1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org 1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


(seventh trumpet); for the trumpet shall sound," "andthe dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which arealive and remain shall be caught away together to ameeting with the Lord in the air." (I Cor. 15:51,52; I Thess. 4:16,17.)How plain, how simple! That will bethe first meeting of the Church with her Lord. All ofher members dying before that time will "sleep," whilethose dying since that time will not need to sleep and waitfor the glorious change. But, says one, does not the secondcoming of Christ take place whenever His holy onesdie? Does He not immediately come to receive themunto Himself?Surely only a very lame theory could seek to bolsteritself up by such a perversion of the Scriptures. If Christwere to come every time one of His saintly ones dies,would it not mean many comings instead of merely asecond coming? And even if His faithful were very fewindeed, does it not seem that this would keep the Redeemerbusy coming and departing every few minutes?Only crass ignorance of the Bible could excuse anysuch misapplication of its teachings. Not merely onestatement of the Scriptures bears upon this subject, buthundreds of statements of Scripture, by Jesus and theApostles; and all these contradict any such thought."NO MAN HATH ASCENDED TO HEAVEN"Hearken to Jesus' words, "No man hath ascended upto Heaven." (John 3:13.) Only the Son of Man hasever been in heaven. He has ascended up where He wasbefore, with additional glory and honor. He is now preparinga place for His Bride class and preparing theBride class for the place--the place of honor at His ownright hand. He is overseeing her experiences and causingall things to work together for her good, that she atHis Second Coming may be prepared and be accepted asHis Bride and granted a share in His glory, honor andimmortality.It is in full harmony with this that a little later onthe Great Teacher declared that all the dead are in thegrave, and that at His second advent He will first callforth His faithful ones to the perfection of life; andlater will call forth the remainder of mankind, not as yetfound worthy of life, that they may have an opportunity,a testing as respects their worthiness or unworthiness ofeverlasting life on the human plane.Hear His assurance again respecting His faithfulones--that they shall share in His resurrection, the ChiefResurrection, to glory, honor, immortality, on the spiritplane. He said, "Blessed and holy are all they that havepart in the First Resurrection; they shall be priests untoGod and Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousandyears."--Rev. 20:6.Be it noted that in all these assurances the Church isspoken of as a class, all of whom will enter into glory

R5132 : page 356together, at Christ's second coming, and not separately,as each may die. True, each has an individual trial ortesting to determine whether or not he or she will be accountedworthy, or fitted for a place in the glorious Bodyof Christ, in the glorious Bride company, but the statementis repeatedly made that we shall be glorified together,that we shall have part in the one resurrection."DAVID NOT ASCENDED TO HEAVEN"In full accord with all the foregoing is St. Peter'sstatement on the Day of Pentecost: "For David is notascended into the heavens"; "his sepulchre is with usunto this day." (Acts 2:34,29.) St. Peter's words implythat if King David had ascended to Heaven he wouldhave no sepulchre on earth. Similarly, we might say ofall of the Prophets, and of all other persons that, ifonce they ascended to the heavenly plane, they could notbe said to have any sepulchre on earth, for the verythought connected with the word sepulchre is that of apersonality awaiting a resurrection, awaiting deliverancefrom the state and condition of death. So the Scripturesalways refer, not to a resurrection of the living, whichwould be an absurdity, but to a resurrection of the dead.Note the connection in which the Apostle Peter usesthis expression: "David is not ascended into the heavens."He had just called attention to the fact that Davidprophesied of the resurrection of Jesus. In the prophecyhe personated Jesus, and said, "Thou wilt not leave Mysoul in Sheol (Hades), nor suffer Thine Holy One to seecorruption." (V. 27.) St. Peter argues that this wasnot true of David, that he did see corruption, that hissoul was left in Sheol, and is still left there, and will notbe reclaimed until Messiah, in the resurrection morning,shall call him forth."BE WITH ME IN PARADISE"But, says some one, did not the dying thief go withJesus to Paradise the very day in which they both died?And if so, does not this prove that all in harmony withGod go to heaven when they die, whatever may be thecondition of others in death?No, we have made a stupid blunder and misinterpretationof our Redeemer's dying words to the thief. Thewrong thought being in our minds we misinterpretedin harmony therewith. And our interpretation has donean immense amount of harm. Thousands of people havebeen encouraged to continue a life of sin, trusting thatwith their dying breath they may have the opportunity ofsaying, "God be merciful to me," and then be immediatelyushered into glory, honor and immortality, as joint-heirswith the Savior, and in as honorable a station as thosewho "have fought to win the prize, and sailed through

(seventh trumpet); for the trumpet shall sound," "andthe dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which arealive and remain shall be caught away together to ameeting with the Lord in the air." (I Cor. 15:51,52; I Thess. 4:16,17.)How plain, how simple! That will bethe first meeting of the Church with her Lord. All ofher members dying before that time will "sleep," whilethose dying since that time will not need to sleep and waitfor the glorious change. But, says one, does not the secondcoming of Christ take place whenever His holy onesdie? Does He not immediately come to receive themunto Himself?Surely only a very lame theory could seek to bolsteritself up by such a perversion of the Scriptures. If Christwere to come every time one of His saintly ones dies,would it not mean many comings instead of merely asecond coming? And even if His faithful were very fewindeed, does it not seem that this would keep the Redeemerbusy coming and departing every few minutes?Only crass ignorance of the Bible could excuse anysuch misapplication of its teachings. Not merely onestatement of the Scriptures bears upon this subject, buthundreds of statements of Scripture, by Jesus and theApostles; and all these contradict any such thought."NO MAN HATH ASCENDED TO HEAVEN"Hearken to Jesus' words, "No man hath ascended upto Heaven." (John 3:13.) Only the Son of Man hasever been in heaven. He has ascended up where He wasbefore, with additional glory and honor. He is now preparinga place for His Bride class and preparing theBride class for the place--the place of honor at His ownright hand. He is overseeing her experiences and causingall things to work together for her good, that she atHis Second Coming may be prepared and be accepted asHis Bride and granted a share in His glory, honor andimmortality.It is in full harmony with this that a little later onthe Great Teacher declared that all the dead are in thegrave, and that at His second advent He will first callforth His faithful ones to the perfection of life; andlater will call forth the remainder of mankind, not as yetfound worthy of life, that they may have an opportunity,a testing as respects their worthiness or unworthiness ofeverlasting life on the human plane.Hear His assurance again respecting His faithfulones--that they shall share in His resurrection, the ChiefResurrection, to glory, honor, immortality, on the spiritplane. He said, "Blessed and holy are all they that havepart in the First Resurrection; they shall be priests untoGod and Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousandyears."--Rev. 20:6.Be it noted that in all these assurances the Church isspoken of as a class, all of whom will enter into glory

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