2011 - Town of Warner

2011 - Town of Warner

2011 - Town of Warner


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Concord Regional Solid WasteCooperativeThe Concord Regional Solid Waste/Resource Recovery Cooperative isnow in its twenty-second year <strong>of</strong> operation. The total trash incineratedby the 25 member cities and towns in <strong>2011</strong> was 91,065 tons, adecrease <strong>of</strong> 7,800 tons from 2010. This was the fifth year in a rowshowing substantial decline in tonnage delivered by member communities.<strong>Warner</strong>’s share <strong>of</strong> the total dropped 284 tons to 992 tons, a22% decline. Much <strong>of</strong> the decline in <strong>Warner</strong>’s tonnage over the pasttwo years is accounted for by the private hauler taking its privatedumpster trash to an alternative disposal site rather than to the incinerator.For 2012, the tipping fee at the incinerator is $66.80/ton, the samecharged in <strong>2011</strong>.A total <strong>of</strong> 66,172 tons <strong>of</strong> ash were delivered to the Franklin ash landfillfor disposal. The ash landfill will provide disposal capacity through2014.A third original Coop member town, Allenstown, has petitioned to withdrawfrom the Coop, as Hopkinton and Webster did in 2010. Terms <strong>of</strong>Allenstown’s withdrawal are currently under negotiation.In <strong>2011</strong>, the Coop’s Joint Board voted to build a single stream recyclingfacility. The Coop is still attempting to get towns and cities outsidethe area to join in with the effort. The goal <strong>of</strong> a minimum 25,000tons <strong>of</strong> recyclables, considered to be a bare minimum necessary tobegin operations, was never reached. Therefore, <strong>Warner</strong>’s Representativeto the Coop cast his vote against going ahead with the project.<strong>Warner</strong> will continue to provide outstanding recycling opportunities atthe Transfer Station. <strong>Warner</strong> will continue to utilize the incinerator forits trash disposal needs.Respectfully submitted,David Hartman - <strong>Warner</strong> RepresentativeConcord Regional Solid Waste Cooperative81

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