1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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some interest. With one accord all of our Classbegan, after the meeting, to acquaint them with all kindsof information, chiefly about the materialization of evilspirits and about Christ's presence, etc., with the resultthat they were so confused that they did not care to goagain. Sometimes the leader of the Class, discerning thevisitor, will leave the regular lesson and go into dissertationswhich seem unwise for the newcomers and unprofitableto the Class."The newcomers would have understood and appreciatedour Berean Lesson, if the item specially intendedfor them had been omitted. I was discouraged about takingoutsiders with us any more. When no strangers arewith us, our Berean Lessons are good and instructive, becausewe stick closely to them. The tiresome ramblingoccurs when visitors come. So I am just keeping stilland not inviting my friends, believing that it will do themmore good to read thoroughly before attending our Classunder existing conditions."This is an exact illustration of a point which we aremaking and which we have tried to make several times.We do not wish to discourage the dear friends frompreaching the Truth. We are merely urging the words ofthe Master, "Be ye wise as serpents and harmless asdoves." Obedience to the Master should control whateverwayward and excitable tendencies may be ours naturally.====================R5152 : page 393INTERESTING LETTERSDEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--I am glad to have the favor of writing you a few lines. Ioften would like to write you, but I know the interest andwork of the Harvest press you, so I refrain from cumberingyou with less important things. I would like to assure youof my interest and love for you as an humble, yet very greatlyused instrument in the Lord's hand for the blessing and satisfyingof His own true sheep. Well I remember how the burdenrolled away when the scales of ignorance and traditionfell from my eyes and I was permitted, through the STUDIESIN THE SCRIPTURES to see the light on God's Plan (not man's)for His creatures, and only then for the first time could Itruly believe God was love. I rejoiced and was glad and myjoy continues increasingly; the sacred yoke of fellowship inHis sufferings is easy and joyous. His Law of love is mydelight.Now, dear Brother, the work of Harvest goes on here asbest we can with the available labor. A considerable numberof STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES have been placed in the handsof the people of Auckland and suburbs during the past sixyears by diligent Colporteurs. Each year since first theSTUDIES were sold here we have systematically put out fromabout 30,000 to 50,000 tracts and the Truth has been watered

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