1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


ethren to a strict account along lines of justice, thenthe Heavenly Father will so deal with them, and willhold them to account for all their shortcomings. Itwould seem that if God's people would realize the forceof this lesson, the practice of forgiving the brethren oftheir trespasses and shortcomings would very generouslyand very generally be brought into play, for who of uscould afford to have the Heavenly Father exact of us afull penalty for every imperfection, and refuse to remitany of the same?We show our appreciation of God's mercy toward usby schooling ourselves in His character and becomingmore and more merciful and generous toward all theHousehold of Faith. And if merciful toward thebrethren, naturally we would be generous also toward allmen. In other words, as we remember and appreciateour own weaknesses and blemishes, it will make us sympatheticwith the brethren and with all mankind. Andmercy, generosity, sympathy, God delights in. Such ascultivate these graces of the Spirit will be pleasing in theLord's sight, and they will thereby be fitted and preparedto have a share with Jesus in His Throne of Glory;for that great Messianic Kingdom will be established forthe very purpose of showing mercy unto thousands ofmankind who will return to Divine favor and blessing,under clearer knowledge and with the assistance that willthen be afforded.ADAM'S SIN IS NOT MEANTWe are not to understand this parable to refer toDivine forgiveness of original sin. The sin of Adam isnot forgiven simply because we cry for mercy. Adamand the entire race might have called for mercy, andwould have received none, except in the Divine way--through Jesus--through faith in His blood. Nor couldthis forgiveness be granted until Jesus had finished Hissacrifice and ascended up on high, and there appeared inthe presence of God on behalf of those coming to theFather through His merit.This parable refers entirely to subsequent sins--sinsreferred to in our Lord's prayer, "Forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive them that trespass against us."This is shown also by the fact that the parable speaksof these as servants, whereas the world, as sinners, arenot God's servants, but aliens, strangers, foreigners. Theonly ones whom God will recognize as servants are suchas have come back into relationship with Him throughJesus--through faith and consecration. It is these whoare servants of God and who are required to have mercyupon their fellow-servants--upon other brethren.Each and every one of the New Creatures, sons ofGod, accepted through the merit of Jesus, is heldresponsible for his own weaknesses; but Divine Powerhas provided for the cancellation of these freely forChrist's sake, upon their acknowledgment and request for

forgiveness. But the forgiving of these trespasses ofGod's children is made dependent upon their having aspirit of forgiveness toward the brethren, for "if ye donot from the heart forgive one another's trespasses,neither will your Heavenly Father forgive you." "Withwhat judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and withwhat measure" of benevolence ye mete out to others, thesame shall be meted out to you. How wonderful are theDivine arrangements! How blessed, how profitable to us,how helpful to us in our preparation for the Kingdom!----------R5138 : page 359TRULY BEAUTIFULBeautiful hands are they that doThe work of the noble, good and true,Busy for them the long day through;Beautiful faces--they that wearThe light of a pleasing spirit there,It matters little if dark or fair;And truly beautiful in God's sight,Are the precious souls who love the right.====================R5135 : page 360"UNTO US A SON IS GIVEN"--DECEMBER 22.--ISAIAH 9:1-7.--"Unto us a Child is born; untous a Son is given."--Verse 6.TODAY'S STUDY relates to a subject whichhas thrilled the civilized world for centuries--a subject which will never grow old--a subject which, on the contrary, shall toall eternity be a theme of angels and ofmen. The birth of Jesus, to be rightlyunderstood and esteemed, must be consideredfrom the standpoint of a Gift of LoveDivine. Any other view of the matter ismerely the casket without the jewel. TheScriptures give us the key to the thought: "God so lovedthe world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoeverbelieveth on Him should not perish, but have everlastinglife."--John 3:16.The world was under sentence of death; mankindhad been dying for more than four thousand years. Godhad pitied humanity from the first. Yea, before sin entered,Divine Wisdom saw the end, and would not havecreated man, or would not have permitted the condition

f<strong>org</strong>iveness. But the f<strong>org</strong>iving of these trespasses ofGod's children is made dependent upon their having aspirit of f<strong>org</strong>iveness toward the brethren, for "if ye donot from the heart f<strong>org</strong>ive one another's trespasses,neither will your Heavenly Father f<strong>org</strong>ive you." "Withwhat judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and withwhat measure" of benevolence ye mete out to others, thesame shall be meted out to you. How wonderful are theDivine arrangements! How blessed, how profitable to us,how helpful to us in our preparation for the Kingdom!----------R5138 : page 359TRULY BEAUTIFULBeautiful hands are they that doThe work of the noble, good and true,Busy for them the long day through;Beautiful faces--they that wearThe light of a pleasing spirit there,It matters little if dark or fair;And truly beautiful in God's sight,Are the precious souls who love the right.====================R5135 : page 360"UNTO US A SON IS GIVEN"--DECEMBER 22.--ISAIAH 9:1-7.--"Unto us a Child is born; untous a Son is given."--Verse 6.TODAY'S STUDY relates to a subject whichhas thrilled the civilized world for centuries--a subject which will never grow old--a subject which, on the contrary, shall toall eternity be a theme of angels and ofmen. The birth of Jesus, to be rightlyunderstood and esteemed, must be consideredfrom the standpoint of a Gift of LoveDivine. Any other view of the matter ismerely the casket without the jewel. TheScriptures give us the key to the thought: "God so lovedthe world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoeverbelieveth on Him should not perish, but have everlastinglife."--John 3:16.The world was under sentence of death; mankindhad been dying for more than four thousand years. Godhad pitied humanity from the first. Yea, before sin entered,Divine Wisdom saw the end, and would not havecreated man, or would not have permitted the condition

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