFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com93

PCB, Dioxin and Furan Congeners - SoilPCB and Dioxin congener values were determined using USEPA SW-846 extraction method 3540 (Soxhlet), Method 3541 (automatedSoxhlet) and analysis methods 1666A Volatile Organic Compounds by Isoptope Dilution and 8270 PCBs by GC-MS. Thesesamples are suitable for use by these and other similar methods.Dioxins/Furans - Clay LoamPCB Congeners - Loamy SandCRMCRM981-10G▪ 10 gramsUnits of congeners are pg/g.CRM963-30G▪ 30 gramsUnits of congeners are µg/Kg.AnalyteValue1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Hpcdf 7891,2,3,4,6,7,8-Hpcdd 196Hpcdd, total 196Hpcdf, total 7961,2,3,4,7,8-Hxcdd 4791,2,3,6,7,8-Hxcdd 87.01,2,3,7,8,9-Hxcdd 908Hxcdd, total 14301,2,3,4,7,8-Hxcdf 228Hxcdf, total 2351,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-OCDF 7001,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-OCDD 3051,2,3,7,8-Pecdd 83.9Pecdd, total 95.42,3,7,8-TCDD 8042,3,7,8-TCDF 306TCDF, total 323TCDD, total 804PCDD, total 2750PCDD + PCDF, total 4690PCDF, total 1950PCB Congeners - Clay SoilCRM961-50G▪ 50 gramsUnits of congeners are µg/Kg.PCB Congeners - Loamy SandCRM962-50G▪ 50 gramsUnits of congeners are µg/Kg.PCBCRM961-50GCRM962-50GCRM963-30G28 124 180 86.352 85.9 179 41.277 205 22181 370 165101 106 119 77.5105 236 108114 173 128118 170 154 80.1123 135 187126 223 124138 130 265 50.3153 137 204 55.5156 247 211157 147 241167 183 225169 213 178180 116 287 89.2189 3100 45094 First Choice for Quality

Constant Value - WaterThe need for CRMs for the validation and control of the analysis of water is steadily increasing as efforts to improve the quality ofground water and waste water increase. The production and distribution of natural-water CRMs are beset with particular difficulties,including maintaining sterility without altering the matrix, the weight of liter volumes of water and the associated packaging. Oneconsequence of these difficulties is there are very few whole-volume natural water CRMs available.RTC has taken the procedures used to develop the range of water quality control RMs, which are supplied as concentrates, and usedthem to produce a range of water CRMs that suffer none of the problems associated with natural matrices. These standards haveanalytical values and uncertainties comparable with the best whole-volume water CRMs.Analytical data for certification was obtained using USEPA SW846, 3rd edition methods 3050 (hot block) and 3051 (microwave) usingnitric acid extraction. Analysis was carried out according to USEPA methods 6010 (ICP-EOS), 6020 (ICP-MS) and 7000 (AES). Allconstant value water CRMs are supplied in concentrate form, and when diluted according to the instructions supplied, will give thecertified values. But the analyst is free to dilute to larger, or smaller, volumes to give a particular value.CRMResidue - Constant ValueQC1164-1KTA two-standard set of solids for dilution up to 2 L ofresidue-free water.Standard 1 (QC1298-1G)Residue, Total (TS)Residue-Filterable (TDS)Residue-Nonfilterable (TSS)495mg/L441mg/L62.1mg/LNutrients - Constant ValueQC1165-1KTA two-standard set for dilution up to 2 L of reagent water.Standard 1 (QC1166-20ML . )Ammonia as NNitrate as NNitrite as NOrthophosphate as P2.0mg/L2.0mg/L1.5mg/L0.751mg/LStandard 2(QC1283-1G. )Standard 2(QC1001-2ML )Residue, Total (TS)Residue-Filterable (TDS)Residue-Nonfilterable (TSS)Residue-Volatile500mg/L250mg/L250mg/L50.0mg/LKjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)Nitrogen, TotalPhosphorus, Total7.49mg/L7.49mg/L1.75mg/LPhenolics - Constant ValueQC1061-1KTA two-standard set for dilution up to 2 L of reagent water.Standard 1 (QC1246-2ML . .)Total PhenolicsStandard 2(QC1167-2ML . .)10.0mg/LDemand - Constant ValueQC1297-20MLA single standard for dilution up to 2L of reagent water.Biochemical Oxygen DemandCarbonaceous BODChemical Oxygen DemandTotal Organic Carbon232mg/L232mg/L237mg/L93.8mg/LTotal Phenolics5.0mg/LOil & Grease - Constant ValueQC1150-10MLA single standard for dilution up to 2L of reagent water.Oil & Grease (Freon Extraction)Oil & Grease (Hexane Extraction)8.19mg/L10.7mg/LpH - Constant ValueQC1085-20MLA single standard set for direct measurement of pHAnalyte Concentration: 7.2 unitsFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com95

Trace Metals by AA - Constant ValueTrace Metals by ICP - Constant ValueCRMQC1176-1KTA two-standard set of solids for dilution up to 2 L of reagent water.Standard 1Arsenic, AsBarium, BaCadmium, CdChromium, CrCopper, CuLead, PbMercury, HgSelenium, SeSilver, Ag(QC1014-20ML . .)Standard 2 (QC1273-20ML.)Aluminum, AlAntimony, SbBeryllium, BeCobalt, CoIron, FeManganese, MnMolybdenum, MoNickel, NiThallium, TlVanadium, VStandard 3Barium, BaCalcium, CaIron, FeMagnesium, MgPotassium, KSodium, NaZinc, Zn(QC1287-20ML.)30.2µg/L109µg/L41.0µg/L71.5µg/L61.6µg/L51.2µg/L40.8µg/L28.9µg/L19.2µg/L107µg/L117µg/L40.9µg/L30.8µg/L84.9µg/L30.4µg/L62.6µg/L93.5µg/L41.9µg/L71.1µg/L2030µg/L2080µg/L775µg/L617µg/L1030µg/L1010µg/L844µg/LQC1063-1KTA two-standard set of solids for dilution up to 2 L of reagent water.Standard 1 (QC1187-20ML)Analyte Concentration Range: 30.6 to 143 µg/LAntimony, SbArsenic, AsBeryllium, BeCadmium, CdCalcium, CaChromium, CrCobalt, CoCopper, CuIron, FeLead, PbLithium, LiMagnesium, MgManganese, MnMolybdenum, MoNickel, NiSelenium, SeStrontium, SrThallium, TlTitanium, TiVanadium, VZinc, Zn30.0µg/L60.0µg/L70.0µg/L100µg/L110µg/L40.0µg/L60.0µg/L70.0µg/L30.0µg/L70.0µg/L60.0µg/L90.0µg/L40.0µg/L90.0µg/L70.0µg/L120µg/L140µg/L130µg/L70.0µg/L90.0µg/L30.0µg/LStandard 2 (QC1286-20ML )Analyte Concentration Range: 256 to 3780 µg/LAluminum, Al550µg/LBarium, Ba650µg/LBoron, B800µg/LPotassium, K3700µg/LSilicon, Si3000µg/LSilver, Ag250µg/LSodium, Na750µg/LMinerals - Constant ValueQC1175-1KTA two-standard set for dilution up to 2 L of reagent water.Alkalinity as CaCO 3Calcium, CaChlorideConductivityCorrosivity (Langelier Index)Corrosivity (pH)FluorideHardnessMagnesium, MgPotassium, KSodium, NaSulfate42.7mg/L25.4mg/L85.6mg/L458µmhos/cm1.457.25mg/L6.02mg/L150mg/L10.1mg/L8.06mg/L40.6mg/L24.7mg/LCyanide - Constant ValueQC1064-1KTA two-standard set for dilution up to 2 L of reagent water.Standard 1 (QC1030-2ML)Analyte Concentration: 0.626mg/LCyanide (from Potassium Ferricyanide)Standard 2 (QC1120-2ML )Analyte Concentration: 0.48mg/LCyanide (from Potassium Cyanide)Turbidity - Constant ValueQC1071-2MLA single standard for dilution up to 2 L of turbidity-free reagent waterAnalyte Concentration: 9.12 NTUResidual Chlorine - Constant ValueQC1277-2MLA two-standard set for dilution up to 2 L of reagent water.Analyte Concentration: 1.66 mg/LCorrosivity/Sodium - Constant ValueQC1062-1KTA two-standard set for dilution up to 2 L of reagent water.Alkalinity as CaCO 365.0mg/LCalcium, Ca100mg/LCorrosivity (Langlier Index)1.50pH9.15 UnitsResidue-filterable (TDS)575mg/LSodium, Na25.0mg/L96 First Choice for Quality

Clean SoilsThese natural clean matrices are intended for use as a clean control and as a base for fortificationwhen no suitable CRM is available for use in method validation, method development or matrixrecovery applications. The analytical report covers most parameters of interest analyzed byEPA3050B/6010 (Hot Block Digestion/ICP-E05), EPA 5021/8260B (Head Space/GC-MS), EPA3550B/8270C (Ultrasonic Extraction/GC-MS, HPLC/ELCD.Clean Sandy SoilClean ClayCRMCLNSOIL1-100G▪ 100 gramsCLNSOIL1-250G▪ 250 gramsCLNSOIL5-100G▪ 100 gramsCLNSOIL5-250G▪ 250 gramsClean Clay LoamCLNSOIL2-100G▪ 100 gramsCLNSOIL2-250G▪ 250 gramsClean Loam SoilCLNSOIL6-100G▪ 100 gramsCLNSOIL6-250G▪ 250 gramsClean Sandy LoamCLNSOIL3-100G▪ 100 gramsCLNSOIL3-250G▪ 250 gramsClean Sediment No. 2CLNSED2-100G▪ 100 gramsCLNSED2-250G▪ 250 gramsClean SandCLNSAND4100G▪ 100 gramsCLNSAND4-250G▪ 250 gramsFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com97

Calibration <strong>Standards</strong> (CAL)• RT Corporation’s Calibration <strong>Standards</strong> are produced under ISO Guide 34 in conjunctionwith ISO/IEC 17025. This combination provides the definitive standard for referencematerials and is used by accreditation bodies worldwide.• RTC Calibration <strong>Standards</strong> meet your requirements for traceability with an unbrokenchain of comparisons back to the SI Units.• All standards are accompanied with ISO Guide 31 compliant Certificate of Analysisincluding assigned value uncertainties.• Calibration <strong>Standards</strong> designed and verified by environmental methods.• All standards are guaranteed to be stable for a minimum of one year from the timeof receipt.Color................................................................................. 105Conductivity...................................................................... 103Diesel Range Organics........................................................ 123Gasoline Range Organics.................................................... 122Hydrocarbon Mixes............................................................. 125Inorganic........................................................................... 105Ion Chromatography.......................................................... 107Multi Element ICP............................................................... 120Petroleum.......................................................................... 126pH.................................................................................... 103TPH.................................................................................. 125Turbidity............................................................................ 104Custom Volumes/ConcentrationsCan’t find the standard you need? Wemake custom standards to satisfymost requirements. Our Calibration<strong>Standards</strong> are produced and certifiedin accordance with ISO 17025 & ISOGuide 34.Tell us the analytes, concentrations,and quantities you need for anestimate of the price and delivery.98 First Choice for Quality

Conductivity Calibration <strong>Standards</strong>Conductivity Standard - 2060 µmhos/cmConductivity Standard - 147 µmhos/cm500 mL COND2060-500ML1 L COND2060-1L500 mL COND147-500ML1 L COND147-1LConductivity Standard - 1412 µmhos/cmConductivity Standard - 75 µmhos/cm500 mL COND1412-500ML1 L COND1412-1L500 mL COND75-500ML1 L COND75-1LConductivity Standard - 25 µmhos/cmConductivity Standard - 50 µmhos/cm500 mL COND25-500ML1 L COND25-1L500 mL COND50-500ML1 L COND50-1LFor complete details refer to ourscope of accreditation.CALpH Calibration <strong>Standards</strong>pH 4.0 Calibration Standard100 mL QC1121-4-100ML250mL QC1121-4-250ML500 mL QC1121-4-500ML1 L QC1121-4-1L10 L QC1121-4-10LpH 10.0 Calibration Standard100 mL QC1117-10-100ML250 mL QC1117-10-250ML500 mL QC1117-10-500ML1 L QC1117-10-1L10 L QC1117-10-10LpH 7.0 Calibration Standard100 mL QC1127-7-100ML250 mL QC1127-7-250ML500 mL QC1127-7-500ML1 L QC1127-7-1L10 L QC1127-7-10LFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com99

Turbidity Calibration <strong>Standards</strong>Turbidity 0.5 NTU Calibration Standard100 mL TURB05-100ML500 mL TURB05-500ML1 L TURB05-1LTurbidity 20 NTU Calibration Standard100 mL TURB20-100ML500 mL TURB20-500ML1 L TURB20-1LTurbidity 1 NTU Calibration Standard100 mL TURB1-100ML500 mL TURB1-500ML1 L TURB1-1LTurbidity 50 NTU Calibration Standard100 mL TURB50-100ML500 mL TURB50-500ML1 L TURB50-1LTurbidity 2 NTU Calibration StandardTurbidity 100 NTU Calibration StandardCAL100 mL TURB2-100ML500 mL TURB2-500ML1 L TURB2-1LTurbidity 4 NTU Calibration Standard100 mL TURB100-100ML500 mL TURB100-500ML1 L TURB100-1LTurbidity 500 NTU Calibration Standard100 mL TURB4-100ML500 mL TURB4-500ML1 L TURB4-1L100 mL TURB500-100ML500 mL TURB500-500ML1 L TURB500-1LTurbidity 5 NTU Calibration Standard100 mL TURB5-100ML500 mL TURB5-500ML1 L TURB5-1LTurbidity 1000 NTU Calibration Standard100 mL TURB1000-100ML500 mL TURB1000-500ML1 L TURB1000-1LTurbidity 10 NTU Calibration Standard100 mL TURB10-100ML500 mL TURB10-500ML1 L TURB10-1LTurbidity 2000 NTU Calibration Standard100 mL TURB2000-100ML500 mL TURB2000-500ML1 L TURB2000-1LAll standards are formazin based. RTCproducts are made from microbeads.Please call for details.Turbidity 4000 NTU Calibration Standard100 mL TURB4000-100ML500 mL TURB4000-500ML1 L TURB4000-1L100 First Choice for Quality

Color Calibration <strong>Standards</strong>Platinum/Colbalt formulation according to Standard Method 2120BColor 100 Pt-Co UnitsCalibration Standard100 mL CLR100-100ML500 mL CLR100-500MLColor 500 Pt-CoCalibration Standard100 mL CLR500-100ML500 mL CLR500-500MLRTC calibration standards are designed to help your laboratory comply with the requirements of ISO 17025. Our standardsare manufactured in accordance to ISO Guide 34 (ACLASS certificate # AR-1470) and certified in accordance to ISO/IEC17025 (ACLASS certificate # AT-1467). All RTC calibration standards are traceable as required by ISO/IEC 17025.RTC calibration standards offer an economical means for fulfilling your ISO/IEC 17025 requirements.Inorganic Calibration <strong>Standards</strong>Alkalinity, CaCO3 500 mg/LCalibration StandardTotal Dissolved Solids 1000 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL ALK500-100ML500 mL ALK500-500ML100 mL TDS1000-100ML500 mL TDS1000-500MLCALAlkalinity, CaCO3 1000 mg/LCalibration StandardTotal Dissolved Solids 1500 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL ALK1000-100ML500 mL ALK1000-500ML500 mL TDS1500-500MLBOD 200 mg/LCalibration StandardBOD 1000 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL BOD200-100ML500 mL BOD200-500ML500 mL BOD1000-500MLBOD 500 mg/LCalibration StandardBOD 2000 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL BOD500-100ML500 mL BOD500-500ML500 mL BOD2000-500MLCOD 500 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL COD500-100ML500 mL COD500-500MLFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com101

Hardness, Calcium 1000 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL HARD1000-100ML500 mL HARD1000-500MLKjeldahl Nitrogen, Total 1000 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL TKN1000-100ML500 mL TKN1000-500MLOil & Grease 100 mg/LCalibration Standard250 mL OG100-250MLOil & Grease 1000 mg/LCalibration StandardHardness, Total 1000 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL THRD1000-100ML500 mL THRD1000-500MLTOC 1000 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL TOC1000-100ML500 mL TOC1000-500MLSurfactant (MBAS) 100 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL MBAS100-100ML500 mL MBAS100-500MLSurfactant (MBAS) 1000 mg/LCalibration StandardCAL250 mL OG1000-250MLTotal Phenolics 100 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL MBAS1000-100ML500 mL MBAS1000-500MLTotal Suspended Solids 10 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL TPC100-100ML500 mL TPC100-500MLTotal Phenolics 1000 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL TPC1000-100ML500 mL TPC1000-500MLTotal Phosphate 1000 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL TPO1000-100ML500 mL TPO1000-500MLTOC 100 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL TOC100-100ML500 mL TOC100-500ML100 mL TSS10-100ML500 mL TSS10-500MLTotal Suspended Solids 100 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL TSS100-100ML500 mL TSS100-500MLTotal Suspended Solids 1000 mg/LCalibration Standard100 mL TSS1000-100ML500 mL TSS1000-500MLSalinity 20 Wt%Calibration Standard100 mL SAL20-100ML500 mL SAL20-500ML102 First Choice for Quality

Ion Chromatography Calibration <strong>Standards</strong>The range of RTC Ion Chromatography CRMs is:• Designed for use as both LCS and Calibration <strong>Standards</strong> in EPA Methods 300• Traceable to NIST SRMs, where applicable• Minimum 1 year expirationAnions (Concentration 1000 µg/mL)Ion Raw Material, Matrix Volume Product NumberAcetateCH 3CO 2NA, H 2O100 mL ICS001-100ML500 mL ICS001-500MLBromateBrNaO 3, H 2O100 mL ICS002-100ML500 mL ICS002-500MLBromideNaBr, H 2O100 mL ICS003-100ML500 mL ICS003-500MLCarbonateNa 2CO 3, H 2O100 mL ICS034-100ML500 mL ICS034-500MLChlorateNaClO 3,, H 2O100 mL ICS004-100ML500 mL ICS004-500MLChlorideKCl, H 2O100 mL ICS005-100ML500 mL ICS005-500MLChloriteNaClO 2,, H 2O100 mL ICS006-100ML500 mL ICS006-500MLChromateNa 2Cr 2O 7, H 2O100 mL ICS007-100ML500 mL ICS007-500MLCyanide, ComplexK 3Fe(CN) 6, 1% KOH100 mL ICS008-100ML500 mL ICS008-500MLDichromateNa 2Cr 2O 7, H 2O100 mL ICS009-100ML500 mL ICS009-500MLFluorideNaF, H 2O100 mL ICS010-100ML500 mL ICS010-500MLFormateHCO 2Na, H 2O100 mL ICS011-100ML500 mL ICS011-500ML100 mL ICS012-100MLFree CyanideKCN 1% KOH500 mL ICS012-500MLIodideKI, H 2O100 mL ICS013-100ML500 mL ICS013-500MLMolybdate Na 2MoO 4, H 20100 mL ICS036-100ML500 mL ICS036-500MLNitrateKNO 3, H 2O100 mL ICS014-100ML500 mL ICS014-500MLNitrate as NKNO 3, H 2O100 mL ICS015-100ML500 mL ICS015-500MLNitriteKNO 2, H 2O100 mL ICS016-100ML500 mL ICS016-500MLNitrite as NKNO 2, H 2O100 mL ICS017-100ML500 mL ICS017-500MLOxalateNa 2C 2O 4, H 2O100 mL ICS018-100ML500 mL ICS018-500MLCALFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com103

Anions (Concentration 1000 µg/mL) - ContinuedIon Raw Material, Matrix Volume Product NumberPerchlorateAgClO 4, H 2O100 mL ICS019-100ML500 mL ICS019-500MLPhosphateKH 2PO 4, H 2O100 mL ICS020-100ML500 mL ICS020-500MLPhosphate as PKH 2PO 4, H 2O100 mL ICS021-100ML500 mL ICS021-500MLSulfateK 2SO 4, H 2O100 mL ICS022-100ML500 mL ICS022-500ML100 mL ICS023-100MLSulfideNaS, 1% NaOH500 mL ICS023-500MLThiosulfateNa 2S 2O 3, H 2O100 mL ICS024-100ML500 mL ICS024-500MLThiocyanateNaSCN, H 2O100 mL ICS025-100ML500 mL ICS025-500MLCALCations (Concentration 1000 µg/mL)Ion Raw Material, Matrix Volume Product NumberAmmonia as N(NH 4) 2SO 4, H 2O100 mL ICS026-100ML500 mL ICS026-500MLAmmonium as NH 4(NH 4) 2SO 4, H 2O100 mL ICS027-100ML500 mL ICS027-500MLCalciumCaCO 3, H 2O100 mL ICS028-100ML500 mL ICS028-500MLLithiumLi 2CO 3, H 2O100 mL ICS029-100ML500 mL ICS029-500MLMagnesiumMgCl 2, H 2O100 mL ICS030-100ML500 mL ICS030-500MLPotassiumKNO 3, H 2O100 mL ICS031-100ML500 mL ICS031-500MLSodiumNa 2CO 3, H 2O100 mL ICS032-100ML500 mL ICS032-500MLSodiumNaCl, H 2O100 mL ICS033-100ML500 mL ICS033-500MLFormaldehydeHCHO H 2O100 mL ICS045-100ML500 mL ICS045-500MLMulti-Ion Solution Standard (µg/mL)Product Number Sample Size Matrix Br - Cl - F - -NO 3-3PO 4-2SO 4AnionsMSS001-100ML 100 mL H 20 100 100 100 100 100 100MSS002-100ML 100 mL H 20 100 100 100MSS003-100ML 100 mL H 20 30 20 100 150 150MSS004-100ML 100 mL H 20 400 200 100 400 600 400Ca +2 K + Li + Mg +2 Na + +2NH 4CationsMSS005-100ML 100 mL H 20 500 500 50 250 200 250MSS006-100ML 100 mL H 20 1000 200 50 200 200 400These standards are traceable to NIST Standard Reference Materials (where available) and are guaranteed stable for 1104 First Choice for Quality

Method Detection Limit <strong>Standards</strong>These standards have been specially designed to verify your method detection limits (MDL).NIST Traceable where applicableCatalog Number Analyte Concentration*MDL001-2ML Alkalinity 20 mg CaCO 3/LMDL002-20ML Ammonia as N 0.5 mg/LMDL003-100ML BOD 5.0 mg/LMDL004-20ML Boron 0.2 mg/LMDL-005 Bromide 0.1 mg/LMDL-006 Chloride 1.0 mg/LMDL007-2ML Chlorine 0.06 mg/LMDL008-2ML Cyanide 0.05 mg/LCALMDL009-2ML Fluoride 0.1 mg/LMDL-010 Nitrite as N 0.2 mg/LMDL-011 Oil and Grease 10 mg/LMDL-012 Total phosphorous 0.200 mg/LMDL-013 Sulfate 0.1 mg/LMDL014-20ML Sulfate 1.0 mg/LMDL-015 Sulfate 10 mg/LMDL016-200ML TDS 10 mg/LMDL017-1L TSS One-liter (1 L) 10 mg/LMDL-018 Mercury 0.100 µg/LMDL-019 COD 5.23 mg/LMDL-020 Nitrate as N 0.150 mg/LMDL-021 Total Peholics 2 µg/LMDL022-1L Total Solids 20 mg/LFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com105

Air MonitoringWe Offer a Complete Line of Productsfor All Your Air Monitoring Needs● Innovative passive samplers featuring radiello®● Complete product line for IAQ, IH & environmental analysis● Tedlar bags, active samplers, thermal desorption tubes, etc.● Air monitoring standardsFor more information, or to request the Air Monitoring Brochure, visitsigma-aldrich.com/air_monitoring©2011 Sigma-Aldrich Co. All rights reserved. SIGMA, SAFC, SIGMA-ALDRICH, ALDRICH and SUPELCO are trademarks belonging to Sigma-Aldrich Biotechnology, L.P. and Sigma-Aldrich Co. SIGMA LIFESCIENCE is the trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Biotechnology L.P. and Sigma-Aldrich Co. FLUKA is a registered trademark of Fluka GmbH. Radiello is a registered trademark of Fondazione Salvatore MaugeriIRCCS. All other trademarks, service marks, and trade names are trademarks or registered trademarks of and are proprietary to their respective owners.sigma-aldrich.comAds_Catalog09-10-Air Monitoring.indd 12/11/2011 3:43:57 PM

Special Section:Inorganic Traceable Reference<strong>Standards</strong> from Fluka AnalyticalChemistryCertified Standard Solutionsfor AAS, ICP and IC producedunder ISO/IEC 17025 and ISOGuide 34Fluka’s TraceCERT® Inorganic Certified Reference Materials (CRM)are high accuracy standards for instrument calibration and processvalidation in spectroscopy and ion chromatography.These products are now available through RTC.

TraceCERT® Traceable Certified Reference MaterialsTraceCERT inorganic CRMs are high accuracy standards forinstrument calibration and process validation inspectroscopy and ion chromatography.Following lengthy cooperations with different metrologicalinstitutes, Sigma-Aldrich has built a new laboratory forCertified Reference Material (CRM) production andcertification in Buchs, Switzerland. In 2007 the new labreceived the highest achievable quality assurance level forCRM producers: double accreditation, as a testing labfollowing ISO/IEC 17025 and also as a CRM producer followingISO Guide 34. This combination is also called the “GoldStandard” accreditation for CRM producers and therefore wedevoted the cover-page to our outstanding expertise.For all TraceCERT standards we guarantee:• Highest accuracy and reliability of certified concentrations• Traceability to at least two independent references (i.e. NIST, BAM or SI unit kg)• Production in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO Guide 34• Comprehensive certification according to ISO Guide 31• Competitive priceWhat makes TraceCERT stand above the others?SRMS 001ISO Guide 34STS 490ISO 17025Elemental and ion standards are available from varioussuppliers. Why should I buy TraceCERT certified standards?Indeed many different standards are available covering awide range in quality, service and price. As the world’snumber one in supplying research chemicals and standards,Sigma-Aldrich introduced TraceCERT reference materials tounderpin its leading position in terms of quality andcustomer convenience.What makes TraceCERT standards higher in quality? Highestquality depends on many different technical and personalskills. These CRMs are produced and certified in accordanceto metrological guidelines: highest accuracy, lowuncertainties and in-depth documentation are what makeTraceCERT products so reliable. These solutions are traceableto at least two independent references; NIST traceability isguaranteed whenever possible. In addition, we haveextensive packaging knowledge and we guarantee allcertified values until the bottle is in customer’s hands.therefore, the first step to achieving correct measurementresults. Our double accreditation according to ISO/IEC17025 and ISO Guide 34 is an explicit affirmation of ourcompetence to produce, certify and supply certifiedreference materials. Our customers can count on thiscompetence and refer to it. We know: Buying analyticalstandards is a matter of trust.What about the price? These highest quality CRMs arecompetitively priced, compared to the products of otherCRM manufacturers. When you check our website atwww.sigma-aldrich.com/tracecert you will see thathighest quality is not necessarily the most expensive.16368-02ISO 9001What is the value of Sigma-Aldrich’s double accreditation tothe customer? Reliability! Every analytical laboratory willdemonstrate the correctness of its measurement results.The use of accurate and well-documented standards is,108Special Section: Inorganic Traceable Reference <strong>Standards</strong> from Fluka Analytical Chemistry

Manufacturing Under Double-AccreditationThe most accurate approach for the production of standardsis high-precision weighing. Under ISO Guide 34 there is aparticular focus on the quality of the starting materials andthe entire manufacturing process including the choice of anthe starting materials is assigned by the „100% minusimpurities“ approach. Both approaches must lead to thesame value within the range of their uncertainties. Allstarting materials are pretreated by surface etching ordrying before they go to the high precision weighing room.CopperSilverTinGravimetric preparation using pure materials is a practical andthe most accurate realization of concentration units. Highprecisionweighing is a key step of the production, leading todirect traceability to the SI unit kilogram. The use of ultramicrobalances with readability down to 100 ng in combination with aspecially designed weighing room leads to maximum accuracy.GoldSiliciumCobaltOnly materials of highest purity are used for theproduction of TraceCERT standards. The starting materialsare characterized by two different approaches: thedirect measurement of the purity by the most accuratemethod (e.g. titrimetry or high-precision ICP-OES). Thesemeasurements are compared to an internationally acceptedreference material (i.e. NIST, BAM). In addition the purity ofThe weighted starting materials are dissolved in ultrapureacids or bases and then precisely diluted with ultrapurewater to the final concentration. Also this operation isperformed gravimetrically to achieve highest precision.Homogenization of the solution is achieved by overheadtumbling of the container for several hours. In the finalbottling step, contamination is prevented by working underclean room conditions and by using PTFE-tubing and aninert peristaltic pump. After bottling, every batch is thencompared to a second (whenever possible independent)reference material. Only when calculation and measurementsare matching within their uncertainties (usually within 0.2 -0.5 %) the batch is released for certification.Special Section: Inorganic Traceable Reference <strong>Standards</strong> from Fluka Analytical Chemistry109

Certification and Comprehensive DocumentationFor each TraceCERT product, a detailed and comprehensivecertificate is supplied, either delivered with the product(for the ICP standards) or downloadable from the Internetusing product number and lot number (for the AAS andIC standards). Example certificates for every productcan be downloaded from the Internet (www.sigmaaldrich.com/tracecert).The certificates are in accordance with ISO Guide 31 andcontain lot specific information such as exact content,expiration date, traceability statements, values of up to 70impurities (for ICP standards) and a proper uncertaintycalculation. Uncertainty budgets are obtained by summingup all the contributing influence parameters (“bottom-up”approach) and are illustrated by a cause-effect diagram.The certificates consist of up to four pages. See on the rightthe first page of certificate of the platinum ICP standardsolution.TraceCERT ®Traceable Certified Reference MaterialsThis certificate is designed in accordance with ISO Guide 31 [1] .Object of certification:Platinum standard for ICPFluka product no.: 19078 (Lot 1371987, Filling Code 42208193)Composition: Platinum metal (high purity quality) in 5% HCl (prepared from HCl TraceSELECT ® , HNO3TraceSELECT ® and water TraceSELECT ® Ultra, 18.2 MΩ . cm, 0.22 µm filtered)Density at 20°C: ρ = 1024.8 kg m -3 uc(ρ) = 0.5 kg m -3Intended use: Calibration of ICP-spectrometry, AAS, spectrophotometry or any other analytical techniqueStoring and handling: This reference material shall be stored in the original closed bag between 5°C and 30°C.After opening the bottle should be stored at reduced temperature to minimize transpirationrate. Before every use of the material the bottle must be shaken well and its temperaturehas to be 20°C. We highly recommend using this reference material no longer than 15months after the aluminum bag was opened.Expiry date:8. May 2012 (unopened bottle in aluminized bag)Bottle opening date:Produced in double accreditedlaboratory fulfillingandISO/IEC 17025 andISO Guide 34Certified value traceable to SI unit kg and uncertainty according to ISO Guide 35 [2] and Eurachem/CITAC Guide [3][4] . Constituent Certified value at 20°C Expanded uncertainty [U = k uc; k = 2]Platinum 1001 mg L -1977 mg kg -1 2 mg L -12 mg kg -11. CONCEPT OF CERTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY STATEMENTTo guarantee top reliability of the values for this TraceCERT ® certified reference material three independentprocedures were followed. The values have to agree in the range of their uncertainties, but the impurity correctedvalue from the gravimetric preparation has been chosen as certified value [5] :1. Gravimetric preparation using pure materials is a practical realization of concentration units, throughconversion of masses and mole fraction to mass fraction [5] . If the purity of the materials is demonstrated and ifcontamination and loss of material is strictly prevented this approach allows highest accuracy and smalluncertainties. The certified value of TraceCERT ® reference materials is based on this approach and directlytraceable to the SI unit kilogram.Therefore comprehensively characterized materials of highest purity are used (see paragraph 2). All balancesare certified by DKD and calibrated with OIML Class E2 (up to 12 kg) and F2 (up to 64 kg) weights. The bulksolution was homogenized by overhead tumbling in a PVDF container for at least 6 hours. A peristaltic pumpwith perfluorinated polymer tubings was used for bottling. Detailed information about the long-term stability ofthe bottled solution is given in paragraph 5 of this certificate.2. The starting material is measured against a certified reference material (i.e. NIST, BAM or EMPA) followed bygravimetric preparation using balances calibrated with SI-traceable weights. Consequently the value calculatedby this unbroken chain of comparisons is traceable to the reference to which the starting material is compared.3. Whenever applicable the bottled TraceCERT ® calibration solution is compared to a second reference (e.g. fromNIST, BAM or EMPA) which is independent from the first reference.Certificate page 1 of 3Sigma-Aldrich Production GmbH, Industriestrasse 25, 9471 Buchs/Switzerland,Tel +41-81-755-2511, Fax +41-81-756-5449, e-mail: fluka@sial.comPackaging and StabilityThe ideal container for standard solutions is totally inert;i.e. will not absorb the analyte, does not leach impuritiesinto the solution, is impermeable to the solvent andatmosphere and is easy to handle and affordable.For TraceCERT standards we have developed the mostsuitable container fulfilling all of these criteria: the HDPEbottles are extensively tested for leaching of impuritiesand the loss of weight by transpiration of the solvent wasalso investigated comprehensively. The results of thisstudy are also stated in the certificate of each TraceCERTproduct. For maximum shelf life the bottles for ICPstandards are sealed in aluminum bags to further preventtranspiration.Only this special packaging makes it possible toguarantee the ambitious specification of 0.2% uncertaintyover the entire shelf life.110Special Section: Inorganic Traceable Reference <strong>Standards</strong> from Fluka Analytical Chemistry

TraceCERT Product PortfolioThe TraceCERT product line actually comprises about 150 products. Since we are continuously expanding the productrange, we also recommend to consult our website at www.sigma-aldrich.com/tracecert. In addition to our broadcatalog offering, we also offer custom standards.1000 mg/L Single Element Standard Solutions for AAS and ICPAAS standards are supplied in 250 mL HDPE bottles (withsome exceptions). Expiry of these products is usually 3 years.The certificate can be downloaded from the Internet usingproduct number and lot number.ICP standards are supplied in 100 mL HDPE bottles andsealed in an aluminum bag. We can therefore guarantee forup to 4 years expiry for the ICP standards. The printedcertificate is delivered with the product.Element (1000 mg/L)* CompositionCat. No.AAS Standard Package SizeCat. No.ICP Standard Package SizeAluminum Al(NO3)3 x 9H2O + HNO3 39435 250 mL 61935 100 mLAntimony Sb metal + HNO3 (HF traces) 94117 250 mL 73495 100 mLArsenic As2O3 + HNO3 (+ NaOH for AAS) 39436 250 mL 01969 100 mLBarium BaCO3 + HNO3 90092 250 mL 59943 100 mLBismuth Bi metal + HNO3 76668 250 mL 05719 100 mLBoron H3BO3 + H2O 40591 250 mL 01932 100 mLCadmium Cd metal + HNO3 51994 250 mL 36379 100 mLCalcium CaCO3 + HNO3 69349 250 mL 19051 100 mLCerium CeO2 + HNO3 53378 250 mL 16734 100 mLCesium CsNO3 + HNO3 67717 250 mL 96664 100 mLChromium (NH4)2Cr2O7 + HNO3 02733 250 mL 68131 100 mLCobalt Co metal + HNO3 05202 250 mL 30329 100 mLCopper Cu metal + HNO3 38996 250 mL 68921 100 mLGallium Ga metal + HNO3 52874 100 mL 16639 100 mLGermanium Ge metal + HNO3 (HF traces) 92685 250 mL 05419 100mLGold Au metal + HCl (HNO3 traces) 08269 100 mL 38168 100 mLIndium In metal + HNO3 42225 100 mL 00734 100 mLIron Fe metal + HNO3 16596 250 mL 43149 100 mLLead Pb(NO3)2 + HNO3 16595 250 mL 41318 100 mLLithium Li2CO3 + HNO3 59916 250 mL 12292 100 mLMagnesium Mg metal + HNO3 42992 250 mL 30083 100 mLManganese Mn metal + HNO3 77036 250 mL 74128 100 mLMercury Hg metal + HNO3 16482 100 mL 28941 100 mLMolybdenum Mo metal + HCI (HNO3 traces) 67210 250 mL 68780 100 mLNickel Ni metal + HNO3 42242 250 mL 28944 100 mLNiobium Nb metal + HNO3 (HF traces) 42887 100 mL 67913 100 mLPalladium Pd metal + HCl (HNO3 traces) 78437 100 mL 77091 100 mLPhosphorus H3PO4 + H2O 51474 250 mL 38338 100 mLPlatinum Pt metal + HCl (HNO3 traces) 47037 100 mL 19078 100 mLPotassium KNO3 + HNO3 96665 250 mL 06335 100 mLRhodium RhCl3 + HCl 11561 100 mL 04736 100 mLRubidium RbNO3 + HNO3 55727 100 mL 01444 100 mLScandium Sc2O3 + HNO3 68418 100 mL 92279 100 mLSelenium Se metal + HNO3 89498 250 mL 50002 100 mLSilicon Si metal + NaOH 16259 250 mL 15747 100 mLSilicon Si metal + HNO3 + HF -- -- 08729 100 mLSilver Ag metal + HNO3 39361 250 mL 12818 100 mLSodium NaNO3 + HNO3 05201 250 mL 00462 100 mLStrontium Sr(NO3)2 + HNO3 51287 250 mL 75267 100 mLSulfur H2SO4 + H2O 18020 250 mL 18021 100 mLTellurium Te metal + HNO3 68525 250 mL 07193 100 mLSpecial Section: Inorganic Traceable Reference <strong>Standards</strong> from Fluka Analytical Chemistry111

Element (1000 mg/L)* CompositionCat. No.AAS Standard Package SizeCat. No.ICP Standard Package SizeThallium TINO3 + HNO3 75159 100 mL 51873 100 mLTin Sn metal + HCl 74244 250 mL 92615 100 mLTitanium Ti metal + HNO3 (HF traces) 04689 100 mL 12237 100 mLUranium* UO2(NO3)2 + HNO3 - - 01996 100 mLVanadium V2O5 + HNO3 02334 250 mL 18399 100 mLYttrium Y2O3 + HNO3 40423 250 mL 01357 100 mLZinc Zn metal + HNO3 18827 250 mL 18562 100 mLZirconium Zr metal + HNO3 + HF 73574 250 mL 51244 100 mL*concentration of the Uranium ICP standard (01996) is 10 mg/L10,000 mg/L Single Element Standard Solutions for ICPThe most commonly used single element standards are also offered as concentrated solutions at 10,000 mg/L.The 100mL HDPE bottles are sealed in an aluminum bag and the printed certificate is delivered with the product.Element (10,000 mg/L) Composition Cat. No. Package SizeZinc Zn metal + HNO3 68961 100 mLSilicon Si metal + HNO3 + HF 04713 100 mLSulfur H2SO4 + H2O 94430 100 mLPotassium KNO3 + HNO3 68371 100 mLPhosphorous H3PO4 + H2O 19916 100 mLNickel Ni metal + HNO3 19013 100 mLSodium NaNO3 + HNO3 39924 100 mLMagnesium Mg metal + HNO3 80759 100 mLIron Fe metal + HNO3 56209 100 mLCalcium CaCO3 + HNO3 94458 100 mLCopper Cu metal + HNO3 94459 100 mLAluminum Al(NO3)3 x 9H2O + HNO3 41377 100 mLMultielement <strong>Standards</strong> for ICPWe currently offer 4 Multielement Standard Solutions for ICP, also delivered in 100 mL HDPE bottles, sealed in an aluminiumbag and the printed certificate is delivered with the product.Cat. No. Description and composition Package Size90243 Multielement standard solution I for ICP (in 10 % HNO3)Ag, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Sr, Zn: 10 mg/L eachAl, B, Cr, Li, Mo, Na, Ni, Tl: 50 mg/L eachBi, K, Pb: 100 mg/L each100 mL49596 Multielement standard solution III for ICP (in 5 % HNO3)K: 200 mg/LMg: 400 mg/LNa: 1000 mg/LCa: 2000 mg/L100 mL51844 Multielement standard solution IV for ICP (in 10 % HNO3)Be, Cd, Co, Mn: 10 mg/L eachCr, Cu, Ni: 20 mg/L eachAl, As, Ba, Pb, V: 40 mg/L eachB, Fe, Se, Tl, Zn: 100 mg/L each54704 Multielement standard solution V for ICP (in 10 % HNO3)Ag, Al, Ba, Be, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Ga, In, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, Tl, V, Zn: 10 mg/L eachCa, Fe, Ca, Na:100 mg/L each100 mL100 mL112Special Section: Inorganic Traceable Reference <strong>Standards</strong> from Fluka Analytical Chemistry

1000 mg/L Single Ion <strong>Standards</strong> for ICFor ion chromatography (IC) we currently offer 10 anionand 15 cation standard solutions at 1000 mg/L. Theproducts are supplied in 100mL HDPE bottles. As a uniquefeature for these IC standards we list the most commontrace impurities that are relevant for the IC separation (13elements for cation standards and 7 inorganic anions foranion standards). The certificates are available on the webusing product and lot number.Anion (1000 mg/L) Composition Cat. No. Package SizeBromide NaBr + H2O 43147 100 mLChloride NaCl + H2O 39883 100 mLChromate K2CrO4 + H2O 40121 100 mLCyanide K2Zn(CN)4 + H2O 90157 100 mLFluoride NaF + H2O 77365 100 mLIodide KI + H2O 41271 100 mLNitrate NaNO3 + H2O 74246 100 mLNitrite NaNO2 + H2O (NaOH stabilized) 67276 100 mLPhosphate Na2HPO4 + H2O 38364 100 mLSulfate Na2SO4 + H2O 90071 100 mLCation (1000 mg/L) Composition Cat. No. Package SizeAmmonium NH4Cl + H2O 59755 100 mLBarium BaCO3 + HNO3 87142 100 mLCadmium Cd metal + HNO3 69679 100 mLCalcium CaCO3 + HNO3 39865 100 mLCobalt Co metal + HNO3 49594 100 mLCopper Cu metal + HNO3 40786 100 mLLead Pb(NO3)2 + HNO3 51777 100 mLLithium Li2CO3 + HNO3 59878 100 mLMagnesium Mg metal + HNO3 89441 100 mLManganese Mn metal + HNO3 51439 100 mLNickel Ni metal + HNO3 42637 100 mLPotassium KNO3 + H2O 53337 100 mLSodium NaNO3 + H2O 43492 100 mLStrontium Sr(NO3)2 + HNO3 42151 100 mLZinc Zn metal + HNO3 67902 100 mLCustom Standard SolutionsIf you cannot find the standard you need in our portfolio, you can request a quotation for customized standard solutionsfor AAS, ICP or IC using our new online custom standards platform at www.sigma-aldrich.com/cspInorganic TraceAnalysisSensitive trace analysis applications require extremely pure sample preparationreagents. Sigma-Aldrich offers a comprehensive range of reagents to satisfy allpurity requirements.Visit our website to view our products or obtain a copy of our Inorganic TraceAnalysis brochure (code LBJ)sigma-aldrich.com/traceselectTraceSELECT ® –High Purity Reagents for...■ Sample Preparation■ Analysis■ CalibrationSpecial Section: Inorganic Traceable Reference <strong>Standards</strong> from Fluka Analytical Chemistry113

Multi Element ICP Calibration <strong>Standards</strong>Calibration Standard 1A200.7 Calibration Standard AWW-CAL-1AWW-CAL-4A• Matrix: 3.5% (abs) HNO3• Volume: 125 mL• Dilution: 1:100Arsenic, AsBarium, BaBoron, BCadmium, CdCalcium, CaCopper, CuManganese, MnSelenium, SeSilver, AgStrontium, Sr1000 µg/mL100 µg/mL100 µg/mL200 µg/mL1000 µg/mL200 µg/mL200 µg/mL500 µg/mL50 µg/mL100 µg/mL• Matrix: 3.5% (abs) HNO3 tr. HF• Volume: 125 mL• Dilution: 1:1000Aluminum, AlChromium, CrMercury, HgZinc, Zn1000 µg/mL500 µg/mL200 µg/mL500 µg/mLCAL200.7 Calibration StandardWW-CAL-2200.7 Calibration Standard BWW-CAL-4B• Matrix: 3.5% (abs) HNO3• Volume: 125 mL• Dilution: 1:100Lithium, LiMolybdenum, MoPotassium, KSodium, NaTitanium, Ti500 µg/mL1000 µg/mL2000 µg/mL1000 µg/mL1000 µg/mL• Matrix: 3.5% (abs) HNO3 tr. HF• Volume: 125 mL• Dilution: 1:100Silica, SiO2Tin, Sn1000 µg/mL400 µg/mL200.7 Calibration Standard200.7 Calibration StandardWW-CAL-3WW-CAL-5• Matrix: 3.5% (abs) HNO3• Volume: 125 mL• Dilution: 1:100Cesium, CeCobalt, CoPhosphorus, PVandium, V200 µg/mL200 µg/mL1000 µg/mL200 µg/mL• Matrix: 3.5% (abs) HNO3• Volume: 125 mL• Dilution: 1:100Iron, FeLead, PbMagnesium, MgNickel, NiThallium, Ti500 µg/mL1000 µg/mL2000 µg/mL1000 µg/mL1000 µg/mL114 First Choice for Quality

QC Standard for 200.76020 Calibration SolutionIV-196020CAL-1• Matrix: 5% (abs) HNO3• Volume: 125 mL• Dilution: 1:100 or as required• Matrix: 3.5% (abs) HNO3• Volume: 125 mL• Dilution: 1:100Antimony, Sb100 µg/mLArsenic, As100 µg/mLBeryllium, Be100 µg/mLCadmium, Cd100 µg/mLCalcium, Ca100 µg/mLChromium, Cr100 µg/mLCobalt, Co100 µg/mLCopper, Cu100 µg/mLIron, Fe100 µg/mLLead, PB100 µg/mLMagnesium, Mg100 µg/mLManganese, Mn100 µg/mLMolybdenum, Mo100 µg/mLNickel, Ni100 µg/mLSelenium, Se100 µg/mLThallium, Tl100 µg/mLTitanium, Ti100 µg/mLVanadium, V100 µg/mLZinc, Zn100 µg/mL200.8 Calibration SolutionAluminum, AlAntimony, SbArsenic, AsBarium, BaBeryllium, BeCadmium, CdCalcium, CaChromium, CrCobalt, CoCopper, CuIron, FeLead, PBMagnesium, MgManganese, MnNickel, NiPotassium, KSelenium, SeSilver, AgSodium, NaThallium, TlVanadium, VZinc, Zn20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mLCALWW-MSCAL-2• Matrix: 3.5% (abs) HNO3• Volume: 125 mL• Dilution: 1:100Aluminum, AlArsenic, AsBarium, BaBeryllium, BeCadmium, CdChromium, CrCobalt, CoCopper, CuLead, PBManganese, MnNickel, NiSelenium, SeSilver, AgThallium, TlThorium, ThUranium, UVanadium, VZinc, Zn20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL100 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mL200.8 Calibration SolutionWW-MSCAL-1• Matrix: 3.5% (abs) HNO3• Volume: 125 mL• Dilution: 1:100Mercury, Mg200.8 Calibration Solution2008CAL-1• Matrix: 3.5% (abs) HNO3 tr. HF• Volume: 125 mL• Dilution: 1:100Antimony, SbMolybdenum, Mo5 µg/mL20 µg/mL20 µg/mLFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com115

Gasoline Range OrganicsTo complement RTC’s range of TPH, Diesel and Gasoline in soil CRMs (pages 28, 34-35), the PT standards (pages 103-105), a comprehensive range of CRMs intended for analytical systemscalibration is offered.Revised PVOC MixtureUST105-1.5MLPrimary VPH Stock StandardUST119-1.5MLCAL2000 µg/mL in MethonolBenzeneEthylbenzenem-XyleneMethyl tert-butyl etherRevised PVOC MixtureUST106-1.5ML1000 µg/mL in Methonol1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-TrimethylbenzeneBenzeneEthylbenzenem-Xyleneo-Xylenep-XyleneTolueneMethyl tert-butyl etherNaphthaleneo-Xylenep-XyleneTolueneThe United States and many other countries require that underground storagetanks (UST) be constructed and managed in a way that minimizes leaks from thetanks and that any leaks are properly cleaned up.In most cases, there is a responsibility to mitigate releases from leakingunderground storage tanks (LUSTs) by reporting spills to authorities within aspecified time and by promptly cleaning up any spills and discharges. Mitigationefforts are required to take place immediately to prevent further release (e.g.,remaining products should be removed from the leaking tank), prevent the spread ofcontamination into soil and groundwater, and to investigate contamination. All of thishas placed an increasing work load on analytical laboratories. At the same time theclean-up of old industrial, military and chemical industry sites has further increaseddemand for UST analysis.2000 µg/mL in MethonolBenzeneEthylbenzenem-Xylene1-MethylnaphthaleneMethyl tert-butyl ethern-Decanen-Dodecanen-HexaneUnleaded GasolineUST155-1.5ML5000 µg/mL in MethanolUST145-1.5ML5000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideUST146-1.5ML50000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideW1366-1.5MLn-Octanen-PentaneNaphthalene1,2,3-Trimethylbenzeneo-Xylenep-XyleneTolueneNeatCollected from three sources and compounded prior to formulation.NYSDEC Stars VOAUST109-1.5MLGasoline Range Organics (GRO)UST153-1.5ML2000 µg/mL in Methonol1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene4-IsopropyltolueneBenzeneEthylbenzeneIsopropylbenzenem-XyleneMethyl tert-butyl ethern-Butylbenzenen-PropylbenzeneNaphthaleneo-Xylenep-Xylenesec-Butylbenzenetert-ButylbenzeneToluene1000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideBenzeneo-XyleneEthylbenzenep-Xylenem-XyleneTolueneMethyl tert-butyl ether 1,2,4-TrimethylbenzeneNaphthalene1,3,5-TrimethylbenzeneNWTPH-Gx Surrogate StandardUST-114-1.5ML2500 µg/mL in MethonolAliphatic Mix (C5-C12)UST157-1.5ML2000 µg/mL in Methanol1,4-Difluorobenzene4-Bromofluorobenzene116 First Choice for Quality

CALDiesel Range OrganicsNew Jersey - TRPH MixAliphatic Mix (EPA)UST100-1.5MLUST107-1.5ML2000 µg/mL in Methylene Chloriden-Decanen-Docosanen-Dodecanen-Eicosanen-Heptadecanen-Hexacosanen-Hexadecanen-Hexatriacontanen-Octacosanen-Octadecanen-Octanen-Octatriacontanen-Tetracosanen-Tetradecanen-Tetratriacontanen-TriacontanePhytanePristane1000 µg/mL in Methylene Chloriden-Decanen-Docosanen-Dodecanen-Eicosanen-Heneicosanen-Heptadecanen-Hexadecanen-Nonadecanen-Octadecanen-Pentacosanen-Pentadecanen-Tetracosanen-Tetradecanen-Tricosanen-Tridecanen-UndecaneEPH by GC/FIDNWTPH-HCID Retention Time StandardUST1081-1.5ML50000 µg/mL in Methylene Chloride10W30 Oil/#2 Diesel (1:1)UST112-1.5ML2500 µg/mL in Methylene Chloriden-Docosanen-Dodecanen-TetracosaneTolueneRetention Time MixEPH Aromatic Hydrocarbon StandardUST110-1.5MLUST115-1.5ML1000 µg/mL in Methylene Chloride2000 µg/mL in Methylene Chloriden-Docosanen-Dotriacotanen-HexaneAcenaphtheneBenzo(g,h,i)peryleneNaphthalenePyrene1,2,3-TrimethylbenzeneTolueneNWTPH-HCID Surrogate StandardEPH Fractionation SolutionUST113-1.5ML5000 µg/mL in Methylene Chloride4-Bromofluorobenzenen-PentacosaneEPH Aromatic Hydrocarbon StandardUST116-1.5ML1000 µg/mL in Methylene Chloriden-Decanen-Hexadecanen-Dodecanen-Octanen-Heneicosanen-TetratriacontaneUST117-1.5ML25 µg/mL in HexaneAcenaphtheneAcenaphthyleneBenzo(a)anthraceneBenzo(a)pyreneBenzo(b)fluorantheneBenzo(g,h,i)peryleneBenzo(k)fluorantheneChryseneDibenz(a,h) anthraceneFluorantheneFluoreneIndeno(1,2,3-cd) pyrenen-Decanen-Dodecanen-Heneicosanen-Hexadecanen-Octanen-TetratriacontaneNaphthalenePhenanthrenePyreneFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com117

EPH Surrogate Spiking SolutionAromatic Hydrocarbon StandardUST118-1.5MLUST122-1.5ML2000 µg/mL in Acetone1-Chlorooctadecaneo-Terphenyl1000 µg/mL in Methylene Chloride2-MethylnaphthaleneAcenaphtheneAcenaphthyleneAnthraceneBenzo(a)anthraceneBenzo(b)fluorantheneBenzo(g,h,i)peryleneBenzo(k)fluorantheneChryseneDibenz(a,h) anthraceneFluorantheneFluoreneIndeno(1,2,3-cd) pyreneNaphthalenePhenanthrenePyreneEPH Matrix SpikeEPH AliphaticsCALUST123-4X25ML50 µg/mL in AcetoneAcenaphtheneAnthraceneChrysenen-Eicosanen-NonadecaneTPH Mixn-Nonanen-Octacosanen-TetradecaneNapththalenePyreneUST126-1.5ML1000 µg/mL in Hexanen-Decanen-Dodecanen-Eicosanen-Hexacosanen-Hexadecanen-Hexatriacontanen-NonadecaneDiesel Fuel No. 2n-Nonanen-Octacosanen-Octadecanen-Tetracosanen-Tetradecanen-TriacontaneUST127-1.5ML1000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideCarbon disulfiden-Decanen-Docosanen-Dodecanen-Dotriacotanen-Eicosanen-Hexacosanen-Hexadecanen-Hexatriacontanen-Octacosanen-Octadecanen-Octanen-Octatriacontanen-Tetracontanen-Tetracosanen-Tetradecanen-Tetratriacontanen-TriacontaneUST147-1.5ML5000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideUST148-1.5ML50000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideUST149-1.5ML5000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideW1361-1.5MLNeatCollected from three sources and compounded prior to formulation.Diesel Range Organics (DRO)UST152-1.5ML1000 µg/mL in Methylene Chloriden-Decanen-Docosanen-Dodecanen-Eicosanen-Hexacosanen-Hexadecanen-Octacosanen-Octadecanen-Tetracosanen-Tetradecane118 First Choice for Quality

Hydrocarbon MixesTNRCC Method 1005 Matrix Spike MixUST132-1.5ML1000 µg/mL in n-PentaneDiesel Fuel #2 CompositeUnleaded Gasoline CompositeTNRCC Method 1005 Matrix Spike MixUST131-1.5ML1000 µg/mL in n-PentaneDiesel Fuel #2 CompositeUnleaded Gasoline CompositeTPH <strong>Standards</strong>TPH SurrogateTPH SurrogateUST101-1.5ML2000 µg/mL in Methylene chloride disulfideTetracosane-d50UST102-1.5ML6000 µg/mL in Methylene chloride disulfideNonatricontane (C-39)CALTNRCC Method 1005Window Defining MixTNRCC Method 1005Retention Time MarkerUST103-1.5ML200 µg/mL in Pentanen-Decanen-Hexanen-OctacosaneUST133-1.5ML500 µg/mL in n-Pentanen-Decanen-Dodecanen-Heinicosanen-Heptanen-Hexadecanen-Hexanen-Octacosanen-Octadecanen-Octanen-PentatriacontaneRRO StandardUST10-1.5ML1000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideUST50-1.5ML50000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideRRONEAT-5GNeatFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com119

Petroleum <strong>Standards</strong>JP-8 Military Jet FuelUST134-1.5ML5000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideUST135-1.5ML5000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideW1372-1.5MLNeatCollected from a single source.Commercial Jet FuelUST139-1.5ML5000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideUST140-1.5ML50000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideW1367-1.5MLNeatCollected from a single source.No. 8 Fuel OilUST136-1.5ML5000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideAviation GasUST141-1.5ML5000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideCALUST137-1.5ML50000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideW1371-1.5MLNeatCollected from a single source.UST142-1.5ML50000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideW1368-1.5MLNeatCollected from a single source - low lead, high octane for piston aircraft.30 Wt OilUST138-1.5ML5000 µg/mL in HexaneUST191-1.5ML50000 µg/mL in HexaneW1363-1.5MLNeatCollected from a single source.120 First Choice for Quality

CALWaste Motor OilUST143-1.5ML5000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideUST144-1.5ML50000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideW1362-1.5MLNeatCollected from a commercial oil service center.KeroseneUST150-1.5ML5000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideUST151-1.5ML50000 µg/mL in Methylene ChlorideW1360-1.5MLNeatCollected from three sources and compounded prior to formulationRTCThe World StandardInternal <strong>Standards</strong> and SurrogatesCatalog # Compound Name Concentration Solvent0194 2-Fluorobiphenyl 10000 µg/mL Methylene chloride0233H 4-Bromofluorobenzene 2000 µg/mL Methanol1024 p-Terphenyl 10000 µg/mL Methylene chloride1261 alpha, alpha, alpha-Trifluorotoluene 2000 µg/mL Methanol1341AC o-Terphenyl 2000 µg/mL Acetone1341H o-Terphenyl 10000 µg/mL Methylene chloride1342 5-alpha-Adrostane 2000 µg/mL Methylene chloride1373 1-Chlorooctadecane 10000 µg/mL Methylene chloride1374 1-Chlorooctane 10000 µg/mL MethanolFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com121

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Numerics28941............................. 11528944............................. 1150194............................... 1250233H............................. 1251024............................... 1251261............................... 1251341AC........................... 1251341H............................. 1251342............................... 1251373............................... 1251374............................... 12500462............................. 11500734............................. 11501357............................. 11601444............................. 11501932............................. 11501969............................. 11501996............................. 11602334............................. 11602733............................. 11504689............................. 11604713............................. 11604736............................. 11505201............................. 11505202............................. 11505419............................. 11505719............................. 11506335............................. 11507193............................. 11508269............................. 11508729............................. 11611561............................. 11512237............................. 11612292............................. 11512818............................. 11615747............................. 11516259............................. 11516482............................. 11516595............................. 11516596............................. 11516639............................. 11516734............................. 11518020............................. 11518021............................. 11518399............................. 11618562............................. 11618827............................. 11619013............................. 11619051............................. 11519078............................. 11519916............................. 1162008CAL-1....................... 11930083............................. 11530329............................. 11536379............................. 11538168............................. 11538338............................. 11538364............................. 11738996............................. 11539361............................. 11539435............................. 11539436............................. 11539865............................. 11739883............................. 11739924............................. 11640121............................. 11740423............................. 11640591............................. 11540786............................. 11741271............................. 11741318............................. 11541377............................. 11642151............................. 11742225............................. 11542242............................. 11542637............................. 11742887............................. 11542992............................. 11543147............................. 11743149............................. 11543492............................. 11747037............................. 11549594............................. 11749596............................. 11650002............................. 11551244............................. 11551287............................. 11651439............................. 11751474............................. 11551777............................. 11751844............................. 11651873............................. 11651994............................. 11552874............................. 11553337............................. 11753378............................. 11554704............................. 11655727............................. 11556209............................. 11659755............................. 11759878............................. 11759916............................. 11559943............................. 1156020CAL-1....................... 11961935............................. 11567210............................. 11567276............................. 11767717............................. 11567902............................. 11767913............................. 11568131............................. 11568371............................. 11668418............................. 11568525............................. 11568780............................. 11568921............................. 11568961............................. 11669349............................. 11569679............................. 11773495............................. 11573574............................. 11674128............................. 11574244............................. 11674246............................. 11775267............................. 11575159............................. 11676668............................. 11577036............................. 11577091............................. 11577365............................. 11778437............................. 11580759............................. 11687142............................. 11789441............................. 11789498............................. 11590071............................. 11790092............................. 11590157............................. 11790243............................. 11692279............................. 11592615............................. 11692685............................. 11594117............................. 11594430............................. 11694458............................. 11694459............................. 11696664............................. 11596665............................. 115INDFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com123

INDAALK500-100ML................. 105ALK500-500ML................. 105ALK1000-100ML............... 105ALK1000-500ML............... 105BBOD200-100ML................ 105BOD200-500ML................ 105BOD500-100ML................ 105BOD500-500ML................ 105BOD1000-500ML.............. 105BOD2000-500ML.............. 105CCLNSAND4-250G ............. 101CLNSAND4100G .............. 101CLNSED2-100G ............... 101CLNSED2-250G ............... 101CLNSOIL1-100G .............. 101CLNSOIL1-250G .............. 101CLNSOIL2-100G .............. 101CLNSOIL2-250G .............. 101CLNSOIL3-100G .............. 101CLNSOIL3-250G .............. 101CLNSOIL5-100G .............. 101CLNSOIL5-250G .............. 101CLNSOIL6-100G .............. 101CLNSOIL6-250G .............. 101CLR100-100ML ................ 105CLR100-500ML ................ 105CLR500-100ML ................ 105CLR500-500ML ................ 105CNS301-50G ..................... 69CNS312-50G ..................... 93CNS329-50G ..................... 93CNS391-50G ..................... 93CNS392-50G ..................... 69COD500-100ML ............... 105COD500-500ML ............... 105COND25-1L .................... 103COND25-500ML............... 103COND50-1L .................... 103COND50-500ML............... 103COND75-1L .................... 103COND75-500ML............... 103COND147-1L ................... 103COND147-500ML ............ 103COND1412-1L ................. 103COND1412-500ML ........... 103COND2060-1L ................. 103COND2060-500ML ........... 103CRM001-100G ................... 67CRM002-100G ................... 67CRM004-100G ................... 67CRM005-50G .................... 59CRM006-50G .................... 68CRM008-50G .................... 64CRM009-100G ................... 65CRM010-100G ................... 65CRM011-100G ................... 65CRM012-100G ................... 67CRM013-50G ...............67, 68CRM014-50G ...............67, 68CRM015-50G .........64, 69, 72CRM016-50G .........64, 69, 72CRM017-20G .................... 68CRM018-50G .................... 66CRM019-50G .................... 67CRM020-50G .................... 59CRM021-100G ................... 59CRM022-20G .................... 59CRM023-50G .................... 59CRM024-50G .................... 60CRM025-50G .................... 60CRM026-50G .........60, 69, 72CRM027-50G .................... 60CRM028-50G .................... 60CRM029-50G .................... 66CRM030-50G .................... 61CRM031-40G .................... 66CRM033-50G .................... 61CRM034-50G .................... 61CRM036-50G .................... 61CRM041-30G .................... 78CRM043-50G .................... 61CRM044-50G .........62, 70, 72CRM045-50G .........62, 70, 72CRM046-50G .........62, 70, 72CRM048-50G .................... 62CRM049-50G .................... 62CRM050-20G .................... 68CRM051-50G .................... 63CRM052-50G .................... 63CRM055-50G .........66, 70, 72CRM059-50G .................... 63CRM090-100G ................... 78CRM091-100G ................... 78CRM092-100G ................... 78CRM101-100G ................... 82CRM104-50G .................... 82CRM106-100G ................... 82CRM107-100G ........82, 90, 96CRM109-100G ................... 82CRM110-100G ................... 83CRM111-100G ................... 83CRM112-100G ................... 83CRM113-100G ................... 83CRM114-100G ................... 83CRM115-100G ................... 86CRM116-100G ................... 84CRM118-100G ................... 84CRM119-100G ................... 84CRM121-100G ................... 84CRM122-100G ................... 84CRM123-100G ................... 84CRM125-100G ................... 84CRM126-100G ................... 84CRM128-10G .................... 96CRM130-10G .................... 96CRM131-100G ................... 84CRM132-10G .................... 96CRM133-10G .................... 96CRM135-100G ................... 84CRM136-100G ................... 84CRM137-10G .................... 96CRM138-10G .................... 96CRM140-100G ................... 84CRM141-50G .................... 86CRM142-100G ................... 86CRM143-50G .................... 84CRM170-100G ................... 86CRM171-100G ................... 86CRM172-100G ................... 86CRM202-225G ................... 74CRM204-225G ................... 74CRM205-225G ................... 74CRM206-225G ................... 74CRM206-225G ...................77CRM207-225G ................... 74CRM207-225G ................... 77CRM208-225G ................... 74CRM209-225G ................... 75CRM210-225G ................... 75CRM211-225G ................... 75CRM212-225G ................... 75CRM213-225G ................... 75CRM215-225G ................... 75CRM215-225G ................... 77CRM217-225G ................... 75CRM218-225G ................... 77CRM218-225G ................... 75124First Choice for Quality

CRM304-30G .................... 87CRM305-30G .................... 87CRM306-30G .................... 87CRM307-30G .................... 87CRM308-30G .................... 87CRM309-30G .................... 87CRM350-100G ................... 88CRM352-100G ................... 88CRM353-100G ................... 88CRM354-100G ................... 88CRM355-100G ................... 88CRM356-100G ................... 89CRM357-100G ................... 89CRM358-100G ................... 89CRM359-100G ................... 89CRM360-100G ................... 89CRM361-100G ................... 89CRM371-100G ................... 89CRM372-100G ................... 89CRM373-100G ................... 89CRM401-225G ................... 76CRM402-225G ................... 76CRM497-100G ................... 78CRM498-100G ................... 78CRM499-100G ................... 78CRM500-30G .................... 87CRM501-30G .................... 87CRM502-30G .................... 87CRM513-30G .................... 87CRM550-100G ................... 88CRM555-100G ................... 88CRM558-100G ................... 88CRM560-100G ................... 88CRM608-25G .................... 81CRM627-30G .................... 80CRM633-30G .................... 80CRM636-25G .................... 81CRM637-30G .................... 80CRM638-25G .................... 81CRM639-30G .................... 80CRM640-25G .................... 81CRM700-50G .................... 79CRM701-50G .................... 79CRM702-50G .................... 79CRM750-30G .................... 78CRM751-30G .................... 78CRM752-30G .................... 78CRM775-30G .................... 79CRM776-30G .................... 79CRM777-30G .................... 79CRM803-50G .................... 94CRM804-50G .................... 90CRM805-50G .................... 90CRM806-100G ................... 95CRM808-50G .................... 94CRM810-50G .................... 94CRM812-50G..................... 95CRM813-50G..................... 95CRM817-50G .................... 94CRM818-50G .................... 90CRM821-50G .................... 92CRM823-50G .................... 94CRM824-50G .................... 91CRM825-50G .................... 95CRM826-50G .................... 95CRM827-50G .................... 92CRM828-100G ................... 91CRM829-50G .................... 95CRM831-50G .................... 94CRM837-50G .................... 92CRM846-50G ................... 91CRM847-50G .................... 91CRM850-50G .................... 95CRM851-50G .................... 92CRM852-50G .................... 95CRM853-50G .................... 95CRM860-50G .................... 91CRM910-50G .................... 97CRM911-50G .................... 97CRM913-50G .................... 97CRM915-50G .................... 97CRM916-50G .................... 97CRM917-50G .................... 97CRM918-50G .................... 97CRM919-50G .................... 97CRM920-10G .................... 97CRM921-50G .................... 97CRM922-50G .................... 97CRM923-50G .................... 97CRM924-50G .................... 97CRM925-10G .................... 97CRM926-10G .................... 97CRM927-50G .................... 97CRM961-50G .................... 98CRM962-50G .................... 98CRM963-30G .................... 98CRM981-10G .................... 98CRM2003-50G ................... 63CRM2004-50G ................... 63HHARD1000-100ML............ 106HARD1000-500ML............ 106IICS001-100ML................. 107ICS001-500ML................. 107ICS002-100ML................. 107ICS002-500ML................. 107ICS003-100ML................. 107ICS003-500ML................. 107ICS004-100ML................. 107ICS004-500ML................. 107ICS005-100ML................. 107ICS005-500ML................. 107ICS006-100ML................. 107ICS006-500ML................. 107ICS007-100ML................. 107ICS007-500ML................. 107ICS008-100ML................. 107ICS008-500ML................. 107ICS009-100ML................. 107ICS009-500ML................. 107ICS010-100ML................. 107ICS010-500ML................. 107ICS011-100ML................. 107ICS011-500ML................. 107ICS012-100ML................. 107ICS012-500ML................. 107ICS013-100ML................. 107ICS013-500ML................. 107ICS014-100ML................. 107ICS014-500ML................. 107ICS015-100ML................. 107ICS015-500ML................. 107ICS016-100ML................. 107ICS016-500ML................. 107ICS017-100ML................. 107ICS017-500ML................. 107ICS018-100ML................. 107ICS018-500ML................. 107ICS019-100ML................. 108ICS019-500ML................. 108ICS020-100ML................. 108ICS020-500ML................. 108ICS021-100ML................. 108ICS021-500ML................. 108ICS022-100ML................. 108ICS022-500ML................. 108ICS023-100ML................. 108ICS023-500ML................. 108ICS024-100ML................. 108ICS024-500ML................. 108ICS025-100ML................. 108ICS025-500ML................. 108INDFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com125

INDICS026-100ML................. 108ICS026-500ML................. 108ICS027-100ML................. 108ICS027-500ML................. 108ICS028-100ML................. 108ICS028-500ML................. 108ICS029-100ML................. 108ICS029-500ML................. 108ICS030-100ML................. 108ICS030-500ML................. 108ICS031-100ML................. 108ICS031-500ML................. 108ICS032-100ML................. 108ICS032-500ML................. 108ICS033-100ML................. 108ICS033-500ML................. 108ICS034-100ML................. 107ICS034-500ML................. 107ICS036-100ML................. 107ICS036-500ML................. 107ICS045-100ML................. 108ICS045-500ML................. 108IV-19 ............................ 119LLDL010-50G ...................... 71LDL020-50G ...................... 71LDL030-50G ...................... 71LDL040-50G ...................... 71LDL050-50G ...................... 71LDL060-50G ...................... 71LDL070-50G ...................... 71LDL080-50G ...................... 71MMB010-50G ....................... 72MB020-50G ....................... 72MB030-50G ....................... 72MB040-50G ....................... 72MB050-50G ....................... 72MB060-50G ....................... 72MBAS100-100ML ............. 106MBAS100-500ML ............. 106MBAS1000-100ML ........... 106MBAS1000-500ML ........... 106MDL001-2ML .................. 109MDL002-20ML ................. 109MDL003-100ML ............... 109MDL004-20ML ................. 109MDL-005 ......................... 109MDL-006 ......................... 109MDL007-2ML .................. 109MDL008-2ML .................. 109MDL009-2ML .................. 109MDL-010 ......................... 109MDL-011 ......................... 109MDL-012 ......................... 109MDL-013 ......................... 109MDL014-20ML ................. 109MDL-015 ......................... 109MDL016-200ML ............... 109MDL017-1L ..................... 109MDL-018 ......................... 109MDL-019 ......................... 109MDL-020 ......................... 109MDL-021 ......................... 109MDL022-1L ..................... 109MIC001-10EA ................... 33MIC002-2EA ..................... 33MIC003-2EA .................17,23MIC004-2EA ...................... 20MIC005-2EA ..................... 17MIC006-2EA ...................... 33MIC007-2EA ..................... 33MIC008-2EA ...................... 33MIC009-2EA ...................... 41MIC011-2EA ...................... 33MIC012-2EA ...................... 20MIC013-2EA ...................... 41MIC014-2EA ...................... 41MIC015-2EA ...................... 33MIC016-10EA..................... 33MIC018-2EA ...................... 33MIC022-2EA ...................... 20MIC023-2EA ...................... 20MIC102-6EA ..................... 33MIC103-6EA ..................... 17MIC105-6EA ..................... 17MIC107-6EA ..................... 33MIC202-8EA ..................... 33MIC203-8EA ..................... 17MIC205-8EA ..................... 17MIC207-8EA ..................... 33MMH001-5x20ML ............. 35MMH001-20ML ................. 35MML001-5x20ML .............. 35MML001-20ML ................. 35MMM001-5x20ML ............. 35MMM001-20ML ................ 35MMS001-5X20ML ............. 35MMS001-20ML ................. 35MMW001-5X20ML ............ 35MMW001-20ML ................ 35MMW001-250ML .............. 35MSH100-50G ..................... 73MSH101-50G ..................... 73MSH200-50G ..................... 73MSH201-50G ..................... 73MSH300-50G ..................... 73MSH301-50G ..................... 73MSH400-50G .................... 73MSH401-50G ..................... 73MSH500-50G .................... 73MSH501-50G ..................... 73MSH600-50G .................... 73MSH601-50G ..................... 73MSL100-50G ..................... 73MSL101-50G ...................... 73MSL200-50G ..................... 73MSL201-50G ...................... 73MSL300-50G ..................... 73MSL301-50G ..................... 73MSL400-50G ..................... 73MSL401-50G ...................... 73MSL500-50G ..................... 73MSL501-50G ...................... 73MSL600-50G ..................... 73MSL601-50G ...................... 73MSM100-50G..................... 73MSM101-50G ..................... 73MSM200-50G..................... 73MSM201-50G ..................... 73MSM300-50G..................... 73MSM301-50G ..................... 73MSM400-50G..................... 73MSM401-50G ..................... 73MSM500-50G..................... 73MSM501-50G ..................... 73MSM600-50G..................... 73MSM601-50G ..................... 73MSS001-100ML ............... 108MSS002-100ML ............... 108MSS003-100ML ............... 108MSS004-100ML ............... 108MSS005-100ML ............... 108MSS006-100ML ............... 108OOG100-250ML ................. 106OG1000-250ML ............... 106126First Choice for Quality

PPB2000-50G ..................... 68PB3000-50G ..................... 68PE1002-1KT ...................... 13PE1003-1KT ........................9PE1004-1KT ...................... 11PE1005-20ML..................... 18PE1006-2ML ...................... 19PE1033-2ML ..................... 14PE1034-20ML .................... 11PE1038-20ML .................... 18PE1040-2ML ..................... 14PE1041-1KT .................. 9, 23PE1046-2ML ...................... 18PE1047-20ML .................... 18PE1051-2ML ................. 9, 23PE1052-20ML .............. 11, 23PE1054-2ML ............... 10, 23PE1060-20ML ................ 9, 23PE1065-2ML ............... 11, 23PE1066-20ML .................... 18PE1070-2ML ..................... 12PE1073-20ML..................... 18PE1076-20ML..................... 18PE1077-1KT ....................... 18PE1078-20ML .................... 11PE1081-20ML .............. 10, 23PE1083-2ML ............... 10, 23PE1084-2ML ...................... 18PE1086-1KT ...................... 15PE1087-1KT ...................... 15PE1088-20ML .............. 11, 23PE1090-500ML................... 18PE1091-1.2G ..................... 10PE1092-2ML ..................... 12PE1094-2ML ..................... 12PE1097-20ML .................... 18PE-1100 ............................ 34PE1104-20ML..................... 18PE1105-2ML....................... 19PE1106-1KT ...................... 15PE1107-1KT ...................... 16PE1108-1KT ...................... 16PE1116-2ML ...................... 20PE1118-2ML ...................... 19PE1122-2ML ...................... 20PE1124-2ML ..................... 12PE1126-20ML .................... 11PE1129-20ML .................... 18PE1130-20ML .............. 10, 23PE1132-20ML .............. 11, 23PE1133-500ML................... 34PE1134-2ML ............... 10, 23PE1135-500ML................... 34PE1139-2ML .......................19PE1144-20ML .................... 11PE1147-2ML ........................18PE1149-2ML........................18PE1151-2ML ........................19PE1152-2ML ................11, 23PE1153-2ML...................9, 23PE1154-20ML ...............11, 23PE1156-1KT ...................... 22PE1157-1KT ...................... 22PE1158-1KT ...................... 22PE1159-1KT ...................... 22PE1160-1KT ...................... 22PE1161-2ML ..................... 13PE1173-2ML ..................... 16PE1178-2ML .......................18PE1181-1KT ........................ 9PE1182-1KT ........................ 9PE1188-20ML .....................18PE1194-1EA ...................... 10PE1195-20ML .................9, 23PE1197-20ML ................18, 34PE1201-2ML ..................... 13PE1205-20ML .................... 23PE1208-500ML ...................17PE1209-20ML .....................18PE1210-20ML ...............10, 23PE1210-100ML .................. 10PE1210-250ML .................. 10PE1223-2ML ..................... 14PE1243-20ML .................... 34PE1250-2ML ..................... 15PE1251-2ML ..................... 15PE1262-2ML .......................19PE1263-30ML .....................18PE1265-2ML .......................19PE1267-20ML .....................18PE1269-20ML .................... 11PE1271-2ML .......................19PE1272-2ML ..................... 12PE1274-2ML ..................... 13PE1275-2ML .......... 14, 20, 38PE1280-2ML ..................... 13PE1284-2ML .......................19PE1285-20ML .....................18PE1295-2ML .......................19PE1301-2ML ..................... 31PE1302-1KT ...................... 27PE1303-1KT ...................... 27PE1304-1KT ...................... 27PE1305-1KT ...................... 29PE1306-1KT ...................... 27PE1308-20ML .................... 28PE1312-2ML ...................... 34PE1317-2ML ...................... 34PE1318-2ML ...................... 30PE1319-20ML .................... 34PE1321-2ML ...................... 20PE1326-2ML ..................... 31PE1329-2ML ...................... 34PE1337-20ML .................... 29PE1342-2ML ..................... 28PE1350-20ML .................... 29PE1351-2ML ..................... 29PE1352-1KT ...................... 31PE1353-1KT ...................... 31PE1354-1KT ...................... 31PE1355-1KT ...................... 30PE1356-1KT ...................... 30PE1357-1KT ...................... 32PE1358-1KT ...................... 30PE1361-2ML ..................... 27PE1364-20ML .................... 27PE1368-20ML .................... 28PE1368-100ML .................. 28PE1368-250ML .................. 28PE1372-2ML ..................... 27PE1373-2ML ..................... 32PE1377-2ML ...................... 19PE1380-20ML .................... 19PE1388-20ML .................... 34PE1392-2ML ...................... 34PE1398-2ML ...................... 20PE1399-2ML ..................... 28PE1400-2ML ..................... 31PE1401-20ML .................... 34PE1404-2ML ...................... 34PE1425-2ML ..................... 32PE1432-20ML ..................... 34PE1448-20ML .................... 34PE1450-2ML ..................... 28PE1452-2ML ...................... 34PE1453-20ML ................... 29PE1456-2ML ..................... 33PE1458-20ML .................... 29PE1461-2ML ...................... 20PE1466-2ML ..................... 32PE1469-2ML ...................... 30PE1481-2ML ...................... 34PE1484-2ML .................... 32PE1488-20ML .................... 29PE1490-500ML .................. 34PE1491-2ML ...................... 20PE1496-2ML ...................... 34PE1506-20ML ................... 29PE1507-2ML .................... 32INDFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com127

INDPE1519-2ML....................... 34PE1541-20ML ..................... 34PE1543-2ML ...................... 19PE1544-2ML ..................... 32PE1546-2ML ...................... 30PE1548-20ML .................... 34PE1549-2ML ...................... 34PE1550-2ML ...................... 31PE1566-2ML ...................... 19PE1573-2ML ..................... 28PE1575-2ML ...................... 34PE1579-2ML ..................... 33PE1586-2ML ...................... 30PE1593-2ML ...................... 34PE1595-2ML ...................... 31PE1596-2ML ..................... 31PE1604-1KT ..................... 47PE1608-2ML ..................... 46PE1642-2ML ..................... 45PE1658-2ML ..................... 47PE1679-2ML ..................... 47PE1708-2ML ............... 12, 45PE1756-2ML ..................... 48PE1779-2ML ..................... 46PE1798-2ML ..........12, 45, 48PE1800-2ML ..................... 45PE1817-2ML ..................... 46PE1849-2ML ..................... 47PE2034-20ML .................... 34PE3015-500ML .................. 17PE3050-500ML ............ 10, 23PE3074-500ML................... 18PE3131-250ML ................... 17PE3137-500ML .................. 17PE3145-500ML .................. 17PE3162-500ML .............18, 34PE3163-500ML .................. 17PE3179-500ML .................. 17PE3189-500ML .................. 17PE140120ML ..................... 34PEO-122-5 ........................ 20PEO-179 ........................... 20PE-WPK ..............................9QQC1001-2ML .................... 99QC1002-1KT...................... 13QC1003-1KT........................9QC1004-1KT...................... 11QC1014-20ML ................ 100QC1030-2ML .................. 100QC1033-2ML...................... 14QC1034-20ML.................... 11QC1040-2ML...................... 14QC1041-1KT.................. 9, 23QC1051-2ML.................. 9, 23QC1052-20ML.............. 11, 23QC1054-2ML................ 10, 23QC1060-20ML................ 9, 23QC1061-1KT .................... 99QC1062-1KT .................. 100QC1063-1KT .................. 100QC1064-1KT .................. 100QC1065-2ML................ 11, 23QC1070-2ML...................... 12QC1071-2ML .................. 100QC1078-20ML.................... 11QC1081-20ML.............. 10, 23QC1083-2ML................ 10, 23QC1085-20ML .................. 99QC1086-1KT...................... 15QC1087-1KT...................... 15QC1088-20ML.............. 11, 23QC1091-1.2G..................... 10QC1092-2ML...................... 12QC1094-2ML...................... 12QC1106-1KT...................... 15QC1107-1KT...................... 16QC1108-1KT...................... 16QC1117-10-1L.................. 103QC1117-10-10L................ 103QC1117-10-100ML........... 103QC1117-10-250ML........... 103QC1117-10-500ML........... 103QC1120-2ML .................. 100QC1121-4-1L................... 103QC1121-4-10L.................. 103QC1121-4-100ML............. 103QC1121-4-250ML............. 103QC1121-4-500ML............. 103QC1124-2ML...................... 12QC1126-20ML.................... 11QC1127-7-1L................... 103QC1127-7-10L.................. 103QC1127-7-100ML............. 103QC1127-7-250ML............. 103QC1127-7-500ML............. 103QC1130-20ML.............. 10, 23QC1132-20ML.............. 11, 23QC1134-2ML................ 10, 23QC1144-20ML.................... 11QC1150-10ML .................. 99QC1152-2ML................ 11, 23QC1153-2ML.................. 9, 23QC1154-20ML.............. 11, 23QC1156-1KT...................... 22QC1157-1KT...................... 22QC1158-1KT...................... 22QC1159-1KT...................... 22QC1160-1KT...................... 22QC1161-2ML...................... 13QC1164-1KT .................... 99QC1165-1KT .................... 99QC1166-20ML .................. 99QC1167-2ML .................... 99QC1173-2ML...................... 16QC1175-1KT .................. 100QC1176-1KT .................. 100QC1181-1KT........................9QC1182-1KT........................9QC1187-20ML ................ 100QC1194-1EA....................... 10QC1195-20ML................ 9, 23QC1201-2ML...................... 13QC1205-20ML.................... 23QC1210-20ML.............. 10, 23QC1210-100ML.................. 10QC1210-250ML.................. 10QC1223-2ML...................... 14QC1246-2ML .................... 99QC1250-2ML...................... 15QC1251-2ML...................... 15QC1269-20ML.................... 11QC1272-2ML...................... 12QC1273-20ML ................ 100QC1274-2ML...................... 13QC1275-2ML................ 14, 38QC1277-2ML .................. 100QC1280-2ML...................... 13QC1283-1G ...................... 99QC1286-20ML ................ 100QC1287-20ML ................ 100QC1297-20ML .................. 99QC1298-1G ...................... 99QC1301-2ML...................... 31QC1302-1KT...................... 27QC1303-1KT...................... 27QC1304-1KT...................... 27QC1305-1KT...................... 29QC1306-1KT...................... 27QC1308-20ML.................... 28QC1318-2ML...................... 30QC1326-2ML...................... 31QC1337-20ML.................... 29QC1342-2ML...................... 28QC1350-20ML.................... 29QC1351-2ML...................... 29128First Choice for Quality

QC1352-1KT...................... 31QC1353-1KT...................... 31QC1354-1KT...................... 31QC1355-1KT...................... 30QC1356-1KT...................... 30QC1357-1KT...................... 32QC1358-1KT...................... 30QC1361-2ML...................... 27QC1364-20ML.................... 27QC1368-20ML.................... 28QC1368-100ML.................. 28QC1368-250ML.................. 28QC1372-2ML...................... 27QC1373-2ML...................... 32QC1399-2ML...................... 28QC1400-2ML...................... 31QC1425-2ML...................... 32QC1450-2ML...................... 28QC1453-20ML.................... 29QC1456-2ML...................... 33QC1458-20ML.................... 29QC1466-2ML...................... 32QC1469-2ML...................... 30QC1484-2ML...................... 32QC1488-20ML.................... 29QC1506-20ML.................... 29QC1507-2ML...................... 32QC1544-2ML...................... 32QC1546-2ML...................... 30QC1550-2ML...................... 31QC1573-2ML...................... 28QC1579-2ML...................... 33QC1586-2ML...................... 30QC1595-2ML...................... 31QC1596-2ML...................... 31QC1604-1KT...................... 47QC1608-2ML...................... 46QC1642-2ML...................... 45QC1658-2ML...................... 47QC1679-2ML...................... 47QC1708-2ML................ 12, 45QC1756-2ML...................... 48QC1779-2ML...................... 46QC1798-2ML...........12, 45, 48QC1800-2ML...................... 45QC1817-2ML...................... 46QC1849-2ML...................... 47QC3050-500ML............ 10, 23QCMIC001-10EA................ 33QCMIC002-2EA.................. 33QCMIC003-2EA.............17, 23QCMIC005-2EA.................. 17QCMIC007-2EA.................. 33QCMIC102-6EA.................. 33QCMIC103-6EA.................. 17QCMIC105-6EA.................. 17QCMIC107-6EA.................. 33QCMIC202-8EA.................. 33QCMIC203-8EA.................. 17QCMIC205-8EA.................. 17QCMIC207-8EA.................. 33QCWET-013....................... 24QCWET-014....................... 24QCWET-015....................... 24QCWET-016....................... 24QCWET-019....................... 24QCWET-020....................... 24QCWET-021....................... 24QCWET-022....................... 24QCWET-032....................... 24QCWET-038....................... 24QCWET-042....................... 24QCWET-043....................... 24QCWET-044....................... 24QCWET-045....................... 24QCWET-046....................... 24QCWET-047....................... 24QC-WPK..............................9RRQC-0200-5x104.......................56RQC-0230-50...................... 52, 56RQC-0230-1000................... 52, 56RQC01652-10EA....... 52, 53, 55, 56RQC01655-10EA.................. 53, 56RQC01657-10EA.................. 55, 56RQC01702-10EA....... 52, 53, 55, 56RQC01705-10EA.............53, 54, 56RQC01707-10EA................... 52, 56RQC01752-10EA........................56RQC-01772-10EA............52, 53, 56RQC01775-1EA...............53, 54, 56RQC01777-10EA.................. 52, 56RQC9000-1KT...........................55RQC9050-1KT...........................53RQC9100-1KT............................53RQC9150-1KT............................54RQC9250-1KT...........................52RQC9300-1KT...........................52RQC9350-1KT............................52RQC12002-10EA....... 52, 53, 55, 56RQC12005-10EA.................. 53, 56RQC12007-10EA.................. 55, 56RQC13002-10EA.................. 52, 56RQC17002-10EA..........................56RQC21102-10EA .................... 53, 56RRONEAT-5G ..........................123SSAL20-100ML................... 106SAL20-500ML................... 106SPE001-50G .................... 38SPE001PB-1KT.................... 42SPE001S-50G..................... 42SPE002H-25G .................. 40SPE002L-30G ................... 40SPE003-40G .................... 39SPE004-50G .................... 38SPE005-225G..................... 44SPE006-225G..................... 44SPE007-100G ............. 40, 45SPE007AK-100G ............... 46SPE007MA-40G ................ 47SPE007WA-100G .............. 48SPE007WI-100G ............... 48SPE008-30G .............. 40, 45SPE008AK-25G ................. 46SPE008MA-30G ................ 47SPE008WA-30G ................ 48SPE008WI-25G ................ 48SPE009-50G .................... 39SPE010-50G .................... 38SPE-010TIS........................ 42SPE011-2ML .................... 37SPE012-30G .................... 37SPE013-30G .................... 37SPE014-100G ................... 38SPE015-225G..................... 44SPE016-10G....................... 41SPE016MUS-10G................. 41SPE016TIS-10G.................. 41SPE017-40G .................... 40SPE019-100G..................... 44SPE-020K.......................... 37SPE021-50G .................... 40SPE022-30G .................... 38SPE023-100G ................... 37SPE025-30G .................... 45SPE025AK-25G ................. 46SPE025WI-25G ................. 48SPE026-100G ................... 45SPE026AK-100G ............... 46INDFor mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com129

INDSPE026NJ-100G ............... 47SPE026TX-1KT ................. 47SPE027-50G .................... 37SPE028-50G .................... 38SPE029-4X25ML ............... 37SPE030-50G....................... 41SPE-031K.......................... 45SPE-032K.......................... 45SPE-033K.......................... 45SPE-034AK ...................... 46SPE-035K ........................ 39SPE037-100G...................... 42SPE038-100G..................... 42SPE-040K.......................... 37SPE060-25G....................... 42SPE061-100G...................... 41SPE062-4X25ML................. 42SPE066-100ML................... 43SPE067-100G..................... 42SPE068-50G....................... 42SPE068MUS-30G................ 43SPE068TIS-30G.................. 43SPE070-20ML..................... 44SPE071-30G....................... 44SPE072-50G....................... 43SPE073-30G....................... 42SPE074-50G....................... 42SPE075-100ML................... 41SPE076-2ML....................... 44SPE078-1L.......................... 41SPE080-30G....................... 41SPE082-100G..................... 44SPE083-10G....................... 41SPE087-30G....................... 43SPE102-30G....................... 44SPE1093-10G...................... 42SPE1664-50G..................... 42SQC001-50G...................... 38SQC002H-25G.................... 40SQC002L-30G..................... 40SQC003-40G...................... 39SQC004-50G...................... 38SQC007-100G.............. 40, 45SQC007AK-100G................ 46SQC007MA-40G................. 47SQC007WA-100G............... 48SQC007WI-100G................ 48SQC008-30G................ 40, 45SQC008AK-25G.................. 46SQC008MA-30G................. 47SQC008WA-30G................. 48SQC008WI-25G.................. 48SQC009-50G...................... 39SQC010-50G...................... 38SQC011-2ML...................... 37SQC012-30G...................... 37SQC013-30G...................... 37SQC014-100G.................... 38SQC017-40G...................... 40SQC-020K.......................... 37SQC021-50G...................... 40SQC022-30G...................... 38SQC023-100G.................... 37SQC025-30G...................... 45SQC025AK-25G.................. 46SQC025WI-25G.................. 48SQC026-100G.................... 45SQC026AK-100G................ 46SQC026NJ-100G................. 47SQC026TX-1KT.................. 47SQC027-50G...................... 37SQC028-50G...................... 38SQC029-4X25ML................ 37SQC-031K.......................... 45SQC-032K.......................... 45SQC-033K.......................... 45SQC-034AK........................ 46SQC-035K.......................... 39SQC-040K.......................... 37TTDS1000-100ML...............105TDS1000-500ML...............105TDS1500-500ML...............105THRD1000-100ML.............106THRD1000-500ML.............106TKN1000-100ML...............106TKN1000-500ML...............106TOC100-100ML.................106TOC100-500ML.................106TOC1000-100ML...............106TOC1000-500ML...............106TPC100-100ML..................106TPC100-500ML..................106TPC1000-100ML................106TPC1000-500ML................106TPO1000-100ML...............106TPO1000-500ML...............106TSS10-100ML....................106TSS10-500ML....................106TSS100-100ML..................106TSS100-500ML................. 106TSS1000-100ML............... 106TSS1000-500ML............... 106TURB1-1L........................ 104TURB1-100ML.................. 104TURB1-500ML.................. 104TURB2-1L........................ 104TURB2-100ML.................. 104TURB2-500ML.................. 104TURB4-1L........................ 104TURB4-100ML.................. 104TURB4-500ML.................. 104TURB05-1L...................... 104TURB5-1L........................ 104TURB05-100ML................ 104TURB5-100ML.................. 104TURB05-500ML................ 104TURB5-500ML.................. 104TURB10-1L...................... 104TURB10-100ML................ 104TURB10-500ML................ 104TURB20-1L...................... 104TURB20-100ML................ 104TURB20-500ML................ 104TURB50-1L...................... 104TURB50-100ML................ 104TURB50-500ML................ 104TURB100-1L.................... 104TURB100-100ML.............. 104TURB100-500ML.............. 104TURB500-1L.................... 104TURB500-100ML.............. 104TURB500-500ML.............. 104TURB1000-1L................... 104TURB1000-100ML............ 104TURB1000-500ML............ 104TURB2000-1L................... 104TURB2000-100ML............ 104TURB2000-500ML............ 104TURB4000-1L................... 104TURB4000-100ML............ 104TURB4000-500ML............ 104130First Choice for Quality

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Following are a list of terms that are commonly used in USA environmental analytical laboratoriesand are used throughout this catalog.AAAtomic Absorption Spectroscopy: the detection of metals using a single wavelength/single element spectral analysis.Flame AAAA using an acetylene flame as heat source. EPA Method 7020 describes the analysis of trace elements using this technique.GFAAAA using an Electrothermal Graphite Furnace as heat source. EPA Method 7021 describes the analysis of trace elements using thistechnique.Cold Vapor AAA spectral analysis used in the detection of Mercury vapor. EPA Methods 7470/7471 describes the analysis of trace elements using thistechnique.AroclorTrade name for PCBs in North America. They are defined by a 4 digit code of which the last 2 digits represent the % by weight of thechlorine content.BNAsBase Neutral Acid. BNA’s include PAH’s and related structures. The group is also commonly referred to as SVOCs. EPA Method 8270describes the analysis of BNAsCalderon MetalsA list of 22 toxic metals associated with metal extraction and smelting, hence the name “calderon”. They are Antimony (Sb), Arsenic(As), Barium (Ba), Beryllium (Be), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Lead (Pb), Magnesium (Mg),Manganese (Mn), Mercury (Hg), Molybdenum (Mo), Nickel (Ni), Potassium (K), Selenium (Se), Silver (Ag), Sodium (Na), Thallium (Tl),Vanadium (V) and Zinc (Zn).Carbon RangeThe amount of petroleum hydrocarbons in a specific section of a chromatogram based on the retention time of pure alkanes such ashexane, heptane, octane etc., i.e. C 6-C 7, C 7-C 8, C 8-C 9etc. Pure straight chain hydrocarbons (alkanes) have retention times that increaseregularly with the number of carbon atoms. These retention times are used to divide a chromatogram into carbon ranges: C 8-C 10is the partof a chromatogram between the retention time of Octane (eight carbon atoms) and Decane (ten carbon atoms)The TPH of a Carbon Range is defined as the area of a range of the standard compared to the area of the same range of the referencestandard.The carbon ranges of some typical hydrocarbon products:C 4-C 12Gasoline, PetrolC 4-C 16Jet Fuel JP-4C 9-C 16Kerosene, Parafin, Fuel Oil No 1,C 9-C 20Diesel No 2C 11-C 20Fuel Oil No 2C 12-C 32Fuel Oil No 6, Bunker OilC 18-C 40/C 50Motor OilC 4-C 40/C 50Crude OilChlorinated HydrocarbonsVolatile Organic Compounds detailed in EPA Method 8010 and EPA Method 601. This list is also known as Chlorinated Solvents orPurgeable Halocarbons.EPA 8260EPA Method for the identification of a specified list of Volatile Organic Compounds utilizing GC/MS (Gas Chromatography/MassSpectrometry).EPA 8270EPA Method for the identification of a specified list of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds utilizing GC/MS (Gas Chromatography/MassSpectrometry).MISCGC/MSGas Chromatography with a Mass Spectrophotometer detector. EPA Method 8260 and 8270 describes the analysis of Volatile and Semivolatileorganic compounds using this technique.ICIon Chromatography, a method for the detection of Phosphate (PO 4), Sulfate (SO 4), Chloride (Cl), Fluoride (F), Bromide (Br), Nitrite(NO 2), and Nitrate (NO 3).ICPInductively Coupled Plasma. A form of AA instrumentation which utilizes a high temperature plasma to ionize trace elements for analysis.EPA Method 6010 describes the analysis of trace elements using this technique.132 First Choice for Quality

ICP/MSInductively Coupled Plasma spectrophotometer coupled to a mass Spectrophotometer. EPA Method 6020 describes the analysis of traceelements using this technique.LeachableA term which describes the ability of toxic materials to be extracted from the soil by water in a natural environment.LUFTLeaking Underground Fuel Tanks. US Regulations for treatment of leaking tanks, including designated analytical testing, are laid out infederal regulations and state programs.LUFT 5A list of 5 heavy metals commonly associated with leaking underground fuel tanks. The elements of concern are: Cadmium (Cd),Chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn).MTBEMethyl Tertiary Butyl Ether. An oxygenate added to reformulated gasoline and intended to lower exhaust emission of CO and VOC’s.PAHPolyaromatic hydrocarbons. Aromatic hydrocarbons containing more than one fused benzene ring.PCBPolychlorinated Biphenyls. A class of organic compounds with 1 to 10 chlorine atoms attached to biphenyl.Priority Pollutant MetalsA list of 13 metals, Antimony (Sb), Arsenic (As), Beryllium (Be), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg),Nickel (Ni), Selenium (Se), Silver (Ag), Thallium (Tl), and Zinc (Zn) .Priority PollutantsVolatile Organic Compounds covered by EPA Method 8240.Purgeable HalocarbonsVolatile Organic Compounds Covered by EPA Method 8010 and EPA Method 601. Also known as Chlorinated Solvents or ChlorinatedHalocarbons.SIMSelected or selective ion monitoring. SIM Analysis sets the MS detector to repeatedly scan a few selected ions rather than a fullspectrum. In the acquisition method (GC/MS SIM or Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry using Selected Ion Monitoring), theselected ions are set to reflect the compounds to be detected. The detector scans for a primary, secondary and tertiary ion set unique tothe compound of interest in a particular retention time window.SIMDISSimulated distillation. It is expressed as the percentage of the total amount of TPH present in each Carbon Range. For example, if 100ppm of TPH C 10-C 40is detected and 30 ppm lies in the C 10-C 25range then the percentage would be 30% C 10-C 25and 70% C 25-C 40.SVOCsSemi-Volatile Organic Compound or BNAs (Base Neutral Acid) EPA Method 8270 describes the analysis of semi-volatile organiccompounds using this technique.TCLPToxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedure. Used to characterize the mobility of both organic and inorganic analytes present in liquid andsolid wastes. An extraction method prescribed by CFR (Code of Federal Regulations.) The extraction process takes 18 hours.TPHTotal Petroleum Hydrocarbons. A measure of the total amount of fuel present in the standard, i.e., TPH-gasoline or TPH-diesel. TPHresults can be quantified or calculated as:Totals as specific fuels types, i.e. TPH as diesel, crude or gasolineTotals in specific carbon ranges, i.e. 500 ppm C 10-C 25VOAsVolatile Organic Analysis or Analytes. The term is now less used, having been replaced by VOC’s. “VOA Vials” refer to the 40 mlcontainers used for aqueous sampling of volatile compounds.VOCsVolatile Organic Compounds. Refers to the list of analytes specified by EPA Method 8240 or the longer list specified by EPA Method8260.MISCWETWaste Extraction Test and is used in the classification of metals as hazardous waste. It is often used interchangeably with “STLC” or“soluble” when referring to the amount of a metal that is leachable, i.e. WET lead. The correct scientific nomenclature is CAL-WET orCalifornia Waste Extraction Test as defined in CCR Title 22.ZHEZero Headspace Extraction. A TCLP extraction method prescribed by CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) for Volatile Organic Compounds.0 800.576.5690 rt-corp.com 307.745.7936For mor information contact: RTeurope@sial.com133

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