1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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fallen body, whose affections are continually in oppositionto the new will and must be resisted. Therefore to performall that the new will would prompt is sometimes beyondthe ability of the Lord's most earnest followers:and all have need that the merit of Christ cover theirblemishes, so that the new will, the new heart, may beR5149 : page 389judged of the Lord and tested as to its worthiness or unworthinessof eternal life and the attendant blessingswhich God has promised to the overcomer.Only the pure in heart have the promise of seeingGod. These continue faithful to the end of their pilgrimage;and not only do they attain the character-likenessof the Lord Jesus in their purity of heart intentiontoward all, but eventually they shall be made likeHim and "see Him as He is," in the glorious change ofthe First Resurrection.--I John 3:2.HONORABLE MOTIVES INDICATIVE OF HEART PURITYWhen one finds imperfection in himself, when he discoversthat he is not up to the glorious standard ofrighteousness set forth in the Scriptures, when he realizesthat he comes short of the glory of God, then it becomeshis privilege to seek to amend his conduct. The veryact of deciding to do right is the beginning of the processby which one gets a new mind, a new will. This renewingof the mind corresponds to the perfecting of certain<strong>org</strong>ans of the brain.The will is able to control the whole body. Occasionallythere will be opposition from one or another ofthe lower <strong>org</strong>ans, which will resent the control of thesuperior ones; but in a general way, the will has themastery. The qualities which constitute the mind wereoriginally a part of the image of God; but all of the powersof the human mind have been injured by the fall ofman. All have been more or less weakened.The <strong>org</strong>ans of veneration, conscientiousness and firmnessform a very powerful combination. If these qualitiesrule the life, the growth of the new mind will berapid. Whoever has sufficient brain capacity to determineto do right and to serve God to the best of his ability,may, notwithstanding the weakness of his flesh, will tolive in accordance with the Divine standard. So longas the motives of his new will are honorable, he is purein heart; and as long as he maintains that condition, heR5149 : page 390has the assurance that he may ultimately reach perfectionthrough obedience.In olden times, this purity of heart intention was asmuch as any one could have. On one occasion, Joshuasaid, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

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