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1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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namely, the putting on of the "whole armor that wemay be able to stand" in this particularly evil period.When next I met her she exclaimed, "O, Sister Erb, Icould not read that awful book! I am sure that our Lordwill never allow His children to come in contact in any waywith anything so unholy as the demons." She quoted, "Hewill keep them, that that Wicked One touch them not."I have thought that possibly others are in doubt upon thissubject so pregnant with awful possibilities--some, perhaps,who have recently embraced the true faith--and that a wordof emphasis from yourself with respect to giving attention tothe truth regarding Spiritism would be a help to them.With one more prayer now, added to the many I haveoffered at the Throne of Heavenly Grace on your behalf, Iwill close, hoping before very long to meet and greet youface to face.Your sister, by the grace of our dear Heavenly Father andthrough our dear Redeemer,MRS. JONATHAN R. ERB.--PA.page 55====================BEREAN QUESTIONS IN SCRIPTURE STUDIESSeries VI., Study VII., The Law of the New Creation.MARCH 3(25) During the interim between the fulfilling of the LawCovenant and the inauguration of the New Covenant, is thereany Covenant in force? P. 360, par. 1.(26) What is this Covenant, and who are under it? P. 360,par. 2.(27) Explain how the Apostle Paul clearly distinguishesbetween fleshly and spiritual Israel, as shown in Galatians 4:22-31.P. 361, par. 1, 2.(28) What is the Apostle's argument with respect to Gentileswho would attempt to come under the Mosaic Law? P.362, par. 1, first part.(29) What is his teaching in Galatians 5:1-4 with respectto both Gentiles and Jews? P. 362, par. 1, last part.(30) In this type (Gal. 4), how is the New Creation represented?P. 362, par. 2.MARCH 10(31) What did Mount Sinai and the earthly Jerusalemtypify? P. 363, par. 1.(32) Under what Covenant is the New Creation? P. 363,par. 2, first part.(33) What proof have we that the Decalogue is not bindingupon the New Creation? P. 364, top.(34) Explain how the New Creation is separate and distinctfrom all others in its relation toward God and His Law.

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