Chibro Petition - UJVN Limited Dehradun...

Chibro Petition - UJVN Limited Dehradun...

Chibro Petition - UJVN Limited Dehradun...


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True-up of FY09, FY10, FY11 & MYT <strong>Petition</strong> for FY14, FY15, FY16Table 24: Interest on Loan for FY 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 (Rs. Cr.)2.4.4 It is respectfully submitted that the Hon’ble Commission may kindly considerand allow the aforesaid interest on Normative Loan.2.5 O&M Expenses2.5.1 In accordance with Regulation 52(1) of Tariff Regulations 2011, Operation andMaintenance (O&M) expenses shall comprise of the following:-salaries, wages, pension contribution and other employee costs (EmployeeExpense);administrative and general expenses including insurance charges if any (A&GExpense);repairs and maintenance expenses (R&M Expense); In accordance with Regulation 52(2) of Tariff Regulations 2011, forGenerating Stations in operation for more than five years in Base Year(2011-12)-“The operation and maintenance expenses for the first year of the controlperiod will be approved by the Commission taking in to account the actualO&M expenses for last five years till base year, based on the audited balancesheets, ...............” It is respectfully submitted that the Hon’ble Commission had allowed theO&M expense components for the financial year 2012-13 for <strong>Chibro</strong> HEP inits order dated 04.04.12. In this Tariff Order, due to non finalisation ofactual figures for complete FY 2011-12, the Commission hadproportionately increase the 9 months actual employee expense to arriveat the estimated figure for FY 2011-12. This figure was further escalated by7.04% to arrive at employee expense for FY 2012-13.<strong>Chibro</strong> HEP November 2012 Page 23

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