author biography worksheet.pdf

author biography worksheet.pdf

author biography worksheet.pdf


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Name Date HourEnglish 11 – American LiteratureAuthor Biography WorksheetAnswer the following questions on this paper or by downloading this document from the network andtyping your answers. Be sure to answer all parts of every question. Use the two column format to help youstudy for tests by covering up the right side and quizzing yourself with the questions on the left.1. Author name2. Place of birth3. Date of birth4. Date of death (if applicable)5. Place of death (if applicable)6. Burial location (if mentioned)7. Interesting facts about this<strong>author</strong>’s childhood (parents,siblings, people that influencedthem, interests, etc.)8. Marriage and family?9. Place(s) where this <strong>author</strong> lived.Include dates and explain howeach place influenced them.10. How did this <strong>author</strong> becomeinspired to write? (What eventshappened in their life to makethem become a writer or to makethem write they way they do/did,e.g., education, workexperiences, historical events,family life, lost love, etc.)

Name Date Hour11. Where applicable, explain anyobstacles this writer faced, suchas character flaws, conflicts withother people or with society,prejudice, mental or physicalillness, etc.12. How successful was this <strong>author</strong>during his/her lifetime? (Didthey win awards, earn money,become popular, etc. from theirwork? Were they successful atsomething besides writing?) Besure list the <strong>author</strong>’saccomplishments throughouttheir lifetime.13. If the <strong>author</strong> wasn’t successfulor popular at the time of theirdeath, explain how and why theyare still well known today (Whorevived their work? When? etc.).14. Why is this <strong>author</strong> consideredinfluential? (What was/is uniqueor revolutionary about theirwriting?) If possible, name other<strong>author</strong>s or literary movementswho were influenced by this<strong>author</strong>.15. Identify 3-5 characteristics ofthis <strong>author</strong> and give specificexamples of when theydemonstrated thesecharacteristics. You shouldfocus on their personal life andprofessional life only. Do notdiscuss characteristics of the<strong>author</strong>’s literary works as theyhave already been discussedabove.

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