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1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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y Pilgrims from Melbourne. We were making preparationsin hope of having you pay us a visit, and when we learnedthat it will not be His will now, we were sorry, but bowed inloyal submission. We had hopes that the Truth would havea good presentation and that an interest might be awakened.Many have the books on the shelf, and only an awakening isneeded to investigate, we feel sure.Yours in the grand Hope, DAVID HOOK.--New Zealand.page 393----------BELOVED PASTOR:--Oh, what a feast our present Lord spreads before us, viaour precious WATCH TOWER. Surely His bounty flows likea river, so full, so free.The issue of Oct. 1, p. 304, "Fight the Good Fight," aboundswith "milk and honey." It is unlike our temporal food, forafter having eaten our feast we can return to it again. Wemust prepare again ere we renew our failing bodies, but thistable has the old story always fresh.As I read back over the past TOWERS, they have so ripenedin flavor, I eat, I digest; eat and digest; wondering whythey taste so much sweeter now than when I first read them,but the Word reminds me--"growth"--yea, it is all withinme. I was not able, had not the capacity to assimilate it allat once. Praise His holy name for such a plan and for such"green pastures" and "living waters!"Yours in His Service,__________,--Phila.page 394===================="I.B.S.A." BIBLES AND OTHER BIBLE STUDY HELPSFirst in this list we mention the several volumes of"STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES" SERIES--referring inquirers to another page of this journal for prices, etc.We commend also, as aids, the following publications (not all our own),which we supply at specially low prices because of the assistance theywill lend to the study of God's Word. We mention these somewhatin the order in which they seem to us to be desirable aids.OUR SPECIAL "I.B.S.A." BIBLEHereafter to distinguish our own special edition from otherBibles, we will refer to it as the "I.B.S.A." Bible. This Bible isbecoming more and more indispensable to all readers as they learnhow to use it. The translation, of course, is not at all different fromthat of other Bibles of the Common Version.We specially recommend it for its smallnessof size, lightness of weight, and good-sized

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