1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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inch in diameter. Price, $1.No. 4. Exactly the same as No. 1, except that it is three-eighthsinch in diameter. Price, $1.These prices all include postage and are very much lessthan jewelers would charge, as we have them manufacturedin large quantities for your convenience.CHOICE MOTTO CARDS--<strong>1912</strong>-1913We have this season very choice sorts. These cards aremade in Europe, hence subject to heavy expenses for freightand duty. Nevertheless, we can supply them in the UnitedStates and Canada at less than retail European prices, becausewe supply them at about cost price--that is to say, about one-halfthe usual American prices. Besides this, we prepay postageor express charges. Our object is to encourage the embellishmentof the homes of the Lord's people with faith-stimulatingand courage-inspiring texts tastefully prepared.To facilitate the handling of these motto cards we assort themin packets, carefully packed, at the following prepaid rates:--No. Mz.--Fifteen small cards, different texts, 50c. pk.No. Mv.--Eight small and three larger-sized, 50c. pk.No. Ma.--Fifteen small and six larger, $1.00 pk.No. Mb.--Six small, six a little larger, and three medium-sizedmottoes, $1.00 pk.No. Mc.--Six small and six medium-sized mottoes, $1.00 pk.No. Md.--Six small, six a little larger, and three largemottoes, $1.00 pk.No. Me.--Four large mottoes, $1.00 pk.Where a Class or several individuals choose to order togetherto one address we can save a little in the expressage,justifying the offer of five of the One Dollar packets and oneof the Fifty-cent packets for Five Dollars, or more, at thesame rate, assorted, as you please.Make your selections carefully, write out your order plainly,stating exactly what is wanted, have money order or checkaccompany order and be sure to clearly indicate the addressto which you desire shipment to be made.DAILY HEAVENLY MANNAThose who use this book as we recommend are surelybeing blessed. It should be on your breakfast tableregularly. Its daily text should be read and commented onfreely by all. Then the MANNA comment should be read.Introduce it to your friends as a help toward godly living.The following wholesale rates postpaid are granted to all WATCHTOWER subscribers:Purple cloth, silver embossed............................$0.35Dark blue cloth, silver embossed, German................. .35Leatherette, gold edges.................................. .50" blue edges, Swedish......................... .35" gold edges, " ......................... .65Genuine Morocco, gold edges.............................. 1.10

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