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1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org

1912 Watch Tower - A2Z.org


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--MARCH 3.--MARK 1:14-28.--Text.--"The Harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.Pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the Harvest, that He will sendforth laborers into His Harvest."--Matthew 9:37,38.EVERYWHERE the New Testament teachesthat the work done by Jesus and HisApostles amongst the Jews eighteen centuriesago was a harvesting work. ThusJesus said, "I send you forth to reap thatupon which you have bestowed no labor.Other men labored and ye have entered intotheir labors"--ye are reapers of the fruitsof their labors--gatherers of the "harvest"of the fruitage of the Jewish Age.The ripe characters of that Dispensation were readyto receive Messiah and His Message upon terms of fulldevotion of their time, talents, influence and lives asservants of the New Institution--the New Covenant--which God purposes to inaugurate with Israel in due time,and under which all the families of the earth will beblessed. The service of the present time is sacrificial--the preparation of the Royal Priesthood, after the orderof Melchizedec, to stand as Mediator between God andmen--the world.The labors of Jesus and the Apostles found about fivehundred brethren worthy of the garnering during Hisministry. Subsequently, at Pentecost and after, severalthousand more Jews were harvested--brought into theSpirit Dispensation--begotten of the Holy Spirit as NewCreatures, Members of the Body of the Anointed, membersof the Royal Priesthood. But of these there were not aR4969 : page 52sufficient number to complete the Divine foreordination;hence, after all the "Israelites indeed" had been harvested,the Jewish people were thrust aside from Divine favorfor a time, and God's Message of Grace was sent to theGentiles, "to take out of them a people for His name"--to be associated with the Jews as members of the greatMediator of the New Covenant, under the Headship ofthe glorified Christ.GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOMToday's lesson relates to our Lord's inauguration ofthe "harvest" work amongst the Jews. John the Baptistand his disciples had preached and baptized many underthe announcement that the Kingdom of God was at hand,and that all desirous of participating in its great blessingsshould come into full harmony with the Mosaic Law, andthus be prepared to be transferred from typical Israel toantitypical Israel--from membership in Moses, the type,

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