Summer 2012 Newsletter - Maidenhill School

Summer 2012 Newsletter - Maidenhill School Summer 2012 Newsletter - Maidenhill School
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MAIDENHILL NEWS: SUMMER <strong>2012</strong>HEADTEACHER’SUPDATEIt is with immense pride that Iwatched our Year 11 studentsat their recent prom, celebratingtheir time at <strong>Maidenhill</strong>. We wantour students to enjoy their timewith us and be ready to move onto further education or training aswell-qualified, confident, happy andsuccessful young adults. Our Year11s should be justifiably proud ofthemselves for the positive way inwhich they have approached theirfive years here at <strong>Maidenhill</strong>.They have worked hard and I hopethey will be rewarded individuallyfor the efforts they have put in andall gain the results they deserve.Success doesn’t happen withouthard work and the students,teachers and support staff shouldbe commended for their efforts.Our Year 10 studentsnow become theoldest in the schooland I am delightedto have recentlyappointed twoStudent Leaders foreach of the LearningCommunities. This isa new and excitingrole for our Year 10students and I amconfident that they aregoing to rise to thechallenge of this role,working alongsidetheir LearningCommunity Leader.I know they havemany ideas aboutways in which theycan contribute to student life at<strong>Maidenhill</strong>.Next year promises to be anexciting one for <strong>Maidenhill</strong> as thebuilding project gets underway.We hope to keep you posted withdevelopments via our new websiteand hope that as many parents aspossible attend the InformationEvenings in September to find outabout access to our new VirtualLearning Environment. <strong>Maidenhill</strong>continues to go from strength tostrength and I am delighted that anincreasing number of parents andcarers are getting involved in lifeat <strong>Maidenhill</strong>. In partnership wereally can make a difference to theoutcomes for our students.Mrs P WilsonSTEMCareer eventIn March, ‘Careering Around’came into <strong>Maidenhill</strong> <strong>School</strong> totalk to students in Years 9 and 10about future career options inengineering and science. This was agreat opportunity for the studentsinvolved to learn first-hand the skillsand grades needed, and about themany complexities involved in thevarious jobs.The student feedback from the daywas very positive. They thought theday had been productive and thatit had been a great opportunity toexplore different careers.Students were organised intosmall groups and they then walkedaround in these groups talking toprofessional people about their jobsand the skills involved. Each grouphad five minutes to talk to eachperson in this format, which gavethem time to learn about manydifferent careers in a short amountof time.It was a great day and very beneficialto all the students involved.Jamie Deane – 9HDKand Ellie Martin - 9DDG2

MAIDENHILL NEWS: SUMMER <strong>2012</strong>Year 11 FuturesMy name is Laura Wells and I ama year 11 student at <strong>Maidenhill</strong><strong>School</strong>. In September I am planningon studying A-Levels at CirencesterCollege. The A-Levels I plan ondoing are drama and theatre studies,history, maths, psychology and alsopre-teaching at Level 3. After mytime at Cirencester College I thenplan to go to Bath University andstudy a course called Childhood,Youth and Education Studies.Laura WellsAfter leaving <strong>Maidenhill</strong> I amplanning on going to Archway SixthForm to do A-Levels in biology,chemistry, psychology and computing.Afterwards, I would love to go touniversity.Adam GloyneMy future plans are to go on toCirencester College to study biology,psychology, English language andEnglish literature A-Levels and inmy second year I will drop onesubject and do an extra pre-nursingA-Level. I would then like to goon to university at somewhere likeManchester to complete a 3 yearnursing degree and hopefully go onto be a nurse.Danielle HallAfter <strong>Maidenhill</strong> I am planning ongoing to Archway Sixth Form to doA-Levels in chemistry, biology, historyand anthropology. I would then loveto go to university and train as aprimary school teacher. After doingmy year 10 work experience at aprimary school I discovered I reallyenjoyed working with children andwould love to pursue a career as ateacher. I am really looking forwardto meeting new people at Archwayand starting my A-Levels!Amelia GlendinningAfter I leave <strong>Maidenhill</strong> <strong>School</strong> Iwill be attending Hartpury Collegedoing a fitness course. My aim is tobecome a personal trainer.Kai EagleWhen I leave <strong>Maidenhill</strong> I am goingto Gloucestershire College inCheltenham to do A-Levels.The A-Levels I am doing areaccountancy, photography, economicsand business studies. After myA-Levels I am hoping to go toWarwick University and study adegree in accountancy and thenbecome a management accountantafter four years of university.Rhiannon SmithAfter I leave <strong>Maidenhill</strong>, I amattending Cirencester Collegeto take A- Levels in biology,chemistry, English languageand literature as well as law;with an additional generalstudies A- level on top of that.After I have completed college,I plan to relocate to Scotlandand hopefully gain a place atGlasgow University’s <strong>School</strong>of Medicine, to complete aMasters in medical science,which has always been mydream. After qualifying the 5year degree, my aspiration isto become a hospital surgeon,specialising in the medicalfield of oncology. I am veryinterested in the aspects ofmedicine and love learningnew, complex knowledge onthe subject. Cancer has alwaysintrigued me, so I strive tomake a difference and help tofix so many lives affected bythe terrible illness.Matt Harwood3

MAIDENHILL NEWS: SUMMER <strong>2012</strong>COTSWOLD AUDIOTRAIL NARRATIONIhad been recommended by myEnglish teacher to try out for anarrator part in an audio podcast forthe opening of the Cotswold canalrejuvenation. The task would be torecord accounts from townspeoplewith narrator descriptions of thearea as an individual follows the canaltrail. I decided to take the chance,as it would be intriguing to achieve.I applied for an audition.That Saturday, I arrived and wasgiven a brief run-down on all I hadto do, and it was all very simple.I was given an extract that I hadto practise before recording myvoice for judging. I had to fight a fewnerves, but as I’m used to performingit wasn’t too difficult, and theaudition went exceedingly smoothly.I received an email the following daysaying that I had the part. I was ofcourse delighted with the news.We arrived at the recording studiotwice over the following two weeksto record around 17 pages of texteach. This was along with Aeryn, ayear 7 student also from <strong>Maidenhill</strong>,who had been asked to read a poemfor the podcast as well. The narratingwas fairly easy, but difficult to getconsistently fluent, and I found myselfstuttering a lot during the recordingprocess, but the repetition andconcentration paid off in the end. I’mnow awaiting the mixing and lookforward to listening to the outcome,but am pleased and impressed withmanaging to achieve what I did.It certainly was fun and I am glad thatI pushed myself to audition.I never would have imagined gettingthe part!Matt Harwood – 11FTMYES LOGOCOMPETITION WINNERStudents were asked to designa logo to represent YES! andall that it stands for - youthfulness,sustainability, the environment andthe future of our planet.Year 10 student, Willow Driversharpwas the overall winner of thecompetition winning £50.She will have her design developedby an experienced professionaldesigner and the logo used on YES!’letterheads and website. The judgesfelt that this image had the greatestpotential for being appealing tostudents and aiding them in takingownership of the project. The judgescommented - this entry is edgy; a bitof a risk, but with good explanationsbehind the design. The designencompasses the youth-drivenelement of the project as well as theenvironmental issues. Importantly,the judges feltthat studentswould ‘buy into’this image andtake notice ofthe project.Willowdescribes herdesign -“The ‘Earthon myHead’ logorepresentsthe youth’shead full ofthinking ofthe planetand holding the Earth in hisconsciousness. The recyclingcap represents recycling iscool, and the words on his capand hoodie show that he iswearing it with pride.The question mark above hishead shows that you alwaysask questions about how youcan do your bit to save theEarth. I came up with the ideawhen I watched a film about agroup of everyday teenagerstrying to save the Earth.The way they felt soprotective of their planetinspired me to try and conveythis feeling into a design thatrepresented how youth cansave the planet, not fromaliens, but from pollution.”Willow Driversharp - 10FGA5

MAIDENHILL NEWS: SUMMER <strong>2012</strong>You’ve GottaHave CoolThis year <strong>Maidenhill</strong>’s school production was “You’ve GottaHave Cool”. The script and songs were written by Phil Harris,who teaches guitar at the school. It was an original production, setin Stonehouse, and was performed for the first time across threeevenings in March, with matinees to local primary schools. All theperformances were received extremely well and director ChrisStimson spoke of the challenges of bringing a brand new play tothe stage in his last night speech, also mentioning the enormoussense of satisfaction created by seeing everyone, adults andyoungsters alike, working together to bring the premiere of thisnew play to the stage with such success.6

MAIDENHILL NEWS: SUMMER <strong>2012</strong>Bring yourparent-carerto schoolJubilee LunchesIn March, ‘Bring your parent/carer toschool’ morning, my Mum, Claire,came in.We started off at the canteen andfollowed a route which would take usto most of the classrooms where I workand learn. When we had a look at thenew sports hall, my mum was reallyimpressed. We were even lucky enoughto have a quick glimpse at the new mediaroom with brand new snazzy computers!At the end of the tour we made our wayback to the D.T. coffee shop to have cakeand a drink.My mum really enjoyed the morning andwas very happy to see children enjoyinglessons and working well. I was proud tohave my mum visit my school and it gaveme an opportunity to show her where Ihave my lessons.I am proud to be a <strong>Maidenhill</strong> student!!Eleanor Banks – 7RESYear 10 hospitality and cateringstudents were proud to be asked byStonehouse Rotary Club to plan, prepareand serve a 3 course Jubilee lunch to30 members of the local community.The lunches took place over two daysafter the Jubilee weekend, each preparedby a different team. Guests agreed thatthe quality of the food and the serviceby the students was high. One guestcommented that it ‘could not be better’.Music students entertained the guestswith a variety of performances. The livemusic was greatly enjoyed by the guests,with some guests joining in the singing.The event formed part of the students’GCSE assessment. All the guests weregiven Jubilee hats to wear and werepresented with a boxed Jubilee cupcaketo take away with them as a souvenir ofthe meal.7

MAIDENHILL NEWS: SUMMER <strong>2012</strong>DATES FOR YOUR DIARYTERM 1Tuesday 4th September Start of Term 1Tuesday 11th September Y11 LIVE Course starts at Stroud CollegeThursday 13th September Y7 and &9 PhotographsFriday 14th September Y10 LIVE Course starts at Stroud CollegeTuesday 18th September Year 7 Nature in Art Trip forRodborough and HaresfieldThursday 20th September Year 7 Nature in Art Trip forFrocester and DoverowTuesday 25th September 6.30pm Opening EveningWednesday 26th September 9.15am Open MorningThursday 27th September 9.15am Open MorningFriday 28th September INSET DAYTuesday 2nd October Y10/Y11 Art Trip to Tate BritainWednesday 10th October 6pm Theatre Trip to Bristol Hippodrometo see ‘Lion King’Tuesday 16th October Y11 LIVE Course finishes for half termFriday 19th October Y10 LIVE Course finishes for half termFriday 19th October End of Term 1TERM 2Monday 29th October Start of Term 2Tuesday 30th October Y11 LIVE Course starts at Stroud CollegeFriday 2nd November Y10 LIVE Course starts at Stroud CollegeWednesday 14th November Choir trip to Albert Hall, LondonMonday 26th November INSET DAYSaturday 1st December Stonehouse GoodwillTuesday 11th December Y11 LIVE Course finishes for Christmas HolidaysFriday 14th December Y10 LIVE Course finishes for Christmas HolidaysFriday 21st December End of Term<strong>Maidenhill</strong> Friendsello again everyone from theHFriends. We have just spent twogreat evenings providing refreshmentsfor the school: - The <strong>Summer</strong> Concertand the Year 6 Information Evening.The combined takings amount to over£50 profit! This will go into the kitty andbe put towards our next project.Families visiting the Year 6 event onMonday 9th July were very positive intheir impressions of the school, andwe had a lot of volunteer names putforward to join the Friends at the startof the new school year in September,which is most encouraging! Our firstmeeting is scheduled for September11th, when we will combine our AGMand a forward planning session forautumn and beyond.On behalf of the whole Friendscommittee, I wish everyone a wonderfulholiday season, and I look forward tomore fun and successes to come!Paula TrevennaChair, <strong>Maidenhill</strong> Friends<strong>Maidenhill</strong> Sports& Dance Centre40% OFF OFFERCome and play at <strong>Maidenhill</strong> Sports and Dance Centre!All first time users who register (for free), will get 40% off theirchosen activity. That means you can play badminton for £4.00or attend an exercise class for £2.80. Now that’s a summer sale!Open to the public: Mon-Fri 10am-2pm<strong>Maidenhill</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Kings Road, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, GL10 2HA Tel: 01453 822469 / 824776If you would like to receive a copy of this newsletter by email, please contact admin@maidenhill.gloucs.sch.uk8

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