1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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heart,And of all that heavenly glory I shall find myself a part?Heaven not complete without me, mine, eternities of bliss?Oh, my soul, thou must not stagger, for thy God hathpromised this!Oft a secret fear assails me, that I may be left behind;Then I bid my soul take courage, 'tis that Enemy of mine!He would use to cause my downfall censure sharp, orflattering breath,For he hates God's holy children with a hatred strong asdeath.But my Father will not leave me to his mercy, but prepareHeavenly armor to protect me, which, if I will always wear,Every fight will prove me victor, as I wield the two-edgedSword,World and flesh and powers of evil, all must fall before HisWord!Oh, my soul, thy life dependeth on thy faithfulness alone;While the days and hours are passing, art thou holding fastthy crown?Keep this thought before thee always, let it daily strengthenthee,"Two years more decides forever thine eternal destiny!"Then the thought, Oh! how it thrills me, any day He maysend word--"Child, thy work on earth is finished, enter into thy reward."But, if I need further testings, crosses heavy, trial sore,I can wait, for at the longest, it is only two years more!--Unknown.====================R5138 : page 363INTERESTING QUESTIONSCAN ANY OF THE GREAT COMPANY BE OF THERESTITUTION CLASS?Question.--Can any of the Great Company becomemembers of the Restitution class?Answer.--We understand that the terms under whichany are begotten of the Holy Spirit are that they renounce,give up, the human nature. When God acceptstheir consecration and takes such into Covenant relationshipwith Himself, He indicates that relationship bybegetting them of the Holy Spirit. The only class intowhich these can come for future life is that of spirit orheavenly beings. If they live up to all the terms andconditions of their sacrifice, then they will have the veryfullest blessing which God has provided for the loyaland to which He has called them. But for those who

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