1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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shall assume control of the world's affairs, to end itsreign of sin and death, and to bring in the True Light."There surely is room for slight differences of opinionon this subject and it behooves us to grant each otherthe widest latitude. The lease of power to the Gentilesmay end in October, 1914, or in October, 1915. Andthe period of intense strife and anarchy "such asnever was since there was a nation" may be thefinal ending of the Gentile Times or the beginning of Messiah'sreign.But we remind all of our readers again, that we havenot prophesied anything about the Times of the Gentilesclosing in a time of trouble nor about the glorious epochwhich will shortly follow that catastrophe. We havemerely pointed out what the Scriptures say, giving ourviews respecting their meaning and asking our readers tojudge, each for himself, what they signify. Theseprophecies still read the same to us. Should we ever seereason for changing our belief, be assured we will beprompt to advise you respecting the same and give you thereason for it. However, some may make positive statementsof what they know, and of what they do not know,we never indulge in this; but we merely state that webelieve thus and so, for such and such reasons.Many disposed to cavil at every statement of faith respectingthe time and ending of this Age and the dawningof the New Age are very positive in their assertions.Some of them declare that surely the end of this Agecannot come for fifty thousand years yet. Others, withR5142 : page 378equal positiveness, declare that it may happen at anymoment. Neither one gives any Scriptural proof. Thenwhy should either of them criticize us for merely presentingthe Scripture testimonies and our opinions respectingthe signification of them, with the request that othersinvestigate and form each his own opinion?Finally, let us remember that we did not consecrateeither to October, 1914, nor to October, 1915, or to anyother date, but "unto death." If for any reason the Lordhas permitted us to miscalculate the prophecies, the signsof the times assure us that the miscalculations cannot bevery great. And if the Lord's grace and peace be withus in the future as in the past, according to His promise,we shall rejoice equally to go or to remain at any time,and to be in His service, either on this side the veil oron the other side, as may please our Master best.====================R5142 : page 378ADVICE TO PILGRIMS, GOOD FOR ALLTO THE PILGRIM BRETHREN OF I.B.S.A.

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