Evaluation and analysis of criteria and sub-criteria of a ... - Emerald

Evaluation and analysis of criteria and sub-criteria of a ... - Emerald Evaluation and analysis of criteria and sub-criteria of a ... - Emerald

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ECAM15,136might not be applicable in other industries. This might limit the ability oforganisations to benchmark across industries.Conclusion and further workThe evaluation and analysis of the criteria and sub-criteria of a ConstructionExcellence Model was presented in this paper. The evaluation and analysis was basedon similar evaluations and analyses of TQM frameworks and excellence models inquality management literature. The analysis addressed the issue of data preparation,where missing data were analysed and appropriate data replacement methods used tocomplete the data set. The questionnaire as a measuring instrument was evaluated interms of reliability using Cronbach’s alpha, which resulted in the omission of the“Society and environmental impact of projects” sub-criterion from the “Projectperformance” criterion. Reliability of the measuring instrument is a necessary but notsufficient condition for validity. The validity of the measuring instrument is furtherevaluated in terms of content, construct and criterion-related validity using techniquesas factor analysis, multiple correlation. The criteria and sub-criteria were confirmedthrough their importance ratings and actual effectiveness ratings employingconfidence intervals and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Theevaluation and analysis of the model’s criteria and sub-criteria strengthens themodel’s validity. The weights of the criteria were calculated using empirical data andthe method of factor regression coefficients.A number of future researches can be conducted in continuation of this researchpaper. The scope of the model could be expanded to suit the needs of other types ofconstruction organisations, such as consultants and owner organisations.Modifications could include, for example, modifying the relative criterion weights inthe Construction Excellence Model, for different types of organisations. Theconsideration of organisation size is another area of possible research, wherespin-off models could be developed for small and medium enterprises. In addition, thecriterion weights of national Excellence Models such as EFQM and Baldrige requireempirical justification. Finally, within the Construction Excellence Model, alternativemethods for computing criterion weights can be applied such as the analytic hierarchyprocess.ReferencesAhire, S.L., Golhar, D.Y. and Waller, M.A. (1996), “Development and validation of TQMimplementation constructs”, Decision Sciences, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 23-56.Ahmad, I.U. and Sein, M.K. (1997), “Implementing TQM principles in construction projects:difficulties and remedies”, International Conference on Leadership and Total QualityManagement in Construction and Building, CI Premier Conference, Singapore, pp. 47-54.Anderson, J.C., Rungtusanatham, M., Schroeder, R.G. and Devaraj, S. (1995), “A path analyticmodel of a theory of quality management underlying the Deming management model:preliminary empirical findings”, Decision Sciences, Vol. 26 No. 5, pp. 637-58.Bassioni, H.A., Price, A.D.F. and Hassan, T.M. (2004a), “Theoretical formulation of a frameworkfor measuring business performance in construction”, in Ruddock, L., Sexton, M.,

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Amaratunga, D., Aouad, G. <strong>and</strong> Kagioglou, M. (Eds), 4th International PostgraduateResearch Conference, 1-2 April, University <strong>of</strong> Salford, Salford, pp. 419-30.Bassioni, H.A., Price, A.D.F. <strong>and</strong> Hassan, T.M. (2004b), “Performance measurement inconstruction”, Journal <strong>of</strong> Management in Engineering, Vol. 20 No. 2, pp. 42-50.Bassioni, H.A., Price, A.D.F. <strong>and</strong> Hassan, T.M. (2005), “Building a conceptual framework formeasuring business performance in construction: an empirical evaluation”, ConstructionManagement <strong>and</strong> Economics, Vol. 23 No. 5, pp. 495-507.Beatham, S.M., Anumba, C.J., Thorpe, A. <strong>and</strong> Murray, M.A.P. (2002), “Utilising the EFQMexcellence model to drive business improvement”, in Gancalves, A., Roy, M.A.P. <strong>and</strong>Steiger-Garcao, A. (Eds), Advances in Concurrent Engineering, 9th ISPE InternationalConference on Concurrent Engineering, Cranfield University, UK, A.A. BalkemaPublishers, Rotterdam, pp. 413-22.Black, S. <strong>and</strong> Porter, L.J. (1996), “Identification <strong>of</strong> the critical factors <strong>of</strong> TQM”, Decision Sciences,Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 1-21.Brewerton, P. <strong>and</strong> Millward, L. (2001), Organisational Research Methods, Sage Publications,London.Byrne, B.M. (1998), Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL, PRELIS, <strong>and</strong> SIMPLIS: BasicConcepts, Applications <strong>and</strong> Programming, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ.Cheng, E.W.L. <strong>and</strong> Li, H. (2001), “Analytic hierarchy process: an approach to determine measuresfor business performance”, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 5 No. 3, pp. 30-7.Cooper, D.R. <strong>and</strong> Emory, C.W. (1995), Business Research Methods, Irwin, Chicago, IL.Cramer, D. (2003), Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis, Open University Press, McGraw-HillEducation, Maidenhead.Curran, P.J., West, S.G. <strong>and</strong> Finch, J.F. (1996), “The robustness <strong>of</strong> test statistics to non-normality<strong>and</strong> specification error in confirmatory factor <strong>analysis</strong>”, Psychological Methods, Vol. 1,pp. 16-29.Duhachek, A. <strong>and</strong> Iacobucci, D. (2004), “Alpha’s St<strong>and</strong>ard Error (ASE): an accurate <strong>and</strong> preciseconfidence interval estimate”, Journal <strong>of</strong> Applied Psychology, Vol. 89 No. 5, pp. 792-808.EFQM (2007), The EFQM Excellence Model, The European Foundation for Quality Management,available at: www.efqm.org (accessed July 2007).Eskildsen, J.K., Kristensen, K. <strong>and</strong> Juhl, H.J. (2001), “The criterion weights <strong>of</strong> the EFQMexcellence model”, International Journal <strong>of</strong> Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 18 No. 8,pp. 783-95.Financial Analysis Made Easy (FAME) (2003), Company Database, Bureau van Dijk ElectronicPublishing, available at: http://fame.bvdep.com/ (accessed December 2003).Flynn, B.B., Schroeder, R.G. <strong>and</strong> Sakakibara, S. (1994), “A framework for quality managementresearch <strong>and</strong> an associated measurement instrument”, Journal <strong>of</strong> Operations Management,Vol. 11 No. 4, pp. 339-66.Gerbing, D.W. <strong>and</strong> Anderson, J.C. (1992), “Monte Carlo evaluations <strong>of</strong> goodness <strong>of</strong> fit indices forstructural equation models”, Sociological Methods & Research, Vol. 21, pp. 132-60.Gill, J. <strong>and</strong> Johnson, P. (2002), Research Methods <strong>of</strong> Managers, Sage Publications, London.Hair, J.F., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R.L. <strong>and</strong> Black, W. (1998), Multivariate Data Analysis,Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.Hussey, J. <strong>and</strong> Hussey, R. (1997), Business Research: A Practical Guide to Undergraduate <strong>and</strong>Postgraduate Students, Macmillan Press, London.A constructionexcellence model37

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