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1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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and years. Thus the work of the Fourth Epoch-Day wasaccomplished.On the Fifth Day the waters began to swarm withliving, moving creatures. Next came fowl and great seamonsters. Here again a measure of evolution is suggestedby the statement that "the waters brought forth abundantly"the various kinds, under Divine supervision. Onlyin the case of man does the Bible distinctly declare apersonal creation.The creation of land animals marks the Sixth Epoch-Day.Fish and fowl took precedence, as scientists agree.Again we read that "the earth brought forth," but wealso read that the Lord directed the matter in thedevelopment of the different kinds or varieties.It was at the very end of the Sixth Day that Godcreated man. The earth did not bring him forth. Hewas created in his Maker's character-likeness, to be theking of Earth, to have dominion over the creatures of theland, the air and the sea. Another account seems toR5140 : page 373imply that Mother Eve was taken from Father Adam'sside, to be a helpmate on his own plane, in the beginningof the Seventh Day, for this was the last feature ofcreation. We read that God finished His work on theSeventh Day and rested. He has rested or ceased fromHis creative work during this Seventh Day, leaving thefinishing touches to be accomplished by the Redeemerduring His Messianic Kingdom, which will complete theSeventh Day--49,000 years from the time God said, "Letthere be light."====================R5140 : page 373"GOD CREATED MAN IN HIS OWN IMAGE"--JANUARY 12.--GENESIS 1:26-2:25; PSALM 8.--HOW DIFFERENT the statement respectingman's creation from that describing thecreation of plants and the lower animalswhich the seas and the earth brought forth!Man's creation was premeditated. In advance,God designed man to be the king overthe Earth, having dominion over fish andfowl and beasts, even as his Creator has thesupreme dominion of the Universe. He wasto be his Creator's image, not in physicalform, but in moral and intellectual qualities. He wasnot to be of the Divine nature, but of human nature--a fleshly being resembling his Creator, a Spirit Being.This intention of Deity was fully carried out in man'screation. As we read, "God created man in His own

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