Chibro Petition - UJVN Limited Dehradun...

Chibro Petition - UJVN Limited Dehradun...

Chibro Petition - UJVN Limited Dehradun...


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True-up of FY09, FY10, FY11 & MYT <strong>Petition</strong> for FY14, FY15, FY162.9 Capacity Charges and Energy Charge Rate: _______________________ 26Chapter 3. Status of Directives in Tariff Order Dated 4 April 2012 _____________ 273.1 Action Taken by <strong>UJVN</strong>L on the Directives _______________________ 27Chapter 4. Relief Sought_______________________________________________ 304.1 Relief Sought ______________________________________________ 304.2 Particulars of Fee Remitted ____________________________________ 31LIST OF TABLESTABLE DESCRIPTION PAGEcTable 1: Opening GFA as on January 2000 (Rs. Crore) ........................................ 1Table 2: Additional Capitalisation as per Tariff Order dated May 10, 2011 (Rs.Crore)..................................................................................................................... 2Table 3: Components of Additional Capitalisation Till FY 2007-08 (Rs. Crore) ..... 2Table 4: Additional Capitalisation Components for True Up Years (Rs. in Crores) 3Table 5: Return on Equity for True Up Years (Rs. Crores) ..................................... 5Table 6: Rates of Depreciation (Tariff Regulations 2004) ..................................... 6Table 7: Depreciation for FYs 2008-09 on Additional Capitalisation (Rs. Crore) .. 6Table 8: Depreciation for FY 2009-10 on Additional Capitalisation (Rs. Crore) .... 6Table 9: Depreciation for FY 2010-11 on Additional Capitalisation (Rs. Crore) .... 7Table 10: Weighted Average Rate of Interest for MB-II HEP ................................ 8Table 11: Interest on Loan Capital for Truing Up (Rs. Crore) ................................ 8Table 12: O&M Expenses for True Up Years (Rs. Crore) ..................................... 10Table 13: Total O&M Expenses for <strong>Chibro</strong> Power Project (Rs. Crore) ................. 13Table 14: Interest on Working Capital for Truing Up (Rs. Crore) ........................ 14Table 15: Annual Fixed Charges (Rs. Crore) ........................................................ 14Table 16: Design Energy and Net Primary Energy .............................................. 15Table 17: Proposed Average Tariff (Rs./kWh) ..................................................... 16Table 18: Calculation of RoE for FY 2013-14 to 2015-16 (Rs. Crores) ................. 19Table 19: Rates of Depreciation as per Tariff Regulations 2011 ........................ 20Table 20: Depreciation in FY 2012-13 ................................................................. 20Table 21: Calculation of Actual Depreciation Recovered Till FY 2012-13 ........... 21Table 22: Proposed Depreciation % for FY 2013-14 to FY 2015-16 .................... 21Table 23: Proposed Depreciation (Rs. Cr.) for FY 2013-14 to FY 2015-16 ........... 22II

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